Newspaper Page Text
nWlfiMMirtlmiW 1 20 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1918 . It j EMPLOYMENT "toELP WANTED -MALE" 'TORTF.R Tiininrroom porter enlerl Home Art lf, lifi MmiM-r. TOOLM AKF.RS --WsniM. (in.t tonlmakera; men e. .rrirnr r.l on fir". Ilfht din and ji work lor mannfa.-liir-Inf nrh products typewriters. Mi merhinea, lltne re.-nr.lre.. elr e nay 70 nu and refund Irenaportation for proficient men. permanent posilione Mr tr.en who run uglily. larwry enuipmenl til new, late.t ' Ijr'" ' meehinery, workine; conditions tdal. desirable In ln( condition, no lahnr trouble, elate nreaant r.perienr. in de i khlhiv whether aiofc-le of mamr. and rive reference, firm letter, nr belter Ull if vnu " ,h" ""'" w ,.t nn the train and l-'cr.-n T.lea:raph Transmitter " . ToprU. Kin. ?Or NO" MAS- Wanted. ..fV hoar per dr m cr-hama "'; roavsr Tulsa Munncsa rllre, loll F.a.t Third . . - --" HK;,r WANTED FEMALE 39 RINlVlNll I.IKI, Wauled, experienced bindery rirl ruler rr..-hin. feeder pre frrri'd Wid Printing to, 4.0 Nnurh Knslon fnnK--Wanted . ' F4 ro"1- rulored pre (erred. Apply in person, I.1U4 Honth Uralon. . . CltioKKI) (HKI VVaolc.l (nr etieral hn,i.orli'. rclcrrnros required. Phone 4 4I" - . . ToT.LEffott Young lady to do rollertlng f ell '.'Kit. . . OtvflK 'Waiilid. first rleea rnoa. Phone ,17?'l. t ti aim' A ull ITR -Colored irumln. Home Phone Art lair. I" s""lh Houldnr 7734. fctRN .'." WFFKI.Y -Spare time, writ iti lor newspapers, mxeaxiliee . exper nre unnereaeary ; delella frre. I'rr. Hm.liril M4 Ht. Irfniln. Mr CrRITn .olirit iihiifripllnn lor Okl hom M(in: rn ml J to I0 pr dv ,pplv (lln Holfl. Hffond nd Mould". k (or Mr. Hwtrti. MnndM hewrrn 10 ind 13 o'rlo'k. Hon t phonr-. iiiifRKWORK -vTlilfd. ralr4 '' fininril houiowfli. ml ! fond -oo Rflrrnr" rr-qutrod. rhon h'JIw. nOrSFWORK Wnd (""' it hnuncworker, good room, high gi ItOl'HKWORK Wantad, whila girl lor gall oral fcoawork. LJS.!.l!l--,!,?,,,i.- - R60BW6RKWiril K'ti rolorod t'rl for ganrral homework, moat ga horna nighla. Raflreocra. Apply Sou1" Main. .. FlOUSKWORK Wanted rolotad girt for general houiework. Apply U "",lh lirtrolt. HOUHKKKKPiR Wanted an al'larly l)F In keep hnuaa for old lady linng In Kantai j'hona fi0t-8EW0lVK Wan'ial maid lor genar 1 hoiuawork, amail family. IMS rtouih Norfolk Phnnri unofcV R'oUSEWORK Win'lid a girl for ganaral hoiiaawork. Call Monday 1001 Houlk v Houlder . S)U8EW0RK Whlto girl (or hoiiaawork and to help with amall child, a good noma for nfra girl. rHnajjU). MAII) Eapeciallf good laundraaa and onn who llkaa rhildrrn: r(areneaa; aprranta quartara. Phono 4M5. gf IbORAPHER WanUd. oiparTanrad atonograpfaar, muat ho rapid and ar.rur- to, atatt axparianea and giro refarencaa. Addren P. O. n A02, Tulra. J)kla; T, A MrfT R Kfl 8r Via) t ad . i"iVrtVucd7 no othar aoad pply- Mra. Hart. Phono nam. t VOM AN Wanted to tlerk io iwwj atora. gO.1 Wait Firat. Phona(I.V7V). WiiiTE PHOTOPI.AYB Egi'iationr am noroaaary; ,auitablo idaaa wantad from anyona at $'.'0 g500 earh : drtaiia fraa. Produeara Laaguo, awo Ht. Ixiala. VANTKD-Eipariira3 lahlo glrla or M yaara of ago. Hiainbarg Brothara, aod Honlh Main. WAVTEri Egparianrad rough dry markar; good wagaa; atradr work. Phona 77M1, rail for aaperintaodant. Quality loan try. ; WANTED Yonng la'dlaa between the acel of 1R and 3& to laarn oparation of tba Comptometer. ICaaier to laarn than atenographv and eommanda liatter pay. High arhool gradnalaa and thoaa willing to go out of town preferred, (.'all at A07 Roiiinaon Bldg. for complete in fwnnation.. , WANTKU Kaperienred laundry help; . good wagea; ateadv work. Quality Laundry. Phono T7M, aak for aupt WAITRF.B8 Wanted, eiperieneed wait reaa. Apply at The Tea Cup Inn, WOMEN Three brighi capable women to travel; 935 to f.iO per week; weekly advance for traveling expenvea. (yood rich tlrug Co.. Dept. H3. Omaha, Neb. WAITRKSHK8 'Wanted, otperleiired wait" rejaaea, 213 South Ronton, Good wagea. Capable bookkeeper or ac countant who has had auto mobile experience. Prefer ably one over draft age or married. A splendid oppor tunity for the right man. A-38 CARE WORLD - HELP MALE rOR FX MALE 40 I MANfr.n IMMKliATEl.Y--Namea. men. women. 1H or over, wishing to bet-nine gnvernmrnt clerkx at Waaiunglon; $100 month. C 43, earn World. Wen cor.N t h S'"n kk:. i is v 6iv t h'oV j aands clerkx at Wavhfnglon wanted im I mediately for war preparatory work $100 month and up; men. women, IH ar ov4rr: 7-hour dny, DO day araiion, j eay. nleaant work; rmninnn .edura j tion i.uffirient help your rountry and I live in W.slnngton during these ,7irrig I war times. S rite today aure for fren li t po&iliona open. Krankim InntilUte, lrpt. 373 I; Rnhrnter. X. Y SALESMEN AND AGENTS 41 AliKNTS--30i"per'7-ent profh'f wonderfuj littie article : aomething new ; arlla likV wildfire: rarry rijtht itt your porket . Write at onre for fre na tuple. K M Kfltman. Salet Mancr, l'H7 Amrriran HlrlfT .tMnrinnati. Ohio Ad KNTH a00 per rent profit . wonder ful ItMle artirle : iomtimn( nr: arils hVt wildfire; enrry rieht in your pofkH Writ at onri for fre ampte. V, M. Teltiran. ba'.ea Manager. lOOfl American fUdrj , Cinrtiinati. Ohio. TMKR!iAA NI i" THK O R V. ATW R 7re't eat aellr-r in yuara: erry Amrriean wanm it ; lavtahiy H!n-tralel low pnre ; we I will pav, yon 922 to diiri-t,te it . aample frtV International Trum, Ptnla delphia. AtiKNTS -Bir P' ""d antonr.ohilo fnrn nhM hustleri introdueinf wonderful economical nel prodnrt to Biitomohi'e owner . aampV outfit free. R Ha II wer. r.'.,fl 8ta V. lvOitii.ille. Ky A TU.8A CORPORATION "would "TiVe to reeeire appliraliona from arrfral high arrade aaleimon Thf men we require vhnnld he rlean nil and ahle to reference an lo honty and mora! rhar aHer and hav a ttTPTionii aale r'ori Kaalritrd poaitiona ar f-eing and will he filled hy ih hiffh rceoni nren in the iaa form, For appointmtsnl, call 63'; and aak for manager. Wa sated EMPLOYMENT HTL - MALE FOR fEMALE " 40 OAK yl.AKT .(! 'HHKKIiOLINE fqmti M rMont ffsiohnr'; iliilrihntnr wanted in nory town: pr-rrnftnrnl rmployinpnl ; hig ninnr-v. W'rjlf. r ptrlifuUr. ,Spifdo linn ( o , Ixilm. Ti sfdl'K hAI.K.MMRN - Wnld. " Ion ".lorW a rrrn ar llirr- (tld mantirvrk lo rr-prcartiit f nublihhfd fompnj hftndling tiUMnoliiUr.. tirra nd srrriiiirlti, Isrtn impUtnrm and lralora; r'iprrirrir nn nrffMry; iifl Inv.tmr'nt r'quirfd; mi'n with rarii iTi-ferrrii II wlllin( to work ynu ran nmkf from $10 to $; pr dar: rwrlnl territory and pr-rtnanrnt Tioii limit (or rlfhl parlira. I all on or writ r'armr-ra Implrmrni and Trartor (o, 12 " "I (irand, nklaluima n r H I.K8MKN--ViV. " t,Mr ' ulniarn. " mn or worown ato k Vmr-rt prfcrrrd ; Kirr- phoo nnmbfr fkir apiointrr'nl A 1 rrr.Vorld HAI.KNMAK WANTKI"-ll.l" inlr.' "" In. Kamp; all our rnlnhratd trmpranr l"Mrat:fl, drmand fnorqiona: yr. nad two li wiro aalramn liliral rommn aion ronlrart $fri wrkly drawing a rnunl .1 K llandrl. Haloa Manager, Jfi llnurr llldK . HI. I,nui. Mn HAI.KSMAN WANTF.Ii - To rail on lh hanka and hiiaina hnuart in all, or a portion of Ihn rillri in Oklahoma mlh oiir lin ol rAlandr 1ralhr ap"-a' Ufa. algna and nolllr. onr- of th moal Itrarliri', rnmpl'lr and loodrralr prird llni in ltii ronntry rirlmifr lrrilorr arigttrd if rtairrd. rorrmia aiooa nigral and iaid promptly, wr want man orr HO wlio ran and will riT01o hit whn tim and allrntlon lo our lin with an idra of forming a rirmanfnt and proilalila rnnnrrlmn wilh na. Wrilr- aalra managrr. Katantai'Mi Adrnrtiaing Co. Kalamajno. Mirk, al onrn HAI.KHMKN wlio wanl lo n iVr monry ahould roinmiinlcBtr. ' na n'urkly. wa hlir.v thai we ' lha rlranmt. faatnat aplhng Irgilura tnrk tirotioal linn in Amrrr-a today, ona ll'at w think ran help in llii war; ataia your iMialnraa ronnf linna lor lh lat lira yaara and gira tltrea hrat r!aa rrl -ranrpa with liral lettar- do it now! Can Motor Co.. Haint Cloud. Minn. Til V.l,l(i ' HAl.KNM V-- Wanlrd, aM paricnrfd inNrorklng airall Inwnt to aoll rrnrkarv, ariamalwara, gtakwri. noval tia. atr.; aida Una or r'lrliitlv. Iti!l rnminialona waakly nn apprnyid hual nr; prompt drliyariaa. right prirra: rofaranrt raquirad Tylar M anufartur Inv Co Rt Ijoma. .Mo. WANTKI l.adlra and ganllamao to rrp raaant na In a oaw norallv ihat arl'a on alght, rhanra to maka from to to filo a rrk Apply Inn im Third. SITUATION! WANTKD-MALH 13 111 II.I1INO--Would Ilka to figure your work, huildlog or repaira. will work by day or contract, esperlenred. Ana. A n.1, rare World ill 11 ) K K K r T. It -'- . i pert " iwok k eepe r " and accountant a and lo eonnei t Willi enund mercantile or manufacturing concern Have had three jeara prat-tical expe rience Addreta Hoi A SI, care World (ARI'K.NT FR Wiehra repair work'' Hollla' Phona IflAU ' C i I A t i f F.V R Uo'ci. wTn t ai ai I i ov or d man. aleo A I garage man. Phone JS41 3. ll(l ti(IIHT Wanted, poalllnn (ir a thor oughly competent graduate regtatered rirugglat; II yrara' eaperience in large atorea; bow employed, good reaeon for changing; will go anywhere; roinpreben. elva reference!. Addreaa lloi A Ho, rare World. G1ARI Ex-anldier wianea poetlion aa guard or watchman, four year eervire with the regular army. Addraaa Hon I3BJU Wapanucko, Oklo. MAN, UAKRlr.l-3 year a old. waJita po" aillon, have bad etperlenre bookkeeping and clerical work, will tackle anything Addreaa A "ft. rare World. M F AT CM'ttKnV--8llnalion wanled by meat eutter; am paat draft age- new comer In the rtly. F. P. Keaauka, 4 JO Oillelta. SIT CATION Wanted iiy young man" wilh all naceaeary offlre experience in oil, gee or paeolioe buainaaa; capable of managing ofllre or would prafer poaltion aa audi tor or accountant; ravo inatalled hook beeping and voucher eyatema which have proved aatlilaetory ; can giva a amall company exceptional good ' aarvlca. For peraonel Interview addreaa Box A 78, care World WaNTKII I'o'.lllon in or out of ciryTy young man, it yean of age; not drafted, aingle, neat, pleaalng dlapoaltion and of good ednration; good penman and book keeper, ran operata a typewriter aorre; eight yeara' offira experience; am em ployed in etty ax ofllre manager; de aire a pnaltlon with larger opportunttiea ; eon fiimlah A-l relerencea; will call for a personal interview if yon dexira Addrexe Box A HI. care World, WANTED POSITION AS CARPENTER FOREMAN. HAVE HAD 20 YEARS EX PERIENCE. PHONE 4474-J BETWEEN 5 AND 7. C. R. HEDENBERG. A man 37 yenra old, IS yeir' rail road (ixperirnre, 7 yearn' rrf that time In charge of Transportation. Claim" rind Traffic for railroads. 3 yearn in comtnrrclal llne, how In oharg of Traffic for litre; whnle.nAle grnvrry hoiiee and rffer lo thm aa rcfrr encen; have ood reasons for change). If you need the arrvlce of a real Traffic Man and willing lo pay ?00 per month, to le;ln with and ad vance him ax he prove ability to earn It for you, write me, otherwlae don't want your lime. Address A-7S. care World. HirNH LAWYER- Would like to makef (Ntnneriion wilh an oil ronipany or tat firm, ttrat of credent tain and quali firatiom. Addreia Hoi A 94, car of r -- --- - .-m1 - SUITUATIOMS WAKTBD TZtSXLM 4$ -tuwf v . 1 n ""JJ 1 '' Pr'"'hn 'J'""" lif . liifctitf m rt'ferenrrii. Add ram Box 7'i. rare World Jlorsr.KKKPKR W ant posiiion aa hoar keeper (or hachelor or widower; won't oilier t lo rare of one or two ehildren wilh ponl poople; no (nflera nerd ap p'v Phone "215. or rail 3 In vSonth KMioha. 11 ( U S K K K K P V R- Wanted poai t i on aa lioufekeeper hy nrenrnnibered widow, in a . mntherleft hnme or for hatrhelor A 7t rare World. NT TIME Prar t 'rat. etp.-r enred rhild iM'ira or mnfinement. Pbone 1546. 112 r at Fiffhth Nl KSK Kxperiencrd. jrdv.alf nurae wiih pom t Ion to travel with in valid, reaa -nable -alary and fx . Addreia Bo A 7(i. rare World. K K S P O N sT B 1 . K . re 1 1 1 h la niiddl'-"ac-d""rady and adult ion. loin emploed, will rare for rendenre dnnnn owner'n ahaanre.: referenreti Addreaa M ri. Cote, ft 1 1 South Pen? er. ifNOORAPlIKR--With"tV year' teno rnphir. dirtaphoue and eseru'iTe ri ptrienee. deirr. permanent potilvon life inrMiranr- profrrred, Addresn Ho t fit. rre World S rKNO.i K A PM Y.H and ' "le-n ""dinre-, "poii tion. Addre Box A fifi. rare World Sfr.NOtrrtX'plirR, r&:iahle,'de),,re"poiil tion Adflrem Box A 2. a e World STN0(;RAPMF.R KnVerlenred, demres pofviuon. capable of handhne mall net of book-, referencea. Phone 4 1 1 3. FNf A -' I. - B0SINESS OPPOHTUNITIRI! 4 ( ASH illllll KHV -i.H nark. i i for .al. -hrlhr, .t ,(,., ,; ,Mi, ,i ""!" aroui.d 41 Oi.O. no Ira'la i-ootidrrrd gou.g to war rraunn lor uril ing. rum aif II. l-'rank llrisrr, Clam mora, flkla (AN AN ralahliNhH produrlng rompuny ?',.r..! W'r'1' "' I'lparrinrr. riprri at tiKiraitliir and allied dutiea a,nil laimlir witn arrotint log. poaitlnn al proper romprnralion witn tha pririlrge of invetltng rrg'ilarlv a portion of her with ilie'votn l.anv Addrea. rim A "7. rare World CAFF, yon HI.P-(hrap if taken at onra. in a new r'.ming oil Ih-M. telling on arrnnitt ,,r airknes ll'ii M7 (li I mga. (Ikla. CIIN FFC MOV r It V Ki.r'.a.e a .nall ron feetlonery. rhrjp i( ,1,1 al onre I hone All Fir Sail (ond alal,liahed rlranjr.r preaaing and larormg hp i good lin-aMnn n town Hell ni, t,t new and ae.-m.d hand rloth' mg MiiHt he aolif Ihiy week leann (or 1 1 1 rig . niher luiniirM Call oloha Cleanera, Hi ,nn), Main, I'hone (.HOCKItV AMI MxKKFI Hmall r.h groeerj and n.arkel lor rale t all n.17v. (Ul K It V tor . iinal milMlriian gro cery and future rlran Aim k. akn ron Irol ;.., on building. W A Kaion, lr,"lj" ' u""'. "'- Reanienco (JROCKHY AMI MAK.KKT- 1'ivoira 11.300 doing i-a.b biiainraa. r.o delivery l,,,t iU! ration, rlieap rent I'hone li74 HKHK ix a good investment, brand new dnp'ex honve 7 ronma and belli each ide. tll modern, aelc-t, .!., m, rei di-nro lora'inn. leaned (or one year (or i hiio, pneo iij .ido; .,oi)0 rah. balance rt per eenl: drdilcl trie per rem lor lha $7 ".On mortgage iH0()) and It leayea $1 :'n0 Income ni the 'i.(ino inrealed. thin l over as per cent phone 7H13 and I will lake vnu in are il.i W .1 Henry. World llidg INCORPORATE YOt n lll'.Sl.NKHS. ard.d parlner-lilpa protect prirale properly from bnaioeaa yenturea: inlnrtnalion free, Philip Lawrence, former ait anl arrretary .t.le, Huron, Mouth liakola Avenue 17 J' n It I N l' II I : H I N F H - i o T aa I loc'a well paying Jobbing bualneaa. good lo cation and Icaae Can give aai'afarfn-y reaaon for telling A S. rare World NKW REFINERY -For aale. "li,i'"new" and fnllr eqiiipi.ed I of the F.n,ilallty rleflnin Co, at Oilmn. okla . al reaeon ah, a price Part rah. ba'anre bankable paper Addreaa Hubert Hluarl, I'awhua ka okla RFHTAI RANT, NFW-Flilurex for aale. eonaietlng of eonnler nn feel long, ona narx niirtrl 40 feet one with nloa leroe , mirrnra, Ion aqnare tarda llneoleum. IH revolving alonla, eight dining tablee. . chaira, with large ref ygeralor. gla.a t ble, three kitchen and paalry lablra. cof fee nril. water eooier. diahe nlv.rv.r. and other reaiai.rani ...,.!... . una to mention, com gl.aotl, will aarri fire tor gl. 7.0(1. reaon for Billing, olbcr bnaineaa A 811, rare World. SHOP For aale. automobile repair eimp wilh good trada, rheap. Carter, 4l!l North Jrlotlv A Nil llTrWi nrT'.siTrir-lW.aie - rtAr'"frl0 A7JOkemah. okla. rc-ik foTMO Roa' F.etat. loan'- aaca. la vaatmeila 114 Robioaoa Bldg. pbonee 1670 tAtt 'fA M.OHf Nil For aale. eleantiiaTYnd "laih epina k.. k Ai I . . - bntlntHii, will mV lrniii (o rich, imrty ! 1,11 3l!lr'al Third. ' TAU.Vm NlloiWnr"Ml,r .t ';o,ir! qilipnu-nu. .t-m rn anil rtrantnff ! mrriine, in rooa anape, now ri.nrtg i(0 a wsek ; uiunt aall. ai I rid In draft May 35. Joa rletnan. Martiea Jillt. Okla. 0 TL I A tj If A (TD LEASES 4-A EIOIItV F.KIHT A RK8-For aale In' fee. In New Hailer I rail and .inc field In Oklahoma, partly drilled out, field run. from I'J lo 20 per eenl. Price fl.lti.tinn. $00,000 raah. balance ran be arranged Addreaa ( baa llama, 50'J 4 gouili Mam, Tula Okla. OOOli "oil, LF.A8F WaTtV,T from ih acrea up in aoma of the good countiea around Tulaa county; mull be rre.on ahle Addreaa A 4. rare Tli'aa World LEAKE Have lint lease, 1 S per cent royalty on i)0 acres In .loplin Miami lead and sine field, enrmtinderf k. during mills and good strlkea. have drl'led fotir hole. hIiI.I, .l,n A . lead. Iwo drllla working now, waul part ner to join ran and develop same, t all Helrnum hotel, room 211 OIL LEASE For aale at a bargain, one eiglhnelh Interest in a oil lease on Ihe Oulf eoaal of Texas, over 2O.O00 a.rra leased on well defined oblong dome Well now drilling Investigation invited Address A flu, rore World h E V E N T Y F I V E A C 1 1 E I , E A S t'." 1 .1 0 feat from well, bargain. Phone 1:1.1 1. Box SVi, city two thoVhanh A'sirkit.HTV'" ciiEs for sale or leaae Proven eil hearing land in Hopper creek canon in Vrnlura county. Cal ; million, ol borrrla ol oil already taken from laud adjoining and in vicinity: rlo." lo railroad and Hie waler ahallew drilling, sells drilled In 110 to 10 days: oil 2.1 to 112 gravity; hundred, ol springs aid oil aee agea gaa blowontx: tan lurnt.b eit...-rt re pons, metis, etc- , wel'a drillcl thirtv yeara ago lil ynmptng: thr tnng life ol oil wells In thia field makes the ,.r,.,.,r,v eaperiauv ne.iran'c; Hunk of i an original Inn barrel e'l dnl'ed '.'7i r Nfto atflll tinni-inc H to to Larrt-I 1 day ; when yon m e!l in tn -fiitlii or on thi ftriMHitl ron rn riPi ontl ! on kefunir it on ihe iuui(i :i0 to 4n ' yfr I am wtlhnif ti .Tif ire ihi property in order In irake a qui.-k turn ' Will take l.'or-oo rah and y.o itCO iu Oil ranh j.a.nieni, nut l . on. fuiW ijiwn 1 la'inee fttx nionltn 7 lie oih-r 5:11 Hon mav he p.ttd in oil .it ihe rte if $.ft()0 a tear. Tlnn is a pennine hr jmn will ! a'friil Liberty luiiii Sddre-,, HUir P-7 r'irt h -.ireei Stttiia Mdr icn. t ,1 WONHKRM I. CM CK To nuke bit money hT orsininnji ynur own j-rounH floor ronipany nn tahnhle Miami lend and linr leae 1 yra-a, A I lirle. $1 a year rental I? ' rend' royalty without operation. Mirroundn-r c'd deTelop went a. art ,n,fk ;U1. rare World " HOTELS AND KOOMINO HOUSFtS 45 D. R Mil. I KR with Yalon Inteummt Co, dealf onlr in roomim houej and fur' ntahed rooma .'19 pirat Naiionat Bank niilt. Phone "ira POTrirS ANI ROOM I Nx"i HOPFfi i J (' Co, over Pa I are Taaatar. Pkoa-v and rtimlng hooves rermal : nm real liarfaina. Se Chamberian Renin nUJ Phonet -TlOfi I lOOMIKCl KOPSf. Vsiiaor. Keattr t'om , panr anr hat tna rooming homes; lartfi er ant't; anyw-erw ti area ROOMlMj' "lltlPHK Vi'-od tcration! m po.m and ralf: ftitil money maker fal .00 aonae term Y M - ar.i .iM Kirtt National Mlde Phone 7.TI" KOi.MlMi IIOI'SK- Sr'ap for unirk week, rlrao. rirely firmshe,t, oo, em, het in etlr ; more than full rvrv niiht. 1 n. 000 populatmn : nwrer rrnn Irate rMv for oiher hnninett; don t an nwer nn!M ynu ire.i lnis'ne AddeM I C, Box 7 J S. Wmiir'd. Kan ROOM IN0 HOP8K - Kur rent, Ifl m-vn. and 1 wit -.tore rpnrnv new hri V hir. ' d lur. V nt Tulc Ph"iie ."i'-S It or r.i' I4J: Quaker " TWKNTY TWO room nrwiy fnrniahr-1 I'J.rOn; 4'' roimo few hn'i wi'ii r , v'nr. riphl up o ilate renrr W 't.' iio- 11. OOO alito retidef nr rent, pr. v 1 voo hdv th- furi'inifp Ci'l V V hite rnntn cvrr Mod-1! K lo h r- PUona 1 ,, MOKFT TO LOAat-rCH ATTBL 41 I "ii'i "s'ftil'sr.r.u wonky 1 ' loan moi.ay on farmlura, pitnor aad i Virirolti In yojr homa or aUiraca A. Mwrhrad, riO Na Ault Bldg. Phong ' . SEAL EHTATE LOANR 47 AFTSA Htulding t l-oaii Akaorialion. Iitr r-oport A Italrlilfr, igrnla. room 'J 10 I'lHflii Itlrlg. ICal c'at loana il'lNKV in loan on improyad fM.'""nd farir. property, A year term, privilegr I of j.avinenir. M per rant, no eommia I aion lo.inn prnrriptlv loaad C. I l oggeahtll Co., I7 lianiel Hldg I'ho-e 13d' farm loans Ii na help yog id nay a larm nr inoroya tna na yoo barw. Wa bar. aail or os rl'Btga farrca WOODP.N RAIKKT Pnona )aa(a 74e Rmo ill Roklnao ilTV RP AL KHTATF. ioana. for a .-a.ra on hnaineaa or realdenra prnparty in Tula a H par rant intoraat; no rommlaitnn; prlnrlpla parahla any lima altar flrat -ae or at and of fi to yaart- intarail Jl1t 527 Iowa B'dg Phone Oaaga H0 WAJTTED TO BORROW 41 WAN'r I'J.OOll I.OAN.'flral mortgage" on reaidenre property, a par cent, no com rnUaion phona 23dl H. INSTRUCTION , ElrtlCATlOtiAX aVMD " MUHIOAL 4 ICiRHK ANii BrtJOY-For aale. "one hora and buggy, in line condition For Ihfnrfiiallnn. - all 40H4 .1 PI A Nil INtiTRI'CriONH - Lady, eiperi need in giving piano inalrurtiona, da- . P"pil Call I.SS K PIANO IXsrRIi.TIOS"" Cnde'r" Vloilowaky method- have made ehlldren'a training a apeeially; for information in regard In penal training for children up lo I H inouira at 800 Honth Cincinnati Phone ie .1. Si F.NoViTi A PI IF Rr" "and ' bonk k e'epera "are in great demand, let 'm train oil for a better pokiltoti. both da'- an,j evemi'a arhool. I'hone 14.11 tulna Ktiaineea college and Miax ' Fanning!' private, xchool i-onaolidaled o:l Kaxt Third TILHA lll'blNKSS ((il.LFIIK and Mla.g Funning s I'rirale Itiminera College (-,m Bolidaled. For complete Informal ion ,n reiard to kpecial Iraitung in rhorlhand, typewrlllng Hook keeping, etc , lelephone 1 4211 or call al our arhool, 109 II Fuel , 1 bird itrerl Z LIVE STOCK "JdoOS. CATS, PETS S3 A.S VIiV Minim - 1 wo 'Umiiifii; " l.f-mxl HincTri for HoiHh LIV3 STOCK AND VEHICLES ti l"'OK M,I,K - W )ivr thrff (jimhI jounc IfunjH fur kl, jmir t rioiri out of JO Ufitii of h'r-r' Nn hot Trinnft-r nd HutrdHv 'o IIOHSKS Kiiit r.(.n if irrt homen for Hie. agn It and 7. weight in 7(1; fine ael of work liBrni'K (,-oes with them if ili-alr.'d Miller llroihrra, Wagoner, Okie I'hone 71 , '"' lnn 1 'r al line vniinr .irraey row, riving milk anil a bunch ol I c'l Uhlln Ho'k henr. lor aale al I !.'4 We, i Mia Iv I'hone :.;7. I F. AM OF MARK MI LKS" For " ".ale" we.gM 2 t.iti poiindi,, wnrklng every day can he ..een on nndav or aller n o r'o.-k week dava. Call PI'i South Main I'lltJS -- Marred Plymouth llock rgxa for hairhmg 1 ."i0 lor li; or grl a 100. M.-Iane Lairy jl'hone II X Ml I.KUIIliHN" IIF.NS--For' aale", oVn7"fu"li hlood white Leghorn hen. Phone M US. " A ''i'TH r or .!. white In by mbbitii. i'pitilon chirkeri, lotlfcy at Nor,h M"?h,!l IHI.AM) KM) K.OfiH-For .itt?. i .; mr i.i or w pr nnnaren, aiito ffw rtiir.c ol U'hit Leghorn tggk at l M for I V I'hon- W HiTK KOCK KHi8 Hh rla lor "hiu-h-inc. all ft absolutely jMirn breH. nrir-! 9. so !.0 and $S per 1. . I-hnnw MM. Walter Allen, R P p I PERSONAL PROPERTY B0IIRER8 PERSONALS 'it LffffOER TOONO Real" Kalale. Inanr. area, inveaiweoia raonoa 147US!I94, 5l4Robinioi, Bldg. BUTLDIKd MATBRlALg HI I.I Ni IIKH -Scondnand, for agio. 1 .113 Kaat Necond household" oood r tl Al l'TION SU.F-Vedneadav". May iv" at JB North Moulder: 14 rooma of lurni lure aale tiaria at I p. m. U. H Mapea. aucMoneer. BtATTIES rug sale io atill eaT iiT aavo wnn -j K n . . . A. . ... von '4 per rent oo any rag wa ha. US "eat First Phone Ufll IM M Ml" KOO.M MI T - For" axle. Period dining room et lor aale Phone 7 lit I. FOH SVl.E i. legem dining room auita. n'alioganv bclroom suite, refrigerator wing step ladder, cuxiajr, alretrher 211 West ' J Flllt SALE - Electric ra.iinui sweeper wilh attachment gnod condition, $IJ30, I'hone 27:11 ECHMTI'ltl - lor .ale, four rooma and sleeping porrh nhe:y arranged. I'hone 21.14 El KM n HK - lree rM:o. complete for three room., cheap. I. raving town. 2.14 South Maybcit IIOI'SFIIOI.II FlRXlflRK " Kitcheri cabinet, fireles. ronker. five rooms fur nihe.l completely' ; che.ti lor rash. 'raring Tul.a I'hone ex 7 1 el Sl'IIVh, Eor sale. New Perlection. three hui'ier .-oal nil .tote wtth oven, good ro"it.rt 4 1". North I'eonx l.uil.t., sltlK Oak dining room Ish'e and Ch.-irrer ti.k m.ik Move wnh star burner I'linne 310. v A IIIMIOIIE IRI'VK-For sale elegant wa-drobe trunk, used one month I'hone .no. W WTFIl"- VnvYhtng "ihit 'i an . be handled tn a serondhand store We buy anything and sc'i .verythiiig Prire Is ''over the lop" Phone o.'J4 Ihamond Furniture eonpany. " MTTMCAL INSTRUMENT' "$2 11 MthllKK ' PI A NO -(.revl as tew" $".'00 i isli lakes it. owner leaving Tulsa I'hone r7i1. -i. pi-"maohinert "OPPLIES 3,"j limi I RS. " STII.I.S. "W.ITATORS. "t oV, denser boxes. tanks. ritie. enginea. dvnamoes for sale, a I bargains and fir.t-c'ai-s either i.ed or new Addreaa K P iMllnen 1 Son. P. O. Box lf.82. Ha! las. Tesas BOIt.KRS-Secondhand AO ' h p $70; 111 h p. $i0; I in b p. $1900: new I II h p high pressures In stock; oil 1 slills. steatn and ees enginea. rora ! prf .AO' and comp'ei e ato'-lt aerond hand ira'timer. l antlrfth lilarhiucrv i Jn hn. Mn ' MOTOR - M,'e. one motor, ii nn 'i-hnmf (' I t hiirae ( . I ' mfnr A nriy ' et'COrt rxtdtii Hotel Tul ak for i Mr tl'e., I'll. LrA-US- nl township pale. all oititT on tie1,! ro-tTis in afrk n.f for -tif by nidi rreta. Jf 1 Kae Third. Tulaa. nala. phone 42.1 W ti!( fr rstajo( anj l.r.r tl-t" i( 't frHl I'll'. PI PK-- IOO.niiS"feet aeco-id "hand I- 1 pi- 4d well rasirf. over ha tiled, firv , '. rnrdition tt redurcl price I I I- 4i Supr'v (lo , hi anmont, Texa. I . orrrci: Atobe EQUITMUKT " 94 I r I r TOI- 1 1 K S K h,le. barrain pr.' . t.i quartered oak flat top i 1 k i t-- -fivct Bhair. iwo straieht Va i. t " i" fiie rarp-t ran rent office .i,- t'hcfe 41 I sSundiy a w "K-L y II HM M KK - For Vale, new otk " ; 1 i 1 ' ii e I wit ro-i:n eijn ipmnt ' I ..!,( Mnd...' I'hon ' p ' VU vri ,-i jpw;.. A fU Une. "pnr'ed rirht '' 'm '0 ihher 'imp Work. Hayward 14t Y K'TFH r -- i 4s Kor a e in Uemin i than ha!f. Hi I Kti.KR tORs I'tir restaurant usa. Kor sa'. -suita Phone 1531.4. PERSONAL PROPERTY SBEI1, PLAJkTS, FERTILIZERS 8 CASK For" tale lor planting. 4 per bnabel. one mi'e aouthweat ol Ilaw eon. W. S Weairope. PKS - Fancy black eved p'xx for planting! enn rating in in and in'i poind aacka, 7c a pound F O H Serainoia. . l fc'.rolher. nrminnle. Okla TOMATO PLAXTrt For aale. 10c "a "doien. 7c a hundred 17IH Faat Keventn. WEARINO APPAREL. f)7 HiOHKftt CAHII orteo "pid for aeee"nd; hand auila and abaea Phono dJJs. "jA.sgi:FHAI)F C8TCMr.H--lla.qufada coatumex for rent, out ol town orden filled hy appointment 319 Honlh llrn ver Phone HII4, M K N ' S ri.OT II I Nil - -heat prirea o'aTd for lervindhand mena rlolhing and ahot-x. I'hone .' e,rt ' ' SKCOSli HAN'r rUiTKFTjf Mighexl prirea paid for men'a rlolbing, boea and nala. Phona 2.V SUITS Mlgheat raah prlre paid for men'a aerondhand anile rnata and tronaera; aloe buy ahoea and hala. Phona 5445. HITS AND BHor.ft--llighrat price paid ror men a aerond band auita and ahoea. Kick Berdon Pbooo 43. Wanted to nuy Secoa-fi M&M Cloihlni and ehoert. Five dollarn to $10 paid for Mullet . highest prima paid for rihoea. S e Imy old Kold and Oli ver. Phone 7940 210 EAST F1KST MISCI tLAHKOUS TOB SALE 61 H A K K irVK.V - for kale, good a uw, bar cmn steward Keichum hotel Ktl ALK-"(hejp. nwinxitigt t(re rope, new 3 4 4rM) feet heary timber MA and mi. Terraeio and rrarbln floor urfa inf marhme: pra-ti-a)ly new; wheel (farm and trxila. CH Hoffman, 3.130 or VWIknTer Hhoe Co. MoKltllJ, S I'niverTai NewMwhTi'r'.'ha enteriinmng rtihlio'ioli anj Newnnionjer fivei )oh jire eminence of in aleminh ip f te one of the nurfenful vri in ill'rurril (IllBinrn. i. i i i. , i ji i na waitr prooi a ma a. I, Wiii Rubber Uoodt, Turner nidi., Tliirrl inrl Main ; Itl HHKR T J R f, t) TRAII.KR For a)e large rirr u tent roniplete ; want Ford or aell right; ope.ra rhaira fte each. hot 17. .lenninga, Okla RICH rhofo!ate loam aoil ran he had for hauling away, nor t brant corner One in nail and Kat .Nineteenth aireet. l'hoiie 7OH0. JSK WING M ACIUN Knood drop-heid W'bita rotary or Binfar tewing maehina for tale cheap. 119 Eaat Second atraat, phone 77flrJ. cn Kr.r.A IHiiiKS ror aale eight new acreen donra. two feet eight inchra and aeyen feet aix inchea. one acreen door two feet by tlx feet an inchra Phone h'i EIitRa YoTmOR eial Fat a 1 a." I n a 11 r ance. Inveatmenta. 814 Robtnaoa Bldg, phorea IA70 2.104 TOOLS Cheat of meclianiral and rarjien ter loole for aale Intntre at I'nion lire ancl Rubber Co L 1 -.1 Faat Second TViLFIiO ""SCAI.FS All" type,. "Tapacity from 'J Iba. to .iO, u.ed about 4 inonlhs 70HNmith Main. Phone 315.1. WALL TKNT--For" tale '" IVx 14 .""pra'cti rally new. .1. S. linden, 10 W'e.t Cameron. ""WAKTED TO BUY Hi TO HI'Y Loalon brind'e dog. tall .lonei. 1000 , HAIHllF. A N II IIHiriLK -Warned' to bin aaddle and bridle for Shetland nonv. Phone 14rt EXCHANOE - AUTOMOBILES TO I CAR - W ill trade aer, n pa.aengcr car, good rordiiion; aold lor about $ j ooo. ,...... .. ,... r nun. ni'ir, 30.1 East Second. EXCHAKGE REAL ST ATE 71 i KANSAS CITY PKOPERTV--Will sell or exrhange niy equity in Kansas City prop ertv. e,.',ai eo,nity lor $17.'i. 42, to pay eavv terms lit 40x140 leet. three room house, electric lights, city water, in alree near car Itne. I niinute car ride to Electric p.irk. IJ blocks ol Hwope iark W ill trade nn iigiit rar or anything of vatiie What have ' Mtiv mv mts fortuee a: a l.ergx:n Address Uns A M. rare Wnrlil H HOOli lltll SE " Mode-n and I I I "sTTe tract in Marinntiile, Mo ; a live college town, to trade f,,r Tu-a proiterly or a 'rood car. Call .lone, lim.i .! WILL lilVK 1 m A( 8 in iP norm, rinpfl "jj .iiikmn eonn'v, Olvli, for or- well V O. Mnt i ;1, Kctntitr City. Mo FOB TBADB MTSCELI.A NT.OUS 73 PONY iid rt-ti -ry hk in tmilf f.p ronfj ?ni1--h cow : 4? .1. A Spr .'Pine, Lom harfl (Kid Minn. Routt. 4, Mr,. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT AP A RTM KNT Por rnl four rrH.m mod ern apartment. hath. reception hall. Bl'NOAi.OW For rent from owner, lift c'eepinr porrh. aUn tore roi.m '"UJ4 ! room hunealow aleeoinc uorefc and Rar leet. .ocaied one of th moKt dei.rabte rorner in Tnlna Addre B,,, pj ra-e World. I APART MFNT- Fitp room apa. t!ie;,t to rent for aix month if uk.-n m 0nre No r.h,M.,v J,hnn" v:i; I AIMRTWK.NT Well fnrniahed. '-irh aide, j Ittinu room, dtnin room hed'oom ira I Mnrphy in dor hed. knrhen. hath j V.httnm. :64rV - . . 1 AP RTMKNT-- For rent liraun'ul ground I T'oor, Iifp'rwim. mnnern with irnraje. ir-e in, i ir-riire, " rr l. Vfi0 or 770 I hne ; Bl'RNETT. V . I'J"7 I o'lirni-hed "three" room apartment bs'h and dressing room. Mnrphv in a dor hd. $41 per month Phone fiTl'l HleTh-flns furnishcl apartment for rent one year l-iiae Tr-nth nml Smith P.ostnn Phone ID.V rllF.Vr.VNK. toil.NKR SKVKNTH- Modern apartment with the MurDhv in a dor beds and oth-r convenlencea. liehta m and! saa water furnished free t'e'l I'ynthia Court, -t..,4 nr 7 .Sa R ."Ol I'M ,S1DK- Kor rent, nnw four room Ai-artmrnt. south eipoiiire, fi;miture at a ha'ca'in phone fi'V:..-,! . SOI" TH S ! I if! - Three rooni. aod slecpmjr p4.rrh. vin hlork. fro-n Hotel Tulna, f"rnitnre for "-aie reawinablf. .hrap rent Phone i 9.1 ,1 .1, rLATS-FURVISlTED 79 : A I RTM KNT - Nirely furnnbed apirt ment and kifrhenette with all modern . rveineii e hphu, pas and water fur Pi.hed rlo" in. stiiiahle for one or fro. $ri0 month. Phone R. A PA RTM F NT - err desirable five room anartment wifh ..leering rwrhes,! south an,4j patt exposure. d-lightfutlT rool. with piano and ail ' rnishmra for five montha Refereree. Phnne 7.7ttR A PA liTM KNT - -- For rent three room fur 9-3. -luhl apartment. It1, two room. Phoe 4Tn , A PA IiT.l NTS Kor rent a two room apart ment, also a three riom apa-tment. Morae Ilea' iy i . 1 -: 4 !- South I ten ver. 1'itone m - at Fl RN IT I Rf. For sale, three room modern apartment, saine to let lo party buyinc furniture, c.ose-in. Phone TlCtJ or ri'lK Ol TH SIPK. Bachelor anarlmtnla. mod ern, t loae in Phone o217. JREAL ESTATE FOR RENT ' HOUSES TOR RENT 77 ARCHF.R. W., 1311 For rent, half bun galow tunfurnixhed, no children. Phone . ADMIRAL. K . ll 8n room modern newly painted and decorated, no chil dren 7 a month. Phono 778 A 1 2-ROOM HOtEI, That will bay you to Investigate. KlKht in the bejt hotel dlatrlct. 2 year leaae, rheapent rent In town. Can make good terms lo Inlereated party. I'rlce, M.000. M J. GLASS & CO. Over Palace Theater. Phone 609 1 DO YOi: KNOW We hnve. only 35 lots left In In ventors Addition, $10 down and 2 per week M. J. CLASH & CO. Over Palace Thenter. J-'honea 091-la34. ClIKrl-.XNK (j, 1161 High clarx teven room, hardwood floora, furnace heat, $'J0. Ilowman i k llowman. Phone nS.SII. t Alt.SMN, ('.'in Kive room houee, modern, fine location I'hone 7001. II V. V K N ,N K, N 'i 12 7 A uniivo new cokninal home, five large rooma. unfur risned. breakfaat room and baaement, file bath, no amall children, referencea reouired. $100. I'hone .IK id .1. (. IM IN.V AT I," H , lB4i-t')na" "o"f ThenToal (leatrable bungalowa in city, native ahade, three aouth aide hrdrooma, aix rooma in all. ivory and mahogany finiah, bard wood throughout. Immediate poaaeaeion to parlira with referencea. Prlre $100 lone hundred) month, three monthi pay able in ailvanre Artuha preferred. I IIFYF'nSK, "N":." I'llO-For renr'daVdy an room home. $70. V. I Pucinl a -.-"".!..?"?. rmnjerr Bldg Phone "979 if.X VKR. N r03For Vent, mairbun galow Phone 417S KIOIITII, rent. lr22 Two-room houae for FOR RKNT Three-rrjiam hotieo on rar line: newly papered; good location, $25 --f't-Hi?" PhonejJT3-R. VOl'R rooma in baaement. moderiT all light, gaa and water fumiahed; price S per month. Phone (109P FtlR HENT Hevenroom houae, garage, baaement. aleeping porch, in Morning aide Phone rW9l FRISCO. N , 402 Siwoom end" "hath, don ble houae, modern. Call in uio.'ninga only FLTIXISHED HOl'SE FOR RENT Three rooms furnlnhed, one-half duplex house for rent, east side, modern. Cood transportation. Price, $50 per irronth. M. J. (ilASS & CO. Over Paluce Theater. . I'hone 6091 HOl'SK For rent to reaponaible peraon' five-room houae, rloaetn. furnace, laun dry, attle, ciatcrn. earage. aervanta' quar tera. . Hhown b' appointment only. Call 4.1M ,L ' IIOI'SK Kor rem. four. room, corner of F.ighthand Troo.t. $'.'0 Phone A,1. ITolMii:, K , 1 .1(1.7 Wanled. congenial coo" pie to ahare modern five room home, no objection lo bab.r. on rar line. IIOM K Voh" "R ENT -And o"" don'T nd to buy the furniture- geven beautifully fiirnihhed rooma, lard; adulta only; re noire best of referenre, $140 per rronih; rail today bet ween 2 and .5. Halliburton Abbott Co.. Fifth afreet entrance. HIM SK-- (iood garden, well, gaa and water furnished $45 per month. Phone 0O40. LOMR4.RH AIUllTioX-For" "reel "l." I room houe well waler and gaa, $12 per n-onlh Phone 7M R Hl.VMPIA. K. ' 103 One rMroii'i(h't wo(e. keeping furniture lor aale. five room hoove for rent. POSSESSION KO R SA l.E ( ol lac"ea"r"r"e garden jilanled. barn, filtered water, place for chlckeni. fuel, fenced, furni ture two rooma: k appointment. Poa tension today. fofeflOO cash; rent only $10 one mile frorr city. minutes .Ireet ,-ar. ,ddre.s a 79, care W'orld. KKSIHENCK KOOMINC; HOUSES J Seven to 16 rooms, new furniture 'nnd lonR lenses." Cheap rent. All fl,0 moneymakers. Al. J. IILASS 4 CO. Over Palare Theater. Thone 6091 StH'TH SI OF For rent. 7 room houae on south side, modern every way. Phone rinpi Stll'TH SIliE To rouple. new aix-room bungalow-, beautifully decorated, partly furnished one room reaerved. Phone 717H. SOI TH SIPK f.nriTf corner room. rornr hot!.. .,) ra!liinj tliKtinrii, will f rommfliltno twrt. thrf$ or four. Bfl ot Vtn.n rookinj for Iftosu in hout only. Phone ? t -I ri . . WKST Tl'I.SA Thrr room hout on 25 foot lot' Plen ty of room for thrift crdfn; fas tnd ttatrr. Rent f 1 A and $20 per month. MRS. Phonf 7763 R. R. ni RDKY. 419 South PhOf"iix VFST- f IXSA Thri-ivrooiB hou 'or rent; firif $20 pT month. rhon?B09l. HOUSES FURJII8HED 7$ tge. will leaae for ona year to partiea l.uUnr furniture. ona. KfsLow - - A fie room hunalow. with aUepinc porch and Karat" for r'nl Dy huyinff the f urn i I u re. Phone . cVifTAUK Morn. 5 room eotiafe, pood Inranon; walkin diilanra: will leaae for year to partiea baying furniture. Phona 8t3V ('iNCINNATl. 8 , For rent, .fnnr I. furniabed $ room houae; refarenre re nuired. Phone 47flfl, (OTTAOE Modern, five room rottace. fnr ninhed rorapleie. eicepl ailverware and linen, fine toration, waiinf narance, no ehldren. reference reqiured, I'hone 42 lrt .Salarday --and Monday from ft a m to S p. m. 3M af ter t p "and jundaj OFNFiFT COL. Oompletely fumiahed 1 room house; ailver. linen, garage, at I)anver, l'o.. for particular i-all I -1 or write At', care World Kl.tilN, . Tin- Five room and hath; I three rrr.m and ba'h: ad ilta only. ! F.IiHIT ROO.M furnii-hed homo, carajie and j aervanta' fjoarer. for rent for 3 mont nn ; t nn p'lssiii .VMM leai" ear. Phone j EI.OIN. S for rent. u20 Modrn five room home furniture for fca'e FI KTH, W .. . '; 1 Kor st, four rooma nice furntiire and lioune for rent in rear. 14 ROOM RK HK N' K - Clone -'ir 7orrent on a rear and one half lease. $00 month- tv, (.rovidniaT yon h ir the furniture at hargaii prire of ?i-0. aniDe terms if I desired Phnie FOR R KNT - - 'f' urn ii bed. i rooms. hae- I ment. (rarajre, trirlly modern, howerer no silverware or linen furnished Siotith Metm.t st'e't, Ho wtfl an A Bowman. I'hnne P FOR RKNT three rooms, east half of du plex bouse, strict ty modern, juat aeven 1 lorki from Third and Main, one-half Mock from Main atret car hne.. provid inc yon buy the hirnitore which la nira and reaaonablv priced, no children. Phone nVo4 POSTORIA, P. , b2'j FoTir-room apartment, private nath. HOI'SK One 4 room furnished bona, not modern, 940 a jnonttv Phone Cr,7T, HfSrRK For "rent foiifhifkd houat Call " HoMR For rent aix or e.ttht montha, si nwra furnished home with garage. $140 per tronth Phone -"02 IN t'0."R ArT6HPR TNgS Yo rent' for the aummer. well furnished house in heat residence dtatrict: rarae. Apply i.02 Honth Cinrinnati after 4 o'elock RKNF" APT." No ""ft For "ranC"beautY fnllr fnrnished apartment from June 1 to September 5- Phone S30i J. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUBE8 rURNISHED 7 MAIN, X . 102 New aix room, modern bungalow furniehed or unforniehed eaal ---r--"'lJi.l gxragea. $7.500, ter ml NINE ROOM modern houoo. wilh aun par lor, double garage and garden for iui mer mootha at Colorado Hpringa, Col.; aUo farniahed bungalow for rent Green '!0i,n!", Fallq. Col. (J. 8. Piveley. PKofilA. 8., Ia3 For renT,roornrjo"t lege, fnmiahed; rent rheap; ran be aeen tomorrow; nice garden for aale. Phono 3193, gi.'AKF.R. 8 . 1 140 Tn7e room hnueTlor rent to parly buying furniture; call al 1140 Honth Quaker, Small amount raah; eaay termx. (J I A K KR. fl.7IIIT For rral. ' ni'tTglji r niahrd five-room modern home. Phone aa4. 80I TM HI L)K Ijovely room new bun galow, nicely fumiahed; couple with out children. Phone 1141 or 2439. TWELFTH W . SIT Fou7Wrnho"uaeWeri fumiahed. modern. $3& Der month. An- ply at 513 Weal Jiixth. THIRD. . , siOfi -For" rent. two mom houae. fumiahed Pall at Kyidall THIRD, W , 720 Four room modern apart ment for rent, providing you buy furnl- lure, noehildren. OrriCEi AND DESK ROOM T$ FOR RENT Three rooma in Rank of Commerce building Phone 4.ri75. Soi'TII MAIN Small buaineaa""room for rent in good, location. $250 per month Phona 5231 or call room 2, 202 St houth MainJ M A YO" B 1.0(1. -Office for rint! WiiTTeni one of our rooma furnished and ran ar range for joint uaa of xtenographer and - telephone eervire. Hurti-Huma Realty Co, 321 Rldg Phone S32S Offices for IRoini IN OLD WrLD BUILDING Newly decoraUed and In fine con dition; all offices on second floor; llRht, heat and Janitor service, fur nished, , VERY REASONABLE RENT See Mir. Mceiis World Office. 1STORESANDWAREHOTJSES SO LEASE FOR SALE. On ground" 1.10x140 now occupied by junk vard, fenced, Iwo living rooma, Iraao ix tor ona year and very rheap rent: ideal for werehouae or trackage faailitiea. A bargain for rah Addreaa Rox A .13. care World. WAREHof'efE For Vent, all or pin large brick warehouse. Atlas Trxuxfer k Stor age o . 2:, w, Arrhar. STORE. ROOM For rent, preaenl location of Carney Furniture store, corner Sec-i ond and Boulder. Inquire 115 South Boolder . MlffELLAJiE0O8 FOR BERT SI SEWI.Nll M ACHINES-Bented by" week oj ivti.-vtl ai AC'HI.NKS Rented by week o I 1 .. , 7 7.' month. Whila Sewing Machloi Co, H'lJJ ,n" .IrniurtHt rat in , were uiven Eaat Second street, nbone T78S. WA-NTED TO BENT A PA RTM KNT Wanted three four"'! room unfurniahed apartment, hy ronple withnui ehildren A 70. rare World Bo Yoiz Valine 1 want a five room modern houae. Can furnish referencea from pre Moua landlords that Ihe property improved under my rare. Have no children and will not aublet rooms. Will not pay over $fl. rail phone 171. Kl HNISHKl) HOl'SK WANTED Four or five rooma fumiahed and nrodern, cloae in; not over 4i; by the 17th or 24tb of May. A W 6. rare World. , HOl.'SE Wanted al once, houae, four or five rooma, modern, unfvrnlehed, no rhildren. Addreaa Box A 4H, rare World. HOME Wanted to rent by June I. eight ilT niahed homo for anmmer months: boat rare and referencea. Oaage 3550, call Mr. flow. : MAKRIMi IOI.PI.I; deaire for anmmer. fumiahed four or five room apartment or cottage by May 13 Muat be reason able: referencea. Addreaa Bog A S7. care World SMALL APARTMENT Suilabla for ona or two persona, cloae In on car line, by May IV Can MJraajeaage J2L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A0RCAOB FOB SALS $9 EllfHTY ACKF Good farm near Xlawaon ; for aale al ." per acre or win irauv for residence property in Tulaa. tall Mr. Horrie. 523. room 2, 302 South Main street. e' ACRKis For 947.". improved S arrea, -s-loae (n i-prinK Arkansaa Inreatment I'o . Iealie. Ark. FIFTY ACRK land, ona mile eaat of Daw aon. for aale by owner-, dearribed aa follows : the aouthweat, northeaat and aoutheaat, nonhweat. northeaat of aertwn 2tS. twp. 20, ranfe t3. houne. brn, well and other out buildinica, all fne leTel tend and in cultivation. Prirn 9t0 per acre. Wee J. R M iller, Tahletioah, Okla. Fl RNTSHKb ROOMS Capable woman will care for furntahed room nr bouae during aummer for uae; will in ? to pay mllrent. AL7,-T.B-r? Wor,(L- flVK ACRKS on Kaat Sixteenth in full heart nr fruit, pearn, pearhei, pltima, anri note, cherriea, herriea. 125 frapea, 9.n0 worth of r"OWinE Tecetahlfi. hot bed a. eellara. aheda and stable-,, horee. row, piK and rhieken ward, two wella of jod nerev fatlin watr. piped ready for e. Rood five-rooai hoiife and out hnildinc. g in, bargain for rash and lermi. Phnne .it 'ST the kind of a nla-e jrou want. It! V arrea. rlovein. about half te: out to fruit, berries of all kind., crapea, fruit tree food uprmir, nire houae aad out huildinr. fine itorm re'Iar: thia can he boiftfht rijrht See us at onre. Wet-el k Park". I'OH Aull HM 60 M'RKS Well improved, food anil. $l.ln0. terma: oth-v barjin, McGrath, Monntain View. -"Mo. TKX ACRK TRACT-- Fine ten are tract not far out, in the ritht direction, some improvement, this week 9. terma limit one half raah. Phone 649 or call r. P.rJZLl -J APARTMRXT SITE t'loae in, cheap. CH owner. 117. . j ( -New and rlasFy, ix rooma and iriahiied in aleeping porrh. bath, pan try. three rlorets, huilt-iq kitfhen rah inet. close in location, aewer aid 'd' walk in and paiV sfeer pavfo. Tine i- el lot. .0x140 to llley, $4,250. 91, 250 cash, ba'anre like rent. W. .1. Henry. Phone '4&2 BPNOAI OW A dandy five room hnnra Hw, 97 0 rah. ha lance 94. month Rjinkaton. 540 Rohinaon Bid. Phone BOSTON. S Extra ood hay. five room house in fine ahape. If aold n five daja, price 9a.7."0, Rankaton, 340 Robinson Bldg. Phone 97. BI'NG MW9'50 raart, ba:ance $.0 monthly buya a & room modern bunga low on East Hodfe atreet car line; only 92. m. Fdward Harrtt, 204 Hiiaa buildmfr. Phone "3 or 65, B'Ol lOsVMod ern" 7 room houVeoh ideal lot in rlaoica netf hborhood : baa larfca baaement. raice and srvinta quartered 9", "0, Phone 7812, N . J. Henry. tA)rTH BlT)rln4y . ial"fron t ' Tot. A0i 207. paved atreet. etc. Will aell eheap, to quick buyer Phone owner K FN OA 'tA Corner lot "55x140, will aelT rhan for rash Phone owner. 7729 AC1.FrteOTBeautifui;y sitnated on Oiark Trail and rlnae enough in to make-t verr desirable m a home site. 925. worth the money, lerroj. Phone 6049, S03 Ault Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR BALE B''NrALrOw Kaat Third, four rooma and bath room, met electric fmurei 0,j Ivory enamel finiah. full length acreena water, gaa, two blocka to car. $2 I o $400 raah, balance $1 per month w' JHenry. 404 World Hldg Phone 7HI2 Bl' N U A LO . Archer, " W '. Cloao lq".iire rooma and modern bath, neat, weu built home; on car line, cloae to good arhool, $2,000 raah, balance like rent, why pay big rent when you can owi thia. W. J. Henry, 404 World bona Ing. Phono 7(112. Bl'NOALOW New, five-room. afeenin'. ponh, and large baaement. flood errhi lecture, mantel, hardwood floora, pretly futures. price $4,500, rash payment 672BR L' C' Dlfker""' "" Pbone BARIiAl.N Brand new bouse, never-orru" pied, owner built for himself, sparing no ei pen so. but on acconnt of wife s e rione lllneas and leaving city is com pelled to aell quickly and will earrifii Thia ix an $H,000 home with baaemrni furnace, laundry with atationary tuns oak floorx throughout. two slerpirg porches, garage, everything dandy, 'for only $6,500 if you bate $.1,000 rath tut thia out now before you forget it and pbone 74U1 or 8050 until you cat. h BCNIJAIdlW For sale. a liiTTroosi bungalow, up to date in everv way and in elegant diatrirt, nice decorations lots of cloeeta, dandy -breakfast room bx ment, garage for two rara, $.3no $2 00') !ljlHerry .lenkina Phona 430n Bl M.AI.OW Seven rooma. beautiful dec orationa, beautiful elertriral fixtures basement, oak floora. a big roomy house' east front, price $.7.10. email paymeni handlex. walking distance, south siJr H. A. Rose. Phone r49 2 BI KOAI.OW For sale, beautiful bangT low, s rooma, bath, baaement, aervgnts' ejnarterx and garage, xlrirlly up to daie. r-honld be aeen to be appreciated. Prire $-1.250. termx Call phone 2029. BCMIALOW t,000 takes brand new 7 room bungalow, hardwood floora, mantel all built in fealnrea, basement east front, balance easy, termx Phone ' 0 1 3. COTTAGE New. five room rollagelieau"- tiful lot, . Oak floora. While en.mef thronghout, mantel, .'l,j00, $.',00 down, balance il per month. B. It Irfe-rxft Phone 4tiS2 CilTf A U"K S ,l 1 0T. b K N KoT'xale bv'own er. two 4 room rottagex and two rl roorr duplex houaex, A bloeka from Koufm and Alain; a real mveatmenl. i.ail 4iu Hntrth Kenosha. CARSflX. 8 neautiftii- room houae ' in Tartlon place; garage and aervanta' niierlerx; a bargain. Phona 2977 or 2.u. o ItK.NVKR, 8. ('liae in7ooomaTnioden", only S 750; v:,750 rash, balance terma. Por details phone 7612, W. J. Henry, 4fl4World building) ELwoiiI)78"71Tl3-Iaa1flva'room moj. ernoiisejiiBt remodeled by owner. KAST SUlK I have aeveral rottagea that can be bought on small rash noyment a balarnnnthly. E. B. Ward. 304 Y "TO roem uildinr Phone mill Pill it.irx v lircn liii,eaMewA..' J 1 niOHt In- bfd-mnkinp. bandarliitT, Ihei piv- IC'llllfffL tirtltio trilliril liillintoorrxt a 1. 19 Batlflll. Spvoral tit Ihe wnnwn who fin ht'il tlir- rnurMo pvtipi-t vorv ,on t,. WrVwhlor ution the i4U hours' hospital' Vfarvitr rtciulrerl. p(ler '.vhii'h they TH.U.IN, 81 Bungalow-.-' .'C'T1 w". ,l . bath room, garage , ' 0 " ioo9. fruit and garden Pvv.o . br about R0; rented for v jej urnlabed ; will include furnltuiefor ,100 extra . will give termx. W. J Henry, 4"4 World building. Pbooo 781i. E.4ST 8 1.DE Three room, 1 iHreiieTmron car line and cloae in on ooutheeat aide. Prire ll.SOO, 400 raah and $20 per month, fee Wimbieh, 543 Bobinaon Bldg. Phone 1714 EAST SIDE Four-room house, lot 50x14(1. barn, good well, fruit treea, good eellxr arid a fma garden. Irjoo block eaat aide. ron kAi.K : Cornar lot SOalSfl. eoeraia mt-rm Km i a. In a. two lara-a livlna roooia, rmli tor an per month, five room house on rear ot lot. ranta $40 per month. Prire 93,750, 92,000 eaah. balanre terixa. SeTen-rooni houae, twoitory. ten bloeka eaat Main atreet, lot 50xl.1d, aiepinK porrh. fine wall water, will trade for farm near Sprlnjrfield. Mo. or phca 9.'0l 91,600 raah, balanre terms PARMS Two hundred acre Arkanaaa river ral Icy farm. $'& per acre. Four hundred acre river bottom, farm, north part of aiate, nicely improved, price 960 per a"re. Kitrhty arrei, three in ilea eaat namona aecond bottom laud, unimproved, price 917 So per acre RKSTAI RANT FOR BALK A good paying restaurant on Main street, near depot, rold drink stand in con oection, best paying propoaitiop for the money in the ritv, prire 9"n. ROPSF JONES KF.A1.TY CO. Corner Second and Main. I'hone .Sf.nQ Bynum RMc FAR.M tiood 80-acre, improved farm in l.ocan county; extra good buy at $1.2t' very easy terma; would trade for Tulsa property or good car, Baker Invest ment Co, Phona 2H0O. 1 too BLOCK, E. Nice aix room bungalow with enrage, lot 40x140 and houae mod ern, rAited, (or $bS per month. Price for this week only, $4,000. one-half raih, balance terma. Phone n049 or call at A P ! d ak for Mr. Ca m p be 1 1 SALK By owner; am leaving town and am offering irv five room bungalow et 3dd Houth Wheeling at a bargain Thia rim waa built by owner and is as substantial and rir a place as you will find any plare lt the eily This bouse ran not bj dugJirHted for 94. S0). iV sell for 94.000 with good terms. Will gladly show at any time O K Rrooka. :t't.T South Wheelirg Phone 4Z HOUSE-91.000 rash, eaay ferms. will bnv dandv eaat front. 5 room modern, with large baaement, two mantels, rirely pap ered,- for quirk aale at $3.SO0. Phone . IIoTrSF Buy thia three room house, walk ing diaiance. lot iOxWO. with ahade and fruit, bath and gaa in houae. rented for $33 per month, price only $' nn Yoo may hava it -for $700 rash, baln- prr month. Call phone HOT'MK 'New fire room houae. two fence, good garden, garase and 7fn houae. $2.?S0; eaay termi. Phone n04.. an(LJJ!!!il KMlt x f- -r IRVING PL ACE My house, one block omh of Irving monument: aeven rooma and bath; large aun parlor, it if or;"" faat room, hardwood floors. fixtures, baaement and double rri pr. 9 900; one half .h JVmI per monlh: roine aee inn i i"' Tameron. - ' JKFFKRSON St. A '"'." f,"om atreet for aale. , a braut.lnl ( worn hunealow. morlem. (nil "e lot. nor front, a' hoi... xnitabl. fxmiliea. 14.100. ll.noO ra-h and per monlh M. J Alas. n"r Palare theater. Phone poll . .. KKNIUULcK-ated on Sixth ""'' .'"'! venieni to rar line: 5 room. oulh Iron rood well of water; r"" ''1 , rleel at $1,950 r SI0 ra.h w.ll hxndle. immerliate poaaeaaion Pn"neJi..-;o. K K N D A I , Vr- M r e , new 4 room Kendall, cheap, br owner Thone r14J)S. . , LEWIS. "N.. 110 Kr Immediaie aa" am saerifirinc thix 5 per rent ment. new aix room, modern P' ',',n eihtroom effitieney. hatha, w pantry., built In fealnre. h- ; 55 xarate. hen hnnse. fnred r"1'":. yard'deep -ell. e.menl : W '"".n and drive-a, ribbon, hu.ll or mv borne on hlRh "at front fnj lot. rlo.e to arhool. Jitney "d r".'. Prire 11 500 $3 100 earh. Kaian.' per 0,00, Will brin, M Call 110 North I.ewix today an.) week. - M A ff.K R "fDO K-B'earjllfiil I "'J two baths iipatatra. loil-t and rlownatalra. lar.e livinr '""." i-. roorr s.i n parlor, all bmll-ln " I urea. aervanta' Qliarlera was f'ii'.i'i'o . p-' ' ..111 ni town ill sarnnre $18,000. Thone 2977 or-M4. S3 ')' .1 I r. -as.aHa.itraaat..j wnwarav(iR)safaeswawiiajvartrae..WWasavjasvevar rajveirKiirwaTrriarit-iaH