Newspaper Page Text
1 i ir irnr tr-a m O TL AHOMATS 1 tT?'irLg HZ R. EAT E.S T NEWSPAPER. FINAL '-f EDITION I 5 VOL. XIII, NO. 235 TRIED TO STOP ALL WAR PLANS Opposition to Draft and Sabo tage in Trenches Among I. V. W. Oejects. TIED UP AIR PRODUCTION Strikes Fostered and Boast of Delay Mado in Dffi cial Publication. DOCUMENTS ARE OFFERED Government Adduces Mass of Evidence in Trial of Leaders at Chicago. CHICAGO. May JO. By defeat of the aircraft program and the select Ive draft act, together with the prac ties of sabotage In the trenches In France and the factories at home, was hoped by the Industrial Work em of the World to crumble Amer lea's war plans, according to evl dene presented by the government today In the seditious conspiracy trial of I W. W. leuderB. The 113 ilefendnnlH listened In tently during presentation of the great mass of documentary evidence which characterized conscription as a rnaitorge to the worklngmaii. ad vocated spiking of guns and spoiling of powder and termed the uniform of the soldier "the livery of the scab neraer. Delayed Aircraft Program. 'Why not ask the lumber lack? Was the heading of an article In an official organ of Aug. 8, 1917, in wiiicn authorities were quoted as saying the nation's aircraft program woum be delayed a year unless etrlk In 'he, northwest lumber dis tricts were etttled In two weeks. "This Is an open admission that we have tied up the program, " said the article, "And to miners, Woodrow Wilson says, 'If you Blacken or full, armies ana statesmen are helpless, " read a previous notice presented by the government as evidence. "Light you are. Woody: when the cat (sabotage) slLs,on the plckhandle mass nuttonv must go, "Whether the United States gets into this war or not does not alter the fact that Industrial organization H the crying need," Special Proseeu tor Nebeker read from one. of the seized documents. "One big union I" the power that can disband one army." "War Means Murder." "I belong to the I. W. W. because I am patriotic." read one of the al-. leged anti-war documents. "Pa triotism does not mean murder, but aoes. i am too patriotic to en- Only a few days before the time et for registration under the select- ii, ' draft, tho publication Solidarity, later aunnreirf i.irh. uted to the membership throughout ...c .uumry an article Dttterly at tacking America's entrance into the ar. It opposed the draft law, and declared: "As long as the kaiser can he made the scapegoat for the hideous ramies or today, capitalism can pose as a white angel of purity." Various means of breaking down the military machine by a campaign of destruction and the teaching of ..UL piacen on ilecord. 'The patriotic I. W. W. member does not salute the flag. He Blows down production i by practicing sa botage.. He proves his loyalty by Intelligent rebellion." MAN AND'WOMAN HELD IN JAJL AT MIAMI ON PLOT Federal Authorities Making Thor ough InvcstlgaUon of Find ing of Explosives. ifl AM I. Okla., May 11 man and woman, brought here in Inn Taction with the fln.lim, S' Quantity of explosive, . i; X Ofcla.. were being hem i . Llhp'' awaiting InvestlJuiZ , authorities The ex,j!y Mvra In"-W bo " a plot io blow un c,. WZutS .KTe Ridges and dama , ,1, ntT,"' velllame ken " C,"si Wr said. 'S,kept UP" them, off. r0f,lm . "V" 'ert time on t"" 'an 11 T"' V"1 'Pftre of iient we nt to the hotel an ., l ! n vs :.rf, ..-j . . . e' ' 'im tV ' . lnr!K u,e rnnl; H Wllh bound ii.i i , ' , voiiks, iien.vilv Ir"md. when """K"' cre - ii ii ri'ifii...... , a box of cans "'y to explode "r rn i-r, , ti. ... . A''- t'earclnii r. v,i. Patrolman Found on Ian8aS City Street f Va'LT-"V 10-Th. body '"und fae. a K,yeg was l, , ' ,dAwnward n the street ".ind inel l,d.ayuWlth thre0 bM thtrtv ftn .wiv Club arrest w. y' A ""ivo Is under lag ln conn:tlon with the kill. Borglum Planned New Firm While Making Air Inquiry Mother Asks $100,000' for Injuries to Son Struck by Fire Truck For Injuries suffered by her lit tle eon, Mrs. Catherine Wells yes terday Instituted suit against the city of Tulsa In district court to collect $100,000. Paul Wells last July was riding a bicycle on Third street between Boston and Main. While attempt-,, Ins to get out of the way of an approaching fire truck his bicycle struck an uneven place in tho paving and was thrown under the wheels of tho truck which pussed over his body causing a fractured skull anil Internal Injuries. Tho petition alleges the city was negli gent In int keeping Its streeis in a safe condition and because of this negligence her son ha been made a helpless cripple for life. REPUBUCANSlTART BALL ROLLING TODAY Muss Meeting at Courthouse) Will Insist un Itogcrs Making tho Ibtec for Governor. VOTERS STRONG FOR TULSAN Delegates Will He Named to State Convention at Oklahoma City -Next Week. Mast Meeting Call ' t To All Republicans: On ac- count of tome .important ques- I lions that will come before the I t meeting lo be held In the court- I I room st 2 o'clock this after- noon the meeting will be turned I I Into a mass meeting and all I Republicans are urged to be I I present with their delegates I and take part in the meeting. I A.. A. SMALL, t County Chairman. I t. ................ ..--.-4 Tulsa county Republicans will hold a miss meeting at the court house al 2 o'clock this afternoon and appeal to II. J I, Rogers to become the party's candidate for governor of Oklahoma. Incidentally 39 dele gates to represent the county at the state convention at Oklahoma City next Wednesday will be selected during the afternoon. The original Idea of holding a convention Of precinct delegates lo nominate the delegatea for tha state convention was abandon-In .faw of the mass meeting plan for the reason that the demand for Rogers , dem-nrf o. n .r. is so strong that the general senti ment of Republicanism of the coun ty demands an opportunity to pub- uciy request Rogers to head the party ticket In the state election. Kverrhody Wants Rogers. This became apparent Thursday night when the precinct meetings were held all over the county. Everywhere the speculation hinged on the qu-.-stion of whether Mr. Rogers would consent to make tho race and there was practically no sentiment for any other candidate. iteptibltrans In Tulsa county as well as In every other section of the state feel that th announcement of T;ng eis' candidacy would give Repub licanism In Oklahoma Its brightest chance for a victory In the state elec tion and it la felt that he will not refuse to accept the nomination which It If. conceded will be offered him if he la at all inclined to make the race. Friends of Mr. Rogers' report that his physical condition is Improved and that he would be able to do himself Justice 'in the campaign. This consideration Is all that causes any doubt concerning hig acceptance of the nomination. A large attendant Is expected at the afternoon meeting and A. A. Small, county chairman of the Re publican committee, savs that the .nih.i.. in. n.anr. in nil nnria of the eountv will brinar Republicans I from every precinct in large num bers. Kntlrc Ticket Considered. While the endeavor to prevail tip- on Mr. Rogers to lead the party to victory In the state election will re the principal effort of the meeting, candidates for other offices will come In for a share of the discus sion and It Is expected thnt the on- lire ticket will be considered fully. I it, . , 1 1 1 1 Here stniin the mass meeting will he an advantage over the conven tion for It will develop the senti ment of the voters of the whole county and give the delegates a definite Idea of the opinions nf Tu ! i county voters concerning the state ticket. An Idea of the expected attenu nnce at the inentlna- given ill thei" fact thnt ihera villi be 2 ."i 3 dele- era uaiatA ul Ik. nreclnct niee:- ings In the" eitv Thnrsdnv nlRht. Then 160 delegates will attend from the county outside 4he city limits . . Reports Indicate that every delega tlon will be accompanied bv voters and particularly large attendance is expected from Sklatook and Broken Arrow. . Nicaraugua Will Assist Allies in Cereal Supply Bivcii I'inflD vr.... irt Vinr-! a sua ha vine- entered the war against I the cent ml newer. the national I t powers, congress has declared the country ln a state of aiege. It is announced that Nlcarauga will assist the allies with the supply of cereals Deputy Administrator Held on Food Charge PAN FRANCISCO. May 10. James A. Wood, deputy food admin istrator for Nevada, was held to the federal grand Jury In bonds of $5,000 here today by the Cnltedi - Btates commissioner, on a charge of accepting 1300 from the South Eorlt, Flour, niila .t.Elko.. Nov, , . Sculptor YVhusp ( ha rgo Brought on Inquiry Was to Be Si lent. I'-irtn.T. DOCUMENTS MADE PUBLIC Associates Dinlan i-i-i- .i Acni.-tT. neiieu on wi ib.'ial Ntaml inK for Sui'ciss. WASm.Ni;T"Y. M , Statement.". ett..r: a from the i,f iv gnllCO korvlcl in-;,' senate renud 1,1.1., (ii:tzon I'.n, bi!::. perntinal coining. u Wilson to iii.jnir,. m,-, ment's avi.itinu j . r-. . . 1 I. I 1 1 1 u.J lot Of til' i-.-rl-l,l II pf.. timing Hecri iiy fur 11 a ptivuto anitl;ti;' ! war comr..i ts .tu friendship with tb : n rtt Co I f! ion I; Ho; 11 1- pro- I't'-i i 1 ne sen r w I;.. I; chief critic of inniai offii'iajs N- icpr. s-n:,. t t Inn 11s Kiloni ;i! -i m posed corpor.iiiuii. 1,1., the transition to friendiihip w nil '1 , , 1 whom h kUid , , thing Willi ' With I'orgitim ,-is ;i- .ItlK-i . llu. to - corning 10 ine 1 1 o 1 1 f n ' I i ' , Gibson, an miplove ,,f ) ministry of munitions of V'nited Sfites loi..ici in who was to fcmt.e in tli'd.-; i'o ilitdi ill the ' Vo: i.. .1. A rorm.v t i-m i-ti t i,v i;,.Mnn W. Mix of ti. Hodge .M.innfat-tunii conipllliy 01 Indiana s-iliug fnrfh oetaneu acc ol ".- o'ko 1 i.i 1 o .1 with the tvio in, n 1,1 an,otiK u,e papers put into the cntiKresioiia! irroiii. J liey nre presents.) by .-cnaior i nomas of Colorado, a member of tn I'nale in 1 1 1 1 :i r v com- niltice. who ii, ih neon p.ii-iu-njiiriy active in connection with the air. craft agitition. The Mix statement slmna that government official... Including 'le I'resldent Marshall and lloi,rd K. Coffin, foi iiicr head of I tin aircraft board, hae htnl most of the h;. formation disclosed tuday since lust January Wilson SlopiMil lifirglum. There Is no indication, however, that it readied President Wilson himself, at that time or that Hie president knew of Its existence until several weeka ano when he called a halt upon the sculptor's Investiga tions in his name. All of tho documents submitted bv Senator T'loinas as well as much other data from tho war department. iMl-fn-r"- n&LS.i&Ll have been placed in tho hands of ' .u. u. J...".z' Tier " '." Ju"' inquiry ordered hv I tie president Into charges or graft, disloyalty und incompetence in tile government aircraft. These charges rctirred to first In capitol cloak rooms gossip and finally on the floor of tile, senate have been at tributed largely lo assertions of J-Sorulum. With the Mix statement there was filed todnv a copy of a formal Ftate. mcnt nccuMitK Rorglum, made to the military intelligence section late in January by Henry Harrison Sup lee, Mix's cnnsuliing engineer. SnP lee participated In many of the con ferences with liorglum and Clbson described by his chief' The latter says he became suspicious when he visited I'ior-tltim In Washington dur ing January and was shown Kresl- dent Wilson's letter .authorizing the investigation and decided then to re port the whole, matter to government authorities. There are intimations that a great ireal or intormatlon bem-luR on Borgltinis' activities and motives has been assembled by the army Intelli gence service. There Is an uncon firmed report In official circles that evidence of fjerman influences in some form will bo brought to light when the full story Is revealed. Ilorliiiii Denies It. NEW YoRK. M;iy lo. In a slate. ment issued here late tonight Gutr-on Borglum ( iiara'-tei Ized as a "scut rllous fiitiie-np'- the charges made against him in Wasliinitton todav In relation tn his connection with the investigation of n Irpio no production in the Cniied Stutes At the New York studio when the nature of the ;ishinnton dis patches were made known to tho rOMlNCKI) l I'M,K I.KWIT fj,rrnll At in! It Dfr!tinn ' ; AUdllS IMllbltM f 1 i . . ir,..., . . . of Court in Mexico Citijl - , WASHINGTON. M.iv 1" ofti. in J I advices to the statu department to- ! dav ".iv that iiobctt II Murriv. rep- ! reseiitativ e of the rotntnlttee on pub lic Information at Mexn-o I'lty. has ' not yet been deported from the eonti- - ' .,, ',,, , ,,' ,. , ' V.' ' a court on l ettam cbai-tz' s it sv, , 1 1 ' . ' news dispatc lies and that a decisi,m ' now is being awaited. t c Clle,r,nn Violation Of allCrman Law Indictment Charge NEW YOP.K. Jlav 10 - Two in dictments charging vp! it '.on of the Sherman anti-trust bit at ) i 'in.i n.i tinsii:" of the ru.tiN. we-e re. turned hv 'he federal gr.m I i-nv here to,! i - hi: .1 ii'', the Ironite , ,.;r- pan, .Master HuiM-is con and of 'nlte t products eonip Chicago and uals. a number of lti(!,-:i- Use of Fuel Oil Will n r f r J Ci J i rOOably liC OlOppCa , WASHINGTON. May 10 Mark L. lfWrl ditector ..f Ihe fuel ad- minlst r-ilion. Is onsideriitg it-siiiiig ', an order proliibitini,- Hie use of fuel ' i ll li- oiin-: ..f tic I : fit- nM-thwrst . to tc!i"V'e th-.- tue: ri shoi'taiy In ! Ciiifrirriin e-egen, W t hini,'l e 11 I t-7.1 '.If -n en tnd i Alaska, v ill be a.f'ecSeri bnrr.o will 14 put on fuel lOil ship- maau iq iiruun v-oiumuia; , TULSA, OKLAHOMA, liwii oULuiLKb rMLLhU IN WKLCK Twenty-six Others Injured j Train Accident at Camp Jackson. SPREADING RAIL IS CAUSE Itc'rl Car Strikes, Hurling Wooden Coach Over Embankment. ol 1 MltlA. . ., M iv HI .. bititrd of iiiM-silgnlbin tonight he gin an Inquiry i,u , tl. ,.f a uieek of 11 tiiMiji Irani qi Hie I'n iiiIIhiiv .it I ni Ju l.- ..-un imiIiij. :i uhii-ii elalit KOliliers their Ilic 11 in I n others Mere lu.iiii.'il. Mime MMloii-l.v'i 'J'lie Ixmrd I- lim.lcil hv Mi mini ( op, no I It ilslt nil of Hie illM-it luf.inti'y i-eg. lutein, Ht-t dlilsi in which nil of the dead men ivcr: nlliw lit d. Cti,-Mi;IA, S. c. May 10. Kiuhl soldi. .is were killed outright, 1,11 were so badly injured that they 'lied en mule to the base hospital, four were louMy Injured and 26 more or li seriously hurt, w hen a woo'icn piMsengiT coach, loaded w-Uli noliliri ef the' 52tst Infantry, Jumped a tit.hllo at Camp Jackotin f hlf 'mnrti.iu;. The soldiers had loaf entrain., I for Cump srvlcr at (ireenvllle and j tti train was pulling out of the Hiop til vi.rv iow sperrl. As it ap- oioiieiien .1 tirxr A n r,or utAAi ,-,n.. struck a spri adlng rail. This hurled : the wooden coach linniedliilelv in front dnwti t lie em till n k me lit The flout pari of I lie steel conrh lumned the track li u t the car did not turn over. The wooden coach was badlv de molished und It was considered al most miraculous that any of the eighty men In it escaped alive. The hospital train at camp was called out immediately after the wreck and In twenty minutes all of tho men been removed and the injured weie in the base hospital. Military authorities at Hie camp announced that a statement would be issued us soon as possible giving the names of the dead and injured ami their home addresses. The official list q tho dead fol lows: I'lUVATES EDGAR SIMMON'S, Patnios, Ars l'KIVAYK PHILETUS C. SWANN Ashevllle, N. C. PlilVATE MARIuN 0. HAWK INS. M.irlr.n. X. r. PBIVAIK WM. E. LOWER V, Alta Pass N. ('. PRIVATE JlvSSE RENO. Soddy. Ten n. PRIVATE ANDREW SCOOOJNS, Ooitewah, Tenn. PRIVATfc' JAMES I, LEATHER. WOOD. Waynesvllle. N. C. PRIVATE IIEXTON GOQLSDY, Tauls Valky, Tenn. The Hcr'uuhiy injured: Prlvalo Chester Slrcy, Defeated, Term. Private Robert C. Rogan, Othelio, N. C. Private W. c. Bryson, Candler, N. C. Private George p. Thompson, Hwavney, ,, ( . Corporal Klanklin r. Polndcxtcr, Moonville N. C. POPE CALLS FOR SPECIAL PRAYER FOR ENDING EVIL .McvsaaaJ.ddrcKcd to I'nGre World- Asking oiisi'ivani'c lit Mass on Ml. JVIor's Day. ROMIO, May 9. A special prayer for the cessation of tho evils tor menting humanity during mass on St. I rtir'a day, June 'ii, is urged by Pope Renc'lict in a rpecial message addressed to the whole world. "The end of the fourth year ap proaches .since Kurope is In con flagration." savs tho message. "Dur ing this time the violence has never diminished, hut increases so that we iuver have hid a moment's relief from the evcr-incuaains His and uf-lli'-tior.H.'' Conuniiinr, the pope says that ovv Iri' ti tho ministry entrusted lo him by providence and i.nimalcd by the chanty of Jesus 'hi 1st. nothing ha3 been l"ft un.itlempied In remedy ti-,.s af'lictinns Tho ponilff re calls the words of King Jchosh.ipbal h;i.iiik: "iord tlod of our fnlhers, Tli -in ute God tn lie.-ivcn ami iiilesi run' all kirifct'louis and nations. In Thy hand is strength ad power: none can rrsNt Thee. We will cry to Tiiee in our nfflii lions and Tliou v llt hear I us our God. as we know ! to do, we can only turn nt Wii.' to The." cone urcs the world lo trust T in t'o.i. ivlio is wrathful at such iTii-'itit smi.nd must be plaeateil. Hoijible entr.atle.M and tiresevering ptuvets tire the lest means to do (hi-, the fioutiff deele.res. HUN AMBASSADOR MAKES RUSSIA BCW TO ORDERS Nation irtiiitllv Miib Hun Colony Moscow cv. .papcri Dci liiri. of New Mciistiro. LoNI'iiN. Muy 1 I tts;i;ciies f i 'un Aio'cow that the news 't an ultimatum '.'( t It I S t Jl". f t'ccl.i to . a -i resell I ! 'pi "U by a rnb.i-'s.i not . wliajj ij l n. medial e e e. ti l ion ' lej tn. in tided the r.:r-utes ; i; Iuisxiii virtually a German I oi-'bv. Tit" main poiuts of the olti jii.ti.tupi were th.i settlement of the prisoner fiuflstion, rompleti ces.-a- lion uj Jiriiniii, iroojoi ariri I ne (1)3- bundmerit of unlM f-ecetttiy formed ror me ot'i upaihin ot Moscow and Other cities - i,ls , March. A M ?T I I : I . X', .l - i .. p.. . Ger- r.iat.s ate "i efiiu)-atiii,,-' r will par. ti lpat; in :h adv.i in.c of- l'itini.,li troop on Poiroiriarl. Aceot ilitv; to' the Vorvvaertt. this rinnotiticenieiit i viis triiiun oetore inn nia.n eoninul uyo tit the reicUsta on Wednesday I lacttoijii yoa At'laoer";, SATURDAY, MAY 11, L5E!iEZ0STEND U-BOAT rl n!uH,"",o",' 'nrl'h'.'lo ' I HNIW IttWmwi ' .! , , ,, tHNt, wt CiXH.l i -ki, A , Ml ,,,,.,,, "hlVIIIUM: i,.i! Ill llW'tll..uT f'O'l"! ' li"Ol V I" '.-Is v' V iz 1 "" JNwsjae. MM- Tl M . i 1 '-.ou,,!,. . ! ?rz. ,.,!,,- ,-'.....!,,-' I "Zinnnic" 7i".nM i. ' ' J -H'llt.b'V t ! ,1 li d , ' j Moi-. My uio.,111,,1 w. 'h, t J(tUSt. Xatur-Ui .lendr. hei ' I HI '-l ptirln.ii Suii.lj,, ii n M 1 . .1 W.41I1.M ! I'uflnian Car 1 1 War Iircad I'll, lie (ml think tlit I i .m p-mr,. On i k uriiii stas" I i i..iv m v I'vrt All !lfl,il plfHilllT ',t ill'Litll, I M'n u puti'inl hi lifwrt I jrll'lv time Mil liliiili, of itO'itt And hirk.l and rake that ft.iovfr Iftti lint I ronle..ii 1 cMotint rat ThOBO wur roll nervci Id I'lillinan .r Corn mutfitm limit by ronl nhi know The srt of wti'fin miiluix. I Am Kl,l to rttl. Inil I torri-o The kind tlm I'lillmmi tlinrr l-iij-, I la not crave tlie Imiiu Ktol tirps.i 1 hut mice my mother unci lo uiAke, I only a.k when I mi fed A roll that 1 liiive Kttriigth to breik. I wnnder. nhen on trli I'm sent And .nl'iiMnmn roll are kerved lo nm, I'Ht kind of plmiter or rcnienl KeelllU in tirll lenarity. Hul trial rrini uhitttttite tor whenl 'i'iiei aerve on i'lillinant, la rarla, I iv.iul,) he very sllil to eat If I rould tear the tlunj apart, War a alern neeeaaitlea we faee. Aliil eaeh of its niliat do Ina ahara; I Impr thai I've tha senne and grara Not lo complain al war-time fara. ltiRht flad am I lo paaa up meat And wheat and other needed stuff. Bit' I rnnfeaa and 1 repeat Thnae Pullman bullela are too touch. Uopjruht juts ,y Kdrar A. tiur.l ) NAMESTSliYEN IN REPLY TO BURLESON Hon-.evolt Mciitlona Hearst's Pjpcrs ns Among Those Not Assailed I'y (.ovi rnmcnt. Mi WVORK. Muy I0.--Thoodoro Reawevell mado public tonight what ho termod "a brief lu-cllinlnary stale, ment" in reply to, the request of Poslmaater-tinorul Hurlexon that ho prove statements) ho had made in un editorial ta the offuot that favoritism had been shown in the treatment of publication under the espionage act. .Mr. Hoosevelt mentioned specific ally me sr lorn irtouno. Colliers Weekly und tha Metropolitan niai;:i. zlno as publications ' wliUU have been assailed by George Creel of the committee on pub'i? Infonnatlon, while others which "directly or in directly aided Gurinmiy" havo not been Mib.'erted to gov ernnu-n-. cilt Icism. In the latter category he In cluded the publications owned by William l: neurit. "The prime falluro of tho admin istration to proceed against papers whicli opposed the war or uttmked our allies or directly or Indlrectlv aided Germany Is afforded by the failure of the .id iniiiixtrt-tion to deal with Mr. Hearst's impels as It dealt witii certain other papurs," said tha statement. Iteferi'ing lo tho Tribune, Collier's and the Metropolitan, the colonel as serted they havu "consistently up held the war" mi l have hIui "told that small portion of the truth It was absolutely necessary to tell about tho admlniiitratlon failure lo conduct tho war ef t'iclf ntlv." lie said that Mr. Creel "officially sneak ing as President Wilson's, rjipteseti tatlve and as giving a mesmig.j front the I nited States government to tho American people," had attacked Col lier's and "hi has also attacked the Metropolitan and the New York Tribune " He said neither the postmaster general nor the' postoffic.. depart ment hail made any cttempt "lo remedy the wrong it did'' in the Case of the Metropolitan. I - i General Carey Promoted for Closing Gap to Hum V.y Canadian Press, l,td. LONDON. May 10 Hrlg -Gen Kanileinan Carey, who Commanded the force of Mulish and American troops which closed up the gap in the British linn between the Third and Fifth armies In the esrly days of the March offensive, has been promoted to ho major-general. To Ituv Commercial 'l'irn". WASHINGTON. May m - Pur chase of i omiiiet tual types of tricks for atmy us" inateuil of the devel i- inent nl two small"!' typei of the Liberty truck, has oeen ordeie,! I.y the war department. It is under stood rtKiniif.T't'ii e of the l.irye tl.rei--ton i.ili'ity truck will con tinue. Death List in Iowa Illinois Tornado Is Placed at Fourteen CIHOAi :o. May pi - I'ou, leen deii'iis -seven In -ioiy.i an 1 s"ven In. Illinois- -iind a propei tv b s ewtlniiited at nior th in 1 .toitl.otKl was tlie. toll taken by th" totnido which iwept t ri ii i i a: li low.i end Il linois yesterday. Approximately one hundred aril fifty persona Were injnied Tho tornado, -.'.'huh was felt moie In Iowa "ha'i In hlini'ls, played liavoc ''itli t-le re lib le und telf-oli'tie coin i:l n nt.-1 1 ions und f-et foi mi'd Piatiy u-i' freaks Hons ... ieie imiooi 1, in-) m one town. CiiI.i-.i.. I'"'. a. it w a -. I "pot t -rd tl',.,1 1; i T i,f ii" ' ..w II v. a:, le' tied an. four n ,,...i i . . 1 ! . . 1 . flood i.offec alwais,at Hoof ei 's. lAdV., 1!)1S BASE BLOCKED l.ritb-h Naval Forces Make I New Raid With Suctoss j tn Holuiiin Coiiht. CRUISER SUNK IN HARBOR I Vindictive Used in ZrohniKRe I At tuck Ati'iin PiTuscd Into Sorviip. l"M'i', May in- The (iernmn s o in. nine ,,,,. pf i.Bienil the I'.elKl.iti ,'m llf. ., n ot-kei ns the result ,,f m.iv raid by llritiali iiav.-il for.,,, ihe admiralty tin iioiitii is Tin. obsolete cruiser Vln it"', fll.' .l llh con, rete, has been souk aeiiiss tho riittacn In th" b it Lot . I i:e in 1 1 1 -1 1 lost one-motor bom The iiuiltles were light. Apii.iieniiy tho Hillliih have car i ;''.! out iiiotliei- raid on the Gi r u an siibiii.iiiiie bases on the liel. ki.iii i.' to Ibe iiiip on A pli! :t vviien so much daiiiagic'wiiH 'lone I,, th bathor ntid works ill Zei-biiiUK- III the nilil on Zeu briiUKee and iintend on April 23 the liglit cruiser Vindictive landed Ri(v.sli 'storming purtles on the mole afire storthing German bat lories. Commander lre, 'Carpenter was promote,! to be captain 'fur bravely lu acilon. Tho Vindictive was danvigcd severely in the action at ZeehriiggH TheA Itidli live was built at Chst hain In lsu;. isiio displaced 5,740 ions. liOVKIt, England. May 10 The decision to send the Vindictive to Ostend was made a few days after her return from the Zeebrunge raid and tho task of filling her wllh con crete was begun immediately. As In the joint raid on Zenbrugge and Ostend this latest Hrltlsh naval exploit was kept a well guarded secret. A an evidence of this It Is recalled that after the battle scarred cruiser turned from Zee brugge an urgent request was made that she be sent up the Tliamst to London for public view. The authorities did not encourage the proposal, however, and the agitation subsided. All the time the old ves sel was being overhauled for her last voyage. Ai on the former occasion, the operation to hlock Ostend harbor waa under the direction of Admiral Keyes. Rome of tha men who partial psted in the affair returned here today. They say it was completely successful. . The fire which covered the sink Ing of the Vindictive began about 1 o'clock this morning and lusted un til 3 o'clock. The bombardment was very heavy and could he heard at Hover. The night was clear with the stars shining brilliantly, but there waa a hsite over the sea. The Vindictive came tinder a fierce fire from the German shore batteries. She was navigated close Into, the pier In fine style and sunk by an Internal charge. The crew escaped In fast motor bosts. Only the number of officers and men nbsoitite'y necessary were on board the ship on account of the danger of her total lose. On signal they swarmed up from the engine rooms and stoke hold and took their positions Rt appointed stations so as tn slide quickly into me moior bonis. The small boats were under heavy gun fire all Ihe time while they were transferring the crew to wait ing destroyers. LONDON, May 10. The Vindic tive Ilea at an angle not effectively blockading the channel at Ostend. but serving a very useful purpose, according to the Tress association. A partial and very serious blockade has been achieved and tinder Jhe conditions of tide and silting pre vailing this obstruction will cer tainly '.end to Increase. P.KI'I.IN'. via London. May 10 The Hriiish attempt to blockade the hat-i-or of ostend failure. - etiioniK I" nn sued todav. An obi rtulser entirely battered to pieces lies aground be fore, the hurl. of out-lde the naviga tion ehnnnel bitI the entrance to the in, rl'"r Is unite free, the state, ti.ent continues Sarnies Take Part in Successful Trench Raid p... T'te Aae."i!e. Tr,-.. WITH THI'i AMKRICAV ARMY IN KltAN''K. Xlav I" The Ameri can artillery participated and the American Infantry lent some assis tance in a successful raid in the Apteniont. forest .tiorthw-CNt. of Totil. at dawn todav. The American bat teries acting with the l-iemh artil larv In a heavy two-hours bombatd ment were showered with g.ii shells by the Germans Socialist Paper Not Allnirpd in Gernmnu I ,'lftWlHU III irll iriuny WAHIITMiT'iN May 10 - For two weeks the great AuMrlan Sq rialii.t paper, ANiciter, has been barred f i otn Germany. An official dispatch today from Switzerland (-! the fact had been dlicloeed through fitiestinns asked In the relchs'ag by" Socialist Deputy Her bert. , Italy Gives Quarter Million to Reserves WASHINGTON. May 1". -Italy's -ontributi'in to the reserve urmv Genera! Koch if building up behind tiie liiiieH In Frame for suni-eme rtiergeticy uses numbers nearly a I ouarter of a million men, of filial dispatches today say, and the f on e is beins strengthened steadily. Hun Ukraine Policy Sharply Criticized in Main Committee LONDON, May 10 Germany's ennieiu policy, pnrttculsrly re speitliiK I ki-alne, lias Hg.tlti been ctitii lseii sharply In the reb hstag iiniin committee, a Central Ncwn dispatch from Amsterdam reporla. iliistav Noske. Socialist, asked for further Information regard Ink the status of affairs lu I'kraiun and protested against ronllniied Interference by Germany In tho 'lonicstt'' interests of that rountry. Me said II was Impossible lo con ceal the existence., of discord be ivveen lierniHiiy and Austria on account of this situation. Mathlns Krictger, centrist leader, ptutested n mi Inst what he called the German military die tutorship In Ckraltie. M'ADOO PROPOSALS NOT KINDLY TAKEN Dei Islo.i On Hrvcnun legislation to lie Mado Next Week; Opposition Voiced Hy lieiKlrrs. WASHINGTON. May 10. Con. Rreia Is not taking kindly to tha Idea of abandoning Ita plan for adtnurn ment about July 1 In order to un dertake new revenue legislation. A decision on Secretary McAdoo's suggestion that immediate' legisla tion to provide more money to meet Increasing war expenditures was postponed today until next week pending conferences with the SCO rulx cy and president, Mr. McAdoo's suggestion M sub. milted formally today and met with Instant opposition in both aenata and house. Hcnator Hlmnions and Representa tive Kltchin, chairman of the en ato flnanre and " house ways and means committees, respectively, voiced emphatic objection to pro ceeding during the present session unless treasury needs make Imme diate action Imperative. Repre sentative Kltchin added that Is will he more difficult to show the necessity, since 1 12,000,000,00a wilt be available between July 1 and next January or February. Oonirea. slonnl leaders tonight believed thai a way would be found to avoid leg!- miion now. probably By authorising additional bonds or temporary credits, If the president decides to press for action on revenue legislation at this session, congress will bey-fur-nlshed with a treasury 4raft of bill providing, for simple admlnla tratlon ef tax collection without th special provisions for definite rata which will be left to congress. FRENCH AVIATOR BRINGS DOWN, SIX HUN MACHINES Lieutenant FoikIs Has Previous Rec ord of Thirty-four German Plants; Cool Ugh tor. PARIS, May 10. Pix German sir. planes were brought down yesterday by Sub-Lieutenant Hcne l'"onck, th war office announces. The statement follows: "Yesterday IJeolenunl tPni. brought down six Gorman Wplunes In the course nf two i,utrr,i. 11. downed the first two In ten seconds, .or iriim nve minutes later and the othor three ln the course of tha see. ond patrol." Lieutenant I-'onek's achievement of yerterday has never been equalled. He is the greatest air battler since Captain Guynemcr. Lieutenant I'onck. who raeaetiu took a leading part amoni in French aces was credited nnnffieiui. ly nearly a mriiih aao with bavin.. shot down 34 German machines. Ho ll deicrlhed as a remarkahlv ennl jnd during fighter. Uecently he longnL co i.erman machines in a snuarlren of eight, felled one of them ana put. the other to flight. He is a years old HOPED ALL CAMP, BOWIE MtN WOULD BE KILLED a ta , -IT Port Worth Gorman Held r-r Fed eral Investigation After He- mark on Soldier Accident. FORT WORTH Texas, May 10. Police "have seized a German em ployed in one of the packing houses because of his alleged comment yeaterday that he "hoped every soldier St Camp Howie would be lovv-n up like Ihe boys In the Hen- brook trenches." He Is being he'd or Investlgstlon by the federal au thorities. The disaster he referred wan that of Wednesday ..after- noon when one officer and ten en listed men met death from the fx- pltxion of a trench mortar- Tail and Walsh Named to Mediate in Strike WASHINGTON. May in. Former I're-lilent Tuft and Frank I". Walnh, Joint chairman of tha. war labor board, wore.. instructed by ihe board today to mediate between tho West- ' " ''1o" ""' ,'"s'"1 Telegraph companies, and tho operators who are lieli'K discharged becauBe of their affiliation with the Commercial 'I e'.cgrupherv Union. Baker Names Pew Press Representative for War WASHINGTON, May 10 Secre tary Baker announced tod. y ho had apolnted M.irlen K. I'ew ot the com mittee of public. Information as his personal press representative "for the purpose of centralizing the dix tribmion of Information to tho pub lic with recard to'the activities frotu the v ir department." ... .. i XgicciiH'iu Itcu.-iicil. " PAH!.-. May In - n aafriemeivl I li .? been eimicd between the Fretvn I - ,ui,! TorKmii govern iu-iit4 for the i ( pad i.i t ion of l-'rciiuli at'aj Turkish I Jwvilianu. i PRICE 5 CENTS ALLIES ACHIEVE NEW SUCCESSES Grivesnes Falls to French in Attack That Nets Prisoners. BRITISH CAPTURE TRENCH Gains North of Albert Though Small la Important; Still Fighting. SOMME DRIVE LOOKED FOR General Radcliffe Speculates on Future and Refutes Hun Figures, TARIS, May 10. Franeh troop yesterdsy captured Grivesnes Park, five miles northwest of Honttlldien) th war office announce. Th French took 261 prisoners They organised their new position"' notwithstanding German resistance' I.OC.tIj FIGHTING IV WOOD NK.VH ALUERT. . v - LONDON, May 10. Ther was lo cat iignung today at Avelujr wood. iionii oi winert, ana nosui artillery activity, particularly in th Vlm and Hobecq seotors and south of Plckebush. Ther I nothing furthei to rport, says th official rpoi from field Marshal Halg this vn lug. ... G-Msr NORTH Ok ALBERT IMFOItTANT. ri: WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE, May 10 Th operation by which the British regained in a oountei assault th small portion of th trench north of Albert, which th Germans had eepturad yesterday, whll a small on, was Important, Th position in question lay on high ground, which had been hotly oon, tested aver since th German stormed their way Into Albert. LOOKS VOn BIO DRIVE , . VS lUTOlOX Of SOMME', , "LONDON. May 10 "Th bulk o th Oerman ruerves 1 still in th rear of th Bommi front and it must b assumed th enemy big main f. fort will b In that dlrsctlon," said ' rspresentatlv of General Felm Radcliffe, ohlf director of military oparattoii at th war office, In Bumming up th wsek's war dvl, opmenu today, Jt I suallyWr. r tain that he will not discontinue his ' attacks In flanders." In th period between March It when th Oarman offensive waa he. . gun and April IS th losses of th French wer only one-fourth to on. fifth thoau. nt , I, - taliua. ii.uviiuios representative adu- mnce April ii he said .there been no reason to believe th 1 of th French have been UIV bar than those of th British. Thill es of th British since Mail C were estimated on May 4 by th ' Ish military mission at WashlV at nearly 260,000). This InfornJS was given out in refutation of 1 1 man propaganda assertions that! French have been bearing th bl of tha battle. I "In considering the ' course V the battles It must always 6 r, membered that capture of any pa tlcular position Is not a material, factor. Mer geographical gains are not the main consideration. It la rather a question of staying power. We must look to the end of the battle. "While th Oerman gain ln Flrn ders is important owing to th rowness of our front,'-we must not Judge hy the Joss of one position or anotner. The end of th battle will com when one side exhausts it reserves or reaches the end of It resources before the other. "The Germans have put ln a con siderable number of fresh divisions both in Flunders and on the Homino front during the last week and trail, is satisfactory to us for It shows that we are getting through their fresh divisions very fast. The" enemy's proximity to the heigh: In Flunders makes It likely that h will continue- his attacks there, de. spite the lack of success during th last week." NEW CABINET FORMED IN HUNGARY UNDER WEKERLE Premier Announces Amendments Will He MndH on Basis of Com promise rrnpowuls. "bI'DA PEST. May 10. A new Hun nulla n cabinet has been formed with Or . Alexander Wekerle as premier and minister of the interior. rretnlor Wekerle has stated that the government Intends to introduce various small amendments to suf frage proposals based on compro mise that will make the aecentance of tho proposals posslhle. The amendments provide that every citi zen who would not otherwise have tha right lo vote should obtain that right if he gives proof of sufficient learning to have passed throuuh four classes of the national school and also maater of tho Hungarian lan guage, or If he has passed through six clasees of tho natiiTn,)! school. The premier added that vVorkmeu w ill have the rlslit to vote. -'The ex tension of the suffrage will he car ried out forthwith and the govern ment will maintain tts social and economic problem and its plan of army reform. Italy Protests Against Further Shin Reduction WASHINGTON, May In In pro- ito-Mlnj; in. the shipping board today a k a . 1 1 1 ii j i v ioiuici nniiioiion 01 rno number r!f flutm plylru between y '.Vnericii ami Italy. F, uii.'tatronnn. f Italian high commissioner, .decfa red it-n idin-tiin would threaten the Italian peop! and irl.r army with turva'.iou, - f - i liiaiinv la