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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, MAY 12, m ummer Economies That Create Desire and Impel Action TO A Three Day Sale of House Linens s 3 ' Many Pretty Styles in Women's Separate Wash and Silk Skirts Fashion's favorite skirts are to lip found here in now and exclu sive styles. A woman cannot but delight in looking through our comprehensive stock, for she will be sure of finding the skirt that best strikes her taste. The most critical woman will find complete satisfaction here, as every skirt is a model of grace and distinctiveness. Charming skirt models developed from silk taffeta, poplin, pussy-willow taffeta, silk faille, baronette satin and silverdrip, in solid colors of tan, gray, blue, black and gold, together with an abundance of plaids, stripes, and flowered (T- f CJQPC designs. Priced reasonably, from v J-U to ipOO Wash Skirts in a variety of models every one smart and of fin- quality material, including white pique, gabardines and linens; all sizes. Triced $3.50 to $12 $12.50 Silk Taffeta SkirU Special, $7.95 One assortment of fine (Trails I'liinl tiifiVu i-kirtn. Colors nf blue, itfi-n. K"l'l and brown. HcKui'ir .11 2. rid v.ii- (Vrr nr lies, ..speC'Inl Hi tjj tUti A Place of Good Blouses Crisp and Dainty for Summer Days That's a pleasant thing to hear about our blouse section particularly when it was not said directly to any one of our people, but was the remark made by one shopper to anotner. This is indeed a place of good blouses, and good blouses only good in style, good in material and gootfNn price because we establish and maintain a siyie anu qu.. standard that lets in only that.kind and class. We always have a plenty and a variety of blouses. We are .daily receiving $6.50 BLOUSES $4.95 SPECIAL at 50 fceorRotte rrcpo blouses In handsomely embroidered and bead ed efforts, also plain tailored mod eld. rialn and roll collars. Our regular $6 50 values. Special at $4.95 more and more blouses, from the simple -little voiles to more elaborate ones, hand-made and ex quisitely embroidered blouses of organdy, voile, linen, batiste, crepe de chine and georgette crepe. Priced moderately at $2.50 $15 VANDEVER'3 THIRD FLOOR W M ,!!. ... i im r NJ This llnlookcd for Event Will Be of Greatest Importance to Housewives in Tulsa and Vicinity because they have come to realize that the prices of all linens are constantly going up and up. Only the fact that we contracted for lurge quantities of this most necessary merchandise months ago before the high prices were put into effect, enables us to sell it at the prices quoted below, or even to sell it at all, as many of these items arc not on the market now. If you are apt to ncd household linens any time within the year, then now is the opportune time to buy them. On account of the many inquiries and tremendous demand of our customers we investigated the WESTERN ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE and have found it the most reliable and economical portable sewing machine on the American market Special Offer this Week for Home Trials & Easy Monthly Payments THE NEW WAY TO SEW How would it help you with your sewing if you had a machine you could carry anywhere you wished to sew, and one you did not have to work to pedal ? The machine, covers and all, weighs less than a packed suitcase and is no larger than a typewriter. RELIABLE Tou'll like the kind of work it docs, the daint iest or the heaviest it is practical eaHy to keen in order. Vp-to-date. it has all the at tachments you like bent. With them Vou can easily make many of the dainty difficult jookins thniffs you have been afraid to try Table Linens 72-inch Irish anil (icrmania Table Linens. In beautiful f lor.i I and conventional designs. Hpc clal for three duys-- 2 25 value, per yard SI. OH Z SO value, per yard K III S t 0U value, per yard !. M SO Value, per yard l H S 4.00 valueper yard S3.SU Pattern Table Cloths Irlhh and (icrmania. Pattern Cloths in round and square pat terns, flora! and conventional dcslRns. extnrfYTne quality, Spe cial for three days--72x72, KeR. 6 SO value . ...". 50 TL'xfln, Hen. J7.50 value ... $0..M MxKO. Hcr. X SO value. . MxlOX, Hoc. ). 50 value.. SH. 50 Mxl2t, I te((. S 1 2.60 value 110.75 Lunch Cloth Knncy Irish Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, floral and conventional designs. Special u for three davs Hx.t4. Res. 3 ft value. 3fix3. Kpk. $4 00 value. 45x4ft, He. 17 B0 value. 4Sx48, ItcR. IH.Ofl value. 64x64, Keif. (10. 00 value. .S2.S .S.S? , .. . . 0 05 ... 5 TableNapkins Irt'-li.jniil 'ii-nuania l.lnt'ti Nap kins to inaltli Hit- tabu, linen. I'ticed fur t lit f- lii)s as f-i.. IllWH ft il valiK s. per ilia. . 4 :ll ( li iiii value, p. r On.-. . 5.115 J 7 Mi values, per . s n.ti5 S STill values, per lint, ...S 7(15 t (I. .Ml Vlllllcn. per dux . . . S 8 5 $ 10 no values. Ir iIm. . It 15 112.60 values, per dux. . Kit. 15 Embroidered Lunch Cloths, Napkins and Buffet Scarfs Hand-made Mnderta Kmlirold ered l.uni h Cloth?, various ap propriate designs. Special fur three dava 36x38, ltek-. 0 00 values S H.50 4.r,x40, Ites 12 10 values III III) Napkins to match. Special for three days- I K.60 values, per do...S 7.50 tlO.OO values, per dux. 11.00 112.60 values, ier duz. Illlio buffet Kcarfa to match. Special for three dayi t X.60 values, each S 7 60 J 10 00 values, each f W OO 112.60 values, each 1 1.00 Linen Muck Toweling All Linen Iluek Toweling, pjaln or fiiney desiKns. Special for, three days- - fti-K. OIic valuer per vvrd . . .40c Ivct. 7jc value, per yard . . .50c. Ken. H 'ie value, per yard ... life ItrK. l value, per yard... Hoc Linen Huck Towels ' . I'ure I.lnrn Muck Towels, some plain, while others are hem stitched plain and fancy put terns. Spmlul for three days Iti-l,. Bar value, each... 49v Keit. 7,'ic value, each... 50o lte. 11.00 value, each... Mr lie. 1125 value, each . . . SI. 00 I tel.; l. ;,0 value, each ... 11.19 Linen Sheeting 90-Inch extra fine Linen Sheet InsT Special for three days Tteir. 12 60 value, per yard Si. IS Uck. J 00 value, per yard S2.B9 Itcg. lil.liO value, per yard IJ.KH Linen Tubing 42 and 45.neh Linen Tubing. Special fur three day It.-K. S 1.36 value, per yard SI. 10 IteK 11.60 value, per yard SI.20 Ht'K- 1176 value, per yard $l.8 A Rousing Sale of White Dress Linens FOR, THREE DAYS i Fancy Linens, suitable for waists, suits and skirts; light, medium and . tavy weights. Special for three days - Re. 11.00 value, per yard S9c He it. II 2d value, ,er yard Si. 00 Hok. 11.60 value, per yard SI. IB Rck. (l ot) value, per yard SI. 00 Rex. 12 25 value, per yard St." Ren. 12.60 value, per yard SI.DS Handkerchief Linens K-inch Handkerchief Linen for Waists and dresses, very fine and sheer. Special for three days ft. 21! value, per fard SI. 10 $1.60 value, per yard . . . .SI.3S tl.76 value, por yard St.SB 12.00 value, per yard .'. . . .SI.SS VANPKVKR8 KIHSTKLOOH 'Western Electric NO. 1 Vibrating Type One of the types most Vihrt- , ... , commonly used; has Mbrating shutt e, and is eauin- Ped with automatic tension rl PRICE lease and . automatic bobbm $37 5Q Western Electric NO. 3 Automatic Type Known, too, as single thread machine chain slltch without a hopbine. Stitch ran be unrav eled bv breaking thread at nnv point. This Is conven ient If you're remodeiinB garments. PRICE $56.50 Western Electric . no. 2 Rotary Type Has rotating bobbin and automatic tension is free from vibra-, efficient, high- ) pdipf tion; silent, giaae. Kuns one-third faster oimpiy constructed and easi operated. x $49.50 Western Electric So. 4 Substitutes a spool for a bob bin. Operates on rotary principle and sews di rect from two spools. Thw mrna no more bob bins to wind. Has automatic tension. Docs especially hiffh prade sewing. Just PRICE I 1 t J. ,.4U 1 ,iin vl J a pressure 01 ine 1001 raiuui lit Wi wffiA . ' ' vrr 'n'tfhfiyh ifdilOtX mninr nr-riir.itcl v reeulates its .speed or stops it. It responds instantly. S58.00 Phone 3600 and ask for the Elec tric feeding Machine demonstrator she will gladly give you alj the information you desire. Twenty - two Western Electric Sewing Machines are now being used by the various Red Cross unita of this city. Eighty - seven Western Electric Sewing Machines in Tulsa homes giving every satisfaction. Red Cross The Red Cross Head quarters are in need of assistance. You can do noble work by helping the Red Cross. VANIiRVKR'S .SEC'iNIi KUiOK Why, It Will Almost Go in My Knitting Bag Just think of it a complete, full sized electric sewing machine so compact, so light that you can carry it in one hand upstairs, or down, to your neighbor's or to the war relief workrooms. When your work is finished you put the machine out of the way on a closet shelf. - Tho oji'ctric-motor does the hard work relieves you of the tire of pedaling and runs for three hours on 1 cent's worth of electricity. You'll so enjoy sewing with this ma chine and you'll find that-you get so much more sewing done, that you'll economize as thousands of other women are doing in these-war times, by making your own and youf chil dren's clothes. This new kind of a machine costs only $37.50. Less than-most of the well known makes of the old-fashioned foot power machines. 1, s : .S s