Pat H:u Bn Spnt r""sidrnt of
V. S. sutI Company as to Loca
tion and Facilities.
Factory Operated by Committee
from Wx Company. Won I.I
A.I.I t Tulsa's Importune..
TuKi i in contest to pet the
new munitions plant to bo built
.... .h. Cnite.i State jovernment
anrt operated by a committee of
directors of the Vnlted States Steel
company. . , 1V..
r. ll. Poudas. secretary or the
rhaniber of commerce, wrote to El
bert H. Gary, president of the U.
S Sicel company, givlns him enm
mfnmoiinn as to tn-J oiialifl-
cations and advantages of Tulsa as
Public Sale of
Thursday, May 16
10 A. M.
Pearce Farm
Tlair-niito north, two miles oust
of I)awMn, on Oiark Trail.
Lunch on tho Ground.
We are In earnest when we ask
Foil to give Orrlne atrial. You have
tiothlnc to risk and everything to
pain, for your money will be re
turned It after a trial you fall to get
results from Orrine. Orrlne can he
given In the home secretly, without
publicity or loss of time.
Orrlne No. 1, secret treatment;
Orrlne No. i, the voluntary treat
ment. CoBts only $1.00 a box. Ask
lis for booklet. Rny It. fictman.
the Rcxall Uruff Store, 113 South
Main. Adv.
in-tinn fnr the nlant. Data, as
to, the labor situation, railroad facili
ties, grounds for the erection oi tne
plant, and the climatic conditions
were included in the mass of infor
mation submitted to the steel com
pany's president.
The plana suDmiuea oy trio ti
ernment to Mr. Gary calls for an
inland town for the location of the
plant. While definite plans have
i ."- tn Inrilratri lha S1Z6
nai ucvn uta" -w
of the proposed plant, the fact that
it will be usea tor uio
ture of heavy artillery and projec
tiles In large quantities" is sufficient
indication that it will be among the
largest munitions plants .in me
country. . . ,h.
The government will P-V tor the
erection and equipping of llw P'an'.
and it will be operated oy the com
mittee of the steel company tn
out profit and without pa'nl t0
the members of the commi
The letter sent by Colon. I l'oug
la. informed President Gv .ht a
committee of ''P"1"' o 'at
was ready to meet hfm any n
any time to discuss he subject oi
locating" the pew plant here.
Supreme Court to rw. on Validity
of LetfslatlTC Act Providing
Spfisl Ths ,V,'LV , n The
mine nsnector. is attacking t he
raHdity of the act of the mt
,ature In .av.ng the commission
jurisdiction to In-pect refined oils
. nh An Injunction was
nd ovie bv "he Oklahoma
SSwdW co'urt and the com
count.? i , . i oior the pommis
mission appealed. to et
in this, matter.
ivnmls" In France.
riRia. May 11. "One-month
bonds- for the national defense
have just been created by the minis
try of finance. A person Investing in
them may collect interest on the first
of each month at the rate of 3. 60 per
n,,,!.r. The bonds, however,
may he carried two or three months,
in which-event the Investor would re
celve interest st the rate for the
period of three months at 4 per cent.
Vindictive Blocks Ostein! Submarine
liase Under lenffic Iire From Huns
tia:,,,- to ii,c hart.,,,- The . m-.ny , M ,
Uio u,,., in f,,n wcw of tin- '
ncim bad i n ,. As she i-mis.-d up .H'l.U'S K A1IN leaves tonight on
and down, seekinit tin- rntiMin i' she's luiwi n o Inn to New York and
w.i hit r'" aic.llv si till .wit H ca.-.-i.alties
wete MiMaine.I.
It wan in uMiirk when tlie i.iei,-;
fic MKhtcl almost a 1'ii.-Hiil
erniaii guns
upend a,.
LONDON. May 11. The old , mis
er Vindictive went to her last !. m!i
150 to 200 yards within the pp r.,
forming the entrance to tho harbor
at Ostcnd. one of the ("Iprmiin stihin.i.
rine bases on the Hel;i;ui r,i.K ,.
dor a terrific fire from th n. rn. in
naval guru and machine Run- i.n tin.
shore, according to the cpinr.il ,.
rTeparatoiy to the raid In!
tend -the naval air force ,um I lr
the town and dropped 1umu, . ..n
tlnuously In harbor w", , iu -in
fires. Lte?r the airmen v..-i. x.
slsted by dtstroyers and turi , it i s -A
bombardlns the ciH'ni poiiioi,s
h n n i 1 1 V
The entire operation wn , irt j.
out on similar Hues tn the rai l
April 23, when conci-et.- 1 .).. , ,..,
ers were sunk In the liarl " r of
brtigne, th most impoi
submarine base, fop tin
In a month a smoke s, r
successfully, bout .
morning a lartfl force
ui.jlyini; suhpierged at nn .'int-'ie of tn
o-i ilVirrpM hi the eastern entrance with
was ', her stem n gainst the plvrs.
nun-! While thu vessel was ludng akin-
City Briefs
""' i viMtin"
aUcr, lui.nag.
i fit Tin
Kit AN K 1.1 V
a isih
U. l:KKil of Texan Is
er daughter, Miss linsn
of the Y. W. C. A.
- Mien I)),. I
I fearful fir.
lia.in' gained his In-ai-in
cajitaln siini.r ' his conciet,. ladi
: "rlllser nrolllid and rammed ll
i sIimi. m.:iiMit llie n.islto-n ,.i,'i- 0.1 - i t lt Im
s log his lieuienant to work the en-iilajs If Imsiness .rospe. ts Justif
iKinea with tho nhicvt of se'iiiing the , lie will snou I
1 1 shin ncross tlie channel, lie ilisr'0 . i sa s.
f ered that the cruiser v. as agi "u ml a 1 1 i .
-ami that It was impossil.l,. i tnnil fU,UI.,;s : Y I'll! ; It U' C of th
1 -
A. KIN'! of Kansas
m Tulsa for several
a resident here, he
nt i ;ern,au j from tin i nglno
"'"iiil tim.. i hole and then
n . a.- i.sed i . ha rirr
lor in the Airmen, aci nrdimr to the central
d i v ' ! e i s Vpw'h rnniii'i sav the 'lndietie Is
and coastal motor hoii.s oud
toward the pier, the motm l oat.-t
ing along ll. The weatli.,r
everythlnc tlesirahle uni'l 1 ',
uies before Ine lndicne was sunk I done.l two motor launrhcH went
when a sea foe drew in shoe J alongtidVumW 11 heavy firs and sue.
Thl VinJictie I vticrirnrii,! h ! .... ln rii.w- rift 1li, men ill.
greatest dilliculty In findm,; the cn -'. eiinling the wounded.
room and M"k'-U.go was i the
set off .explosive.
mpany of Chi- ;
itv yesterday on
l""tB vi uMov..M.v iui iiui. xiio is mucn greaier man ino nun. u.
lour ii.cii.oc.o .11 me :oiuinis.siull,nousns HV'illalile.
Pllv VftnH ArinSinintralnt . Iru 1." I t ,. ... u ...... .
Flnt Stciw Will 11c Tal.rn M.,n,l,.j. to
liegulntc I'rl.cs Over lul.i
t lly mill on in y .
The first die pa to n-guUte food
prices In Tulaa will be t.Uo n Mon
day morning at tho ch.uub.r ol
Commerce when the cuunty fair
price commisslou meets with nullera
and wholesale and nu.il groceis to
take some action to regulate the
price of substitutes tor Hour. The
four niemuers tn tne coinn
City Food Administrator Ora K. 1 pp,
County hood Administrator C. ll.
Uougli and representatives of the
grocers and niillers will Jiuin the
There Is profiteering Mimewhere
In the sale of substitute, Colonel
liouglai declared, and the efforts
of the meeting Monday will he to lo
cate the placa where the prices are
being boosted and cut out the ex
cess priflt'. The situation will he
given a thorough consideration. Mr.
Poi(?!a said, ar.d proper action
taken, according to the results of the
I I'rrmiiM for May I'hsm $200,000 Murk
Im-pi-tlnr Kopp lti'MirlN.
Hull. ling comtnissioiier ICopp an
noiinc.., ye.,ter.f?iy afternoon that
hinldtnu iietniils to date for May
would reach the Hum of 01.00i.
according tn records In the office of
Hie ,-itv building inspector.
Residences take the lead in per
mits issue.., the great supply neces
sitating the utoa.lv continuance of
The demand at prrsctn
... w linnlttiirlh ti-hrt hn Inased
tho building occupied hy the Over
ton grocery, was Issued a permit to
remodel the front of tho building.
The Woolvvorth comyny purchased
the lease of the ovtrton company for
a period of several vcais and will In
stall their slock Immediately upon
the eompleuon of the remodeling.
llcady for Anything.
"What are these beautiful silk
ones, girlie?"
"In case of fire."
"Kniorgcnry hose."
(ahn's D
p t store
than its bit at Kahn's and you will dis-
lclCH UUI1C41 UlUJl -
cover that it does if you make this store your shopping place.
There is profiteering here the entire resources of this store are
devoted to the task "of .supplying first quality merchandise at
lower prices.
$20 Silk Taffeta Dresses, Georgette sleeves in
solid colors or fancy silks. Monday, g gg
$25 values in Crepe Meteor and Crepe de Chine
Dresses. Choice Monday $16 50
$15 and $17.50 Silk Dresses just arrived; won
derful. All sizes. Choice Monday $9 85
$6.50 values fn Gaberdine Skirts. A OQ
Choice JtVi.yO
$6.50 values Silk Poplin and Taffeta (J A QQ
silk skirts, all colors, also black. Choice vrtt0
$10 and $12.50 values in fancy striped Taffeta
on is.
oiik bkirts. a so in h rk. Safnrnav crr rf
Choice -v o.OU
$15 Wash Skirt in white or fancy, $3.50 to $5
choke" qUkk Sale St JCahn's' $2 48
36-inch Silk Taffeta, all" colors, best M AQ
quality. Monday, per yard tiJA.'xu
36-inch extra good quality Silk Poplin, all OQp
colors. Monday, choice, per yard
6 yards Longcloth or Nainsook, fine and soft, put
up in sealed parchment packages, $1.50 M 1 A
values. Monday, per package
$12.50 ladies' 9-inch lace Boots, in gray, cham
pagne, .light or dark brown. Ex,lra j?G QfT
special, Monday, choice vu.vv
$9 50 values in ladies' or misses' 9-inch Boots in
black' or colors. LOUIS Military or &(1 fiE
Cuban hcefs. Monday, choice WJtJ
50 values in French Kid, low cuts, pumps, ox
fords or straps, black, gray or colors. CM QQ
Choice Monday v '
$4.50 values in one, two or three straps (j?0 QQ
slippers, quick sale, choice v
Ladies' $2.50 Boudoir slippers in black g JQQ,
only; choice , '
$4.o0 values m Heatherbloom Petticoats in black,
' white, fancy, floral patterns, etc., $1 QQ
wonderful values. Choice....... pI.i0
$4.50 Silk Wash Waists, all colors, handsomely
trimmed. Saturday, choice jj2 48
$2 50 values in Voiles, Organdies and (M AQ
white Batiste. Choice .... .1. Pl0
yardPerCale IJght COlrS' Monday' Per
35c Pft-inch
1500 Ladies' and Misses' Shoos and Slipners,.
placed on tables, values from $4.50 to .V5.50.
$1.98, $2.48
c .mch fancy Percale, best quality. OCpi
Monday, per yard
Men's and Boys' .Low Cuts, 1-3 Reduction
Children's Slippers, Mary Jane, Baby Doll, Sister.
Sue. large assortments in white, black or combi
nation at the usual KAHN'S 1-3 SAVINGS.-
51.00 values in piece, goods for summer dresses,
in tancy voiles, organdies, batiste, wash silks,
Mondart.ly, per ...
The Big First Street Store 15 EAST FIRST
Lfiw tV-. TT ; , A
KIVIN S VOl'.Vil, of ' M StrRr
YnunK 1 n v-st turnt rcmp.iny, Iwui rr - '
turntMl from ,i iwti wri-Kn" visit In
IjJnlniiMiiti, III,. lit also aiMHMinrt'H
CIIAKI.I'IS KM. IS. rwior.il IrnffiiM
mrinauei- nf I lie (Inlf Kifmincr nun. I
lany. with heu'lMii-irw r m Pin-. !
hlirKh. V.lM ill llu? nil ) if lenl.i y rn
....... I
I Ft. W. .I. TUAlM.iU ns amoru;
Ihe TulMins who were ri ln-ve-l i. ;
HI.'H'hllU'H (IlllillK (he ..i:. wi'il,
l1rlor Tralnur h.ul 11 pi net ii'a;;
new ear Mulen from in front i,l In.i
office on Alum street. i
R. C. HfVM.OWAY of the Ki-i
rhanKe Nntlonal hank Ktuff. who en
listtcil In the uvinllon nrp at llm
army several months hko. has re
celveel hla eull uml left yemenlay
to report at Auslin, Texas.
DR. F. A. GLASS OK T11.SA, ae
compsnieil hy IKctor Conger of
Mounds, lct Wednesday to attend
held st Halllmore. Philadelphia and
iew i orR in 18 wees.
A. M. WELCH, Tulsa eounty
humane afjeht, will leave on Tues
day nlsht for Kansas City to at
tend the meeting of national asso
ciation of welfare workers. Mr
Wclrh in sent as a delegate from the
local humane society.
was filed in JnnticA T.e T)jLnll'ii
court yesterday against W. A. Peck
hy J. V. Khlelds, owner of the Okla
homa hotel, charging him with
"heating" a hoHrd bill. The in
formation alleges Peck owed (67.15.
- '
tlons In their present quarters in
tho city hall caused the city selec
tion hoard to move to one. of the
rooms In the federal building. Miss
Hello Sheppard will remlan with the
hoard as offlco secretary.
of the Simmons administration is
now going on at the city hajl. L.
V. Crawlord, who is conducting the
audit, slates he expects to he
through in a week.
ha.s appeared In the list of slackers
for failure to appear when railed.
As a matter of fact he is not a
slacker, but Is now In service in the
national army, having left here
about two weeks ago to Join the
company to which ho waa assigned.
2 of the lied Cross will met at the
Lincoln school Tuesday mornfrtg at
8:30 o'clock. Evany member of the
unit Is axked to be present promptly.
This time has been decided upon
definitely as the regular day and
hour for tho meeting each week, of
this upit of the Red Cross.
made with the local Y. M. C. A.
twenty-two employes of the Central
National bank have been given mem
berships In the "Y." Klnce the war
the niHter of the Y. M. C. A. has
been greatly drpletod, the draft and
enlistments making great inroads
into their membership. The Idea of
firms and corporations taking out
memberships for their employes
was originated hy J. M. Berry of the
I Central National bank and may pave
the way ror other local concerns In
this, manner providing wholesome
recreation for their employes. The
system will also greatly holD the Y.
!M. C. A. because of the fact of their
membership becoming so small dur-
,lng the past few months. -
Save i on the Girl's or Boy's Clothes
Here you will be show the best of the new styles
clothes that the boy or girl will take pleasure
in wearing on one of the most eventful days of
their school career.
Second HcKimrnt Men Must Report
i Today fof Physical Kuiniiiuitloii.
Work In formation of th0 KeconJ
Oklahoma icglment is nearlng com
pletion, so l.ii as the two Tulsa com
panies are concerned. The final ex
amination will be held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock In 'he federal building
over the post office. Major l(o"u
explains th.il every man has haiLv
plenty of notice to appear for the
examinations and it Is expe'te, that
all will respei ' their promlne in lh
government this afternoon and ap
pear for Inf examination. Kallari
to appear will tau.se their names lu
he pulJishFil :n a "slacker u-t." lit
lording In the oflieeis.
Colonel l-enlacuMt. regimental com
mander, will be in Tu'.-a today. Al
though it i( not known Jii.h wli.i"
the object in' his visit 1. it is thought
there niav hr homic important in
formation given out after his de.
parttiie regarding the future nsi- of
the rcglni'-iii. f
Mnrlrat'c I Icrrixos.
The following Iliairi.lMe licenses
were iMnucd yesterday:
Line Holmes, VI, Storiehluff. and
Misa Sunana Hakey, t. llrukcn Ar
E. !'. A ni-tln.
phtne McMllldo
Inhii While.
i Loyd, '.'0. both i
I. E. V ranr
" I. and Mtf.s .lone
botb of Tulsa.
14, and Mi?h Montle
r nge.
23. New (Vm o. Pa .
und Miss Susie II. Nelson
tern. Jin
F. S. HotchUiss, 'J. and Mi?-; M.i-
belle lluiisaril, both of Till, i
Kfirden l ' ii ii ni i' fr'. ucl Mis.
I.nia Wane Wilson. .'I. both of
Tulsa. ,-, iT
l.eroy Lcaley. 3:, :.n-I
11. mniilloii. i. lioth oi i u. .-.i
Forest C. Piatt. Avsnt. ai.d
Are Pointing to the
Greatest Bargain Op
portunity of the Year
My First Clearing
Things starli'tl off with
wonder when Vou stop
sniff you liavt! liot'ii al
a rush last werk and small
lo think how lonf? it's Ircen
c lo huv men s hunwnhpimpr.
Diu nai is-Moarn, or ( Iolti-(.:ratt ("lothca, No-Name
Hats, KaKlo J Ira ml Shirts, Strontr & (larfiolri, Parry or
Kt'vra! Low Shoes, Neckwear and other furnishings at
;uili low prices.
20 per cent OFF Men's Suits
Kuppenheimer, Michael-Stern and Cloth-Craft,
lilue Serge Included
$ lf.no Suits now. .$14.40
S20.no Suits now. .$16.00
lf'Jli.r.0 SiiSu !Kw. .$18.00
$25.00 Suits now. ,$20.00
$27.50 Suits now. .$22.00
$:(). 00 Suits now. .$24.00
$32.50 Suits nnw. J2fi.fhi
$155.00 Suita now.. $28.00
$37.50 Suits. now.. $'0.00
$10.00 SuiLs now.. $32.00
$15.00 Suits now.. $36.00
$55.00 SuiU now.. $44.00
20 percent OFF Men's Shirts
E-)lc Brand Negligee and Silk Shirts
nn Shirts now Hilc 00 Hhlrts now ....... t-lOO
$1 SO Shirts now l !!( ffi.f.O Hhlrts now $4.40
$2 00 shirts now HI n Ifi.fiO Hhlrts now Ift.20
:'.nfl Hhlrls now fl .00 7 00 Hhlrts now $5. AO
tl nil Hhiils now J ID JR .00 Hhlrts now ....... 40
$3 . f.0 Hhirts now H'J.HO !l Ml Hhlrts now 7.0
14.00 Hhlrts now la UO $ 1 1 (ID Hhlrts now ifl.HO
Mcns Trousers Reduced 20 per cent
1.1.00 Trousers now t'J.40
$3.50 Trousers now I'i.HO
$4.00 Trousers now ;l .20
$4.50 Trousers now t;i 110
$ri.00 Trousers now ' 14.011
$5.60 Trousers now $1.40
$6.00 Trousers
$1.60 Trousers
$7.00 Trousers
$7.60 Trousers
$S.fi0 Trousers
20 Per Cent Off Men' Neckwear
60c Neckwear now 40c
75c Neckwear now 00'
$1.00 Neckwear now HOo
$1.35 Neckwear now , $1.00
tl.fiO .Neckwear now $1.20
$1.76 Neckwear now. $1.40
Nocfcwear now .
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Per Cent Off Uw Shoes !
.. .iift...... .i.so ?-J i It
is.eo : fj
....oo ii
J ...$4.40 ,
. . . , ,$.ai I,' , J i -
,..............$neo f . ;
,..,... ....,..$.oo -v g
$7.20 T
........$T.0 ... I
, ....$8.00 1
$140 ;;
.$S.80 ' I
$4.00 Shoes now
$4.60 Shoes now
16.00 Shoes now
$5.60 Shoes now
$6.00 Shoes now
$9.60 Shoos now
$7 00 Shoes now
$7.60 Shoes now
$8.00 Shoes now
$8.60 Shoes now
19 00 Shoes now
$9.60 Shoes now
$10.00 Shoes now
$10.60 Shoes now
$11.00 Shoes now
Men's Hats at 20 per cent Reduction
$2.50 Hats now $2.00
$3:00 Hats now $2.40
$3.50 Hate now .$2.80
$1.00 Hats now $3.20
$4.50 Hats now .$3.60
$5.00 Hats now $4.00
$5.50 Hats now .$4.40
$6.00 Hata now ......$4.80
20 per cent OFF Suitcases and Handbags
J -
121 South Main St.
Phones 486-487
WT The :-' ' SI
All Phonographs in One
- - " 1 1 11 1 1 U M 1 1 1 1 ' .' . I ! 1 1 1 1 1 I i I l
ll Our announccmenWif the new Brunswick Method of Reproduction
Drings city-wiae interest
T ATPKARS that every music lover has been waiting1 for such
nn instrument as the new l;runswiek Americas latest musical
triumph, made by The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.
'I'ri.rilf wiy-ihat our i l.uniK for It are too nioilest The Rrunswlck Method of Re-',
prmiii' tuMi is ? iiiik Ii 1'itti r. in far .superior that praise is indeed fulsome. i
Vim. ino. iiiuiieiir this remnrkahle new instrument. Ypu can't appreciate the .
rri.it uilv.'iTirr !i ripri'-ctits until you bear it.
Vuii II be ili'hpbti I "im The ClKinn, whlih plays every record, and with th
liruriMtth'k Ainiliftr.
Tins'' two Krent inventiw.s make the r'.runswick the most perfect phonoprapn
i'cr loiiielvcil. An you'll ajrrce. Vou've never before heard such natural tones.
All prr'viiuiN i'iiik'i ptnuiH of K'"al tone will be changed.
i onic in today. .Iiini tlie must critical music-lovers in town. Hear this super-
109-111 East Third Street Phone 616
iiiiiiiiMiiiisiiiii ,
An m "
...$.A0 I "l
Jits licss Wjalt, l'J, liihi-: U