Newspaper Page Text
16 TULSA DAILY WOULD, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1918 GORE 'DROPS IN' AND DELIVERS WAR SPEECH 6enntor Ail nek VrUr UIhk (jovonuntiit; n tart I'kui I ';iifnrr DOES NOT MENTION WILSON Talk l or Hour in ( liy iinh litinclx'on V 1 1 Ik mi r IMfrntrrg in rrsldi til." Tlnltod S; j ! i-s ;:mi,.ii r T. I' i;o:e was In Tul.-'-i sCT'lii ' . lilting bin h rut her 1 1 I .M in.: s ii Hoh ton. The Nwiiti.r i ..l u hi.. .it I. ilk t a lulll'l 11 i.f l.'.o !'.l. el ii I.. HI Hotel Tulsii .tf nom, -.1.' 'it h iiu; .in the topic of price fixm." be the (tm-urn men! II.' ilf-clarel that this h n falllli'lnllK I i " 1 1 mill I 1 J ; 1 1 tl w of Supply mill ilcn :, r I I ,i!i, mil ;iwk if ooiiriess should r r- (-- i 1 1 -i t o the price of 1.01.'. lootlil - - A ve: v nr.M. . .(Lie r. i t (lurlne ' v Senator U(.i i not tuenlioi. r I.i Ik u;i Mil' name Wilson run t", iA- tliil i.' directly re 1 fer to him. Areordllig to his htlite 'merits, the hetiator Is agalhM the . POV el lucent pollr V of flXIIIK fit at. thi! ! ilng price on f-ot-viffs t.i- other 1 iii'mImi ik anil m'tii, At.o'f ivt.r a p'' ii y nT Ipgl'tln' ion pdliM profiteers ' pi control prli en. I Senator 'Inre'.s talk was on the , llnps of husnices mi. I war and the p ilutloii of nil business with reference J to the winning of thn war. fief! ring In iIih oft mked 'iiiiBlInn His to tli" end of the Senator Hurt. snid I "We must prny fur short 'ini'. hut prepare for a long on.-, further i niorf I rriniiot ;iv. U'c must iI.mIi Unit- ourselves to Hit. winning . ftps MV.'ir it II fl not finly rlo (.hi lul, l.iji t,ll . lu st. has (If, lie her l,il, I inn j glad (( n;iv, and has lie '( i (r the top' tin ciiTl lift ii'ttoii .,lic , is been ' c.lllo.l Upon , rlf, Hn " f here Im no t ,'i ; flOW," Nil 111 I f i iinint Ti,it:tti our w i u ml .'in honorable i lii'l l ISllsllll " nil- chief hu'.l no "must tic In w j ii i, 1 1 our privitr t'lpniii: mokpii ilijwn, f,,,r tf h'lsme 7. ( e v as-et in w oiling thta wiir nri'l It ; the result of it, tut' than four thoip. , iiiid i-.rn of liiiMni-fs expel leu. I think lint I'veivone Hi. ml. I He' : . ii..,i,.i l,e profit II ml .1 I e.i'lOII .lli.e , M.' t.,1 II. ( I' Il Hlll'l. nil. I I P(-ljev( III IS I lie (.(,:. M ill M ll'i tnl"rtv more I lei i .1 I i...i .,,; I'K.M'ir l-i AguliKI I'i'Ik- J S tuart Dlackton i tleit lie illrl i i,e worm mv ( i of I'n-sKlcnl ; iicMi, on .1 noun. I I, " i.oiui;. h ni., ." h ..,ih .: tins '.,u Put ii il.U-t - l.ltl .f. ' rc. V iuK (,i iill'l lie u-milliii; ir prlv-ite ,,;i f! . IS t he Lent iieeri i-vifl i pnrii "I raw t.i.... 1 m m A ma iitt. .11 '...M m j v,.,,i,ir (en.. Nv. ni to hi v thHt r fyja wty w V3,vX fnl .11 '".( n,oii.-v to iit't 1 l.t. ..r iintl f PnwW?' l.ellf'.e 111 ''.iiri -rlf ItXI'iK JW 0 It hetll III."!. Ii" : i!'l I.V .U.f ' MjUT V ...i.i,i..; .:.i .1-.- i.i".-. y of ...I...,. .,, i'i fit; fl.- iijRt '. in ti , .1,1.1 1,1 iii. i-i it poi. .,- Jl lfr asS;tia ,'ii !..f .1.1 n 11 -m .lei 11.' i.-.. in it pur- SJkinwmnliPu.tur sMi (.oi.e I I .lii 'l' h;e. ii'-, o H I. . I Ipf pl.lll " ' i :ni'l .Ii-. urti.l ii I " - .i'l Al Hie l'.ilaet! loil.iy', Miuulay Mint ..mi,' i' I.,,., - . I, -1 1 - Good Health a Priceless Blessing DoottTake a1 Chance With the Little Ones THE live of thousand U children re arrifir-d every ytxr owing to crirnint carekuaest (nothing Irti) 00 ttw prl of parentXk, nk thnuich rai- tiveaof fl econom, thinkinpf t av a few iklJrt on the parchjitve o refrijerttor mewt Important item in tbo whole bouse), Uow uncrupuku dealm to ulk tbm into buying Pwiy conntntvted, non-insulated urnaniury "ice boxei. ' Tlie health ol your children ii worth infinitely more than this chance. Dvn't lait iu Have delivered to your howie today a BOHN Syphon Refrigerator (mm inri i umi BAFEGUAiU YOUR TKWITi UXAXTU - tiny tllll Nprriit.iunv til in 1 .1 , I ., 1. 1 t r 11 si n:;!t i vp .. f 1 1 in,' If 1 ii." u !.i 1 1 v.. in nn - ' in . A pi ..... . Im i to ep.('il;i t 111 'A ti. 1 In 1 he v I i I .liili.. 11 ill y hoi.' "I .1 W ( I-l- i!,;- H e J I .(Ml wilU ,111 elf ' in e,, 1 , ,t 1 .1 '1 11 ! .1 1 1 1 1 ti 10 the price, '"" I' Mill Mllll .pile, f the pro- . Iu.' ioii of il. is e-..." elfin-nt hi "ill n il loi'.:it jPir;:iie A We.ll u 'i 1 pp. ! in 1. Ii 1 1 it- I hi .lint r 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 pi f m i v lii 1 le 11 ..- v. 1! hunt , the pro .In. ii,... ' Iu . -run .1 .i ti.,11 with :i Wnrld re" pin tot. ,,'i,iil, i 1 lore slnleil lh:il he 'i i i t ikinc ii t hurt rest iiml viirntlnii fioin hi.-. I.iliot.i lit w in, hi in; 1 on, isort of -i few i:im on tho winu hen nnk.ol whnt hp knrw t.f oon ilitloim 111 itiitt. polltleii, tho Kfimtof te.le(l: I know noihini,' 11 If nut II I 11111 111"' the in.iti in the KraiulBliind w.i'ehlni; thoui rim by." 'I he mil n t in- lift In st nlpht for n fhoti vi.iv Pi (ikl.iMoiiui flly hefntf retiniilni; to WiiKhliifitoii. Tfc A no KIT R M I Til 1? I? snr ! L I JrAkvlLl & TARPRT I 1 I T " J I j d r '"","'M" VJ. V if p ' '''(" '' '' ' 1 1- 1, 1 ui.-ja-JH jj-vj-aiiu-uii 'Ujrsrsacgr CADET OBSERVERS' LOST IN ! BALLOON RETURN TO CAMP WViv ( nrtii d Aany Off Wlit-n r.l I'mii, llisii, An ay from VMi ! Xi.ul" San Anliinlii. HAS' ANTONIO. TX!ii, May 11 T . t iiilel otmrrvxr who'wi'in In ti ri.ptlvf I'.miy h illnon. whli-h , l.rokti nwnv. ill n h(lloi.n flolcl nwir IipiH lo. rliiv. roichol llii f inlil tonlitht In an tninnl'lln. Thi' rump ai1jut.ini, in thi iihsnri- of M11.I01' A. It. Irfimiiert, rnintnnnilpr, ilollnofl In (sue thn n.imp of ihn t-Hiletfi or nl.itp how thfy rffprttul a Inndit.K. All on. Bi'tvpr In tho laplivp IniltoonH vrmir it ffildPd nnrai hutft vhleh 111 event thry nhonld full from thf l. isket. 1 01 c 111 i'1'ciii oiiioiiiuiii-iiiiy 1 no 1 ',1 1 1 00 11 t woo rmmp tn earth lifar Austlti, this i.f. 2.. fi tprnoon. Mr mntrT ' T I-..!!!. I III I III till I iv j ii W i .,- 1 1 v .11 The I re." : Hi.- ;tr,ui. to- ! I,v. " I I C PARTY; I I I ii 1 WEDNESDAY CONCERT WILL BE RARE MUSICAL TREAT IWlKliin Trio l"rfimLc to Iw f.rn;UM liy ItirKi lloipio at lll'h K'liixti Audlioiitim. The fonciirt Wednesday night In th auditerlutn of tht new hlffh f hmil li ti(lnK by tpn famtuiB He Klnn arliMiK - Mllrn. J itilsy imd ltt lirldll li.idoux and Jan Colliitnoii, Is fngorly uwiiltod l.y TuIku iii.mlc lovpra and a p:-ckrd Iioums iromifH :o Krop'. them Thrro elll lf no rrsprvfd i-eals. ndmliilon hplnx h rardn. Tim Tulsa llomry club ih l.'i kt 11 a Inip.p niim hc,r f,f tir-krtrt for the'r wivf.s, 1110th crfl Hnd Kwpeihearts I'li.l th remain der will hn offered to the public K Ai'i whei , the Hf-iltH have np-(iPMi-od thry hnvr- won the , nt'neit tu.ilft'. 'roi.i erl'ies and tooio w Im lie-ii It em In Tulsa next Thursiiny nlcht nn .'i.i'iurPd of nn f-vpriitiK they Will rrlT.PIIlli'T Vith plfH.'-UIP Ml thP pro.peilK of the oncert, ive If, per it ni tfr ppeessary ttav tlliu: ppen.cs fot the Hrtihts. will bp Kent to the ,i'..:iir fun.-! for Kclkiari lnhl.H. throut-'li the j;i:l-ian luinw P 1 at W'a'.hiiiK'on Ulil llalii Itiiim to t rnis. M'A I.K.iTKH. May II -A thrpo Inch inlii fell hei'p lodiiy II was tbp b't;i:.:tt downpfjr of Ihp aea Mon, nnil eroj-K already urfi fppllnw rhe t'ffe. ti of It l-lelus HIP prcPHPI', nnil the cbaneiM for production have been I're.ifly Inerrased .iiniiisl, lit- lii-sljnis. SI 1 1 (: - '. I "!IT, l,a . May It Spniitor S .1 llnrppr of Winn parish, rf.r.'itlv 'b.pilitrd In federnl cnurt nn pailiitiii(." 'liaru'cs. tonlitht tpndPred h! rf'!ii(!ntion to tiovrrnor I'leasHnt. of l.oillsi'ina. With .M..111 ("tllllt of Si If 11 day and M.m WILL GIVE PATRIOTI I'mWiJiiiiiiiini lor Drnficil Men' Will lb- Ib-l l at M I ami V W. . A p 1 ' p.: .1 1 m 1 1 will be itIvpii at tlie v. m '. i.y th sifial com niiti.'p.', i.f the . ,I f A. ami Y. V. C A. .,11 ih" ivi-iilng of May 21. TI10 guests will be members of tnt two ite'ii;.. Iinrether with all nveii e to p. uve on or about May ti iliutK ramps. I-'r. I S. Clinton. Mrs. J U. New Casing and Line Pipe For Immediate Delivery Oiip nr 5 J in- 17-lh (me ear US --17-11). Nntlonal Tulip. i)n rar ft S, 20 lh. (in rar 1 24-lh. Onn rar R 2S1h. (tnp rar 11 Mil-lb. imp car 10 40-lb. MOO fc-t 4-lnrh llnr". H Inrh by 3.N00 fpat Bandllne. and T 8x19 Vir Llnps. Knpply Drfianmrnt . TULSA OIL EXCHANGE Thnne HSU HEADS MEXICAN RAILWAYS Itafaol Mrto and Mnrtn Mrnilrx fc t hoar a Ui High I'osts. Mr. Il.ii (-111 l;e Williams. in, .MisH Ml i. I'. I '. Kl'porson, K. Mrniivi-llp and Mis. A .1. I Ku'l.l id Hi- V. V. t-. A. urn on t!ie arr.iiueineiits romtnitter Thnso from the Y. M. t". A Ft-rvlnR on that. 1 coniiiutlee are .1. A. Hull. ('. K. Mtir- MKXK'D i'IT. May tt - K.ifn I ' dot k. 1 l.cvi-rinc. .lohn Sehott. II. Nlolo, mlnlalPr of tip- :nK!; lo-, ,nnl ; c. 'I'vik II, C. K. HiP'hr.t'r, N. A. Mario MptidPX, diree'or of Ii It-- ! Thompson and O. I). Vnnr. Kraiilm, warn today pliicted presldt-nt 1 ' ana vlre prpHldpnt i'R:nrli'ilv i f thn conatltutlonallsl railways Thesn two, with thrpp ntlipra, wlli romprlan Ihn pxpriitlvo rommittt-o. (arloa llnaavp y IipI rontrlln Nperefei, Kdwnrdn del.lnia and Fernando (biiizales Hn'a ate the other three. Thp rpnlcnatlnn of Alberto I'.inl. tnlnlator of cnintiiPri-e anil InilUh'i). :'a; na prpHhlcnt' of (hp rallwaj i, waa ih uci t-pipii. Kctchum Hotel Try One rif Our tUL U 1 II I U u Unto Dlnnrra. Business Men's Lunch 11:30 to 2:30 40c INrt.J TONIGHT IV HAIJJtOOM TO II Music by Ketchum Orchestra Arlmlsalon 7rir, Plus Rn Wor Tux The "Ace" of the Road i rN FRANCE, "Ace" of the air is a great distinction conferred upon aviators when they have mastered flying. In America, the owner of a Lexington is the "Ace" of the road. His mastery of high ways is complete. He has at his command a car of sujier-ability. Its hair trigger motor is the only motor dead gas can not choke. Our Moore Mul tiple Exhaust System increases power and conserves fuel. More than 100 separate parts are eliminated from our improved non-rattle frame. The emergency brake can be operated by the pressure of one finger. Consider their inoderate price for quality cars, possi ble only because ten lare factories, devoted to auto mobile parts, are affiliated with and contribute to the Lexington. and buy now I Prices go up over-night. WALKER MOTOR SALES CO. East Second t Elgin , Phone 8222 Lexington Motor Company, Mfrs., Connersville, Ind., U. S. A.' Y. M. C. A. OFFICERS RETURN o S. Hnrk holder anil .1. Allen A. (ollipanlisl llrufM il Men. O. S. I'.iii klii'lilor, parrel iry of th hnvn Piisliiess Nretlnn Wlix-il Out. VAT "IIKZ, M Ihn. , May 11. Nino htilhllnifs romprlKlni; prartlrally the pntli o tliiMlnrss an Hon of Hoxn MIm, near hrrp, wtirn dPatroypd by flip today. ranMriK it loaa rstininlpd at ir.O.OOO, Thp vIIIiikp kiithormeH pprrss a hpllef that the riin waa of Inrpndiuy origin. . kW-V- -X . ,. iWliiflTTCS Itet, SolVolTou aper Probl 1M Paper Every Room in the "House at A Big Saving We have just received a car load of brand new Wallpaper, fresh from the mill absolutely no job lots or damaged goods. Below we give you the price ori room lots of paper which includes enough paper for a room 12x14 feet. This Price for Monday and Tuesday For Bedroom or Kitchen 10 rolls wall, 6 rolls ceiling, 18 yards border; special $1.59 Living Rooms 10 rolls wall, G rolls coiling, 18 yards border; special $3.35 Living Rooms and Halls 10 rolls wall, (i rolls ceiling, 18 yards border; special $2.59 Dining Rooms and Hal!? 10 rolls wall, 0 rolls coiling, IS yards border; special $5.67 Don 7 Miss This Sale of Wallpaper Reliable Paint and Wallpaper Co. 119 SOUTH BOULDER PHONE' 8128 Expert Paperhangers Furnished on Request division ill the Y . ,M ,1 Allen, asusiaiit pa.tor of IloHtoti avenup Methodist church, w tin a-( otiipanle.l the troop train l.cirmi; ilrafte.'K from TiiIk.i rlty and county lant Tuesday, have rpliirned from IhP camp. Initio',- 1 In- triti iln-po men arti-d na Y. M ". A pecri'l iries and min lulpred In the needs of tin, mop Knrtv-twn turn left Tulsa, but many wore 1111 krd up along the route. theio beitii; In all Id!) when thn i train arrived nt I'linip Mai-Arthur. Ma rapines. tin rtips. conlectlr.itH. i writing materials and Htanips were j provided in anipltf .pl.i lit it lea. The j men were eiireiirn tied t. w rite home. ; and fie Inittdrpd postal rnril-i and! 2d Irlters were uniile.l from the train. ! Tho men were In excellent, aptrita, ! and the lust of order prevailed throughout thn trip. TII.SV TO II AVI m:v cafk Well Known Man to 0Mn A Ileal Itivslauraill In Wright Hulldlng. Mr V. A. PunipNPl will oppn the ralurp Cnfo nontj. In the bnaament 'of the AVrfght building on West j Third attpet. next lo tho poat offlra. jit will be one of the attractive iraf.-H In the aoulhwp.u. ! I r. Wright' arrhlleeta doMlgnod IhlH I'Uibling from the start, ea peelaHy to house a. ccsiuepoUtan restaur int v hb h wtiuld be a credit to the city. I Tho plana for the lighting, heat ing, dean .itini; and ventilating, the eli-yator service and the inviting ; marble, stairway etitranr-P In the j lobby have been carried out with a 1 view of making ililu a very popular resta ui', int. An 1 xci Merit will he maint.'i tned noon and evening and datieim; from !' to 1 2 every night . will in- a feature I The date i,f tpr opening will be a rm.nini cl In a few dnya and will he foil .w. d by .i souvenir niht, w hen each l.i.l. will receive a silver nieliii t.'.o Adv. An i:. ill-star l .irati'.nunt riti tire. "I tin l.asl and proUueed under Itio p'-rsenal diieitlon of J . Stuart I la. 'do-i, Is "Wild Youth," now j il.' wing at the 1'iilare theater. This :s an ailapintion of one of Fir (ill j l.t rt I'.irl-rr's most popular novi l.s i and boasts a splendid cast incluit ' mi' Louise Huff. Th.'oilor l:ol.'rts. J .la.-k .Muihnll. Jumo.i I'ru.e .m,!1 A, tel.- I'-irrlogton. Thi- st'.ty Is faml'lar to'al' I'l- .-i i of fc'tioti, dealing with tut- call of vooth end tti-- finel oo-n:' i!! cf o i age xvft'ch 'tie.', ti IcM bark t!-e; youngst.-is of ;ts genpr itinn. 'IT, po ller Hnbeiti- (Ins :.. eld husban.! of a votinr wir--. v h.. is l.oui.,.- Huff n - -K-hlle 'over is .!,, .M : Ilia 1 1 Wf l v.t.: -.-. I i in rii j,- c.ii .mi holf.-oi.-.' -W:: Y. :t!' 1 1 is ; n h!I 1:: 3 .v. 1 w il. " , r:,e p.'P'll-r v ....n .- .. 'in- - Roual B I s Trio I'll sli(i(i(ci M!l,-,1. u ::;.i si'i it .. -. ;, m.,,. ; , U.-I.eft i 'l!"i nr I J. !,. Wi 1 ila ir.s ,,; well !,.v.ter. e- e inttit:- killed five !"i;", finr.i hi.rr tn.l iv .v 1 1 1 r tt''"s - ti of a tpmiitsty of nltro Kiv erii,. First' report. i were Uiat a n.iiov;':-'ot r:n factery had iiren de-.sii.iy.-,l ;iml in a.l.l:1i(.ti to the two men killed, six othnra were miwlng etaian IN CONCERT High School Auditorium May 15, 8:15 P. M. Auspices of Tulsk Rotary Club Miss Daisy Jean Harpist, Cellist and Soprano For two years player to the Queen of Belgium. Miss Gabrielle Radoux Pianist -. Professor of Piano, Royal Conservatory of Music, Antwerp ' Mr. Jan Colhgnon-BART0o o YOU SHOULD ATTEND THIS CONCERT because It will be one of the finest concerts ever heard in Tulsa and you will enjoy every minute of it, the artists are of international reputation and the highest standing in Antwerp and Brussels. Because A full house will be the finest compliment you can pay these Belgian artists who are giving their services free to help their noble compatriots. Because , Belgium saved Europe and is now paying a terrible price for declining to sell her honor. Because .. The Belgians are ruined and under the heel of the oppressors and starving. AncJ Because The new-born babies of Belgium and the little maimed ones, are crying with hunger. This generation is gone, save the next for a deserv ing Belgium. The proceeds of this concert may go a good ways toward helping the helpless1 and feeding the hungry. Tickets can be purchased at Quaker and Rexall Drug Stores and at Darrow Music Co. Price $1.50 i t? WWiiH)T lIIW"WRBWWll?y