Newspaper Page Text
.t T? Tr "3 FINAL EDITION it OICL AHOWA'S REATEST NEWSPAPER. ciba dSI VOL. XIII, NO. 18G TULSA, OKLAHOMA, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918 lfi I'AGKS PRICE 5 CENTS FFENSiVi LOOSE ALONG WESTERN FRONT I 1 ICS ) )) WO GERMANY'S GRAND BREAKS GORE AMENDMENT PASSES SENATE jl(iure to Increase Wheat to jj.M) I'.ushel Gets Over whelming Vote. piGHT IN HOUSE EXPECTED ;iYi'ptancc Hoptxl for by Its Champions, l!,t Presiilen tial Veto Probable. SEED GIFTS TO CONTINUE Additional Appropriation Ad. led as Prize to Stimu late Farm Production. Is WASHINGTON, March M. The iriteuliuf' appropriation bill Hh the rior amendment Increasing the IH' government guaranteed wheat pnrt t,i 13.60 was passed late I" dux I v tho senate. Il now "'" ronfrrri.-o between th 'wr houses. ,h" tliero win t.o anothor fight our Hi wheat prior. The wheat price amendment '' ld.,rc-.i 13 to 1, after five days' ,nni.i-i--n In which lis advoenies urg'1 '.imulotloH (if production and riitiiU'd government price fixing Tim I. ill carrying npih-nprlatlnn of cj.., oO'i o 'i o win passed ' a i 111 i-a'l. principal fixhtlng brlns ted nt the whent Il.i'.les Inrrciinlnn: In the federal guarantee, the (lore amendment tiii.i provide thnt the guaranteed price f.r the 19H crop shall he based ii""" No. 3 n.irthrrn wheat or III .pi valcnt Instead of the No. 1, firlilv an under existing law and hill be pay-ablt at loc al elevator or ulla.iv market Instead of at the principal primary markets aa I" du new These provision aro designed to liluieaao tho farmer- r:itrns. Absolute) nnrl IlltulinJt. pettier provision la thnt the guarantee shall not he dependent upon union of thn president, tint "It heret.v made absolute and bind ing until May 1. 181." Acceptance of the amendment by 1)ii hou'" li hoped for bv lt cham pcn. Hut despite the overwhelm In vn l.y whirh the Vnate wrote the price Increase the administra te iV-ulcr do rot believe It could pin-.-ill f Inn II v If Jin haa been r "r1el the imposition of the food adniuilcttratloir would causi a preai dentml veto, I'tider u proclamation by the rr.'!, acting under the fnd law aa It now atanda with the t; gunrnntcp, the basic pro for 1 1 H whent hns been established I t.'-O per bushel. Henaloia fa voring the Increase arKuecl . that hmt nt $2 bo would not Inrrea.te th pri.-o of flour beyond III or II!'" per barrel. Tb price now b 'it'.ui-d m a barrel. Si-; Vor (lore iltd not presn hla tin Itnrnt provldlnix for mtalillah n riit l.y the aerrciary of auric ul t'H" of tinlfcirm bookkeeplnn nictli...; jnr meat packer and ub Jf ti'Mi f the packer hooka to pf-tu-iril arrutlny. The ameiidnient waa to meet recotninendatlotia ef t rum-la J. Ileney, attorney for the fc dcial trade coinmlKHlon, In It ni'it Hi vr Ktli;atlon. Tin Henate truck nut by a vote f U to 21 a provmlon In the bill II P'imuM the houee requiring e I'artfoetit of aurliMilture employe In V .t L : ii k tni to work eMit Inatead ef m ven hour dally. Nvl lirrlbutlin Hectored. An appronpiatlnn of 12 40.000 for the cont!i c Helonnl free eed (lle tnbii'inn. whl h had been eliminated t ti " nenato aici loiflt lire coiiimlt be, una i-pMtnred .y the lenate. Apiroiftation of about tl.uon. C'' wa H'ldrd to the bill In the ii.iie. Inrlu.lliiR KSO.OOO to b of ''r' I m prize iy the eerretnry of an, ninire to atlnnilatn airrtcultural pr ictinMlnii and tl'dn.OOO for exten-I"'- '.rk In vreetahle and frulm. OMier principal appropriation in tlude. M".t Inspection eervlre, J4.000,-(liii-ieaeM,! itllSO.tloO by the en '"l; utirrmluation of nouthern cat J' tli-ka. ITfiO.ilOO; eradication of "' e'nek tiilrrc.ibial.'t, $i00.000 ('I'HiWed bv the crate); plnnt In :'"iry. 12, 744. 000; forestry, $5,371. I.'ireau of markeLH. 12,000,000; "nih.iit,nft of live etork f.cot and "net!, dieense, 1 1,000.000; ami con.l.tuing the cotlun boll worm, 0".go0. ALLEGED THIEVES CAUGHT Carl John Bn, ,j MfNutfy Nu. P" t.'d of Mealing Automobile. T,i iiicgp, i,t thieve, who are j'"' - bed! hy the police. wre ciip urci ttrv yeuterday morning by S'-rn (ieurge Hialim and I'atrolnian Those nrrei,i were Carl 'hTs ami Kred Mc.V.ilty. The night r "is a report nf atulen car c'ni . from the Mid-Co oj eom " McNtilty. according to the Jl cmB I, a. k to the plac e where " ar wa located oy l-.ast rimt, n'l .s held ,v one of the Mld tlo until the police arrived. Rer , '':' limine end 1'atrloman John " went in enn-h 'f the car, which "y aiy they fond at the oil r n icadhoee, w ith John aili eu "1 the tar. 0 : )his-tionahc to Lore, ASM Ni IT .N, Man h I'l llo ' H..,i,tr fire eald M. It. Illek ''". 1'eino.ral nominated aa post "Wier t Cnalgate. dkla., wa .'per- ona ly nblei-llnnahl" In him (lie "ante iimI.m i . . Good Old American Licking Only Cure for Kaiser, There li only one way to win tb'a war, In the opinion of lion. Herl t'lrindlcr of Mnlt.i. who w.ia in Tul sa for a few hours yetieiday after noon on l.-.i.M i.ciei, and that li to give up the Iclen of a'nivinK the lieruiun and nlvc them a g .ocl olj falnone. Aiiieiican lultiiig lie Mild tin waa llio ron.ucxH view. Mont ccf li e member of ociiicri'ii, r.irthei more, he mud nice in fuMir of Ifliiuif the Japf take a hand In the l.-icl.f int. The iuaorty." .Uc Mr. ( Ii.iii..i-i-. "are l,f the opinion that tno pi evident should not deier them In tin ir . i.po'.ril action In .Sll.niia' but the I i.rril Strtei would be li:.ikln a m'I'Uhii erieir If rilie nl Icve l her .nnn':'H ifoppll'-'i of mu- nllion lend rullliur p'oi'K in Vladivoa- I tok l f ill into .li'iiiian lum li. i'oiikii 'sin:n .'handler w lustily roMipliiiientary to the attitude of the Anion, on people? as a nation, Mallow lh;.t they t i lovallv i;i . l i both tune and iiiciih to Im-'p In th" con duct of the w.u , Ih .t thi v eie Ihor i Iv d l -. mined to v In nt all Imiund, i.l that ttiTc tu no ijoiihl abciiit the result If they muinlalncd the present spirit. W'hllo refin-lnu a predict oii na to how long the war would hmt, Mr. (.'haniller iwid It wan his opinion that The W eather Tl I.SA. Mrrh 21. Maximum 7. mini mum 53 ; parity cloudy ; tra u of ruin. OKLAHOMA: Kri ruultjr in vial and 011th tMjrtiona; bak urtUjr fur. I-Ol'IHUNA; Vrl diy cloudy, lor ft) iliuwrr in nnrtfi or. Hon, 04Mlrr in mrttt-w-t jHtriion ; 8atr day gentra ly f ir ro.ilcr In mirth aud purtiunt. ARK A VHA8 : Fri day cloudy, local howara in Mat pnr Iton, rfMiUr; litur day tnr rally Uir, oolrr. IT i Tt &U-T VAM I HMIOti IX Woo wiMti, EXCIKT ne-HM- Trtt . out weo gxa uivt i 1 Zimmiew AMBULANCES GATHER TO RECEIVE VICTIMS Loudon Su-onea Itewmliln TIkih Dur lug Komiue llaldc; l lrst (ruui Arrive. LONDON. March J I. Line of aiiilnilaiice being formed ut the I'harlng I'roB railway atatlon earlv thla morning to receive wounded men from the channel port train. Hceue not unlike hne during the battle of the Somnie wuro enacted, the line of ambulance Ntretchlng awny from tho KUtlun for four city block. only email group of night workr era and rn'mnd employe greeted the frt arrival from the front. lA'tcll.ISM VMM IN VWV. uv c;hi:atkst siiu t.;i.K LONDON. March 21 Although a bnttle I being fought which I likely to develop Into the (jri-atest etrucgle of modern history and perhaps aettle the result of the war, the Kiii;llnh people preserve the an inn quiet calm they have worn for the paat four year. There nre no algna of un iwunl eicltement or tiervouKiies In London, no crowd oulalde the newa paper office or elsewhere. 'I he Btatement made by Andrew Honar Law In tho house of romiuons wa elrculatecl lu the hotel Hiid other public places. That Is tht last news the majority of the people will have of the great struggle before they see the morning paper, but Mr Honar I-aw word have carried much nsjnirnnoe. The fiorman had talked so freely about their i-reat offensive that many people thought thev were making a feint to rnnce.-tl Home other policy, some becked for a campaign aalnt S-ilonlkl Instead of .a big attack In Kranee. Reports have been r. rcu : luted that the (iermans have built a large number of tunka atol super- tank, but the Hrltisli, who rirsi launched this weapon, are n. t likely to be stopped by the-, nor Is It ron relvahle that they will bo behind n liuiiihers of tanks or Improvements. Kxtensive preoaratlons have been mnde bv the Kiu;llh hospitals to receive the trains of wounded from the ihnmiel ports which follow every batlle The first of them is expected tomorrow. Decisive Mfnent of War Is Here, Claims Kaher UlMMlN. Man h l " are at the detlsJic moment of the war and one of Hie irreatest moim nls In l,i'rinnii lil-lorr," anhl l.m-pi-ror William In a lib-Kram to the imnlialal eounell, ac-i-inilliiK to ii C'enlral New ills iaii h from Anisli-rdam. "The prlre of l'tory mns n"t ami will not (all lis n soft x aoe. but one wlihh sirri'r.poiid with ,emiiiuy,s Intrresls," Ktni ror Wirtliwii l h gnipliisl ftin K.-ile-wlg-Holstetn roliMlal oiuui'll. bisIIiii: to a Kiel dlUtt li. Hie nn ror u lccram wa iwnt In is ply to a roiurrutiilntory mrwe. Ileld Marlinl Von HIiKlrnbiirg Ima .Ubgraiilioil to l!w IWn proylnclal eoiin. II. as follow: "t;Hl willing, we will also orr eome the inimT In Hie ! anil flewr Hie way to a general iM-ax'." SI No price coffee. advance on Hooper Congress Thinks ill fcA'awsrcJ Aaaifc4ciMi ui T. A. CMANM.KU. the end of the conflict mil far (lla Uint. LOSSES FROM U-BOATS LARGER THAN OUTPUT Nuhmrlm- Are Destroying Tonnage Twlci' uh 1 net A It Is llel(i I'tilll. BRITISH PUBLISH FIGURES lUnglng AVaniins to Siwed Iri1up clou; OLlmr lloivbitbiiui to lie M i.lo. WASIIIXtlTON, March tl. Pub lication today of the long held se cret of the llrltlah admiralty flvure showing exactly "the total of Aiiima rlne loese up to January 1 ami that di spile antl aiil iiiarine measure, the undersea IkmiI are destroying Hhlpi twice ni fast as the wculd s shipyard' urw hHliltng them, promises te h n e imi runner or some rurther orfl clal pronnunrements which wl.l tirlnrr nierie more mi-:mtu-.iy than ever nrfor the need of th hri.i. e Hhlp to France in nrnmii orfblal figure puh Ushed o iiiii yi n, r. ou i. ..i.... ...i cct-i 1 .n thought they would indefinitely be wlthhr'd bcca.ise of the supios- edlV ValllAlllt. Infer give the lic-rman, were not without wieir noie r. comroit, ilesplto the rioL-lnir nolo of n... i ., of the need of n.hi,,,, shlpbulbllnR. DcnI run bin Deereisea. While they hi w more than eleven million top of shl destroyed slnre submarine wurf ue hcir.m im.i nniv six million ton of ships bint! to take Ibelr places, thev slw.v tt i il.. -,. of siihririrlne i1estecini..n .i...iii.. decreased from the highest !t reach. -d wnen earlv in 1917 Oermnny an nounced n new nnd unrestricted cam paign or rutnieiines fin.t forced the I'nlfed ntate Into the war. Offlclcl here regard the new Prlt lh po'lcy a a frank laying of ill the cards on thn tnM m .i. iniblle mlglit plnre the bl.'mn for try failure In the hlpin? proenm The showing wa not reanaurlnr but there wns no ielinltlr' utterance wntch might Interpreted a n -nectstlon that the l'.u.i m..c. could not he defented. ,Thor Troiibleei Delay. Tabor troubles In Knglan V neenrd Inc In eonfldenlii'l dvr ,i,, h iva csnsed serloo delax-a In production ' hlle the vset mnorlty f American workmen hive milled to ft-e ,,,,,,,,-( nf the f'rhf'ng forces the J"ni-Psh f.Mo'rs abroad have lesvPI,,t hlr effnris ns Jbeir jmv Increised The result was that a bnie ano fps of "hlntilng prodo'-ed In rnitl'ied in Isnisiirv and 1 0ft one fops In TVISrii. ify. both month fir short n' the sp'inii't receesnrv If the pro-rim of I xriO on.) tons this vear In to be car ried nut. fhsbo'sn Hii'lc-' of ht s!,rrlne oard i,-!ll.irohntiv mnte sf.itemeifs so' n In c- noeftlon i' IMi the rceont deelersf oe of . pie T'lc Oeddes, fl-,1 lot I of 'he l'rMh r.dmlnilty. on the buses from sibmnrli'o Just Sonic Page Propaganda ".lust .another lie mule out of " hole cloth," the way everybody connected wiih the city administration from .Mayor Hlmmons down rhur.-ieterir.ed th" flaming streamer In Isst night' Issue of Tage's after noon nrg.iii announcing that Chief of I'olue Luck had been forced to resign. 'J he nearest posed. le element of truth In the manufactured report I the fact that for some time Chi' f Luea ha made no dlaguis ef the fart thnt he would not be nn applicant for reappointment, no matter whit the result i-r the approaching election. It Is a f ir cry, however, from this simple fact and the iinuuallfled abatement that be hnd leMlaned or been forced to resign. The I'nge organs bie iic nl.oiii everohing wnbln their power to embarrasa and hinder Uie chief nnd the entire polli force ant th administration generallv In every effort Itiey have mucle to perform their simplest duty ami loaliiiaiu Inw, ainl order, so that nor sialnmefit which may emanate from th it sourc e -in b" reg ird"d s more or less of a canard A a well-Informed cltlr'ii expressed It laW nii'ht it Isn't the short comings of the police d'-p trt ment. however, thai vex nrol annova Mr. l age but he wants nn administration ti nt will permit him to put over his own privni" 'l"s!s and -..hemes and he would not .are If nil the crooks nnd criminal on ennh should assemble in Tulsa and murder midie'cnl ncbi amj ! ft If be coulud li'ionlv pui oyer his plans I'. ople ef Tulsa bi' since found 'lius fill find anything eminat Ing from I nn . itb. r' nd. ri i a'orv r oib. rwcse .sn be thrown In the discard without serious onsid.-t m Ion. The lie alX Chief l.u. ss re signing is just a anmple "f 'he kind of falslf iriUion Vod prevarication with apec hil vehemence that ran he dally looked fnrward(. for the next two weeks. BiT, WAIT FOR GOOD ROAD luic-hilKiitors rimt I iicle Sinn la f rowning in f M Oilllurcs l.lko Till liurlUK nr. t MAY SELL PART OF BONDS (lino SnN $700,(100 I-ceuc Would lie ll. ltiT 1 lu, ii None ami MIkI.I Uiilu Approval. CITY PROJECTS ARE SAFE More Than Million Dollar Worth Iuilirre il Koine Time Ago, Now Head)' for Market. There Is iotne doub! us to whether Tulsa county will Po per mitted to Ixj.U" Its I I T.'iO.OliO uood road bonds. A determined effort Is being made by Jhe fnlted Hiatus government to curtail expenditures for niuiibpal, county and stale Im provements to the loweet possible point, because of the war and the need Of money to finance It. ' Col. C". II Dnuifln. secretary nf the Chamber of t'ommeree, and t'uiinty Clerk Lewis (.'line, who went to Kansas l"lty to confer with Asa llamsey, chairman of the capll.ll Issue committee of the K miens City lieferve bank, suited that llainsc y aid III cotiiiiiitlei' would take the matter under consideration and act upon It early next week, forward tug their report to Washington. I'miMlcnt Agiiliwt Kale. Mr. Kamsey Informed them, how ever, that hi committee had just disapproved u bond Issue on one of thn imtat Important highway lend, lug Into Kansas City and one which largely supplies that city with viKelables and product of th" truc k farmer unci ' agricultural prndurtn of a perishable, nature. Tin fact Impreaned Colonel Douglas and Mr. ('line with the con viction that Tulsa will have to make out a strong ciue, rmphiulxlnK the need of good roada In this county If H obUIn the approval of Mr. Jlnmary committee for even half of the bond Issue. Mr. Clin and Mr. Dnugla ex plained to the members of the sub committee that ti niisportatlon by railroad line Into the ell field wa not suffb lint and that the proposed road will radiate from Tulsa aa the center to the Cushlnif, Olenpnol and lllrdcreek oil field by way of fund Spring. Jenka and Pklatook. The recent advance In crude nil price waa noted aa an Instanee ef de creased production, traceable dl lerlly to poor tninsportntloii facili ties. In thla way It waa attempted to tlmw that the proponed roada ure a war nies'ifo In the event the capita.) Isu committee refuse to approve the CUNTIM'EU OS I'AUK FIVE. TWENTm CALLED . BY CITY DRAFT BOARD Thirteen Mtiat Depart In March 2 Itctarhmctit; Olhnm Are Alternate. llelow la a llt of th drafted men who have been notified by the Tulsa city exemption board to hold them selves In readlneaa for enlralnnient to Camp Travis. Altho the city's tiuota I only thirteen men undr the new call, the city board has no tified JS men to be ready to (o. o that If nny should fall to report, the ntiota will be filled. Th Hat la at follows: Jllllnrl. Rob. Hipp. Will. Sajyei s, Jesse. 1 inn an, Ouy l-'rnnk Adnm. Harvey l-'ullbrlght. (loldherg Jake. Mnrfutt. Ho Heem. WHIInrton. Wlltliims. Clem. Mocker. Otto Martin. Hmlth, Will R. Smith. Ttny Victor. Hopper, I o. lliiffmnn, Jtcss Hartshorn. Ira lnel. Hrewn. Iile Hmrlev, .lame Pinter (Irubbe, Clifton Madison. Moss, John Mills Carter. Itiilph ' Campbell. Harold A. Crosby. John J. Tolleson, Cleva. UNCLE SAM TO HAVE FIRST CALL ON OIL 1'rUnio outrai'ts Must Wait When t.ocriioicot Vie .Is Hurry-up Di'llirricM of l-'uel. REQUA ISSUES NEW ORDER Highest N r In l'rlnrliv T.lst 11a I'refi-ii'inr lcr AH Clu. Isovcr. MARKET PRICE TO GOVERN All I ternsre Iteoulnsl to lleHirt Amount nil Hand from Tun," to Time. WotI'I's VVlililellen ibirean, Hmt ibni.iii'i WAMIHNli n i.N, 1. C , March Jl. h itevcr doubt evit ied aa to the pol icy to be followed by the government. Ill denHmr with erlstlnp oonlract be tween piodiiiers of fuel oil and their ciistomeis. In tho tfov erumnnta ef fort to bring about il more eultallp ( istribntlon of oil for war purpoaea, ha been cleared up by 1 ilrector Re qua, who hu announced that when mi r the government deeineO It ne innwri' privole contract would be abrogated and producer ordered to supply to In dented III. bull lea, re Krdlci of whether a given Industry held contract or not. I ff.sis Mlcl-Contiiw ilt Held. Th order effecti ull lorrltory at of th Itorky mountain, and there fore applle to ull of th mld-ron-tlneirr' field. Itequa'a order hna been approved by tho prcableiit and follow In part: "I. Km h licensee will, until oth erwise ordered by the oil dlvlmon, observe priority established bv th i uh a and regulation They will he expected to make reasonable provla lon for the meeting of aucH contract reuuirementa "11. Whenever It la necenrv to do so, In order to secure an aderunte scpply of fuel oil toanv customer In a riven claaa of priority, the oil di vision will order licensee to tender delivery to consumer In that else of priority In preference to consum er, whether under contract or. not, In & higher numbered cl of prior ity. A far a possible the dallcio of pot oil will be ordered In prefer, erre to more oil under contract. Market frtorw In rrrtall. "I. All tender of delivery of fuel oil under order nf the oil division shall be mad at prevailing market price and may or miiv not be ac cepted at tho option of the consumer. "4. Kach licensee will be rnulred to report freinently to the oil divis ion the nnnnllty of fuel oil available for distribution, the amount unaor contract, and eurh other Infnrmntlon a may ha rolilrd to put th oil di vision In possession of fa-la upon which order mnv b baed. on sumer of fuel oil who ar tina'd to obtain an adequate atipply under the new nilee and rrguMtlnn ahnuM communicate with the oil dlvlalon which will ndavor to secure a nec aaary aupiV for them." Kradr rrteo llilnf. rteqna f-efuaed to dlscua th po sihlllty of th rnymutnt fixing price on petrnlmim product con tenting himself with th remark that he iindrUiod mld-contlnenl pro. ducer had liicTaed Ui price 55 cents a ga'lon. He said nothing shout another pro. posod Inrreaae of 2'. rent beforo the Uth of April. About two hundred producer and refiner are now un der license n4 they have been no lifted ef the i h inn'i in the regula tion Many priducera have long lime contract some for mnr than ftie yesrs, which, If neceassnr for war purpn Will h abrogated. tov im'lt tiy Anto Truck. Clifford Tuttl. IS year old, wa hit fey nn nut" Irurk at. Seventh ami Main yesterday afternoon, and re ceived some slight injuries, which were not regarded ss serious ins bid whs tsken o the Tulsa hos pital The name of the driver of the truck was not learned NEW FRISCO" "AGENT" HERE Col. A. II. Rleyena r.rtnl.llshe Off. s- In Dniilc-I llullillng. Co A 11 Stevens arrlw.l yenler ,:, t.i serve In the capu Ity of gen eral agent of l-'i Is'-o line Mr Ht i vena was laielv general ant for this line nt Denver, Col, "nd his been a tnllrond man for a number of years 1 he honorary title "colonel" wn bestowed upon Mr. Kiev en wh 'ii placed upon Hie governor of Me rias stiff, while In the employ of the C'Titnl of ileoriH'i railway i Colonel Ktev-eo will have office with II P. ieiM. rotnmeroii.i men', In the sec ou t floor of th Daniel hulldinv. wtie e itie fjlsro lines now lave uptown commercial and pnes-n-gi-r ef. " Tulm A utomobile Man I njuren Okmulgee (iirl I Hp.e'il to Tke W .ir,d OKJII'I-tlKK, Okla, M in h !l Anita Ackley. 12 y irs old. d.iugliter of I art A' kley. whs struck aud It Is believed seriously Injured op Main Kcrr,i .r nn siitotni I He dtnen by r- I' Hrv.m of ;t I 4 Mouth K'gl'i sire.-t. Tuls. i. demonstr.itor for tb" 1 ederal Motor company The girl Is still uncotisi Ions nticl have a fractured skull The p. dice hld Itryan bl-imeless ntid rlvae.i-d him after invratig.itiun. ' V World's Greatest Battle Is Launched by Germans in West Official American Casualty bulletin WASIUNtlToN, March II. Hi etilisied men were killed In action ami 12 missing sre reported In to day's, casualty list issued by th war department. Two men were killed by accident; nine died of disease, two wore severely wounded In action and Jl slightly wounded. Killed in Action Stanley Dohle. iriicwt It. Iniilkererm, Hohcrt II. Hogg. William 4. McKay, l.loy.l I MorrUI. W lllium It. KhcMinl. Died of Ac(4Afnt W'llllo J. Have. -t " Ilon u W. Wadn.1,;, Migting in Action iSorirt. John A. Khniduui. Harry Iltniey. I ugene !',- ui llH. iH'uuls K. l't'onnor, Albert .M. Kennrily. William I'. tl-'Coniior. fTver ('. f ilpUiuiwrr. .lom-pli Held. W lllium K. Marvin, t arl Hi hiilia. Died of Diaeate Corp, (ieorge K. Kklnnd. Kidney J .Anilerwon. l ay HrtitaV. W illiam M. Dnhry. I'oiil J. Furnum. , l.rwln A. MttcArthur. iNuiiel h'.. iMc ariby. ITamis KuUivan. Joseph Moran. Wounded J5yer'y Orla O." AreJM'i. ' Albert It. TlblMtM. Wounded Slightly Corp. Cs.rl "". lyvad. Corp. Ale Brnellger. John Hnwler. f lephsn Ucrilg. J a me Dougherty, Hubert W. Oregg. Vernon Johnson, Krodarlck P. King. Michael Mehalek. Hoy Moiiigomeiy Ogle, Ktephen J. Navln, Kugene J. ftweanhard. Atticua li. Thomaa. NINE OKLAHOMANS KNOWN TO BE TUSCANIA VICTIMS Three Oilier Either Among; l'n- klenUflrd IV ad or Missing on Offb-ial IAkL WM'i Wsihlngtea Bar, c lui Itlcr llaildiag. WASIIINHTON, March II The offlplul Hst of the Tnsanla's known dead show the following from Oklahoma: John H Ilishop; mother, Rarah J. Rlshop: ictitr. Ksymond T HuHa; fathfr, E. Hurts; Pocaaet. I.eo V. Ithrnn, wife, Guthrie Flarher D. Plalger; sister. Ml Don plalger; Norman. Jea M. Ithnadea; father, J. N. Hhoades; Hulbert. William V. Hmllhpeter; father, William (I. Kmlthpeter; Kurt Cobh. lieorg W. Tonilins; fid I her, Cbarle Tornlius; Kl Hum. Kthan White; wife; Arnett. William W. Wright, father, J. II. Wright; Hlsmarck. Th following are unidentified dead or missing Joe Cochran; wife; II Ayenu F.sst; Iiwtr.n. Josiih Martin; father, John II Marlln; Checotah. Oaorge T. ,1'crrv: mother, Mr. C A. perry; l.o'newolf. imlls Powell; elster, iArry Powell; Kaankwa. Germany Increases II er Demands on Rumanians MiiSC.Sv,, March n 'lerinanv has lucre use her demands upon Hum. mill nnd row nsks that Rumania surrender to the renirnl powers all of bet " i war miinl'loos ss well ss Ihc.e.' left In Rumania I) the ailled troops All the entente mlnls'T r naln Ir. Jsssey but w II bav there If Ru mania surrender lfi war miiucloiis to tiermany linker .'iicl if Page 1iM'iiN ( Wedn.-slsj I March 21. Newton T Paker. 'he American sic. r.tsry of war, wall be the gu.vit of AmbasKidor Pure In London. Don't Fail to Kegiater All cltlens who nie not re,s teie.l ar nig. d In alien I t i tliit I instser tod.ij. as th.s Is tb.. last I i.pp. rtuol'v If y "i eannoi f'nd I your regie' oi if I' .r.' Is .my f (Vfilculty nboiit Hie mn'.."' V'ni t should cill the ity nttorney I oflli e and notify him of the clr- i nmst.nioe. lie will advis you I as to what proredure is (iio.ei. Shock Heard in England When Huns Assault British on Fifty-Mile Front in Grand Offensive OUTCOME OF Enemy Advances Behind Smoke Screen Penetrating Outpost Positions . But Suffers Enormous Loss WAPHINUTON', March HI. -Ex-' artly If, month after Ui Ocrninn began the liisiniio Isxttl of Verdun, the thunder of thsir una deepened Inte a tempest of fir along th llrit Ish front In northern Kranee and they began what may be the greatest batlle ol th wur. a struggle wlilnh may lend to result which wl.l shape the destinle or million of people In coming eenturle. ftfflclal rporu are very brief but eorrtisonndenta at Cl eene tell of lhe tenlflj etortn of artillery fire thnt burst over the line item ny Klild Morahal lla.g'g men. The iioinhsecliiisiit heiisn at I o'clock on Thursday morning, Jut bolore th early spring dawn vol breaking over t astern Prune. Hhslls of larg and small calibre were rained on the line held by th Hrltiah fur about five hour. Then German InUntry stormed out to make th flrat grew, uui. The riarinana. fa voted by th wind, moved forward under cover of a pall of amok wbl -h hid in as saulting column from the eyes of the Hrltisli holding tne nam n No Needi for Alarm. Describing the battle. Andrew Bo na r Law Informed th houa of com mons that tightly held portion of the Hrltleh line had been withdrawn but aald there wa n need for alarm ou th part of the country. The Associated Pre correspondent at TH Tmtleh front report that ati t tark had been eipeoted and great preparation had been made to niet It Th Berlin effiolal .report ay that tha Uerman have pnetratl Into om Hrltisli position. Nor were th.i Oerinan effort eon rntrtd on the front hld by the Hrltlsh. r.iTf Thurador morning th Gorman assaulted tha French lines near th village of Ornea. to ths norlheaat of Vsrdnn and claim to havs pnetrald a eonsidorabls distance. Near Hhelma, too. th rrench were objected in an assault but her th rtlllry bors ths bur den of th f.gbtlng. The attack at Verdun and Hhelma, however, may b ennli.erd for lh time being a msrs dlyr1on to ths ....i. i stiselc which hs bsetl jioe.ed agnln.t th HrltUth. They won 14 serve to aep rrni.-n at Verdun and P.hlms from being transferred to tb Hrltlh Motor, If that part of His battle llns should show any signs of handing bad:. Nothing from Amnrlrtuta. Nothing haa been reported a to attack on the line held by the American. It hd been agpected thnt the Herman would nikko an sault on tha Amerlcan-I.eld trench e In th Iorraln and sector. The theory tat ths troops which have not had eaperlence In engage ment In the first degree may b better than ths vsterana. An attack may yet he launched and with only slight artillery preparation 1 within the possibilities Th actlvliy In the Amrlemn sec tore during the pt three wk would Indlcst thnt the Oernian hnve been concerned with the dis position of (leneral Pershing' legions, their probable strength and the location of th btirle Sup porting th infantry holding ths lines. The Oerman hv railed tipon th Austrian army for assistance In their effort to carry the battle to the entent allies, for the official reports from H"rUn say that Austr". Hungarian artillery I engaged along th western front. It I prob able that th great Austrian how llxer or Fkodns have been used tainst the stronger sector of th llrltleh lines. The FYench official report tte that the Herman hav ben aangul imrtty repulsed In a number of en gniremenis. notably en Hi Verdun The clly of Kherson. 91 mjles northeast of trbssa, has been cap ture! bv the Teutonic forces. This is an Important commercial town and possesses a fire harbor. Naval Vk'tory. Two Herman destroyers and two torpedo post at believed to ha' been destioved In a naval buttle off Dunkirk The lrmun cme out if one of their bases Ijl lle'slum ami commenced an attack on the cilv of Dunkirk. Krem h and P.rlt'sh torpedo tcini trapped the enemy waislnps and visited souno putilnli met upon them, on Hrillsh t-o it was dan nu'-d n the fight, osiend wa tiombar.lsd bv Rrl'lsh monitor on Tbiiis'luy nn.l Hrltisli seaplanes dropped shell on Helgoland. Tl-. Itritish en. basse t sshlng t.m has announced thst since the b.Ttnni'ig of the wsr 11"l tons of Hnt'sh sh'pplng have h' d" stroye.l. Dnriiig the vear t 1117. r.. 7I.VJJ tons, or over half the total loss doling the conflict, wcr lost. , An'crl'-nn forces hsv enrigcd In CtlKiiMKU UH I'AOkTWU. WAR STAKED BRITISH' ARMY HEAD QUARTERS II FRANCE,'" March 21. The Grmafi t h i afternoon launched hf avv attack against the Brit iih linei over a wlda. front In and near the Cambrfti aectof and the awault bears all the earmarks of being tha begin ning of the enemv'a much heralded grand offensive. j " Hard fighting In proceed. t ing from a point north of Lags niqourt southward to Gacheu-. wood, juat below Gouieau court. The attack waa pre ceded by heavy bombard ment from guns of all call bers and the duel between the opposing heavy batteries hu been rocking the countryside for hours. v. The Germans have tm ployed gas shells freely and a constant stream of high ve ', locity shells has been break lng with frightful eoncuisiott r farback bt.the BrltWiJtey; Begin in Earneei, The bombardment bej-i In earnest at 6 o'clock thU morning and about five houm later the enemy forces hurled v themselvcs on the British front line trenches north of Lagnicourt and louveralr the " latter place lying due west at Bouniies. ' ., At, the same time othet German forces advanced be-) hind a smoke barrage along the ridge running northward t from Gozeaucourt. It may be v said that the attack in this region was by no means un expected by the British alid that they had made great preparations to meet the .on slaught. Tha two Vast forest tiara b -locked in a hitter struggle over thla wlds front tor. hour. Tb bombard, ment wts of a most terrlflo nature, -and finally tha Infantry drove far- 1 ward against numerous, points It tb Cambrel sector. Tha prelimi nary bombardment had tendet from a point bslow 8t Queatin, " north to tha river Scarpa and at last . report wa la progre as far soul'd aa th region of Haraloourt and aa far north as Ttullecourt. The early tg of tha battl " would eem to Indies! that tha ' enemy was trying to driva a wdga on both aide of ths Otmbral gaUsnf nd pinch It off. , Hrltisli Wei F.iportirur. , f , A keen struggle ha be o pro ceeding m the neighborhood ol Duilecourt and lgnlrourt and, south of th salient Tear Hargl. court and Honnssoy The HrHuh had hn looking tt'J thla ttack today. Not only aett prisoner declared thnt yesterday 0 today would niark the beginning o the offensive en thla front, but thai were abundant sign of an enemy smash against the sector whleh wait th scene nf th lat great battle In . th Hrltiah theater. That th 0r mans were a thoroughly prspur'! ns possible wa well known and at a consent!, in e tha Hrillsh had takvtl extensive t.'H' to meet the blow. Jt Is too early to predict tha out come of the first few hour of tha struugl In whbh vast force and every conceivable engine probably was einploved. on general prlnrl. I pie, however. It may be stated that the great concentration of attack j lug forces would probably result J4 .the defense line being pushed .Mirlt ! in places Till would mscply b . lils.ory repenting lislf. I Tin much I eerisln; At na I period has the Itritish war machine he en In such perfect condition, .Never brf ue ha the'ijeten high i morale or opllinlaiilSJimionif tha ! mulsh troop, on the British aids I tin t Is "o doubt but that the ds cisiiin will eventually ba In the U Ins fsvur. tiermany is ataklng everything on) Ciie liny and If th great ailackl fails to break clesr through It I be lieved that ih Uerman will ba fintshed, for they have nothing furs trier to "ffr ct a gradually weskenlr; defense, The sky heavily overeVU - VO.vil.stLo tH iiU IHIUlttH - " I l VI UWU J VUCIl J III ujw