Newspaper Page Text
J2l OKLAHOMA'S REATE.S FINAL EDITION NEWSPAPER VOL. XIII, NO. 1S8 TULSA, OKLAHOMA, SUNDAY, M AKt'll 21, liU PRICK 5 CENTS ANY CLAI ATEN w w I I . .- L - I 1 ; . GERM MS BRITISH BE . .. Ipi morn pa niimro. It- Pirk 1C nmhnrP K.r Mnn VU IXOLO OMIYI IYI I LO. 1 1 VVr New Service for an "-'-'"CV, " Ol AIM IAI Tnifllft I uLAIN MM IKHUd ! Cannon While Enemy Planes Attack MONSTER GUJV IS USED Germans Developed Weapon Which Will Throw Nine Inch Projectile for Sevchtv-five Miles PARIS, March 23. According to the latest report the long distance cannon which bombed Paris this afternoon was firing from a distance of 120 kilometers (approximately 741, miles) and was located about twelve kilometers behind the French front. PARIS, March 2.1. The Germans have been firing on Paris with long-range guns. Since 8 o'clock this morning shells of 240 millimeters hare been reaching the capital and suburbs at intervals of a quar ter of an hour. ' The shortest distance from Paris to the front is over 100 kilometers (62 miles.) The caliber of the shells reaching Paris, 240 millimeters, is equivalent to about nine and one-half inches. The heavy German siege pieces fire 17-inch shells. , - t ' -V I nr . . : luisa worw i Matrons J ''"Ins to tho Immense in'er- t In the limKIOHS ' III.. . r,..,l 1 I (iriiniiM oflensiie mi (hi. west. I I A.-t. r....if TM. If .-I ( - f O .11 1 J .'.MM, I II. 11 IM lit Will KCl U rprinjr Miot to jicath by ' A,inoi.ited r. iixiii v inn ifc. ruiniiiluliAi. i.r His Sammies Ready for Huns Operative of Council of liefinse. S. L. MILLER ADMITS -DEED Says Waiter Kxpresncd Hope That All Americans in France would Die. SON ONE OF NATIONAL ARMY Four Nephrw.s Also Waiting for ('all: Surrenders i to Patrolman. I Ha i eiulets. J The fate f ilii' nr hn In lhi huiam-a which l now plv J nlwd tin fiiinl.rai. I nd lt nf all time In hnw fn proK- less nllil momentous will lirt llin result of loiluy'M fiuhllim In rase now of miffii i M( iiiipini. nine should he re. e Mi.l. Tim Wot Id will Inn Hi. cti ,is Wheth er etrne ere put out or not, a f) o'clo'-H e,.-u- nmim-ui kivhitr von i.ll t lvi ' ti from the front lip tn then will La placed on Ilia tre;t. I Newsboys will oarrv It Into llu residence districts nlo Itciiirmhe, , If ii In The WorM thn l-ols ni e i-rvltiK, flnt It. In tli mcsnttme, von who rnnnt iil. urn nnir tn mil I up un koiui mill Tli Wmi-IiI I gladly will Kivi youhe latest i limn in trout. tor utlmnr inliii-i ly pro '.iriuun I nillineiiiM and Ofi liirlnK Unit lis ilii'il nil tliv Ainrrliun hiLIutb would U killnil. a f.iiu li0 aonol thy dfit.irvil, (roriinu to w'H, Jo SpriiiK. a wmmr L ihc Kaly ro t.iuiant. North Aluin w.ii ntiot hihI InntJliUly killnil liut nlint. 8. U Miliar, nil oi'uiaiho of tliu :UU'itr ccuiu'll of lU'ffii.m, tnlJ I lie polio li firnl the l.ilal Mint, mi, I tm hniiHilf up tu Li,, ufneera. Tin aii'i.iiiuic ui'.urir.l ulout II. JO. Millar attito.J tn:it ho iiiu.n-l th real. mi mil, wlii'j, uiH ,n uri.lfr aui villa in. u lur mioo tlum, wl'rin wpnnn oppiioil a coin erniii Km titxiUl the but. I ihm l nuw wjikiii on the wont (runt. Mlil. r aiin th.n .sp' in opneil with tliu Hiniu-k thut "iht-sa KNIGHTS OF LIBERTY ACTIVE IN MINNESOTA Wiirnln: Hittl to I'm-Oii-ninna Korp Montli shut or buffer IVnnlty, ni'M'TH, Mlrm. March 1.1 -n-rlpt ly two Inilnth mrn allraoit tlirman aympnthisHra of warninic "thnt If yon any on mora wonl aaalnat thia nmntry" or hi-r a 1 1 !" thKv ar liiaiki"! inon, toiluy illa Iohi.iI thf exliinra of un orannlna ticm callod thr Kniuhia of y. aalil to b- a lirmn Ii of a natlonwldo muted u...i a.ho.,1 bo,. i v ';:rB" 11 " ,u nump Tho warnlnit riM'lvtd brr fol- luo KttiliK w tint lln-y drain." Mlllor iii)i ho uxkoii: 'Whit do ytu iiit-an. i 0 not a boy 111 th ilrafl myarlf." To thia hprliiK la Mild to have ra- pnail- "Vll. thry don l know .vliM lown " To th traitor (nam and addrraa lnartPd hfrat PARIS, March 2.1. The first daylight air raid on Paris came today, which was one of perfect sunshine. The people of l'aris refused to immure themselves in cellars and other Biititerranean shelters and although the subway stations were crowtlnl, the stret'ts always had a preat number of people in them watching for an aerial battle or some other stirring" iticii!' nt. AUhe day passed and the "all clear" signal was not given the feeling grew that something new in the way of a raid K.7 . rittr inWS tn'L IZ& rfW-.' f .2 1 wii.i riruru, iiim tins wan iiui exuintitcii uniii an ouiciai statement was issued, saying that tho delay was due to bombardment by long-distance cannon. The "all clear" was then sounded and the normal life was resumed. The cable office reopened to take care of accumulated piles of dispatches. Pieces of shells on examination were found to be full of rifling marks, which proved that they had not been dropped but had been fired from a gun. This apparently left a greater mystery than ever as to where the gun in question was located, the nature of it and by what method it was being operated. Another thinj? that turned the thoughts of officials at the munition laboratory-to the possibility that a cannon was be injr used was the regularity with which the bombs fell, one eury twenty minutes. ' . j mi mm immk .1 s" sffirasei MrtJ. iMiw. HuiiUT M(nrt, l N. A. First Statjc of Battle in France is Fnded Says Berlin Statement iMtfhtintf Spirit nf Knlish is Manifest During Magnificent Stand While Raining Death on Enemy BERLIN, vi London, M.rch 23. The officUl Utmen from general headquarters this evening says I "The first stage of the great battle in Franc, is ended. ty have won the engagements near Monchy, Cambral, St. Quen tin 1 and Lafere. A considerable part of the English army "We are fighting approximately on a line northeast of Bapnume, Peronne and Mam." who I In actlva command of tha any ttm to (itrs an offrnalva almjlar iiiirrnan inn-ra wim-n ar in ron- in Mint now liflnff. ilif.i, avalnat 1 tart w ith thf (lirniana on tha WMt- Ihit Itriiiuh in it... i .. ...i.r..i .. i . . - You havii rrarhod tha nd of th cm front. Ilia Hannnlea aioaot at and ih..v .ra r...i. ' American Officers Dumfounded at Bombardment of French Capital W vsiriNfiToN'. March ,:J--Th Tha flndln of ilmll frafm'nta tr.r-:r r ing,. tnuol. ir, ni-nl of I'uiln tiv j hi-arliiR tho tnarka of gun rifling C 1:1 prcKiimal'lv altx'v-twn milofl i . . , . n't nnnounc-.! n, a Cu t todsv In i Ker"1'"1 ,u l-reclud. th. I.l.a of any tliu Trench cnplt il. itumfoiindcl ordinary alrplana t.0mh. It wan anf m'ri. an nrdnmua offh i'in. Th . RCMtPil that inulmtrr aliphinpa, tum'v-two mile liomliaiAmcnt of j moiintinr una mUht hava lu'en I'u' kirk hr tlin tiannnn inoro thnniid, but no ona luia fvr ooncrivai) a w ir nco hud a"t a r'-conl and I tt ponolitility of rarrvln a fi- nn!i :i tu imfflrcca of tho Aiin'rir un. Im-h weapon In tha air. A lihort and I'rvinh rurpj frnly oti- ! raiKC. Il)(htclt;ht Inverted how User eii'. (liev nevi'r had drciimeil of nioniier tun Willi a thi'i thirty mllr-v runni) of more carried by aircraft anoeaied tu ioine ag t'OHHllila npination. Another i)OKibilliy Oi iui'l la honii. officers frankly q'ioiliine t I (icvi)iin nt of Kieat long ffiH' fhel from rifled eanmrn ai i u- i-1 1 1-1 1 thrower ipi'riitlna b centrlf ai.y bad fallen In I'ariH. t jthera ! UKI force. Theoretically, they an anntl t explanation In new ricl ea muli a device could he Reared up to r rat cun einpl.irentvnta in, the throw a ehoii acrinai tho ocean, hut l ly of I'ftrU Nona wanted tiithcy have no knowledi-e of li iv.r ee'l"V that any Bull had been In nt d by tho licrinaiiH or anyone tle ahlch could throw a 9 H -inch pm e.-tila slsty mllca. I' II.. ru...... .nn.l. hni-a etn ,ei a wholly pew type of aun Set lependent upon the aame math" B'i nl fctor that aovein 01 I- ciiik inucticully upplivd Aniernau otficeia here recall th..t when the Hermans, produced their pun thut would throw a ahull i 22 mile Into iMinkirk. the French aoon found a wy to- meet the i U' h, pulially nt Jeat. " A French wlreleaa utatlnn. it !p n e everywhere, officer" here aanl. In located In the irrntind rot far 'nii k It hluhly unlikely that they from tha un and the i ' n .1 eniiloy It for an isolated and ri roided when the all. II laavea the "i-tiiiiKleas attack on 1'arla mm. It tnkiyi aon'ietmns Ilka to I' iiii'1l be, eoiiie officers thousht I aeconds for tha shell to travel to Ht a continuous dropalm of me- -Dunkirk but l u wiici. iiuhi ealitire shells on the city wn ih city a waniln la sounded and Pri of a hope fif breaking the the Inhahltanta take to ducouta fen ei' i.i of F rance by some royaterlous j eially re.icliinK ihelier before the "' ' '.' n. Islicll atrlkea. ought to be oiowed up." Him Mis 1I'I. With thia renuuk Miller a.ija ha opened fire, dlachHrKlhg tlirie l II uf wlilt h took vllui t In tha iody of Spring, w ho wj bvlund the coul ter. Hpi-iuR tell forward, and Millar and waihcd out of tra reaiau rant, m come to the polka alauon. Meeting 1'alrolnun V. T. Maulden, who had been auraciod by the ahota. within a few feet uf the restaurant. Miller gave hluiaelf up. THe only other person In tha rest aurant at the lime of the ahooling waa l.yinan Clemlaher, who reside three miles north of town, lie sub stantiated the statements of Millar, and declared Uiat HprtnK wiut 'slick, ing up strong for llerniany." Hthara anw the. ahoollng from tne treat thru the window, hut they told the police they did not hear the con veraaiion nnd did not know what the cause uf the tumble vau. iirflolaln of the courcll of defenau declared hint nmht that numerous COIllOlalntji ha tn to' them of eeill. tloua nt.ilriiients belli made, at this reHtuunint.' tine official declined that sa high aa ten had been made to him eitcily. Mr. Millir haa been (!etsllrd on .tivcitlifatloii wor!i for some time and hua rnundml up sev. ernl alleged olwirm tore of tha re cruiting acrtlce and alackets. Miller Calm. Miller was very culm and comporeil when he give hlmnelf up to the po lice, nnd surrendered lib gun hl-h contained empty shclle j "I don't know wh it the people will i think of thia." he slated, "but I huva a sen to go In the nest draft, and Ij have f.iur tiephewa either In the ser vice ir about to enter It" He had' little to amy fif the affair further than I te relete w hat he amd urtiinlly o( Obrrexl. . . , The police kt"r little of HpHnf liiat night, except that they learned he had" been epifdoved aa ihe night man In churt,"" of th Katy reatau rant f'ir aorne month" tin haa a half brother, (leorge Carroll and a brother Tonnnie KiiVlnir who rt-slde In T ilea. Ilia body was taken In charge by Mowbrlr'. Miller wii held l.v the off'cere) tin HI n dlMweltlnn I" 'e of the case In Die usual manrr and accmrt rig to I rmiilnr procedure He realdca St Houth I'rot-lai against this country or her afliee, i you ara a nyarked man. If the law cannot reach you we can, and ws will. "This la tha only warning you will receive. , "mignert) Tha Knights of Liberty, Iflnnesota Division." Hun Planes Drop liombs on French Behind Lines Relief is Felt in London That -Hindcnburg has Finally Shown His Hand in Drive for Power LONDON, March II. While 'pernor William designated as rpm- PAniH. March 13. Many poal tlona and localities buck of the French lines were bombed by tier man aircraft tndav, according to an official statement Issued tonleht Tha statement reiul": "Kneniv aircraft croNenl our line at t:10 tonight. They bombed sov eral locejltle berond the front wl'h nut nauslng apparent damage but did not auiTeed in reaching the region of I'arle. An alarm was alven In Tarls at inander In chief prim e mentioned. and tha crown cloud of uncertainty obscure tha de tails of the world's greatest battle, Ihe guns of wblch ara heard In Ixin- don tonight, lllera la a measure of i M'ltlot'N, ftfT !VrT Af.MlVIIO, relief felt that tierniany naa rinany shown her hand. Tha purposes and method of bar long talked of blow are pow plain. Hlndcnbtii g'a ohjrrtlva la "undoubt edly the channel porta hut he pur poses to take tha first 'P toward them by breaking through the allies Una near the Junction of the French :0 o'clock and the 'all rl ir" signal and Hrltleh armies waa sounded at 10:10. ' Baker Reaches London; The attack thus far haa shown no new strategy but appears to bs simply a toloseal Idow with niueeea II', ne.( nt II of iriins and men hitherto never used ' .k. ,.-u notorlouKiy .,aci. . . .. ... ii . Ihe mltiiHiv enp.-rt of the Weal- no surprise that the llrltth Una haa j i,,,.r (;,,. miyH ttlrtt ,(lB (i.r. been forced back. V, hat the llrlllsh tnatiM began their offensive partly people look to ihe army for Is that they shull not break. With usual caution the Herman official reporta of the first day's DM I. AUK I.NtJI.ISH -M FItM. UfXHON. March ll.---Herloua, till not alnrnilng," sum up tho re ception toduy by lmdoii of today's hews from the western front. It la pointed nut that in battles of rnich dlnietiHloiia tha attacking forces liv the em nliivoietit nt ii-m.i. less uf sacrifices are nearly always'0' magnificent stand. The fighting here began yesterday nailed to force first iinn posit ions, morning, when the lrmni attacked with a superior num The Kvenin, N. w. m it comment ber of troops. . The British h Id on during the dar but laal on the .11 union refers to the failure '. . , ",. ""'"I of the tintthh repoit v nnvthing , lne 'nniy gained a. foothold in the village after bout prisoners nnd nd.ii, "in the sanguinary struggle at close quarters. ""o " iiK'ii' ur oppoiiniiis nae " "LONDON, ..March 23. AnMnultinn: the UritiHh linen on th iKouth, t lis ('r-r'marm have ffjfcftl thoir way forward over through esceasiva egotisiu and uieo . Ipnt approximately 21 hi ei In length, have nenptrstorl in lB'W'"i the caiciution. of '14 ,,oplh of fouT of five nttt went of Cambral and hava the ene,,,y . defensive i.y o'.r as. e"n,'i'.;r''.a'',1(-(l Ham, wont of St. Quentin, a dlstanre of about nine, amy in the air. which portended a tnilf.1 WPt of thp Hrititth linpa as thpv ntrtnit hofnra tha in. - ' - - - - . w HVSWSW MV I-ONDOV, March 11. Wecretury linker sirrlved from t'alnis nt f( p in. He wait accompanied by Mstor I'rnd erlck I'ulmer. The Secretary was In e-t by Ambassador Time, tienerals I'.lddle end Hartlett and bv Colonel Lord Doncanon, represtnltig the TT:,"r::i T::: l!::'" "Zi:r. : Z ,:::: XL'ZT:.'"!::: c.tin of the Teutonic offensive on Thursday w hose guest ho Will be during his their efforts Only when a nartlal cation It had nm heenm.. Intolei n hie ! TIlP (lerman claim that the forced of the Central CmplrCI stay In Ixin.Ior.. I success had been recorded waa Km- j ' 77i? "Weather j Veterans Claim Nothing Has Evcr'Equalled Awful Hun FirelX. neratrire. I,- DON. Mnnh St. Ouns In are rl lal Incll v lit.lrif lo l.o.l. fflM tOfifl'hr li.rlli.iil.rl. In hiffh ere i a coutmiioiia ihron- !.inv ners"iis h:ivp none to Ul" hi.nae lm to llaien hi tiller y prtpui-at ;ors of the its In the drive ai(alnt the i)t 11 let' whli h f t Hi,.r "' Man i.ll of our known ba'tery positions were drenched with gas but their gas failed to overcome, our batteries to r hd tbev an i-e.d anywhere In hr'nk nk down our wire At one point wheie ihe laeriuai.s found our wire unbroken D'ey net to work with scis. si-s until they had made a way sn day. Incident remiiiis ent of the methods day, r.f fight. ng le'lllcuted bv FleilerilK, the Orent. All of this nil done un der our machlna sun fire ' "A curious fart, 'reported by our i alrmn wns thst 'iericane rompo-orig '"'li thing that stands out as the spei iil iies.iultun diMsiorse wore tr.i, lerlatU' r.f Ilia f it' 1 1 1 ) fl F tin to.n.u' tii.ifi.rloa 'I .ol their beat present.' nivs ti e t orrtipon lent ' rloihes on fo- a vr it to I'nrit. co n- 1' V.': tr. In ei , lew' w niiti is now in pro- .1 ib " rl-ed t.y thi'M- w I-,, t-1 il . n It as tho rmst violent they 'nt iji e.,1. accordlinr to the Dni!y, coircspoiidetil on the PilLsli! TI'LfA, Mnnh ;t M-iTlmtim t.t, minimum 4H; northwest winds; cleer skies OKLAHOMA: Hunday and M day fair, slowly rlslnp temperature IANA: funnsy and Mon not mui ll thange In tem perature AFtKANSAH: Hundav fair, warm er In north portion a Mmwlay fair, warmer. KAlfT Ti:VAS Hunday and Mon day generally fair, slowly rising temperature In the Interior KST 'I KXAS: Huml iy and Mon dav Warner In Ihe n uth portion KANSAS Fair Suud.iv and Mon- wuriiir In euft portion Huu- bONIioV, Msrch J.t -Tiimniei.t Ing on tha great battle In l iame. the Hunday Times 'In all previous great aseuults thn chief aucrea has beeugalned at thn first thrust, but Irl thia battle .ilu-re. aa tha flsrmans were no , I,!,. (., inrue a flowery report at the c..e of the first dav. It bus to be iido.n'e.l H i thnlr aeisjnd and third cnroiii-ir.M'ii. i will be more lory from n...n points nf vl- Tim .hv in1' e ' i -1 v i en tr. 'it we did so well under Ihe ti r- f l tipn-t." 'I'tlMUillg the Cfirr'sr.oTldent -i'S I I "in one corps fn nt 'there wu titented o"e f our Reiierals." "yMen who fonitht thru thn great bHttlss nf the S Home. ( landers and Arras my that thev ne'er before Ol n,Ti' I '. vto.l. I'll. .Imnfth ; k.t . ...-, I, I.,., m. ...n.n.el. ih. Jf ti'e uiortara which the enemy awful gun fi e of tiie'prrn' con-J"i.-M up in such gre-it numl.ers , flli I The expre.,cr 'drcni f re In ',! ..r such an ov e-w helming 1 t, csitv' oes i' scr'irsnce In this t . f iron and b!rh piost-ee tnsis it' o for ltire is net "n nn ("t in too? ,r(1, ( ,hw .tort wire Infinite smstl "pace Icde-een the ex ' ''I t' e an obstacle and It eitche I i..oti m the thoos-inda of guns ubliicrated. At the aon.e Uun.of all calibers work to Uieir capacity. MASQUKRADK : : HALL : : Knllthts nnd Ijidies of Seenr . Ity will give a Mask HII Ihursliiy evening. March Z. at Moose Hall - j 114V- South Hoston AUMLLsloN Slic A Cori'l.B I ntra Ladies lir CUIK ABOUT THAT CITY PRINTING SQUAWK The threadbare scheme of making the cost of publlo tu luting the Issue In city and county i.impalKiis is old stuff. There are other tilings that enter Into the cost of government beside the printing work, and It haa long since ceased to he a live or vital Issue between real newspapers not conducted on the obsolete plan of seeing which can starve the other to death It Is a natural and .espectnd thing, however, for t'harles I'age. who openly boasta that he is In the newspaper l.iilnes for the pur pose of driving The World out of business, so tiiat he csti control the t means of putillcliy in I ulsa rur bis own private mis Miouin enueavor to Inject this Issue Into ttie pie.erit city cu in pnii:!i. He can afford, hi clalma. to Iims several hundred thou-.itid dollars In the newspaper game, becjiuse If he could ftct n set of ffl'-iu!s who would do his bidding he could make it all back In one or two slick turns Mis real complaint ui'iiinst the pres-nt cifv administration in Tulsa Is tury caste are out f based upon his Inability ti secure special fawirs for his persona! benefit. ! If to gain It th He haa been rowing with the administration ever since he fisled to rajoie Mayor Hlmtnon ami the commissioner int.i permitting him to est ape from putting In certain luiprovciiii o'x for the protection of the puluir safety along tbejlne of h:s interurbaii railroad, within the city limits. Ills own attorney even admitted to the oominlseli'n that I'sge was n ting In bad faith nnd had no right to i xpei t, mm h less de-oand. other comes. slons until pe hsd made uood his promise to ptovt le the safeguards w hich were reiiijred of him. the asms s of o'her publ!'- service corpm a'lons That is whit ens htm. and if be could tret a f. w I'mi" s're.-ts i losed nod steal another frsiu hlse or two on tho spurious claim of conducting a liable Ineiilution at Hand fprtiigv he coujl do tt. city printing fir the mil fifty ers for nuthlni; and still lie she-id nf the game K far as The World Is concerned Ms roiMfoi-ri tal ril'-e on s ri axerare are much hither than th- ler,, isles for prln'itu', nnd It has no private schemes to promote, no piiluie service onriccs.i'ois pt'.teM and is run on slrlctn tiusiness loethids In gifts to charity are not for hnsi-ies aggrandisement. cainouflaRe or the promoi.on of per.onnl prof lie. -rina It has a weekly pin.ll if tin r Mm mil Is an It nt It ut i n wl'tnit any divided a I lejr mil 1 1 t, n Tu .a aid hi y i.'tor coi'itnut.ity or i.i'.-ie.t It 'Tl lit only ii'liilili e i l-e to Its pr.'n.ts l-ut to tt.e i o' i ' i no 1 1 i us i w hole, nnd all of the underhanded, i root, e I tn'-D,.,,) ,,f i-,. t , ,e-M-o i-r undermine e.ih'-r Its siarnlir:.: or t's ti.owth ant (irocr-.s hiw not affet ted It In the s!li:htr-l degn-e. ('. .- lis Its adveiitstng -..--" -it" l-iti ;, on Its rate card, without the ;n, ( (,;.,. t itiiiir.g ti tln-ds or ttife . i of ci erclun. and neither l'nr tn-r hil nr t cm -kia- how to -In t.,0-.i. t e,l' mately. ethli ally or tin t he u ii i I f t tu t k t w nn n i . I i ,, I the l ege pul'lli'St!"ti to do ll.e i lly j i ritinij at D,e )e,r,il s m l n .'v j offer to I be contra r v will be toer I hi ih w n h to cm er on I is in r tie nes already,- ,, this wiier. iarP fijfhiinfr on a line northeant of liapaume, Peronne anrj r.-.. u t.t j t I Ham hn not het-n aiihttUntiatetl by BritiMh official dispatcher Uermany lining Third of H,t the Ilritinh rejiortn show that there has been a retircmenl Men lor Drive in Went Ml various point.' eHpecially at St. (juentin where Field Mar. kIiuI Ilain Bays hw forces have taken up their new position! and are heavily enpafrcil with the enemy. ,, Acconlinsr to a Jterlin official tlixpatch "a coniderabl part of the l!riti"h army haa been beaten," but this in no! borne out by any facts so far known. That 2",000 men ha?a prmsibly been captured by the German, may be connideretj as a natural result fif the slow Ilriti-sh withdrawal on various parts of the line. This number, however, is very ma!l In comparison to the forces Maif has thrown into the fray. The frightful combat continued all day Saturday. 1 ' e i-reit oTinehe I, .is d. w -lop1 Drltlsh gun of nil cnllhers. The ll itisti i ii h i i too. have b CAVALRY HKING USED 1 LONDON, March 23 Tha battl ia continuing with tha greatest mtennty on th whole front south of tho Scarpa "''c Fi,f1, 1ar,h1 Haig'a report tonight announced. South and wet of St. Qucntin our troopa hava Uktn up thir new poiitiona and w are heavily engaged with the enemy. "Great gallantry haa been ahown' by the troopi engaged in the fighting in thia area and aouth thereof. The nineteenth and ninth divisions distinguished themselves by the valor of their defense. In one sector alone six hostile attacks, la two of which German cavalry took part, were beaten off by one of our infantry brigades. "The enemy's attacks continue with great violence.' BRITISH ARMY HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, March f3---Tn Germans this evening were pressing their attach hard on the right flank of the British near Ham, while on the northern end of the battle line desperate fighting had been going on since yesterday about Mory, which has changed hands several times. ( , It is reported that some of the enemy infantry pushed down across the Semme canal and drove forward again) prepared positions to which the British had retired. y German cavalry was seen behind the advancing jGeraiaa infantry and there was small doubt that the attacking force intended to make supreme effort to ruptiire the British line in this sector, which Is near the junction of the French and British lines. r The British strategical withdrawal along the battle front ' to better positions has been carried out deliberately and in accordance with the plan, where by saving the lives of British troops while the attacking forces have been advancing undef increasing difficulties with huge cost of life. ' About Mory, the battle has been esneciallv fierce and wk the story of the British defense can be told it will be a record i .1 i - eo)ls to whom tln rotoi. I 'i fruits TtiA- have :ilt.- .lv f'i,.- Inenrly one third of t,. r r .,: n. 'tsesfern resoun e. nf m t t)t --..r meseut int; one tenth ,.f ti.. . -.mi front and ni'nt i-ooi fMie i,( f' l i; id visions In the I !.. ...I t I Hi siiitit fetitiire n nii(i.irsnl ,' ' " ' ' '" , nv o-"i , ti" iieritii cnume tne is Kins lis,.. nt.. eff iit i hte.k Into ihr iiuuo liittlsli prieouets and fouj oiiMisi.t ..r f tjio-nttn, drive a.hundred fttins. ii. I.'.. I., tw i n the I'ni'.li i.n l the 'I he t;ieat Imttle In Ihe srest haJ i . in h I tmsli in-ri.s t'e Hotonie irnused nil other tics, to become o) in I in Ii.- I'.i.ltoii of minor iiu'iuris n hy coniirlsnn, eii'to. i;l i l'l i' T- a nnd plena ' fees 'I sir' I Then !.- ,- : 'he t tirh IIik 1 r'rlon In te vee ' f. I I inir lh it- iltiMtiel Ireili n In the rW. J lelilln r ' ' . . th, i lertn.i n 1 1 r 'i the def eiisii a I II resnt city mi in ill l-.-t r 1 1 H'll. for th" fl'st tine l... I, of I the city. Hill end I lie fo.. el v (r i ii a sut 1. 1 is if between thii t f i-. .ml jf' rty thou ni d doliwis. inet,-i.. of a it.-f,. .t i t ft.m, .y lo .1 h .. Ir d llioiiMlliil ooil.irs. nn n has the 1 tl when luite r! , ., ,,t, ..f, nnfsn was dotna the city fiititn-ir at t . " lots i.-i lm I. 1 n ,-..s of the firemen, th. t'oli.e deinr' m nt n-,.1 nl: 1 n.i.!.e it Hi i'iy iu 1,. . M Increased to anithln lis In toi- ta.tttte. In a Id. Inn to ...-,., ; u . SIS mill e y. eo If It Is a M licet Ii. 11 if j .. y h.r t.e 1. ,i . 11. f. ' . , , . with a bus!tie ad nu 'i at n.n 1..11I1. . I .1 - m, k the 1 in n 1,, n . 1V . .,.,. srterlr.e.l the nreeit adinin.str.'it,oi' 01 firnn.i.: the in, 1, if.,. 1 j K t,, I'age and hi crowd, even if it ,-..t it. , m I'rn.ti i,: f..r ,.,.i,f. :. r . not reiiiite an t-xperl iimtheiuatn mil tu uvlei ,11.1m is Lott f ix the tajt(aera, Contractors, . Sub-Contractors, Supply Men Vol! are eiii.e. In t'i.-,, sn ' pen 1... "Ins a' thi Ksi hsnr" K'-"ims. s-.tii ti.-4Ht toner M-iiii 11 fd on 1 f'teet U t',dny evett'nir, M ir. h 13 H, p. f.,. IVife. beh"r -on sie n men. her if the li'tmnee or roit M illi l 1 r gr 1 ' I'o ...i t 1 ri- i i-i ti I . . 1. Associated Builders . .m l 1 ti .t' hi ii. 1, II.' 't I ir n ii 11 ' l'ii,lH I Ll- tl.i It i'l 'he ih rn v e'ltn ill r- i;'rlotf .f 1- r . Mui 11 oil l.i id t e n?- oT tl.itii. 1 ' ; "i in 1 " h wept t.f I I t.y I' ll IS r k his' I .. I 1 1 ,.r 'I lie r IV ll . t "t t.l vrtien tie '-r, l-l l ,. Mil I I I . 1 1 i-r - in .11 t-i f'.-e. I 1 11 111 .- '11 l-e lo's. iirv -i d l-IOIV th" t h' IO he infiniri' c.i! tn.-l 11 t ut i-oiiiioler.ilil" Interest a'litehes te the iitin iiinceiiieiii of (l further Hilt, Ish sm-i-esa In l ulestins where ;en. er il All'-nt.ys troops btive fur- i d H cro-sm of the nwr Jordun and lire, fii-titli i their w iv eastw.iril ii(te successfully IrldKl'iK the stream. ; riir n niti t I 1 1 1 V K MI tl( SH I V, .x.-MIINCTt M-ii'h ?I -trlt. ,tsli y tii 1 ri i' hiw sue. '""''I' "' ' 'i:i s'ejtcs'. shoclt i.-i )- ii-h I .it 01 ii-i'iv Is the opln. hoi if f-'I'i'V '.'ii ivi 'n to-ro affet ' O" ir-lli . . id 1 1 e 1! 1 1 i,i f lie fro?l I ' hi I ' ! ,iii e mat : he llr!Mt . b.iw et -it.. I .. tisi w i.-re the j 'in, I. vl'l''riv- I"VYIV y. hire ,hev c.i'i, I 1 . ' 0 ,i u- I -tl 1 'oent, , -V. ' t ' I I' l'l i.f'.i'.-.s h' I.. IlleSOl i";- 'lo- ;' m:it tn tins ef.d, 1 1 is hee-; no .is of Hrl'leti 1 a ti 1 11 .''ei' n.. Il'l-h !r.i in 1 ties I 11 I. .In A ' hit 1 ' f'i"t i.eeo t f. 1 I . I ll I I. I I I I I 1 h'e t I v 1 '- -1 1- le 'n 1 .. ... .... v p., pi tl.. In. i'. iutiS slil bvili iu; ,r '' . it vi is poiti'i'd on bf iri one I s n rriulerel 'i': I 1 Ii blood. - .'i. i:it.-n tn .prove. -i: s '.;i I e uke. llve ': , t 1 ."ii .tid hiidii 11 ,. h -. - ii-.u-i - i 1,. oxiirpnw l.o'h '-J- , "f the) iii.ismi-s Af : l 1 " i tii..ii'i-e nf the ' H l-i.-c.' I of hsjies av h t t . I i- ' ir. 1 v There wis evl. it it .i '"'d ! hear nut pre, -.I..- 1 !,.;. vjv-i uiiti wita prenars) I ti I PI fe! : 'ft M k 1;