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' ' ii ia iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaa J ' i m I ij f . , n i I i ' ' ' I , - TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, DEC. 13,' 1917. 9 ' ! AKKW of the Town j ; WwmK They Came- They Saw I ' " ' They Bought I : HlSome Bought One Suit- I ? . . ft.-' i- V. Some Bought And Here Are the Prices All $16.50 All $20.00 All $25.00 All $27.50 V Soldier who Found Himself ' ' By MRS. R. VALENTINE WEBSTER " Editor's Note: This is the second of a series of articles arranged by the B. K. P. permanent blind relief war fund for soldiers and sailers, De picting the plights and accomplish ments of men who have been blinded In war. A fair and dance will be staged at Convention hall tonight for tho purpose of raising money to be DOCTOR GIVES RECEIPE FOR GRAY HAIR Well Known Now York riiyslcliui Gives Keolie for a Honie-Madc Gray lluir Remedy. A. K Paulson. M. D..' who has prac ticed medicine in New York city for many years, gave out the following recipe for home-mado pray hair rem edy: "Gray, streaked or faded hair can be Immediately turned black, brown or light brown, whichever shade you desire, by the following sim ple remedy that you can make at home: "Merely get a small box of Orlex powder at any drug store. : It costs only 25 cents and no extras to buy. Dissolve It In one ounce of water and comb It thru the hair. Full directions for use come In each box. "You need not hesitate to use Orlex aa a $100 gold bond comes In each ox guaranteeing the user mat uriex floes not contain silver, lead, zinc, sul phur, mercury, aniline, coal-tar prod ucts or their derivatives. It does not rub off. Is not sticky or greasy and leaves the hair fluffy. It will make a gray-haired person look twenty years younger." Adv. . f i tILIEVU ECZIVA "J I TMUr. Salt Rhnin, If II ACM, WMpist nui 1U Dry Znu! aad Motet nul lor I til two klkdf Emiba - 7 at Yaw DraraUU FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hake a prompt and tdfcctlre fdr one that sets quickly and contalaa M opiatea. Yea caa get men a remedy ay asking tar ULi imwiii UmiwitL, Kan en; u. 1 f l a::ei tu:i rnrx:;! ks l Ia. I. kL. - a aa bhi.I fan Suits and Overcoats are now Suits and Overcoats are now Suits and Overcoats are now Suits and Overcoats are now And We Guarantee Delivery Before Christmas if You Order During This Week THE AMERICAN TAILORING CO. added to this fund. Other articles will appear from time to time.) It was the noise of the fowls that attracted my - attention to him. A clean-cut, athletic, good-looking chap, he stood in the midst of them In a wire-fenced enclosure with a rake un. der his arm, whistling cheerily. Now nnd then he Interrupted his tune and "ihuck-chuck-chucked" at the birds as he plunged his bare arm into a run- i vas bag and scattered the feed about Mm. sow and then also he stopped to laugh as one more .venturesome and more Impatient than tho rest flew ui to nis Hand and fluttered back anions tho greedy flock that were cackling, scratching and pecking at one another with strident cries a frantically they darted about many scores of them and quarreled over the manna that fell so bountifully on every side. "Na poo!" he announced finally, and moved towards the gate on which I was leaning watching the scone with languid interest Ho flung his empty bag over his arm and came toward mo, filling hi pipe and "shooing" his feathered friends as they scattered be fore h'.m and followed him, cackling (or more, after the manner of their ln fatiable kind. Stopping for a moment to apply a match to the tobacco, he opened the gate, closed It behind him cnrefully and walked right Into mo whero I had drawn aside to let him pass. A flush of red deepened tho bronso ot his fat-e and spread over his nock, down to hi half-bared chest and he brought up short, Handing btiffly, GRAND OPENING Friday and Saturday, Dec. 14th and 15th Free Souvenirs Choice of the following Christmas gifts Hand some Framed Picture, Set of. Six Christmas Cards, Dressing Doll Outfit, or a Charlie Chaplin Bookfree to all purchasers of our products, in addition to tickets or special premiums given. We also offer free with one can of Baking Powder Handsome Doll, Child's Painting- Book, Box containing 3 Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Pencil Set or Blue Steel Enamel Roaster any one of these valuable premiums are worth the price of the Baking Powder alone. . See window display. We invite every housewife in Tulsa to visit our store on one of the above days. - Come early and avoid the rush. . . . Grand Union Tea Co. 222 EAST THIRD Two Suits Some Bought Three Suits That Caused the Sensation. They Will Be in Effect Until Saturday All $40.00 Suits H. DARNELL, Proprietor heels lotfe.thor. shoulders squared and groping with both hands. He Was IJUnd. His action had been so sudden, s i i 1 1 1 1 j , i. i , i v ii ovr Buuucn, n'j unexpected, that I had uttered a llt - tie crv. half 'nf nstnnbhmrnl nnrti1". nu xomunson. ranvliw his sur- ha!f of indignation, before I rcalizel from his confusion and outstretchod hands that he was blind. lie recovered from his embarrass ment on the Instant," as one accus tomed to such encounters and smiled pleasantly again as he said apologet ically: "Eexcuse me, m'am, my mistake. I'm awfully sorry. It was very care less of me." , Ue broke in upon the apology that I, In turn, had begun to stammer. "Don't mention it m'am," he said. "I ought to have heard you coming. I take it you are a slranger. Kvery body round here knows me and side steps, llZM"-'.? S'r6eant MaJr T0mi ""T- n'Saa',d-- At von- he Yes, m'am. - At your service," lie answered simply. Kverybody, even visitors. In the vicinity of the Buckinghamshire vil lage knew of Sergeant Major Tomlin son, for he was the Hon of the coun try side for miles around, The par ticular exploit, one of many, which )i&4l won for him the Victoria cros3, was common history his wite, who was prouder of him than anybody else, had seen to that. Tomlinson him self could never be induced to talk of It. An Unwritten Code. It la an unwritten code among the British soldiers, rigidly observed never to discuss such things on pUn ! of ridicule and 'contempt of their com- rades. Hut it vra a matter of record that his battalion in the great push on the Somme, having been reduced to a scant company by a machine gun $13.25 All $30.00 Suits and Overcoats are now $15.25 All $32.50 Suits and Overcoats are now $18.75 All $35.00 Suits and Overcoats are now $20.25 All $37.50 Suits and Overcoats are now and Overcoats are nest i in Devil's Wood, hud finally cleared it out with a bayonet charge only to find that In the ebb and flow Of the battle thov hnA hun nut ntt i . , ... - - ? a commissioned officer had been jvivors, many of whom were wounded, had held out for seven days against terriuie odds and exhaustion from lack of food and water, and taken feariul toll of the enemy, until the tide had turned again and a sea of khaki had swept In upon and around them. Tomllnson, who three davs be fore had been founded in the head by a sniper's bullet, had then collapsed snd when the streatcher bearers ap peared upon the srene his fellow heroes learned to their amazement that he was blind. The bullet had cut the optic nerve of the right eye and the other had become affected in sympathy. How with their first-aid - u.T They "have knownTHe had never " but suffering himself the torments of the Inferno nan continued to keep up the spirits of his men and direct the defense. Looking at him now I could hardly believe ho was blind. His eyes were the calm gray eye, of the English and they seemed to gaze full upon me At first glance no one would huve sus pected that they were sightless, espe cially as th illusion was heightened by his firmness of step and sureness of movement. I told him that I belonged to the A. B.. F. U. permanent blind re:ief war fund and wot his interest incon tinently. Again tho red flush suffused " l'ro"zrd ion ln nuam' ,ln ,he benches slon of animation that seemend to I un an expres uuiiaiur jt, "Do you, tho By Jove, that's fine'" he said warmly. "Your American people are splendid and I have often wished that I could thank somebody for what jour society has done for me for us. Won't you come over to the house and meet my wifs and have - .-"! "i as -wi'.n-usr snog a great little woman and will be delighted to A. vmi " I declined. -"Tell me about your self," I requested. "I mean how our fund has helped you.." Has Been Benefited. "Well, I happen to know that I was one of those who benefited from the 10,000 your fund sent to help the work of the Hrltish section. They told us about it at the home. And if your Americans who save sn nn. ,ously. could only see what they have ,done for our blinded Tommies they I would feel happy to the end ot their i days, as I hope they will In God bless them, whoever th?y are, and wherever they may be. "There isn't much to tell. When it dawned on me that my sight was gone for good 1 figured that there was only one tMng left for me to do finish what tho Hjns had begun. The most cheerful of my visions of the futurs was a picture of myself standing limp ly at a Btrcet corner with a little dog and a tin cup, and my gorge rose at that The kind souls who look after us chaps soon proved to me, however, that I was good for something better. I had been In the army ever since I was old enough to enlist and being a city man my folks live in ondon I had alwas dreamed of a little home in the country when I retired from the service. To cut It short, I married a girl of this place whom I had been courting before the war and here I am, a poultry farmer and doing fairly well. They trtught mthow to do it at the home and your American money helped to set me up. I started with II hens which gare me about titty now - $29.50 110 SOUTH MAIN STREET eggs a week. Now there are nearly three hundred and I look after them all myself. I manage the incubators, clean out the runs, mix the feed and fatten the chickens for market. Of course there are some things I can't do, but then my wife helps me and sees for me. And aside from latsing the poultry, which naturally doesn't occupy all my time, I make a llttln money mending shoes, something they taught ire at the home. Does Not Worry. "I'm not badly off. all things con sidered. I can still do a man's work and make my w?y, and I am happy in my home. For the rest 'What's the use of worrying, It never was worth while," as the song says." A wistful smile betrayed that I cver theless there were many thingn for whi''h his soul was hungry, for which It would hunger In vain foreVer, Hut It died out as a thot occurred o him that concerned me very nearly. "There are an awful number of men blinded In this war," ho paid. "There am the high explosives which scatter everything about you into l deadly splinters and blow sand and dirt Into your faco with the force of a bullet In every grain, and there's the gas the Huns send ns which burns your eys out, and the flame throwers which sear them out yards away. And ine snipers they get many victims, too; they are perpetually on the look out for heads appearing above the NATI'H.Mj KTHKNfJTII IS TIII'j BUST .VrUKNGTir Stimulant! Only I,ast. Tcniporarilr anil In fli Tiftvn Vmir KvhIiwi ( 111 Bad Pep Systemic Pills give quick re sults In strengthening you up, but are entirely different In their after-effects from the inaiorlty of stimulants, When the organs of the body are overworked or are unable to perform their functions, properly, nature de mnnds help, and unless the appeal is heeded many weailsome troubles or serious ailments are the result. One of th greatest essentials to a strong and healthv body Is to keep the tody supplied with sufficient rich, red corpuscles. And no other Ingredient has ever been found to take tho place of iron. 1 '.laud's Mass has loni? been tecognlzed as the most assimilable rnd effective form of iron salts. Pep Systemic Pills which contain Iron in Iflnud's Mass form, are prov ing especially beneficial for bulldln? up natural strength and doing it In a natural way, and being reinforced by other nervo, blood and alterative tonics these pills bring surprising re sults for any of tho ailments that are caused from a lazy liver. Impure blood and a run down system. Any one suffering from constipa tion, stomach trouble, sleeplessness, loss of snpetlte, malaria, nervous trouble, dizziness, heartburn, sallow complexion or any kindred ailment should start a course of Pep Systemic r.lla at once, lou will te astonished how quickly any of these ailment vill be relieved and with no bad after effects whatever. Pep PIUs are guar, ar.teed not to upset the stomach or discolor the teeth. Go to your druggist and buy a bottle of these pills today; They ar guaran teed to give pertect s.itikTacllon or your money will be refunded. For su!e by Roy Getmnn Drug Stores and other good druggists. ACC1SPT NO .HUB.iT TI Tn Fort THEBtt JM.L8.- Adv. - I trench parapet. Now that America, I thank ijod, is taking her place in the firing line, you will have many of your poor fellows on your hands In I the same pickle I was In, and your ! A. Q. F. T. will have all its work cut out." Ho bade me a cheery good evening nnd started off with the assured tread I of one who knew his way perfectly, ( using his rake as a staff. i Unpaid telephnno bills for the 1 month of November are past due. If not paid by 6 p. m., of the 15th, ser vice wlli be discontinued. I'lnneer Telephone & Telegraph Co. Adv. ' ' ' " W Victrola the Messenger of Cheer It's a friend et the soldier's side to joke' for him, sing for him, play for him, day after day ! Send one to your soldier this Christmas. Victors and Victrolas. $10 to $400. Easy terms. 417 South Main. A. 3. CRIPE, Mgr. $22.75 $24.25 $27.75 $28.50 Investigate Sugar Shortage. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Senate Investigation of the fuel and sugat shortages will be considered by. a subcommittee headed by Senator Heed. They will meet tomorrow morning. Skin Tortured Babies Sleep After Cuticura So 25: Olnai 25 md 1