Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WOULD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1(3, JlJ17. l CHANDLER AGAINST LEASE EXTENSION Ready for the Final S ers Drive With in -IK Okl;iliim;i Cotiirrrssman I'.e- licves Injustice Will Occur I If Sclirmc Passes. . ! WOULD RAP LITTLE FELLOWS Unbroken toclcs, Comolete Assortments Amendment Proposed lo Vici ous War Revenue Rill lo Relieve- Oil Men. "Thru r,j,t,.s.,l niitny r--i wmh li.v I ;nu , Kirmlliiu tin- lime fur ix- uf ml in tin- M.iKi nil ri m l!i:n t 1 1 : . ; . " h.uiI r-m-. ri cssninn 'i'. A. ( 'h.i ml li-i" at lintel Tnls.i lnt i-vctiini,'. I "An tnxlui of tin- I'lTind rniilil j nul niM-iliy ln-ni-flt ii 11 y otlur limn I If I in I :.i 11 ho lus suM Ills linul ami tlir Ml.- oil rnrpciriiliciiiH wlm how. If tlm iMi nshui is k r:i ti t I . t" .f iil'li1 to mil 1 i tlir sin 1 1 nl oiirratur, and uruli all till' '""1 -lonk IIIK tl'.'ll'tH HH tll want tlirin, ruwriiiR a lonn nrlo nf , Jt-aii. j Ohiiftlniij lo F in nic. "I inn iih,m.,1 to tin- iAti-ii-.ii. n:, lii'iansi' tin' 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Ulln III' ki. hi Ills I. in. I will thi-n put li. i. it'- in (ill royallicN In wliiih In- is not in-tllli-il, ami Knew l im nut 1 1 1 i ! 1 Win n lie Miil his lan.l ' S.'s..ikI, In. ' cniisi" tin- iniiii wlm li.i; tnl snl.l Inn In m! will flnalK mil only frinalu owner of tlir In ml. Imt In- will iiIm have tin- oil royiiltios Tlttnl. it is un fair 1" Hio liuiti who liaH liuiinlit laml from Hie i isaes. l asi il on the law that the trll'.il pi rlo.l woul l eml In 1H.11. (Hill tlm oil tm.iliii'.s wmill Ik--cxinie his property after that time, and not after I '.."!. 1-Vurtli, hei .nisi, the peoplo of the Htate anil the rolllilv Will lie In in fllfd 1'V the ilc i lopllli'llt lietweeiT now and l'.HII. and the In-' ili.uis who aro now alne uill he aide: to parth lpate In the dlstrlhutlon of the trlhal funds while they lire nllvr; j wherein they r.nild not do ho If the period were extene h d. and all mem- her of fln trili. wtii'lhr thev had' Bold land or not. t In on the distrl- billion of the roally. Will Iti-lny -etthlllcnt. "And I nm fuithvr i.pposid to the extrusion heuniso It will delay the! i-ntllng up of the tribal relations oini thinn that has nlwins retariled : tlie de eh.ptnont of (iklahonnt. I The 'saKi ronniiittee li now In Wavhincton nrvnik' the evtension of the tune when the oil rovaltii-M revert to the owners of the land, Instead of! to the tribe, m-il Mr. Chandler had ' made the Maternent that he would op pose the hill, ami If neresMity. throw, It out of congress on n point i f oulcr ' It Is nnilerstood that pr.iitieally all memln iB of the Oklahoma i leat ion ; oppose the extension of time, while a Rt-eat number of tile oil men iiru In i favor of It. j Aiiieiiilniint for rtrveniie 1(111. j When nsU d about the firm i.sions In the w ar revenue hill w liU h works n hardship on the oil men, .Mr. , Chandler stilted that he wiim prepar ing nil amendment which he would offer when ronnresK reeonvened after the holiday reee.s. j The pro:sioiis of the war revenue I I ill erectly hindii'.-ip the oil oiera-! tions In many and iinles.s amendments are made. It will prac tically put an end to Hdcattlni the only method ly which the K"ern nient can hope to tin lease produc tion. As tl.t ie Is an annual shm-hiKO f oil nt tin- time of approximately forty million barrels, ami an addi tional demand per annum on Anient'. l for more than a hundred million bar rels more oil for tUo use of the new navy and the allies, something must he done to cnc.'Ur.iKi? pi mill, lion, and It Is be'ieved an amendment ran h Kotten thru cm t iess once tho mutter is thou.K explained. "The oil in. ti should not hope for Buy inrlv action, ' said Mr. Chandler. 'I fun ec lust what a hardship the war revenue lull would work on some liidisttlcr of the country, and for that leas, ui I rote. I atalnst the bill. 1 atteii it d at the time tt was before ri-vss to thii.w lU-In on the oil idt uaiii n. I'M so httl is known of the i. MiMii.'-s in coia-ress. or In Wash ii i:i..i, that my efforts failid. It Is barely p; - ible that I can Hi t i'ill. Ki":s to int.itaiii an amendment H'lr.o time nftci the fit s t of April." Mr. t li.indler left lor his home In i'ii'-i last evenliur, whole lie will re r.. a in. until after the holid.iy recess. A Voice riom tlu West, W hat Is the Voice 1 bear (Mi the wind of the western pea? Siiitiuel: listen front out Cape Clear. And say what the voice may be. " T..s a proud free people ralliiu; loud to a people proud and free." "And It says to tin in "Kinsmen, hall! We severed have bt en too lonn. Now It t us have dune with a worn-nut tale, Tlo" tale of an it licit nt wi-iiik. Ai.d 'iir f riciiilal.lp last long as love doth last, and be MioiiKcr than tit ath Is MtrotiK ' " . PMVcr thiMit, fens of the self same race, And blood of the clf same clan, l.ct us speak with (mil tther, face I" face. And answer. n man to man. And loyally be and trust each other ns none hut free men can. Now. fla ir them out to the hree.e, Miai-roek. thistle and rose! And the Star Spanned ltanncr unfurl w ith these, A lnessaue to friends find foes, herever the sails of pe'ice are seen, and wherever the wur wind Mows. A tnesMiKe to boml nnrt thrall to wake l'or, we come, we twain, The throne of the tyrant shall rocf nnd nuake. And his menai e be void and vain; For you aic lords of a strop young land, nnd we are lords of the nuiln. Vrn, this Is the voice on the bluff March Kle. "W'c severed have been too Ions: Tint now we huvc done with a worn out tale, Thp tale t.f an nnclent wronrr, And our friendship last lolii; 114 love doth last, and be strontter tha i death Is Strom," Alfred Austin. Vow Yotitli. M)ios your boy bulmve In ?ant.i C'iaiiH?" "I don't know, lie's writing hint u letter." Well?" "Hut T nollee lie leitVes It around w here I tun sue it," Bein ning Wednesday Store Open Evenings , SO CAU 10 FULLY DID THIS STOKE PI' ETA RE FOR THE, HOLIDAY SHOPPERS THAT DESPITE THE HEAVY BUYING OF THE PAST WEEK OUR STOCKS OFFER THE SHOPPER OF TOMORROW ALMOST UNBROKEN ASSORTMENTS. THIS FACT IS MADE. POSSIBLE BY BRINGING" TREMEN DOUS RESE-RVE STOCKS INTO ACTION. Efficient Store Service and Variety for Choosing Makes the Southern an Xdeal Holiday Shopping Place e-cs. mm Appropriate Gifts for the Man or Boy ; Our Sporting (iooda Department First Floor $7 Skate Special For Monday Stoel, Ball Bearing Well Made, for the boy or girl. The $2.50 value. South ern's sale (I?9 llrst H.N.r Auttiinobik'n, jiriced up from I land Cars, priced up Ql from P i Kicyclos, priced up (I-g A from Pl Velocipedes, up HT from i O Coaster Wagorw, FA priced up from. . ip x0J Steel Wagons, priced QKp up from Otlv Sidewalk Coasters, priced upward (Pi HF from D1.1J Footballs, priced (10 CA up from ip,0j Punching Hags, up from Pocket Knives, up nr from LitJKs Razors, priced up (?i from '. (31 Hunting Coats, up from $1.65 $1.50 GIFTS IS SILVER Odd Pieces, Sterling Silver, $1.35 They make inexpensive gifts. I'ickle Forks Olive Spoons Oyster Forks lieef Forks Lemon Forks Sardine Forks Sugar Spoons Cream iAtdles Marmalade Spoons lion lion Spoons Baby Spoons The Southern's Price $1.35 Tulsa Souvenir Spoons at.... $2 Sterling Silver, Struck, Conven tion Hall. The Southern's price $2 GIFTS IX SILVER Community Plate, The Adam, Patrician. Georgian and Louis XV 1' Designs. Hollow Handle Knives, set of six $9.00 Hollow Handle Forks, set of six $9.00 Solid Handle Forks, set of six, for . ; $6.00 Tea Spoons, set of six $2.75 Dessert Spoons, set of six. .$5.50 26-piece Set Ceo. L. Rogers Sil ver, in plush lined case, at $10J0 The set contains six each knives, forks, tea spoons, dessert spoons, and one sugar shell, and butter knife. The Southern Sale price only $10J0 Marmalade Jar and Spoon, 85c Thin blown, etched, silver plated top and spoon; the Southern's price 85c Electric Lamps Portable, each complete with plug and silk cord, silk shade, gold and silver plat ed. The Southern's price, up from $l!.0() rLOOR LAMPS Mahogany Column, finest silk shade, silk fringe and gold braid; silk lamp cord, paired volumn. Southern's price, up from $12 Elevator Service to Second Floor, Where There Are a Thousand Gift A rticles Pryex Glass Ovenware Hotakold -Vacuum Vessels Made of New Process Glass, that withstands the heat of the hottest oven; fills every rx-quirement of baking ware and a table ware; made in casseroles, custard cups, pie plates, bread and baking dishes. Southern's price, up from 25c AT AM NOV K IN ANY WAY HOT OR COLD NIGHT OR DAY Made in many style and a variety of finishes. We carry a good stock of them. Bottles, priced up from ..$1.35 Carafes, priced up from $5.00 Jugs, priced up from ... $6.25 Food Jars, priced up from $4.75 For every day use when guests arrive or in the sick room HOTAKOLD VACUUM VESSELS are almost indispensable. SEE THEM AT THE SOUTHERN Manning-Bowman Quality GoodsIn Nickel and Silver Plate They Make Ideal Gifts Electric Grills, prim! . ..$8.50 Electric Percolators, priced ....$8.00 Electric Toasters, priced $1.50 Electric Waffle Irons, priced ....$12 Coffee Percolators, priced $3.00 Tea Pots, priced $1.00 Coffee Sets, priced $32 Chafing Dishes, priced $10 Trays, priced $330 Trivet Trays, priced $430 Cheese Dishes, priced $3.50 Bon Bon Baskets, priced $330 Comports, priced $1.75 Sandwich Trays, priced $2.75 Sugar and Creamers, priced ....$7.00 Sugar Holders, priced $2.25 Kelish Bowls, priced $1.75 Berry Sets, priced ' $10 Sherbet Sets, priced $20 Athenic Bronze -The Gift Artistic -The Answer to What Shall I Give Picture Frames, priced $1.85 Clocks; priced ....$1,00 Desk Sets, priced $10 Vases, priced $1.75 Candlesticks, priced .$8.00 Smoking Sets, priced $8.00 Ash Sets, priced $2.00 Ash Trays, priced $130 Paper Knives, priced 50c Calendars, priced 35c To fully appreciate Athenic prod ucts they must be seen and handled Special Christmas Gift Box Offer The gift box contains three pieces, Paper Knike, Blotter and C?1 PA Tray. Southern's price vl.OU Toy Stocks Complete Dolls, priced pu from 25c Doll Shoos, priced up from 15c Wonder Blocks, up from Kiddie Cars, up from $1.85 Toy Wagons, up from 15c Hocking Horses, pu from $2.00 Doll Chairs, up from 40c Doll Beds, up from $U5 Kitchen Cabinets, up from $1.25 Wash Sets, up from .75c Pastry Sets, from up J5c Blackboards, up from 50c Desk Sets, up from $3.75 Animal Toys, up from 10c Performing Toys, up from 15c Toy Trunks, up from 25c Gibbs Toys, up from 20c Games, up from 15c Game Boards, up from $2.50 Toy Blocks, up from 10c Building Blocks, up from 65c Paint Boxes, up from 25c Toy Pianos, up from 65c Rattles, up from " ;10c Rubber Balls, up from .15c Tops, up from 15c Specials for Monday Me SECOND FLOOR Dolls at Half Price Dressed American-Made Unbreakable Head $1.1") value, priced 60c I $1.75 value, priced $1.23 value, priced 65c $1.85 value, priced 95c $2.00 value, priced $1 TINKER TOY, 35c A building with which any number of models can be constructed. Southern's price Wood Automobiles, priced 10c Wood Wagons, priced 20c Form- Cf crly I Kitchen Cabinets, priced $1.25 Red Chairs, priced 40c l : uuinLiriN Form crly AkClurc Toy Stocks Complete GILBERT TOY The name Gilbert on a tov stands for the best in workmanship. Erector Sets, priced $1.00 Wireless Outfits, priced $5.00 Briktor Sets, priced $5.00 Electric Sets, priced $230 Motors, priced ..,$3.00 Mysto Magic, priced $1M Mechanical Toys, priced 65c LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS In construction, finish and general appearance Lionel Electric Trains have no equal. Electric Trains, priced $5.00 Transformers, priced $3.50 AMERICAN MODEL BUILDER The Toy for the Moy Every part in this toy is made of' steel and brass; many new models can be constructed with this year's outfit. The Southern's price up from i.,""" warn nasi