tT3 ms OICL AHOMA'5 GREAT E,S T NEWSPAPER FINAL EDITION Ny iJiis r"-n TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, MAY 1L l'.HS VOL. XIII, NO. 235 I ' i 'V I 11: 1 FRICE 5 CENTS ir W 7 -J- ROGERS CHOSEN TO LEAD TICKET republican County Conven tion in Enthusiastic Meet ing Endorses Tulsan. OTHER COUNTIES FOR HIM Reports From Many Sections Indicate Strong Senti ment for Oil Man. M'GUIRE COMMENDS PARTY Declares Old Guard, in Power and Out, Has Always Been for America First. Tulsa county delegate were ln- ttrnrn.,1 yesterday t tho mass meet ing nt the coiii-thottse to sipport Harrv II. Rupert for governor nt i the Slate convention of tllO llep'lb- ( limn party at Oklahoma City j Wednesday. Tho name of the Tul- , Fan aroUBe.l great em nnsiasm, mm tho voto on a resolution endorsing Mm lis the party candidate wa passed -without a dissenting vote. umiffiKln 1 i-octlittinn VL-Ht aroont- ed by tho convention to tho end that j the r.epiibtlc.ans of the county urge' Mr. Roger to make lho race fori governor at tho head of tho state : ticket. Further resolutions were adopted, endorsing tho records of f'nnirrf-1 man Port Chandler and Glenn Con-I don nnd Harrv 1 1, Rogers as reprc-1 sentatives from Tulsa county to ihe state legislature. Both Chandler, and Condon will receive tho unltciuai Kimnrrt nt fh nttrtv- in Tulsa COUhtVTI lTthey run for re-election. Resolution Is Adopted. Following is the text of the reso lution: "Resolved: That we, the Repub licans of Tulsa cunty. In convention assemhlnd, do endorse the Honor able Harry H. Rogers ns a candi date for governor, and direct the entire Tulsa county delegation to givo'hlm tho most hearty support. We bollevo that Mr. Rogers Is most extraordinarily well qualified to fill Vhls high, office rind -Rive tho Mate of Oklahoma that decree of ability, honesty and patriotism which the jrt'ooie are justly-, entitled "Wo also endorse .the excellent ef forts and tho record of tho ilonor r.hle Pert Chandler as rongressmsn from this district. Iiyal'v to the government has been his watchword end he stands for those underlvlnr principles of government that have proven beat for ail classes of the . i .... "VA recognise the excellent ef forts of the Honorablo Harrv H. Kouers and the Honorable Glenn Condon as our retiresentatlves In th- stale legislature from this coun' jnd w are gia(l to give them o. lui.esi endorsement." Other CounUe Tor Roger. Tist night telegrams reached A. A. ,"r, ' "ounU' chairman of tho Re rouTtV. rmittee, from several cm mic wner conventions hart also jn'lnrsert horera. AmonK them Cr.'"r' kfusk,e "d Kav ? u i "ny ''"'buttons were ,1, 1 ht ""! reports were not Attendance at the mass meettr.r was reduced trre.'illv V.v t, delations from ,an1 Sprint! llixby. Sic a took Kr,,-r,. a A .' Ix-inir Kievrniea rrom attenillnr Chairmen Of the rioter n M..r.. i'""-a communicated with lit 1 wuiimk uie oiternoon and pressod their approval of the !"n of tho lnnv.nll. ex- ac- heir delegates to the stato eonven- namrd nologratos Are Named. MrK'fh.,y"e"rht were cer- .1 J, y ronventlon during the TuKi county is allowed h rty-n ne delegates . and thirty. h , : ,'"a,PS- M!iny mnr an he er Rniou to attend "i- state convention, so It wi CO.VmcH.P OS JaC,B F-IOHTKEN FRANKFURTER NAMED WAR ADMINISTRATOR OF LAPQR tary w,Uln , na; " 'o RrLu, ( enu-,,, ,1 1" ArilvliloH. -"PPoimeWr"-' "ilscii tod, iv tJ ... 5 1 '-"Oor War labor ae.u. ' "lrat0r of ;; ;m ms.u s)li(,,,1(. tZrtZ !" the .K.:,a,-t.- J -"'lore, nil i f .,, , imve acted in . m i ot.'tri mir f , i. Aud II, n- i in m! . ''nri M I i n I 1 1 1 u v - i a wards. i t ,7 " r!Crn rvir:if to tho -ro-ury f war FRENCH SCHOOL CHILDREN E TO ORPHAN FUNDS ""'in, to I'rovldc Homo Ann for " ' iiiid Fitends n. ft. ,!"1 liriKiiiai i.u U-;l... May ll.Two hundred .'"' d French "school "i.ute.l tiicir sons to a in tlm tie rev nn. I -H '.r, r.!(l,,,j s , (a r ,he flrM An'"t- i miH.r,r the war- ori. . Y . I T: was ,n raise J5 --: w- 11"; W" the 'Ml,,, 'I'he rno '"I Ihe ,,' i.v - simply an d m prh t:ral"u'! tr e,', J''"nrh nrPhans. "'nen promptly ,, be. . Joined Plan. i.h In arid more tha uu"i'-iptjon raised before ih cloaed. Mother O. th. .weetneas. th8 tenderncs. of that dear narro 1. earned by th. one who la always the nm Jut a plain lltlla woman, she's th. dearest and U 4. stt she's Mother. Who was It so bravo Rnd so tender and true Who went down to the depths Just to Kivo M She was thankful and glad in goinB there, too. Who would but your own loving Mother? Who was it who sat by the little sick bed Night after night, her heart filled with drc.i, When your little life hung Just by a thread Tour patient, adorable Mother. ' And when with a hurt yon ran In from your play. Who so fondly kissed all the tears away; Oh, who knelt by your side and taught you to i r f, - lour beautiful God-lovinc Mother. Who was always the last one to be newly dress, ,1 When money was scarce nnd father depress, d ; .Who toiled all day long without taking a rest Your untirinK. unselfish Mother. Then when you grew up and to collcce would ro. Who ;ave you your chanee aye, gave it although She denied herself all that it might be so? Your faithful, affectionate Mother. And when to the battle front you heard tho call. Who gave you up nobly though you were her all; She gave you to country e'en though you thould fall. Your loyal, great-hearted .Mother. ., , or when you left the little home nest. Left Mother to go with tho one you loved best. With an ache In her heart, who laughed with tho rest Because you were happy -Your Mother. And if ever you bowed that dear head In shame. Did she love you the less tho' she knew you to l.I.ur.c; No. forsaken by friends Mother's love is the same. What so true as the heart of Your Mother! Ah. methlnks when wo reach that land of the blest, And meet that vast army gone on to. their rest. We will see God reserved Just his brightest and best For Mother your own Angel Mother. . ' K. n. O. 1 1 Today Is Mother's Day 1 Throughout the Nation and in France as Well Today is Mother's Day! Does your mother know where you are? inis is a aay set aside by Ih. rov ernment as a national holiday und a mother, was the .aspiration. A kind, .lovlnr; mother, like vour mother, with a special gift to for give and forget with a wonderful power to console and a love un equalled. That is a mother. General Pershing, commander-in-chief of the American expedi tionary forces In France, issued an order that every man "Over there" should this day write home to gladden the heart of, mother. And In our own country the bright or the white flower worn today by the man, woman or child will bring to the minds of the Iiassorsliy no other but his mother. Coincident with the celebration or Mother's Day throughout Tulsa today, a special program for the weekly mon.'s forum at the Y. M. C. A has been planned. Rev. J. W Abel, pasior of the First Metho- (list church of this city, will de liver an address, "The Sublimity J'f'a Oreut Cause." AH men are invited to bring their mothers and special arrangements for the social hour following has been planned to honor the mothers. Six-Cent Carfare in St. Louis Is Allowed JF.FFERRO.V CITY, Mo., May 11. The Unltsd RiMlways company of St. Louis was granted the right to charpe a fi-ccnt street car faro In that city by tho state public com mission today. The ruling tiecomes effective June 1 and is to continue for a year, when the company must f-how cause far making the order permanent. 4 Members of Lafayette Squadron Are Missing CARTS, May 1 1. Thomas Ruffun of New York and Donald F. Stone of Mexico, p.; y both members of the Ijifayettp flying squadron, a're miss "'B. t.tone probably is a prisoner "l Oermany. His machine was seen hy infantry obsen'ers to fall behind iho Cierman Itnos after a fight in which nlno French airplanes and thirteen German machines were cn gaged. General Maurice Is Put on Retired Pay by Council of Army LONDON. May 11. The army council having considered the ex planations tendered by t!en.. Fred crick Ji. Maurice, baa decided that hn shall bo placed forthwith upon retired pay. The retirement of General Maurice was made known tonight by a brief statement from the war office, it reads as follows: "The srmy council having con sidered the explanations tendered, by Cieneral Maurice of a hreoch of regulations commltteed , by him In writing and causing to be pub lished a letter which appeared in t he" pros on the seventh lnstarX have derided that he be placed forthwith on retired pay," 1 ,JJ HOMAGE TO MOTHERS" ASKED BY PRESIDENT Wilson iMftup McHKUfre to America for t'nlty In Kevcreiiro to -Motherhood. WASHINGTON. May 11 A na tion's unity tomorrow- in reverence and in homage to motherhood was asked tonlpht by 1'resident Wilson in a Mothnrs dny message to the American people. Especially is it fitting at this time, tho president said. th.-,t mothers of American men who Irve taken up .vms In .iefense o 'world liberty be revered and hn called upon all to pray "for his divine blessing upon them anil upon their sons whose whole -hearted service is now given to tho country whi. h wo love." Message to American mothers slso were Issued tonight by Secre tary of War linker. Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman of the women's sec liAn of tho iiutlbnal council of de fense. Secretary Raker's messatro was a word from the soldiers at the front asking their mothers to be of pood cheer, while Mr. Daniels called upon the nation to Join in prayer for all mothers of the defenders of democ racy. President Wilson's message. Is sued in response to a house resolu tion, said: "1 take the liberty of calling spe cial attention to tho fact that th.s is Moth'ir's day and 1 lake advantage of the occasion to suggest that (lin ing this day our attention be direct ed particularly to the patriot!, . sac rifices which ar-i hemir so freelv and j generously made by the mothers of; our land In unselfishly offering their sons to bear arms and if need be ! to dio in defence of lihcrtv nr.-l Justice, and that wa enieeialiy re- I member these mothers in our pr.ri I ers. praying God for his divine bless- I Ing upon them and upon their sons! whoso whole-hearted service ;i n,,w ; tho country which no ime." i MERCHANT CONFESSES TO OPIUM SMUGGLING SCHEME Man Arresteel by Ieib Officers Ttdls of Bringing Drugs Iom Mcilco. RAN" FRANCISCO. May 11. Operation of an alleged gang of smugglers said to havo brought hundreds of tlioliaands of dollars worth of opium and rocuno Into the t'nited States from .Mexico in the last tWo'yeri'rs was revealed hero today in a ror.fes.ilon by T- D Davis, a merchant, according to d 1. Jonn S. Irby, surveyor nt the j ppecial Agent William Wi.iweil of the treasury department, I y. I'avis was arrested yes', re n when" federal officials made a nun- ber of raids here which netted rr" than irjO.nou worth of contrab-n 1 i drugs. Wsrranis were issued far ; the arrest of Nathan, Abraham ni' l Jacob Scharllng of Mn Francisco. nd Joseph Kube of Honolulu, al- t Jeitnd members of th smuggling, ring. The until recently1 were In Kl Paso and Fan Anionl.j. ! In his purported confession rmvls ' said he had nia-lo largo surns by ; thn. illicit trade m opium, lie s'nd, he -had reccied in tli' list two 1 ol I a I....... ii Lefts oi i ' co. ii . ii .. a . cocaine from the .s. barling brothers tw In El Paso and Sin Antoni". i Start coffee- day " ( right. W.lh Hooper's ARMY MAY GROW TO 1 FIVE MILLION IN YEAR' oriirjrU ltn-Jaie Im i-emonls Will Knlargei A auiomix-ms Are l"aii(lel. JUNE QUOTA TO EXCEED MAY I'.y Juno 1 Drnfl .Men In Scnliv Total l,:ion,0m in (amp And 111 Franco. Will ORDNANCE KEEPS IN PACE l icry Soldier to Hoard,rl 1 Fully i:ulPiHtl With Arms Kurvaii Announcr-i. WAMHINGTON. May 11. Men l hn n l,.:o...ooj iiien )a. been called in lho ill nt so far &m itheis are In : i -i nee. m camp or under call to go into Ner.'lee bofofe June 1. The total of 1,300.000 includes all men siniiiHonid in tho May contin gent. There is every indication llial ' nil i larger increment will bo sum loui'eii in Juno than waa uuininoiicd in MaV. and a piogrcsHivo monthly mobilisation will continue through ihe summer inonths as tho catiLon 'nr'nis are expanded. It is exacted that al sucii ii riie, the army will luih u full strength of weU over il.n o million within tho next twelve or thirteen month. It is pomihlo, some oificd-a say, thai' tho number will bo closer to fivo million men than thrvo million. WAS'lirNGTON, May 11. Al though1' Aiiicrn an troops oro going ovi -rioas in largo numbers, tho ord nance department has been ublo to ki"i p Ui with tho new program and fvi-ty sojiiier who batirds a trans pi rt Is fully ettulpped with arm, the or.liiarf'o burosiu announced today. Artillci-y and machlno guns aJ aro p. Franco in suffiHont Tiar.tltlcS, H was said, to meet Im mediate demands, The statement said: "Tho army ordnance department h-.a thus far net every demand im posed by the new program for over seas shipment of American vroops. "pespite the great acceleration in the sending i f American forces to Trance, no infantrymen gooi aboard ship without, a I'nited States nioilei I'll", rlfio (mod.fled Knfwdd ) bay onet, b?lt, haversack, pack carriers, liandoliers, bame.t scabbard and full ne-ss equipment. "Tor.n ico is today a limiting fac tor In the shipment of ordnance material overseas, especially because f the present neces.-ilty i ' lncn ns Ing this transport of infantry regi ments 'Sufficient supplies of artillery. French ', S-millimetre and lMi-mllll-metro and American Inuvy railway nrtilbrv nro alre.iy In Franco to meet the present demand. Sufficient ni:. chine guns fro also Immediately .ivailali'e for A mai'lca.n ' forces in France." UNIFIED BANKING SYSTEM IS FAVORED BY BANKERS Opinion of Mem bora 't I'nanimous, Hut No Hostility to Federal System Is Shown. Hi iTJU'IJNOS, Ark.. May 11. The teiolency toward tlio unification of the banKing system of the coun try was strongly Indicated by the dU eu'ssiiiii nt the moeUn of the execu tive council of the American Hank ers' association today. Much time was taken up by tho report of the eomnii'.t") on state legislation und the opinion of the members of the council was ot unanimous. There was. howcer, no hostility" to me; federal reserve system. What oppo- j sitinn thote was developed as the I result of the discus'lon as to methods to he pursued and tho policy to lie I followed in getting tho stato banks to join the r.s.-ive system. It was dls-j closed that in Colorado only one j state chartered bank lias Joined the reservo aysiem. Largest Wooden Ship Launched at Orange OPNOi. Texas. May 11. The City of Honhan.. 'he largest wooden sieumshio ever planned. was launched successfully here this af ternoon. .The vessel la 3-'0 feet long and tr feet wile. It a designed i by A. I' 'U'-herty. wnose resign or a Juts ticen aeeopion us a mouei thn I nited shipping board, i Wilson Proclaims Memorial Day As Day of Public Prayer and Fasting WA? 1 1 V T X. Miy 1 1 ---N.1-; ruldance in tho affairs of their coni iliv, Thursday, May : mon life; I i.v pre-od-nt V'il- "Now, therefore, T, Wondrow Wil-i- iifon i-'l'd today, I son, president of tie t'nlted Stntc" tlonal r,'). is son in .M. i.l 'Cl llCHlg'i.. a pro' as a dav o' prayer :,nd f' the nation er day I" 'heir nrnv fur the I" ;tim bile hurnllln'lon. , The pcopie "f d to gri'her that t of worship and rv of tho Amor- I au armies, which will bring a pence founded upon mercy, justice good will. and J HO no. I.U.... . ..... .o,,, j s-pcr.,.- to a resolution ny rnr.rv., j shortconnngii as a people and purify I!y lho Preiblent of the I nlted ' ,Jr hearts to see and l"W the ir ith, itMcs. A Proclamation-. rtr accept nn.I defend all th't "Whereas, til" congress of the aro jjst an,j r,,:hi nd to purpos" T'rit'-d States on 'he 2nd day of , olly those rlgbteoi.s .-i and Ju.!k April last passed the following proc-1 mentM which .u e m er.ofie inn v win. 1 laroatinn 'Resolved. bv 'he senate Ohe .use of representatives eoficurrlnp .' that it being a duty per ulmriv in cumbent In a tim of war. IfrmLJy and devoutly to ark nowlrdgo our de pendence on Almis-hlj- God and lm ploie His aid and protection, the liiosidont of the United States be.: and h" Is herol'V respectfully re quested, to recommend a day of pub lic, humiliation, prayer an 1 fasting, to be observed by th1 people of the I'nited S'at'-S with religious sr.leoi rwty And the offering of fervent s ap plications 'o Almlchty God for 'ho sa.fe'' and welfare of our iiiu-e. His blessing on our arms and n speedy restoration of an honorable 1 lusiinir pciuay to the nations 'if earth; And, wberea.s, It hits always been . tho rovercnt habit of the people of tho I'nited States to turn-in humble appeal to Almighty Uod for liia IZ'iLiEL.Zi ;;(;:r? All .'1,N . t-A,y 141 K'n "Ximmif" WILL SIFT "AIRCRAFT ' CHARGES TO BOTTOM Itorglum Ciiaiges Fro and i mi c ,r , liiM stlgiiled I nlh ,y . .-.mi's Order. WASHING. T' iN, Mm- 1 1. T! n were no oncii 'developments in w., .!. ington today in the airciatt t.ii ia lion 111 Whil.ll renewed interest W'i aroused by tho war departinen .. disclosures yesterday of the a. Hviii.. of Gubtoa llorgluin. Officnia real llorglum's statement Issued in .New York, In which he denied he hud boon gulltv of anything Improper, but declined to comment. Aloanwhiic tho department of Jus tin, and tho-fonata military roiniiiit- too procoeirffl with preparations for searching itivpstlRatlotis of tho man ner In whleli aircraft nrodui.tion luhl been handled. In their Inquiries both will go to tho bottom of Jtorg lum's charged against aircraft offi cials as wil Ss tho charges that have been, made against Uorgluin himself. The army lntelllgenco service. It was indicated today, is by. no means through wiltu Its own investigation and will continue to gather Informa tion concerning tho activities of llorgliim and his associates, who It Is charged, took advantage of llorg lum's commission from President Wilson to? Investigate th. aircraft program to further their own ends. President Wilson Is determined that the entire i-ltiiatlnn shall bo sifted to the bottom, that all the fact may be cstiibliHhed. The senate subcommittee named to conduct tho Investigation fur the military committee probably, will slart hearings next week. 11 has mil been decided yet whether hearings wiil be public. . Tuo Arc Killed When ' Auto and Train Meet WICHITA FALLS. Texas, May 11. Frod Tiller and Miss Alta Mae Kcott are dead and Miss MaCca Hlalr Js not expected to live as u result of an automobile accident which occurred on the Forth Worth &. Denver at Hudson switch, fivo miles south of Khorno at o'clock this after noon. Tho automobllo party, which lep Wichita Kails Friday morning with tho intention of spending Sun day with friends nt Cmp Ilowle, wan hit by passenger train No. 4. French Plan Observance of Annual Memorial Day Ht The Aidorialrd Pre.i. WITH VI Hi AMERICAN ARMY IN FKANCK. May 11. Tho French are preparing to Join lho Americans In thn ohsuvanre of memorial day. American grave scattered here and there the fighting front with their slinp't'woodeil crosses will bo decorated by the comi ados In arm of the fullen. Rumania Must Pay Huns for All Damages in War AMSTERDAM, Mliy 11 Hnder a j suppletnentary, legnl treaty between Rumania and Germany the former country must Idonmnlry German consular officials for all damage suffered by them during the war or done to consular buildtnirs. Ru mania renounces Indemnification for damago caused In Rumania as a re- I Including nil requisitions and con- trlbutlons. I or America, uln hereby prociaiei Thursday, tho 30th day of Mav day sJrrady freighted wilh sacr'-d , and sllmuliitlsg ineroories, a day of j puhlie humiliation, praver and t.T t- i ing. and do exhort my follow citizens of M faiths Slid creeds to assemble on that day in their Several plai j of worship. ,1nd there, us will as In hmM ,,, AIOOL-Ple . bid and , u , folgl.e our siM His will; biseei-hing Jinn t! wiil rdyo victory to oi.r ihm they fit-lit for freedom.' wisd those who take (oui.s.l on o ll" doni t . our bc sircrgle tin--s to haif In D.eso dnvs of dark and perrrci Xlty arid s'e.idf.c riur people ., utmost c'jpport t'-ue, briouiK Ikn s i' ri o! wr.-'i' s lit iast th' jiisl ai. d tic in Which men s to art h rest because it Is founded upon mercy, pistiei, nnd good v.-Si. "In Willi'iis v. hereof. ha'.e here unto set mv hand arid yal of 1h" I ibtel Slut's to y.xed "1 ono In the I'-miti, '. f'f ' ' this 1 1 th da v of Ma y. jr. ' ! ' our loM 'i '' 1 ; a 'el of I be n donee of tlio rr.!ie, s'si .1-: : huiylrfd ii"d f..f v-: c "We ii'Ri'.w '.v ;:.-:' "Pv O." pi' -' ilrM, "Robi r' I.i' sir g. 'Sf.'j4--rf, ui. Ai-ai-o-V: d '!, Hun Policy in East Causes Sharp Division in Reichstag! Split !' C.'iilrit, I'arty Ibiwnl'.ill of Cli ll.ii- llnlliiiK. M:.V RLVOLT GROWS IN UKRAINE ..; -1 i;i j a !-s 1 li'.'lai-i' Tbi re N.i;:.T )'rii-(icrni;ni I'.irty Th.'iv. l.-i. o cm. i . in Mi I 'hill' .-11. .i- i-iol'i l, Jl( d,i.. u a i s an A lliso I X. Tciegl S i ':,',ee.M.'ll i h uiccilor J C:f. . mii is i a s the Hi, li.ade.l 1", n. ay be able 'I'll tl. i P'u.i-'s ia ,1. . .1 ' a . ' 1 l.i. May I 1 "l.ranrin I .' j . a . V . he (t m n I'ca. b Mi g I i ' ,c, e. ii t -i 1 1 1 arin Ics showing hou lb . l.cric .'l methods in I kialoe v.i'.il.. i id'of-lt ion and hatred I )'-'l'.-ih ll l.i dilllcult lo . er . , 1. ui'o .f mi v pro-t iermaii wtiaiever. Ke n the new Kiiv m,i, vvhb h Is childly composed 'i e.A:. ia of largo estates, has in a dl.'l'o partv I'l-lttr of lb liliioi g i... i n iii'iorn soiiio ploininciit whitajt'f i.ins who are Known lo be be slri r ;l'. i . i . i a. .1 to (iciiuan poll el. s 'in.l wl". iciiv l.c assumed to have aeicptid office lor the present tor purel. ii.aiei i:. I r. a ian. ' ie. of the in wi paiiei' articles des critied the disfnioliig of whtil. Is kbovii :.h th" I kiniiian lilue tiieird, in ulilcb a strong iuil!-tiet man bad Ii... una) li,el.itisl. 'i he itdnlster of vi..r t. ld the ra da on tlio follow ing day that the ilisui mtng of a por tion of the. troops was with the gov ernments eoiita iil. but that the l.iv ornnioiit was compelled to protest against the brutal malk Inir lh lilted id luellllieis of the chamber. Another artlele reuails that, lho first division of the I ktanlan army which "hid bcmi stritloned at Kovel hail been disarmed by tho Gei mans because ' of nnti .German feeling among the troops, 'plus development is of particular Interest In view of the fact that tho first division was composed largely of former prison ers of war who, nfter having been thoroughly dosed with propaganda In German and Austrian prison oi.inpM, hud been released after peace had been made with Ihe Ukraine, so that they might return homo n oil for mthj nucleus of a new Fkialn lan army that was to co-operate with troop of tho central powers. Br l'reia. MOSCOW, Wednesday, May The Germans are continuing to mako arresta In Ik ran la. A goneral cen sorship, ha been established by them ut Kiev but It has been learned tliut they havo searched tho residence of Prof. D. GroU'-hevsky. who Slso es caped. A member of the radii named Petoura was arrested but subse quently was released, protesto hav llitT been made by several local or ganizations, f 'LONDON, May 11. Russia, ha.i been suddenly faecal wnh events Lthst may again hnngo th. political outlook, tin I'etrngrad coriespou dent of the haily l.jpress telegraphs. Germany, hi miys. has nppiireiilly found that economic dominion over Russian territory Is Insufficient and 1 seeking military occilflttlon. Ail extra session of th" Rolslnvlkl government council has been held ;n Petronrad o discuss tho situation create, by tho ultimatum mrntlv d''. llven d .y the German ambassador, Count on .Mirbach, which em hO'iie.l d -liiands of ,t character Hp paro.nlly calculated to turn icu"ia virtually Jolo a Herman "doiiy, pre mier Lenlne's speech at thin meting wits cxtroiuidv pissiiiiistl.:, the 'iu -respondent reiioiis. ' Accoidiug to the newspaper pod- nla ilio 1,'io.stion of tran.-.r;n lug- Ui. capital t" Nijni-NoVKorod was broached, as vat the subject of lln nr'.itarv rneasiiri-.s for The defense of Moscow jigainst ponsibleU a' a Ks. GREEK WHO SURRENDERED IN MACEDONIA MURDERED Hatred lino Ii, Recruiting of Greeks to l'i;'.bt V'ttiu Count ry Gil on . Coum' for Crime. 'A' i s'M ': ;T' c, M iy n. The ulMo r 'I' ''..loicl I lad I'.pou lo, ll,. III..:, out," .'Ulil.'l' who ia CMIiS'ir I'. Ic1. "d ..."'I'l t(; tile enemy in .-''in M .i''fli,uia, was ir-jioilcd !o 'be 'in '-'i bi ateui lo ro today in 1''ll f'oiu Athej.s. lie Jiad I .-. , bold v :'l, H le-r bio i-.-i ut a 1. 1. .o'o ri :uie. doi.ia Hat If. I of th- I - e I 'd for bis art ill a looVe- i.i, ill .' ul Law had tli in iii Don tn ,,f ' ' o ''.'.blifi'i for eci 'iltli'i, iii 1 key to right a.-.uui '. I ..... i Icto lf. '. - been a t t lie of th" eiiir..', told to ba-.o .ro it 'a d i.y a ' 'r eoK s'-r- Lclounc (iocs to Prance. Commander of Marine m 11 I.e.). V I I d; r 1 opb bl ;c Itl'.g d f r c fo c.ii . t'.' ' b.'i A I la foe j, n Colo!:, .1 ! a l boa r,1, , f General 1 Ibi tl . "f P.'ig. Fifty Soldiers I fame to ! Help in War Stamp Sale .' A S 1 1 1 "I'll III n I'fl.V. .'.'a' 1 1 - I e bv ; 'Mn ri sent I liimr will t"iir oral I1' lb. uri in 1 1, , ..'-rest of the Sale 'alcps l.ri-1 t.;e I: b' V w!'.! be 'Sent ir oT .,r d C;,, '.o prae- II III ' -IT S,'V , ! drive, tl' 1 ' S "' Ai l- al i n: at. ia C-i ' m 'I, v ,; l.e ono of t: ,L'-d. Germans Trying to Force Dutch Under ! Complete Control M.iy Cl lIlM ! " I" i 1 . -- ii ! 1 : 'I'!. I! i :uo llial i cat In lou.l , i i , ; ; 1 1 i . i . -j : liollnel i t ! m er . if ihc ( onie I t I.O m a tdi: Ion to lb OHM Ihe lllllell t d'l loC US.l lllli' i, an oi l (.it. ti I ha Ijui ll the a lllea are now III- iloimany i aclually e ndc:i vor- tO" a s. coii.l UlllHAOll. of IIiiiiI." k.iyt tlio ilitdiatch. lli.i Ho NATIONAL ARMY MEN CHEERED IN LONDON Parndo l'riiniil Ktnvia of I'.ngllnli ( uphill uml Am llevlcwctl lly King Airgi. LONDON, May 11. Troops of the national army of tho 1'nlted States arrived In Iiondon this morning for a parade through tho principal slrreU of tho city. There wiib a regi ment of threo battalions In line. The men were brought In from a nearby camp. Largo crowds cheered them In the. streets and they wer. r viewed by King George und Ambaa sadnr Page. lirlght ounshlno and groups ol cheering peoplH greetml the Ameri cans when they nrriveu ouriy tins morning lit tho Waterloo station. Although tho presence of American uldiers in London stroets ban long been a familiar sight, this w.ut only the second tiino Aiiiericans hud ever bet ii seen in marching n dor und it was Loudon's first opportunity to view a part of tlio national army, In a few minutes they passed Into tho nt rents, marching over the near est Thames bridge on the way to H'clllngliui barracks at Jfydo Purk, wlicro they were marhalcd for tho parade. tin arilvitjs at tho barrack eaeh Aniifrlciiii troopur received a per sonal inessago from tho king. The envelop, hero thu royal arm and these weirds: "A niessuge from HI Majesty King Guorgo V. ; I ho message on th note1 paper of thn Wnldsor I'nstle anil written in fac-stmile of the king' hand' writing, wo a follows: Soldiers of tlio Fnltod States, th people of tho iii'Ul'ih InU w olooino you on your way to tnka your stand bcsidi) t tin armies of tho mnny na lioiis now fighting in the Old World tha great battle for human freedom. "The alllda will gain new heart ' neon 1 Wish leh oiL ed iHf and splm I" Hour company, 1 could shako bands Willi em of you and bid you God4)i.ed your mission." Tho route of march throuch Lon. don wns past the British admiralty, thn llrltlsh war nffice-iho United HtateS embassy, the American navy headquarter, ibo American army beadquai tera, tho American Red ('tuts and American nurses' home and Jlucklnghiiiii paluco for the mnrcli past King Geoigo and Gen eral Piddle, I H1 ted ' Kill tea army, commanding tlio American force In tho I tilled Kingdom. FINNS TLANllNFTb"" ADD KARELIA BY ANNEXATION Minister at Ivlrogrml Summoned to llclsdugforx fur l'uros of Dirteiisslon. LONlii), May 11 A dispatch to 'he Times from Stockholm says tho Finnish government has summoned M. von Fnl.ol, Furnish minister m petrogrii l, tn reiurii to Heiiingfor, for too. p'irpuie, ,t is slated, of dis eiiHslrig; t lie suggested aniiexatioo Of llus-ilap i:,uelia by Finland. M von Fi k'd Is .UO'e. by tlio eorrespon- de;it PS T-,OMl!;H lll'l S i ! 1 1 '1 1 1 0 ' I ill l'eiroia. .,.u precr,.riiius owing lo the s af by .-.b. I d"ai news "f food. The l.enic0 f overninelit, l.owew.'f, is gaining lu nabllity and power, he F-ays. loibdiiiMt the pnruly clunients find'ii.g mi effort, to riorganizo ice arriiy 'liio iiurnlier of une(n ,li,V'.i in way gnat and ImPisiiy is n.,i al a rtai.ils!ll. 'I'lie pe.u. , h.j ;- of tlio principal nap-. P.olKhtiVlk. fun ri.mtot, oi l. 1. a i a Mil I look UIK r.ioi nl ..r a free l i ; ind, it.'.nj' of which in tun b' .'ll left unculll- !),' tha ilia; of 1 van d. Persian tfinhtcr to America In Recalled a -, 1 1 1 :: . p. ii.-- Mflvll , the :.d b. .. for b a -' tie' it ..".I b All K.. be. g I 'l I . j 1 "c. !e ; bf en j I 111 S i I'lil'l M,, ','1 ed has d a f- !f t! WAGE SCALE IS AGREED ON IvunvL'i I'arnterH Mit t lo M ike Prb-es r Harvesters 'litis Year. I "I"'" '; ltl.ii: PKKA. M;.y 1 1. A m!n- I. I II a x 1 -I'uii for ..nd 1, an ti. ii Kam a luce east! 1 e '...,1:, M h'H'i fii' f'iriiii'iii fi " pi. ling d at nil i i-bor til' to be i d. w i v bo h. it : the Wife 0..1 liiU GERMANS CLAl AMERICAN LOSS 'Mine Bombardment Effective Berlin Reports.,, FRENCH RE-TAKE GAIN Ir.riiliant Counter-Attack Launched Southwest of Mailly-Raineval. hun drive'stTTl DECAYED Work rasaos Without Of-' Tensive Being Begun ' i hy Teutons. ; IJERLIN, via 1-ondon. May . 11. Heavy lo88es were in-' flicted on the American troops Houthwcst of Apremont and north of V&rroy by a strong mine bombardment, ac cordinp; to tho -official report from general headquarters today. ' FRIiNOIT II1UVK OPT 111 NH AITIill KI OCliKS. PARIS, May II Th. Osrmn attacked the French line today af. ler violent urtlll.ry fir. outhwt of Mallly-Ralneval and gained a mai ection of territory which was re taken by tha French by a brilliant counter-attack, according tn th war of f Ic unnouncement tonight, Th (jernian ufford heavy loaso. iiiirnsii nmxo powsr , 1W liM V-hEVlCV 11 UN I'DAXES. LONDON, May 1 1. Cloudls. weaher on Thursday favored RrltHh avlaiom, according to an official statement issued today dealing wltbi ir aouTuie ana German m chine were dow.nd- and ia driven down out ol control, ITALIANS. fiTORM , 1U0 AMI GAIN, HOME. May ll. Italian troop stormed Mont. Oornn and . took about 10 ft prisoner, two gun and four machine j-un Thursday night, scc.ordlng to an official tatrnent U ued by tho war office. . GFUM V OFFTCNSf VMS 'i, hTII.MH DLLAtEI). i LONDON, May 11 Another wek hn passed without a rnwal by tha Germans of the offenciv that they began March tl, which w halted befora Amiens early In April and ram. to a definite pauaa on ll right Hank befor th. barrier of th rlan. dor hill, just at th mouth of May wss opening. F.ver ln,. th costly dfat of tloheral von Amlm' army in In drspnrat assault on th. front south- ' west of Ypie netrly two week ago, ' tha beglnr.tug of a new effort by tha enemy either hor or on som other front hn bn lookd for from day to dny. possibly -th German hava' been waiting for lomt allied counter blow which they felt abl. to with stand and Uieroforo hoped would b dealt. l'cs li iMiirlns German. If this was th. case ther must have been uiMppolnted by th wait ing altitude of General FooJi whom It Is telt now will compel th. enemy to reveal hi further purpose with little do-lay as. time' I on of tha things ho ran not .afford to squander with the American forces now rapid ly slimming up to formidable num bers. L'very day give evidence of tha olertnes of the allies. Num.roua minor operations have been under taken to Improve their position on tho various fronts and their artillery fire hus been directed' to equally good purpose In breaking up tb. or-, paTiijen enorts or the enemy. Air plane raids without number in wkich the superiority of th. entente air forces bus been clearly shown, hvj served the same end, beside being notably productive of valuable in., forrfiatlon while Innumerable. Infan try raids have been almost uniform ly fruitful in nhlnformsiiv. sen, Allien Improve Positions. lietterrnent of the allied position. reported yesterday Included an ad vnmo by the Frenoh on th. Flan ders froht in the neighborhood of Lucro, where approaches to Mount liiiuge, ono of tho bulwarks of th. allied line, have ihoroby been mad. mot a secure. Far to Ihe south of the Romme on tlio southeiy s'de of the great Mont dirtier salient French troops likewise carved a slice out of German hid territory r.ear urvlller-Sorel, seven roiliH southeast nf Montdldler, a a Riniiplcrnent to both, thee operations there were numerous sue cessful raids, notably one by the, i t. tu Ii In tho region north of Grl. vi snes. southeast of Amiens, near th. point wheve Geuoral Peiain's troop n a le a notable advance a the result of a local attack Thursday and an other i.long the pne southeast of Mo'itiliiiier. FRENCH CITE AMERICANS FOR EXPLOITS IN PLANES official Hulletiu Itefrra to Feats of Rolduess by Filers Thaw and Ilacr. PARIS. May 11. Citation for American lators. nppear In th. Journal (ifli'l.d today as follows: "W-illiarn 'liiaw, n i.lor f Pittonurg'l coin ndli iita.'jiiiT nifuiue following Its chief's cx l'"ii re.M.a.k able fur its , s cc.-ss; a keen pilot of a paitol i'owrtc. an ron. a nip llil' . b . be "iv nfter p. hard fight. I , ii P.. i:.: ! .cr frlobilo, lleu ,., :' lb" same squadron; a pilot ii -irvei 1 1 1 audaetty, never hocf p. ' i '.-.-' 1 the enemy tn super o in io r downed an e.uoiuy, th. oial .U t''u .laS.',