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w OICL AHOMA'S REAT EST NEWSPAPER. FINAL EDITION 2V Army of 5,000,Q0OMen Urged by GenerafWood United States Must Keep 2,500,000 in France PLANES JSHORT American Army.Saclly in Need of all Kinds of Munitions- WASHINGTON, March 23. Pack from a visit to the west rrn battle front, Maj. Leonard Wood in a confidential state ment today before the senate military committee declared that allied military opinion is unanimous that the (Jerman offensive will fail and urged a great increase to four mil lion or five million men in America's army. It waa Heneral Wood opinion' m'i ordinal to hi auditor. Unit Kir r.rrmjn on the western (mni now nrc numerically superior, both on Hie (trounil and in the Hlr, (nil (hat the alllra are in a bet;er position. hlle confident that the (let man' offensive will he halted before the enemy has gained any material oh- ertive, Ueneral Wood KiiKkfni i-il that the offenalve may change the mfnre Into a more open contest 1 nr reason lu recommended th 1 r-nlnlnu of American forces tor epen warfare aa well us fort trench' fa-Ming. ., Army Too Small. The general wan before the com mittee for three hour and frankly discussed the situation In Kurope nn.l at home Stating ihat the French nc disappointed In the el.c of tho American armi thus far iient tn Knrnpp, according to committee men, her, he recommended Itnme I'mie lepa to increase both the American expeditionary force and tne army in training In thin coun tv. Chairman chamberlain mid i;niTal Wood recommended that nn army of t.bOO.000 men be main- Inil In France at Ihe earliest pirn- hie moment, and 2. .'.GO 000 more in training at home. Another i'iiiii mlttee member placed (leneral Wood recommendttliun at four mil lion, one-half In franc aa noon aa ihej eati be aent there. In thin on. I nection General Wood also recoln- ' n ended compulsory untveraal mili tary learning. Men. Ship. Artillery. I Men, ahjpa and artillery, In the e-rder named, the general la eald to Iwjve Materl, are the principal ml II ltir peed of the aJtlea from Ameri ca While declaring that tieneral I'er "hinti men are in fine condition nd nrn well equipped, he deplored the fact that they lire without Amer ican artillery or airplanes. Training with the American force, the gen rl eald, ha been rapidly accom plished and mppliea are plentiful. In urging the pereeeity for more llilps. tlrnral Wood crltlclaert the present tihliiplna: ariangemerit and aid he hod suggested to the war de railment that fat ami alow ship be-j aegregntcd in the rnnvny ao that fust nhlpa will not be held back by the rlower vessel. The breakdown of Ttunsla haa trendy Improved the morale of the Carman army and the Herman peo ple, (ienernl Wood "aid. lie added that America ahould Pv more at tention tn the Italian situation and iu.ened that Americana of Italian erurtn be aent tn Italy to combat the '"nan propaganda which haa been t'Hve in that country. Associated I'reaa dispatches from Ihe American front telling of the freedoni with which Herman slr plsne flew over the American Jlncn ewir.g to the lack of American air plane tilth which to combat them. te confirmed by tieneral Wood I The French flyem on both side of ! the American aector have been pro- ! lertlng the American front against l nrnv airmen, the general anld. Vut It time thev are too buay else- I l'tir t rt mfftrri Qimialn t.rnl.i. ' At tlmee he aald the tierniansi Pev o low that the Americana ere able to fire nt them wnh re. Votverg. TULSA COUNTY HAS 312 DRAFTED MEN IN SERVICE wo lliindretl I'ony-Klilit Slacker; :22 l-ft In C'lana One for l atorc alle. ' T'llaa rniintv aiimII nt ih ,.li,. J 312 drafted men In eervlce and flacker, according to a report '"rwarded to the adjutant general J'everdav hy the ronntv aelect on "nard There were S.5 7I men ie '"re.l and after excepting the men in service and the alackera. .1 . n 1 cleea'fled under ths new draft '"'datum. Tbare now remain 522 men In r,"" one, material for future draft upatlonal exemption claim re allowed to 4 men. The cUm M Mngie men with dependent In "'"lee 2Jf,, and there are I sf) In inur. which In cotnpoed of hurried men with dependent only 131 men m.,r, fn,Jnrt tl, (, phyabvilly hi i"f l,'lln' r'V the board. "I' h include all except the al:u-H- Spinning None Drive In Fatal to Gotham Boy Truer WoiiTII. Ten Vnr.h 2 5 KJ"t W M 'N"ii-rn of Jnrk r"V kMIrd Inatantly t., , l'n '-leulenant A. X. Imn-ii-tn.r Toront.i. Ontario Intored h.. LnBr "H thl afternoon r fid ""ne "n wnun inev o ,,; u trc ,n "l"n" The Weather I -- -mmA Tt'LH. Mirrh : Matimum 7 i oiim tntun r 7 ; iO'ilh indt And dr OKI. AM.! A Ti warinr t , l.lll hl N A T tv ini WeiP'iiiV rir : y rtiinf AHKASH?: Tiifi day fur. mine 'air, virmrr tn nd fcn'ith tortion KAH T TKXAS; Tui-k-lKf fair, warm 1 rr f rrr n wat foat W r A n a iiUjr fair, warmer tn Iht nortHa't portion V V.SV T K X f: Tnfctiaj anl n b t'tianca in tcmi.cra iur. REPUBLICANS WILLING TO STAND ON RECORD ( onf id. -lit Voter Will Not t;i Vp t'lty to DciiKxratlc Vkt) ItcRlnio Acain. PROUD OF SMM0NS' REGIME I ffb It nt. I (iiinmUal, ( Iran, Splen did Men I'lai-ml nn Ticket for April Klc-tloii. j For Good Government For llnr .. T,.h 11. Him- I fnona. J , ,1'or Auditor l-'rnnk Newklrk. I 'or t'omniifaioner No. ' 1 T. I. Kvana. I'or 'oinmlHeion"r ('. H. Ynunkman No. lor 'otnmlmioner No. J. M Adklnaon. I "or I'ommlMiioncr No. . A Moore. 4.-- Hopuldlcan limlqunrtrra for llio 1tT raniMl)m will he om-icI (Ii niornUi on thp animii flour of tin1, nld World htillillnt. M Spnwllln haa brrn rln lerf rlialr tnan or the city committor ami will harp cJiarve of the qnancra Telephone will he Inatallnl torlnr nil llila off,w w h t,P tTntr of pollllrwl iu-tlvltlrw during the laniimlm. .. ,dU)rl (lx. w ,. ttnr, VNTtether the people of Tulea want ood, honeat, economical gAerpnient nurlttg these atlrrlng time of wni or whether they delr. tn return to Ihe haphazard. bontlxnr which prevailed prior to two year age will be determined hy the ole of the people ut the cty election next Tueilay. Hutlffled that the people In thl war ae want Juat a ll'tle politic or a lertlwin nature a flexible the te P'lbllcan party In Tulea ha deter mined to niakc a purely e.uiiiH--Ide appeal to the oterK In order to tr up a little feei ng a posMlble In thl critical time w hen the oner, gle of all Ihe people ahould be de voted to one endthe winning of the war. Stand on Uncord. For Ihe paat tno year the repub lican party, headed by Mayor Sim mon, ha governed Tulaa. lie wa elocled two year ago hy the ote of the decent people of Tulaa anil I aatlafied to hrlng to the vote of the people of Tulmi hi tivo year' rcord of accomplishment Three thing worthy of unuul note hu been accompllahed d irlng hla administration. They are: A 190 per rent cl.nner city mor allv than Tulnon have ever known. I'or the first time In the modem hlirtnry of the eltv, It finance ore on a good eound bai. with the city warrant worth 100 cent on the dot 1 Ar and In place cif n deficit mih a be had when Mayor Simmon n Hiin.ed i fflce there I now a eurplu In Ihe city treasury. l-'or the f-at lime In the hlMtory of Tuha real proKi ha be-n made Inward t'ohlng Till most per plexing problem, that of furnishing pine water thru the city main. Any on of thee three thing If n -cou pllshed by an administration dominated ,by' l'ne Intereai would have been lauded to the hlc by the nine persons who are now trying to t ar down and wreck the force of good Koicrnmenl Put under May or rMimrions and hi i lmlniatration. all three thltiK have been done In a workmanlike manner, without any fu.-n of flurry ' Woinlcrful Aoiompllalinirnl. To a a'ttdent of municipal gniern n.rtit It I a wonderful uccompllHry mini and one that "ulwi houbl proud of. Tulsa ha long been ieel ln gr-od, honest, effb lent, limine li.-n to adtii nlfcter her -irfiilr at'd p.iw ihat b two (Ar of work these n en baie tjcen fo.ind and tete 1, the reocle who hale the real In terest of T iNi at beurt will ace the ere continued In office 'lh- ti'publu an, so far un It t itssible. mi1! not In thl short ram piilL'ti of one eek diM'UHH Ihe fall -IniH (r shortcoming of the r nppon-: tot but i' ' ei I lent from the c.ih of mrn running the opp sIHon cam tiaiu'n tl at to elect the denioerntl ticket would be putting In p'iwer the Hiie i bar.i'-'er of administration tlii. f mnde TuIhi n oie snot on the "h "lv Jiollt c ' of Oklahoma. The decent, law abiding people of Tulsa should nut and will nd sleep, on their llfhH The (,p,f.sit j.,,i alredi uiti: ev r tue.inH t mm n to professional twd'ticlcns t- ti.e elrctlon next Tue dn. The lleruib llcnn orvan it'ou l content, how-' ever, tn let the f.i'e of Its ticket rest with the pe'-p'e !m belteir In de cency and rlitlil If thi'e people J who do lel eie In those thlr-gs wi'l only vote, then the rilt I iies ir-l and T'llsn Will hn'e to more veirs of efficient. coononiiMl and clean government i -- O'.f fti eii A n kd j nArtt t'ieKotc m i t'Y Mhi lu t'iai mi eoIln j "Zimmio" i - THREE BILLION IN THIRD WAR LOAN Honda Uill Hear 4'S Tor Cent Interest, Secretary McAdoo Announces. v NONE TO BE TURNED DOWN All Over-Subscriptions to I'.e Accepted ; Other Issues Needed Later. j MATURITY rjATEUNDECIDEq' Troliably 'J'wenty or Thirty Years; Amount Is Sur prise to Lankers. WASlllMiTOX. March I.". Sec retary McAd" announced tonight Ihat the amount of the third Liberty loiin w ould be i,(inii.(iou.noi at 4 14 per cent, ami that all oier Miharriptlnn would bo accepted. The new, I'oihIh will be non-con-lerllble, but bund of tbe first and se find Liberty loan iiinv be cn- letted Inlo the new ti t per vr"' securl'les Authority to Issue It riOu.finft.OOO In bond In iidilltton to li e 1 -OtIO already iiulhorl.ed and utilMsoed s proposed in new loan legislation prepared f.- au bin la.slon to coni;ra an that the total nnmum which may be iHHued Is I. I B. 000. 1)00. l:iiciii' Ih'low I l mat ok. Mr McAdoo RUld expend Itui e of b l ulled StnV and Ihe allied gov ernments bad been much below e-t"-ales scil thai consentient ly II w not neiffwriry to make the loan , i aim I J.OuO.OOO.OOO. -w HI l,e Msked for author. lly to make additional loan io ii.e si allies dm Inn the coining Minimi The riecivinn In make Ihe new bonds Inconvertible. the secretary an nounced, wa reached In order to put an etid to the expectation of higher Inlerest rales. Maturity I'ntftililcsl. , Tho maturity of the bond I t to be (ieeriniiied, ' but. It wa offi cially 'stated that thev would he long term, probably between twenty ami Ibir'y year. Other feature which will he set tled n soon a congress pnase the necsarv authorizing legislation are the length of the campaign and the term of payment on the bond. Most financial observer were surprised ut the comparatively small aire of the loan mid at the interest rate, both of which they had expected- to be higher. Lenlalallon will be drafted tomor row hf Chairman Kitchln of the hoiinJway and mean comreBttee to provldV for an additional bond au thorliatlnn of 14. fiOo, (100,000, more than the fS flflA. 00ft. 000 sum already authorized, hut unissued, for the In- crraaed Interest rate, for continuance of loan lo the allies this minimt'r" rr"n' " wi-nr seuance of more than Ihe i 'n.' . . and for Issuance of more than Ihe certificate of Indent idebt- do... o .i,oi.,-i...i .. will be made to rush thl legislation!""'1 """"'J li'raUMl for bry. through both bouse this week BO that final plans may he made for and third laberty loin and Ihe en graving of the bond faces l.v Ihe first of .next w eek. No opposition to the legislation I looked for In either house. Most banker and business men with whom Secretary McAdoo ha conferred recently Indicated that they expected a loan of about IT. -O80.0OO.U0O at ..ii Interest rale high er thnn 4 '4 per rent. They brought word that the country waa ready lo absorb that iitnoiint. The necessity for further authori sation for certificate of Indebted lies arise from Ihe fact that about $.1. 250.00". 000 ulready are outstand ing and the treasury plan lo Issue morn than 1 1 .000.000.000 more be fore the third loan clone while the cni law i f nuo.npo I'redlt to allle now amount to 14, 110. COO. 000 and about Z. 000. 000. 000 authorized loan yet remain lo be executed. This would not be suf ficient tn rontiliun the rale of IfiflO, 000.000 n month thru the summer month and ennseo.iientlv nn addi tional authorization I asked by Hec relnry McAdoo. The amount of this will be determined I y congress I U.VriM I I) ON'AfiK T 'KI.VK Council of Defense Warns Aliens Not to T etnpt Fate by Hun Remarks The "open-season'' on pro-Hermans declared hy Infuriated Tnlsans mid which bus resulted in the death of two men iv-l'hln Ihe past three liaiN who hud expressed the hope that Hermany will win Ihe war hits caused the TiiIkii County Council of hefense to lsue an official warning to all persons Indulging in sedition and, unp;itrlotlc utterances. The Inflamed , state of the public mltui. laiiHcd by the great battle now rawing on the western fiont I ititide t!ie laij of the wandng and liny person who five expression to i ilisio.viil s' rillmen: Is n.'ified that fie diiea so "At PIh peril " In I tn I llumiir The staiement adds "l(ial American cltUec ure In no hutunr t this time to tolerate abuse of Ihe nation or disrespect lo the Flag." Follow lei; Is the sti tement . To Ike I'nlill.-: "The Tulr. i County Council of ie f. use ili-erns It advisuble to s.iy to the public nt this time that because of the high tension caused by Ihe frightful situation In Cut ope and the outhurii of putrlnlii- fervor Minion! the I'tiltid Mutes, all per. .i-rw licit,! be i.irrf'il about making or lepeat'nr dh-tovsl reituuks r,f any character for Ihe reason loial Alieric:in iltitris are in ttrft humor to toleiale a''Ue of tlie nation o.' ll'.stespecl to the Flag "Any per in or peisoti who utter dl-lo'nl or unpatriotic statements do so at their own peiil and cannot ex pect tho protection of the lojul clt Ifenshlp of this nation l uoalrlotlc remurk or demon stration glv aid and Comfort lo TULSA, OKLAHOMA, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 11MS Official American Casualty Mullet in Died of Wounda I'Hinti- John T. Kirbv. Died of Diaease Scrgt. .loir Mansion. I'reiaic I ranklln t isipcr. ITtiaie .lusi-ph I'. I inrrl. I'rlialc l.niivl I . Stafford. I'rUnics I Icii Iici I'M kens, 'Imn Mutson; U liulinip S. Iiwcrv. Died, Cause Unknown l'llintc .losrtdi K I rlckson. Died of Accident I'riiatc nthouT llonmno-kl. Wounded Severely ( idoni'l iHiuglas MacArthiir. Lieut, itoval Tharp. 'oip. Arnold I'aiico I'rii.ito Tartar A lullinKh.ini. I'rlxat" 1 1 1 hi nt Ihitisniutr. I'riiate riiarles I. buller. Private Allium o rfiron I'l ivate Jiimr Mcl lanlelsnn. Private Mark A Itesnlck. I'rKate pan Sanders I'rliate Major M. Shelton. i'llxete llurrv Phepperd Private Jjrlon I, Thorburn. ' Slightly Wounded Corporal Oscar Iv Thomas. I'nr inrsl .Inniis M, Hasting, Corporal John Iwiysbork. Pilvate I'M vx aril J Collin. Private llenrv Toobey Private Charlie A. Trent Urliale loseph II. W bbll lYIvalc Jacob Itnisw. RAINBOW OFFICER AMONG WOUNDED Colonel Douiflan MeArthur'a Nume on Tershnig's latest List. SAMMIES KEEPING BUSY Shells Exchanged With Huns on Toul Sector; Enemy Quits Trenches. VAKHlrTOV. MrHl ill. Tot Imugla MpAmiur, chief of staff of the ItalnbOMf dlvlalnn. Iina lNrn severely wourxliil, aivordlng In rneaagt reryivcU tsrtiir from tirn- ioiici sic.nniiur inrmenf was me war ocpwrtmeni a censor ncro -ry. Twrlr other name were nil tlie caaually list reodTiHl liMluy. " A M I.HK'AN AIITIM.KKY 1 H.N(;N WITH m iss WITH TUB A M KRIl'AX AltMV IX KHANCK Sunday. March 24.--American artillery on the Toul sec tor continued today to shell effect ively enemy flrat line und communi cation' trenches, the town of St. Xnussaiit, and billet and dump north of Hoqiieteau Many of the Amerlyan shells have1 fallen In the Herman trenches und the first two line In at least one place haa been virtually abandoned. On American patrol freely In spected thl point In tie enemy line without molestation last night and thla nlnmlng and remained there ontact between the Infantry dur lug the last 24 hour. An enemy airplane early thl morning rut off II engine at a great height over thn American line northwest of Toul and planed down. When close to the ground It dropped a uuantlty of bomb Some were of m new variety which explode In midair with u bluish red flash and gave off a cloud of mustard gw. Hrlng heavier than Ihe air the rntrisrr.n iyi i-aok Timr.n; the enemy and the citizenship of tbe I lilted "lates will not tolerate such evidence of dlslonltj TIISA COC.VrY I'UI'NCII, C)K IiKFKNSK. "J Hurr tllbbons. chairman" I'rot.M lion for Urll-Hctiavrd In giving out thl statement Mr i.lbhoiM added that the law give. ru,l protection to alien enemies In Ibbi mutiny who behave themselves keep their mouth shjt and attend to their business. m hen they 'and about the streets snd ti pub lic dii"e abusing the I nlted Slain and Its soldier and expressing Ihe bone tint American soldier win I, killed they cannot expect to esiape the cense, ineio es f thrir follv Herman snd other foreigner who are In this country were per muted to enter a ftlend and If they have now turned enemies, they had belter get out uulck. eald lilb. boo. In thl connection he "tinted the following extract from our of for mer Ambassador ,lme W fi,M, ertlcle on "I a e to J-'nee with Hal seriem:" "We did not line H;iy riflren of foreign milieus to our rIhiim f hei cioe be-e to e-raie aedfdom ami siarlion ami forced tollnnri serv ice in un nrmv where tley could never be rrfflcei We sfnt them no egeiii'slon tl'kets when they 4-ame here ss b i If -str.rved peasants We opened to them the door of hospl tllty srld of oppnrtunliy. and we do rot propose that they shall pay us like the froien anaJit of Aeaoo Hindenburg Sacrifices in Vain; British Defensive Is Stiffening Fear Not, Only Have Faith Hun Offensive Sure to Fail ASIirXiiTo.X. March :.' 'The war 'lepartment ees no i.ioac for iilitiu on Ihe pait of the people of the l ulled Stales.'" s.ud Major tieneral Peyton '. March. acting hltf of alaff. i oinini-iititiK toda' on the situa tion in liiince "sMr Imtigla llalir has announced that Ihe lliiiish withdrawal wa In ac coribitiie mill a geneial plan. That a ii nouncemeul I to be ac cepted." '.Major Oeneral- Mcljichlan, mllt.ii) attnche to tn the Hellish eiob.isi, made the following statement toduy to the Associated Press: "To, lav new ahnwa that our line ,,f defense Is lint broken but nnlv hen: The baltle appears, In fact, to be pursuing the course thai tiiiuhl be expected in view of Ihe tremendous weight of the tit tack. So far a can be gathered th" enemy ha i oncenlraie.f HKiilnsI u shout half the tolsl forces wheh he had on the west ern front; hi concentration of artillery I on Ihe aame unprec edented scale Kven .111. our ad vanced line were actually pene trated In a few place only. "On bv far the greater part of the sector attacked our retire ment hue been voluntary and In accordance with previou Plans, to stronger position. Hud our first line been nowhere penetrated this ri-i Ii ement would In all prob ability have taken place Just the same. Tu haie held on indefl- PATRIOTISM OF HUN SUSPECTS IS TESTED lama Vigilante Isptermlrwil Make iYHian Svnipalhlsrre Smnrt; Woman Hhlcw IUIL In MM A, Ohio. March IS . Klva business men of Delpho. a Herman settlement In wewltrn Allen connly near here, auriieed of pro-tlermao-tturi, war hunled out by volunteer igllnee coitiinltlea f four hun dred men and fifty women of the town, taken Into a brilliantly lighted downtown ireet and forced to pub llcly aahile and kl the American Mag tonight under pain of being hanged. Three other. aln business men, escaped from the mob. laler de clared tonight, according to word re. celved here, that the demonstration will he repeated tomorrow night un til all suspected pro-Uerman have been punished. KMN HIU Kl) Tti hum: ltlll IIV II.I.INOIS Mill) HK.NToV, III., March IS -Mn, Krancl I'ergcn. a wotni.n of llohe mlan birth residing at West Prank fort, outh of here, wa ridden on a rail through the main treet nf thnt clly late today by five hundred mem. her of the I-oyalty league who rharge her with disloyalty. She wa made lo wave a Klag thruout the demonstration and to shout prulso for I'realdent Wlleon at varlou in tervals. .sur.i.(.i iiMTtrt W AH.NKI) Tl) 111) (.4H)1 rHICAfiii. March 2 B.- Several eltlien of (iary, Ind , tonight went to the rectory of St. John Kvangrll cal church and after warning the rector. Heverend Martin l.trnrk that ha niut support all move of the government toward winning the war confiscated picture of the Herman kalewr and a pillow bearing a Her man fljig The picture were taken torn the same room where the Hev erend Kdtnund A. II. Kuvser, said lo have been an agent nf on llern stoiff, was shot to death pearly two )eur ago. 1 1 FTY Aimf STHl Hilt 4 I I I HKATI l III N WIN clllCAOO. March -- More Ihan fifty person were anesled tonight for celebrating the Herman offen sive. Farly In the evening police were attracted to one house by tha train of "Ile Wacht Am Hhln ' and a a result of arrest mad there, federal and rlilc authorities combined In a drive thruout a Her man settlement where It was found thai n general celebtathti was be. Ing held Herman flag wei dis played In many plice and tn many house group were found. sittKlng fleritiuii songs Hottfires nlo were lit In some parts' of ihe cifV one man arrested, when asked the cause of the elehratlon. declared flial be hRil "held himself bai k us long its possible, but the great tlertnan vic tory w loo great nn event not lo be celebrated." NOTICE to M. W. of A. and R. N. of A. .Mi M 'uti-rp W initltiifn of nif r I' a anil 1 1 n ,i I fiKh Im. i s f m-iliM ;ti- lnvifr Ui H'fci'.il nn oji'vi nifftiriK tftntuht ut .10 Mt K. of I. Hull Mtiil hrliiff 4tM1t frlrnd fir .ronpi t I i rtiili'1itt that they mn rltr up. . Itpfrenhmentu mrrri. luti'lv iiould lone meant tinnec essinv Ioms of hf... As II i a our losses hale I, ecu crmsldri able but H"l M.fwliK The eoetii). ou III" other band, musi liuie lost very heal i, v , all li ked lolisist entli in dense masses, reiving lo break down our defenses by blmrr weight of nuuihci "After Rninng a few mile of war rwept territory lie Is now up pioa.hliiK the fust of our main defense wnh nuinv of his best division- already out of comtnls loti It nuiv well be that he will 1'ui'i a lurther advance If he pur sues the leckless luctb a of tho last few dais. "The allies, however, run afford to wan with eijuiinimltv. Ilermany has made no secret that she-' is sinking everything on this blow Sim Iiiin promised her people anil her allies Hint It success will produce Hi lory and peace. "So long aa tho buttle end, a there Is every prosprrl that It will cud with our armies and those of our allies Intact and In a posi tion a strong us they have ever occupied, ilermany will have fulled and failed decisively. Tha opening of the fighting aeason of l'l will find her with Ihe flower of her army gone and with her people dlsheurtened by the moat' . i.ertaculur and costly failure of the war. "Hehlnd our nnnle engaged I the great Trench army and kIo our strategic reserve which have not been used." German Sympathizer I a Compelled to Kiss Shoulder of Soldier MIAMI, Okla.. March 33. Wil liam Farley, an alleged Herman ympathlter living n richer, five miles north of M anil, was com pelled by Irate rltlaena lo kiss a eoldler'a should, four lime and jalut him ten mlmitna. J-Wk-y had been reviling th flag and sol Her uniform. After lielng com pelled to kl lh soldier tinl torin and unlul him, h wa hrought to Miami and plnid In Jail. Supreme Court DeeUion On Draft Law Expedited WASHINGTON. March lb.- The rlFht of the government to draft men under Ihe aelectlve service act for foreign service will he determin ed by the aupreme court of I'nlled State In an order made today the court agreed to expedite the rase of Itobrrt fox. who by a petition for a writ of hnbra corpu which waa de nied bv the lower court, attempted to obtain hi relenae from the Na tional Army. Into which he liaifrheen drafted, and fixed pril 1 &, next, for hearing argument Cox la stationed at Camp Kunaton, Kan. Austrian Are Helping Germans on West Front CKNKVA, Sunday. March S4 -There has been om doubt x preed In the entente pre recently a lo whether Austria really waa taking an active part In the western offensive. Sienna paper clear up thl point, elating thnt tbe Austrian smriernr has lust rnlurnnil tn 1'l.n.ii, after visiting Austrian troop on the t landers front AIRMEN BUSY OVER ITALYi i:ight .Asiro-i;pniian Maihliic lali niaKi'ii larKii.y hhiuk urn riiiauine-ArraH roau. 1 ne Uer niini of iHfcndcr. ..(mHii. employetl a Targe number of divisions in this assault, nosiR. March 5,v There in j which in the early hours was held off by the British gunners. "h';,rs,aInMr,;e,:;Vo:,r;;,eri - or th- hist four days French refugees have been rtreani wnr office announce, i to,iv iiirht'ing back from evacuated towns in large numbers. Evcn'i TT.rY.:'h R0"K the roads leading to the front were to he metojd t various place, between;men, women and miinrrn an irunging stoically behind theif .1 and the Hrenta. Iioric-ilru vv ti cai'Ih of hoiisphnlit fnrnitnro nr nvin naebinn Hard.t and the Hrenta. Teuton OAs Kalimatcd . ,,,.,,, at 100.000 hsVtru Dau S'luiin'cr - ii i i ....... ... . be , ,ff Vhe IiVie,, muPaV;;,,,.:.'";''"!. Thursday morning and s.i'd today that Ihe c . inin- nui'i bciflgSeeil. be losing at least lull nun men .i .; ivl Strong force of Inf m'tv flung on Hie west front They Ina.l.t :i;ls themselves against Ihe Hllll-ll f innt deduction from the lieiin.iim' plan hue h'iJ iiftei ,i fieri e lriiggle broke of mussed attack, the nuiul trooii ttiev are cniplov Inc 'in I Ill nlrengtk of ihe allied ichinTc The 11 Illed oNe ,t d ' , I. would 4e far less tlme of in.. Hertnan iieiadhe thev art funtnn. on the defensii'e M lis. Ill Hi, I I HF t IT ,. on OM Mi orliifi iiileiil Mirntl 4 on- vclielon at Oklahonia t in , ' Mrs Mlnelte ItC'lltes. ciity s .1 - ' peritlleftdetlt of school. left ,ivt nll'ht f o i ULilimii i i'iI, to Jido'id; Itie convention of the Vife , I, M ' tl'OI of I'outllv S'ipeiml llhllh open a thtee f,i HO te todci Ml Hedges I' la' V of I io' IISHi" i itloo Mill's I I,-,, i ,f ( i i ,,i , I, 1 I ! I i f Ml" ' ... II " ' K hoe I loroll'.v I alien if T il.. u Snw i I'l' f . i t l In. e in tin -ni.:i I tl-1 lest held f ei tli , to Mis lledlte 'Vhf will Tlllsl.cooe.i . In the lie ; pet tnncvli.p r, itevt" to b" . loiuor row I "M i '. It e I rsn,l elUnt i .i, he'd their; i Ct'ftlQ' ': - 10 TACKS Haitf Is Inflicting Knormous Casualties While Retreating Orderly to Stronger Positions GERMAN ADVANCE CONTINUES Berlin Announces I-'rcsh Victories But Admits Awful Price; Claim 45,000 British Have KPIl Prilnner - - - a I IOWIIVI . I LONDON, M.rch 25.ln . to Field M.r.h.l H.l David Lloyd George, the British premier, My that the m0 nece..ry to replace thoee lo.t re either now in France or' already on their way. All gun. will U replaced and -till further re:nforcemcntj of men and fun. are ready to enter the battle. WITH TJIK I5RIT1SH AKMY IN FRANCE. Mirch 25 U"" " anomcr nay or moHt decorate and santruinary fiKhtiriK nlonsr the whole front of the new battle aone. In tact, in tho northern sector there has been no cessation In the nwful work mnce yesterday morning. . ' The Germans have continued to hurl great forces of In. rantry into the conflict, depending largely on weight of num bers to overcome the increasing opposition offered by thn heroically resintincr teritiah. On the northern wing of tho offensive the enemy thij mom tltr lirlno-hf un Brlrlitlnnol I.J.. -ri ... . I. v '-""' "Kvmuiiai uuuyi aiifr an au-nigni struggle of the fiercest nature and renewed his effort to brcHK the Rritinh front in thn rsirlon t f-.,tn- m- n.. ... fioum neur me center or the line an equally strong attempt s being made by Jhe Invaders to extend the long narrow aa. , iiiin wmcn mey naa pusned in south of Bapaume, near Longucval, famous in the annals of the battle of the Sotnme. Slaughter Terrible. iL if, Place"Lwere 'ln the "cene of "hamblea In which 1 n O ItrtMih nilfin nn nrtinrkAre nn If i . j . . , , V ii iivi iniciiicii exacted a lerrlDie , toll of death from the closely pressing Infantry. Still furthei south the Germans were pounding the front hard In an en ., t hi u i Li i t . the British right flask back, were oaitnng doggedly to force the enemy back and reclaim the positions previously held by them along the river. The decision at all these center la vet in ahv Mr an 4m ' as is Known at tnu time and the struggle goes on with un abated fury. The resistance of the British right winf W been particularly spectacular. ' " Germans Cross Somme. On Saturday the Germans essayed crossing of the Somme in 1 ha Noala aoelne Viiil iks wvJlllHM - caught in a hail of Machine wiped out. yesterday, however, the Germans succeeded In getting troops across in this manner and followed these ad. vanced guards up with strong forces which pushed on in the neighborhood of Morchaln. The British were contesting t b A Annmtr niluiiii.aa fiaM.lii -ml . 4 l.l-.l ..a l . , v.iv 'iniiij "u'tiii ro jit-itwcij (tnu v iwvcni, reports were noio ing the hard-hitting enemy strongly. ' , The battle on the historic ground at Longueval wc perhapi the most spectacular of any along the front It w'as a day foi machine gunners and infantry.' The Germans were pursuing "i"i iovuvb vi "umuin ivissiu in iiisuwru loririaiion anoj the British rapid-firer squads and riflemen were reapintr a iiuiiiu iiuivrBL Hum ineir iunuiona on me nign grouna. nou ii'itkutandiniv I V. n I m I s, wi V. I A lA.-.- . V. . f I . niuiniaiiuiiit incii uiiiuic lunors me ucrmaii Kepi coming. on, filling in the places of those who had fallen and pressing their attack. The British artillery In the meantime poured in a perfect rain of shulls on the enemy, carrying havoc into the ranks of the enemy. In this section the Germans were nnrratint? without the full miDnort of their o-nna hur.n.. 1 ' , . . their rapid advance. Britith Forced In the north, In the region nitrht were forced once more i i :.. i o.: " "'' 1 It possible totlay to give ..u 'e n... i ,. f,.v,t ! niteni were mrcen once more to aoanaan Mory, which had hanfe hands several time in the last few days.. They fell bnck for a short diHtance and the battle this morning was .i i i i.. i . i it . :a iew DeHiiiKinit m uK on ineir uhckh. I - ---- - ciiiirl uiul Sf Onontin The . l . . . i i. ... I ..1 Thai places They none ,.,'ie.l dun h.iid for Ten- Plcnv near,o,t , tlturri. I.clv -i.ult. '" """ "in v'- ' 1'i.i' Mci !,l ii'hu n Ihe li,ii!-h hid t ,'."i, i ''"'" "' here a iM'tle . f pie.ll f.-r..etly xvtis li. 11 -i i ne ,, 'i, it-. I' "'"""i I . ... ....... , i... I -epe.itedly hy l.forlll ,,i soitilli't w.isih' .i..r.. ...... ..r tl.. com ti 1 1 ii n-ei i 1, 1 1 I k 1 m: Ipi koi.ill fine llii tin op vi. in iitiaMe, to iillll lb ;r no I III ii While Hi s'llll:;e w ;n lo tvnj. Ii. - l lie .' Illl.i 1 11 ' t i.iiiiv flucR five dni.ions 1 "i- in fro"' of ll.ii ri- i on 1 1 a i d f ill I' .' s. f' . 1 i. iii ' : i .1 ' ! '. 'the Tui'j'l" ji:e -He il Me IIiiii-wi to il. Ul lilt: iiuiiix- iuuxhi in lux- nvi wt Ul'iwrt'll tlOUZPaiJ I'Miirl un,l Sit flnoTilin Th rniinfrv koeo t.,uct .Vim,,hJaj I. i 1 Hin i i 1 1 let iin-.or ndel the .irilttK!"-'- In v ','iiiiile-. .i 'd Hie tli - I." ', I. II I'l' ! ;i ll'M" ' -ol! meo-enl I which ; " i" I hoi "oi un- li'M., Iml. I'l g th ' ' 'be last loan i iioly henvv beise on . ' ' - -' I ..' ' tlti. I I ' i ill ' ( ( ,. I'., I ' : i Id.c e h ol tin.;: H id l'lll.c-e,l ,1 t,'i I he eee Mi v . Tb f.-ll buck. thl-. tliu. ollervlll, id l'."irel auj Vcr- PRICE 5 CENTS w finci a. i w vua " irm Tr,P," rteaie.ana awing while the determined defender. gun and rifle fire and virtually - " ' . VVlRUDf VI From Mory. of Ervillers, tho British last to abandan Morv. which had - i i . ,. n . , details of that most mportant it,. ... v.. r. ' ' i, u u i w i,- conntrv horn wi. gkrnnnHa n - . oiiituilill.11 III the Germans advanced without The HeiMiuns captured Ilervlllv, ,t ,rMxh r,r ,irK wh ," in n oasoing mini. '"tt.ic! which forced Ihe enemy "'''"I-"" Tlie tie,,,,.,,,, how. iii-i. In nn attack' farther down th ,. ,,,,, ,,,..,, , ,.H,h , 'vlng ''oek and the whole fionl oj iMh ,r ,s compelled 10 gll wav. (ailing hack to the line of tha (,,,MIIIir ' . ... I tcrt Inch I iililesliil. liverv lie h of round wss enn. te.-.-ed as the withdrew an some, of the most magnificent wnib of (he win was done bv the hard li'iops Who loiinht th leir r-lisri action and allow, t Ihe main fore io retire In an orderly and minl.r. 'Hie manner The fixliit'ig snttthw I Itoisel was especially severe ott Sillurdlv tile Herillin were lire and ihi-'e was nn v et y heavy fight. iliK l.l this .eitlon. The enemi f in e, poshed forward to occupV th evacuated lerilti.i'v and s thei eaini. ihe-,- wets deluged with hc:i le. ihe Hellish a'tlllery. 'o finer target could have bee offeri-il lo the defending anllleev. British .tgainnien, who shot all day with ope a to a line ihru.'sliht and covered the r..,M.t i. trtikl nf flwo . l A- I. 4 . lie,,. ' 'V" Ulilll'l