Newspaper Page Text
10 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1917 TClfHCHS CfflCl COOO RtJIDiHCl: SOO holidavs, shared in tin.' li uiors nf n ( hermit. tho ! school 111 twnh her ' ( ro-l.i. New Yolk for ll"' holiday pan-tils, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. r - li I in I Tl.. t.-r.-.: arts 1 , The ;ii. ml H V T : i . ' , v , - - I ' : .1 I ! I V. . I t r s:i mi .l.i v. ..f holiday iiroom. weik, ut tli KN" Miss !; .lay tlltft f' III. iif. rinh. r.s iin I i.-ii.a Mr. r.h.l Mr Hii'l d.i..nht r 1 IK'' olnpallled Oy M.m Manic Hilt Mi. ir nuf"!, will h visit over t ln 1 1 h Mr. mil .Mr ci uv. W i ll il , liab.-th Mi 1 1 : t . i .,f Ircl: 11 i . oil e i " 1 1 r : s 1 1 1 U ilii-.i II. 1 hi n : n. it!, c ti. . ih -,:n..'i'. f"l -..-.isou I P. mi- i II. -itl ho-t.-s.! to ihf H li- I) me. ting and il of I to .' f..r ii Mr. ..ii i ( ', rt .' f i p. i. i' ii., i. M !:..ll Mi.-s .1 Mi. an. I Mm John W Mlfv Itllcs" Volll.g Sister, rii-rt ( 'i I. i.i.l. h'i in Mis Merrill's si hool m N I li-1 holidav, If t ester. Ii: w ith Mr. ami Mrs i 'harl'-.-(.'rents if Mr. Hates an .1. Tii M, ICS art'l Ilar- ll..Ii;i- 'I'.'lll v.- V..i k f..r f . . r .1 . s t I-' " 1 - r . 1 , .1 Mi.-s '!- I Mi'M K.itlu-niio K.-lley ' '..i", has come f..- a In ini' cif Mr. .iixl tr Uai li t in M;i '- I ; i.l vi'. The Alpha hii. has f"r th." h' i mill i-. r '. ! nial .. HUM, 1 U'. 'flu hep .'I. Ill til' I. alii oom. Mr. mill Mrs. '. YV Ciishing '.'ill ri.tii" ,-li t n i k fur ,-i holi.l.u v. - I .la1. Kln-r, M.: s. ;. J ;i Marietta, tin t Hp i-'.t Doun- -ent r i i i"! nice i r.s Klka i h;i hi.. 1 . '.i.-h:-H ,f Mi. it of to MoT. Mr. t,;;i em I'.-.rty CI have ii C. l-'i. r. ami Mr their f-.i 1 "ii in 1 1 1 liimn-r. M i I .1 I 1 i.ii ii m ,i ;.!.' ' ' " .M:s,s Katherine Gain. Y'.iinc ilaurli-t-r if Mr. an. I Mrs Tl.' .iinn, ' s lii.iiie tliin ir.'.ri : r.r fn-in 1'riu- M' I.-.- .n-a.lttiiiv l'ai'li. Kan. f.-r :i tin ' ! . ilay.s' va.-atioii i.-it. Mr, liuvin. l:'lui is tiii e;ir a .sl'..l'-iit i.f . i . r -1 '" town university, Vunli nn t ii . wiii r '' r.- Sun. lay. I N II. tl. Jin-. ,t it Mr ii'i liiinr-il a W.ilnes.l: i tub In 1 . V'anhii Kt'Ti l li'iiniT. I Mrs M. J I'.!..:;.-. .1 -:i. . !1 i fin.j.anv at .1. v i-i.iii.' at i Ii- . ' i nor .,f Major 1' .! II. n A t,i " i;. rririn M . : : i l.i. : Mr- ' VMM V'Tk ll". 'ta-.. a st i t. i.t . : tl c on-, i ..f ,-...ii. In t! . e.eht tliat Mr. .-ii who N ir. N-iy Vurk, ii. ' , I.. !:. f. r ' 'hi l .tiiia . rU;.ii;i ai. l M:;i I . i..:,y .1 n h.iu f'.r the buwni In . Mr. nfil Mrs. I;..! 1 i li. I ! v will en' ' rtaln it Ii . i.h' pai tv n't u . -k in tw ii .1 il.e ti t-irn t:..n "! Mi'-ir lJ.ut. A. ilin.llej i lii' hanl I'nul i I :i ti.1. ii-v. ti .i;n I'.le, Ail., in a (. cral liavc . : ..I .-.-m .-. (!i-;invill li family honor i f son", IJent. I Cninp leiive M"M II. r.iai k ra,i! tioin N. lrc acation. rniil h"ii.. I'ai:.. Caipcntop n ii' l:i.-t or th" ; visit to their nth. v a ti.l . 'ha !! i-'tiiy i-rtiity for ih" MIsb Mariiret Minihy leaves tt rlcht for a vi-tt "er 'hristii.a w;tn fi lends in St. IxiiiiK. Mini Mnyn.e Tillv Wlwoivln nniviTMtv '. kjh ml the holnl i n. h hmne initti Ma.l.hon, to Mrs. Korcrt .UKl:inoy war h"'rS to the nien.herH nf her i-lnh for n ' jilcihant iifternoon yesterday. H ijor H'irie uere' llli itatlniks for Car.U aie out flub'a 'hi ist nui which is to hi- . M-!lJ.lll llHIKI'. for th.- S-iiohh lam e. I n-. ion - j. 111! Of th" I'l'l-'tOtt Mr ai. l Mr- I V'etel nt. : - m.i.eil ut .l.nmi last i vemni; In hniiu.' '.f the di-i ai tui e .f Mr. and Mrs. i'. I K Tin k. r for Ilollv. (.,., to Hiti-iiil : th.- Christina a as. ,n with Mr. Tmker'ii l.-n . f. l... Mr. K. A. Teui-, I-li'i. who I i-oir t i Kuimas foi tho n A Nut Bowl Lends a Finished Appearance A pift that is useful and thooroughly practical .selec tions here offer a pleasing and discriminating choice. Miss Clara MrJunkm, who I. on:.- at the first of th week from Christian i olli-Kf, Colmnhi.-i, Mo. f.'f the Ii o I i . liiy viuiitlon with her parent, Mr iin.l Mrs. T. J. M.-Junkin, l roii fine.l ut home on ii.iount of illnt'-r Mr. Arthur I.ippa. arcompanled hi hid mother, Mr-. K. . l.lppa. left luii: l.iKht to . 'pern! the ChlistmUM neaaon with relatives In I'lttsinirgh, Pa. Mra. I.ipp.i will leinaUi in the iaat for sev ri.-. week.s. Mm Hurry s iwynne left laat iiiKht for San Antonio. Texas, where sho (foes to tipend CliriHtimiM with Captain liwnne, who is Htationeil at Cliiip Stanley, Iaon spririKD. Mm K ft. ritzpatii.-k of Childress. Texas, w ill arrive on Saturday mr a inn to tho home of her daughter, Mra. Uort I. llrooklns, and Mr. Urookina. I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons will a to Mimkotfee for tho C'hriatniaa Reason with Mr. and Mm. 11. Van Smith. M:s Mabel Claire Witt left last nijfht for a weuk'a vlalt to her homu folk In Chanute, Kan. - Captain H. Y. Arnold lias pone for his annual Christmaa visit to relatlvc-a In Houston, Texas. Mr. and Mm. (leorfre C'hubburk will ipend Chrlatiiiaa with home-folk In KariH.ia City and Bethany, Mo. Mr. and Mra. W. M Wnde of Inde pendence, Kan., will come at the, 1-ibt of the week to upend Christmas a': Ktients in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ). J. I Jimhert. M.iyter John K. Idirrows is home from W'pntworth millL-ny .nadeny. lxmxtoii, Mo., for ,i vacation visit With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kiwi C. liai rows. Miss Mildred Marr. who Is a .stu M rit of Oklahoma univeisity, cam" ; home last evening to Kpend the holi iilms with her parent, Mr. and Mis. I S. V. Mil it. SANTA CLAUS' MAIL Letters Written by Tulsa Children to St. Nicholas. rear fanta Claus: Will you kindly remember me on Christmas. 1 am 6 years old. I need n pair of shoes, number ten. If it isn't asklnK too much I would appreciate anything. I have no papa. Will await in hopes. Mary Smith, 25 North Norales street. A Few Christmas Specials Ik-low we mention a few articles of especially fine Roods. Some of these seldom kept in regular stock cv-n in the first-class stores on account of their extremely hinh prices. l-'or instance we have One 14k Hold Ladies' Mesh Ilandhai,' One 14k Cold Ladies' Mesh Ilandhai; ,Yk". l7,? Sterling Silver La s' M-sh Ilandhai; V U' one All-I'latinui.i A 11-1 hainond set Ladies' Wristlet Watch, octagon shape. I'rice : 0 One All-l'latiiiuiu AU-Daiuond Het I.ailieb' Wristlet Watch, lu-i'tajfon shape. I'rice Vi A One fine Cluster I h.-itiiond Krooch. bl,' value, platinum sett.m; 2,000 One fine Cluster Karpln Urooch; platinum tread work, exceptionally fine ... $2.0(10 One pair Heal Klue Diamond Screws, exceptionally rare ones 82.000 One Diamond Shirt Stud, Klue; especially fine One Tiffany set Ileal Klue Diamond Kiiik: very rare In color; price 11,500 Several bl Chests Sterling Silver Tableware. I'rice. each SSOO to $1,000 Home exceptionally fine Cameo Krooches; genuine stone; assorted colors, pink. Bray, dui k and coral $2. to $t."0 If you ure interested In any of the above or other fine goods call und let us show you some of these fine pieces. OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS A. Y. BOSWELL CO. "SiSE? TULSANS WANT GRAHAM TO REMAIN AT LABORS Telegrams Sent Government Agent Asking That Local Man Be Left in City. She. Was Waiting for Him. ' "Is your husband up yet?" Inquired the early morning- caller. "I KLicss he K" replied the stern woman at the door. "Well. I'd like to say a few words to hlii" "So would I, He hasn't come home yet." Dear Santa: me a doll ami a you to hrini; me want you doll dress. brina wa n t N. It. Graham, special representa tive of the Kxchnnxe National bunk, left la-st nlcht for Kansas City, whore he has been summoned by J. 'A. Mil ler, governor of the federal rewerve district, to take charge of the publicity work of that district. The summons to which Mr. fl.'ah.'im h.'s responded las brought forth a ,'torm of protest from the banks and tho several patriotic and civic or Ha.nlzntioas with which Mr. Graham is associated, and several letters ami Oklahoma Paint and Wall Paper Co. I Iin orix.rateil) 'iow 78.78 23 Went Third Special Exhibition of Christmas i'ictuns and Imported Prints Yoimtr Mr. HkkIi Kvaiis Is h..pi from Missouri university, O .In in . .'.i, to spend the holi iav-i with his .i i..t. .Mm. . W. I'rodle. table. I have six years old. one brother. play chair and a J uleirrarvR have preceded him to Kaii- r.eon n good Bin. 1 am I have two sletcrs and Kffio Cutburth. Mr and Mrs. Sidney I'ufvine will spend the Christmas season with Mr. l'uivlne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. I'urvine of Miisk.o-'.e. Pear Santa Claus; I am 12 years old ind need pome clothes. I would appreciate n mack inn w. I live at L'l!5 North Nou'tles. Ike Jones, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Lee are leaving on Saturday for Kunsas Ct!y. w hei e they k" to be the sts of Mr Mrs. 1'. Connor over Christmas. Ivar Santn: I want a Jack-in-the-box, a doll, a broom, table, six chairs and a stove. Theltna Walum. ami Miss Lulu Crosle Is home from Our Store urdav and Will He Open Both Sat Mondav Kveninis for Christmas Shopping Reduced Prices on Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts REDUCED PRICES ON ALL COATS As Ass As- A-A--A - . i-1 1 i In, il in i tn i I il nt nt lie: Ass A-- it i it. s,.,l. nt A V Vllllle alu. up to IIP to lip to ll I to lip to ;. i (.'. S4 spe. SlCl rial 111 111 Sxvial 1'rl.X's iiii All Hinder I'rli-i-il fonts REDUCED PRICES ON SUITS in no .to .00 111 Oil r.o oo lit) no s up i o ;i :i , :.. spe s up to ;,:i up t' 1 spe K.iliici'il I'rlci-s nil i.t 1 A As As Inn i t ! ' IIH'lll 'Itl'l. lit REDUCED s up to mi. Ml HIk'Iici- I'l-li-iil Mills PRICES ON DRESSES 20 no ltd oo 10.00 up spe. I a 00 2.MI0 S5.00 REDUCED PRICES .lues lip to 1 .1 OH. Special . allies up to L'.i i'ii, special i'.ii.s up to .'in, mi. special ON ALL SKIRTS ft. oo 10 oo I. '.(II) BLOUSES AND PETTICOATS FOR GIFTS Veil must ;sr. 1. 1 r L'oilse i want. A ill. I I'. III. oat blK selection Section to find just that wonderful s-ift , of colors, kinds tin. I sizes THE HAIL STORE "Our SM'cl,ils .n- AIwiij ihi-LiI" lear Sant.i Clans: I ant a little hoy fi years old. I want a little wasoii with two horses and a little milk wation wi'h cans In It and a little swid h e.irine and three coaches and track and a little shovel and a Jockey rider and n rocky horse, and some nuts and randy and fruit. I want a little dirt w.iKoii and horses. Kdwin Sparks, 1 1 1 ;i Last Archer. Dear Santa Cliius: I want a Jack-in-the-box, a doll, a bedroom set for my doll, und A 1! C board, table and six chairs, a dresser a comb n l.iwl a stove. Thelma Maurleee tl'ni. (Arc 0.) a n d toll. , Dear Santa: I am a little lrl 6 years old. and I want a little doll, a Hory book and h set of furs, and please brlnir "Itillie," my little sister, a little red w.mon. Ituth Allen. 1632 Ad miial. Dear Santa Cans: l'lease brlnR' me a biff Kill doll and a muff nnd a fur. I will ham; up my stockings. Helen' Ii ura Cooper. Dear Santa Olaus: T nm n little boy. S years old. and I would like a pair of (floves and randv nnd fruit I have two brothers. Keresford. 6 years om, Alien, ji,. l'lease don f for inein. never rndnett, West Till: I'Kct I sas City nskinp that his appointment be reconsidered. In or l"r that he nm? remain In Tulsa, where he I;, actively enifajrcd In Liberty ban work, in the Ked Cross campaifin, as dinctor for the ftate of moi- than Sim I". nr Min ute Mn S ealers and other ol L'.i n iza tions. At a luretinq- of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday diirinq the noon hour at I Intel Tulsa the following typical teleniiim win framed and sent to Mr. Miller, asking that the appointment of Mr. Gruhui.i be reconsidered and that lie be per mitt'M to remain in this city to con tinue his patriotic work; "Mr. J. Z. Miller, .ir.. 1'e.lera! Ite- j serv e I !a nk. K:i niia i ' ' I . V ' j tors of Tulsa Chamber of Commerce I nid.'iv pass-ril res, .1 as on ..., , to wire you as follow-: I 'r--m suiii.i I i .-iiit i f war wo;-; in Tulsa Mid Okla homa, earnestly lequest you not to take N. li. (ii-iham to Kansas City, lie is woikini; nitfht and dav effectively and Is nerve center of half dozen war work organizations. Handled l.ih-rty loan this district nnd Is hiindlinic col li ctions of more tnan fliflO.OOO Kel Cross and Y. M. C. A. funds. Is chair man Four Minute Men of Oklahoma, with six hundred speakers under hm direction and identified prominently other patriotic movements. Tulsa t'jo important In war work to be dtsor- fraiiizeu ny nis renievai.- (StffneH Tulsa Chamer of Commerce. 11. M. McFarhn, president. Claionco H. Douglas, secretary." Nn replies have been tocrived to tlnse telegrams and Mr. Graham left last nifiht to take up personally the matter with Mr. Miller, In nn effort to be relieved of the wolk, which It Is feared would be detrimental to his ho-ilth and would urcaUy affect the work of the irt;a.nizationa with wnich he is associated. Arouses the Liver and Purifies flic Klood. The old Standard general st rei!;then inft tonic, GKOVK'S TASTIiLH chill TiNIC, arouses the liver to ar Hi n, drives Malaria out of the blood, nndi "builds tip the system. For adults and children. 60c. Woman's World Susiwmli. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. The Wom ar' World, n publication with some six hundred thousard ciiculaiion. will be suspended after January 1, it was announced here today, for tin duration of the war. The Increased price of pnper and other materials, It Is understood, nro responsible for the action. Stnrt Another Inquiry, AVASHINGTON, Dec. 21. ncitilry Into tho proKress of tho government's ship building program was bonun by tho senate commerce commlsaion to. day with Chairman Hurley of the shipping board as the first witness. if i, li renr Ssntn Clans: r n... . n..i Kirl. 4 years old. I want you to brinff 1 ,',' --i'e. a uoiiy. a idano. a .cradle and a real table and a picture' I iiou o on i rnrftet Grandma -..aiil'ii ihick; tney Ijv ' ' nis is an this time. I Then. Muck. 1 live tw Hixhy, ( ikla. The. nnd In Sperrv. My name is miles west of lluck. I "ear santa: I am a little bov. 4 veins 1. 1, I want n tov ),, " "o ii ' up an. a roc . v i, . i fruit, candy nnd tints lo c .'.....' ter, i: No,,h Phoenix. ' Inwy. is (inests ,,f Williams sp. . i.-.l '.. 1 ' ,. w,i.l OKI -MI.. A CITV. Dec. Si,Mcm. t "'0 tnte l!.-,r assocntion vv 111 W .nests of Governor Vlll,a,,"s , rep,!,,,, , ,,p Ky,.n ,,,, jn Z ,-X "Vi '"V"1"1 '""I'""--. Deccr.: 't ... Members of the supreme court, criminal rourt of appeals a d "'r wives, will be in the receiv W line with tho pover-ior. The re Hon will be from 4: 10 to f,:30. 1 t.asolin.. Cnnsci-Mitlon . ..isei-vition or pasoiino. ,llp National Automobile Chamher of ommerce declares nn nvemce MV ; ng of I. pn,s (ll fo. nio 'mobile and truck in na,. In n, i-.,i.i "ill insure etioiieh .tl.... i.- erninei.t ne.'ds duiiiiir the roo io.r n States ea r. Must Gel Appn.Mil. ASHINGTONN. Dec. II. -Kail- .'sliniK to withdraw from limit must obtain .ipecific coinme rce loads d rate UKreeinents approval of the Interstate ii.mmissii.ii ir the wmld loeuu nn increase in rates. th , mission oi ilercd today. "has reat food, value THE food value of cocoa has been proven by cen turies of use, and dietitians and phy sicians the world over are enthusiastic in their endorse ments of it. It is said to contain more nourishment than beef, in a more readily assimilated form. The choice, however, should be a high-grade cocoa, "Baker's" of course. It is delicious, too com. Home Ihince i lie 1 uisa Home ( luar.i w ill tiiii" a militarv ball nt Con entioii hall tonight. Previous nr tiini:eiiieiits had set the date for the dance January 1, bin lime, cess-ibihty of th" municipal stadium n udr- this dale Imp... s;hl". so the iLinec w:i. set for tomtl.t Funds derived from this danpn will fjo Into the canteen funl aeamst which there Is now a' 4iK. debt. On tli.. rvcnlnir of Jatiiiarv I Sergeants W halen and Tho n as will since anotbec llonie guard dulse, IS per cent of the proceed.! to go to the canteen fund. loniglit. Trade-mnrle on every package Made only by Walter Baker Co. Ltd. EhMiM j-.'o Dorchester, Mat. SEND CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS MARSHALL-FIELD AM) OUR OWN EXCELLENT MAKES Candy, of the quality sold here, makes excellent Christmas Gifts. Special at tention given to orders of firms and corporations. Boxed Chocolates Boxed Bonbons Bulk Chocolates Bulk Bonbons Fancy Floral Candy Baskets Butter Scotch BOXED All Hard Candies in Bulk or Jars Mints Caramels Salted Almonds Salted Pecans Fancy Jumbo Pecans OR BULK Superior Confectionery and Tea Room 51 J South Main Mann's Millinery Closing-out prices. We have to move. Nothing reserved. 413 South Main Street. Flowers CORSAGE BOOURTS Christmas Plants Holly and Mistletoe Mrs. DeHavejj's Flower Room"