Newspaper Page Text
5F FINAL EDITION OKLAHOMA'S j REATl NEWSPAP E R TULSA, OKLAHOMA, MONDAY, MARCH 25, lilSl PRICE 5 CENTS VOL. XIII, NO. 189 GATEWAY OF PARIS FALLS TO HUNS J )) 23? VI 7 ANOTHER GERMAN i SUPPORTER SLAIN Rusarian Coal Miner Shot tv Officer WIUIC KCSlHt injr Arrest at Hickory. WANTED TO HELP GERMANY Declared "lluns were ?ure to Win and Wished He Were There to Help Them." WAS REPORTED TO POLICE Officer Mains PursurJd Alleg ed Pro-German and Shot Him in Gun Battle. After timkliiff alleged disloyal re- rr irKM, Mrpne ivenun, a t.ut..-. i. . . i . ..lan jiv sr- I1.11HT, .IMS ,y rat. trrnnon near Hickory, by Officer ,.. M mia of the Tulsa police, im ni attempting, to escape puru ir.i; i.ffl' err. after lie had fired mi them. Mfi men The Weather J Tl I.8A. Warrh it Mailimim DO, mm it: u mi ;u- north wind.: rlrar i.. OKLAHOMA: Mond.y and Tan, 1. 7. fair. ikrmr IjOIIHIANA: Monday fair. Btoilerst lrmrrrBlure- Ttiaa.tay fair, mrmtr. ARKANHAH- Muoday anil lu.0r lair, riainf tfunjiKralitrfl, rr lEXAJt: oniiav ana 1 uemiaj fair. tilling temperature In th. tnlnrior w r,KI ir.XAM: Mannar lair, warmer north fMirtion; Tuaday fair, KVS.HAS, air Monday and e.rolial.1). Tuettlay , aioilcrala lenii. nature In AMERICANS CAPTURED BY HUNS WHERE THEY ARE IMPRISONED GERMAN ADVANCE BEHIND SCHEDULE Plans Taken from Prisoners Show Objectives Not Reached on Time. ENEMY BOASTS OF SUCCESS Peel area With Offensive Miraculous actitude. Moving Ex- 7,il"i Mjp'B "M -Copies 'f the tinman plnn of iiffensne liken 111. ill iiiIiiih.i. aiorni 1 IHhf 111 LoU- a few noura iaior M ,.... r.,rr.,..n, m Hrltinh hid- "iiartrre, show the enemy ol.jct 1 1 v weir us follows; "FirHt day, average pen.-tratlnn along the wnnle front of attack eight kilometers: serodn dsv. twelve kil ometers; and on the third day, be yond which the rhfinf does not ap pear to be. carried, twenty kllooie lors. "Th sur.-os attained thin fr falls much Khort of thco objectives, the dieputch elates." I hi- Oklahoma Hospital. Hie shooting of lvenoff Is the see mi tu i..;i'tir within two days In this h mity over alleged unpatriotic re ni.irK. .loe Srlng was killed at the Km v restaurant ratiirday night, h- )io Is said to have uttered pro (Irrnian sentlmenta In the presence of s. I.. Miller, pit operative of tho riiumU of defense, who told the po ln hii iIm1 the ihootlnK. Ho Wanted to Help K.ncmy. I.i in.ff was at Ihii dinner table y.-'erd.iy at noon In company with '..i, ii others. IncludliiK' I' A. Nw IM..11. J. I'. Urania, Joe MfQuery and Vulier Wlnton. A dlacuselon over the present battle m th went front mc'e, when lvennff la aald to have oruired that "(icrtnany was a bet nr count ry than the I'nlted Klides, and that the Hermans wrre winning ami were sura to win the war, and thiit ho only hoped he sal over thue to help them." I'.ietvlieit, the boardlnar house pro prietor, at once riimo to Tulsa to notify tl.o polio and enlist their aid in rupturlnc the man. Henry t'ar nl luiel and John Main returned to III. km y with Hlervllett, to find that l'.pnutf had left. t'armlchael and J oMi'is started back In the auto,' ahtln Mama and lllprvllett started oowii the Katy tracks. They catiKht Kin of the fleeftls; ltulajarlan about . mile out of Hickory, and Mama ijtlf.l to the man to slop. KlrtM no OfflKcr. "You outlaw American I wont stop." Ivenoff t aald to hfcve rriilir and at the same time, ac eori1in to the officers, he opened firs on Mains. Klrlnn an automatic, lifnouf narrowly mltared Malna and line Kun then refused to work. Mama fire.i at his assailant, and two shots luuk effect, one in the head, and ihn oilier In tho ahdoiiien. The lat ter ml llrted the fatal wound. At this Juuuture a train came by, and Mania narrowly escaped belnsT run down. As It was lvenoff and Hiervllett were on one "Ide and Mains on the other aide of the track a the train' passed by. The two former engaged in A hand-to-hand f.Kht, and Hlervllett saya lvenoff thnt at him. He received some woumla o.t the back o the head but they iiil not prove serious, and he us able to return home. The body of lvenoff was brought to the Oklahoma hoaplta.1 by Mow trays. Utile Is known of the man i'pt. according to the miners, he hsi been outspoken In hla prrr-der-man pcViclivlflea, slandlng behind H'llKarln, which Is one of the coun tnin silled with Oertnany. lu; ll.irolil MlnekleV Halldolph. I.M.ihn. William lluli hliiK. in. Now iok John I". HutililtiHiin, llimlon, llarrv llavuen New Vork. William it'. Kenned. I trunk ly ii : llarrv I a -er.i. New lurk. John Mffarty. ' Haverhill ii-Ii ot Klvenl; Thomas I Mel lat run. Ne- inV: John Mi lt any. New lieilf.itil. Mass; I'rank ! Mcll'iKheh. N York. I I rini Mieiinicr Voltaire, captured In the All. uitli- Jieoeiiiher -. IKIti: 1 minis J Hat rliiiftiiii. l-reds. Knif. I I III1 IIIIIOWIIIK ttiHIiirri vmi-- ' lure. I at (iiilUleiiNl'l . MlMMlinnr a", I Vt 1 7 . and are. it l lamp Imlrtien: IITIvatea I'nink Itrooks, Umdon; ii'harlia lieoKhi-aun. New York; John I HllV, West" he-ter. N. Y : 1 irlcll Mallei'. New V.ik. I l.ii 1 v Mason. leiM-y tllv; flci.iiin Sraiuaii, I X Island- fetor TImlo inn Klveiii: lleiliirt leu M.WS Wi ll, V.XVi ITI I) DAYS It Fill UN III ItlllT. 1iNlKl.N, March The Heilln Vosslschn Zeltimna war correspon dent telesrrsphlng from the nelKh horhood of the (Use. Is quoted by the I'entral News correspondent at Am at) rdatn as saying: "All of our movements hate taken place with miraculous oMictltud", according to the pirns of the master who orKanlxed the attack. The Kng llph are defending themselves brave ly but the Hrltlsh command was not equal to the attark which, altho doubtless foreseen, probably waa not expected am early." DEFENDERS PRAISED BY FIELD MARSHAL AMERICANS ENGAGED l rged to Continue llcrolo F.fforts to ITovenl .ennans nrmktriff Throuch. INnONT. March J4 The follow. Ing teleirram dsted March II ha been sent to the general officers commandlnj the third and fifth Hrltish armies: "The field niarshnl commanding In chief senda his congratulations to the trons of your army on their splendid defense today, He rellos upon their continued steadfastness and- with It the enemy's last hope of success." "Nothing we have henrd up to the present would had mo to think that anvthtne- haa happened which could not hava been expected, 1 nere is no reason to come to the conclusion that things are looking bad." tien eral Hlr Horace . Iockwood Bmlth riorrlen suya In an Interview with the Dispatch. Allied Colonies Caught While Fleeing Petrograd," Mull Intended for uny prisoner of war Interned In liornumy should N aildri-d to the primmer by wmio fullimiil by ' Xmerti an prisoner of War, via New ork elt," and the name nod loention of (he prismi i a in p at which he It liuermsl. W SHlN!Tii.N. March Z I The rallies of alioiit :!01t Atoerb imi held as prlsunern in (lerinatiy hae been transmitted to the state department thrnuuh the r!pn.-h emlissey at Her Iterne. Some or those held are m.I tllera captured on the field of battle ami others are civilians and sailors tulsen from ships. The aaniea of prlMinvrs lire us follows: Cninp ilrniideiiburg. From the steamer Nullum, cap tared In the North se.i iiotoher ll(l: Herbert Henry, lirooklyn; Coi ll Savelv, South f hlladelplil i; Arthur t'ilHle. cNw York; Mike fcrrlhle l.os AnxeleM; Theophllollus .Inuns ItroiiKlvn. I I'roni tho steamer Ksmernldas, CBiture. In the A t Ih lit h- Mnieh In, I a I ; - I'.hner Suri eiiren, I tiuaoe-i i.hlu: I'aiilel tlerritl. Hhiimol-ln. fa.; Walti-r ferklns. Whitley, Kv ; Kdward McUoniill, nddrcss not given; William Khoinwoii, James- lown. N. 1.: l i enerii K nione, " ""M. i r,( . lUKton. William raiser, riemei. .-..i V.: I'M ward Martin. Haltlunire. Md; John Hawyer, liihuiiH', luivii; Thomas Inirfee, lioaton. Mass; faiil Naael. H.'lltvtllc, N. J , Ijiiii Yonilln, New York. Krnm tho'sleatner t'amjjaiis. rap lured In Hay of Klscay, August (I, 1517: Allred tillver. New York; James l'elunev. lirooklyn; Hay lioop, lloyne ( it). Midi ; Charles) Kline, HendliiK. I'a : l'red Jacobs, I'Ktsbtirgh: Allu'ri, William Miller, Houth chlcaKo. From the steamer Herern, cnu ttired In the Atltintlo I'rliruary J. 1917: John l.epo, Italtlmore. lYom the steanier nuii-Mirian. rap- K . Jlarrv tlllmor tared In the Atlantic January . i. K In a-ii im. Ontario: oh.ln fllenhan, 1917; Jatnra .Hiimuels, Klunston, Ja- , ,,,(, mi,,,., Maxa , Han Goodman, mnlra. .,,.w Yoik. I'rom the steiimrr Mount, Temple. -rnm steamer P.rek nockahlrt . cap. place and date of rapture mil given : , ,h(I Atlantic February 17. ltaoul lliuilcrs. address unknown. , ,7 , ,.nm, tllirn; ,0wls Kaater. From tho destroyer Jacob Jones. u H,h. sunk III the (.ngliah channel Orcein- ber f 1S1T: Albert He Mell. New tamp lUMait. lledford. Maa ; John V. .Murphy, Haden A.IJied I lixon . civilian ep. Newport, It. I. , '"f"'1 :, 1 'n" November 11. ll Camp Iul...e... Ad.lre.. not Riven .T'h-r Ju L'lu Amlersoi:; -n-l Vete-lnarian Oevl.,, McKlrlin HaltlmoVe; Thomas W. Itallon. Hal- ork. bet I, -P'7 Nor th tlninre- Charles Carrell llobart Hal- Atlantic from steamer Leorlglc; lr. more! iCna Moyki" Anderson. Herbert Hinder. Norfolk . from ,n. S. r : llarnev Hnyle. Helrolt. Mid..; er YoltaDe in North Atlantic; Vet- .1 William Hreeii. lioaton; Oscar C. erlniinan Richard ahrlskie, Kngle- Hyrd Roanoke, Va : John Carr. wood. N: J. frum steamer Mount Hulilin, Irelandi Frederick W. Car- Temple In North Atlantic, ter. Newport News, Va ; I'M ward H. f imp Tncluvl, West I'msala. Caskey, Jersey City. N. J.: Henry J. -Captured at leHas-lithrlngton. Martin, Walton. Flu.; Harry Mason. i'ovemhnr II, 1M7. ,.rgt Kdgur H. Haltlmore; Walter Mason. Haiti- Hulyliurtnn, ftlnny 'J'olnt, N. I1.. and more; John Miller. 'Wiiitlmore; t. frvat"s Clyde J. Orinisley, HtiK kton, l.ouls Mlti'hell. Haltlmore; Thomas (, an ;" John I. t.ester. Tiitwllerm, Moore, Norfolk. 'a.; Joseph ,W MMs.; Harry It. IiiiKhnian, ClilrriKO; Morgan, fnwuu ket. It. 1 ; Joseph rrhol 'lodfroy. Chicago: Vernon O'eoimer. Italtlinore; futrlck oCori- Krni)Rn. f nil, okla : lie. ker. per. McKeesport, f a ; IwhIIs K. -inr.,,n,.s. Ind ; I'nmel II. C.nllaher. fodlitn. Louisville, Ky.; I "n til I'hll- ,Ht IHoikton. Ala. hps. I'BSiulrna. Cel.; Ailllen Kef- Camp .Mlndcn. rolds. Ijim-aster. fa : llernard Hog- ca,ltred at Uazeaurnurt, Novem- ers. Ceres. Va.: Kvecett II. Hani- , h,,., Marshal, hardt. Charlotte, N. C ; Rosery Hw,.rBn N y Ferry. Mldilletown Conn ; Joahnn :!l).,n. . Aaerbach. Nor.letiham, William Al- K,,m,lnfl i.emme... elvllran. date, tona. Joseph Iteyrees, I astel; Au- . rBplr(l nnH addres- not given, rust Re.lh, TurnUoul, (art Itilt". llPliPnt. Altnona. Captured In Herman cities- Jeaf Bi i anip i.iiiiiien. ........ "..... ., .a,ir.. lirooklyn; W illiam Adams, Hrook- "" '"' '"' '" ' ,, Hy,"iey,N;ryoNrr.nkr i Vavlo r. rm an enemy, ships O,- lirooklyn A rthur F I hlmine. New tober l.H: Herbert Henry and York; Charles K. W illiams, Cam- Oeorire fiawerr. address not rl' n bridge. Mass ; aaJeph Hlake. Hrook- '""'I' -.. lyn; John Allen. New Vork; John Crlstlan Keppl ir no detslls J.ver. ...., i.-.i.. i....,.h etf n Fsrnhsrdt. ' hnrlotte. N t ; rranj, i mil. . ,,, 'i i ,...., IA -rnrl, lirooklyn; Kdward w. "tumm i e n-.-. ...... .-e-, . ... Albany, N. Y.; Kdward Carle, jetty; enrroro i. nrI.oioa..... : Iwis r. rinnoiirT. ,iunnm, m,; Teutonic Hordes Fight Forward Taking Town of Chauny From Gallant English Monster German Cannon Continue Bombardment on French Capital British Destroying French Villages Before Advancing German Army TWO GUNS BEING USED CROSS RIVER SOMME Citizens Believe Huns Through Line When Shells From New Conception Begin Breaking in City PARIS, March 24. The German "monHter cannon" which has been bombarding Paria haa been located in the forest of St. Gobain, west of Laon and exactly 122 kilometers (ap proximately 75 miles) from the Paris city hall, The Run bombarded Paris durijik the greater part of Sun day. The day was ushered In by loud explosions from the 10-inch shells, and immediately tho alarm to take cover was llr.tUlL-n- v.lwnrit Clark f 111 adel MOSCOW', March 24 An Inter-1 phla: Martin J. Connidly. lirooklyn; Henry Hendrev. Norfolk. : Mike repted Herman wireless message aaya j Krink Ialv. Indianapolis; A Ibert j Holland. Kalttm re; 'leonre H ?olr, that many members of the French i i icpew. Yonkers, N. Y ; lllehanl Veiv Yr: I and Hrltlsh colonlea fleeing from I loimellv. New York; Vlnlahy Kditeg, I Mars ; Thon-ssll M. ;-nrhv. Idrh- l m,,.l l, lha V.w Mass- A ill Fern III ' moll. L H .: .inioei M nn, i.eii.- IIIAIIT n I- rilMlirrnfl ' i .n .mj .,Uei wn s.u.- v,,rU- Arthur 1 . Field. Ynnk-ison Wihlo; ttoheef H HmltrT. Tlaltl- IVIIhli I ht tMll rotrni 'cr"'" 7.. i.. i rr.,m. im. -.lf ,n. N Y: limn. W, Fields. Ihlla- nio.e. Will,;..,, r Smith.. Harper Niehlnittrm Don Ms Ttmt Any of V. 8. FlKhtlnx Cnlta Have Hern Ijuraged. of Finland to Pwed'n. The raptlvcs the message said, were sent to con centration camps. tuwti Newark, N. .1 : Mllon van Oeinai k. New Fiatae. N. Y ; Corporal Frank I pton. New York; William MrKellnr. Tampa, Via : James Ma.llgan, Hiouklyn; Kd Milton. Yonkeiw, N Y . : John Marco, New York; Thomas Martin, Urooklyii. Warren Middle too. Toledo, Ohio; Walter Moffett. Ilrookhn; John Nberg, New York; t ail W. Ognn, New York; John o Uouark, New Jersey; Patrick O'Slie.i, New York. James, Jersey City. N. J ; Hems Rein. Rind Point', Idaho. Kdward Itoehe. Yonk its, N' Y : John Ran, New York; t'hailes Scott, New York; Joseph Sigimond, New Yolk; James Hlina, New Y ork. i n.,,, ,i,e steamer Mount T'inpi-.i j d Thi 0Cf.urred 'at 6:55 o'clock and many persons L, " '.?..ih' mA': C cht hL,r. ht neater numbers of them appeared in the tireai, Liverpool, itaonond (nibert. strpets on their way to the churches, which were almost as ""I ii -ii.i I rri.. , u,k anil rinlm lonvoi nn Weil llllt'tl HB U"UBI. IlltJ TlUllltll eiiw ev.i - Palm KnnHv Hid thpir usual thrivinsr business. At firai fhp ah hptran arrlv nir at intervals 01 iwcmy minutes and the detonations, considering the Sunday calm, seemed louder than those of Saturday. Their power to dis turb the equanimity of the populace, however, Beemea less, the people refusing to be distractd from their Sunday habits to any great extent. Warning U Iud. For the benefit of that portion, of the populace which had been led to believe the Germans had broken through the line and were bombarding Paris from nearby positions, a semi-official note was Issued during tho day. This warned lha nannla ncrainat believinif DCSsimistic reports. "The French front is intact," said the note. "Any asser tion to the contrary Is a lie." tv, VinmriAritrnpnt of the caoital ended around I o clock and as late as 3 o'clock no explosions had been heard for mnr than an hour. The "clear slnal" was sounded at 3:30 .rV.A.lf ' Although during.the earlier hours of the bombardment the shells arrived in twenty-minute intervals, later in ,jahe day they began arriving every nrteen minuies on me avtr age and some of them even fell twelve minutes apart. a. f n It I I wo luni Deing mcu, In military circles the belief was expressed that the Ger mans were using two long distance guns. The Matin says the position of one of the guns was established In the St. Gobain forest which would place it Bomewhat further south than had been believed and in the wooded area. This posi tion would be about seventy-five miles from Paris. During the early hours of the morning traffic in. the street of Paris was shut down or curtailed, dui Deiore noon both the streets and the city showed great animation. Dur ing the day large numbers of persons, unable to secure means of transport to take them to their destinaiions walked in order that they might keep their appointments. As is usual when aircraft warnings are sounded, large numbers of th.0 populace sought shelter in the subways and in basements of Warning for Bombardment. The 'government has decided that in the future the bom bardment of Paris by long distance gumrshall not Interrupt the normal life of the capital, but that the population shall be warned of a bombardment by distinctive means, differing h. al Yunrnincs sent out in cases of air raids. Drums will be beaten and the police will sound whistles. Berlin Claiming Capture of Some Thirty Thousand Prisoners nnd Enormous Quantities of Booty BERLIN, via London, March 24. Tho rtrting Brit iah aro burning French town and villages whU tho Gr man are still going forward between tho Sommo and Am Oi'm, y tho official communication in Berlin issued to night. Enormous quantities of booty have been takon. "Between tho Sommo and tho Oiso our corps aro fighting their way forward. Chauny has boon taken. , "Our booty in war material is enrmous. Tho English in their retirement are burning French towns nd Villages., "Wo have bombarded the fortress of Paris with long diss tanco guns." "A gigantic struggle ' is taking place for Bapaumo. A battle is in progress on the Transloy-Combles-Maurepas lute. "Tho Sommo has boon crossed at many points in our at tack between Peronne and Ham." LONDON. Match 24 "Freeh hostile' attacks dovelopod this morning in great strength on the whole battle front," says Field Marshal Haig's report from headquarters, and they havecontinuod thruout the day." "Further north repeated assaults by Urge bediet of Ceo man infantry have been repulsed with heavy loss to the em .as a a. I a M . m. ai emy. in this fighting the Bevemeentn ana romem amatotu greatly distinguished themselves, beating off many hostile attacks." LONDON, March 24.- An official report on theaerial operations says that 54 enemy airplnes hate been brought down. rk: Arthur. 1). Field. delphla; Peter J. liallnnhcr, A mlly Ferrv, W Va : W lllett c. MinlM. Villa. L. 1 : Robert e.llmore. Provl- I Sooth Purn-.iMi, Conn ; W'-ilt -r Yrotit. denre. It. I ; John I.. Hartley, Hrook-, W nshltiifton, I. f ; Jee Wallace,. i WASHINGTON. Mnh 24 Noth 'n hits been received here to dndl- t that American rKlnipnta were kr'Mnhl Into the flsrhtlna; aa referred ( 'o in the Herlin dispatches. If any Am.i lean troops participated, offl thouftht It would be found they probably were American enlneer, ';cht In some sudden movement a" x were at Catnbral. The town toward which 'he Ge' "inn official statement mentions French. I;nllsh and American rearl t'nta aa belns thrown back la prob l!'.y Chauny. on the olae river even ill's southwrst of la Kere and 'bout five miles back of the prevl tialy established line. Saturday ! 0rman official statement reported the for. -Ina; of a crossing of the Olse nt of u pr. where the p.r'.Ueh nU French lines aie believed to lulned and the recession of tha "Mint, rlht win here would neres iJv ha tnken the French left Mt alon with It. American troops r known to have been on the Che-""-lies-Iiamei Una Jut to the eaat 1 thia front American Sector May Be Next Attacked Just South of the Ptesent Hun Offensive BERLIN, via London, March 24. The Germans have cap tured Peronne and Ham, and defeated British and American regiments brought up from the southwest for a counter-at-taok at Chauny, according to the war office statement today. The statement adds that more than thirty nousand prison ers have been captured and six hundred' guns hava been taken by the Germans. . - Victory in the battle which has been raging near Monchy, Cambrai, St. Quentin and LaFere is claimed by the Ger mans. The British third and fourth army, and part of Fran-co-American reserves are declared to Jiave been beaten with the heaviest losses on the line from Bapaume to Boucha vesnes and behind the Somme between Peronne and Ham, as well as at Chauny. Concerning the work of the German soldiers the state ment says: " ' . "For the achievement of a formidable success the troops of all the German races expected their utmost; the attack ing spirit of the infantry could not have been exceeded. It was shown what German bravery can accomplish. Light hravy Bnd tho heaviest artillery and mine" throwers, unceas ingly pressing forward over crater fields, essentially con tributed to the support' of the infantry attack which "con tinuously pressed forward. Flame throwers took their part of prisoners in the fighting as in their ordinary work and maintained the old traditions. ... 4 " "Aviators and balloons brought valuable information t6 the command. Our chasing and battle echelons, accustomed The public services, the trains in the subways, the tram-i vict maintained in hard fighting, mastery in the air wavs and the automobile busses win continue 10 ue opt rami . attack()j thP retreating enemy columns "WASHINGTON. March II N i. ...onnloir the Associated Press fartNt and other dispatches with any keener Interest thn ITeaUent Wilson. The apparent slackening of the drive repotted early this morning waa taken a calm confidence that the attackers rannot break throu.h at the point where the present off''- Ive is driving. wit hthla conviction speculation 1s turnlna- to the point where n"t Hlndenhur will try to pierce m. allied western Hue and many hold the opinion that It will be against a sector held by the Americana. Captured German Tries to "Kid" the Americans ihi WITH Till-; AM F.RR'A S ARMT lN UtANt K, Saturday, March II. . Prisoner taken In the. American etor when questioned today said no offensive was planned by the ' .r7n ' thia aector. " ant la to be left alone," There are many thlnM that would Indicate the possibility of the nt Hun drive beln launched aaamet lha Americans. Tho Americans are u.t aoulh and east of the present ireat offensive and It Is very likely that .ome few detached realm nta .i-w. been oartlclpatlnir in the as indicated In the official (lerman rtpo't published thi. mornlnl. . Americana are nnwn to be alokn the Cbemin da liamea. about I'ha vlanon and other villa' wst of Rhelma. Thia point It shown on the acompanylnt map by tha flfura 1. - ii - - i - - LltLt Iff. ! e oouAit. x RAS V .. I YCAJ-IBBAI '( -j eitZiCW V. sri side of the n( Mlhlel salient about the illlaes Of Hepbepiey, ,iray, and Fllrev. Flaurr 4 shows wh-ie the A met nans are stationed rast of I .unevilli! where thev recently car rod out a attack In the iiclnitv of Itadonviller, capturing a litis of enemy trenches. liy the above map is Is i-asy to fol. low the present offenshe. It was launched alotia a CO-mlle front op posite, cambrui. HI. ijuentln was the fust Important point to be won. ac c-Tir.lInu to the Herman report, and early today It wss announced that ti;e tliat the Hermans had retaken I'e totuir ays ii.. The new warning is to be known as warning No. -. It will mean that any formation of crowds in the streets is pro hibited and that all shelters, except the subway stations, will be open. The end of any kind of a raid will bo an nounced as before, by a special trumpet call and the ringing of church bells Motor troops ml trains worked Incessantly. "Points of communication in the rear of the enemy were tho objectives of our bombing squadrons who have been active every night. . , "Our captures have increased to over thirty thousand prisoners and six hundred guns. On many of the remaining points of the western front artillery battles and reconnoit- I I 1 II 11 L7 1 I lira . i t th French Dress this morning was auoul . .nonta hvp .mlinupd. i-venlv divided between the big gun which is bombarding the . .., lh(i o)hor tneul,,rg there is nothing new. Htv from back of the German lines and the terrific battle, rKmW.TT .h. ftaabuit, Withdrawal of British' Forces - - i . - j. ihP nerformance. As to the bame, is confidently expected a favorable ending I The newspapers do not ronrea their admiration for the mechanical feat of the Hermans In constriictlna Parisian comments on the bombard ment as an etreinely jnlnor Ind lent as rompared with the aliratitie battle Mm nroaress on trie lennsii rroni Planned as Defence Measure m. h had been beaten back, aw-their new weapon. -i . ; a ,,,irn(l position that those Ion, rnmted (;r man r mti which' ate I, t-'nbai din's Paris are situated Flaure I a'1 'he map shows the presence of Americans about . ye shll and Tahiire. eust of the i tv of Rhelma. Three is one ot tne nn. - lmportanetorccupled by Anrl' S1MIH LlNlVtLLt STtA55IM"i (Ct Ml v aw i i u Mm " el eturoiT e ; I r L small. .i..i,.i.i of the uaele the bombardment The Mntln rays ... , - k. , 1 1, a nil IH. Ii la eonsoiltia i" nuie In r of vlctlina Is for rennsale on i'r..r-iu.r Paul Painlev prcml-r and president of the Acs. I emy of rVlenres. told thf F.ceistor ihut by using tungsten In the fabrl cation or the projectile, the shells would be of about half the diameter of steel shells of " weight and that therefore the atmos pheric, resistance would be less, this accounting for the estirmely long range II also touched upon the possibility "I a propeller being em ployed on the projectile Alfred Capus In the Figaro, sllud I., the maklns of the gun aa a srrat mechanical feat, but points out that aa a nwinrj ... , .r , .. ..... Tm T i fmir.-'i- menu mi -ii.i ifviinr March 54. Tho withdrawal of the British i...,'i,o L..tiin fmnt in Kranrp was lonir niro nlanned lournal ra,s that Jules ; ..' i..Li i -..- f,.rrp Thia erne hsd foreseen tins gun sn.i n vne evtTIl oi wie uci iiiann "'l '"e. ,u A dicinres that moreover i! i s i'ren h ; ann,)nnfpnu'nt conies from the I'.ritish front thru the A8S0- , tt ..KaM.iveniion m than a je.,r ago . (.orr,.r)0nilent. who describes the operation 01 More t tin ii a ) ago Herman cities I .' .,,. .... i..;,:.,l. ua n rni.atorlv withdrawal, milde POHSlble former inn- -"""" " . V"; "" " -; "----- - .u..t.H 4ka hiin.ire.i Kiiooie.rr. . ---. Lv Iffi Jtnt HhoCK tTOOpS ill I Me ironi liurn, wnu uiuacu vn ::;.,e:.r,;:;;;.r" ,,,h'B,-;adSc" of the Germans, while "tillery, machine gun and The K.ho de Paris declares the -, j-j work pel appalling slaughter, thus fnabling tne 11',' KXX i.bV; Ihemain body of the British to fall back deliberately and with- lange of Ihe Herman guns. "It. ! ii0ut confusion. " . , . poiiticui cannot.- the newspaper Hrn,y it is derlart (lv4iHs been conserved, and up to -fc dho nt verv few counterattacks have been made against; Premier . -men. ea i s iiew.ap-r. II1C prt St III v t I 1 1 " ' u,.,. plrm.fl th f'.PrmarH i. Homme in-', sheets ti,n . I.- the Germans. VV here the P.ritish ha e stormed the Oerma0 password of the hour u '. or ft-1 nfcwjv acquired positions they have driven them vac. "iTnewapaper I..- Journal i 1 each " mile of advance makes the bringing upof(upiliesw article regarding the gun. aa of 240 mlllmeters caliber pon I Jhe 2'cut' Austrua nirffiutaaunL.- in its eacn in i it- ui uui"-c n.o. .. - j;ri.,t y .. i- .. .. -.:n -.t nfon rv mnrp and more difficult, t . the Vierman ariinery viu . - , . . i ",J "'land nnnuestionably tSe British strategy asdemonsir.4.i