OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, May 12, 1918, FINAL EDITION, Image 19

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1918-05-12/ed-1/seq-19/

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j.,hii.Hl.Hn In Sin." RmhUM
HIctMKt rrtor of Year for
Special luot.
NEW YORK, May 11. The stock
r-iVhm.ge h! " "tremfly huay
vk. h It l-Kn on a wave of bu -1Sh
enthualuaiii. wIiK'h ;"lf1 mi
niSrotii. .clal 'o the hlKhe9t
level i.f the year. .
There were some nlfsettinir Tea
lure,, such an the relative heaviness
,f ralli. and roppern. but thejm were
more than overbalanced by the
mreiiRth In all other Quarters of the
'""lnltr-il States Steel wa attain in
furefront. anvuncniK "u"' . ,
-X to lU'J i-i Wli-m..
n .mall fraction of Ita current maxl
' " .ifiualK. t Ita bent.
Im,..., ....... ..,.i
Harkw.irdnuuM n ran nu -frnm
rlltuimiointrnent at the
i.'.i.ir r the Waxhlnitton author-
iilm to announce higher transporta
tion rates mid to tho less favorable
quarterly statements of tne
copper producing companies.
amnimted lo oiili.uuu in.
The new l.llerty 4 1-4 bonds enn
...... .i . ilorllnlng from Fri
day's low V(L to 98-20. Of
..iMor l.il.ertv issues the first
eoualled he year's low at 6.64
second 4's also showing
Total bond sales at par value aggre
gated $3,750,000.
An actual loun increase of about
JH 000.000 and an expansion or
more than $K5.000.000 in excess re
serves were the noteworthy features
of the weekly bank statement.
AniHii!Kvncnl That flour Sulwtl
tine Must Si-ll 10 '-tit IiOwcr
I'lim-lUfa Market.
rWCArjO. May It. Announce-,
ment by the food administration that j
flour substitules muni sell 10 rents'
below wheal cost had a depressing,
influence today on the corn mar-1
ket. largely as a result corn closed
unsetiled. ! Hi net lower to ' ad-1
vance. with Mny J1.27" and July;
l.4JT to $1 43"4. OaU lost ;. i io(
2c .and provisions 32c to 60c
...Vn.fi!. .. " fXf.h . troWY-
ba.rmral. ouart.ra.
(iimar. hral, ,m! limit ia tsaturea. rt
t froitt, nirrly uerrjratfd. Trrmi. rhiin.
fcll'TH KI.HE--Fof "l. Im-B r..eTi
- hoiine. full aim lot. rlusi-m: .air l,-.-p
iinr ronnn with clon; til.'" !tti: mii
tl tnd rrtil: gas : witrr i-lrrlrio
j lifhU; wll- riitprn ; cetln r . B0'a two
ram- nstursl nhd. T'hn Tim
rA brJ "." hut
h f,rV","ft recelDls for the week
were cons-lerahly larger than during
tho corresponding time last week
' formed a check on the upturn.
Oats duplicated the weakness of
corn. About the only shipping husl
r.csa reported was on a sixty-day
basis at relatively low figures.
Provisions drixpped with hogs and
.... - -- - - .i - --. .
Prices (lose nt Net
titcady Decline In
I "
NKW ORLEANS. "Mav 11. -Heavy
limildatlon was felt by cotton today,
with th result that the market went
to a net decline nn the opening and
remained down throughout the ses
. Hion, standing at ii lowest t0 87
points off and closing at a net loss
of 20 to .10 points. Mlxe,) with the
liquidation of long cotton was a con
alderable volume of offering, from
the short side.
The chief reason foe th uiti,,..
was i the diaappointtnent felt by re-
w.ih.. ..I ' "T ".l'"r" -'old
TOrtlfn fit tri. Knit rv
inn f.i. h -u -.f'7.we'll"sr
" - "-en inuipframrea were
reported m iirariiuii.. iv.- .,
cotton region, making Ideal condl -
tions for bringing up the new crop
Out in Ht. Paul they regard Tom
motion as a greater
his talented brother
fighter than
Mike. They
think that, if
th tarn ,.r , I
brothers Tommy would be n ,-im lantry anu heroism dlHplaved In the! The tmnip Hioikpil nt thf bnrk
Pion. In.-iilentany lh p iam" rescue of eurvlvora of the a.eamer lonr nnd .he Udy of the hmiae p
thusiast, never i I. n ' Ol0nart C"'"- """X I'"n.arv 2t. P-areri. "Idy." he nald. 'I at
vrl. J "lbellev that Hilly The liat Imluded Klectrlrlan David the front-
K zz r Jom o,bb"M u ""i"-"' wich,,a f""- T"a- i -onof rr-.mimr vvaiiB,,nr".
yarn iiro' To, UT," i', L f'w Rr (onlraal I ft W 'nme food nnd yo shall
twice. nd .ha",f1)1h,lK",,tV M itine' "Conditions seem be.'.er in MM- Vur -o,y Vow were In the
aota town, from ,-h .K ,1 , "' lco " trenches, you any .'
came, think th'?t .niT U"y hoth "v . . . ,.v D , 1 -Nt ln ,h' Irrnchr. I was at
iiKiiin Gibbons can do It! ye"' ln rontrast with Russia it a 'the front"
This i,if' ,. . jalmost a nice place to live." j ! ,on't trv lo talk with your mnit'h
pres, ,T'Tm r ih,,"Ul in , 1 f"" Take vntir time. VVh.i, deed
iiio. ,. . ''Hioons is remi. I.ee MaKee Is EoinK ereat cuns ! of heroism did voii do at the front ?
tn irtft lin rncivo attitude
Jimniv J... an w"liis Uritt. !
uetL-lii. ..i . our ff'al liKht-itha
' h.impjonHhlp
" 'sT . 1 K"y UI" claimed th'
VV 1 1 1... : a
ilnimva mUK
n th lv,,.,ii,... ... .,""it, as
l-v Krt,., v. , ' man-
hm a irrsu.! i,
riuiivo snH u-!
Ar"' any n umber of
'"I yju todav Iho,
k i,c
1 hi" brother
Jimmy ever
''ii' licst (lay
"S,u,rn rZ'itlon, -xlstfd "
J"'inr:v Kim.,nM ,'",rly day" "t
Annth s" ",ruKBl' for the
rie wasn t a brother, nor
tlV.l th-lt nl.... -, .
M'.t,. ,)-,
ho .i,s! 'I J1 had It on lh, boy
inr-u to tiernm
' Ihe
th ruler
inn. ill l. . -
H V. 1 OI 11 P'thT Who
hi, iv i, r , "i.ipp non ay, and
v im.l h " ,reak bp""" on April
ii it ih, 'n 1 hf-a,en U"'H July
' " I!, i1"""1 f'jur HKUtolltH,
"'i1!. tm i.l, l, Th- t-ort Vfbrth
" M " rf hl" vl'-l'm and he
'nlv hT ow'n,"1 perfect game
... t I " "" wa .victory
r"i -uriley ong, liau'
Neither Do 1
ur akji sta
"But what l It. mother? I rnu"t
.have reasun. Why can she not be
mv wife? I am not a child to be
denied HOinethlnir without knowinK
why It Is withheld. If it ia only that
ahe ia dependent. 1 do not care for
'It la no. that. If it were only that
you mlftht well be anicry with nie.
in Mnnt she la Bood now
but ahe rannot marry you "
I "Mother 1 insist on knowing Juat
what you mean. jeannen"
is the
only woman I have
ever aesircu,
and now It must be something more
than a mere foolish reason that
shall make me give her up unlet
she tells me she does not l"-v me
nd she cannot tell me that.
Helen ..ad sank again into her
chair, and her face was pale and
"Oorden, my dear boy. what have
I done. J thought to do a d"e.d
and It has returned to me tin s Al
most I am made Jt'..1
have lifted one from the depths
"Mother, your words are mean
inches to me. 'from the depths
cannot apply to Jeannette
"Oorden. do be reaaonab o u
cannot m.rrv Jeannette. Mia Is In
deed a good woman, I could not say
otherwise, and you would not be
lieve It If I did, but there lol
thing in her life that you do no,
know-that I never thought to he
to speak about-only she and I
kn-0ITu.,yn,uhRAu.; ,e -e mothe, !
have the right to know. It Is mine
now to snv If she is not worthy to
be my wife unless she is aireauy
marr ed-" The thought, coming for
The first time, sent the blood to his
heart in a painful rush.
.. v nArHfi It ts not
that she
uu,MV,,i -- .. i . .
IS free to marry any on.. u .
cannSt Irt her come into my family
-we have always been proud of our
honor and there is ome,h'"r
fo"md her by the merest accldent
or was I I'd to her
Tells Police Force to "Go to Hell"
and it' Goes With Sincere Apologies
E. rage told the whole Police
worce to "go to lien.
at effect, and they went aa far as
J- .,. a concerned. However,
age waa
R'ide Duncan In police court yeater
y afternoon did not aeem to
celish the Idea of having no
, uthorlty over prisoners, from the
oUlowlng developments in the case:
'.'A notice was left on Page's auto
A.nKii. hv Traffic Officer Homer
I Teaf f for a violation of the traffic
ordinance, telling
him to come to
the station. When he appearea be
fore the sergeant's desk Page got
wrathy and refused to give the cus
tomary bond for appearance in
court. He told the sergeant and
officers that his name waa Page and
he was not' required to give bond
and he refused to do so and walked
out. leaving the minions of the law
staring Into vacancy. Page was
"booked" for appearance Saturday
afternoon and when his name waa
droned out the customary three
I. , , t , -. , itsuru iu uif-tti. ju.ihi
Duncan then forfeited bond, but
there waa no bond. The judge
, . i. t .. , , . i .. i . . . .
seemed peeved.
"night Is right and wrong Is
wrong, and prisoner are required
by law to give bond unless released
on their own recognisance," shouted
Duncan. The Judge ordered acting
Captain of Police John Wood, late
houseman for Hotel Tulsa, to
either produce Page or he would Is
sue a bench warrant for his arrest
Wood said he would get him.
When called at his residence last
night. Mr. Page admitted . that he
had refused to give bond. He said
;that he had not violated anv ordi
nance and that e was "pretty tnittl"
He said that he
.. n.di u ir UU It'e HlllLIllII
did not go to the
pohc. court
"I had forotten all about the mat- :
he exnl&lned I
Page returned to his office after
th pat wl,h tn rgeant and later
w pmincioinea men came to hit
office and told h m it wsa custom
ary to give bond for violations of the
city ordinances. Page then took
them to the place where his car had
been parked and explained the mat
ter and they denarted mlflol tlim
he had violated no law, according to
r age a statement.
Commrnilod for tiallantry.
WAHHINOTnN. M:i 11. Kerr.
Mary Danlni tndav commender! ninn
men of the IT h r l-srl.fr fnr irnl- I
w'th the Reds, showing no doubt'
the benefits of home cooklnK or that ;
National leaRtie Is Just his sir.e. !
Paiclkffd TwShu Sixes
7-Passenger Slightly Used
Fully Gnmmteei,
Offered for Sale at Actual Value
$2, 7 51 to $2,350
Wire, Write or Phone
Wadley-Morriss Motors Co. '
417 North Harwoocl Street
Condemn Thee
n. CASK.
I think ou were, mother, "M.ft- :
"and ao was 1" )
(jorden, dear, you make, me !-
most aorry
Put Gorden was Insistent.
"Her life before I met her w.i.ild :
make It impossible f"r m,- t. . :ill:
her daughter." j
"But explain von foun.l Ihm -where?"
lie thought he wn.l.'t tm,J
now. It waa that her pareniage was1
unknown oi iindesirahle. II.- ilj.J
not care for that and v,.i sm prie,i
that hie mother could make much.'
of it.
"I found her in Hie ,,mls. bcsid" '
the road, in an abumii.iimei.i ..I '
grief, and when 1 s.jiiKht tu giimi
her confidence, she. af'er time,
told me all fhe ha. I I, ecu through. lt
was a pi'ifui t.,rv i;.inlei. , I
cannot tell it to .,ii. ,ne ,,,, been j
led to do wrong l.v win. , prom
Ise.l her u fco.'d lirune and ixuii
Oh, can you not nn.l,-i u nil Must
I lay bare the pom pirrs ife and
let you see her in .ill hr pitiful i
degradation? tloi.li-n. will ymi nut
do this, leavf Jeantn-tte- -she Is dear
to me
-but not that lie
not "
Hut (Jorden had .Irimn
from her and In" face a
and set.
a wa y
Ktel n
"Io you mean, nmiliei
lived In a house of bud
"ICven that. Ii i v ,n '
"Hut hnw came she in
. that she
I lu' wornM
that day?"
"She had run nw.-. Sin
deavored to find work, t
not. She was jllsciiiiraged
halting between tv.0 w.ik,
she should relurn to the
where she knew I hat ei"
degradation awaited her.
hunger. I came to hrr n
ll'l.l Ml-
i.l could
mill lva.s
w iietiier
I wor.se
r die of
lln.e 1"
save her. and "he ban hern with rue
ever since. She has fulfilled eveiy
desire of my hearl ih'il now. and
this I cannot allow. She Khali nut
be my son t wife, the mother of IiIh
children, their lives overshadowed
by the thing their mother mice was.-'
(To Re Continued Tomorrow i
Se-von Cliangva MmUx In Personnel
of lonr; New Captain
Is Woods.
John Woods, who has been em
ployed as house detective for Hotel
Tulsa, yesterday afternoon received
his official iwmmlsslon as captain
of the city police. Mr. Wools has
been acting captain for several days
while ex-Captain Wllkcrson has
been acting as chief.
Six "resignations" in the old de
partment were accepted by Police
Commissioner F. M. I'ohn. and ap
pointments Immediately were made
to fill these vacancies. The offi
cers leaving were Capt W. K. Wil
keraon, Orlando Lucas, Thomas Pow
ell, J. K. Hurnett, W. T. lieasley
nnd K. S. Hlser.
The following appointments were
made to f IU these vacancies: L. W.
Hewley. plalnclothesman ; Joe Del
Haccaro. p. plalnclothesman; Harry
Panders, plalnclothesman : K.d Hice,
day desk sergeant; .1. H. Mc!ulre.
night desk sergeunt, and Kd Ilarn,
Officers Lucas, Burnett and lieas
ley were holding over until someone
waa appointed to fill their placer
(heir resignations having been fi
nuunced some time ago.
back along this narrow
ee came.
Through light and shadow, storm
and shine Ihe same.
There childhood played beside the
meadows bronk.
Hre love had lingered with nn
earne-it lcoli.
?.rr""i viji.tli departed, sing-
inr li'iit.
And t-re a dear one left us, and
- the night
Came down, end found us weening
o'er a gnu e
On lorelv hill, where whispering
grasses wave.
Pale tlmdes of Joy still through the
mists appear
The love and hopes of many a van
ished ear
Where Idle dreams, and youthful
fancies stey,
Like drowsv birds In leafy shadows
As with the ."nothing hush at close
rf dav.
The dim, swft twilight falls about
the v orl
Mo W at flip front.
''Why. I knmked
make nohodv hear, s
huf I cimMn t
to the bark
Vrry I IKt-l .
"Whiit Ii.ih t.. i ,.ti..' cf i Ii,-
"1 Hi fin.
for .1 inn
NOTK'l; or RM.t;
I N 'I 111
l ,1
II -111
1.11 It.,
int.il Ml. lut,-
..f HI. iihonm. 1.. w
Tli, MMIlll h'f
.,r Dm ii,,ti i i-.Mt
ij,irl,r, i-d i,,.
ryl qejirlpr. I.
Bi.it Inl 'llil't.-
.1 I,
a. .1
a. r-
i.r i i
nt th-
quirter. leiH 1 n.r, . In- i-,,-
Mllilii l.illf Hi.' k-'lill 1, .j ,:,
liortl w, hi ijinrt, r in. I 'I ,
n.'ri' of lot fiv., . ..' nr.,! I
lit 11. (u. , I lini s i)..,irl,l ., ,
fur rii'my. o' S.-. lii.ii '; I 1 .
forlli. I( u ti r;- 7 i n -.1 u'ul !'.
! -2 H'T.'H ..( I,. i, u.i.l 0 lit
crr of lot a '"' .1 " mi'- 'r i.o i .
Iif Srtion H. Ttuvio-h.l' 4 l.irl'' 1;.,':.-,
.t i-ontnitnni: llil't ... r,
Saul nil i. at ei I. 't.' m'T 1 k,,"1 ..
t,i foiU.uii.i; t. iii:n mi'l ".iii,.!'! . - '.
mi ;
l ush in hand upon i on fir n 1 1,,-. .,
Mli l-v III" rourl.
Kin le lo ! Iii-'il in lie ('..i'l.
four! renin of I'.n.'.itO.' ro.ilitv lll,!..l..
n.. hi iie lime al-ov- mter
listed linn Hill liny of M: 1 H I '
llllt I' M. hKI-'I,. (I latilmn
l Klt'l'l KHWTP
hMl'V .11. t, M KN MY 'I'llKSK l'ltl;N!'MS
THAT, lli iniliviilunt whop. t,,ini.-s nre
Itrmnto leilirn'rilirii ImTe en tiu .'l.'lli
.111' uf April. Illlll, ftimot'Mti-tl 111. i.ivelv.n
t'Oliari in-rhhiii tu enir letl.r ll..'
firm rnii.i, uml of 'MAIFS'l'lt' t'l
II H 1'HMI'A,Y" in I lie liiuinen of innn-
11 f ' I ii r j i, s. bnvnu Milling nU .lei I ln
orif rr I ion it v, !' vi-rtictu and a ! ! n-d km !
tivA nolKitm, nii'tvUnnflne and iimiri(i I
nraliy in thn I'ny nf Tii!n, in llit conn !
of TuUi nuie of oklul'onia. and ttmi !
1 h r i r Miid ritpn r t n rluj in c'tir r I in iU '
mtur1, ami lhn( lioth of jt ment Itrrs re j
sirir in iht naul of Tnla
W 1' ToIUN. i
Tims nxN i
M''firf me. tin- iind,,riK'i'd. a Notary I'ub-
within fid fir s a tl ronniv nn(i Mt i ,
on IhU -!0lh 1m uf April. 1UI(4. pfroiiallv
ai'()fir-(1 Will nun 1' I'ndui anil 'Ihoniaa
'trim who cirrutfil th wjihin and fimigo
ing iilruttu-nt. nt! a' know Icltfcd to uif
tt.a) thv Mutfd ilit 4tiie ih"ir f rrn
;id vninniry a-( in() l for h u boa
and imrp(Ht' itifrciii tt (uriti
., . ( n naw r.,
V'olorlfcl Hil 1 . Notary I' i l I i -
Mv foinnuxgiof) fpirp J');h!uar 24.
Phone G000
a word 'a' Ii invri ion.
pare U Will ds
amoni.i one lime ?tc.
Orifl rent
We desire tu thank mir ninny
friends und nelKhbni-s who exprertru'd
such loyal syrni'-illy to us in iiur
late bereavement, the death of our
father, Kdmoml C. Miller
It. I, MIM.KIt,
1 T Mll.I.I.'lt,
.M HS, .M Jl. (ililOI,!,,
. M KS, A. I.. TrHN'KH.
.. . .. 7
at t'i7
AI'TOMllHII.K TlltK- Kound. I
Wist An-her. preif (,ri,rl
and y
ffwirn for ame
iiltlXH'H - iKitt. rrmlb "..nil mill smalt
dianiondv plntiuuni .H&.t t'il r04t
l.itirrsl rrwinl.
f il Kt'K --jt. i I,-, k ii li.ie mil lo Ni. ie.
Ioln eff for Slil.il, . he. I, mi, f.iuii I irt
National t-nl lit H'.iKVin K,i..l,r r,
turn to V rl V'tueiuil Lark Tul4. I'kin
Ki ilnltiir rc:in!
Ill MtlMi l'IN--l,ol. i"t in p:'ni
Kinder l,,e plu.iii K.w-ir.l
llllli ritl. bri'idlr hull will. Klill"
l.ri'St. Nnnrrri to nan,,, uf .Mmit
Uf is rhildren' piM, if on want to tim-
thfin happy, plea ri-turti lli.i'.l Vit
t ameron ir phjine i.'.ll-lK , H,w;tril.
KN VKI.Ol'K lnt. isrice emelope ,'olitaiu
inf papers, atidrenN on i-nm-lot.i' vs Kl
rhatie Natiotal lark rhoi ''ii
UR A V KAISCna'l lsl. left in li'i-rj
rar at I'rnieo dej-ol on May n, lulu
Chaiifffura please notifi A I.;, rare 'lul
sa World Kewni'l
Hfitl -- lyl. one li'a.'k iti m 1 lioir. Il s.-en
nesr harlosrs. weijl.l almlll three
veara ulil. f.n.ler i..fs' i.l. int.- . Iti I or
rail i
K K Y S-
T W I'
-., rr.'oui I o ttir re-
,-pot It.-
,o I, row n
.,' IisihI
, .". re
a II '-
v. a r . I H-Krn Ui M
jjl'l.K AMI IHll'l.-'l
mulr Slid mil- l.rns
p, is-1 1 ti Iris'.Kl'- .11.
s-s-.l .1 II l..'l.
T'l il K KT III ii ' K H:.i
l-n!i .-..ilia, n'. f M'
r.rit (' l." ..I
I il.cral rewar.l II
Whr.-Mrm or .l.r.i.,
rnns f,.r i
STU VKt n.' '.-"
I (lis rite ;
i . ni.iii I
.C,' krl
, .1 . . S'l
lls l.
,, rs ol'l
,l i
nsl.-ra p
,rar,il.',l "
IrC .-r
l.,' pai,l !.r
ri-rr-vr:;' ril
a, - in ,
l.or.sl liar.1
,1 I'.n.rt ii' s ' i.i', s
ts.'k .''lil'"
7 '.'. It
Inhil Hi.
IVKl.f rKP.-SON At,
VCI'.' KKNT riif 1
srn ts.m.'iil spsriiiiii.l I ,
... I" " -''
IM'irt THMI --1I"
in.nf sulil si Msi.linnrl!'
Wfayi h a . r
il-t.I a'.or.
in- I s-l T I
Xi t tlnv SM.K. I't-rr Salnr. a
.:i Ai.rlH.n Ssrl .r..n,-' I
HinMr if.cii for co.n'r. .,tl
V ; t . s ur ...f ,'r-r
U.I S,: H 1 M.'l V i''i !: . ii
ron.n :,;l Kir,' .Na'.-i.l.! Ilani:
ili.rt 1.1 '.J. 11 tins' r-'.''l
l.ar v 11 il o ; I'.l a.: I s.M '
hats. is'! 1 " 4 I
AUTOMOBn.s ron fiKtv.
At'ToMOilil Kh' Kor 'i. ' i !
tnw -kv Wright fo.ir I up..
irrKd niT.li.' 'in Jir.ii t i '
Will (ur J i'Mi fa-'Il t v , '
fonn bod v T:n's-' ii- 1 L- - '
r. I rt I ii .--f- oi.d r v i. .
oMC.lil.K - 1 -t ' i v.-
off ton tn.' k i ''' ' U"'
radia'or, iMtir i.m"I ; i .
Iradrd 'm v. r ''.""r '- -' . i,
?' ormh1' A ; 1 W ' " '
(."''J,' HI Ii" K I" ' : I ' '
( II sV fl
ii' m my y.
rallv !!.. --, - ,
fold I ll E
f'.lll 1,11. I'll'S1 f
V. la'so j jrt
-A H'dl
t -I'll
i'bun I
(-n i-it.. vt"--; h k i,
I'M I .n-i.l-l,
I -.(:.
i;. mii i- h i ,
i n-
, 1 1
I". i
It 11 I S . ; r V It I.,
r.0 S. Main.,
haw del
Miir hers
unl.il-le ilniM,
lul Nint I'ule
nil HUM S, ,u t li
K nii-
i I'hi.i.e
I s , ', T. j. ,. . K ,, .,
Into 1 ! I ; tt.iid
iiniiK fhuirif It'tih
j el. bi.vpii nn.iM.!(..r t
t-r uphoUtr-ri ik i 'h t 1 1 t
ood pa I til t'tij htt-n ami )ii an iTo.kI
iitfflianif ally an nt ii ll.luu
will na- ridii for aK t m-ll on icrma
For dnnofiHlration, phon 'JTfli frtnti r
unit) it and norfi after . p nt
Tlil CK- For nalc or Iradf O' f t-jn pint
form trorlt, fiUXt, $ Wi) tin n Aim
Ihi.'i Kord. l.Si. Auto Tina to, : 1
ram Srond.
fie lasrt.gt?r ,flf -
tun, pirfi'i rood 1 1 ion. $ 1
Al'To rAinH-Wa'll av yon money; in
antu farta fnr your uto. Auto 1'art Co..
31" Kaat 8cond, ohna17nti
rASINTirf 'For' "aalr "lots' FifMlotm raa
inrx, &x4H non iktd, fiA, nil other
n i f in a Kick Aoto Malvg.
lt-KI'Alltl.MI - Klrsl-rlm automobile re
painnit, l.lnli class work, all work (uar-
ti t eeJ - givii ua a tfial. Alt South
itMHATOUS, repairlnx and reeoiiinn Hliip
lis your leak or siri'iked .radiator. We
tisv,. the latest system of cleaning ra
tiiiilors .Ml work guaranteed. Ksralt. Ihe
radialr man, I IX Wril Klral alrei'l,
2 AUtOS TOK niEBj 0aIlAOBS'lt
Al In M'ilt.U)K $,' per month, dead
slornee onl; Atlal Hturait. T, Wtal
t'l A It II K -Jr'ar rent, close in, rail 4i74.
i.AH V I i V: Knr ro. I'hona 7 3 2 W - J .
Al tiliHIHll.K If you haa an autmobil
that you want lo sell pnonr ua deaerip
lion and lowest rash pries. Wa will aall
jl fer)'ou. ja II (la 79tl.
1 ' t f I ( Alt lined, rrjirdless of condF
liou. IUI7 prefrrreil. tiardnar Bros., Skil'
t'.ok. ilk'a
liOHTON. N . 22A -Vot rtni,
roomi for liftu hoimfki-etilriff.
HUAIiY, w I 4 rurniabtd room
i "Tor
iiltht houaf kjunf . i
iio l uN, S . 1 74 For rmil. two tare
Mjufh ftif ntlid rooma ind atrrplnf porrh
for liDti'k ,iti)f, piano, front and rrar
luitraoctj, wrll, lraff. I'bont
H.iMToN, V, WiU Two roorna for light
! nMttsM'kfiiiic. nu children and do phonr
fall aniwt-rfd.
Ml UN K IT, y... 1811 - Two fiirniahd roonn
for li(l't its-uifkrilng, with bath. Call
fund ay "
ItoVittN. .N . '2h Vor rmi two llrlii
It i -.niir room, modern, nol tuita
hV fur rhitdran. rff nritri. I'll out
'.. It
( ' 1 1 K V K M S , nifi--l.irhl houifk-t-pirn
,. KMTi4t 1 .i-r mottth, alto upstair hd
loiirii, onoffling alffping porrli. I'hoiir
1 tt
( I Nt INN tl7 N. 440Two'l4.r(t furiii.bfd
rooHJn for liglit houakppinf , no oljr
iiim tu aid.iI) liatif I'hona 8110
01KYKN.NK. N 62 7- Two room tulltTTniVt.
lv (urn ii tied, rool nnd rom tort atttn. irtnd
-rn niutffiifnrii. good location, walking
dtfan'-r tak North Main rar Hn.
i i Iturflilh HKIUIfTft Two room,
n t nio'Iirn, woli ftirnihij honaa ror
fonpli. o of haafinn. Phono Mt.lfl J.
i 7 1 1. V K N 'sk7 S ,7 7 0 " T w o'roi. mi f u r n iaMd
I for hnuRfkcpfng with gtraga
CAMK.HOS. W.; filP--Kor rnt ihwiiifiVr
iu")i(l room, modern, tnt rraaonnM
ViKNV Kit. H , 1 iirga fronniVbt'boiiaa
k : :i f room.
fiMHOlT. V. 41 - Two "modern light
hitf.r-li'ipirii; routna.
i DFTKtJlT. K , ' mi - Tto friiihfl Ight
bouirkripiii( room, (runt at'd ba k n
irai.rr, ron nft ing bath. No children.
I Imiif Mi2 J H
. I.UjIn. K . .Hi -Two nirly fnrniabrd light
liu'tiLfct.irn room
. f WHiN, W. I'i'i I or noil, thr n irl
fin in hi; imI room, atrirtly n.O'Ifrn. per
tt.-lj' i!fin, Trrv rlot in. rvr t h in it
fiirntbd and n-adv lo to bouit'-
kcfpinj, (all hufoay. No rlii!drn
J (-. K' I iTM. K . ,.,'iH - Two coniii r-uriK room,
l.i'al'y f'iriiixlipd for Il0ilfk Mjiiiig, ilr'i
!.-! i-)''tion
T .ATtiN, K. t;; Two ro'ittt" f-.r liffit
j h mi h k () i ii g w!l lo-'att'd for nrntor. I
1 M'j'li M'ir tool. I'honf fr-.'T'.) I
mi'n S ." Hi' t -Vurniihrd room fur hgU !
It'ii.".-'. fi'piitg
I- H SCI i S , 1 'j - Thr rirnialid numi
' ,r h tr lit huu kr'pi'. f t runt and liat
ri i r ft "i cf, a r ran tr i ti ior (ainily of f '
isiiio, n-ar ar lirr I'thc H 2 "t
la '.i i r'.'r(vini room '
i' ui it i ii
kit' !'t
'o" lion
K , 4 10 I brf rtna fur l.g'it ,
p'ae tturrl f o4if lwi be-drfxrin. '
an.l hath ft I 0 t-f - ffk
4 I H - Thr. ftirnl.! r
"'Kfl, IT r i n d 'liior
r I (1ST, W
14 'r-
Y or i
i rhonf
lal' i.f I
n; m ki
1 ; ff I. ILUMV
Tl'KI '
i.',fllf t
1! I'll.:.' k
fr-nt porh
1 4
' t 4 it ir
utiirr iiousiikei.i'Inu booms
liirnul.,-,1 l.ui.K
.. pr
ult' l-l: t . 11, ,' 114 .' tu
i. ii, ii r
Hill ShktHIM
IliHlMS vr irtt
I V -. I I
I uln
n I'I.dii
hi I I'l Mi 1
I 1,.-.', I (,,:
l,'r.,li '
i, 1,
inn m
M A I -
. lt,-l I
. U.I-.M i i,
.1 i ,
1 1 1 . 1' s I
i I,, i.l , r.
I llnl M v
I II. .1 s i
i . fi i. if j
, III! I
iKll I'll
I rooim
t fill fill I
altt ll. n
n.l )''.
t iKtan- a
ft h! k lti(.
rt.ML. .i ,
Kim Kl iilin
tils'M. i m
: ii r a. t. .-,(
HH K r oil !,
jl Hit ilowm HlWIl
until ami KifsK'
i.l f ail Vt I.:
t- h.-ai
I. I M 1 J.
. 1.01
) n - I'wu iim-v an y light
ruouiH aixl pai.ti.v fiiot
rr.traiiif .lone lo rar hntt
Hi two lai ic roti nn for
. -flM
ilt'tti. ioul, -hnir purl
pr wnck I'ltona '1
4 1'! I wtt rooina and
hii-IhmI lur lijfht tiiui
i't.)-ti ut,l f drxtn-tl
ot atTiith modrrtt, Injun
I (cur room apaOumil,
t rtildrti 'Tall it Bft
ii'.lt.fce A 71, tarn vAoil'l
HUM I- (-Mil
kii.u;! kit.lir
'I'UKr K
t'fnl! t
(un it h
- (till? ur
A I'M 1 It A t. tJi t-'i.ini .,iit,i riom nn
- .fjttii Himit ,iint-nt I'Mraiiri, '.o atitail
- . i . -
It I .'I I MoUl' M Ko.iiii a, id .M-rj mo.-
lirKtl'Ts1 t I. n-tit II Hlltl dililiiR
KMiin il dt'aind. to our or two ladn-a
ivcd 1 1 1'hotn V '-"'ii
hnl ll'Mt m t,.1!1-. I wo larK" inodfrti
welt lurnt'hl rfMiuir, can lm cotiitrctwj,
iouilji itiin' ''f
iToi l.V.i, M S:A- .rtv ..iVrifii.; rotitn,
(tor. It, tuiul.lf fur xt ur (out Ttiona
IttirtTuN, N
vtiitatili for
lilt, (hm iri'ptnK mmmii
rt-nlifman. lotiili raponurp.
Phon ill. '.7
.HlHTON. S. .-0ii NiL-tv fu
I Oil ot.
noiith potii r ". udjoiiiins
m 9 i only I'lioit .'i 1 1 1 4
lioVl.l.KR. N' . :.M For r-iit.
room adjoiniTKr la'ti I'lioni
BWHiOOM And al-ping por.h. nlrrly
furnialicd. fur ri private family, gMi
ilctnn on'j J'hoii' .''H2 "
Skl)HOuV'Nkly' fnrolalod. parlor and
kitchtfn privilt-tfca, to lidy mployvd.
BOSTON. H,. 'ii2:i'-Kor"rinr"ilpiOK room
And adjoining lp'"f porrh, auittblo
for four mm only.
HKIKOOVINialU ftirnintifd front bd
room with uae of atum room ana ii
nhono. i walking Uiktatiia. auimoia
ont or two ladira, T..r)0 pr wrt. I'.hono
j4f,44 K
ftOrLOFli H. 72'j- On fiTrniii,i rom
for rnt. I'hon Uoli
nSCINN'A"fl.' H., "i4Ut-YZr rut. nirrly
furnlvbfd lirdrooin. fry rraonab!.. Ap
plv i' rrr.
CI NCI N N ATI, " H fio2 larfng "room anJ
alooiiia- Dorrh for rnl to ladP-a rm
plod or jftntlmn only
ground floor.
406 - front glarping room.
t-loe iu.
CHKYKNNK , ' H., 211- Niro ilfpmg room,
nr .tui I
aouth alpiri
rg room in pnTai nonur, ior
f'hnnt lHt.'
t nllr-mcn
t,".T -Cool bedroom for
on or tr.rfti
worlaing men, rrafcouanif
and "In Hi.
:i 1 1 -- l.ari-, rool mom
and -Is""! in
votttig mii,
iwir.'ti, s.itlal.la iK-ssra'
rrnt ri'Shonalilr, , loss m-
I'hon- l II
Sl'-slj' finnislird
room ontunii' ,ntran','
rloulh slmpirif
room for rent,
stntalila fur urs or two
f pntlfmtn
- W.ll
rar Iinr.
room a. walking diatani r
IMionr 471-7
CUKVKNNK ri.. 917 For rent, floa in
a largrt brdfoom and annpor h. -loao W
lah rrf inodrn romrnifiir. no th
pr' rimitim Co'l Hnnday l M 434
CINt INN ATI, rf.. IJ Well ftimiaticd
room in pnvat bou.f, Mor hi, fina lo
ration, oprwf.it fl nw htfc'b fbool, gt-ic
tlrinni onlv,
CMKVKNNK, S , I - Sloping room con
Tr-rtifiit to !''. I'Ntii" liom. ibdrii,
rrirretr rri'Mfd I'honc Ht'l
("HKi I'N'VK, H lor ri-nt. fr.mt lrp
iojf room.' fpntiriiM'n pruffrred Thon
:m47 ..
I t 1 1 K V l.N N K. S. 40 A Ni'i a-mt Inaat
rfHMM t HI l"T ll-'iiim-iiN ....... ...
i n't vv N l S IW'O I I- 'iirn t tot.t bed
room, 'inviMii'-tn
'rom yiilh md Mm.
rf rr sni-ra.
t il KV K N N K. H . 40 I Kurnirhrd nxjin ir
lil-' H M 1 Pi4 Cli'an. -It furnikiird
n-iH " prmUi (aLil. nrl tj Laib.
. ,', .
I N V " r" 1 1 .
i'l :-r,tf
I'l - N.f
m-ar nn mil
v furrMftlifd room -
otif or to
p'bMf-d r
I .rSW.lt f .
riMi'i' Uir r
? iiiii n nt I.
I'C.-. Ni
lit. bald
l v iirnibd fro'.t
ntii hog. for fli
:iHH r (-.ui
fiirnii'd antith
g ni rstifn, twin
! WfM'l'
' f ifi'Mn
1-onr.J f..
tiai an'l i'
t ; . I ti
lit-taiif.. ' - '
a .
l.'.'.'Xif) '
lOi.riid, a.mtiiwi'
i' !'. i. :
in- 1'hnns :i 1 ;ii ,1.
front frlrpn.ir j
siijuttiir r I'Slrt. i
ir.fiiii . I.i rnitiir".
w .i r,,tii tiiiin;..
u r. .
r " : .
r I el.l
r,r 1.:..,; i
rou i
K N i l! K .
i (inrci urt'tt
,1 Ui..t
...VIUKI .
f -..i.l
I'll TCI 11. W
i o gi,l-. init.Tii
two I c . Iroui
p o t-1
of ti e, n(i;r'"Lc
ROOM rtiK KFINT I'tlKNlsili'.D
1. 1. a. nil. s 1 :l . I ilnwlii-.l !..
. h . 411
iill.i"n J'.
.-li 'liii, l.iiii.i
I., I,','"
..t. t.irriixticl
ivnti rntil.nii:
I. 0,i1h
Hi. two I." I.
-. if m, I fri.nl
.in.,' iiin.lrrn
I I II 111 I- S ...
rut, In Icr ."I, i
in. trtoni.Ktt!i
M l , I- II, I I'.MI.
iln,,l ,' I
I I i
I ill MIKIK.
III I Hlilr.
I ii'H VI'uN
i it i m, r '( i Mi s i
n I. It. .1 :,, (,. iti I tni.i.
tf. .1-1
.I t-H'KII. i; . I'l
ii"'l .'. ..n
lul .if .'.Ii.
I n ,ii nl-le i.,t ,t.
n'.i t.n'.,-
M.MN S . Ill I
WW IIK1.I., . I
l ,1 1 in, in .. ii nt-
M A V III. 1.1... N V.
w 1
f,.r !;l.l
M 1 i I'.S r
rli'tn, rmil well I iritis ) rmiDit, dtiiv'!''
ir n i nir, Atri- lh iiio'trtn ij nf, tv
I n"l. nilixt n d-oimtili- ,f div ur wi-t k
!'!..ri V , 4" W V riiclil. Mur
N ISTM. , n-: - fori t-r Su-flt n- - It-n
v.'t, front ronui for rt. t r-ii'ni la-'., m
k,' iti Ii 'in.! i
NINTH, V, z: hi-aittrnt fi.roixhi-d
front ronfti i ,U t'.r.''( it &Ur y n,
NnnKtii K s :iu i si.-.-i'Mia mkxm f.t
rrnt, w alkHip dia'ain r I'ltmi.' ii'H n
MHM'U ct.im.iiimr.. fiunt alrn"-
ait at Kkhh fur nut, dj.Miiic '!, r i
nlo In nun of a f 1 i f pa . nui'iilili (or uti
or two oiinr, im n or lady nnplo) rd.
f'oold fuinisli ou or w.i in rain if dn
(mniat)lr. I'tioiif
IIH if
M If f"l Itfdrii'ioi in
lock Tturil an, Vain,
o oltirr roonttTi, fH'
wittitt'd I'lmnr iHnfff
Ii An and
proof pur
H i t.
Kroitl l' epin'f room, ni - !) fnr
. until himl cipoKiilK 1'tion IU"(
Nirtlr fill iiivluid aootli lit'di'tniii!. t
rjoait In I'tionr D 4ft
tt H IW liairatdi flrt floor, pt ivaln on
trancp, lath adjoining, mncUrit. 1'hon
Hl '.H H
HOtiMrt four rouma for rcntt proTtdtng
yon buy fttrniturH. two rnnini imw rt'iit-
pay mg rpni, i o nuiriaa or him oi
f If!)
I'liona 7V.M. brtwrnii 9
r p. m.
ItOdM S i r I y r TiiTu It ' In-drooili, $ V.60
nr -rk I'linitK 1:ih7 ,1
U(H)M - Ilnulifu!l fui itijilird room aoiith
fipoaorn, walking datanro, ahotn aide.
no otlir roomira. rhoiir fr'M'i,
(l(iM -- l.arKt front tdouhU) al'ping loom
ni'ly furnialitil and diroratcd, aio anal
niom ; vxryltiing modern and ratvouatilo ;
privato family. I'hotif i.'f'a!(i
liiMiM - Tu Id, " ilraimbW- front ' a'lrjVtiVg
room, adjoining taih, nnuthwpt, wnllttig
dimanrp, man prf"rTd. I'nvati, f until),
aititita. OHftj, 'i ti v H .1
HOOM or nn I, largo p,.piiij tooui,
riio-if r,l It
HiMiM- Kor iT-itt, fionl ilfe-tnljj rotfor, coti
iifrting bath wlUi kitchen privtlt-jtr.
Pliout .S'JOH.
KtMlSIH Connftiiiii witli bail) for work-
ng'.-girla, largt port-b, rent rvatonsblt,
)Cood horn i- Pit nun It I H,
Nr.VKNTIl. K. HlU-Kur Mint, for
montha beginning Jun 1, LuttfuUr fur
on lied ail ruoui Iiouum with al'pptng
porrh, garign and laundry, I' It on n VlHb.
flf.KKI'INU" "HOOM- KoV r. nlrll "f 'fi.
Ml7K H' I N J TO H I fl wo ruu'iii llrf ping
tmrrli nd ttkrugn. all 1 170 North
I Ityi-nn,
hKCi)NI. 7a"-T)n"lop.ni" 7om''ito
jfiiniug bath, JU pr nioiilb. I'boo
f KVKNTHTW . l3"-'NV'olV'"firttTa'"liraff.
In room, modurn
i'l.KKIMNO Kti(M Kor roil, fur on or
two. $4 .Mi per Meek. rlor in, alfto car
apae. J'hon IflHll H.
M-X.UMJ. Y ., HUH - blvplfig rooms "try
rool, romfortablo, wJl furnmbfi, very
19 1 TH "hFUK Ntwly fiirntiibdr bomi1.m1u
bodroom. four lartrn windows, in pri
aie botna, break I an I jf doairod. I'bono
S.'iflft. (
SI.K.KI'I.VO H(XM.SIrVly fnriuahpd imilli
ripoaod rnodirn aliopli)g room, walking
diataiirv, blork north of Conrantlon ball,
on far lin. reanoiiahli. J'honn 4HA 7.
HOI Til "ttm?lTg. wait" fimiiVhed "aouTh
room adjoining bath, arnall fauiily. I'ltonv
M-'VKN'I'lT, V'., I.WiTuriilaiivq mod"",
rrn tlfcp.ng loom. Alt Vict apart
ftl.KKI'i.N'i ItiiOM"" Vrurti, "itreGtfwo
vounit lildlei. I'honf .'1034. "'
HI.KI'IX(1 K' M)M Vk'riV VMtttiuXrdT mod'
ffii ilping room, in good bom a, walk
trig diitao'-e, for on or two griitlrutea,
girt per month. Phono H.MJtl.
rV W rilr i iT'k" ""a 1 ' For r.nl: oo Urge
tii'-sjr furi)llird front bedroom, ronnrrt
tng bath, priratn entrance, I'horn HlO')
TWKI,HII. W., UI7 In modru hoiboi
nrwly furnilifd .IfKpiitg rooina, rool or
nrnin,r. I'lmnp sjh
TWO HOOMK -And lpMig porrhi iiol
and cold ninning watri in onh room,
wit lako rr of four mru or ladia toi
'I'll IHI. W.. fli'i- l.argo aoulb ali-opins
room, private rntranrr I'lion 'J
tllllfcH, " W , " 7I.V- l'hri'ji"' furru.!,,,! iK(,'t
hniil,'.piriir riom tor r-ut, inodt-rn.
TH IItl). W ,";j.;.T--'i-aig.' 'ali.ilii'room.''""
TWO linuw n-- Ma M'M-ping port n, .-Jon
to t)atn. iiroiniB'l il
on ba!f . bior k t'dni
(I"tirf-d. uiif mid
rjir 1 1 ii u. " Oag
VICT (HI. V". 15 -Kront
III ll Ml. -ill I'tOlVttll'
I-tit to bfiMi, ba'f bin
-k Ailntirul iWtwy,
I'hont M7 1
WANTKIi IN'finc.l "u
ruton in
i. ri- for
pri vatf hi mi, njirt-t 1. 1 n
Mybt (ittu Hoii'f nnil
Mm If,, arf World.
MrTuS, W,
M Tko onfnniistird mod
r-nl, a'- t Karui:- fur ttiri-.
m r'"iO'i I
liiUlri IMh.ii.' I
i r 1 1- 'i i
i for
'I ' 1 I I WU iiOlili
irtvB-. .Milranf
Apf.lv uftf-r
r A K V It
llllTON. S , III I - ItraiTil
,f vo.iliif ins. I'hori,-
liKI'KDIT S. .H?."'ll
ri.,,!,,. T'.IVI.
Kiinvt j-it i j 'r I'lisi,!'.
I.s.l. I'l..,,,.' I 111
i:i ut'A , s 1 1 r c J . i.-fu., ,1 K,
lv fnrn sli. .1 room wiili
f i.n u . I.ct I... I, I. .'I
ikn, ! -I" 1 !...',.
hi i uMi . 1 '...:i I .i'
r.i.iiii !,,,, r .1 if ij, : r.
Mi'l 1'iiartl
:u t
I uti.l r
iiM lill AMi UO.iM U sn'r l i.. s,
.-a.- i-rtth.
v ( ll- '111 f
r A'l'trfinj :
I, Kiii...; iiis'ii.,1 i.tij,i,' in
sl.'nil liilh of ll'riiilli, ri frr.
srr .. Hi. a 1
U UllllT IIOl'KiO KI'l.'
II. ii.ltphs wrnliisii nitli f.Vi'
...r ..I.l mi.
Wl . Iim
rit.ili s
ur twi
l,i Jim
I. In
!'.,.' ,.,111
111. -1 I.l" .
I ' I H'' y
Hi.lM -"ll.
in r,nvs
r-rt 1 .an
r -hiiil li'.rur;
Mrv I'arru...
i M - U .
i f t t -b e n" h e a y ic f friBBu jt
fc(A VKTdS 8nif crni And prftt f 1.
I'ririit nl rlvAnr fid bttri. 623
Honth Main ytton 5871.
iu'it.jirNd A.NrrRiuAifN--Wii d ii
klfi'lN of Lut Mine nd repfciring ; torn
fixture. t'iftlt)r. 1'hou ttfil, Cftil
fnr Jvti, ZOii KtutFlrnt.
KMKKSfiV RROWN Vurn'iinriT HoJit,
H07 Kfiuth Horkford rUfiniihinT. up-ml-M"
lnl tHpAlrinK. Phnna iflH7 ; litv
woft (lon rlirhi. o rawinbli,
ri.orL.UTV ovnf;uk
If jou have a Iioumo fr rent, our
I rt tit .'iloinirtinnitt will rnt fur yuu
at ft very rOHjiunablo rat.
.T. J. OlsAHU & CO.
Ovtr rjilmo ThfAier. i'hono 6001
H II If KP A I KINf Cxpcrt wnlctt tad
i J.-wflrr ropalritif dono by Foif Jawatr
! Co ; ehlm rloda ropnired toy cbimo
I riok f&pri utidr yrly guarauivo,
I'hona ttj7tl. 4 111 hoatb Mnin.
I r i "H 11(10 WlKINtf "no WiiuW oai
j wi tk rint !a low. iiv monf. Vinii
( h-indflter Co.. B4 Booth Jim atrooV
l"n iin 4121.
Mftil-H A VotlNO Hftl Katata. Inaor-
, InvratttiTli. V14 RoblDMB Bldf,
pf ioirva 2.M44.
H . . j"3 7 r-r-atsBiacris
M I i M A n'l.K.S Or,. KttrMM
nn, f.n'fd and rf oovird, roturnad nom
i 'ii' l..y. I'hoiio t44B.
! Ctii.lir.f j VttUMKTIN0---!.ot Mr. A. U.
i an-niiT adfii with you. Appoinimnl
if jl.md. AlaniuHU hotl. , TUont
h Ii K s, A K t Nil- W an t in your homo,
l it jr.. I flnult (fiiarantnd. j'hotlfl flfWtt J.
iiKMsrni HiNti and rfc6fiNijniiy
lonn bv Whlto Rwlnr Marhlna Co.. 119
Kat Hciond airrnt. I'bono 77o.
Nft'l'ti To my furnior patrona and ot'har '
No wuli .'Ainb doiK at liomi, my d
drcu u l ow I Sooth .N'otcale. Thofi
f.'titl Mia- Nfiltn HinAniAfl.. J .
aitti-h.r.g and plfoitnj oootiy don.
fHingcr KiwtnC JWaotiino CW ill JLatl
Mffiol. rima (17 l.
i l.KANI.U. no fahriii ia too Uflkt,
It'lii work iprialtv. Battkatoii, 022'
r-Vnth Mam. I'honf
1 WHITI-; FlUK, tornado,
pIhIo iliia an4
automoblla .niaranco In tho bat
panii-a n V l'ttti,j'honn 2Qcl,
PTFOKR A TOUNO Kt ftatata, tutor
ftnfo, IrtTnatmi-nU, $14 RoblaaoB lildf-
1ioiib 1 A70 Sfv4. '
8lr. with Pair's Flrfrpronl Hwraja. Phtnat
o.a,. i6a-ias6.
fAirriKQ AJDB00EaTataM
AN ... rii monaj m papM- binfliif tni
pilnilni: fall for aatlmit; all work rnir
stasd r. 8 Hulh.rl.nd, phono 8 IT-li.
liainlln,. Call aa baforo tho niak. 401
I). troll. I'hono 0a B04.
Hatiafirtlon uarBtttoit, P, W. Biuirna,
Viioiio n.T.i J.
PA I NT I K 6" l.N'St? AP Rk 'ilANdl'Sq-f
pric.a aro reiaonioie; iporlal aliantioa
fiT.n to phono ealli; prompt aortrtco.
'lintio Wioatir M230.
FAl ' KK IIANUINti and ' u.lnlim, Work
promptly fttlvndrd to; ..ilinatri ch..r
fully (l.an: work (uarantouJ. la.
-Ji"1" 4J,H0- .
EO l,Ti(lRArH--l,at it " out yonr
mullitrar.h Inlt.ra, prlr.a rlfhl, Oraro
Itra.iL, Iil.l Cautral Natl, link h)ii,
tjjinn. a,(.rji . .
y ftbrEa6KAlL BEEvrcEa ii
NfltHlSIJ- Mnnni v'lilntin Matorattir
Horrid fur roiiflnainrnt volo'l pohltrlljf;
riiaritda and tsirma to utitti ..port UMlr
Irat lira: nuraing; hoiiiollkfic ..blbl.a '
ailiiti-rl. Wrlta Mrs. Jan.a. atrirtly ron-
(.(trail.., ,5rMl'?i3'!J,JP.t!?il!'
tTVrtW.il. to ordsr. gn'a aid iockaaltik
inf. woldlof of brokoa puna o( Iron, t-
Salrlni of .rthln(. Jarob Morall. 0a,
IS Ra rirat. PBono t6. t '
M(!HRKM"iu;PA fltlNii n"d-aarpnlr work
f all kind ilun. hf T, i. Dl.il. PhMf
' 2S ,"'" T,ofi.
BANKriTON ClMii.rTina hatt.r; .olta
rl.inrd and pr.aaod, 11. all Houlk Alain,
jibona ISH71. ..
llRAN:lci',RA"NIN(J AND flrfitSBt! 6or
rlrar.liif and proaalna la auporlor; .1
lisrl all. rations. IT Fl.l Hmond air..'.
aU'To" HKcLKi:Ttilt -l'ri-t "nlUl- drl
in it wUh our nrwly pa I en tod auto ra
flfrtor; whM lighted road aid uo dark
romrra: agtota and aalfanipn writ for
propoaition. Koonoroy Lamp' Co., Boi
U4. Jii-troit, Mirh;
ACCkriaSOHY "f IKK' MAVTlwroughly
parli'nriid aewaaory and tiro luan Dot otrr
o ytnra ot Kg", good aalary to man l
fxnrtitlvo hllity. Apply uosavl Atotf
haloa Vj. Twalfth and Mnin.
A8MKM BUV M Wantod X(,r.onrr4
final aaurnhly itikii on automoblo work.
Apply Tulaa Automobile rorporttlon,
U hrllng and OhUhoroa Bnm
AW N I .Vi'i" U:T) HK-W in ind man (or awnin
work, flkiahoma Tmt and Awning Co.
1!0 Kt Klrvinth lrt.
IIOV wanted with biryrU to drlirff n:na
and grurcrifa. Phon 1007 or 751-
111: A l'i KT kVc'tiVk--a rra t or ttpportunl'
tiia bow than rver lo-Core; reproaettta
tlvna wand vprywbri. Ilnrtlry '
trtivi ApciK y, ht. A or ph. Mo.
i(V - Ainbuiotta boy or IS to Iran, pic-
inn framtrik;. . (Iklahom all rapi-P
Paint Coil Wnl ThiHI.
l.LU .w. KKKI'KR -Kiprra-ncpd ledger tdrk
wauled by lar rtirporiitlon, good Opoor
timiiy for ndvaiictsinont. Addrtraa Box
-.:, ('an- World
HODKKl r.rr.lt - VSant.-d capabl and who
I: uk tuid loin of xptrt'nrfl, married man
prefffrrd, f'M,d tnonpy to thf rlfctht' "kmd
-f fimrt dnluiHon Itrim., SIH Month Main .
hi, At. Kf Ml I H Vantkyl at one, tn
r.iui.d blarlnkotiih, moat be itood thorr,
sifftdy ;on. . $1 per day. I. Y. Hutf.
I i'V. t)Ia.
Cl.hl.iv UafiiodT" boy to rbrk in atora,
will-, (fniitif age, n-ffci-tftirtfa and tatary
lit. till to Itox ill''. v
( l .1.1-1 Tt'U -Wanird ipnf'jr'd man
oiWfior oin who rnr. drivo and tako
-;irf i.f car. Cat I i;m H Urr Ij p. in
J ) Tl "TI V V. M' n d--t tfrtivp cxrllent
or'yortT.iiffv fffjod pay ; trTtl. Wr.to
C. T ,ii-ini. b it Vcfllorer IHd.,
. lin
x KK -- Wnnlfd. an
i'ppr whita
?;iifnl nnlary :
sSitnli MouUlfr. I'byno
S I.rsM N or Olibibonm :
ii-n 'uory and mart woxkiuii. .
N':i tier, -it l'iHn. tiOJC ''74,
r-H toinjili'tr jid'trttR.
JOIN' Tli K. AKM tf IWroluua ttttlev al
UVlahona City. TuIm. MQaWoga., Chick
tttka Ardmora and KnM.
- Wnnti'd a yoontr man btwrn if"
i in itic iiiiiilinip room of t lu nf-
fur. U H " blf to d,r,v'ft r-
nf miilii.ti room (clwovii '4 and D p. m.
MACHINIST- Wam-d, must b fir
;r .V ft
..r.t S
prinirH. (.Ik'n.
(.' invoi.'Hioiw.
IH' '" ..v ' nn
t r '"-.m; S. 1 OHM.
I 'N
to l.:.
iird Kr
11; ii'ir,'
mivl Oai i.;
; Ili,:'f,nn opv'iaior.

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