Newspaper Page Text
.si. insnmHa 2 TULSA DAILY WUKLI), SA'IUKUAY, MAY 11, WIS ft!' .2 r3 i3 r .1 'i ft I r Hohenzollerns' Vicious Greed Bringing Dynasty's Downfall t,t t r nt;M hri hfrn f ij I ' V I lib I ified after th iM,rtrfintn1 nl of! Xetvspapcrman Fighter declared tlitmr Herman govern Ma Kaiser Will Pay Full. Price for Murderous War on Humanity Owen Says U. S. Will 3,000 0f)0 Mm in Frame This Year. women , of ih ti;(s'if ntrfri-. I. 1 were 'mri. U 7 r uopirn, .1 .1 liny, ,'i ', girls triil .'l.'l tcfants I If Ihe panseuvjere ) 'A were tllen1 of th' t nlted StiKri, f,M wre Criil-h Jti'l I'm adiariK The remainder utio nf other . nallon.-illlH-H. iMii.h. wi,ii. Me,ranK. AMERICA WILL HELP PUNISH . ,;""", '" i r,..h Among the Iliiuiliri were manv Americana nf irrrat distinct ire, . I Have 'lr ,r ''"",r' Hubbard arfl his l-n.- v-,,i iiim, ami inr inn Kri 1 1 1 r n I i A I fr"l V,i nderbllt , v. ho ir med him )ef gloriously In pulling children III the bonis uniil lie went down (are. well, dear f, ,..f. I "There haa ni-vfr lir"n I now n a ; more (;l(t ilitio, more uled mur der In modern lime devii'futi "Th Mh f:).'8 o ha' dial war on Hie j ment ' Til'1 IWun l.nkal Anr.e r. I'll1'. Mlfl We do not waste air. jlove .'iiiiuiii! Inr Anient anl. hut e fi vanl respect, and Ihe Mh' of lh- I.iimI.i.iih will win it (or us belt.; ban a hundred victories on land' ' Th I'nlnirne olkaHei'ung, M'v I 'I. iril... said "With tovful pride tve o ri f e n 1 1 1 .1 1 k rhlw latest deed o , our navy, nn it Hill nut tie l.i ,1 WflrH I U'ihincliti H'irrvi WASHINGTON May 11.---Ad-i dressing the Anirii-Jin l'fin mi rlty l r.iriiPKir hull IiihI TuphiIiiv. I p ! I .I i flfrulieli I lolK-nznllcrn r.- fh annlvorMnrv nf I ho HlnlilnK ii i hi 1 'rr"l"'r" 'l"'lv fl;nni'il that ho I.unltunli, SoiihIiii' Knliirt I, Owm I"" ""I'lU'l' "I'M matknl ciiiMi Orrrnl that lit; o n vlrlmm grrl Imui"! Kuiuifru irnim I Ins wn.i brltiKine Ihf Bur rptrii tlon c.f i ' itri " ""'l-1 n 'r"t Tli'- i nuri friu ' the Hohf nznllcrn (lynsmy uml thai "1 sl'iirfr rrrii iki m.iikril nun the l.'nilil gluten woubl put 3.00H. . i "" Iraliifil cunir.H, no s,e. l il m,, finA nipn in l-'ranrn by llit end of i "'Unit'on. ! ri t . f triinKinrllni; 1!H to nnniKt In (he rei kin(f of the ! '"""P'1. ii'l "s not viobiiinj; hid ,r IValr'R plnnn. j1'" of the I inle.l kmik Mis speerh follows: "Hefore , he- i..iled nnilreh ,vere inree yearn ko. iin'lor order 1 published in Sew ork ihm Hi of the Hohenznllern rtynKty. ibe I.umtaniH. nn iinHrmetl punneneer (hip, wmi torpeiloerl hy a nuhnmrliie fifteen mlleii off the Trlhh eoimi. with a IfiM of 1.198 Innocent, unoffending and dofeimeleuM hiiinun helnnii "Of tho crew, JSV were men and in .In;, diH in ' -voulil be Iml t ti if. .i biiieved i: incredible 'l'br,-f llre only Miowed ie, nieihtitti-n tn murder SI." mnU uvetily inlnii'eK Immi rtliiir Wiir .lio-llf li il ' Tl' '(rov crnniei;! of the I nur 'The I'nlrirne i;.ir.etle. May I, . I'll?., mid, Tbe new Will b re. ened bv tbe rjernian people with u na m riioun m t ihf a''l ion ' "'I'be iltv nf ,M:iRiebiirK profioi'd to honor Ibe ni-.i'iaJ iiiurdereri. and a committee wa.n formed to roller! money hh ii national Kift to Hie of. fpei-i, .tnd i rew of Ibe Miibni.'trlne "This wan a nolal'le fleinonhtra ,,f i ;tiiih n ktjlfiir and of tbe r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r doilrme of the llnhinnl lerni. railed m hrei nllKbKetl Mr ler flit l,m The Hribenollern government f,( j 'ierniiinv hue for H policy that rlcht . toaeeM loiKlit mat i,rid i on Ine 'fide of tbe beaiPMt hafrfillons and ; tbe bltrehl Hill-plv of arllllerv ,ir .Tu-lif Icl If I'roflmhlc. ! 'The llnheiizollern dorlrine from Ihr'daya of Frederick l haM been lliat v. ir U of adwinlace In natlonn. Iliat II I liitifle, when It run be made profitable hv annotation or In demnli ley. and that the Mohenzol Iim n Cfiver ii hv "divine riKht"' and hu e a rinbt and a dutv to otKanir.e I'arnilrH to menace, murder and ton ' other men for profit Thin do'-trin on lui Plii K Hpprai o have been 'adopt" d bv the Herman people, an'l ill., world has found Itaclf With no alternative except to make tin up- 'i t Q , ' mf'r , J i r 'ess W ! v ' I iMt jf" i M enrl his t'rnirei i hhmiM fix th '1-iv w hf n t hv until 1 vlnlati th":r -ornn pt'iffrf u dll mankind, tn 'htlm n!kinm. kill a. ff-w hundrcfl I Ihnwji'uiil J'rpnrhmn, ink I 'arts, - 1 Ik. ' I' " 1 1 U ' 1 1 " t ' ' 1 1 1 1 f ' V 11 ''III ' lir i;nif frnrlmnr. rif n p in vine F'rnch. i rtpirH propfrtv. ikn turn upon pM'-ahp fiui-sU. ijnfjrjt.iniz'! rtrvl ii n pr-pr r-1. arnl inip'.HP iip'Mi Ku.s Hi.i ,i 1 1 K hni irifi"nin:ry Jinrl n nTfifin. dprj h,,iru' riiniroiud K" ; rrj,f, t hf.-.p wfri h -pln nf hi h:t n r tilil lst v, nun ine with dor- I irirp,, flrr;-) inrfj fr--nt the depths of i"l !. without mnr ;t I pnvf. MthoiH 'hi,tl fTipitp.ils. inrn-lf'-l thn r oipruMlm ilrat Hri'in with Zfp plinr, ;htJ f I i n ir inHhmfw ind ann- find t fir- n hrr flfr ( Whprupnn i th lM:5r nnft hi; iirniip 'ould h.iv j t Tf-l mjt Ills f I. r:f In liT- i; r 'I th.if 'rifrpr ih ur h wonM : sfnd Pfi n-nM' fr-'in Ampi'HH ' HoltrnolN-nis !rnm(v, "Th r- Hifi-T is pi.i f i ; b t Af'r : th' w,tr t)i h;iit-f'r will .vi.irt'1 ni non ! srn f f rnn i A tnn-' ;i . I "i" f h h ? nf 1 -''ajsnps, for th if- will he r.ri k;iisr. i William ii is iln list of th Mnh- n v f 1 1 1 1 us rn 'rul'- I v On in right' Thi.s is .1 r(p.!h stiufl- ttwenl iri i 1 1 t-i rv ii f nrr rr n n d, H'd d''fnr.rr-;tr v wjll m nnst ra t it.-! ii In 1 1: v m ihr n;i nip Ji brt v, jufs- j ti' - - f i i hu riui riity to rnn-jUPr auloo- I Official American ! Roll of Honor STII.t.WATER. May 11 John ICarl Oiiberlet. who cornea to the, A. & .Nf. crtlleite from Waukesha. Win., July 1, will tk charge, of the work in parasitology, give (peclal attention to that affect poultry. and. will parasites IS) MrphfMi ffnniil. t war firrApniid"' ma lor a M;irhd l flu n-fi ; I in WanhinKtort H ht r.Tf. Nw ork ti :p;tpprs ph.iM. tif:iy pvptv w.r ilurinK Hut thirty yfrs, par.inr nu t ht- l-.ittl- f iH I tnor Runs, with ir.nrr- nnmm. Thr pntn allies ar rrrro-irLK diilv in ft'rrn:fh. Th man IP'iiv-r in hrirnf Kroiiiifl tn pfwdr. 1 1 1 f 1 pj 'if d Si I't.K rxrtin f-vrv c n t is iini omin? miTf 'atnl nu r hr:-.l rr'ro-riid. is r.ipidlv p.insinK from i ir,,ro Lh'-ih rt an ffi,lnt , ar hi-is v will not relax our I rffort:. U mil fxpr'inrl thf". W (win jni'T.sif v i hm, W will rovr ifhi'ho f-f.t with ships V. will rovr ith t'h Lmd with niFn (ind X'ins and iff I At the Southern Monday Second Floor A treat for the housekeeper. Values that speak decisively for themselves. Our quantity buying alone enables us to offer you these seasonable goods at the prices quoted. All are shown in most complete assortments. Bissclfs Carpet Sweepers Let the Bisaelfs keep your carpets bright and (JQ clean. THE SOUTHERN'S price ur from .... PO Imported and Domestic Dinnerware Priced Special 42 - Piece Pinner Set, priced at $7.00. Domestic White. The Bet contains six each, Dinner Plates, Tea Plates,. Bread and Butter Plates, Fruits, Cups and Saucers, and one each 7-inch Nappie, Creamer, Sugar, 7-inch Raker, and 12 inch Platter. THE SOUTHERN'S Pr7 D Or HOME f'fZr? 100-Pir.t E lUNVt-.R 8 FT,. rillCK.D AT IM.ftn Imported Kngllnh. Three decorations to nelert from. The set contains twelve each Inch Platea, -lnch Plates, 5-inch Plates. Krults. Soups. Cups and flaucer. One each Sauce Host, nowl, Pickle Dish, Baker, Covered Butler, . 10 Inch Platter, 12-inch .Platter, Sugar, Creamer and two Covered Vegetable Dlnhes. TUB BOITHERN'B price, the net $14.50 1 more men and uHh more pnwur than the llnhenrollerna cm marshal This operation in in proBrii' with ' 19 nstiona and (Tovernnientfi ' f hian i kind reprehentrd aKaitmt the loh-n. I anllerne unlv one lesult. is po ! kible. I "Atneiirn u-ill probablv have tiirce j million men on the bat'lc fi-ont be- fore (he end of,l!llx, and whatever j larger niirnber ia iiiffirv will be 1 forthcoming and r.nce more the doc j trine I v 11 himaelf in i the human lifart. Ihat iikIiI will I make niiaht'; Ihat Justice. hiiTuan Itv and niercv will triuniph over m-luntli-e, Inhuttianltv and terrorism. i. 'hen this lesson chilli have been i tanpbt the wot id there mil remim no llohenznllei n dvnastv. "The o erwlielmlfic reasons .lUhM fying our war with i.ernianv neirlv all men understand. Those who W'h the details can find tberu (omplete!v stated In the t.'nntftNinna I Kcrof.l. paKes 714 I April l, 1 ! I 7 ; paKcs , 1011 and 1.S9I (.lanu.n v 1 f 1 S i . ami I pK 312 I March ':. 1914). I Itrpubllrx Were lionnicd. "Fv the secret treatv if ' IS;1.', the Kohrnzollerna theniselvej, to detro r Prv repre- sentalive government thi'otiifhout j the world, and establish absolute . monarchies, and to dentin-- the free. J doni of the pre; .is a means to that I end. And the control of the prees by the MohenzollernB from that time i to thfw ,hs tieen the undoing of the 1 Herman people. t has enabled the i tlnhenznllerns to piialea, them, to i deceive them, to kcWp Ihepi In the i dark. o s;ve them falsehood ns facts nd to dlatort factR Into false j hoods, to establish s'lirceasfully false ressnnlntr and falf.e philosophy The I press hsm been sbaalutelv controlled, .the newspapers, mana.lnes. bonks. the rhoos. unlversilles. puhlt ros j Irum. the pulpit, all working to a common end - to make Ih ammunition and the material of sue irssful war All of these things we t-hal! ,o, hut we can do more. We fT! explain to the unhappy, misled (icrtTiaii people the pathway to peace We ran bear upon the fi nancial, commercial and Industrial overlords or ilerniany a conviction thai thev will not profit hy support ing tbe llohenzollrrns. but that un less thev abandon the Hohenzollerns ii ml the damnable doctrine that niik-ht makes rieht," 'Sfiid of 'orran urd minder for profit. , the world will put on Iheni in addition to the pressure on the battle fields, a fi nancial ami commercial penalty of complete ostracism from the markets of mankind. "The most enormous voice of Her nia nv I.- co erousness. A desire for n'her iople.s' property, so consum ing that they are willing to organize murder to acquire it "The military doctrine of "Sf'H lil.i''HKK.lT" vlolafe all of the ten. commandments at once. Scltre rkhchkeit denies (iod. It lies. It Verona. I inns adultary hy force. It bears pledged ! w itivefs. tt covets Its. neighbors soorls and tries to paralyze his re sistance to robbery, by fear. It rrucifies mankind, but it DOES NOT Sl t ( tKP." GOVERNOR TO DECIDE ON INDIAN DANCE QUESTION Mlnnrftnlii Rnox'utlvc Fared With Urligloiis 4'iTcmonics In 4rlcr of Ri-Htrlcllon. PT. PAI'I., Minn, Many 11. -Can n religion he considered a diversion? I'an a diversion he classed as a re- ! litrion ? Is there only one elasslfi i canon for dancing and must all people dancers he suhjecl to stale control believe that their development. thatiTt,Pe problems have been laid he price, the set Hot Weather Goods Moderately Priced We are now showing our new stock of new Hot Weather Necessities: No matter what you "may select you can be absolutely sure of getting the best. their Intellectual abilities, that their Industrial lire, that their productive ; power, that their arts tind sciences. , were dependen upon the llohenzol- 1 lerns That their commercial and I fore Governor .1. A. A Burnouist of Minnesota, for decision. Indians living on the T.earh Lake reservation have hharply relented White Enamel Coolers All white enameled, gold striped; brass nickel plated faucet; galvanized inside. 2-gallon size, priced. .$3.25 3- gallon size, priced $3.50 4- gallon size, priced $4.75 White Lined Refrigerator Priced at $17.50 Golden oak finish. Brass nickel plated trimmings. Provision " chamber white enameled. Galvanized . ice chamber; 50-lb. capacity. The ideal, moderately priced refrigerator. THE (J- H rn SOUTHERN'S price P1 I .OU ICE CREAM FREEZERS Priced Special Wonder and Lightning make. We offer three sizes: 2- quart size, priced ..$2.65 3- quart size, priced $3.25 1-quart size, priced $3.75 AUTO VACUUM FREEZERS . . . Makes Ice Cream in 30 minutes without turning; cannot get out of order. Two sizes The Southern Price . . . $3.75 and $4.75 Gilchrist Ice Cream Dishers, priced $1.95 Gilchrist Ice Picks, priced 25c Industrial expansion was duo to the i interference with their cere- .. . ' i. ..I annAAn tiua f i t llonenzolterns I111"1 onocr.-i. i n- nii'tima HE ! "The Franco-Prussian war. forced mally have protested against an or- ! on lYance bv nis'itarck through the der that their dances can onlv be i false craft an, false pride of the held every six weeks and that per Krenrh court, when France was i mission must be obtained before grossly unprepared and the ( Jertna n j I hev can take place , forces perfectlv prepared Tan event y., Indians take the posmnn much th. same as If an armed and movement, everv figure .trained derelict should step on the ; . spp,.,.lrl, , 1h,lr )lfinr., ,s co,n , an irasrlhle. 'narme,l c,. Inmboljril, of rK,ns he!,rf or 7en and immedlatelv shoot him for i. n.. ... : raeentln the o'fensM. netted Oe-. t'ntimenl,: The a.rH.ter. sky. 1 mnnv s.nno.OftO.nnn francs an an ,. tMars. sun. puntv. feeilom. vmith. 1 demnitv. paid hv France to huv her "'M-'' hat pinro. and"r elements. i peace against professional murder. I ttr typified, they .jlanii i The Iron and coal mines of Alsace- The superintendent -at tbe reser- Inrralne were part of the profit for i vatinn prohibited some this unprovoked war. It H understood, "for The (ierman- empire's business was . Bond of the Indians'' (Jovrrnor i greatly rtimulated by this- wicked ' Rurnejiiist his obtained a mass of in 1 forav. It was further stimulated formation on the subject and tt is by establishing free trade between : hhov o, that bit. decision will he of the flerman states. II was further interest to Indians throughout the siimuiaieii nv riismHrK nrn larer riv , ni!e.- tate. W'ASHINCTON, May 1 1 The casualty list, todav contained 3 names, divided as follows Killed In action S. died of wounds 4. died, of accident 7. died of dis ease 4, died of other causes ,t. wounded severely 9. wounded slight. lv 34. prisoners previously reported missing ,V The list follows: Killed in Action llenitcnant Adrian C. I.d wards. arrollion. IH. lloiiiriuint Cvll riato. Nw York. Sergeant William Iv Taylor, Alio. Scotland. Corporal Alexander FYazler, nicv Ins, Ky. iTivale Charles Ttcrkelman. nending. Pa. Private William Johnson, rtogers. Mo. Irtrale Bee Sl-wart, Amlieintt. dale. W. Va. I'rlvate David F. Wilson, Opp. Ala. Died of Wounds Corporal Jack Ktlmnn. .New York rltT. Bnjtler Iloward G. Parker, Pro. rteniv. It. I. Private Fdward IT. Mon.ihan. Klonx City. Iowa. Prlvatn William J. Hamilton. Ie. eamr. III. Died of Disease. Private Nathaniel Godson, Buff ton. S. C. Prlvatej (ilen HrH-kenberry. Dan Tllle. III. I'rlvate Clair T. NT-well. Soirth Manchester. 4 onn. Private John S. Pohlnson, Pi-arl r.iver. Ia. , Died of Accident. Prrvate. John Dzadolonla,' Iowcll. Mass. Privnio William F. Stahl, Allslon, Man Private Rollnnd Ham. (ilcncos Mills, N. Y. CorTmral Arthur P. I.iittcrri.n'h. Chicago. Private Gsrnett W. . Brown, Srh neciady. N. Y. Private John T. Koltonlr. Plants vlllo. nnn. Private James Toomey. Matliaen. : Mass. Died of Other Causes Lieutenant llon I'. Wood. Bos ton. Corporal ( harllc 4 nmnilns. (.rccn- . vlllo. Ps. Private Mda langlcT. (.rnnite vlllc, Vn, Severely Wounded. Corporal Homer h Bycrs. Jack son, I llllo. Cook laUar J. Bcrzog. Johns om. Pa. Pr1ale Civile I-. .rimm. Chlcajn. Prlviite Fdward I. Clint, Daven port. o"U. Slightly Wounded iVdonel lienrge K. lneh. Min neapolis. Minn : I. lent. Mortimer T Stemhard'. New York city: Corp!, .tsnies Agnew. Ftrideeport. Conn., i o-pi Frank I Downlmr. Danville. T'l : ro-nl. Walter Monk. New rrnnswick. . ,t ; Corpl. El wood Tavlor rhester. Pa : ATechanie Of den R KHio't. Tarts. 111.. Privates: Ponald ' Ahhott. Fast Cleveland. Ohio; fivlvestee Armstrong. Minnea polis. Minn: riemle Atkinson. Den mark, Ore : George ntaefc. Wlllls tnn. N DTvtiVllmer B Drown, Wash- rr. nnin; Howard i -. ar- College How TVill You Have Your New Straw Hat? Fortunately for thofa who can't wear this and can wear that, thera Is an interesting variety of styles In Straw Hata at the Palace this year As usual we have maintained our standard of superiority In style selertion. and a really wonderful variety to choose from and so the question. "How will you have your new Straw Hat?" finds many an answer and above all, one that Just suits you to a T. Straw flats this summer will be worn both in the Conventional Boater shapes and the Alpine Block Panamas and Bangkoks of extreme lightness which is al ways a desirable quality for the warm weather Mat $5.00 to $12.50 Leghorn and Milan Straw beautiful rang In selected braids from Italy. They axa unusually fine $3.50 to $7.50 Sennits, China Split Straws and Novelty Braids, in the ever popular Yacht shapes $2 to $6.50 Reliable Angliron Gas Ranges Let us toll you about this up-to-the minute rrT Angliron Gas Range I j J S) Reliable Gas Ranges are beautiful in S !S aPPoai'an('e- conveniently constructed 1 feelPSiys&jfl I an( absolutely guaranteed to give I, llEsjl rvice and satisfaction. . ' ii i Hi" ;rrrv) The Southenr's Price Up From 0 OAS RANGES Aluminum C f s.-er. 9 I WHiiwm 11. n.akinK niimrou run - : ; rvsion. to th rtpniorratir irlf cf ih Ormnn rfP'r-- aTtvInt; fhprvt what l hv (Ippifl nriil 1 rV fh :i y f d'Mllr r: ( ir f!p flop toon t . hi'f'h ,) puMn' ownrrshlp nf t h a i ;i r . h . f ' IfEifiph. of tflrphniu s. r.f r-prf .-s srr Ice, of Misbt. hem nvl watf-r pn r, i f rhfji p farnis, or' its rn operate e Mirir l'.rs. fld inur anrf, ib in.ur;i n-o in-t mri al disfa." rind ilpth, tn.tirim-p fl pa Inst non r m plovment, f . Indr4l, id nn attrrnpt tn .-.-rapf. utat j.nrtHsm. fry 'nn.'iop w,tjt TTurle td ih dmo'Tif Ir tn-'lotuMrs 'f lh liprniiin propln .xrfpt ino lit-1 tl m.4ttrr" ? t thnf thf pnp!b dnl ' not thinU nrrf.-fir to rtpniMinl .n-i ipstyt iii'nii. but w h ir h rmw h.K., p',.p,) tn hm hon a n,il uw- ' mi. iht is S K I . V ( ; KKVM KT. th nhl tn rontrol the mxik hiw - j rf, th1 riuht 'b i 4 ti t r 1 pprnli! ur , ; th npht to m ml t hp arm v ,iml! navy, tbe risht to diMnro war l"n-J (Jr the I'ruclnr nf nm rrn rnent t in mni ii r i ti a i nf 1 1 i hp 1 1 -1 i i n est." tho "War Lnrtl. ' with th r:pht to iiMftr rtinhiliZitiinn as nimmaiHi-pr-in-chirf of 1 h Hrm .1 ml ni y and with the riKht to rlecUr ;l wnr of "defenhe." If h drrlarert :k : ir of defert". a war which w.if- in real ity a w-r "f nKVibr. iheie tin' one powerful f nnnnh t qurytion hi?: cond lift. There wa.-t no nm:i.-i ir ) combtn-ition 'n br;i thp r,u .rnn.n Tnplr Ihirs. I "The Germans h.iv fnvtl'v fi- covered this and have ilnomn.-' r ! t hprrslx es ti b tho ninst trf;K- i h'n04pfl. the mnM tun."r.n'. h.ik' ' Kttipid of aV tlie intPlliRent. :v;l 'o 1 prnpte of the w rr!d ' ;y tnov are pnii!"; Tor ihnr niftn Instnutors Trnln. (;CF.T I.Akh'. lil . .Uv u. -Thn task nf t :i rin n nut I .SmO p -P'rt rnni.'f1 inut rurtorn in Ip.'-.s thrin .1 month h.iij horn .-sienpd to Kn vtcp S. N. Ahun.x rtnd H H pelh.irn nf fh naval musketry school, lamp I .os.i n , just e.-tst nf Zion Citv How Mo Was Woundnfl. Tt w;im i.mnp ,nv Ht the hon Th iHtttrp wer mostly old Indies, and ont of them itoppel at til boil nf a soldier and asked him a Ourtion he had been atiked a .xnrfi of tunes before, ' How di vnu nonie to he wound ed, mv brave fallow r a shell, mum," replied th hero Iid it eplorl" queried the lady. "No." Riuwered the Injured man, ra her bored, "it crept up and bit mp."' l7y-XrfiTol?y-t,:y incton I" f the dances.; j Fishback. Pa.- Charles Car- tbe general i fP.n. rof fevvtlle. Kan.: Homer. R. j Tosnep. Spring Clrove. Wis.: John I y friee. Cora City. 111.: Hsrrv N. ; Fahr. t.ehnnon. Pa : Krnef O. Foss, Puehlo Tol.: Ionrd A. Fove. Rut- . land. Vt : Walter Griffith. Hltehins. Kv : .Ioenh Julian. Bethlehem. Pa.: - Martin V. Keller, Prairie du fhlen. U is : William J. P Koher, Heller 'own Pa : Morris I.ockett. Brook--Re N V.: Joe G. Mull'ns. C.reen-i-ille. Tenn : Claude H Mvers, Prnwnlng. Mo: Nlco P. Nl..n. r.rantfbiirg. Wis : Harry P.. Howe Greenfield. Ohio; Kdward C. St. .Tean. Manchester. X. H: Kurt Pehoenan. Crewnshurg. Germarv F.mmett Self. Mount Sterling, Ohm: Flov,". William Spencer. Goetrvllle Mich.: Robert Pi. Stephens. Cal houn. Ga : Charles Wllsey, Living, stonvllle, N. Y. Prisoners reported mlssinc: Capt John F Hardesty. Wlnfleld. Mo: l.ieui. w K i.ornon. .-sew in- p. BROWN. President York city: l.leut. Benjamin Kern. hv. M. BAKER. Active Vice-Pres. Bethlehem. Ta ; l.leut. F. K Mil-I, I. P. BYRD, JR., Cashier ler. Madera. Ta : l.ieut. .lames K, 1 H W. WALL. Assistant Cashier CJuigley. Adrian. Ta f. T. WALTER, Assistant Cashier B&8 SiiS !iOT INOH IIOOI THIS IS NOT A ROUTINE BANK Of course when you favor us with your business we attend to all routine details with promptness and accuracy but our service does not stop there. We give the needs of each cus tomer careful attention and serve you according to your requirements. We don't believe in red tape but we do believe in live, up-to-date, " helpful banking service governed al ways by one main consideration SAFETY FIRST K. MAG EE, Chairman of th Board H rr? JACKSON. Vice-Pres. LEE CLINTN' Vice-Pres. C y HOPKINS, Vice-Pres. A. W. PRATT, Vice-Pres :i ill pen. ill tn f how , !, ople .-inv ih the till I h" weakness, a f-tg j the world una ho- i pool". aei,uue.i i in. inv . 1 iivpipath' i -When William ! I ii trial, commercial m-1 t lords of (ifimjrv .p ' mountain ami - . . riches of the ca - h, , i tic pciw er "f hi , i machines and ircri ,j n , i ' . , ' T.rnx. they ac-epici hi- ,., deliv er t he rich.-. ,.' t ; ,. , , 1 solemnly agree i !., . ,, i, , ., .the, war. and,".-, pi ep.n .-, jt'-I vrs for ii i : i. i n ' ' ' ' 'i i1 ; men. machine .y -. hiis s es, C'lUlpmeni d ni i r Mi.- 1 plens. flv log n '. i' 'lures ,. ,,, bombs, treti.-h .ligumc apt tranepoi tatm food supplies. I etc.. etc., were i'lied up until William My i. as 'a ra t us, he GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE Thi3 valuable and harmless Baby Medicine is composed of the following: BISMUTH, LIME, PEPSIN AND CATECHU WITH PURE SIMPLE SYRUP Bismuth is healing to the mucous membrane of the stomach; the Lime neutralizes the acid wJoj?"! stomach; the Pepsin digests any indigestible food that may be in the Btomach. and the Catechu acts as a mua asmngem to rontrol the be wels where there is a disposition to Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Flux or Sick Stomach. GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE is not a patent medicine. We give the ingredients and tell the effect of r ach ingredient so that you can judge for yourself. , SPECIAL NOTICE.-This preparation does not contain Morphine or Opium in any form and we don t advocate the giving of Opiates unless it is absolutely necessary. . AIDS DIGESTION For Dyspeptics who are Troubled with Sour Stomach RELIEVES SOUR STOMACH It Relieves Stomach and Bowel Trouble and is Just as Good for Adults as for Children We have numerous letters on file from parties claiming that this preparation relieved their babies of Tronic Dysentery, where everything else had failed and where they had been troubled in this way for several years, cnuaren like t it. : . )F')r sale by all Dealers in Drugs., """ Almia ana recommended to the public by PARIS MEDICINE CO., Manufacturers of IAXaJTvE BROMU 'QUININE and GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, St Louis, Mo. Km