Newspaper Page Text
' Wl Ml II VW UfHftWH M 1 18 TULSA DAILY WORLD. SUNDAY, MAY 12. 1918 I I i 4V 1 Hofstra Poison Piant One of Tulsa's Magical Successes! Only Throe Yen- ON Yet i'"',,i Product Is "-'irmly K.-taUisiird. SOLD IN SCORE OF STATES Originated ()MK '1 IT. in win.-.. Ofur- Tu .r. That honnr tOO Irflfli f-1 1 Insliititien mi find ! t run n -biggest a..i 's. Tulsa Mi... net OliO of the I..! it kllMl 1! II. The ,r.. , Ml concrete i-vidc (0(1 Ullage (cat acorns gr 'A f' three a ears m "proverbial nh I'll 'lipr I 1 ' ( stales ;iul h.'-i" Li I h 1 ,f I u-'i .f I" ,. 1 1 bunt ' i . , l-i j (if Mil I H Mill ! e I l I ' s j 1 Kivfi. ! " lug ; ITIIh t'f ncrlt ... Hint II would Kill llliv f:,r-l iii(iii which t ! v X 0 rl - 1 1. 1 1 c J . Hiii ku h a product would 'I'd h'' .1 lllllftSM Hllll-MH there Will, '''ill tut-l for I In- ailblo iiml .ml. .us the piupoi method of rlistrlhiiiiiui. .h. Hinting linn I ri,.n . ,1 They mil .i.-Sltill" ftn, I "If Mm li.ivi' in rniK'h In tin. Aihi-riiiiii public In Hi" Infill (if UilH flit III lillitioIlM, ' J ii l HlrM mv Ihii in v 1 1 in it nil efforts I i st t i .i nil im Ii s.-e what w I L'l v t i n lit II Uli will liiiint l.i lll"'l.-tTl l.i'l I iif.-lv 1 1 ... ..i II jshnlo wa'ers tli.-h "lli '-i II gll es ( task if f ti,.- 1 1 1 1 r i, i.f inp t r 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1, m Ii diii llltl" nr.. u 'ih" ii.: Ii'.s 4 .ii 1 1 hi rt v which i t itle w hi-ii i ir'. il w itli .. the j medicines tunci trior.' has. h f r r H 1 1 j Invention-.; have in. hi- llinti twcnt j for.' tin m j v i u it inn' a 111 1 lotia I f.ip- - trv tor in the gunt movement tu protect 1 thi- life aiitu health nf Hi., nation thrnuirh tin, 'Vw-i' Hi'' fly" orus-ide. Thn il fv.'.f'iiini ni ..f tin- Holism Maiil:f;:.t.:!i il.'; Com p.'lllV (if Tulsa reads itf.o i 1 1 iinii n'c, 11 ml gives ptouf In th'i, fi.-i wlili thn three i-iir-ilinal irlm i.a' nf nii'n-hn tiflHI 11 u 'mil Hit lfnin iii-hlt) npiili'-it to t hi' fl.ilf. Iif if Mtnall In.illlutlnnH. run mi.ikk TuN,i Hit. It.-it'if I'ri'ik of thf RPi'iit I. f l . Thi l liifxtra M.-iniifiiVMurinic rnm any Is (ivneil hy thr? of Tuli'i'H moKt iiromini-nt tnfn and lln miri'm In 11 rrt Ipriiini nf I he hboio Hiilli'il mrthmlii lr luitniHi thai liuvo mull the Tijttti of tmliiy nml niHiiy of tin trri'iit Inill.i.liuti-a that hHiJ thfli m I'litKiti Iiti-. Thwin imn Bt" 11. N. Wright .Pf.'ir.iint of thi WrlKit I'ro ilucInK UfflnltiK ro.i V. A. llrnwn rjihlr of thf rcxfhnnjrn Nn tlonal I'mik. nnl J. Hiirr (illihntiH. who In vlcw-tirpnlnVpt t)i ifnoiul nuiniiRiT of tlm llofHtrn rotnimiiy, Ju.t Thrro ith Olil . Thrn yrarh Bo nni innntli hrm Vifsn rlUcnvrKl In h iniTllorlonn fur. inula lh bail! for it winnlfrriil n i"frt powitri. Tliry nrmlyzoil hi formula ami found ttuit it ix- Manv . furl iiri'il mint .11 tii U oil 1 1.1 11 a Mm ,1 1 Hirli "'I -""I 'I,.- ,. witn, n, ."at.".i-l V'--yVil I I'll Hi. 1 1 ' ' I" I I ' ' ' I 'I I..-.I l.f ; . ... ' I1.1 n.iisiny Ami t.. i Int j 1 mill iin-iir tnii-.Mii hum is iiiiiMufai lunril. :i,Hr; jgiv(v ' ;- '-Mn'Tj yt TTlocEits' chosen S5'SHk F 'Vi.-'fTT.TV i-tdl T(. I.EAI. TICKET 11 in I. a aii'l lin.d'Tii 1 ' ,. v fcVII I - 'ipi"iii-.l l."- Infi . . " l&li pill, In of tin- rimn- I V&Yf-- v- , Vvill I Irlte''' ' i all ; S3. Kliiw-k wiln rtolli.I-.iru iu oil'-luaicil. .1 a . I 1 1.. la 'i tu Ik-iI a ma nn j ' nn tin- tiiarl.fl itli .sil.llHI.'H aliil have tnniii'v. riii'irv. hup.' nml vi-ai-i i.ti thi nri ...H of tl.i intllr... tu (in. I laid piThapx Ini'titl.H. riftliapN r.irn. that tiny luiyo fa 1I1 , 1 II,. 11 1 lii.v ' tiail tin- n-roiiK pa, k.ii!'-. 'Iir wr.inn h.-IIihk tilnii, tin- v. iunu H.lvi-rl lulnir iiii-t linil". that Ih. -if mmh l illif-r nn ultimate , mul piTi'ia m ill m i ll or itriniilirl fur j llinlr nrllc!.', nr (lii-rc wan winii' vviuik ' "put 111 tlifli tnel hniPi a ti.l priiKiHini ihni iri.i ,n,i wri'rki'd Miclr otlwr WII.I' ritrunv ii'iriiiilmli.ii "Vim null anyllutiK ul.'e," said otic of I Mo It in, luit It niiiMi ri'ii'iit nn Its own merit. Wo knnw that Mofmr.-i lum the merit nml if wn rHn properlv it l.tfme the hoimf wives 11 rt. 'hr, fiirin'TH nf the rnunlry It phuiili" win out 'e never move lollir 11 we Mini. I Mill. l.tTx Klart. htil lel'H li' ni ml nun Hm nnalyio ihlnKK 111 w e i'u.'' I licili ill lliilliini. So they .-.liirteil Tli-v hail no prartlilil 'xperlenre In inerrliaiiilia. IMK. Ill ll.tllllfnrllll'IlM,'. In f.i'i'iKIl ImpnrtK. In Hie inanv linpurtiinl phAi'pH of the hiiNine-iii, hut thy inl- I'llVnM KI) HMV1 I'AUK iiNK, pul.lli'iiliH wliu al-eiid Tlii' ruiiyen Hon will he xAriie.r iiinl Hi" i nuntv I ''' I'nte ;i pjiii't ii'lied .iiu'ini; ,i-s many in are pre-u-nl whi-n the l-.m .'ii t ion ron'.'.'ii.". 1 11 v i '.1 ' i in is c voided to (ill lle'iuhllraii'i m Ihe rounty to .it tend flu1 f . j r 1 .ti 1 1, ,11. Tlcy ran he .-ei-t.fieil hy en n 1 in 1 1 11 i r- i(iii- wihA. A S'ri'.ill, 1 irni 11 ...ii ! inn uf I li pu h! lea ri.i In the i mtv will h,. heiiim inimi'diat- y af.'ii the . '(invent, j W .f i l 1 1 I'd tu Mic nei Kuifene l.urtMii in n sliort to the c hi vein in(i The v. ird a M-turti to i7opwb-1- i-KiwitiK Htronpor In all nf the i.'oiintry, h! diM-lnrflrl. ncre--r:iry lo orKanlz thia ,f I'liiiiiiin The miKxestlon Attention I , . Alva 1 .u k.i 11 r. Itles an.) rorrtfi tions. prenldent hoard of ui-'rk'iiHiire. corporation cornml.s Hloner, clerk supreme court. Inaur iinc.e I'omnilNHioiirr. chief mine In Bpector, Ihte.; aasi.stunt mine In Bpuctora, I'nitvd States -senator. "ve meniliera t-iiipreine court (Fliat, Sixth; Si'verith. p;lthth and Ninth diHlrlrtni, nnri memher criminal court of appeals (Southern ilwtrlcu, 104 meiiitiem of the IcKialalure. The following are Hie men chosen from Tulaa county to attend the lle putillciin state convention at Okla homa I'ity May 15: ! illciin i i.ridiui, j j. lieShane, I lumen A. 'eaaey. 11. . McKarlin. V j I'. Stall). J. C. Letcher. Henry Ale- draw, l'r.iiik Krantz, Hird Mi'liuire. j W. .1 Orca. .1. II. WHkfni. M. il. I l-'leaher. John rSrtjoe I'ux. J. M A1 jki.ioii. O, It. McCullouirh, 1'raiiK jlnincan. T. J. ll.'irlman, Horace j Speed, 1 ,. KouerH, John It. llad ; lev. I L Wiles. Skiutook; Iiuia Cox. j Ski.-itouk: Al K. Keiifley. Sklatunk; 1'. I! lloi'Kk. A. A. IiavldKon, S. lie iZ"il lUwIey. K I:. I'erry. lOduiund ! LaHhley, Joe IlarKhharKer, Wperry; I'.. : I.. Ksaley. ' '. N. .imon, I'. U. 1'rlce, J. .1 Jon-a. KiiRene I,orton. Hay I Short, .. A Small, T. I). Kvans, fluv ' . nee.i. natty Oliver; W. N. W II-li.i'ii.--. Ilroken Arrow; lir. p W. Iluiiiphrv, 1 ivyaxso. J K. HUdl. I). ' I'oweri M r. spradlltiR, ITanli lireer. i:. I.. Kulicrts, J. It. Stout. II. A flurn. M. I,. Iyton. . II. .Ma hilny, W ,M. M 01 '11 llnpKh, J. A. Oil phanl. ('. V. Kerran. Jesse McKeev- l-rank Crawford, Fred T Hlldt. I M lliid.oii, Ala "ountain: W. T Hr.Mika. I'roken Arrow; Arch Wll kins; C. II 1. levcl.inil. Sklatook; V. W. Neal. . .s. (Vichran. W. II nru ncr, II C. I'.elKler, p. K. McCIee, B. K. Hell. Marry lludnoii. A. A. llitKhen, I'eter De.h..ian. Walter Ileneau.C. H. Konern, I). K. Ilarrett. C A. I'ennant. Niirna T. (lilbert; Itohert Martin, perry; Paul Meyera. Had fork; ,1. Ni ts; lA 1). Prentice. 1.'. s. Hurd. Ilroken Arrow; 1). A. Wllaon, Hroken Arrow; W. U. McGeechie, Ilroken Arrow; .). M. Moore, Hroken Arrow; J J. Ilenderaon. Ii. M. Uli'k, I. S. Spea'-fc, J. p. Marter, (J. V. Hannah. . - Sixty Women Graduated by Red Cross Training School if. . . (n 1 ai im roacsiuM utmy You'll Be Proud of a Bohn Syphon Refrigerator If you re tareftil in rr Aing your lelection. the refngMr dl.ftlul on tad ciW- r n xi" mn jau iirtHimr tnd iv Beut ktic y Uy ityU ,,. Way not docxk BOHN phon Refrigerator and eiWlvktc thi chuca of duMtutattiM later on. Many dgirat Hfium lo idta (ran. Cow tnd kt ua "jlww yam." BASS HJRNITURK & CARPET CO. 4& :-J: 1&WJZtX ().. VIVO IIIIHIII I I" J " ' H ' i 11 4kmvt imd ipT-fl 13 FOk SALE Cut ton home and gum. Kimii C.ty. n procfteft, and iiii'luillns ligc e'mpar lor Mo. Elevnn roomi belidna lep on f m floor, slid lirz fitusbpd rilllard room mi third floor, TlioroiKhly nuidrrn, vauor bfaiiliful rlffi- tilc light flxturiii. larfia built in rsdar v'(i..pi. 3arR, t'a'h room witli nhownr. needli, tub and H'ii Itat. bnidi' two oilier It-.i roioif. Two-ear tono nar aae. heatod. to finihfd livl:ig ronaia 1 t-p' n1 .'iO'ft. front (about 7 arrcai on ell kept, oiled macaildni r. ail. Brautdul Mona tract. laro lawa. fruit trees iiardnu. cow barn, ch . en i.., .' A real home Iorate.1 V. Jnat right itlsunca goutll of Country C'.'ib. .'(Ml feet from cuy Uiniti. no city (rZ7. Stock Tarda ituion. Kneas City. Mo. hered t.. their Ironclad policy creep hi fore lliey tried lo walk. The rummer and fall of 1910 wan Hp'Tit In fin lory experiment, experi ments on insect life to iiacertiiln the Mi-ope mul unea of llofatra, and in 1'stahllnhliiK a inurket for IlcM'r.i iimonif the retnir Krocera and driiw Klsu It) the TiiIku trade territory. And during thin time Ihe iirohahle tiiarket for the product and Kultalile ' inerchiindiMihi; methoda and JohhitiK connectioiiN for future Mperiitlunn ' were eaKerly exploited. j Kxperiinc nt proved that llofstrit would not only kill fllen, ruai hen, HlllH it till bed lilIK". hut It would kill ; nio.'llllue; (hut it wiu ante death to rieaa; that it killed the mile-, und lice on chicken which would he a j Immiii to aettlng hena and f-ave the Uvea of mlllloua of little rlili s.v tliui llofntru w-aa fatal to potaln I.iik lotillllo hllKH. ciihlniKe wiinnii and ; other common Harden Innecta, TIichs illMcoverleM hroiidened ih" muck pu lihllitleM of llpfritrit and coin'inced ' the owner Mint every housewife und i farmer In the I'nlted states had use' for their product, If II could bronchi to their attention. Hut they made another important I liiMCovery t hut to ohtain the heMI reaulta Iniiect powder ahould he aprayed In Ihe air. "Struiiice. hill true, innecta ilo not have lunns. They rxlrt hy breathliiK tliiuui;h the pores of their hkln." laid Mr. (lihtions in (liscuHnliiK Ihe very Intel eNtinir hiiIi Ject of liiMect life. "Whan yoM fret a chemical action on the pores of the inncct'a akin. It reauits in a pa ralysis of lta reiiplratory oriruns, mhlch has Ihe aatna effect lis de atroylntt the lung In the human lioily. So. when you xpray Hofstra In the air and the insect passes throturh It. he hecomea infected with the chemical action and coon dies -.lust spray it In the air. buss breathe it and die." is the advertis ing sloK'in which simplflcs the prop osition for the huyiiiK public. Well, us u of iidvertlHlnK, cTluviitU.ti and illitrihiitiun, the com pany perfected and placed on the mora for "sprinc I'ehv. i ' spi iin: lift.., ha . inii . in. vi I r It ! openeil Hi .... mhi the ciioipuiis tu can u u.i. tiif luriii mi l s 'lis. ,11 l'l 1. 1. .oill lukut.l I I I I 11 1 1 ' ln lin I luri'ij: t h. .... I. as re:ini.t II IhIIoiu h.l e i pi !. Use Spiacie ''nicak-u. th.' I .'r', '.'ii'' i ii r ii'iiii'li ! i. 1 out in i ..."i. I hcj h.i o , h:a I l".i N, ! th a,,, Minn. i i'Ii.iu.Io, a ' i and I I id l. r,.i . . I Ii .' 'Ill II I he i i. in k.'l ny ii' hi'pc of all inn'. , . i.i n ii ' u t ii i ci s - I lie y I l.i't illatiullM witi) W.i'incr a Co. ,,r I'i'csi whiucsale ru A tin rica a f.rni I ha! milieu ,tll. sells otitis "i i i s . i .. in t in- anion "Hofstia .s -low bcuiei uao.l In 111.- I luted S;aies ii r ri i y ni ( i ' . i ii 1 1 1 c ii i a ' M'ifstr::' tics lieetl a Hllhj-ct of i in slip in', p. inten-fii to many friends and asji i lates of the " Mtcll U.lllud the i:aii- an I th v are lush in their pioi.e uf iho prcKrew. und devclop iii' nl ol the company. Thev pic il.ct ii national and universal ule of lli fsti" liclorc inanv imrt years vl I pae. A little talk with ice-PreHi.Icnt he I iilbl'ons diev ioeeo aome iiilereistiiui I fnct.s cuncerniiiK the liiaitiutud,. of the c uicern Unit has advertised llof. sin and Tulmi ftom North le.ukota I to l''lorlilu, and j el la practically un. i known to Hi- people of this city. Knot Material Krorn .laMin. The nn, puny -his year in import. . i i ".- troi'i kola-, Japan, lo Tulsa, I'kla., luot'M I hun one hundred thousand pour. da of ran lusis-t pow- oer, wtucn is rri und. rron. a flower that k"' wee. in Japan and is culil vated li Ik e a iop of alfalfa or do v er irtie Hofalra conipany'a purchuae of Inieect powder Kuna ia ho l.irge Hint It bus i hui.Ked the center of consumption in this item nod has prompted the American Can cump.t n v to traiisf.-i that part if Us e.iulp iii' hi fi'.'iu their Hrnoklyn factory to their St. IjhiIs plant in order to be cuio lu ii" . i- t i. slimier. The llof siia cut'ipan-. I. is pn i . d half a million hill" miiiil tiiii.i ibis i:it Thev u:e ni-'i'i i.tlle iintis t lui tl irll met with Instant approval and n ciiiultiit tee, hendeil tiy Hlrd S Mr. Oui'-e, u'us appointed to draw u(i a 1 plan 'f ot ratn.aiion to he. presented it a future miin meeting of Hepubs limns of the county. Mi'liuiro Prulsoa "Old ;nnril." The rlRht of the Itepubllcnn to stand up fur i'.s principles ot irov erntnent at the polia and conduct its campaign In every election In Ihe nailJjin. was the aubject' nf n stlrrint; talk made hy Mr McCiulre. "We are and Intensely In terested in wlnninK Ihe war and th,1 chartie that partisantsm is being In jected Into the work of winning the war Is false and fallacious." he de clared "There has ligen no plnyine of rnditlcs nt Washinco'ti except hv the Democratic administration. They hiive weak men a deportment heads. There ate plenty of honest and capable Pemoeiar In enngrese. i but they will not ue them. "While In the lust election, our ' party cnnie out on a strong plat- ; form to defend our national honor Pomocrney rhajited 'He kept u out of war.' "We Xrotl I.iaise-clt Xnw." '"ITiere is a great need for n RtroiiK prcaidunt . now We need n man like Itoosevelt. AVe need n man like Kllhti Hoot at the head nf Hie war department. It Is use less to bepin to enumerate the mis takes of "the, administration, but it ' tuj; seems ihat it is reasonable to ex-I 'net J- looKing pert that it onsht a be right once , state election. In a while.- I C;mul County Pmiscsi Itoccra. MliniTMin. May 11 :iant conntA-'s delefiitlon to the stale con vention wu inetruoted today to fir Harry II ilogers of Tiilsi and vork for hlni Hesolulinna were adopted pleclglnir the Kcpuhlicans of he count to di, all in thrlr power to Induce I'.oKi rs to accept ihe tium' Inatlon for gonrnor. deelr.rliiK that "Ihls is a time when It is impera tive tnat men be pluced in office whowo heart! beat true frj,- America without rcfrard for p irty affiliation. The rcolution continues; "In the person of the Honorable Harry Hog. era of Tulsa we have i man who comes t.; to this ipuilific it ion. He has trlven his whole to the toy erniuent sine? wr- entered the war and has dune so at a irroat personal Blicrifp e He Is a mat) of lin.piee- uo-iixi inierrity and Ir.trlliH'tual cap-icily, wliii. prhati and public life breathes the essence of unsel fluhness and service to Iho people. ' Th.T"f(ire. he it resolved, that we do herebv urge the Honorable ll.irrv II Koncrs to make a still greater pcrMiioil Kacrifire and ac rept the num. ration for governor." Iula. Mo , have reeentlyclosed con tracts for la or more buddinga to ba creeled in Oakhurst. Moat of these are homes tanging from $2,000 up. Park driic, which will give ucce.-.s from the Oiark trull to the new Inter urban reci (ration ground, through Porter Park addition, Is rapidly as suming the appearance of a real bou levari!. Thn TuVa-Sapulpa Interurban is expected to be operating through car from 9 lime between June 1 and 10. Por the present the only stops to be madt between 'Tulsa and .wa piti pa will be West Tulsa. Ked Pork luid oak hui st Tbe station at the latter place will lie about ROu feet directly south of porter park addi tion. Hourlv service betwoen Tulsa and Sapulpa Is planned for the pres ent, cars liavtng both places on the hour .the it car at It p. m. Special cars may no run as far as oakhurst. even before Ihe first of June. Certificates Awarded to Those Who Complete Sixteen , Weeks' Course. Kay Instructs fur llogem. '''M'A CITY May 11. kay county Republican ut the county -'invention here today ItiHtructed delesaiis to support Harry H. Hng-"-s i f Tulsa fur governor a( the state cotiver.tlon at Ok la homa City next Wednesday, t'nusuul interest and a large iittendunie marked Hi" nieet- ani IleuuI'licaniHiii in this dis- to a victory in the Huewcll Abbott- Keports lliislncevs .-llv. The post week the realty market ha been trifle more active, while the sales In the aggregate will not total so large a sum as the preced ing week, the number of small sales are much larger. Russell & Abbott report the sale of 96 1-j feet on North Cheyenne to Mr. Duffy of the Western Supply Company. Mr. Duffy will erect two fine residences on this property. Also lot corner Detroit and Thirteenth to Krwin Covey, which Is to be Improved at once. The sales In Ohio Place ad dition and Cherokee Acres have been good and the north side still con tinues to be very attractive to thowe desiring the convenience of home ownership. Itusaell oi Abbott, owners of the Peters tract at foot of Main street, are arranging to put this property In first-class condition. It will then be taken into the city and vote Eighteenth street paved. This will he the fulfillment of a long sought dealre on the part of residence owners In that locality. The Iract will be subdivided Into lots and known as Iloulder Park. The old hall grounds on the east has been laid cut in lota and improvement have., been made, establishing an excellent residential section. ;ood Itop-ort. Yadon Investment company re ptirta business good. We have been In business in Tulsa since .September. II7,. hut In this short time have seen values Increase rapidly, r see nothing but optimism for the future of Tulsa. The only man losing Is the fellow who Isn't buying now. Mr. Yadon reports the following sale made by his firm this week: Two-story brick apartment, Se-e-ond and Denver. $.12,500. Two-story frame apartment house on West Fourth. $10,000. Kicht-room house at 120H North Cheyenne, $ti,fi00. Two rooming houses and a vacant lot In Park Hill addition, making a total of about $"i5,000. Secretin v linker went to Purupe to find mil whether there was really a war troing on. Kveryl.unly else knew before he went over what he discovered while he was there. He came back and confessed l ha' he oilier i..i'c ns or the I tilted Stans rket a lilllo metal gull which Mild filled with powder for Id cents "A 10 cent enn and 10 cents worth was i . i-m'-inoii 'i he i nip.uiv pun s nt hei ihw iii.-iiei mis iitui .supplies in rar- of llofstra f gain appeal they prisinil. dune," Is the bar make to the enter- ihrlfly American housewife. and when she buys Ihe gnu, she Is autouuiucally educated in the proper use of insect powder as well as lo the merit of the article. Ilcglns to (.row. Sir with t hepe facts, and a new and inure attractlie packagiv. tne Hofstra company launched its first sysiiunatic campaign Ujrnugh the wholesale grocers of Oklahoma with the advent of Is il. In Ihe spring they spread out," and sent their "speci.lltv men'' into Kansas. Mis Muni. Arkati'.is and northern Texas, and late in th" tail Hie H"f'Ua com pan s ni:.' nt.-. Mere runtime, a ruce, Ultll .a'h 1-UuV.m and I're-'Xl'.i't weaih.i In Ihe destruction of inseit life In .1. iiiuary, l'l I T, the cin.iip.iny lie g.ltl it --elli'i-; campaun whh h mil walehed Willi Meat anxielv As le laled tlx knew lhc iould sell a in -tbmr. inn c .Hid thev had dune this. Itut lieu Ih u l ie l.i (in hack over ' th. I In I err It .in' -II the second time let of Ihe public nd (he i-a 1 i una l (' '.-i'u if they had I ' their pti (lue I. It" ii- .-v i , , 'he skept ti a" ni. I n (Jitld I lie " 'll-.w I'lu-ir dream ii.s- had fiHllid a rea l! sfl.'d Hie customer uered lli'fstra In ." (rum Hie load lo's "e like our b its ,iff to the Hof stra company, ' said in officer of ttie sales department f U( the na tional tobacco cono-i-Tiis. "We would ni t think of piacinu a new clguret, ! clear or sniokiiif tubacco on tbe market, despite our organUaiion, preHtito, rstah'.shed lines, etc., with .nit spi idin a million dollars for I advertUiiiK. llow do you account I fur it ? ' I "It's ihe merit of Hofstra and the Tulsa spirit.' Ivan the reply of I lie company's representative i The efllce and plant of the llof ' stra company at Nogales avenue and . i ha- I-. i;v tracks. Is a veritable lo'e line fir cork and action, yet its i'v ini i haw been conspicuous for ' lliett uclhlti in public affairs tit the eNchisiun of the omerpt lsa winch ' will sumo day place the name of Tul !', (ik'.'i on Hie shelf of every S gioccrv store end drug store in the ciiiirtry. I'csplte the in oltll udinoiis duties ' uf hie office. .1 linn- tUbbors, active ' Icaniicer .i t the iiusllluias, lillus lllue tn ye-.( :es chai'lnan uf the Tlileal M'umcll of liefets-. national din-.'-j tor of 'he a League, und t.tke Inn iicilvi' part in even war eani I'ln adi-iiii cd I v the gov ertittie'M . The c tnpaiiv th.s c:u i.- ti a 1 1 ti : K.,,1 vb,.neit iU iinlnion ' Thev ,M' censure fleorgn Vree for saylnc he is clad we did not prepare for the i war, and do this In view of the fact : that they did nothing to prepare when Republicans evervii-hc-e i headed by Koosevelf. were tilei lir-.! with tlie administration '" s..nie- 1 thing In preparation fur the war tlvt wris (."inevitable Contrast between th" a'ti' ide nf the I letnocrutle party an I 'he lie publican party while In power wis, drawn bv Mr. McGuire bv an inei- j denl that happened in Ardmore a ! short time ago. "There was a patriotic parade and Ardniore had turned out In great nutnl-ers. "A great detnniistra- ! lion,' I remarked to one uf the crowd, who was a I'epi'i'Tat 'Yes. hv 'f -.' he answered. 'W'c olv-n the government now and are guin to! ilport II.' 1 "The i:epubliran pat'v is n'w.iys fur the i;o eminent . iil"-i i.,-r u owns it or ll"t." declared Mr Me Uulre. Hi'iuly for Stale Cnnveni i.ui. A'tendance at Uepuhlu an mni'iv : rnnv enti.ins theoughnuf the state in. i rtlca'e a larire it endanet. at the1 state ronvepttuii at i ik iahuiu ( I'lty Wedna'sdav The nni)i!.".. ta:e tick et will be nominated. addition to a I'tlitcd States senat.-r. .is S.-natur ( IWen's laTlll evpires stiurtlv t'nited Statas i uMicresstnen frutn r ight dis- 1 ile 'rl, ts. I nniilnious for Itn'.'CN. IK 'I.I.K.W H.l.i:., .May 11.- Hughes county llepublicitns In con veiitiun here today unanimously en f iirsed Harry Uogera for governor. The Tu'sa man has a laree follow- ' f persunr.! friends her iu well as In all parts rf the county. Oruat enthusiasm fallowed the nomination f lingers. 1 iidorsiil at Anlmorv" Ain'Mi'liH Mav cuui'tv I'.i uuliiii an convention tot.ily t. ,1 .is celogfUe. to support llury II linger for governor "I the .tile -ornenii.ut. The dele-gntinn was .'lis,, in-striicte.i to iresent Ihe nutne uf .'ii lve it. lohnson of Ardmore i.s a candidate for Cnited utate en it'ir to succeed Senator Owen. Jake Hii-non wis denied a place on the 'ist uf delegate and alternate to th slate convention Okfuskee iH-maml Roger. ,"Ki'.Uil, ,Mav 11. Republicans "f ukfuskce county at the conven tiuti he-c toduv voiced an Insistent demand that Harfy H. Rogers of Tulsa accept the nomination for gov ernor The Okfuskee county dele gation was instructed to casl Its first ami last vote at ihu state conven '! )n fi r Iloge'S. Tlie Il4nl Suver. T. A Trusty, of the firm of T. A. Trusty Realty Co. . says: There has been a great deal of speculation recently a to what ex tent bulMlntr In Tulaa would bo cur tailed during these war time. Bottii people have deferred building with the horie that material would get cheaTper' ami easier to obtain. There is no question nut wnai ine erection of non-fssentini runnings will be slowed down lo a certain ex tent, but when you consraer tne im portant:?, from a "win tne war standpoint, of houses for tne on field worker, tne manuiacturer ami th producer, of the many tnins which tend to help our boys in the trenches, there can be no curtail ment In Tulsa. Tulsa Is the capital "" r4od ; Intjiij heart of the niid-conti-1 ? neirrTiold and in order to carry rfm the extensive oil and oil products operation she must continue to house her people. We all agree that rents seem ab normally high, but when we con- iRy VERA OWYNXE) ' If Tulsa prepares for all tixigen. cits of the war In the manner in which it is attending to the training of women to take the places .,f nurses called to service, the city will be ready for any eventuality which may come with a continuance ,,f the struggle. Sixty women received Red Crops certificates attesting to the fact that they have honorably completed th" ill weeks' course in home-nursing und dietetics. Certificates weie awarded at the graduation exercls. , Friday evening in the assciubiv loom of the library. Later the clas will be presented with diplotnn showing that they have finished lti course in first aid, conducted by a corps of local physicians. Women Wen: Proud. It was a proud moment for the women In fact many were unite as much elated as the day upon who h they received their diplomas from hijfh school or college, and well they may thrill with pride at anv honor conferred upon them hy such nn organization as the Red Cross. And none of these was more proud than was Mrs A. W. Coleman, her self a Red Cross nurse with a record of active service, who conducted the course in nursing, supplemented hy Instruction in dietetics by Miss Fa ye Mack of the faculty of Henry Ken dall college. Sixteen weeks with Its many rhangns of conditions is not a short time with women who have house hold, business or other cares, and all were gratified that Ihe traliiin-i course had eonie to an end., Quite u large gathering of rela tives and friends was assembled in' Ihe clubroom of the library when the class in thf uniform i f the Red Cross, and preceded by posl-gradu ates In the work, took their places on the platform to the music of a inarch played hy one of'tho nurses. Mrs. Coleman g.lve a talk as th" opening number of the program. l,ooa I Color In I'xhlhlt. A room In a base or field hospital had been improvised and most in teresting demonstrations were given i n beU-making. bandaging, the giv ing of baths, etc. A member of the Tulsa home guard volunteered us a patient. Several of (he women who fin Irhed the course expect yen- soon ti. enter uoon the 2 la hours' hospital service runulrerl. fte:-, whlj-h they may ipiallfy as nurde.lC-H with a prospect of service in "S ie canton ments and base hospitals. llesides women from this cilv who made up the personnel of the rlnssefl. there were several from Collinsvllle, Owasso and Sand Springs. Those Who Hexflvpd Diplomas. ' AVomen who received diplomas are as follows; Mcsdanies Hell Shaffer. Helen Covel. P.ess Patrick. ,Clara Dotefuhr, Adale S Holt, .lane S. Mwynne. Kathleen I.. Castle, Flor ence Lydecker, Clertrude Richards, Harriett Koottnev. Klhel Hands. iS'el. He Murray, Flora Linnrd. Celrnt M. Kvans, Willie Mae Ijinrtehaw. Lottie S. Smith. Kthel liratinlng. Muiy IJ. Clements. Klizahcth Spring. Hllza heth Jeffrey. Haysel p.ol.niaii. Pink M. C.uenlher. Maty Jordan. Klleii liunaii Ktiruh Hiivhnell: Misses Cora Croft. Mary Sill. Christine Hoy!". Ada Moore Ruliv Snyder. Hattle Mae I'urdv. Anna C. Mcduyrcn, H ;t- tie Kresky. Irma Ilahrenhlirg. Ileryl Hosh. Isa Lively, Jean Lock wood. Mesdames Scottney Ijiird. Lura II. Herman. Kstlier Carrie Welcliel home nursing Murray, P.e' S. Shaffer. Richards. Patrick. Kill". Sands, flwvnnc. Hull; Missis Agtes R.iniuna Murray. Lily K. Jasper. 1-ranees Ii. Craig. I.ila Steele, In vle. Moore. I'urily. Snyder, Viva I'ul l.rirht, Lois lireen. Mahelle !' Shetler .Maude Allison, Lucille M Cluse. dietetics. ,fi, Mill sitnu :1. i tn pa : ! it s tunc. sa i , I'lfl. ; sta'es j medium ' of Tulsa ! SHIP.. f.C-l I c.'iitrll.i't n OveniV fr. I.eirf a .f ad v (' t ising The II, fstrn v,. on it s Uirrt'v tu vv- nd fur i he on. pa n (is r.dl, rfnl ''' I, .is a to 1 trh'ts. district judci s f ten members of the s!.,.. ,, tare and '.'2 senators u.ll tu. s., st district conventions a' a d I 'e The fullowing sta'e t ,-',,.' v. nnuiit'.'i-fi'd at the i la 'in-iis in '-el ing i ;u'. eruuj-. heii,!ifi.'int - 'sectetarv uf state state si'ulit. I turtle v -gene ra I slate traiisurer, n. ! perin'enden.r nf pnh!iv- l list rue' ion. ievi.iiuinet and inspector, comrnissiun ! er of l.iboi-. i umtulssiuner uf . har- gisl.-i-le.-ted ! later i ill he ; City at- llnninior aial .saw Busy nt Oakliursl. In an interview with C. H. Porter of the Porter Really company. .Mr. Putter staled that the new brick store building at intersection of Patk drive andr. Ozark trail will soon be ready for occupancy of soft drink and light lunch parlor, which it is expected will he at the service of ihe auiuists in the neur future. Like all Improvements in this subi'rh this Is on the artistiroorder. ihe bullrHiiaf being set well back, and a p.ngked dtiveway will eliminate the necessity of customers leavtiur ihe.r uutos to" be served The new 17 -room modern ho'el will also be readf.r business before lung The demand is so great fur a hotel Hint it Is already feared this will no; lie large enough. ! Preeie Pros, contractors front St.; slder the price of labor, material j - and In fact everything has more; ituslnc-sH liotsl Willi Stcgcr & Anumr. than doubled In the value .In Ihei The real estate department of past few years, we conclude that Stegcj; .vl- Young; report business fine rents and real estato will continue : the ,,a,st week. Mr. Steger is in to advance. charge of Ihe real estate depar - Thc solution, for the immediate ment. and Mr. Y oung handles t ic . . . . ntmriinro pii.i with nn t "r Buy a lo, , . of the '"trlcted j n,'n!,)d',f flown both' jobs as resioeoce secuor m. ereri a hut Kai- y was auditor and -secretary age or ""vanta quarters on thej h ,oan , , rear and live here until building, (wo WPPk n(?0 wi1Pn he was called material Is more easy to secure. I (m, of t(lwn 1S returncl and your financial affairs are liL .ltl( l)8snnied his duties with the firm better shape, saving the $50 or $7.1 '(lf which he is Ihe junior member per month rent yoti' are probably Mr. Steger. until the fust of Feb now paying. ! mat v of this yeat. was alone in the The past two months more than i real estate business It was at this u.n l.-.u 1... ..1.1 ... i... limn ih.,1 .he and Yolinl purchased I Hill. Irving Place and Last High-? Hie .insula nee biisins of M J. H la li,.,i .ia i ie i Co and ci.nsolldated the real will go out over Ihe various re stricted additions you will find cozy garages on the rear of those lots, land happv. contented families re 'siding therein, saving tents and knowing that they have made an In vestment that will make them money There are dozens of others who will do the same thing this sum mer. Titls-a is rrmpel'p.i to continue to go forward even if we do have to resort to temporary arrangement to relieve the congested conditions w hich have existed for quite a w hile and will exist for some lime yet to come. has Mr. estate and insurance. . Air .-ion. reports the sale of some nice resi dences the past week nnd 'a-es bust--ness In irenpral fine. The firm place,) ..n the nmrkc lasi IT (lav vu i" snd report practically all of sold L. S. Abbott, son of L. l: hot! of Ihe Ilalllbiirton-Ald'ult "' panv.. is now connected with thi firm and I one of the Iivcst vv.ros In the city. A I' ll tf- the tticra- usfr lc. fri if'h' tiinn I : a tu; iii,"sti-i 'I i und Ti. the i a nil i v nd cut I nd I ...II North Half Porter Park Addition ml sea. nil (il'ilper virgin lerrlturv i reetiing e' avv - upon vv hich tu ..'ills nf ih'ir i.i -i', I' 1 III,., a. Her in 'hei.' necuti i ml ui' i' i.tcr-d . ml cold .v went n.t Toiii' S'i' .Mi-.s.-s.p... ,1.1 'llcv . "It' ll. Ill ,,l ted vv .t h ' i. Till III .' ' I'V I hev , en . Ili't the II' al her ' 111 e 1 DICKF.RSON IS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR: I I'lU'rncr lti-.ii'.-! .fmlte iri l.r.iil.v! lamiitv IVi's Noniinitioti P.ip- I oi-s for t'tiin'.ng Primary. to V. OKLAHOMA ( I I TV, pild lor anv I I 'c in. i ' i, .p. I , ,f tl fur govern,! n :e n.-irty to he ll.'P'lhl; 'it'-on Mn N reads Nov .... M! l r illi o i ' k 0 1 w iti 1 1 -r y ii- lo on for im th i-nn it u re tn in. - v " t"- .V', ,, .; x-.' . .... This view in Uus seer -shows Hie lurgtir portion of Blocks Numbui ed 1, i, 3 iiuii 4. i lit laaui) ul 1L IS scl' evident Tiiort.trrs to think nn Disbelief is the chic hling-block In man's . nienti when man donh dazed hy the "Impossibl confront him. sium hiev e -he is " that It matters nut to vuu n'.r ioe if in sad heart nr in BWit t e. the 111 wind blows tu us Hie t si. II'UIll eu-i v" It come whetl-.e.. west. Heaven t- always found within . . ...k..i.r the obstruct ing veil of doubt is rent oeace presides when out. 'P'i'; 'doubt sinffoi-lnc comes from ness and when man dues give a chance lo other me pets chaos fur hitnseir. chaos brings a crisis. nut i h" and nf reading .... .t. 1...1UI Ul'l III. ... bargain news every oa Want Ad pages uf Ihe Hia World, in a minute or ' " ' ' mav find there the very th'tu Iha't vim need, and in the huv ing of which you may save maiiv dollars. The utility. tA'orld them telepln and so Want . both. me is also is Ad me 'Phone 1 1 . The TnSa dium I " nu'i''.'ki' 6000 -600 1- ft