Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD. SUNDAY, MAY 12. 101S In the Oil Fields th l-injilir.iil lonunlleu Mods. . .rJ.iy ino.niiitf a intetitiK . iti hi officials uf tho bureau , . i and member of the : he:i.lKiiSline committee of ,. "..i-rnYiinont (Ml & Gas Atwn., ,; . . .Merc lopartliiiB the handling i.n I i , i MSfi'i 1 niion or caKiiiKrieiiu : ,,. were taken up. Those rep r, . i.i ? tho fovernment at the . -:r n v.-rev: V. 8. Topplni!. -hl.--iit i-liii'f rif tho bureau of ex ..;,.v,,.s. Uiinhin;-'.on; J. i. lteistul. ,b f it.fmift of the I. C. '.. ot .New li! nv. in.l I'. 1!. KIIIk. traffic innn-i:er 'f the itilf llefming cum of I'lttibi.n?. lro1 net Ion IHul nt Jrnks. ' l.iV. McMillan nf the Karly Bird r il company rood a ileal Thursday inr Die Yinli 170 Hcres In 1-1S-K', north of Jenks with 4 oil wells and 2 pax !!: on the proper ty Tl' . consideration was not given out, Mr. McMillan is at the head of tho i:arlv l:ird nil company In Tulsa. Offset to Roiana nijr Well lu. The McKee well offse.:!nF the Rosanii Pjtroleum icompanv So. 3 on the We.itlieimer and Unite '' lu ii-lo-J v Is reported fvn :etl In thu sa.i1 rd is flowing Sf.O bar rels. Tho Koxana well. It wi ' " rememl)?r(' !. started off it M0 l)tr r..ii. fr,,i., tin. r noo-fnnt p-.y ;.n.l. and creat.d much Interest Wenthelme'.' well In 30-4s later proved to be a Wcsthelmer sand. In the which failure in l Mr. Builder See our beautiful dis play of Electric fix tures before buying. it will pay Special finishes by .our plant Dodge Electric Co. Olilrat Kstivbll.shcd firm In City Fl.Tture.Wlrlnji and Supplies PIIOM.S 1809.74 IK 121 FAST SECOND ST. Estimated nt 10 Barrels. Th Important well of lh Vk Oil company c n the. J. Jones farm in the soulhACst corner of the north east of tU- suiitheiLoO of 7-n-s n8 ben shot and made 25 hacrela the first 24 hours from the Tucker sand found f.-om 2.T70 to 3 02:. (eel. It is mummed at about ID barrels and will ne put on the pump. Still Has Hshlntf Job. The llockhuret Oil ' (ia Co. well on the Pemoure farm in the north east of tins southwest of lj--b-i, southeast of KMorario, lis y pleted underrjamiiiB and has set w,o -inch casing to 2.600 feet 1 hero is one joint of ft-inr-h in Ihe hole t.L The toial depth Is 2,730 feet. tv friends Tulsa calcrliy feeUin sand at 1.430 feet well is making i.uvu.uuu It will te tinned in Everything in Sheet Metal OUR SPECIALTIES Byrne Ventilators Twentieth Century Revolv ing Ventilators CciJoimbus Gas Furnaces GaSTOne Cooling Troughs Thomas J. Byrne, Prop. Tulsa Sheet M etal Co. 13-15 South Lansing Phone 678 Tulsa Okla Stacy Orr& Co. Dealers in Oil Properties, Le ases and Securities 50 Rroad Street New York, N. Y. 13 S. 1m Salle Buret CtlloURO, 111. 17 1'jim Third Street Tulsa, Okla. Correspondence Invited Sesmon farm, southeast 29-2 3- 3 w, is u riff. The Cinnamon fill ,t Oas Co o on the Cinnamon farm is a ni; In t e northwest 3 3-3 ,-. The .1. 11. I nl ,V (ins Co N the fireRaiv.un f.nm, mrili; 2l-"w. is i-hut dnwii nt l .; and the tools dismantled. The Kanu o j 1 a i ;,, i having trouble geitnic ;e caslhR down to the In.': i.i hole in No. 1 on the i:-.i.-:: northwest D-.l-Sw. u, 1.550. The Traitln oil & i ; , , -,, on the Mitchell f-i, i , JO-2 0-3W. Is shut .1 with boiler tumble J. M. Van iiikii pipe at around I .v.. Iho J. Din-liy i.i; 22-4w .' I nil th.' .'lit,, i- ,,f t ! l 'nl tier f "lithe I:.! :: and .il: r. -"u i.ii;h r -1-1'. 1 1 i '' "'"t m tin- farm In ihe : r tho n.n : !i i i Iiarr-i ' t i N l:l' !'i the .'enti'i s.i: , ! i.t d f.v f.n.d 1 Ka nz Jul ct.nip.inv Is drill, i on the K:i it. N, i liter i t 1!,,. .s,,ut hu-est of till SOlltlle.l 111 til the m.iiI h , i Mil -lie 1 No. '.'J in l r.:.- cm the y U T1...I i'lMlh'S t'll'H Her ,. the !" , ..f I I :. 1 1 .. '!'he . lllk nl , 4li ! 111'. H .'.t. r ef the ;iu "1" h htie of ; nl, Ml i.l ! en :h ei'hn, cf the nortTifttst iif e P.l! .1- I 'll he .1 1 l;'.ri,i f t i in ' i ft hue of the .tin. .' of .'... 1 .: t of h i n. If hf t No I fni IM i,l Ihe sunt h i.ll!.i.;.l of 21- i: i s No. 2 on n rt for I on n- The Maennll-i p. No. 1 on the. M'.iii. below 1.4r,il le"t southeast tnrnct The material i the fiarber iclii.e, uopany I' illnm' in the niv for 1 )! I 1: OIL MEN ATTENTION Those that are Interested In p'lpe easms and reco.idhand tools of every description, we have sizes In pipe and casing from 2 to 12 U ready for delivery at attractive prices. We are equipped with up-to-date machinery to take care of threading, pipe cnslnft and special uo in nipples in all sizes. Feenberg Pipe &. Supply Co. riioiies 4750-1448 l."25 Fostorla, SI. K. & T. Tracks For Sale Two BRjt 1 fi. '.n H r ui.i, "oilor' plan1' complete power pUnf all in f.rM-cla.-,s ton.litio.r"viro . Snuer Milling Company Cherryvale, kaas. SAMPLE COPY KANSAS-OKLAHOMA OIL XEWS-FREE et ,(,; w;.d.r,,VMiHV'''.,urbis'd -t.m-e.IM I j- f x iiprta to h" , ,npn n, ,MK'),..,',nl- '"' Print, tiothlnr tn i . m l- PT Cf-nl tft tK trr. know r pjf- 7 zv'V.Lr'. -..f loi..l Write OIL MAP-4 STATES ''P Fho WiniT IrnnH -' . . U-,..,,' ,, 'i neids Sriil "klsh,,. oiorado, Kansas J- 'hi i. noidinRs of I. x. Addresi 8 C0" 80,11 Wlthout W. S. TARDELL To P.C Hurled at Denver. Th. funeral of J. M. Harris. Ren- leral sales manager of the oil H ' Supply company, who k"le 1 Friday morning when struck by a ,n"'mcr train near, the of ices , of , ihe compWA w" "e,n:'J.t lVd. J 'J lie body, ac-'ci:iiniue-i and re 't lived, im at i p. m. nin W. .11 tit itllttm i.,t,,.s ihr. !aiKej.t well in tho nd nf the "uHh in field, has been brought III by Hurnett Hros and M.'i ray in " .......i. ..t llm Houlhel.rtt of ' ,o 4 i i inwlnn at 300 barrels a dav, after" nelnn shot on Friday. ,t is No. b on the sliisan Cedar farm. At Jeuks. Th Mlsenet-St.-ebi'iiroieum cm i pany is wiien the ictt of i'as .Monday. i iwi.intr .tnh Comnlcted, Tk.i lt..e khiirst Oil &. lias Co. iiarf r-M-overetl the collaisetl rastng on the Demoure well in 7-2l-. south east of Eldorado and is drillliis arfain. Will Vtm Caiiiiithesd in AWatlon." The government has decided to use caslngheu.i g-asollne for aviutlon purxisc?. Gaiber and Illlllnffs. (Hy KAY rETElia.) r.iRHBR. Okla.. May It. The rtn utntn Petrrilpum ' eomnsuv No. 2 on the Barnes farm is spudding r,, the northwest corner 15-23-3 west. A location north of it, the OU State Petroleum company No. 1 on w,i Goldsmith farm, In the southwest refiner 10-2S-!w. is spuddlns. Thetp will be the most Interesting wells drilling- this district. When they reach the Tonr-a sand, which ths dis covery well, Barnes No. 1. of this new field, reached at 2.02J feet and only entered a few feet they will drill into the strata fifty or sixty feet as is done six miles cast In the Hillings fie.d. where the three and four thousand barrel wells are brought in. There should be no fear of drill Ins; into sail water." Of the many wells drtlliu to the Ponca sand in the Billings field npne of them have found sail water above 2,140 feet. Water seeks lis level. In the Rraden ! well a mile and a half southeast of i Ih. Ximwn nA t . . . . n J I " " .." ' n.,u .....a pang man found at 2,106 feet to 2.179 feet, It had water In the bottom. The' liarnes Is also on much hlfe'her ele vation than Braden's well, which was drilled in the synolln. The Carter Oil company has a lo cation for No. 1 on the Llveley farm in me southwest corner southeast 10-23-Sw. Kurlow and the Heck Oil company! No. 1 on the Reiser farrrr In the northeast corner !6-23-3w is a ne. ! Kurlow, Anderson and others No. 1 i on me Ijve.ey farm is rigging up in the southwest corner east half south west section 10. The Aubyme Oil company No. 1 on the Dunn farm, northeast section 15, Is timbers. The Hoy-Garber Oil company No. ! 1 on the lieiger farm northeast sec-l tion 16, Is timbers. Ths Chlekasha-Garber Petroleum company la digging a cellar in tho j northeast corner southwest quarter i southwest section 15, Barnes estate. I Ihe Carter fill rnmhsnv on thel Dlveley farm In the same -section is I drilling at 1.4H0 feet on ton of the sand In No. 12. The company Is running four strings on the farm. The Hcaldton and OH State com-1 panies in the same section on the ; UU l ... . i ...... ... , I "i.i laiui is ariuiuK at i.-dv tcri i In No. 8. No. 9 is drilling at 850: j feet. No. 10 is a' location a twin to j No. 2. The Roxnr.a Petroleum company i ! will make a well of No. 2 on the! ;Schroader farm, southwest lS-2.'-3w, in me stray sand at 1.395 feel. .n i 3 Is a thlrtv-barrel well at MHO feet, j No. I will be deepened and may le drilled to the Crews sand. ThevCosdcn and Marlsnd No, 3 on the Kathr'ne Walker farm, south east 13-22-4W. is drilling below fi 5 feet. No. 5 Is drilling ftelow 1,330 feet. Timbers aro tw the ground for Nos. 6 and 7 on the east line. The Auhyme oil A Gas Co. is Cleaning out No. 1 on the J. H. l.ynds farm, southwest 7-22-Sw. to; 1.215 feet, This well ha a lot c.'l gas. - The Hov-Garber oil company Is! drilling below 825 feet In No. 1 on i the Morga.i. farm, northwest s-2L'-3w.l It had a nit e show of oil in shule The Buffalo Oil Oas Co. is clean. lng out to 1.190 feet In No. 1 on the! Nelhus farm southeast 13-22-6W. The toola are expeted every day for th Oleason and Cady No. 1 on j the Dunning farm, northwest 2 4-2 3-. 4 west, a mile and a half north of i Garber. j The Rpund-l'p Oil company Is rig-; glng up No. lon the Cockreil farm, I northeast 33-24-4W. and will soon be spudding. There Is ouits an t-xtlle-! meut over the prospects . of this neighborhood air It is pronounced j geologically a good chHnre, j The Knld Co-operative Oil com pany No. 1 an ths Duncan farm, northeast il-24-3w, is a rig. The Ben-Franks Oil company No. 2 on the Allen farm. Is a rig a loca tion north of No. 1 in the southeast l-22-3w. Th' Bear Creek ,011 A Gas Co. No. 1 on the Le Force farm is a rl? In the middle of the south line of the northeast 22-22-Sw. , Belmont. Willete and Brown N'o. 1 On the Harry Shoop fsrm is a rig In the southeast -27-22-2W. The same, parties have s r'g up on the F. J. Ellis farm, northeast JS-22-2W. XbovCbaa. At, G elites .No, 1 on tho Tet ro il t :, I 0 f the .. I - If- '1 et l:w t .-;t ."I :h- Nc . i h v ai.i.i:n- 'i I.- i lum company i-. feet on tho .Miller west cortier ,.f t ! nortneaPt of t h- n, e. Dry sun. I to .r.0S feet h S. Henry l,ie :, on the Bell f irt-i in i" ,,, corner of thu S"u'.h r - - "i t ! t-ast of 2 c - f. ri -" o The Aila I ,-tt-,;. ;.R 1 on the I 'iivh f:, 1 1 -. ,n i ).,. corner of tho in-ni.-.i-,' ,, Is a looatioit V. K.'-Vl'.-r I Hi,- ;s ; the W illiam Si.thlei t,,n , ttottth est fori., r ,-f !,.- ; ;:G-fn-'je Is a i The I'm. i i-i -i.-o i ii! ,v i ; 1 on IJic Scales l.tnn m th.- i ccrner of the Knnthu . f-sst of the s'.;it of drilling at 2.M) f. . i Tilt' 1 'ft III. till o.) ro;.!,;,e on the Bell farm m tl... -corner of the north nt of it west or -..n-iio is a in: The Marjofie nil oiiip.inv No on the tiilMHiro finm m i,, .inr'h.-i-! corner t.f the southw.-i i.f t,e imrtti west of 2S,,'.v it tii-Kinr i,p I he K. I . i -il t ' i n 1 1 , . . 1 1 ,- the Cj farm In the .... :il. ner of the nnrtl.i :it ot :7-;.-s !s ur ging up. No. il Is i ri.- cm mo n .,,,,,, in tl'.e rorthf.'tsi cm hit i f t h,.. -f. utti east coi-ner of the northwest nf , ),,. northeast of .'T-..-K. No : u, ihe southeast cr.rn.-r of the north , cki rf the north-'ajit is spnddin? The Hnmaokla ml company No (in tho Craboeo farm in the center of the east line of the nottheist t.f the northwest of H-'.-S is a l'-ttmn. No .2 has ben completed fur a L'j'i,-OOU-fcet i;ua v. til at 1' f 9 feet. I on I hc.tM f.,,11,. ". ?.! IS N.i. 1 It !,e t.'.t l."l !h- ou mn iinji n. a. ciiiespi no Right in Step These Hart Schaftner S: Marx 'arsit Fiftv Five suits are ri;ht in step with the government plea for economy. Because they're made care fully of good all-wool fab rics they give long wear, which saves money for you and wool for the govern ment. Good values of course that's what this store stands for and guarantees it. -y Wright Clothing Company Tho Home of Hart Schaffner & Mitrx Buy all the War Savings Stamps you can u 7 ,r ki 6V . !! K-V W '4 . If . 1 Wt X i l 9 ft i J-a i- a-' feet WW ! t jp ,s , . m tu. wtir-- 4 :.t Copvrlt'it I9H lUrt Sch.iffMr S: Man t I We Furnish Your Office Complete Fro m Pencils to Safes Agents for a Shaw-Walker ' and lha ffl , , The Safe Cabinet Co. Herring - Hall - Marvin Safes PENCILS INK STANDS PENHOLDERS BLANK BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES STENO NOTE BOOKS IRON AND STEEL SAFES I. P. LOOSE-LEAF' BOOKS v Tulsa Office Equipment Company 216 South Boulder Two Doors North of Post Office - Phono 1124 ROARING GUSHERS SPOUTING MILLIONS IN GREATEST NEW OIL FIELD QuicEi a ' Pod Biggest Chance in History to Clean Up Fortunes Wonderful Riches for Lucky Stockholders GET YOUR SHARE! HURRY! IN THE HEART OF OKMULGEE GUSHER FIELD u . . Holdings or?m kr i Mil h ii r Your chance to driH the Youngs town Pool ia here before you now. Join me where success beckons you. Oil at $2.25 a barrel. Gusher after gusher in marvelous Okmulgee field. Tremendous wells both Bides of this lease must meaB Millions for All of Us who jump in quick while this Ground Floor Offer is open. Men who have followed Oklahoma oil development for years are rushing into the Youngs town district now alive with excite ment and feverish activity. Men face riches here after years of daily toil on small wages men who dared and won! If only you could see this dis trict with its stupendous -money-making wells you'd know that Fortune Gills You Now This company is capitalized at only $100,000 and that means all the big profits, no matter-how many millions of dollars, to be divided among a Yew. Small Capital, big Dividends, that's the plan to make you rich. You get cent tor cent, dollar for dollar, ("liial interest for every amount you invest jointly and equally with every othe.r stockholder pro rata to the shares you take. Could anything be more fair and square? Could a big fr( r opnortunitv ever come to you? 1- member profits here May He 3,1)00 Per Cent a Year In this new prolific oil field there seems no limit to the size of tho ROUND THIS LEASE GUSHERS POUR OUT WEALTH Let's Get Drill Started Quick Map shows location of priceless 80-acre lease of Youngstown Tool Oil Co. Money won't buy it. Sec. 18. Twp. 11 N.,' R. 12 East, Okmulgee County, Okla. about t mile from production in the I'eggs Pool and about j miles from several big oil gushers in the Youngstown Pool. Dozen nearby gushers spouting from 600 to 4,ft00 barrels of liquid gold daily. Biggest strike of history clue here. Ve wouldn't take thousands of dollars for this lease. The outlook for earnings alone . may run into million;-; every year. With million-dollar companies cn all sides of us, we want to start drilling at once. Prominent oil men say' it's one of the biggest chances to clean up ever known in the state. You nest own Pool Oil Company VM. 11. BASS. PrtKiiliMit OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.502-0 BALTIMORE I1LDG. Four New Okmulgee G u s h e'r s OK M ; l.'IU-".. Okla., May f, -i S.i- i.U i Kour big nil !! v. it Ii an avfraso I n it 14. 1 Iri..lm 1 inn nf 1.000 barrels e.-irh were brniiRht In Sunday a a i M'.nfl.iy In the Youngs ti.w.i IVi.,1 In .m-M-ll. Three of I'lu-it! nre rin thf tlill leases if ! kmi:lu- TrijilucinK : i Kefininir cotTip.-tny arl 1!',- fimrih in on ih K..ster l, ,..i,. f .he ts n. i. ,-uvi : ;.- ' Wait.' Ihi!!ij:i. mammoth producers brought in day : after day aod week after week. We are surely hoping for a 4,000-barrel gusher from our first well and at the prevailing market price of oil can you realize that should mean earnings of MORE THAN $3,000,000 a year. . Three thousand pel cent a year oh your investment would be the biggest .. returns you ever heard of, but oil ' men declare there may be a gusher of even 10,000 barrels on the wonder ful Youngstown Pool lease when it Is drilled out. , Stock Going Fast-Price to Advance Every day that passes more big news comes from this marvelous Ok mulgee district; and tomorrow's news may cause pa to boost the price of ' Youngstown Pool stock. Anyway, it can't stay long on this ground-floor basis. Get it while you can. Appli cations flooding in for shares is sur est proof that all stock will soon be off -the market. Write the company a check or send the money for all you can possibly buy. Only 10 cents a share TODAY, but it may sell for dollars a share before you know it. Buy Now Win Big Go the Limit Buy this stock now and make sure of the biggest share you can get in all the millions this company ever makes. Write now, enclosing coupon and check. The wisest investors make their big winnings by getting in at lowest price. Do it! Hustle in NOW. Make this biggest oil opportunity your sure road to a waiting fortune. You'll get ACTION in Youngstown Pool. Hurry your order TODAY. -TSE THIS FORM nr NOWmmm VOI NLHTOWX TOOr, OITi COMPANY S02-O lliiltimnrr- iMinmruc. , Oklahoma C'lir, Oklahoma I tnr.tvr imhv-T h- for hrn ef th troanrr rk f th Yo'intimwn Tool Oil Company it present pnet of 10 emit r'r s hr. nl fnoloiii... Dollsri. I hnr ih. with the und.MUnditu thut tliii ttnrk In folly pli ikI non imeniiW' All common tnrk. nd Ml tvockholder 1 m ftitiilrd in a nrfi riln Irmrnn in ll fiuipmnnl nd property , . . . ..A . .-... tj. V. . Am,it V. . 1 1. . Mniunr . . l all Th profm lh fonrpnny my er raV from oy tourw. either (rom prod.icmi oil, or buyinif or eJlln( Itm I my pro-ru hre nl the profile, end my no. k le to there en.e the earns ee the eiockt held by the o(licr ol the company. 1 Addree !..'. 100 Stiaree J10.00 7S0 SiH f T5.00 I 250 Shares 2.n0 lnon Rharee 100.00 '400 Shares 40.. 00 - 1150 Shares . 160.00 , I ,iOU Sluies 58 GO 2000 Shams ........... 200.00 VP H ' -