Newspaper Page Text
aiii'iiihV.', 1 '.''ff'i fill I- 'S .. eft, s I l J 6i' 1 1 '.i il It ti 1 tit A. Mnslclns fin In the rwt corner of tli cimIi if the out hen st of ;.'-i:;-i is ., ns. Cosdrn & i'o -r: . . ;. ,1 the Jam AtHns 1 fj 1 1. :he w.nii "t corner tf n, v.ui:i;t i ..t r,. If 12 anrt il t r. I tl t 1 1 1 e I mil (! r hot at', fe-i Alexanrlrr n ufi fiilir I on tlie A. Chittlm fam ! ti e r?..r!ni.ii en r Of the en.lliA'Jit fif ''if sn'llli west Of S-11-1.' Ir 4 !;,!. ! f.'tit Kan well at f.-. W. B. rine '! i'- .K'.n'i (-'' of U in the 1.. M.ii No 1 ir Tiortheat m i. i , f tin 'inr'fiui -! ,f the amihr-iM '.f 'i-i . - u : .iu i t t-f 13-12 at ;, c f. !. I' ,.,, se i i t r,np , .,.t- l'.. v.. I r ill I i'l- Til-1 ' I l ' ny has ;i r,s mo northr.i: t i r Of the net " i: i of rt-i'i; 1 1: t ' tlie l. in 1 1 1 . The Si:, i 1 1 'nl . i; , I In the t iii. i nf i nortrtwe--! i.f The W :il-...:: ' ' i No ' In 'he 'ii'i Hi. of 111.' nihp m .f id. nou! hv r :'J 'I I 'i . i riu K. ' ' ;i.i-.i- .'.'. :i .! i he i .ii i ri ."tst rnr"e nf ll." . ..H I . M .' I nl th- itonhH.-. i ,,f ; : is :, r itr Thii 't I'tJi . 'it i m:ii,-wi lci.s a rlk up f-ir ' I' ifi itc ."nit h w.-t . i.r ner r.f th- inml iM i "f ihr nf tho niTI h I :l nf 3f, I 0 KiiMir a 1'ii'it h.n e ,-i rhT up for Nn. ": In thi tict tlii-imf rnmi'P nf the fiort 'iv i-''l 1. 1 Ihr r nr t In a m of th nnrlliwr .il r,f ; I. 'I V Th kew iriro Ml rnniji.-iny li:i n merlin." tn Int . K In th nnrin west ifimrr nf lip rmrtheiiht of 4 21- 10. msKKM. The Acme nil mm psnv h!" a riK up for Cnlhert No Z In the Kent o weft rnrner of the smith es! nf Ihr nnrtheiiNl nf gft-lft-K,. The Mui-niihnniH 'Ml rnmfinny hft No. 3 It. Mi-t'aniel fnrni In 'he unijthwpst nrner nf the ntithet mt the Hniiihneiit nf the aoutheaet nf 1T-I5-J6 ifi rlK. The Cnney Hlver f; rompany No I on the J. Mrlntoeh farm In the northwest corner nf th nnrthejut nf the northwest of the northeast nf 20. IV I In n I id, I'nknnwn partle hnv a rlr up ror Mjan Doyle iso. 1 In in north east nomer of th aojthent nf the northerns of 27-15-10 IIASKKI.lA-rOiKieit aSirl Hrrwn hive a iln' holo at. l.tno fet on th fi. Taylor No. 1 In the northeast ror. ner of th aniithr.aat of I he eoiith et of 22-1 j-lfl. The 5nn oil rompany No. 1 on 'the fior( Wootla fhim In the northeajit rorner nf the oi.thraat nf tho north weat of 20-15-IB Ih a rljr. Tb Iowa Vr. nklahntna lll To. No, 1 on th ft Taylor farm la eatlmateil at 30,00(1 100 feet of ima. It in In the northenet corner of the anuthweat of the aoutheaat of 21-1S-H. YOrVfiSlOWN Th Bhlrt Pleeve Oil company haa a rU up for No. J on the Fraaler farm in th center of PILANDGAS Uaua, Inppttti, ProtfaoUon, Etc. To Our PnarniM. Owlntr to the InnreaalnK prlrea of Jrlue print clothe and chemical, we. tha undaralsned, wlah to notify the public that on and after May 15 It will be necetaary to Increase, the price of our 12 townehlpa produc tion mapa to f0 and all other mapa eeordlna-ly. Tulea Entrlneerlng Supply Co.; Tulaa Mapping Co.; E. W. 6wart; .Innea-Kelly Map Co. Tka Notice Oil MPn. "W hav opened our office at 207 , Richard Building and are prepared to erve our cuetomera with all kind of) new and used pipe and caxlnri. W biy as !! aa eel). RUBIN & KEREN T7 or 66S and Vi Adv. . Mining Tr. Elghty-acr mining leas, partly developed, near Baxter Rprlnsa. Kan., and drilling machine , and Ford car. Good reason for selling. Call or write A. R. Wlnfrev. rikmul (ree. Ok la., or W. W. Havington. Btr Hotel, Baxter Springs. Kan. Adv. FOR RALK Two-ton Rpuhllc truck with trailer, Forbea tb,radT Ina; machine, Btar drilling machine. Btandard rig with tools,, 250. 100-bbl. at eel tanks: 8 1-4, 5-8, elnir, engines and bollera. Phone 79&S- Adv. 8TOCICS WANTED filobe OH. Olanrose Oil, American OH Refin ing. Buffalo Oil, Hoffman Oil, Ok lahoma Btar Oil. Will pay cash. A. U Oelbel, Little Rock. Arkan aa 15t Wanted Drlllinu proposltlnns from ownera, not less than SO-arre tr-arts considered : muni be well lo. etated and not over 2,s00-foot drill ing, .riea give full particulars and terms In first letter. Address 1'. o. Box l"t3. Tnlsa Adv. OH PrcKliircrt,. AllMitlnrt. Are you 1.. the market for pipe, casing new or secnml hand ? Will sell In car lots or lees. Prompt de livery. Print's legitimate. Harnett Bortrn. Phone 7 147-3670 Adv. WANTED- Drllllne proposition W have money available for im mediate drilling. Hing & liinir. I'm Central National Bank IiMc. Tulsa Okla Adv. Attention, n.slniilinml (iusollric Men! Construction superintendent capa ble of erecting (-asollnn plants and placing same in successful operation would consider a proposition now. A-oi care World - Adv Oil leases in NW 1-4 of 4 RE 1-4 of fi-13-16 for sale. Wells to he drilled at once in NW 14 of S.i3-lt and SF: 1-4 of 32-1 -1n n. 1. Wineland, Bnynton Commercial nil leare for silo. 4." acres, section 32 toivoihjp J 4. ransre 11. Call phone 15131. 64.' llolun son Bldg Adv. For Kale Crushed lime stone, raf load quantities; commercial sines, plant at Garneft. Okla Tulsa Stone ..atfirn pasty, 1'hone fi 2 -4 L . Kn route, 4.:;fifl fret -'. H .fi pound new caviriij. In stn k. i'.j.lln Jtci .u- 1 2 U 'iO-ooilnd ca-siot- v ." ' Bogors Phones 7B7.1, 4 .S 4 1 - II. "13 KenrttfC'y Tldg; Adv. FOR SA1.K "ne complete string d'tlling tools in cnd o'Adllion .Box 42, Drumrlghf.,' tiTila-' We have for Immediate delivery! S.OO feet ntw 4-inch standard line 1 pliie. 'bone il 1'5 . Adv. .. . i 'I:, couth line nf lh nnrlhtent of ih" ir.utti' :ist ,.f -:c It II ' Tlie i ir.ii.ijlK'' I' A l: I'o li.'in 1 f.iii'ii!ii i j wi i tie .i ;ll f.ii ni j In the i eiil. i i.f the f.-',iilli line nf the I lKirMiwe.,1 "l lli. m,.i;Iii .i i i v r. i U . I' I'll' s N'i I mi Ihe lune ifnrni in the i . -i l lie i si mriifr nf i lie j Kut huext . ih,. r',i,,ihensi iif v., I 1 I I l" i Ufi-hiiiiel well ai : .v,:: (net .ifle,- : .ot. j !l.'n. T!i" Ti.lnl i hi .iin,,',ni. I l.;it .1 il" il i I f.r K I M u.i S i. I In I'll nun ii,i!i,r ,.f I'ji. i-irih j W "f II'" ii' ,,f ; iv V I 'I'l ' .Uiii i i i innp.ini .i I :i in: I I ho M ( ;....),. f:, ,, i ,, ,,.,,!), I V e t ni tut i.f the M.ijl lie., -r .,( 1 ., ' I 7 T i - .pint. inK : In ' he ii.inheni , ,,r,.e. ,,f tn. ; Jin.ji h, ( I . I 7 7 li. I ;:,,;(, p-i, I i.l j . i.ini ii.v I'hh ;i ni: i,, fl-., ;nan hi... ! i ' ni.. f inn j HI A M I f I A 'II, . ' I-. Ill"!"l II II. e I ,sl:,l,. I ; I I. la ii farm In the iin'rc of i he i"l 1 1, am nf ' h ' n.irtliw i I r,f s i .' I - it. .1 r .in. I .: I'.i ml -ir -I a I I ,'.i', s feet 'the Tiiles I i.l i nrri j.;i n ,'s'r- on Ine S I nl'.. I, in, in the n. u t lien n i nrin T i.f I he r f I ' hli.-sl r.f I ie eniiHi '-t nf ? I I le a . n l .irrt I well II 1.20 3 feet. HMII,TfiV Tli' I'nlar T"rnriir. Ine i;ar.,lne Co o f. mi th Me Keilnp fai ni I" t lie northern,! f fir ner nf the MnjIhueM nf lh i-nillh-east of r. II 1: j.; dry ntul ahati.loned at 2.S0ri feef The Metgar i nl rnnitiany haw ahrindnnril ll.e v l,,rliin N,, In the eenier nf the nnrthwn f.f thn northwfnt o( j I 14 IJ at 2,:70 feel. Ili:f,(.s The Ireland com. pally No 1 mi the y, Klntr farm In the tiorthe.iM rnrner nf 1 l.'.-ll is completed In the Clin wiru) al I.7i3 feel and Is Konl for 15 harreis after shot. Th Iron Mountain On rompanv has ii rlur uti for l MrlntnBh No I In the tinrthiaNl corner of the M.iijth west of the northeast nf 3j.lf,. 1. 51 0 1 MS-! K. VVllrn Is t-pu l ding a new well in 12-H-ll on the l.ulu Kuhanks farm He hat tiiade a location fur No. 1 on th .1 Lewit. farm In 3H Is-1 1 ,i which will In- an offnet to Hie Oklahoma lilnle well now putnplhg about llifl h.irrel.i n flay. No. 4 in 3I-IH-12 on :lie unir firm, ih , drilling nt 1.000 f.ei. n.Vi.I) HIM The filnhe ml com pany will Hart a deep test on the Susie Grayson wll In th" soijth west quarter of .14 -1 .'-1 I. wh ich Ii making 20 barrels In the rlmllnw saipl at 715 feel. An so.fnit tler rlik will he built and a dceti te driven lo the Olenn sand. IIOYNTOX I,. . Plsney has a rig up for H. Morrison No. In the southwest torner of the northeast of the northeast of 25-1 4 I ft.. (Islhreati, and assoclale.s No. 2 on the K Kead farm In th center of the northwest of the northwest of 19-14-lb 16 a rig on th ground. 5ir!XKO.l:i;-Th r.reenmood Oil rompanv ha n rig up for No 1 on the J. 8. l.arprw farm In th aouth west corner nf th northwest of the outhweet of 17-15-lt RF.HBIRD H. Y. Wilcox haa set (ha casing below the illen l sand nn the Pearl H. thevens farm In 20-111. id and will start drilling again at 1.800 feet. Krii tfU XTV. ;A5i. Th Bliss O.l v Piflnlnif i-nrporstlnn well tn 2-51-n Is good for 100 barrels. nedNy.iglandC.l7rAOINSHnDL.rCM Personals George O. Moody, production su perintendent nf Cosden &. Co , has returned from a tour through the north Txaa development. Welter Nelson, well-known Tnlna R(fint hj ppodnfr on thi north rrj of ht fimaut BfJuitTiAnl AntKhRK mh' nfrtr mr guhr proiurtinn on th nctti and rintr-il rrt of ih frfat n.TOn -r. of le.-fi of this romrny in .hut (i.!i.m r;ipl hrrin of lr,'t lr jrl of itir., new rufchfm rtiortM I', mile" nrfr onr Iftucn Alw in tli rwn-f County ditri--t. .i'lrt onrth o( otir tire ; we!U, a nrn wfll haa dri'topfil niriftv t.ti fft of dfi-p hAn Tina in fht nmr f mH thai l ahowinj hi in o'lr, drp flown c wrM, Piplamcd herein, with ahnut n : livr f t ; ol to drill I mr thru Mndttiotin this CTni'aMv onci- morf offra you at-ork wUt th offr -who it h four nrr th.T ai prar te. hn in tho chrW rjp rorV nhnuid do!op real fuuitr iro!uM hwi n ini ? to ft da a. A'do it baa four more, wells that oiU f1 qtrre a little arlilitional drillinf to rra-h a flopih itifri! Svjr rAmlta nefm rrtain. li own, under rMblfaeQ. sod drilling oonirai abo'it nint- thoHnand '"rf of ome, of f i e t-vt prod'ifini? anrl pnod lookmji oil Irinfi in Krfrtsas and Ok!ahom The rainta! ts onlj jf T rt.iif'O T"'. fMvided into aharea of the par vihie of a half dollar eartv ThT' in rottrp; irun ldu'd tn ten thonsand iiharfj, that rfo1"'11 tli' rompany from rnniprlilion and inni's a tvafr. prrmanertf rrAfiaemepl lni( draw ro (renter rfiiilnd than lhr trevury to.'V in' ITo.Oom of ilie fftpitft! diork hAe. ht-en ivMifd, part fir r-.i l)Ir -ts nH part f-or rtuh. lefHing in the ! rr ir ir v h' thti honr i ( oo of t hp t tir k lo h .nld for th? de' e'op w 'it nt ibr proper ii. W it!. - cond lin L our rropfTtiei. ahon'd i-fion ilfvpicp m'n an ennnnmii, vnlue e hive ('.Mi f"i'iil,v inr oVrp fll with four innrc tint arp nvr n half milf dor and apparently riwht in th r.ip rY.'- 'fo'ir tiixrf IhM ahonld he rmnplflrd 'il hui 1 to .'. w'ki We en I treat or tj.rcduftion now at ah-out ft fiou'ind ro 1 lirs p r -hoi. th of bieh erade oil. ,vve j no Louded debt cpcrtuing practtJiy tn nil nrin, has ' f'.i hlinln 'I nffiees ill I i ri U firth. i V'iMv I Invil, spee!,il reprfffr t.iil'e .,f the i il. I .him,,!' . K ,inii.s l.e (HUM,- I'ln il II V. !- till. K in tilt- iU 'irnl '.s I f" f 1 : 1 1 1 k ;i.s (hfeifnl ;,s ever I V ' ni 1 n m i ,i r fee nt 1 1 1 e f, le l.i r Miiiiuf.iel nr inf f i.iti- r, I,, ti ...i.t i..i.i i .. f'fneil finiM m. f.iniiB and hannu ' i ' v ,. h- h..44 t.eei. att n.linf Int':. I in, . t r.L- i.f hit, i i.tnii.iriv ..n i. i- ri 1,'ifiiut nil iii'in ami 'li.'iiu fii ine ' ',iij.e inn nf. l Ilf r fl "l i ' 'a v hijfll a ; J A mon'j ffic licfinerx I I' M M.Arille, i .,reentiiii the ; I'ri I 'i 'lark ruin p.i n v, li.ii. In en in J 'I'l. l a f-ir the I.M-I few iliuv. lea'. IhK i Ii1' nil' ! 1 1 f i r ' 'I' i' a i;n Nn .uri-iir ' h.lK a, let l.eeri fnif.. f,,r lh"lr piir- j ' Ii'imiu' i;.:r nt. 1 7. H til aril. f.rineri ' f'" i ' 0 1 here I he Imluth i;.is 'hi liefm.r mm pain of ,-':i in ,., tl Iei-e, its plrint In V' -t, Mnn.e and .) M I handler of Tills, i Mr Mnnre w,,m fnrnierlv airem f,,r t,e r'riH'n at Tills.! and later was I nn'neete.l with tl'.e I'atl- Amrrie.m The plant will he oper ated In i .i . ii it y. till stv MHIm hrinit; nnw- rrinilirleil up. It tiffs the Um des prf.r : m 1 CI. M. it hall, Mile.- manaser ffir j the Intci national Ardnmre HrfinlnK ; enin.iini , who attended the meftitie' i ..f liiilepi ndeni refiners In Kansas I Cyv I'ridav. went In Si. I.oula and j Ih e pei fed .;,r t tn,,i - ' i' ti'ipkitis or the Tan Amerl can was al-n at the Kansas . Oi v llieelm,; nf file refiners mill will he haek Inil'iv nr tomorrow. The Aufustii Kefiiiinc' company of Auciisi.i, Km , which has heen re organized l,v former offlrers and stoi kholders. will ho In full operation us oon as connections for crude nil. which Is now contracted fur, are completed. I.nula Kleck. with the Hlandanl nt Hayway. N J , fur nine vears. will have full charge. Io Kaufman will continue as sales man ager fur both the liiiluth Oas-oll and the I'liliiih AuRiisla. ftnss Hemlcks hits returned from u trip llummh low and reports that most of the lohhers have slocks on hand that will last .through the next two months He suy there Is no isenllmenf whatever among the loh hers that would Indicate a desire for government Intervention In re Kard to tho nil business. j Lead and Zinc Notes ( MIAMI. May 11 .Th SiJvrr Plum MtnlnR and Royalty rompany i makliiff (rood projrreFH in lhi do vHnntnpnt of iln tirimn.rl no tho Thomas land In l.r.-3fi-24 west of i llaxter Springs There have been I 22 holes drilled on., this properly all In ore. th assays varvln from ! 3 5 to IS. 75 per rent. . The mineral) wss found at a rtentl of from inn to 205 feet in a hard rnck founda tion.' Trior 'has been a mill and , field sit drilled nut rind the cm.; pany expects to commence sinkmj a shaft next Monday. The com- pany ha purchased the old No Onamena mill, which stood at wunnwrg, jvio.. inn win start mov- Ing It and rebuilding It at the new location, about dune 1. Jtl of 400 tons rapacity and will he iu,od as It Is by the company The mill and lease known as the Standard Zinc company, t.ead com pany haa recently bee'n purchased by. an association of men from Kort Worth, Texas, who have retained th company nam The properly vis located in 1 9-29-23 and lies Just west of Tardln neat the Hare and Anna Heaver holdings It was form erly Owned hv W. H. K.rdlev and associates of the American Metals company. This Is a 2f.0-ton mill, electrically driven and had heen In operation about two months when purchased by the new company The company Is drilling on that part a fih Y&f Ore o' ovr new wel!a it r nti 'in.H;nj r'r fnH of ml m h (tkmn'c-.1 tliMn t hr-iit-wrl tn p" ivnie that hn pN.rtiird tri,, ir, k.for!d township n(h Me trr r lt li. for unt HC" a ilr'H w -H dc i prr. U t ire al'.iiit on.. f.i,.t in t'if v.K-d iih prni. pr-ts 1..; 1 ,. t, r fcve lVm (.f? v f , t it,, .re up.) to ,trii( If c ctf fift'v fevt noirn n fc-oi"'il ti i:vv f-tn in 'I' tip we Ml'. I t " -f ,i i a- : fiPi ' a' lf e'-rt nn-t tl'r-t Thm i. p : i ' 1 1 ''' n ii i t in'm I r I fortiiHl. '! .., irsfi n r to dn'l 1 i i ' '' 1 1' i I HMO ,t ' c Hi H wr rl.,:';i ,i-v.t A! t..tH 4fl (! w ,r,t the- fir-l c'luh'-r a -id ! ' :t i f .1.' ' worth if t nn pr h-rl . ni-1 ml A f r t'u.'o thmiisand a- ro ,if ;, i 'o : ! ! fpfMrd Biihhr, "fiir 9 c nu, dfil j r ,(i v fi Thrro i. r. tl ( 1 tn. . to n re from a TOO i a '.'' 14 rr : i.xnr .1 1 thi Inration a-"l tm-w.'v. r. ir . ii. in null inns m thia .Pntr' ! firl.rh tir.'.in.-t ;,in will inu! ahont ft mi "ok whn ijiriti'd ' ' p"r - e"t is now tMi"d ' tt. I oil klifk hpT '.r imi thi Amert'-an fnoii-h biff a 1 n g . t,p Imp!.- nr w (Iifi)! w t! if h .e four tipi.'t. ri t ill 1 n c eo, i i pmtiMa. H ha f : .'-r w,- jr, pm ii, r county tht i t"-ol , .ilmt't forty laircla (-r ua. 'f ' t1; t- r f 1 1 1 oil' at. only fiw f..i in f ' -t 1 " 1 wtl! now nl nut m fi.ii;'., f1(,i, iniiirtjfir nl,.t.'s t 1 1 di .'p.- - ''f.- ; . ; ,rii re r if h re mi It is olHti'--- -. , rhfttnet I ime to I' u 't!.-; tH: P:r drfp nH : p'4 I ' I 'H ' f I'dlltl ' v - n :id ' v ' 1 r i-and i. f,,'hn fft-t thi.-k T' . ia n'4 .1- - .. thein "-o - W ' " 1 r I'awiT.. roii-iiv -! tt)n i r- f . -11,- sr.'r Mitid nt ib-..:i 1 . fret p I''' "'' -z t r p' oil -i -t ion , e-ui' I .Ici'r-'r rtnll'iip it ims 4 .('. U . 1 rir.;-.vr (l,ir (j.wlo. . , that hn yirnrt,- th- r, ! van r-; i ( urd t r .1! ! s ' . , hoiild S frotr. TO i, If.. 1 -oi if, ; i-,, urgo dt ji drillu TULSA DAILY WORLD, Collection of Visitors' Remarks Resembles Old-Time Curio Store I. f "'l.', M.i II.- Mete Hie Jifitne nf lhi ' .imal retti.irkH teiie;tt'(J hv ne.irlv rry vieitor in thenl.attle e.n. ' .... ., ... -v nere i o I IIP ntlirern' flfirrs'' " nil. happen if I put ni'r Hie nilirrrf fl nr ls . " " 1 I"" nl" 1 ' ' 1 " ' .i i.'n iriTih: me ni nrs or ine ,V, ', I, ."h "7 , "V ":,r"''r" ' "' "".I. sinr .llifl that l. I'ltllf shot and hur.iefl Ii these l .itile fields I m you think Ihei II ever l.e aide to fllK il up and collect i, or will It all he wasted"' ' If sc.fl. of Hie n, doesn't nh'f off an odor liinv do they krio v when to trnii nd .1 n a la rm " "There ilm-sn I seem In he n hand fill "f soldiers mi the fi-nril 'ho'ighl Il i y were lined p j.m,.! r heen nt the lease which has not proven rind Is oneratinc the mill nf capacity every dav The company reports thai some, headltnrs wlu.ii Innked rather thin at the time ,,f ptircha" hav proved out n;wi nr. expectedlv. and that H cie.if mini is tn he found there The mill Is rnak Ing about an R per cent rei-oi. r of which half Is lend The -n Is very drv. It hetng tie, e.,,,, r- I,, putnp water from 'he c:ff k in order to operate the null The Kansas Ouren I'll in! Z.inr company rejinrts the c u n (. le 1 1 r, rl ,,f extensive prniiperls oti its h ,,sr. (,f , SO acres northwest of Trrecc There have been W holes drilled o,, 'ln tense. Including three 'line I, ..!.. and 23 nf lhee are i nre .Tim runs of mineral were found, the no per one fair, hut the lower ,,r; showing a splendid face of lurh net cent rock. The uiier run countered nt from l?0 in 1' rind averaged fl t.ei' rem ,is.;,i tho face vafvlnir from 111 o. i Tho lower run had a uhnu 1 !a Jo 'J2;. feet w.lh 'he I i-t assavine from 11 to ;-7 -m j., A mill shaft is in the I .',ier M 11 f. ttpner helnr crihhed l.i f.i ft. teTerence The enn o'ini Ims i contracted f..r i.i H e ..f ift rapacity, the hnilhnfc- of w h, i h Wi;I he stai'ted ahonr line t Philip a tativt nf tpnslv iip4frl'f'.l h linl'l I n r .t N.i I u;.'ry,lv .,f nu, . thi- h-t i ii fi ii re of r. 'l"'fi''nt on )i;i i H "I 21 nr.rrh nf i! i f.a ()ivh ncr thin ri nin;- on t tw wo . n ri-1 . rlpvolnn- inpnf (f'-rc )inwo. (r to h a vry nrh h'Titiint: TIuk 4ft in'rs wpru BnUI a''rr mht rortrlpr hl'i dvfl -fpmnfi n fo- Htv trrt for-. -rrn, aiy tr. Chlpfi In prnrrM. jnir wifh lrvr"lnpnrn op th nt I') nrrry this tlm. ! ,n assoemtlnn of operators from i Kiectra. Texas. I making rnptd ,lrrl(.r r,n p holding nf so acre. ' ,n iti ns ri northwest of lloeker. V. There has boon some drill- Ini on this lease with very encouratr Ing results, and these men will push development ns' rapidly ss pnssihlo with the view of not only miklnir preliminary development, but also to push Ihlnps rutin along and co to milling ore. The lease has fhnwn great promise. The Ka-iitahrson Mtnlnc enrnpaov Piatt a r-oo.l strike on lis lense on what is Inown as the Garrett lind ,iroe and a hijf tulles north of Trcece. Km The drill entered the ore nt 101 feet and is still In it at 210 feet. We hoc rlrin whi'o r ics, Itrtnrr Ihont to The World publishing rom panv and ask f"r Mr Mac Prum.--Arlv I row to ttoth Mk o'ir own drill and drill j df-'pfr ...sho'i'd wr ne-itie Tn fiftv ff" , a'NIi'ionul of us rtrh pnt ixand an the five j ti.-.-n ntl l.'.no baTfls at the j si n an d won hi i autve an t-nor'tioua a! : Ivarre nn Ihin tnrk mirtH drli tt to 1 1 ; p.- ihfirf us thii iompanv Ims anothT , nti!- 1 2 '.a fit awav on a loj ljif ; Jo' ..' rrr ihai ii t'ontrola w'lere ifir' I Mir- mikI foema mre and w nnij I iv ;lo"t I'll fot nioro tn drill in th. dfp : wi-V- and hiv ten nm- dip ci!.s mo j 1 ili -ui' ii in this Kanie dutrut.. I t,ti nn nre that le ponih 11 :ca for . ! Ms nutria profitaH r-sult or ilvs rfo,-k ar wonderfuiW tarpe ir the nrh -Irn rina; district in I'awtipr .-oiint, k . . :nnr, . thm company hr twr o are les, mr nrnnK ami itendinc tor m nn'.. r ' 1 r lhroun wtiat w cinvc it t (Tiinher pro'im lion The hie .p-vr'amn own h'., nrr!' on at! Ht' Th. - x' 'n ti part o' Hk!,l'."r.,i i s.- n r'-i nr ,oM !' in Th-rc u '! '.'".'"(' 'i.'.l c(i j, vcl on t h poMi. him- .ir.t ip; f . ,, the Hirf .-'! qr u. ir,t flf K 1 S ' ' t! W,':r'' W i" i'7i'i:i on! ;.14P titi'l i .r lin! , c,.,i Mlltn ., ...i, r- k'P -! f i ::o-' -r-r (j - , t fcMf ,, . (1 .,, ! ' ' ' . ' lie i'f! I " ! ; m .. ;..- c I' ' - n 1 '-- ' .inh-s') 'r,n d-i:. to : I' ".'.- r.' ci- tl -t- ,'; 11 1 ; . '.,,,- ..n ()'- Hi ,vv 1 1 1 f-.ind n H-ro i' 1 '.i .tfP n't .v f'.,m h .'"'i .V;;.:.:r'r;:,;,.;; "x . 'at r.-l M - fl"-:o. . : (' 1-'' ' t,. t i . . Ni----' ! v ' ; V. e d-M If get i .: !'!", h 'i li : d jnmn in iuft 1 1;;, t,' ,1 n iirn of leasrvi pro. 1 si."e iim:.; lui ix or oii t SUNDAY, MAY 12, 101 In Mi, miller i ,ir r... I I Hir e e luiiir fellnn.s I J'hutil'l thiiik ih ' " tl'.unflrr B a lie nl. i int; on lie WHh all that 'nlljm.illv ' i "They'll ah l.e ln),l , i ii "ii i.e i', in w'.irin in'if mee (jelnil'le" , ., , teiiow t ' . "v ..... ,.i i wantina a hitle f,mK- hen lie gets nu nf thiv I "no von find that Ive s , i l.'itl: Have tfi ry nilikfj in fit's '" all Hi I I- "Arid I Lev h i all right in i he l.rell-i -" "The I'lflich l;,l"I':.. for tl t, i,t b. Jiror., .if. I ii!-t th' ri then r on nl r v " "' 'a It VOu sf e the r :f ferr i A tneri. ans r I; i ' h n e t --i 'rein hes. a'nl ih . i. Hit '' e i n (he 1 II H.e I. tv.-nT ; The'. :i(, ;) r it a, in a l.f'f'.i ra re'e .ir. i, i ii,r.x i ite jl'-th Ii t.,k a fi w W'. e. s iln'l.'V f : r in fllil.shin- tine lit. i : oi.ln He Wmilii I in. n .i I 'I llk I" '! " 'I .. I '11! to p i ' in : i . . j . i i ' s I ' ' !!:.- o if w i r i i i n nl thi V i i : i ! I . ' I I: , ;,, o.,. pill lllr i'lf-t ' ll'i'H'h to I- ' r.ui. r to. I..- f f I his There 'O up to .V, I 'I' hi'lor 1111 r:i',l tneri I e. ii.-. IT d' Il had t'"i 'i,..,.ni,c f.'.Hli.s ll" lite l:r- Weber's Oil TTT? t a. 1 TTT . f" I TrMTC perfected WeiVr oil field '44 1.- ... i .. 1 Ih.'.'.i ,, .1 I.. ,,, h,, ll'l " .1 '" I' "' Ill I I. ': , I, ", I all is., t ..... ..ii .1 ., ,., ,. v.".t : a::. ... ,,:.. (.,(-, sh'.iM I. in . .i .imo'ig i .1. 1. "I ..',i ' ' hi M ." . annoii. . g I i n ,,f the l ad weath- taVaHfBBBfBBBfBBBtSHstS I I . 1 ' l ii r .r-n ii f- jtiaw, ciiKuic uiaAiuK. iici c is in fuKiuc uvdL is excep tionally flexible and when we raade it we knew it would have fo draw many stubborn casings. It burnt natural f. u, dultUatt, fruoUnt or juroffas. ltwUlopTatethepump,daytnand(iayoutwithout com plaining. A rU(nlJild tngmt, fitted witii tiie Weber reversible dutch. EciulppeJ with the Weber reversible dutr.h it makes the rnost MtJs fsctorv installarif for the oil held. The enure ermre and rlntch ia mida, rjot ai-seinblnl. la tLiOM City turdlya stouc's throw from tbe oil fields. We Can Make Deliveries Qaickly! We c.-in make deliveries quickly on engines aad dutches while they luc A good supply of enxinre ia auv on hand. WriteTodayforLitsratute See for yourself why enirmeors snd tnwj-mtendents all over Amerira prefer thr Weber Kead what 1! will do lor your well .uk! the kmd rftrmoc we guar antee. Write today the imqnuiuon we will scod u tiuJ to you. Weber Engine Co. Dept. 5874 Kansas City, Mo. .- .S whin di-tf-loperi t!iao when all u iur d In the Rui'-r an.l dutrietn Thia ( nmnirv v has hr-st !o, fioiii of wht h is tin pfrted klitH.ira -II hr U"e ep. . t 'o ii-i f,. f - h.' r h drj 1 '1 V aJ'-fl'T. in tt"1 ' 'i "' or - '"i 'rn';'1 :e H'-i'id at y I'-' sw-.-it h ' a' 1 iif" f !. e r il'i; ! Jh.i:iu i.v -..'') 0 t.f ., 'for-vr i.-i- for 'dpi.'" ;:e. rn.-r r.t nf K- f.V.-e MS Jftf-yr h , ted tro tip h 1 m iyi a- fi. . t-U U li in n to hr a fll-oii 1 thta ou :.r-1 1 ;irr EmeJ Vow h-e f ItT. ilutri'-'n is hetic ..i hrokrn m .1 .i t a. I iet d iri;. : a LT'ishtT in h.T l.-rrr li.tri.-r a f.-w nrnl t':e .tin k row worth aout 10 1 We l-e-ltfic tr-cre tlv ,n' k "to iun 1 pood rhanre fofJ l nnd we know Ihat th Bnr,i of hrertnrs wnn'd b coin pte.'v )ukt:fii'd in advanemjf the prire to 00 per "rtsire r'Sht rw. But the man agemrjit belie c iq lettm the other icUow ' i- we hue heen having t shnkeifl : h- i loijds. mj k now." SiMcil Hun's ,fe. ., "I nisi saved a linns life. Begged a .arlride from a soldier. " "Vnii know. I don't feel a tut -f ue.i tn ish ahoijt I'lonil pr woijnds "i i oi ji.s s sirn e have l.eon out li re. A month ago 1 couldn't have 'noil a in cfi this " ' W'rll, . nu can see that we're go ing to win hy the e prcssioiiH on t hi'se y.i n U.s' facf s " j "'"ih. if nnlv AmcrPa w,m s'rong! r :,.-... i. ... ,..i .. I. iiii i" i'n- " tkv in 'v. 1'iann' i ihrmiKh.- Hag a half doze,, , Hun diMHons Wind It all un in a K'r.iii.i finish." j "Tills, is like hejng In the center "f an with the whole world looking on." 6 Interest Paid on Savings Iphrest payable January 1 rind .1 ij I v I open an account today ln- l.-ri"-a begins when rlenosit fit .tile. No taxes slate supervision. Tulsa Union Loan and Savings Assn. riione .',254 8 K. Fifth St. Field Engine .1 . 1 . enfrine ia tlie supreine triumph of ij : . .1..- :. ' -. i I MAY ri'-- .,1 pi i , r ,r , ano' and whn oir pro-perts! , e.f-ii nearljy certain to crnk tn four nr-at . , , i ,,.,f. tC'fishtsra w iiriin the nett ' n rt davi and .i, lhtn 'r' more ithin th nest .; to " k.,. it .,,r v f,f, "' tefjust the hour that w are untrit , " i ( a)i !ri offer tHe readers of this ptcr a rral n: ( '" ' "".-it on harcnin hais until i !fn.t 1 00 Ono 0in r.,rr ia m our dnlline f'ind i i Tumt-r ' Wf feel rntifidnl u will find vmr , n 't n I .,Ti a-ida lrio a- rp ct i.o'n,.H-here in our .1 770 i :i ihf !tn.o'i rr jp the b:,tr Urpin ootl .-ounty d:-- . in i. 1 .- -en.- d"r irnre ,!' 1 f "iiTi'i , rt-i'c 'nr -ev f v.'.? .fl'.ii' 11. 1 W)i! ierui Th- ,-',,r:.'a (r. r, porred hon?'. inlv ron- rich. produced oTfr 1 f -,c,o iir . ,hi ra;! inr. lol;r in oil tn The ti; Hundred Mil.ion r-ol- fl'iipirn 1 fiirpii v 15 kevera, wells aotith ,in t nr m r t t lieaitmont antirhne The hud-i Hull cipher r north ' Tho t'raii-ie if, drilline within on tfi- north The 1 eiinton it .in' (i,r rra. !i of fiw milfa .-huriwa Kldorado cinheri on the 1 t-;r j on'y fT'i nflO riO ire i- ii. lit K"er territory- -with arT!-rr-jv i'indid prdnetinn with 11 wells !'tv;r t,o- thai seem nearlr aure for ffiisher i rn.l- rn.n in Jl to .1 weeka. The founder 'hi-- t-ompanr knows the oil ftelda. and tli" pohrv of ihin t'ompany ia to build pan' Indepertdrnt prmlurr that will fnr . M'h rrtidf otl to Independent refinera. The 1 former 01 1 monopoly crowd hae hif pro- d'irinc fompaniea in Kana, (klahoma and Tra thut will not aell a barrel of crude lo an I m dependent refinery, W hope in tr uk thih f'ompany a very larce produrcr -hut keep it independent. I If yn are loyal men of the West, after : Ttiii 1 ive boiicht htR in Liberty howda. help , i tffi up oil produetinn and atrike for a ' nf k'1' Ilrto' time when the pro !tij Vo'inkrnifle oil is a natnotie dutv and 9 nr million dollur drilling aere rn.jf" t tt i.wfaai' eenrea for new well. n i.;ijLf;C.y i' idend y fn per cent of aM ia net prodm tn from the '2 prceent well and from a' W-ella in, the futnre that prooure AOO hurreU daily or tf?a. We hare a Uaat two hnndrM food looking lor. Uotxa, ftcvexftl of tii cm apparently fushwr STOCKHOLDERS OF JACKPOT OIL & GAS CO. a We commence drilling on our lease east of Mounds, May 15. If you wish to increase your holdings in the com pany, send in your order at once. A limited allotment is offered at the present price, and those who desire quick action and results should write at once for particulars. Jackpot Oil and Gas Co. SAPULPA.OKLA. OKLAHOiMA TOOL & SUPPLY CO. Retailers Dnil.IJM, A.Vp Ric Irons T'litnpiPK Jacks ml Well Supplies Snmv Steam Shovels Aiax Drilling Engine Pull v Sucker Uoris.' i ' K. Swivel Sockets Hums Swivel Sockets "Olink.r" Jlllfimnkil. en.u.. I fi-..l S. 11 3 ' " s.oeinnH Mild I uiira Mill Supplies Kxport Orders Solicited Maine Offices and Warehouse. Tulsa. Oklahoma .Branch Stores: Bartlesville. Drumright and Okmulgee, Okla OIL PRODUCERS, ATTENTION Wonfnrl. TEN THOUSAND TONS OF OIL FIELD TTdllllU. IRON ,OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; We are paying interesting prices. Write, phone or wire and get our prices before selling. A trial will convince you. Will name prices on the or on track to suit the seller. FEENBERG IRON AND METAICO. First and Greenwood Phone 4750 . Developed and Undeveloped Mining Leases for Sale on reasonable terms Located in -richer, Baxter Springs, Crestline or Waco Camps of Joplin-Miami District CHANUTE SPELTER COMPANY Subsidiary to THE AMERICAN METAL CO., LTD. P, O. Box 41 315 Trlsco Building Baxter Sprinfrs. Kanaa. ' Joplln. Mo. iro Phonld w itrikc jpiiber than ftn amotjpt eotial 10 one half of the prodiKtieTtV1 from anrh a (tur ahoTe fiOO harrala per ,oav mu.t he applied on the purchase pne Vj"ti! paid Thia rompan thronfn the pvresiipe and standing of it management arcomplisbed in a few weeks what P0V7 companies have worke yeara to do and some nerer e')iial hat this rompanv cow hi V believe there ia a bicRer rhan -e for an enormous profit on ttna slock than on any oil speculative stork now of fr red 0 it side of legitimate salaries and I o'ftre expense that are ant homed by the 1 iMrertors rrery dollar raised will h1'? ve'op more oil, I Jo not lose time or hest ' tate or rnu will be too late nnder tbia of 1 fer Thronrh our bnsina associate efery s'.are of this stork roay be bold during tb next few daya. No remittance will be accepted from women nnlesa accompanied by a statement ahowina; the remitter is financially able to speculate in oil. Thia company ia orjran ued under the laws of Anions,, The itock is non assessable ' The company is gov ernerj br seven Pirectora, the majority of whom live-,rifht in the oil fields, where a close watch can be maintained on drilling and prodnring operations. Our field department headquarters is Honor National Hunk Build ing. Arkansas City, Kansas Our stock transfer o'fice ta 1409 Minnesota avenue. Kanna City. Kansas. A! money received N deposited daily In the name of the cotrpany and ia paid out on company rhecka signed by four officers. This is a new company only organised Since February rt. 191. Through the stand' ing and sYngth of Us officers a 2 000.000 dollar drilling contract for these big prop erties was just closed aa stated herein A cp-cial trade offer i pending for all the storjt now in the treasnry to the stock holders of the former owners, who will he remitting hearily for thia storlt by the time thin advertisement reaches tott. The rom pany Is on a check and Toucher, system, ia solid and substantial. Big money in oil ia made rjnick. We nl seek to raise a aml am .-pf new capital on a wonoWful property her amsber production may add millionYo valo within a few daya Yon will not find an other tl atock propoUKn lhat Sariil begin l3r nnrl .Tnhk.M I'ISHIXi TX)I American Wire IJnes Waterbury Manila Cables Waterhury Bull Ropes Caning. Line Pipe and Tubing flasohne Pumping Outfits: "Novo," "Koos" and "lnjeeo'.' Oil Country Boilers: "B. & S ." "Oil City," ".MoglJ, M oompare with thia offer. This k oramand the respect and rnrfatderatinn 01 the inreating public and ia sure to sell rap idly. Our ci pen sea are low. Our capital is small Our properties are hie, wij" gnaher r'dulta possible forthwith. Thursday Vav Iff. we should ba n least one new gnsher that may jutiry advance on a very big basis, but .p stock should now sell for f2 ort P"'' "r or over .1 limes the offer here advertised pHee will be advanced from o to fiO per cent forthwith after 1- P Thursday. May 1. 191X If T .hililv t, mrV nn! a rffl nnr when rnn rrsil shout one. nenrl rour rinillni-f with on th Inllowinj b.i; torlti- om- .$ 30 0ft 60.00 300.00 tHOO.OO 1.100.00 . 3,000.00 ft STians 100 Shares f0O Shares 1,000 Shares 2,000 Share. 5.000 !Sharcs (Put X eppeuls th man a I Tn lir.l '" ' ' (ReBiitttr) . Si (S1te. Cttr nd ttrff. sddren.) M.k. .11 Triitln" br fherk. money arter. parabl. to Yli. Tr.l;' Trissal. "il CompMJ. 'J? veil hj rftt.l.rea F''rUi in(er!r.lion .ml reference, will be tDt ren,ntit. Aadre n The Trapshooter-' Triangle Oir Co. 1400 Minnesota. AtboQ KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 4? mmmprviV, Hhnwajpy3;T!WTrWeyw u m wW'9vtYrrm$mim9