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VOL. XIII, NO. 236 R E AT EST X.7 VV NEWSPAPER SUNDAY, MAY. 12, 1918 J cj VJ U dXia AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS GOOD ROADS '.TRUCKS :io Iji'l IbV' BONUS PUN IS AID TO CASE PLANT MEN The History of the Cote Aero-Eight BAKER IS MOVED TO NEW CHICAGO POST SHIPPING REDUCES TRUCK BUYING PLAN AUTO MEN YOU AUTO KNOW r - - i I - - - ! gVyeryy J j Ik I. r, l.niploycg Kumtiig I'nder Si, Son .re to Receive K'xtra Quarterly l'uy; Kffli'icnt Sen Ire Vulued. Realizing that under present eco nomic conditions a heavy burden on its employes Horn Increased costs of living may result in undermining their value to the company or that the restlessness Imposed by It. may cause turnover of labor to rise to a costly des'iee. the J. I. Caso Thread ing Machine company, Racine, Wis,, has developed details of a plan thereby an extra sum Is to be al lowed to a large percentage 0f Its workers. As the burden falls most heavily on those of moderate In comes, extia payments proportioned to their salaries are reserved to those . only who urb otherwise paid JU.iiOO year or less. The plan takes into consideration, too, Uie fact that con tinuous service Increases the em ploye's vaiue in proportion to 1U length. Each employe within the limit named on the payroll as of April 1, 1918, who continues in the employ ment of the company for one year, will receive an extra payment of 10 per cent en his Individual earnfms for the year. Payments will be dis tributed as follows: iwo ajui one half ner cent of the earnlngs-for the first quarter, payahlo at the end of that auar'er: E per cent of the earn lugs for the fust six month (less sum previously distributed) payable at the end of that period; 7 per cent of thti earnings for the first nine montns (less sums previously distributed) payable at the end of that period, 10 per cent of thej earn ings for the year (less sums previous ly distributed) payabje at the close of the year. Worked on Equitable. Basis. Employes entering the service of the company during the first month of any quarter will bo permitted to participate in the extra payments, commencing at the rate fixed for the irt nnntiEi' Emnloves entering the service of the company subse-J quent to the nrsi nwiuii oi "y quarter will not be eligible to so participate until the next succeeding quarter. Any employe who is absent from work without excuse, except on ac count of sickness or other unavoid able reasons, iri any quarter as much as 6 per cent of the working hours in that quarter exclusive of over timeparticipate in only one-half of the extra payment for that quarter. A similar absnoo for 10 per cent of the time bars him from partlicpa tion in extra payment for the quur- UKmploves voluntarily leaving the service of company during the year, or who r discharged for Jsuse. forfeit the right to any extra vnunii nnl already received. Km. ployes leaving; the service of . the company within one year on account of sickness or other unavoidable rea sons, will be entitled to such extra payments, computed on above basis, to the ttme'of leaving. Employes re entering the service of the company hall he treated as now employes in the allowance of bonus. The percentages set forth are to be calculated upon the total actual earnings of the employes during; the periods indicated. The quarters shall end June SO, September SO. Decem ber 31 and March 31. The plan will continue in effect until runner no tlce. SAYING OF GASOLINE IS GREAT NECESSITY Wastage of Half Pint Dally Amouryti to 312,000 Gallons For Country) Can Bo Pmented, Every motorist of any experience haa some idea that thu use of water or steam in the cylinders has some mysterious effect on the engine so b 10 cause it to produce more power with the same amount of fuel and In addition the average driver claims that carbon is prevented from depositing and that which might have been deposited previous ly Is removed. The idea of feeding water to the engine is not new and in not of re- u,?i !7lKin- bf,oause th tharacter 1st o of an engine pulling better and with more power during damn weather was observed in the earliest days of the gas engine. Today every driver will tell you that on a ,2 bV an ","""-y-'sht when the air is more humid than in the day th,e r.gine, has more , "pep," hlTl climbing becomes easier, the engine runs more smoothly, and so on i ,1 TK .u " ' D,or,i !!.orU ant UIB mUlVinilal mn,A-ln, realize that while th small amount of gasoline every dnv maf n a ""vill matter, when these !?,I vl?uuk''- to be mul U of car '00' .,he total - cLZ. n country. , :"" n"iu quite a differ- 7Z " TO torl.t in the country - . . line ' " ot Pa"- ooo gallon. cach Twen"-four"h i hleh Is unouestlonnhio . . "' situation n-u.. ' eiore it everv r,n .. .. waste la em'nate all The 'fLtlnnnl a,. wuh Z cr::v ..... nuiuiimn A f ' v. n ell nf v.h , "nes and Coun cil of National Defense to stop gas"- ear, be r . entitle that A. . , i""uns tne A., tne mnini. :trr. aid t, socor 'mohiie engineers. The wate M.01M, will have to betnpped ne army and navy are to get their li ll "'. f the fu"' w"""t taking WlWnTha?H ,h n1,,1r'Ms pm it, i V,e nrmy a,ul nav.v an -et their fu ih.r. u.ui . this is .h.. i'",ui aoin- 4.e., icuu i.u enow. CTtrn'f T and BOB OWLEslftl. - f?ZP ,V ' UlNWRIGHTBIBPLAH;tmON,QLT i K A QO f Since the Introduction of the Cole' aero eight at the automobile shows' early this year, wonder has been ex pressed, throughout the motor world as to what prompted the production of this absolute departure anions' motor cars. : Many Inquiries have come to the officials of the Core Motor Car com pany of Indianapolis, the builders of the aero eight, and In response to the repeated inquiries J. J. Cole, president of the company, has made public those facts regarding- the car. Since 1911 the Cole company has been experimenting: with various kinds of motors, frames and bodies In an effort to produce a new type of motor cur. Not that the engi neers at the KoosUr factory had tne present car in mind. They simply strove to bring both chassis and body ui to i new standard ,that would insure a wider range of per formance and increase the utility and economy of the product. ' The first exDerlmental work start ed more bv accident than anything else. An eastern publisher of note oneren a 150,000 Drlie to any avia tors who couldsfly across the conti nent In an airship. Numerous trials had been made but each recorded as a failure. Prompted by friends to bring the big prize to Indianapolis, J. J.' Cole purchased a Wright bi plane and made arrangements with "Bob" Fowler, a well-known avia tor, to pilot the craft. Experimental flights were made with but little suc cess. Then Mr. Cole conceived the Idea of Installing one of the Cole motors in the plane to replace the original power unit. This was done and after several weeks the aeroplane was put In readi ness for the flight and shipped to Pan Frannlsoo, Fowler's intention being to accomplish the most diffi cult part of his Journey In Its early stages. Ho derided that If he could cross the Rockies all would come easily. Fowler took the air on Remem ber 11. 1911. New York, his objec tive, he hoped to reach in thirty days. However, Oie cross-winds and high altitudes which he en countered proved too much for him and he was forced to descend and return to San Francisco. After making adjustments Fowler at tempted the flight for a second time. By directing the plane toward Jacksonville, Fla., he avoided the troublesome air currents of the Itocky mountains and succeeded In crossing the continent though he was not successful In annexing the prize, whlcn was finally withdrawn, These experiments proved of Im mense value to the Cole company andfrom that time on the interest oi J. J. l oie nns neen cenierea on the airplane Industry. When the eight-cylinder motor was developed he was one of the first manufactur era in the country to avail himself ot the opportunity to use it In motor car construction. He was tireless In his experiments. He reverted to his study of the airplane, feeling sure that at the outbreak of the war greater development would result In this field than In any other closely related to the automobile industry. In 1916, Mr. Cole made the an nouncoment that he Intended to take a year's vacation. First divorcing himself completely with everything .that had to do with the building of motor cars, he went to Japan. I'pon his return ho began to assimilate all the new things that had been done to perfect the Internal combustion motor for war use. Tirelessly he labored for months. Not onlv'dld he make a thorough study of motors, but he pried into tne. secrets or aeroplane body build ing and chassis construction Aftor months of Intensive applica tion he evolved his plans' for the Cole areo-eight. These early experi ments had a marked influence n all of the work of Mr. Cole in de veloping thes-latest models and fi nally crystal ftS'd and took shape In the now aero-nlghts. Ills dream of 1 9 1 1 -prrved a real ity seven years later. He found that the greatest all-around efficiency so far de.velope.1 In motor car perform ance -economy, power, wpeed. accel erallori and comfort all consMered-r-could be secured by adapting to au tomobile design the- advanced fea tures which were being applied to the construction of atrvplaGta. CTty; .J!efrom?-EiGHTTouRsyER. I d Though many of his ideas worc)p"rlod of almost seven ycaia, lunv radically opposed to anything pre- cvr, has hi-i n rt spmiMU,. for it vlously encountered In tho aiitomo- i c:Ulv vital and lni.i.i luni'the bile field when the Cole anm-rlght work done in liill was in It effort was completed and It was subject to its first teat the soundni fs of Mr. Cole's theories were piovcd irrevo cably. It Is doubtful whether any manu facturer by a single Btrnke of gnnlus has ever before so completely altered and improved not only the artistic but tho standards as has J. ,T. Cole with his nero-cight. Hla close application and study oX the priy Iples involved over a 60SSIRFR0H,GA50LItO0W S. J. Graham, factory representa tive of the Goodrich truck tire, was In the city this week visiting the Carnation Auto Sales company. The Auto Repalr'& Ignition Co. has about completed the painting and sign .wtirk on Its building on South Cheyenne and it now has the appearance of a mighty busy garage. Jess Chappie of Chap'ple Brothers has been at the Franklin factory In Syracuse, v' VTT all w-n-k trying to get some cars. He Is expected Back the early part of this week. Hob Laird, riistrbt representative of ' the Pennsylvania Rubber com pany, was a visitor with the Carna tion Auto Sales company last week. Jim Forster of thb Forater-Davls Motor corporation returned the past week from a trip over the east, in cluding New York city and the army cantonment, where his brother Is preparing to' leave for the front. G. A. Green went to Okmulgee Thursday evening on ,very import ant business. He returned Friday morning. The Gcssel Motor Sales company report a very heavy sale of Fire stons solid truck tires since the in stallation of its big tire press. Chas. Holcomb, district represent ative of the llupmobllo, was In the city the ptst week. The Hupmnblle agency will shortly be established in Tulsa. 1 I New This Is the rtew Marmon "34" Town Tork Automobile Show, It Is very Ihe bod? is by Rubay, which fully describes it, aa all R utay bodies are custoiu built and ra.'uat on the present Cole product is In stantly apparent na one I'ldis in the Cole ucco-clght. And thnUKli J. J. Colo anil his organization vve nt successful in annexing thu,uuu trophy when they attempted! to propel a Wilght ali-Nhlp itcroH the rnniiiicnt with a Cole motor, back in ltrll, their re waul this year directly tracuble to the woi k done, at that time will bo many times over that amount. r The (). F. Lawless Motor Hales company has taken orders for sev eral Anniversary models of tho Ap person Fight. These models are hard to get and Mr. K-iwIess Is ills posing of them as fast as deliveries can be made. Neal Sutherland, manager of the W. C. Norrls Motor Sales company, has been out of the city all week. R. O. Slough of the Clucker Hlxon Company was a visitor to tho Cnrna. tion Auu Sales company this week. Jai-lt Albright of the Ratellff Sanders company Is covering tho territory this week and will be away about ten days. Ray Sturm of the Sturm Motor Car company has been away from the city all week. The Tulsa Holler Machinery Co. has established one of tho best equipped garaireH In the city nt Its plant In West Tulsa. It is in charge of Mr. Tuttle. P. J. Lang is about settled In his new location on boulevard. Mr. Ijing has changed the nufiio of the business from the Tulsa waon shop to V. J. Latin's Auto Hotly & Trimming Co. George Rlckrr of the Walton Parks Motor company has been In Oklrihomu City tim best part of the week, returning to Tulsa yesterday. Mormon "34" Town Car -- I i -r-v1-'- s-- Sir f 1 9 a R. 1 r "s. ICS- fSV.3'S 7-3f S iff1" K. H . Vetaanr'fi w v rr. t i . . a vw'j.'fl - - - -t a -t aw.. l''.'t' ' ("nr. which Mr. Neal Sutherland tastefully decorated en the nutsid" and ' 1 I ill l-t 1 t IllU I I Mi'l,- Hi'.i.l ; Spi'i'iil.iniiii ii , to I nun r iiiniiuii.nii,ii l' in .. " I'li...,- . , l:. i'..., .'. .1 l!., rl, this Hon ofl'it ,1 h' .1.1 ,livi:,,.i , unit r tin 'I In in dire, t . Ii stainiarii mm I ehiisif. oi luant Ii , I' 111 ii I I leliern I I iaK r I I l t '; i i I ft, Mllnlt'ee. ..f w hi' h i ln l.-l chairman, has u tn k. .! I er of Geaer ll Hal., t I. I Wit k. I 'ta' I lie pi r.M'nl !. tlie una rtcriii tsl t-r s t-i 1 r . Thu ilep'ii lure of Gene, brill. s to the limit u: i.u ' Hon' ion oi ei in i all ii ; i ii. Ilieill of lllntoi- Vellicl '.- I'. under h" ill ll has a... to spread tlllt belief I 11.11 not remain,. r in In position, but that be will ' , i Ills original uiulei Kia inlin ., with I If rlepurtiiif nl, and ii" - u in Ins own company, wlin li is l'i nee i u' n services. It will be i -called Giil services were to iiscd mi' only a few mui tlis. Motor" Hoard lloml. .. Some reports iiroinid Washington, indicate fit-it the government nl not unlikely do with the ve hicle work what hai alien. ly been flitfic in regard to nieii loini siiii s and airplanes. Ir. the cj;-..t ol ship. Charles M. Schwab was selected to take cluuti'i, he being about the Im est man lu. tho country who could bo found to rshuiiic control. In the csho or alrplniies, John I '. Kyati, an-' other "captain" of industry, been selected to take rMarifk. These Important personages have been giv en the work ln two most Important lines Just when some of tlc.i most harassing problems liav,i been solved and Just when the most einlmrrus ing obstacles hue been overcome. Should a similar policy - br fol lowed In the rase of motor vehlclts, the government will combine the procurement and design of such ve hicles Into ono body and appoint to the heatl of It a man of national repute, another captain of Industry, so to speak. Such a change, how ever Is dependent lurgoly upon the enactment of the Overman bill, which has Just passed the senate ami gone tho house, unoer i.. bill the president can co- oidlnato any executive dapartnienu or divisions of the govemi'ieni, ... bis own olseictlon. It l regarded likely therefore, ln soma quarters, that rtecislv.) Heps Will await final action on this bill. POSSIBLE TO CUT-COST 0F GASOLINE TO LOW FIGURE ,9 cw Device Which Feeds Steam M F.ngliie, Said to Increase. I'ower ami Sliced . - It has been demonstrated by some of tho largo oil and pipe line com panies, hb well as some individuals of this city, that an automobile or truck will run from 60 to 100 per cent farther on a gallon of gaso line by tho use of a new device which automatically feeds stoam to the engine at every speed. ri.ia device Is called the Ader- holdt Moisture Carburetor. It Is fastened to tho exhaust manifold, and by moans of copper tubing water Is taken from the engine to this device, carbureted with nlr, heated In the form of super-heated steam, and lnserioa 11110 ine iruiiso manifold between the carburetor and eiiglne block. This steam, com ing In contact with the gas mixture, breaks it up Into a fino clouil of mist and, sends It to the cylinders In a hot, gaseous form.,, This gives the spurk (which has but the UOth of a second to Ignite tho mixture) a chance to explode every particle. T his, giving greater expansion, means morn power and speed on a given throttle, ruts down tho gaso line consumption to where, it will cost less than 17 cents tho gallon. ' ."l . secured when be a--- n.o.'t ltixunou;-'tV ai s n trv T &' ;rt) ...v...- w '. 1 i ' tf T 4 it "'A V it n 4 rW . t t-, 1 ?J. ' tft A .t Zx I VU l Vvt ' , I'hotograph by DeOeldre-Klvkln. It Y V. (H I IITtlX, SalcKmnimBcr Osage Motors t'onx'ral'on, 80 far us wo can Irani this Is the Hist Mine Hay UVBrton ever "sat" for a photograph, lie says It Is hard work, but you ought to talk with ileGueltlie. Ho couldn't keep the subject still long enough to get a good picture. Probably that Is why he Is making such a wonderful record sell ing Hodge, Urotbers cats. We don't know who Invented the slogan, "Do It Now," but balcsmanagcr Overton Is one of the few who practice it. WAR MAKES WORK Hv V. F. 1ILAIIA, (Advertising Manager, Master Trucks, Inc.) It Is acknowledged and agreed to by the multitude Of Intelligent thinkers that after the war thu ul tlmato- result. -m be ..'.M'roiperiUe." . Prosperity Is said and known to come even during war., Our standards have been changed for the duration of Ihe war. Why? Because war is now the normal bus I n ess of tho world, and any business that is in step with the war plans of tho country, any commercial inaus try, any business enterprbio, Is nor mal, now. All other businesses in the eyes of the world, especially ln the eyes of the belligerents, are ab normal. Those who Insist on viewing as abnorinul the conditions that con front us will naturally find It im possible to get In line, being ab sorbed in the whirlwind of tho pres ent time and consequently unable to foreseo clearly and to plan in telligently, liut those who accept war commit. im as normal win rum going more uniform and the air more clarified. Why more prosperity during and after tho war? History tells us that towns, villages. cities destroyed through war havo been rebuilt, modernized ami have even grown larger and prospered more quickly than was possible before the war. Tho destruction of a town Is the destruction of several years of,, la bor; oltl buildings ore, wiped out which otherwise would have been left standing; fund, mateilal, cloth ini;. ettv. that, havo been destroyed must bo replaced, utid modern things and methods substituted. Tliti destroyed homes and public buildings of Ktirnpo will be rebuilt with American heating and plumb ing and other material. Thus It Is rC'lll.ctl that the destruction of a Mown, even though It appears ns a ! ea la;. I ropho ri f tho moment, Is a bit-sting in dj.giri-e (Hies.,,lislif with their J water antl sewaige systema. gas and lighting plains antl iilreel jrnllw.iss, in. ist Ijtt rehabilitated. : Alllerie.i whl be called Upon to fur : nisb inure tneti and mure malt-rial ilo lifter than during mid Ibtl'iire the And that. Will In- crease pi (i;in-i ily le i e. ! The must difficult fur the n'-er-'sge person (.rirasj. Is that war does not ' ii up ii.t,..j " t r t he euii -ilrare. it puts mure munt y in tlrcu- : lation I ba n in p aee llrnes. .M iiliutet ft, lulliuris that in i peace times lie live In savings jaeeuuiits drawing small int.-iest. (Bow - nr.. Ouiil.iy active, Jiawfrig- 4 I per cent foii-iist on tlu-h- owners ! Liberty lioinls, at the same time (tliat H Is ;ing paid on i by I'ln-lo (Sam 10 Wains an. I materials, thus can yini: , prosperity t., ,. vt-i yliotl v. ;.So J.I. nly ,,f in,,. icy is t,n nun.i-il ( eoiitiit :t,n r.f war W lili i..ily nf money It Is only '" '' that t l-i a!.-.- portiui, ,,r j't .Will l- invest.. makinc efflelent ;,v '' '"'sti'ess of i,.iv. and here Is where the nintor Inn k enters Its field of utility anil efficiency. ; l-e.entifi.r einjinei-rinu, greater 'production an;! ct outturn n manu ifactnrlng, have brnui.-lit, the mutur truck ilowri to the point where it:; ;nsn has become as general as tll lt lepbunn a,,.l tel. J;raph. Th mt r fliai.t who .Itljycrs oih'-rwl--.' than tur tnn Ihe r,., k nuv is the ex. rptinri 'l'i. difficultly id tin " rr-mii-ed a t-,,,,t,.t lallways ha use (if mot in fo conduct f"u indiistrit seryi .e than titf w. u it! s W: IllU e ot l.liv ;..' one w in. h ii.,;st Kb i- "V-.. 1 K 1 -t i t. 4 " it "it if -'4 4 ' : 7 K lttftnlKlWvf'KtWLitwn.4l FOR MOTOR TRUCKS trucks and Is responsible for so many other things like tanks, trac tors and aeroplanes used In warfare. It Is going to be difficult for the United Htates army to get all the horsos and mules It needs. Europe has combed the west and south west t rrr Trrmrt --arrtmar. One n4 one-half million horses and mules have been exported since the war began, with the need for Increased production of cereals and other farm products, horses are needed badly for work In tho fields. Kvery mo tor truck used by the farmer en aides him to cultivate more land with his- horses and every motor truck used by a manufacturer or merchant takes the place of from two to a half doxen or more horses. Keeping communication open is doubly essential now, in war time. The motor vehicle is an Important factor ln this work, - Telephone and telegraph operators, linemen and re. pair crews equipped with motor trucks do many times the work pos sible with any other means. Motor trucks are used for dig ging holes, wrecking and emer gency work, erecting poles and stringing wires. Itepalr trucks cov er longer distances and enable broken wires and poles to re re. paired and communication reopened in a fraction of the time required when horse-drawn wagons are used- The post office department is es tablishing postal service by motor trucks between New York and Philadelphia and New York and Hartford, Conn,, besides using them almost exclusively in all of the large cilles In the I'nlted 8tates. With extension of this service between other cities much of the burden of hauling parcel post matter will be taken off tho overtaxed railroads. Highway repair work Is being done much quicker ami more cneapiy by the use of motor trucks for haili ng and applying oil and hot tar than by tho use of teams. The government Is urging the or ganization of ro-operatlve delivery servlea in all smaller cities and towns; such service . reaches iti highest development and economy in men anil money when motor ti ucks ure used. One motor truck dues tho work of three horse-drawn vehlclts on an average. Thug the motor trurk Is adding to the effi- icacy of tho nation. MEN 'OVER THERE PREFER CADILLAC TO OTHER CARS ThlM Machine hnlil to Siiind Heavy mid Hani Work Thau Majority of Oilier Makes. In n letter to K. C Howard, sales iiianac.'.'r of the Cadillac Motor Car company, V. (J. Austin of Savan nah, tin., who Is ln service in France, comment- at length on the popu larity of the Cadillac among army in in who drive ami use motor curs. " herever 1 iru, to whatever motor control," the letter says, "It Is the same story. Ilrivers who have other ! cars 'iisMicned to them are envious I of tlie f"!lov who has a Cadillac. The drivers all for tho Cadillac, (me driver who had one informed me that It had gone 4'., 200 miles since June, and In all that time ho hadn't touched it with any tools except tils (.ii can anil tire-change tuols. I antl found everywhere -untiling officers and soldit..,is. 1- EJrti-h officers and otitis -a preference for the Cadillac. "Intn l. Iiuai'ine it is asy uitn; I liver here because you used to hear that tin- I'rencli roads were porf.-et. They are far frum pint! -an.l some are even wrse 'than that - due. uf t'oiiiM-. to heavy hauling and iuck i ui label' fur repair woik.'1 War Department Cuts Purchases from 57,110(1 to JO, 000 Limited Transport the Cause. Lack of merchant ships and the apparent inability of the United Slates and the allies to provide more rai'30 space has necessitated n curtailment of the contracts for motor, vehicles on the part of the war department.' Instead of .con tracting f(ir f)7,O00 motor vehicles for delivery between July 1 and the end of the current year, the ord nance nnd uuurtermasler's division of the army will let contracts for but O.nuo cais. in these two of tho most Important divisions the program win be curtailed by 7, not) motor vehicles or by more than r.O per cent, primarily because it la Impossible to ship more than that across tiiii Atlantic. According tu tho figures fathered by the Washington representative of Automobile Tuples, the ordnance division hstl planned to let contracts for 8.',0nu motor vehicles between July 1 anil the end of the current ur. llils division has cut its pro gram to vehicles. On the other hand, Ihe quartermaster had ' planned to let contracts for Sfi.OOO cars, but that program has been cut to- 12,000. What can be done after the end of the current year, or beginning ylth the new year of 1919. depends entirely upon the ' shipbuilding program. "' if more cargo space cn be pro vided, evidently the army procram will, be Inctcasod, as more motor vehicles will be needod on the bat-, tie front. . Curtailment of the pro gram In either dlreotMn has an im portant beailnn. If the shipping , board does not provide adequate cargo space, Imports and exports must be further curtailed. Already the proposal has been made to cur tall imports of rubber. Here Is a problem on which the government Is now at work, and it Is becoming a greater and greater problem every day. As one promt nent manufacturer who has been In Washington studying the condl tlons stated, this is the time for manufacturers to balance their stocks. Manufacturers should not place orders for materials and sup. plies based upon the prospects for enlarged business or sales. They should, however, balance off all their stockl ln preparation for the curtailment of shipping facilities. 'TULSA FOUR' WILL HAVE LARGER PLANT BaTes htnriing io KKt TMon Factory Faculties .Vcowwftrr, .. Material Easy to Get ' f j.-. Tht Tulsa Automobile corporation , will shortly announce un increase In its output of Tulsa four cars. Ihe -demand for these car has far ex ceeded their expectations and make this step neoessary if they are to fill orders that are comina ln. The re cently established retail salesrooms oy me xuisa Auto stales oompany have sold inanv of ilmu rm in' Tulsa and vicinity. The General Motor Car company of Nowata, the distributors In northeast Oklahoma. are rapidly increasing sales on the Tulsa four and are very enthusiastic aver It ,P When the factory lujt north of ' Tulsa was opened tho Intention wa to turn out oars at tne rate of five a day. This la being done now and does not take care of the doniand. so an addition la being planned to practically double this output. W, 1. Bhaw, general maifnger of the company, slates that we are not suf-, ferlng from the luck ot material ltke tne eastern factories ape, and ns the Tulsa four Is built here It Is much easier to get the rw niaterial transported here than it Is to have the finished product ehlppod here from the east. The people of OkUhoni.i have tak en to this local product in their characteristic way, and in a short tlmo It will not be surprising thai Tulsa can boast of as big an auto mobile factory as some ot the east ern cities. The Tulsa four is thor oughly established now and dealer are taking It on all over the south- west. It Is a rnr that Will sell us ' well as one that wil glv service, and .:. tho Tulsa Autnmoblla corporation (xpects to seo its national distribu tion. Mho Pleased Them.' The children happened to be present " when mother received an applicant for the position of nurse maid. "Why were you discharged from your last place?" asked the mother, when she had ascertained, after much Ingenuity, that the applicant had not voluntnrily left that place. "Well, ma'am," said the girl very frankly, "to tell the truth, I some times forgot to wash the children, ma'am." Whereupon there came trom the children In chorus: "Oh mother, please engage her.!" All Ho t'nderlook. Old Crusty: I ''You ask for my daughter? Why, youne; man, on your present salary you could not even dress her!" Suitor: "Oh, yes, sir, I could keep her In gloves!" old Crusty: "What do you mean by that'.'" Suitor: "Pardon me, sir; I asked only for her hand." Wuntcd Two Jobs. A man named Lioilgln hint recent ly hetn appointed foreman in a br!okard, Im. Ills name was not known lo Hit Ihe employes. - - ( me day while on ins round bo came across two men sitting in a coiner, smoking, and steppe, I near lllt-lli. 'Who are o'l f' asked one -if them. "I ho r i l'..t:l,;lr.. llieil. the new foreman," "S . arc wnrl ct s. smoke.' we. replied the other "tilt down and naAej.-v p li .'ii hi