Newspaper Page Text
f 4 .. TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1018. t k - '1 t i t St a Oklahoma via Washington in r i frti rn m nltf in mh In to l'i csidctit Vv'll .ijn, il 'i 1 1 i i ii ni. h 1 1 ( .n re- Ml i nfCifi, used the World' Washington Hun .hi -By Omer K. Benedict Hfi I'.ixe liiillilinj WSHINiT'N, M.iV I -''on-Crewman T. A. i 'hau lier h re entered iik"iimi l' i 11 " " ' atalnst a propose. I ruiimt of the Indian department whu-h n'iHK. holders of tl'.n i tmr n' : I" I"' Bin drilling within ruiiriy ibi,,.'i after ' approval of lrni Hlth'M , Ifi.n.-K have prm i 1 I fi.r drilling u -ll within one i- ir filler approval, x py rental lnt the new proposals iii.iMih It tumid itury cn the holder' of leases to drill, and docs riot provide tin- payment of rir ritii 1 penally In delimit of drilling. Th posit n r liken iy Him Indian office Im that their pruponcd m w re striction will insure early deudop ment rf lea.;. .a mid thu udd to th prodit : ion of iill. mi badly needed fr-r tlie .t os leuilon nf the wur. Vr. ('handler lakes ihe position that a ninety day ptml.iion would work a hurd.ihlp on the holder III rnanv ways In Hie f 1 1 L plnro It would pines tlie opcrutor aluulut'dy at the merry nf the supply i oni'nriix, end It la nut nlwavH poNsihlc, under the. great demand fur steel fur oper ator to old .il n influx and oilier lini terial with whh h lo drill well. In th sec. and pla, Mr. Chandler con tends that such a d.uise would tend to deter work of the wlldcaller who Mocks up acrcaKo for ths purpoHe nf prospecting for oil, miineUilntr lhnt should st thla time he more and more encouraged, Instead of throw- mi: ; Th Mild o) riiHiiv '"lid him ariy Iriijjitii office it I'l- ll'd'ljl.K 111, '-'IS' H. a .1 , I' l'TII III I""".! low ,r it.iy limit in d Mr i r Mil. ii:n .ini.i'i.1 the p. .Mm fiav. Washington. Vc iii..i i .f I. l.i In il to my "Ir hi:" opy" li f V le'cc fiorii and .li.iruiiK I liey dare ('WJltKlper lllrfi Ret tiiwH tinned ml., ' llinea make erima. Tin.' Mty 'f hpee I ,n.,tt.ilH Hiilinu down l.-iu reiv earn with r'e not lake the time to "nlrep nver II" manv nlKhtx or wei (, ,. in,.nim they lanil..-iMi "cop 1 I lu-oi. l ,i Hn. wrlier, and trne.tii.if lip- i-up reader :! printer and pii.of r.-adi r In i oi . reft It, let II k'i .t III. I So nun h for lull ndin I. on: Now the point: Tlii re la h m it.iln wriiiian nnldiiiK In TiiImh. wliii i.ihm ie i n hlotl iiite freipientlv In n.Mi.l iiiinnt ninilii rotiinitllii'-atlonii to )u hiiieini, and In mli'-r it i i t i h nf lh. Wi rid htalf. ..'inll'iif mil Hninn llllie ilnlliipnrlnnt i i.tisl curl nm of ihiii lliiir Will In lhl-!(i- I. II. if. I'linie nnonTnoiiHly, Hie Idertiny of lln writer la well known Hhe li .iii an ni tint nl I. nut In wi lling Thla alory In written aa n a ir!i;ei tlon to hor, and lo point mil in In i that ahe ran ureal ly hra.l n iln seope pf licr charily, hy addri-sslii;; ainnivmoti . one liirl.i i- ,,. I lin Ill i n nl ti l ! ' ''Mil' In I low . iniii.vvii.i; K. nu n. : '"I'lie depart '; li'i til nf niiti,.,. co-operate to the ntliii -M .11 M-ii,(f i hilt all cIihiki-k ,ne I" ''- ! and the truth xnl nt-P "Mnl at, ' , Kood. The president nas line, it, and . without crltlelam. 1 hut If a huny writer on Ihe. Wnrl I i,, I would us,., ii,.. w..i', "K,,t" I,, ftnv ,., . "I'c.r. liiiieii ie-.-. "vol e i," up, would (,imr annther cnirectlon from MrK AnonyinoiiK. I know of no writer on Ihe Wnild who claims 1'ifallil.illty In ihctmi. , Idlt 1 am unite rerlHin Ihey all know Ihe iu!ca of eiliieii.. wll eiiouv'i to cauHe tnern lo nhilnk from a.i drenMriK ationymoija n ininiii.lcati.':i,H lo anyone on any Hiihject. I or:: IL, i" '9 f,l i -t.s m : ..m i-: if r. T HE Prospective Mantelniecc buyer will find here more to see ana more worth see ing, at most reasonable prices. If you want your bathroom tiled we can give you good service, with best of material and workmanship and our prices" never suffer as a result of comparison. We have the bent line of Andirons in this sec tion of the southwest in colonial brass and Eng lish hand-made wrought iron. Also gas logs and grates. , UNFIT DRAFT MEN" PLACED IN U. S. GUARD SERVICE Twrnty-rive llaltallnni rc to Itr Oricanl,-,1 Willi stivnKth of I.VQoo Men. WAHIIl.S'tiTfiN. May II Organi zation of the 1'lill.d Nlatn K'lMrdn wa.s rcHumed lodiiy hy Ihe war partniiiiit'n inllltla hurra,,, Tho de partnienl has placed at the ,Ihm,h.-iI of Maj lien .l..,:,. Curler, chief of the military I. mean. I.illn) .trail ed men who after tiamuik' with the tiatinniil km .id in national iirn.y dUleimiK. have he. n found dii.i.ia!l fled idoMoillj for keneral inilllary nciylte. Il la intended to recruit 2 ' hai- 'I'lWl "f four rillli.llK'ii each, a to tal of la.lllMi men. W hen Ihe nrol. -! wan frl n ,.rn ed Home weeka iiko, IJ niini'iiiiii h were " nrKanlxed and are now In eeryl. n Volunteer oiillHlmciifM will l.e aianpinil a limited ilctft-en IhrmiKh the renular army lecrullinK ofdcen, hut only men who have hud prior military ei vice and w ho can produce, the heet dine hurt;ea will he li(;lhle The diylKlnim are dial rihuled na follows: j Nort henKt crn department, three; ; eaalern department, nine; oulh I enntern, two; rentral, two, aouthern. five; weatern, four. There will he required In all 775 nffieera and thene will ha ronuniK aloned upon recnmmeiidatlon hy Omioral Carter, who will haae hl.H ac tion oi Ihn reanlt of exanilnallona condinted hy board convnied ,y do pari merit ( nmiij.inderH. I.e.:,nn ,M,,y 11, e haw here Ch wurd on a vai' I larily"' II- had cm.- ;,i ; Ills .en,le knew ., ,,l , .l lei.1 :i .11, d c i ill.-:-, i ; . 1 1. r J upon h:iu w-:l h i .1 lou it :: ri Iru- In h.s alle.ied I-in;;. mm a. i to l Ih-Ii- ,(,yt r I, n. h.f :u' ,, ,. had ru :! ihe .e...'e w U h a n I theocra. y, and here ci h r w Iww I. i.i'in. mi. . ea I I 11.1 31. i i i ted f- r i till. lie I) ,p'l r i I i w. and The , hief r looked ! in r. s.a Ida I!"?. )' Old Iinl acknowli dl-e it. The jiiialniiiy of all .e.iilc-t who know of Chi,'- I.!!.--, e fm hii.i, hut mi do Sa lin and hi.-: iinis.i tries Ihry believe and trcn.l.le, ( fs not enough to believe In ..HUs, unless that belie' lcnia nf. pi .icknow-ci;t ,,nd obey , Ins ;i III lim it v . - ! I''i' the ii:.( pri'la were now ; i-'o I'.l t" i.;: riniiT deMicr.'ition. he Mt.j.iin.M wi-i r-tt:i beyond nil i"lito. ::(. icl h in l.e .no t.. -.1 , ,;, t he ,,, i n it ii.-, nf this oi N'-il i and .son . t h l n i; to dis- ! i l;m. !.. f.-re ;lic i nii.ini.n pen,- pi.', wh...n adnnra! I..1 led tberii lo l.i l.-. i ihe f. ni:d..t:oi;s nf their Ihe '. iit:. isi mnv were fat . rurnhlinir : I, "lie. 1 1 h their feci . A : a prelim - Molt Coming for AsahtaiKa. PAKIS-, May 11. John R. Mott, er-rretarv jf the International V. M. C. A., will eae aonn for America. 1 r. Mott eMiriiateH that larijo rein- foirement for the Y. M, C. A. are needed a. the aiaff In under-manned and from keven hundred to einhl hundred men and women n-lll b, required each month for the reat of the year to fill out the ranks of the "trlaiiBle" workers. , .Vuinral Infpronw. 'Words fall me ." "Well, donf mind me," said old fjaunt N. Grlnj. "On ahead a i swear All you want to.' We buy clean, white rairs, Iiri: them to The World J'libllahlng cop,, pany and ask for Mr. Mao Brume.-. Adv. love ,ihd f'.l i:!-. t.ri. f. K.IWI the . -.ill. ri i nperate With him away In unsT, In Ihe cnnitnnn .e. fin. Uei lo Inn sl.mi Kl.icni Hitherto h keep oil t nf tin- w: eneinlrn, cl Hints' w .y i n be : I'll ll'l Ihey .. hi to . I urti" pi le with th : cu ii at 1 HIT lot I 1 nniMics M ,i n y I had been dnni to Hfrli'i y, f,,r after fame nr id ih.y ir d Willi en i r, u - had '...:,' hi !. V of hi .-.II"!.., I' ll In-i- to w oi K INSURANCE MEN TO HAVE ANOTHER HEARING ON TAX f 'onmratlon ConimWHlon w(a .May 17 Ihilo for I'uwdiiK on Anpllcntion. Hpo-UI lo The World OKLAHOMA CITY, Mav 11. In auriinca companion writing fire. liKbtninK and tornado Insurance will be heard attain by the Innurance board on May 17 aa to iippllcatmn of the rnmpunlea to charKe a xiir tax on Insurance. The board con atrtiea the charKe tn erpial a 10 per rent Increase In ratea on insurance and so far Jias not felt Justified In granting It. The companies have been asked to furnlah specific evi dence why such an exlra charge should he allowed and It expected they would do so on the date Se.i fur thn hearltiK. "Wo desire tn be fair with the companies," said W. It. .Samuel, sec retin y of the board, "but on mnl them to show us without oueNllon, that we would be Justified In urant Ihk" this charKO." ll:it ill I in. c in CM I tllll "I , I I , . . , .,' nf h;., ,-ieat w wl'h an ii'i-i'i. he w.i-i Hot Ie. .' piiliti.'il infl, I' ll ai': fi i' Ui.-y f-r.t a . I -1 . j t .-. t i .n to lein.i :;.. of li-:ins from y)ience he -I hii amt'oi iy io up set their In l i'-he. 1 :i 1'. j. i;rn ;i;i..l jimim!' to Int. lie the l,i.l.i'li of their re. i'l-uH -. a n . s Thrv hnpid to nip lulu Inln -i.n.e liidiM'ieet con- .' i"ii ihi To.i! I i n ihie them to -.. I - - f ' , -1 , - li.. i,i..i... iind ilenouMce i'l. I" f " I. ix i' .'ilai'itv rit be. .mi. I iln ir p.,w-. r tn chec Hut l.. u U ,s liol et rcidy to Kive 'I,' ' lo4 I - Willi ; then, : .1. till If If; MI.I in Ill' I- own III the atHt: mi- I l.i n -ci . , confMuuded them ticlhi'ils and put de nf eillier cntl-.-i nr wilhdrawlnK Hut now Ihe tune had con.e r..i hm lo h Mur r t hla aurboritv in I dial lenue the effete I h. .mi a( y it Jeiu Mitlerii tri r.pen i nnf!;. i The crniia wan hi f. i .. ho- 1 1 1 time was near at hand d h i. on HlO VITEH nf I Kl e.,t . , enl. hi defies the delbiiou:. I I ml: w tl worn opirenln lua pi yokes them to their most .1 antHUnruxm. 'li,,. nm,. f..r i.-.j had paused and m,, imo. f,,r hud arrived. II,. knew ih,i i'iiUTno could lea i only l,. yini perserijl Ion and death, I ill. here on he hesitated not i , his authorily in the f a. of a poidllori. liul the "w ei i him. They met him hi Hie ci the city and spread rami, no palm loaves in his paih. h ulm.; I. mi as a mighty king and .l.-lr. . i . i I low many of Ihese cut h unl.isi n- wor.-h:p-pera were Imnestly conei-r'd and bow Tiianv were lu-d i ari n d aw.iy liv the tllfectniiis nil of the rnuitlo 'I.I llll iii. I ,iv ' l.ll,- cl lo'l Ho : ls.-.ert I op w h If nf d I I .1 U. ' I 1 ' ' I . in. !.,.: f .l"l,n. llilli nr i pVo.c f lt e,,.v ", f. i, . . ,- .; 1 1 " l lie :iskr t I 'lit it w a j k aiioii and I . -li tM nf Ihe tilde wn caiiriot knw a itrlklnr; public demo struck .terror to ihe I h pin rtt. H in p.. i f. To irinke inatteis doubly deper,ite. he attacks the prevailiiiic 'V. i ,i ft nf the temple kci vice. Hot as one pro tottlnc. but as me havitii,' authnr Ity. The merchants of the holy hoiifte, who were i:rnw inir 't ich off I them tn, the ruin- ' ' het her It was of r I. unci n. In eoncc-i -. li. 't; ' h( v had inn-' John's roph et f hi p i ! to n ur ii nm ir now. i i likely lo turn tho ! t In'Mi i in the nt her ' in v a.-KiuiH leib;e.l him as ' f t l.'.l. they c.inde:uned ' for jjivini: him such ' ::nii n.n. Kather than ac- i r a It- rn It ice, t -,ey plead- J ie-, ;i in I thus i:a ye .1, sua : i -i no.. m:il.. pretevt to refuse to i . e a r- o-.o-t for Iiih acts. i 'lln- n m or woman who takes' jhli for Christ and makes a public in Itrmw I...i;nient nf his deir- i'i'"i' i i ioiiuw nirii, even in ttiia 1 f!l''1 'lirisinin ane, is gnlnK to! , I ah ic. te.l to scrutiny from : ihe wi ld, and most, of the scrutiny I w ill Im unfi lerullv. He needs be. I hind him lh.. support of t'be Lord ) i In cari v In r.i thrnuch pravelv and I .,i -.1 i o Ladies,' Silk Hose Knysrr, Coibnm, . a Kara .Maid and .Mo alluniM, tn nil ,.,,. orx mid hPuck und hllc $1.50 to $2.50 "na cp full-, for tint all nf us realize that we have authority from on hmh. and few- nf us will dare to col lo Ihe lentths of standing up far I '.."I in the face of all sorts of op-1 on. Jesus has the authority from the Father, and what we need! s to ip i In partnership with him! arid then we i.m afford to defy thai world. And we need, too, to ask' hll. l lo ..).. rO. ...... ...... ..I,. v... I of swindling the poor devotee.,, wlio, ,,, ,lr f,f Wl),!;,h;, : kii'' 'Il ' " " f'"', "" era led by ,ll.,.oncealed fon.n.erclal- i muniiilly pure i.lfirinns. and those 1 i. , . ,,i,,o...i i, .. n , .... ! I heir j "eeliers. Inn one M..11U u .- n...i. money,..s. into w hich he bus prom- iii" sen to come in and dwell. He must first cleanse thm of all selfish. rr.mi afar who bad to u..t rnoiiry chanced into tempi ar a ruiiimis discount, wen especial ohlects of his attention. Ha cleansed the temple from Its mer cenary aspoct. and rebuked them for having turned his father's biume of prayer inUi a den of thieves. For thousands frm many parts nf the world came here an to the center of all that reliKioti meant to them, and In their piety wore easv prey for the sordid and selfish guardians of worship. And there was no resist ance to his commands, tluilty i-on- i-lefieen ii.i.Uft rni.' i,t .,11 These temple merchants, conscious' (tf thf Hlnflllto.HU r t l.n.lim.. I "ss and hypocrisy. He will not do thla without invitation. Wn cannot n it unaided, but we do have the decision whether lie shall bo In. cited to dwell Hh us or not. And i f wo invite hltu In and keep him there, the powers nf evil will have to net nut. for they cannot both i iweli In the same place. Jion't ever doubt Ins Hiiiboruy. not' his willin;:- We cannot be Christians and lcae. those .'intiiiriinhdic powers tn ul. i our lives. If he enters, he i ur Kin. und there can be no oth-r had no excuse to offer when they j kini;n before him. were biibien lo depart. They rec- li,Hi been mven to OKPIaed th authority of .lesus, thol md on earth. " "All nuthorjiy mo In he.iwii Buy Thrift Stamps I'nolo Sum Is In hii busllicss those days. Ho needs ytsur spiiro money. Ho dix-sn't ask yon to Rlvc It to him merely to loan It. The Sun's Rays Are Telling You It's Time to Lay Aside Your Heavy Suits and Come Out in Regulation Summer Clothes When ijou set out to buy a summer suit, remember one thing a summer suit simply has to be long on quality if it is to retain its respectability after a few wearingss Inferiority in light-weight suits certainly does work havoc io an otherwise well groomed aih ,- pearance. Here are suits of silk, tropical worsteds, mo- ' hairs, etc., light and cool, yet as well made, as shape retaining, as stylish, as your spring suit. Silk Poplins, Tropical Worsteds, English Aeroporcs, $20 to $35 Mohairs, $12.50 to $25 Koo! Kloth, $I2J0 to $20 palm Beach, $1250 orotnera J THE B G 0- - ' I MipMMBSWSHSMSiMSSWWWMWMMIIMSBWMMWMMMBaiiWMWBWiMMMMWMMSBWMWIWSMIMMMMj FURNITURE S ALE Opens Again Tuesday at 9 o'clock!1 v u , ... To catch up. with our deliveries and get more goods from our warehouse "WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY This immense sale of FINE FURNITURE has assumed a magnitude unheard of before in the shopping districts of Tulsa. It means three months business in two weeks'. You could not imagine more favorable conditions for a big sale. WE HAVE TO MOVE And the largest stock in the history of the store on hand The cost of Furniture soaring CA Tlff lr? V Everyone -anxious to save and we must sell MIT it . 1 IlL Second at Boulder PySWM',IH.'l1'intR jl JWBlpWSWllWMWIWl