Newspaper Page Text
TP OKLAHOMA'S GREAT EST EST y NEWSPAPER. FINAL EDITION JEW C M an VOL. XIII, NO. 218 MEXICAN MENACE AGAIN THREATENS .L Federal Soldiera Flocking to Border in the Big Bend District. TRENCHES BEING -PREPARED Fortifications Springing Up Just Across Line From American Troops. REINFORCEMENTS SENT OUT German Agents Believed to Be Active; Yaquis on Wajpath. PASO. Apiil J'.' A Mli-un f"'l.-r:il military l.iixf of -ufflelffit m.r ho roimiilrrnl liy I'nUOil Males hi 1 1 i(.i i officers us iiresent Inn n men. ire In ilm Amerlran horj tr Iih" heen runienlriitril In t ti njlniiua-juiire, nclop of Hie Inle;--ratlonal line uml a II palrols nnl fiutiiiiiis hM t.eeri remfSirert lllnliT Ih. A ... .. I.I - I In ... ii. nu nine in i in- iinrini me iiii; ueiui oistrui. FntrenrhmrnlM liai e l.een J s-. Itrv llm ke Tulprpper promises to covered on Ihe Mex.c ilii sl.le of Hie ' r-veH Ills Ulenllty lonliihl lit the re- w i ..... i vlval lent on tli north side Just west hor.ler opH.allq Tei,. nil, Kay V,,wnRrr ,. report received here today fioin a II hniiKh lt nlttlit's crowil vai other parls of the border opp"ite ol NO Hri;e its the thronif that over the lllit I '. t n district tell of en-'flowed the tent Hunday nla-ht, the trenchlmr work .eln done near the , n.tlnil ""T'lZr. International line. Nutlvea tioKMiiiK to American towns have reported ihev were l,einK warned axalnst a rosalhln invasion of Mexico In I'nlt cd Sl.itei troopn. (ie-rman lropaffnnda. These baseless reports of a pnssl hle American Invasion art now be lieved to have been started by Cler mans operating; on the Mexican side of the border between J nam und -OllmiRa working llh Xfelcan army officers known to be antl-Amerlraii In their Hentimenls. Amerlran arrivals from Chihua hua Clly also brought the Informa tion today that antl-American hand Mlla were beln circulated ' thruout the nloiinlaln dlstrlcta of Chihuahua' slate lira-lug- the Mexicans to oppose any Invasion by American troop" These rl'culata contain a picture of t ncle Ham kicking a poor Mexican neon with a pair of heavy boots. Theee circulars ara believed , to have l.een Inaplmu by Hermans aa were -4heJBntl-Amerloan mnlfea:o clrou laiWr In Juarea recently. Itcfeiforccnicnts rMirln In. Mexican federal troops have been n"iera!nlniT at various polnla alon the Mexican central railroad aoutli of Juarex and on the Kansas City. Mexi.-o , ( ii tent railroad northeaat of Chihuahua Cilv flurlna; the past two weeks. Three Ure columns have been known to h,ie marched Into the oiinana district recently. one i.f thee included four htind red Yaciul Indians. All of these troops now are opposite the l Hend dlslrUt and raids across the American border, similar to the: One yesterday at White ranch, are ex pected aa many of the Mexican fed crula are without food 'and nre Hv- i"B on roots. nerr, and what little food they can commandeer from fh.Uhe esteem and vnorf.arili r ih. ,,. ranches. Auntriann Captured in . Russian Army Tremble WASHINGTON. April ? :.-M ut-li concern Is fell here over the fate of 1 1.000 Czech troops who deserted .from the Austrian arntv i imn Russians at the benlnnlng of ihl war "n wno. Becoming to Vienna newspapers. haver been captured by the Germane advancing Into (be Ck ralne. M m hers of the 'xech-. Slo vak national council M,l bere'io dav It was feared u,at ,,,, r prisoners, or at least the ofI(era mlfc'ht be summarily executed Russian Ambassador on Way to German Capital MOSCOW. Tuesday. II ') h ;"" h been named ,u slan ambassador to Germany and I, on hb. way Merlin h. I, "irci ( ount Von Viri.u. h ' I arn I. a . . ... 1 iiimii aiiibassador to Kusxlii. uuLdn ''I "'h-''r-t 'r,,k-JV;,.'.".,"?'r,J4 r,,r' tHanged Near Courthouse ,,' , He sn.l ' -i' in rmeiia ""'I t one ti,e lived In Germany. -. uml irr n in . . .. . . I AMERICA WITH SHIPS'! i Ve?, V" M"""n T0n ' for Nonhasardoua Trade Ml Ntrrl Vnmrls, W A VII iv. si: ";"'"' April I The hundred k"" ". bartered four V."'.n iiin;Th7r-,?Bih "'..l'i I Ut -., , . " ""I OB opsllv h u roou trn"i. prln ' "HU-VtrireV''-- po thi iff murh '",,n " slower speed Tnr" ln,, 10 "red .mT! m' of " char. hen"",. o?""..:r,"cl,' " of ara nf -nw ,r0h,fr.!":.d '?'!. will be al- must of .i,.K "'""n contract hi.'h hey win .Vh"" "n' "r ontrol h ,i r- r-ei. It In ,w.'".,,,pin' -rd Will -re' e'fnfe';r,r TAIL ?b,""lonmeat', "t,.m w , V; The Weather Til. HA. April ?J I Maiimnm fti'i mini mum 4: lotith !; .,..,1. ilsr kir. I CJoefT look ut you VC UertHT -SOs fix uwu w-cassen OKLAHOMA- Tucv d ana dnrtl parllr rloudv 10 rlnuJy ; coot Turn dr,y AKKANHAS: Tu'' Ut inrrein rlouili tif, fooler In "' portion. nestUr llBMltlHt. realer In ' "J Math tmrlioni - t l K T TLX AS lI7it. TV HfM-XH TO -fistf MW r cooc' P5, a-J Tueitisv I'"""1 ' lair. rooier in wit portion: 'a" nrU; ynielllefl; rnolrr Hn uortsrsil "Zimmie W KMT TF.XsN: Tuf.fU- I""111' "V1 roolir Ih tiprth porlioii, Wrdno'lir I'0 fttr. "BIGGEST FOOL" TO BE IDENTIFIED TONIGHT , ... , lU-irrrnil CuliK-pisrr IHH'lJtri-.. ,"'i. Is Strongi-nt Sermon Ho Mux I'rcuolioxl. ROMPS ON TRANSGRESSORS l;vaii:'lil IW IIovi In ll" OM Tllme Idea of IVnlltiiin, llrlm MtniM " Hell. MI the t,iL.'' firm. riiu ww - ward In answer to the revivalist's Invitations and pledged themselves to lead better lives. Mr .Culpepper again chose one of the old revival texts for his dis course: "The way of the transgres sor Is hard.-' He appeared to throw more earnestness Into his remarks and sent- his mesnaue home with an effectiveness that got results. He launched his sermon with a re cital of the first transgressions In the garden of Kden and depicted In graphic words the effort of father Adam and mother Kve lo hide from (iod when He eoiiRht them after they had sinned. "Yon Can't Kool iot!." "You can '00J your wife, you run fun your children, you can fool your neighbors, you can double-cross the world, but you can t get away from Ood," he exclaimed Adam, he declared, was the first woman suffragist. He hid behind a woman s skirts to avoid respond ulIU for hta sin. "I don t Ilka these LlixJe-Julla-Mlnnle kind of women who try to us a woman aa an ex- cuss foe their . transgressions," said he. "If I had been Adam I would have stepped up and taken my medi cine like a man." Hcllcvcs In Old-Tlmc llcll. Although he discarded the old time "crying repentance" Hunday night, the evangelist a atlll a 100 per tent believer In the old-time hell with Its "bottomless pit" am) Its "burning lake of fire and brimstone' and he brought It Into action last night to give his appeal more effect. Ity way of explanation rather than apology he declared that he could not sacrifice the favor of Ood for the favor of men, and' while he wanted ni. nr t,iI. .... n rate the teaching of the Wble In or der lo get It. Bo he proceeded to give 'em hell! ' Tonight's sermon, he announced Inst night, has been one of the most effective he carries In his repertoire and another great crowd la expected. -j Standard Oil Company Cited by Trade Board WarM't W.hlnilon Jlureiu, U? Rlrri Rln-f. Washington, April i;. The federal trade cnmmlslnA fcs served a complaint on the Krandard oil rompahv nf Nw York charging tliet during the present year It has ac quired a large part of the stock ol the Magnolia I'etroleiim company nd owns this stock now. and that the effect of this ownership my he to substantlttly lessen eompetotlo'i between tlieM companies to restrain commerce ;n petroleum und Ha Prod ucts or tend to create a monopoly In that bo. mesa. Thirty davs Is jtiven for miewer and hearing has been ... 1 .. 1111 jiiiiv- 11. . Negro Who Shot Slteriff ...... lil.XIVI?Ti , vt pf ' 1 ...11 Herry Noyes, the negro who shot end killed Sheriff W. I;. Meltrlde "ear here lust ui,,,a., bumre.l In the courthnuee yard todav bv a iiiub. The sheriff Hdiiirht ttv nrrr.l Noyrs for Wi.lutlnrr the slate lirohl- ,tltlon law. 1 Silver Meltina Measure Now Up to Wilson The WASHINGTON. April :I The dmlnlstratlon hill authorising the melting Into bullion of 3S0.0O0.0U silver dollars to pay trade balanites, waa passed by th house late today without amendment. It had been passed by the aenate and now goen to the president. Itankrr Meeting Ponlponcst. V. T fipllNH. Ark. Apiil 22 The meeting of the executive com mittee of the American Hankers ss orlatlon which was to have been held In this city on April 22. 23 entl 24 has been changed to nie-t nr on May I. 10, and 11. The postponment waa made that the barfkera would not be Interfered with In their patriotic work as they are wot king on the Uberty loan. A spe cial train bearing the eaatern dele gatian will leave Chicago two days mi opening of the conven V"!'" at Utile Hook and come mi. niuira ai iL4ii Uock and come 1 wiia UHin, m COURT-MARTIAL BILL OPPOSED BY WILSON I'rxulilcnt Itwlatnes Clu. iota rlain's .Measure t'ni-onslllul limn I iiml Very I nwlsc. SPONSOR GIVES UP FIGHT Aifrors Not ti Try in rush , i hi .Face of Couili-iiiiiaihiii I rum While House. AUTHOR RESIGNS HIS PLACE Criticised liy Atlonio) l.i ni nil . I'm. ImhmhI Ijiw Would I , -r I . s . To German v's-J'loin WASHINGTON. Ainl 2 .' v hat. promised to ho u s.-nsat lunu I (ni l In congress over the proposal In turn t! t h I n 1 1 y and espionage aso-i n if to military court luartinl was nlpi"''l .... , , In the hud toilay . l'i i s,t,.,i 1 1 son. ChanipfiMis of the plan aban doned It fur the present m least when Senator ovi-riiian of North Carolina, chairman of tlie Judniarv committee, made public a lettei from the preMdent dei larlni; unal terable oppoMtlnn to the Chamber lain court-martial bill as Ixiih un necessary and unc.instltuM' ."I um wholly and op posed to such ii-Kllatluti and ver much value the opportunity you give me to say no!" wrote the president, "t think It is not only uneonstltu- tlotial, but that In character It would 1 put ua nearly upon the level of the very people we are fiyhtlng and af fecting to despise. It would be al together lncoiiNlHtont with the spirit and practice of America and in view of the recent IcksIiiIIoii the espionage bill, the sabotage bill and the woman spy bill. I think if i unnecessary and uncalled for." liainberlaln Gives t p. Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, author of the measure, announced later that in view of the president's attitude be would not press the bill and that further hearings on It by the military committee would be postponed indefinitely. Itefore the letter reached Sem4,4r Overman. Senator Hrandegee of Connecticut, Kepubllcan. hud bronchi the subject before the senate with u resolution Instructing the Judiciary committee to give a formal opinion upon the legality of the bill, which he de nounced as unconstitutional and containing "heinous" proposals. The Connecticut senator declared his In tention of culling the resolution up for a vote tomorrow and If he does there probably will be a lively dis cussion In spite of the fact that con gressional leaders generally consider the Chumberlnln hill dead. Author Ilcslgns. Another feature of the day's de velopment was the publication nf a letter from Attorney-General Greg ory to Itepresentatlve Gordon of Ohio repudlatlnK the action of for mer Assistant Attorney. General Charles Warren of 'Hoston, who drafted the Chamberlain bill and urged Ite passage. Mr. Gregory said Mr. 1 Warren acted without his knowledge and that If he had known anything uhoiit the bill he would not have permitted It to go to congress from his department. Mr. Warren resigned last week soon after the attorney-general lisnird about his activities In connec tion with the proposed legislation. Witnesses before the senate military committee. Including representatives of various branches of the govern ment, have urged transfer of trluls of spies and disloyalists from the civil to military courts as me only or foctlve means of dealing with the menace and preventing a wave of mob violence. General Bridges, British Military Aviator, Here WASHINGTON. April ?2. Lieu tenant General G. T M lirldgrs of the Hrltlsh armv. who recently ar rived In Washington, has been made principal inllltniv adviser of the Prltish ahinassail'ir and ntsn com- MiMMlmier and head of all Pritish 1 military missions In the Cnlte I Indians Chargrsl With Killing ( lln itatrs. ion Man Vv III lie Tried. j MAI.KSTi:it. 0,, April ?.-- c . m 1 1 j r .. 1 George Jones and Willi Jones, SWISS IS ArreSlea lOr jchoemw Indians, were placed under Mnl-inn DrfrrlivP Shells '-.f"" honds In their preliminary Jiahing inieClUe ""'" hearing In district court hers today, . Mack Ihiniel, another Indian, was NKWAPIC. N J . April I. 1T1111I SI oner, a Swiss em,ilnved H " ohlnlet In I he plant of the Interna tional Arms inmpanv bore, w is ar rested todav on suspicion of m.iMiif defective ihelln. Uncle Sam Proposes Reprisals Should Huns Treat American Prisoners Badly WASHINGTON, Apiil i- - -Tho without anv offi. ml information, to commanders to the!, ttoops to deter . ,,. , , 1 1 hem from deserting That such confirm press reports of ill treat- Ml)rl(., nBV(. )(1 ,,, ,, ,,,. inenl tif American pilaoners of r ; f,., io bv prisoners taken by Gen In Geimuny. the state department ' era! Pershing s men . I. .. ....... ,.i..t m Innulrv lo .leielool ,s., " .,,,.! the fads. If they conform to the published sccnunts a protest will be j made promptly thru the Spanish ' ,:.i. i... ,u, ...r .'"vernnirnv. e. i I An bassador Gerard, who was Ametlcun diplomatic representation Vharged with Itrltlsh and French hi nt Perlln. If the protest Is unavail- terests at llerlui before the I nlted lug measniei of retaliation wU be .Slates entered the war, found It al i onslder"d , most Impossible to learn real eon- morlca Has f'xlge. idltlons In German prison ramps be- t;ermati prisoners of-Wur In Amer- (cause he was permitted to see only l a largely outnumber Americana such nf the ramps anr such parts of held In iermnn prison camps and In- th.-m as the Germans rhose to ex clude the crews of German raiders Jhlblt. and prizes In addition to the crew It is regarded as probable r)at the of the German "submarine F-r.PI 'Spanish ambassador to Merlin would These prisoners have been treated !heve a similar experience with a degree of liberality that has The state departments nctilry caused adverse erttclsm rn some I will Mend to the charges that .matters Slid in marked contrast In AtiimWn prisoners -have not been the treatment said to . be accorded allowed to receive the packages of prisoners In Germane One difficulty; In 'he way of re taliation. 4t is slad. Is that It might lend cof tu the stories of Amer)- TULSA.-OKLAHOMA, TUESDAY, AIM. Official American Roll of Honor V. A. MINi; Ton .lSl..t!t t isif I,H. I attic, div i, lr, I ,ts i iii 22 -Thf . .Mll.lllll'll 71 follow : Iv ill.'. I ouiids action I 'I died (if in .1 or iii i iiicm i . died nf disease 4 other i-uuses " Wound id .veiereiv ;. vvniMided sMshtly AZ Killed in Action. I 'r 1 . .1 1 I Irr bert !'. Aurnv l. I'l ate Klnill G l.iwe) Private l!a i Greawei I'nviite John I l.aasln. I i iv . iii. Mam 11I M 11 1 1 In ..I'rKate Johii N'niMinitniiin. I',. Ileriiinn aluer, I'rnale .lorn I ', Slator rrivatn 1 It,, r les Waldion. lliiKiei ( ;rie cr l Tanner Died of Wounds. 1 "in p. Hal Clonk It All 11 I.i I l'i mile Henry .1 lleigirnu I'l'iMitM S .ill. i-r llaliunett, I'rlvate I 'buries A Henry 1'rlvutc l.oroy S Wells. Died of Accident. I. lent Stanley HllKttofin Died of Disease. Sorgt. I'rnnk C. Calal.ln pneu monia: Cot poral Thdore 1'eck, itiberculosls. Privates ,los. L Mat- tiriRly. pneumonia; Jamea T. Welch empyema. Died of Other Causes. Privates Frank J. Watson, Arthur Williams Severely Wounded. Sergt Kilwanl G William J. I'lll-.n Smith. Abraha .. A. Kles Corp. Joseph Thl- chber. fault. Cliaa. It. Harring- ivies John 1.. ton. llrock. George Kertchcr Slightly Wounded Kdwnrd Itosroe l.leut. Mai'land C Million. Itobbe. Jos A. I .amy I.leut Arlle Alfre Ootids Ijivelle. IVhardt. Armand lmleux l.leut. Kdward B I-awrencj H. live Wilcox. land. Corp. Ilohl. 8. Al- llarold Mcfionald hackly. Kdward I.. Mor'ud Corp. Timothy J. den. Harr. Chas. F. Mel.eun. Corp. Walker Tt. l.leut. Geo. Perk. Ilnurdman. 1. Ijwrence J. Mo- I'vts. John T. Namara. llenoii. Freddie Moreau. Harold W. llerry. Jos. Nsuaky. Glenn II. Cole 1'snlel J. O I-eary Ssmuel J. Coakerl Georg W. Russell Kdward) Is Dim Frank SI John bruch. Klwln A. Sheldon Thus. N. Elud- Clias. J. Sheridan kevlch. Frank N Hlncoski Fssriial Ferru- Geo. H. M. Thorn- gano. p. on. John Fraso. Aaron Torslsn Tony Frisco. Merwln H. Tuttlt Charles Germain. Peter Viola. Phillip 11. Gone Alfred S. Yaffe. Marry Gould Charles J Hogan. PITTSBURGToltTTs OVER Small lluyers Were lU-aponillilc for OtcrsuhMTlptloit In loon. MoAI.KHTICl:. Okla.. April fi. "iver the top and then some", was the comment this morning, of H. C. Perry, county chairman of the IJb- erty Iun drive In Pittsburg county. That not only goes for McAlester, but for the entire county as well. Mr. perry was unable to state Just what the sum Is at this time, but a detailed statement will be ready for publication in a day or two "To the farmers and email buyers belongs the greater portion of the credit for the place the county now occupies In the evs of the nation." said Mr. Perry. "Never before have tha wage earner ami the tiller of the sou come to the front with their money ss they have this time." he said. ALLEGED MURDERERS HELD 'ernaniieii to me county in 1 1 wnnoui belt The three men are charged I w ith the murder of John M. Scott. I of Clinton. The two Jones' failed 'to make bond and are held in the 'county all. eruel'ies told bv Ibe German military ITUIII mHOSIOtl. It vas said at the stale depart- () difficulty Is expected In ascertaining the facts concerning the condition of Amerl- caii prlsiiners in Germany rytinrr rood and clothing sent them by the American Ked Cross nd which un der the rules of war they were eti "d to receive - . AMERICAN CASUALTIES 200, PERSHING CABLES 1 M-illiloiiarv I uiiiiiiun.lcr tH I iiiati-w l.cri...i.. I i.i !ttlil I., link i iii siiiiini.i) s i iiiiiM ! BERLIN CLAIMS BIG VICTORY j I alls 1'urtlnr I ii lis, lief.. re Milk-,' I nil Offh lul Hi purl nf I . s. ' Giculcst I iigiigcturiil BAKER TO TELL ALL TODAY, lisrl,irvs SumtnVs Wire sIiiiikIiIiti l Itluht 11ml I .of I. Mow nl Hiiwii j It) M ;.'iln t.nns. WASHINGTON, April J .' Genet al Pershing's first report 011 the Ger man tisnatilt upoi. the American and I'reni h foices in the T011I set lor Sat urdiiy Is understood to Indicate that the Americans sust.i lued more than two Hundred casualties and to esti ina'e the German louses at bi-tweeii 300 and 40 It was learned Clint Die l.port bad been rei-elved, but war di-part nient officials refused to make it public or to comment upon persistent re ports about the department con eel nlng Its contents. .Secretary Hak er Is understood to be awaiting, mote details before making an announce ment, though he probably will lav the Information received before the house military committee when he appears tomorrow to tell of his trip abroad. AMV.IUCANK ANMIIILVri l, GMIMAM HF.I'OUT HH. AMHTF.HDAM. April 22 A tele gram lo th Wolff bureau. Die semi official German news agency on Sunday, stated that the attack against the American positions on both aides of Seloheprey, thanks lo careful preparation and the co-operation of all arms, was u, complete success. The telegram says: "After an effective artillery "repa ration which caused severe enemy losses, the Germans stormed Ameri can positions over a front of two anil a half kilometers and penetrated to a depth of two kilometers. "Helcheprey was taken by storm ani Wos found full of American deud. Hitter , hand-to-hand fighting ensued around dugouta, vantage points arid cellars whose occupant were killed almost to the. last man, "Severe hand-to-hand fighting al so occurred about dugouta In Han n eras wood. Here tha American cas ualties ware especially heavy. "Dans columns of enemy reln foreementa were discovered norih of Beaumont and al .0 beyond Tterne court and were badly mauled by our destructive fire. Further hack the German airmen located enemy re serves filing up the trenches In Jury wol and attarksd them with ma chine guns, while our batteries vea-fced fearful havoo In the closely filled trenches. "After dark, when the enemy's de fense works and dugouta had lieen destroyed and blown up we evacu ated the position, according to our plans and unobserved by the enemy. Our losses were slight, while those of the untrained Americana were moat severe. We raptured five of ficers, one doctor end 171 men, us well as 2 machine guns." MAN WHO SANG IN 1907 COMING TO TULSA AGAIN Joseph l arrell to Appear In Com pllincntnry Conerrl Wednes day Afternoon. Joseph A. Farrell, basso-cantata and associate professor of voice In the university of Kansas, will give a complimentary concert at the public library at 3 o clock Wednesday after noon. The concert la held under Hie auspices nf the llyerhka club ami all music lovers are Invited to hear his rendition of the hass pans of tliel "Mesulali." They are said to be par- j tlcularly good. , fei... ...hi , ,- . . ' i win ie air. rurreus eeeonu concert In Tulsa. He sang here In 1007 when Tulsa was a village and his appearance was then also under the auspices of the llyerhka club, whlc h had been organised but a short time and Introduced Farrell as one of Its first musical numbers. Monday night Mr. Farrell sung at ' Okmulgee and last .light at Mus kogee,, lie will atrlve In Tulsa Wednesday morning and during ln.i stay In the city will be the jjijost of his sister, Mrs. Fd 1L onion, e Corporal Confesses He Robbed Soldiers' Mail SAN FHANCISCO. April 22 -Cor-poral Wilbur L. Judd of the nriui censor board was arrested totl.iv bv post office Inspectors on a charge of appropriating If.OSSL'it from letters which passed through his hands , Aecnrdlni; to the Inspe.tois who arrested Judd, he admitted the thefis and said they were the result of bis extravagance In tli night life of Sin Francisco. Dr. Welnsberg Is Held for Federal Grand Jury Ml I ( .1 IS) A l.rll " I I. ("ha" II Weinsberg, former president of I the Herman American Alliance of j Missouri. w.nril o HVim ll'lil ..i week, today was held for the fed seal grand Jury under 13.000 by Fnlted Stales Commissioner At Mum following a hearing Welnsbeig wss arrested several ilsys ago after a story was published here in which Welnsbeig Is quoted us savu.g Hun Gormuny would win the war. How Was your c-ofre lhi iio.i n lng " Try Jioopri's, lojsted fr)-li ti") lay. II, Z, l'.Us VI l'ACKS Put Hurley Major of sV - ttTMimm r AC i Js'h&-- t-!cv J l U.jrfi'e- , PAT .1 111 III. K Y. 1 WASHINGTON. April 22 -This bureau Is In receipt nf direct word that Mai Pat .1 Hurley of Tulsa has safely arrived overseas. Now that he haa arrived In l iiince it will be no violation of censorship to state that he haa I lit been eoiinei leil with the office of the Judge advocate general for many mouths, but has been transferred lo the artillery and hud three months Intensive ttiilnlirK before sailing. TWO DISTRICTS PASS THIRD LOAN QUOTAS St. l-onla und StlnucaiMills Ninr Tic for Honor nf llelng First in l'.xcrisl Ist'iiiuiuls, WASHINGTON, April 22.- All governors were asked today by Sec retary MoAdoo lo dei lute nexl Fr1 day a Htute legal hollduv. President Wilson has proclaimed It a national holiday to aid the Uberty loan day celebration by which It l hoped in hooat salea of Liberty bonds well alonif toward the 1 3,000,000.000 minimum. . Just aa the nation's offerings nf Liberty dollars passed f 1 .500,000,- 000 today Hie St. I.oula and Min neapolis federal reserve district managers sent word that they had exceeded their subscription ipiotas of I Flo. flOii,iiiio and t re epectlvedy, l ntll official confirma tory reports ure received tomorrow the treasurer cannot determine) which went over the lop first and is entitled to stand nt the top of the honor roll of districts The Minneapolis district record Is ri liable red partlculai Iv remarkable considering (hut It stiirlrd lis can vass Just ii week ago today. ty of ficial reports tonight the St. J,ouls 1 Islil. t had secured only 9(1 per cent of Its iiunta and Minneapolis OS per t opt Secretary McAdno's telegram to governors follows In part: 'The president by proclamation has designated Friday. April 2. as Liberty day and baa made the after noon of thai day a holiday for all tedrral employes thruout the coun try whose services can be spared The success of tho Liberty limn Is so vital (o the nation that It Is Hie first duty of every cltlen to support lo the inmost Ibe fliiniul'il measures (ssetitliil to the effective, uml SUC i essful prosecution of the war. The observance of Liberty d.iv by the people of each state In the union will Immeasurably stimulate the sale of l olled Stales Liberty loans, the subscriptions to which close May j 4, I'll" " j . & 0. Trains lo Use j Tunnel of Pennsylvania WASHINGTON. Api I "1 In lino Willi i'h O'.llrv of roiniiintl tse nf, teit'iiral fiillltli'H, the ,i,toail 11 d - I iiil'ilstt'iM 'ii tod iv oidere.l Hint l e ginultu' "evl Si". I iv. It. i Itio'oi A! ( i h lo ti.ilns ttiti into the I'enn-vl ; lan.i siii'.iin N'w Voi. wen. t.i fo llirn icli the I'eiinsj Ivaliia tun , Three Billion Bushels of Grain for llelgians si:iM'iN April :.' Food : si 1 1 . i , , .-r. - io the . iv Plan popula tions of til" alii" I ""o;nll"s will be !(-. ends I f ' I ton iIuns lo t,n,e t t, ii-. hi. i, nil") bushels or g'-iill to the i Hi it ati-., 9 ho no do. I, ne. I lo bo In desperate straits. Young Nelson In Krnfl. M lids. iN, U is A pnl 2 J I V- , ron No. soli, son of i 'otlvr-'i'siiia'i S'..son, wi'i go in ibe iliafi Loini M idisoii. May Nel-oii failed to fi''U'.t on .lube '. l-e -ause lie was! , re-idont "I Canada . where he was: eiig.:.-"il III am c ultural pursuits I The .Ita't boa id started an action i against him, but the court hed he was lint eollip" le'l lo reKisier. li ei Nelson retuiie'd t' Madison and reg. stored. Ilutc Ydvams San'tliined. ASIIIN'T"N. April ;.' In i oni pi i.ince with a loipiest of the ia, ail in i ii i t r)i I I'm. t!e inter H'al"' lOtnmor' e . oinuilssloti lo ltT a ii' horlje.l yaillers to file into si io-. 1 ilea tnctejsing Joint i i.i an I i.itei lltol all w .'or la'ifts In a level not hisber , than existing uM liil laics between lbs suuiu pultiU). Artillery in France New York Village Ha Given Every Man of Draft Age to Colors HAHTINGfCON-HUTlHON, N. Y., April 22. -the village of Hast ings has no more men to give to the' colors. Neighboring villages In bidding good-bye to their quota of drafted men today noticed tha absence of recruits from Huntings and questions brought forth tha reply that there were no mora men to give because every msn of draft ag had already volunteered, even those who would have heart taken In the June call having gona away. AMERICANS FIRED ON BY BOLSHEVIKI RED GUARD Truln Carrying I'asarngr-ra nil "Safe Conduct" Fncca Maclilno Gun Mm, HAN MtANCIHCO, April 22 A special train currying Kngllshmen and Americans, among whom were officials of the International Har vester company and the National City bank of Nuw York on "safe con duct" from Moscow, waa fired upon by llolshevlkl soldiers, according to John Philip, an Kngllsh engineer, who Is here today frem Itusala. Tha train was held up at a station near the Siberian border, Philip said, and the soldiers guarding tha train were ordered to turn their uniforms and rifles over to the red guards. When they refused a machine gun waa turned against th train and Its oc cupants, according to Philip. LOSES FOOT; CANT GO OVER koblicr Hemming from liirlough In. jurs'il at McAhsitcr by Train. M'ALKSTKFl. Okla., April 22. i The attempt of Oliver Springer, a : soldier boy. to board a moving train 'at the local station till morning not j only cost him his iiinbltloit lo be one (of the fighting hosts who will aid I I tii lo Sam in putting the kaiser nut I of business, but It also cost him bis j right foot. A itiisslep caused the hoy t 'i drop dovvn, the wheels pass , Ing over his fool. 1 be foot was so ( mashed that it had to be amputated when hn was removed In a local bos- . ' pllal Springer Is a member of the Field i Aitlllorv'iuarters company, stationed .'it'l l. Sam Houston, Toxhs. and was ri'tiiruimr from a furlough , soi-nt al bis home in Freeport. Ill ' lie not off the tialn al M-Alesli-r fur , l.l eukf l.-l i AUSTRIAN STATESMAN DIES Union on I rnnkcnthiirii. Former Premier. II. Ill off lis- llins- Times. AMSTF.IIHA.M April 22 Karon Ciuf''h ion I i a nko nihil r ii, former Austrian proniler. Is dead at his home In Vienna, says a dispatch to day fiom the Austrian capital, p. iron voo ! ratikoii! burn been three teriiiS- in that office, ooinlng to a close late in 1911. He wan 07 years of iiko Negroes Mill Hostile. I'ewiti J'dm.n, negro charged w.lh ussaull with Intent to kill Julian I'avlie, auolher negro, waa 'bound over to the district court be ! fore J.isth e Warien llnml was j fixed at fl.IiOO. Johnson an Payne : eiideuv oreil to w rangle during the ( hearing and only the threa'a of the court to floe them for contempt I kept them from "mlxln It" several ! times I efore tlie healing was over I'levliins to Ibe alleged shouting of I'avne bv Johnson, the two neuroos w i t e roommates Hoke I roier!i U II I lies A MS I I; A M April 2: Guile I- i e.t.-i il k II i nil r " f the t m.i ii mill In of At halt. Is .lead at the Hal Kualcil tuMlo. Jio waj ol years tld. PRICE 5 CENTS GERMANS READY TO STRIKE AGAIN Kx ported to Try Two Great Turning Movemnets. FEAR FRONTAL ATTACK Punished Too Severely by Canadians; Allies Arc Not Worrying. NORTHERN SECTOR INACTIVE Artillery Fills jn While Infiintry Rests for New Assaults. London, April 22 Kventa along tha battla Una In Franca and Hal glum seem to be shaping themselves for a resumption of the great Oar man offensive Since tha savage at tack on tha American forces at Hlecheprey on Saturday thara haa been no fighting of an extraordinary nature along the front, hut thara 8 hava been Indications that tha Teu tons ara almost ready to resume tha Sledgehammer blows they hava been aiming at tha allied armtea. Fnlass raoent operations hava been feints. It la j.robabls that tha coming week will wltneaa two great turning movements by tha Oermana. Ona probably will pivot on the village of llobecq, northwest of. Itethuna, on the southern side of tha aaltant driven Into tha allied lines aaok of Armentleres. Tha other la exptMtatf to develop at or near Meanll, north of Albert, on tha north side" of tha ' Momma salient. , IVopoeo Hldsi Blaanea, The purposa of these rnovsmenta . will ba to out deep Into tha allied Una on each alda of tha promontory that projots eout Into Oerman-held territory and terminates on tha aid Arrss-Lans front. Tha Germans hava attempted two great frontal at larks on tha defenses of Isina and Arraa, but they hava been repulaed with terrlbla losses to the, attackers. These loasea were Inflicted upon tha anatny befora ha reached tha atronger allied poaltlons In that aeetar and since tha second defeat at Faetubert and Glvsnchy tha Germane hava not oared to laka up tha task of arjvlng tha Canadian! frpm thalr poalUona along Vlmy ridge on eaoh alda of that fraat natural bulwark aafara Arraa. If sucoeasful attack were ta ba 1 launched by tha Oermans at Hobecq ' ' and Mesnll, tha British might ha forced to withdraw from Arraa with out having a ohaaca to defend their, positions thara. Heavy artillery ft ra at both places haa been reported and a local attack at Maanll showed that tha Oermana wera capable at that point of resuming offensive opera- . tlons. t Nosnhcarn Front Inactive. Along tha Una of' tha Lys, south west of Yprea on tha northern front, there haa not been any notable fight ing nor hava tha Oermans again ea se yed tha breaking of the Uelgtan Una north of Yprea since King Al bert's men smashed a great assault on that part of tha front. South of Albert at Vlllers-nre-lonneau, there has been a continu ous artillery duel for1 tha last two days and a German attack thera may be expected anon. On tha Una hold by the French from Albert south I,. Montdldler and thence eaat to tha old battle line thara haa been lively artillery fighting. The attack on tha Americans at Hlecheprey, east of HI. Mlhlel, now appears to have been a carefully dunned operation which had as lis object the piercing of the Amertran lines or perhaps the splitting of the American and French rorces which are holding adjacent positions there. II met with defeat, however, and the" , . line which was dented by the fury of' the Teuton attack has again been I rutorod. PUTS UP $500 CASH BOND IN QUARTERS' AND HALVES Alleged Hoot logger Will Appear In i'ollee Court This Afternoon to Stand Trial. ' Police Sergeant Hlalne would qualify as paying teller In any bank In the city, from the wav he handled $',00 In quarters and half-dollars. ash bond furnished by Roy Cotndon. arrested Monday everting on a boot legging chsrge Coniflon was arrest ed lua rooming huuna on First street bv fytectlve Luis a, and when brought" to police station and put tinder f.0O bond, he started pulling silver out of every pocket. The ser geant's desk was literally covered with halves snd quarters. He waa released on bond to appear In police court at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Lucas, dressed aa a farmer, said he succeeded In buying a half pint tif whiskey, and stood by while sev eral others purchased some of the wet good. When a crowd had gat tiered In Ike room, Luins ahowed his star and puller" his gun. One rutin started to show fight, but waa quickly silenced by the officer. The . patrol was called und the bunch tak en to the station, t'oimdon will prob ably be turned over to the county authorities. Negro 1 onstable Aitc-mciI. Glenn Jenkins, a iiegrrc constable was iimon the rati h" In a raid on a gambling game Sundsy afternoon. He m is i haute I wlih oiie..tig ss he was imt plaving at Hit tune the ,o lire entered lie pies-led gulitk to th, v hinge yos'enlav In Ju-tl -e Dan iel's cuuit and woj (liikd i anj it and w-s Clhi-ii I coals.