OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, May 12, 1918, FINAL EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1918-05-12/ed-1/seq-6/

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Information of -Unusual Nature
. Found in This "Questionnaire"
' fBy P.rc ipror.i I Service.)
LONUoN, U'.y Mml)--April 3 0
The following n,iinMiiris have I, em
received from rn-w ;p; I"-1- rcadi-is In
the mltldle-wi-i.
The answers am I i h"1 on In
formation rec iv,-d from nfriii.il
HlIK Kriglail'I 'lull' ll-- hll.lPH In
the wnr uh ciiihi'.i i ! ui'h :-Vnt !,t nd,
Ireland and tlx- 'intiii-s "
lp to the bei-'iiirnrig of It) I the
Prltleh empire had iniiinlinti.il
T.SUO.nuO Mini tn the 1 1 1 ) force of
domociiiry. nut nr this total Krrg
land a lime -mil i ilm'i'd 4.t3i.uiin
figvitiug men. h-tiii'-t hln g ocr 1,11
per cent df I In- whole. Scotland
rame next with u i . Wales frave
I'fiO.iiiMl 11 ii -1 I tul I70.0IHI The
population of Ireland Is aliuut Hie
game us that nf l-Vniland, arid one
Mnth of Hi ii "I I : i . i-1 . 1 1 1 1 1 nnil Wales
The personnel nf I hi- navy Is ahimt
Are there nriy wnin'-n In Hie ICog
liHh amy?
Tti women's nrinv auxiliary rorpR
' had enrollcu ill Hiiii women In Feb
ruary, J u 1 H, of whom ti.dOO were al
ready abroad And f.0OU under nail
ing orders Tin riirim In nn off.
cm I part nf Hie llrrtish army.
Women Munition Worker.
How many wninen lire employed
In munition? plants In KiiKlnrid ?
In J u li i i.i i v. 191 K, there were more
than "OO.Qiiu women it I worn (in mu
nition und morn than 2, 1100,000
men en employed,
What ia the puy of the HrlHh
The minimum pay for private la
8S renta a day, and tho nilnliniun for
offlrera IS. do. The average pay of
the J-'renih private la 6 renin a day
when In resfrve and .10 cents a ilnv
In the fighting line.
What la Nngliind's total war del, I?
..Mr. lionar Ui'i latest estimate i
not nni'-li timler Jln.OOH.fiOO.ooo of
j Which IS, 000,000,000 In for loans to
tin- allies nod dominions
1 How rniichfias Kiitflai.il bor row -I
f i III t he duti'd S'atl . ''
The aiiuiuiit now (Apiil, I I s i U
' aoniel hlng short of I :l.ii00 dun fluo.
! What la the weekly r.i'u.n fm
u ilia lis in Lng'a tnl '
i I'ivilluna are ii ! Ii i u I i 'h ii i I a
lent of twenty- oiiio i'ii nl' O ii'ii.-ri
fluent per wi-li, four h-uh-i o! I.ul
j ter or margarine ami itr.'hi o.ir.ii's
i of sugar' In rer'alri dirirlits ti-.i
'la rationed, the me xhhm m i"'ing- one
ind one half inno-es a v''i;. ,.
I'ni Hoc ring liolll-( d.
W hat ill. i. ul f I piollli ' is"
I'rof 1 1 ! i 1 1 l' li.s Iii-i-ii ot i' l n il :i -.
'abolished 1, Km i-r lilneiil inj o?
prices of lieiiilv all OM'lll In I tul.'l
"Illfl'K. tllf ll'-t In' llolini' win il anil
ccir-al pioiliiita. 1 1 jc r . ". t"'s,
milk, liuttci, (hea, I. it. I, 1 1 , n i i r
Inc. incal o( all llllnl". lea. i nine,
Jntiin. Iidll.-H. drlcil fruit and (i .
llow IlillliV people 111 i:iiK:aii, arc
eniil(iyed on war wm It '
Not fodiillnn men and women In
uniform, ahoiit :..0(Mi.(mmi pirsnrtH ,nr
iTiKitKei) diicctu or iti'ln c T. on
work for t he ci rttnent
llniv many ccr iiplaoi a hat i:i.i'
In .Inniiarv, HIS. the innal
jlTHiich of lite air nervli had mure
than 2,51111 plain-n ami a pervonnei
I of filni'it 4 ti.non The milil.u v
hrancll had l.cveral tliona o.l id nice
and uuriihered im imiaonnel l.y tenn
of thoiiNiimla. O
Mow many people are employed
at the war office and the admiralty '
The military iitaff of Hie war of
fice Ih now H . 7 H a and lln ci'-lli.'in
Mtaff Rhnnt l.r..0o0. Iwo lhlrdK of
whom lire women The clerical
Hlitff of iIim Ailiniriilly in ahout ten
I'nile-l IxahiM K ill Inix (if 1 1 on- 'n
Itifanl In llandlloi; of (out;
I Icinl-li Ait l.ploli-d.
Big Guns Expensive Toys for Huns
A I A,
'I I,.' .It'll
i ii. la M.iv
... uf i ,,-ii
III'' O'llil
1 1
i.ii arc not
nun of tin.
"" ! ."'alc-i fuel adiii i ii i'il rat inn to
, - iiii-r t,i,r coal i-aiij " in the nn.
M.il.i'O l,i -,.f that li'cr will he III
I'I'iilv of Mm-, inch1 f.'.'l differ
ii'ly f Hii-J I '-I l. . liny hoi elv Uf
""'I til" I.e. ,e of :e(u,, fll."
I:i' k of I i,.i:
TIlI'MIKll I In' I Hit e r.tli;i'.c,"
little "pi -M t pil,!-,,, il'indes
li'.cl in l:i'K'tiin aiol s. ot out l.y
1 ' v, of I l.liai.d l ma s l.e ... a i ,,.,
In. ic tl.e It.-lKi.in oil ton, era are
I'rolei'lii.i? .u-aiD-r Hi.. iiii-.ihiii
ali.pl.-rl In- Hie (,ei-.ii.,n l,ll.rorK
' III' Il ).an li'OHi'h! ali. oil n ixar. lty
"f i o al ln iniiihi.iii I'eliriuin n the
fit' I .:-i-i' Mi., ( oil miiii'in In their
in i.t. - I to ih.. K-'einor (lericral of
II' iKl'li.i a linll that tlieli- lurk f
coal I-,, an ji I nith iih. "ilu In ii
Klial ji,e.o..nr, t,, II,,. dlrflriiltlr-a of
tran.orlallon.' I, tit in addition to
Hun the inltiota an- frirlddden to acll
'I l.e ;! n i i n ii'lmnilMtratlon In the
lull' ,l,M,ei,, , of 1,,. pri.dlir t of till
riilrf.H and if imiisc uneN the hulk
"f H fur iiinii.iry niciN l;y meariM
of Hie product of the .,, I mu,f in
alloorua ih.. ilennaiiH are e.
ploitirii- the Mi'rineh people At the
l'"li;iui iiiiiieih in i,,.r proteat any.
ronln are Intended far the
entire population. Memiali ex well
aa Walloon, hut t.y miiHt not aerve
an an limiriinii'tit nf dleunlon or of
civic ilifu nrd In lendlnn our aid to
Hi" execution of theae ordnra. we
are o-operntlnu in a policy which
our piiliiulli: duty forblda u to follow."
Andersen Frames
For Doors and Windows
Can Be Put Up in Ten Minutes
Becauaa of tha manner of hundlliiK and the fiieta that the A'fnler
n frame la completely fitted and partly nailed, any carpenter can
nail up five frames In una hour many carpenters can nail up
from alx to eight.
Anderaen framea are made of white pine, cut In Mlnneaotn nnil
Wlaconaln, which la rero(riled by the mcrlcan people na I ha
standard otitalde huilding lumber. Tha mmi kind which haa
food unpointed for 2h'i yeara on tha Kalrhnnka home In Hedhum,
Maaa., and (in hundreda of other homea which wera erected ahurtly
after tha Pilgrim arrived.
Furthermore nil parti are perfectly dear except the allla which
ar good aaleot Common I'lne. J'rartlcally clear white I'lne aUJa
will be furnlahed. if dealred, at a ilight additional coal.
Save Money Sv Labor Save Material Save Time
Specify Andersen Frame in the New Home
Minhctonka Lumber Co.
6IT Eaat 8-oti Street ,, I'liono 20-0O-.7
Oyer ill. 000 Said lo ! eiliiughUTrd
Oil Itailromla Kvcry Ycorj
Mont klllctl III Town I.linlta.
Sp.rml lo Thu World
The (tutn council of defenae haa
lii'Kun an active campaign to prevent
needle killing of live alnck on nil 1 -roada.
Tha neceaaity fur audi a
campaign U ahown by Hi" fact that
during the pnat yeur over If,, Olio
head of live atuck were Ihua killed
In war time, when every hit of meal
Ih an urgently needed, audi a cam
paign ahould appeal to the pal not
lam of everyone.
Over 200 ngenta hava been ap.
pointed by tha atale council of dc
fenaa to further thla campaign In
every county. Theae agenta will
nfouae public opinion, they will try
to Interest atock ownera, edllnra and
Influential men In the community
They will also endeavor to have
more ndo(iuata local ordlnnnceH en
forced. Moat of the etnek alaiiKh
tered ara killed wllhin city and town
Lett era have aleo been aent to
J. too atock ownera of Oklahoma
calling their attention to the Im
porlauco of thla erfort The rnll
roada of tha atnte lire heartily co
operating In the cumpulKn.
lYrnnli Sworn In.
Ilflll.lN, Ireland, May ll.Kleld
MaiHhnl Viaiount French waa aworn
In today ua lord-lieutenant and gov
I'liuu -KCtieral ut a meeting of the
Irish privy council. Lieutenant -tleneriil
Mahon handed over the
rnwil of office which he had held
ei-?4f t- iJAiivti sj
tzr ?-fc,-i snarl : '75
club prlvllegea. Information on what
to nee and where to go are pro
vided. Separate opportunities are
offered for officers."
The plan which was originated by
the New York war camp communi
ty service la still In Its Infancy. An
appeal haa been made to the gen
eral federation of women'a clubs to
spread (he news of it and to ask
molhera. wives, sisters and sweet
hearts of our soldiers not lo wait
for the printed cards, hut to write
immediately to "War I'ump Com
munity Service" in the city, town or
village nearest the camp, giving the
soldier's name, and to their !o-t
ones that they have written to wur
camp community service.
This will add much to the ,,,
total of human happiness both ,,
our fighting men and of those U;1
have tho pleasure and pnvlUg.j ,.r
entertaining them.
Jhrce of fathers Houses were vacant
- - M
Is sholl- ):
fliingc of (he gTcait gun that
Ing I'nrti, and fragment of one of
Km hliclU phki-il up In l'ari
alnvta. c j
I.nte digpntctiea from Paris cirrvj
the information that tin- I ie il. ru .in '
gun that ih Hhcllini: tho I run-li .ip-
Hal from the forcil nf St. i;.l,,iin
has done little (larii.i,;e. 'I h" shells
have little cxploMive puvser 'l'!,e ni--compnnvliiK
map hIhuvs H,e hu,i,-
ter of the couiitr owr ulii'h the'
KUM'n e4iells pass. II is shnttti tli.it ;
the actual distance tniMrsitl is Mr',,
kllonietrcN, or ? I !.! mili-M. The flight j
Is in a su.iHiwi iter ! dni-ruon and,
the range w.ll reipiire an cle.atlnn
that will take the pmieriiie eli'liteen I
Of inure miles 'll,'h .It I ' I l et of!
Its Ira leeturv. The shell ! :i.". niche.--.
In diameter, and Hie cost of fniiiLj:
each shot is al.otlt $;,(Mlll. Allied!
nlrnien me lepmled In have l.llle.ll
many of the gunners who man ttusi
monster cannon.
liilf '
War Camp Community Has Plans for
Mail Order Business in Happiness
A gigantic, mail order business in
human happiness, and espeeially in
the happiness of our fighting men.
hap been Htarted b the wur camp
community service of the war and
navy department commissions on
ttulning camp activlt ins.
Thl.a ot gauUat Ion is wnrkiug In
23, cities, 1104 towns and 111 vil
lages adjacent to our ri-at camps
and cantonments throughout the
I'mled Htrilea to promote whole
some stimulating and friendly rela
tions between our fighting men and
Civilians Us oblcct Is to do every
thing within the power of the com
munities which it urganies to
stimulate Hie nimnle and preserve
the physical well -,hencr of nur aol
diera, sailors and murines.
The mall order business consists
of postal cards distributed through
the ireneral federation of women's
Ciuhs, chamber of commerce, mer
chants' associations and other or
ganized bodies lo (be relatives of
our new soldiers Just going Into the
armies. ( me of the cards Is to be
mailed to the war camp community
service organizer stationed nearest
to the cnrtip where the new soldier
i. assigned, giving the aoldier'a
mime, brunch of service und ad
dress, and the other is to be mailed
to the new sildier giving him the
name and address of the community
oiganixor. The latter card reads:
"The war camp community serv
ice furnishes entertainment for the
men upending their off duty time In
linnres, theatrical entertain
ments, sightseeing tours, dinners.
And had been vacant for some time.
And Dad was getting mighty peeved
about it because he had put up those
houses for an investment, not for pleas
ure. And he was getting hotter every
day when I happened to think that a
For Rent ad in the
Daily World
plight help. And it did. After one
insertion we got many inquiries. And
many seemed interested. And would
you believe it
van in fronkof each Hotise ,
of Women's Spring and Summer Apparel
Clearance of all Women's
Spring Coats
If you are contemplating a trip this sum
mer you will surely need one of these coats.
The materials are mannish serge, poplin,
summer velour, gabardine and silvertone.
The styles and colorings are the very new
est. Worth from $22.o0 to VMM. Sale
price $12.95 to $24.75
Silk Dresses at $12.95
An assortment of (leorgette t'repe Silk, Tuffeta,
Crepe , de Chine, Foulards and combinations of
Georgett Crepe and Silk Uressos In every wonted
color, which Include rose, blue, tan. gray, etc.; the
most unusual array you have seen In some tim:
Final Clearance of All
Women's Spring Suits
One assortment of the season's choicest suits in wool serge
coming in colors of tan, copen, navy, gray and khaki, lteaii
tiful hand tailored models. Lined with good quality nies
saline.' Worth up to ?:n..r)0.. Sale price each $19.75
A collection of finest man-tailored spring .suits in gabar
dine, poiret twill and mannish serge. These suits are made
in the very newest effects, and "are the result of the finest
handwork that is possible to put into a garment. The col
ors are tan, navy, copen, green and gray. I5raid and but
ton trimmings; exclusive designs. Worth up to $GT. Sale
price each $29.75
Silk Suits at $12.95 and $19.75
Silk Poplin Suits m colors blue, rose, white, gray, ctt
wonderful value at the regular selling price
of ? 17.50 to $10.75. Sale price
Silk Taffeta Suits; a splendid array of colors to select from,
including Copenhagen, gray, tan, rose and black. Fancy
brocaded lining and fan' extra collars. As a special we
are sure vou will appreciate mis leature. . ine values are
positively $27.50 to $;U).00. Your choice
of the assortment
Gingham, Voile and Linen Wash
Dresses Reduced
Our assortment of summer wash dresses comes in gingham,
voile and white linen. The ginghams and voiles are to be
had in beautiful plaids, checks and stripes. To buy the
material that goes into these dresses by the yard would cost
more than we are asking tor the finished gar
ment. Regular $7.50 values for
KcRtiUr $8 !.-i values fur. .S6.9r
I'.esular I1J.50 valued for..(t.95
Four Specials in Millinery
L.id " 1 1 "re i a :ihie
I'm i- A i underfill
In Fplte of the heavy buying during the
past week, additional shipments have
brought our Mock to a point where it
represent everything that Is stylish and
f, seasonable In women's fine Hcadwear.
; Kxclusive. models In afternoon Hats,
S Tallleur Tints, Dress Hats, Sport Hats,
7 etc , in nil of the newest straws and com-
binatlons. For your convenience in se-
C lectins we have arranged them In four
jT lots ns follows
Lot 1 Quite n distinctive collection of
trimmed hats, special $I.9S
Lot L' -At) assortment of beautiful hats
that excel. Very special '...$2.08
beyond compare. Hats that are high In value;
scliaryion of 'he finest and most fashionable hats
: $ i.98
Blouses Priced for Quick
An assortment of Courgette- Crepe Bluses, hand embroidered, beaded and
plain tailored desimis; strikingly beaiftiful, fashionable colors, Q "t
with values from (ii to $10, aa a special
v 11
A collection of Crepe de Chlno Blouses, embroidered, hemstitched, tucked
and plain tailored designs, with value from J3.60 to 4; as a (JO AV
An assortment of Washable. Chiffons and Tub Silk Waists; benntiful In
pattern and value superb. Sold in tho downstairs stores at from (IV
f2.',D to fi.SH; our price
An nssortrd 'ot of White -olle Waists, with colored! woven stripes
effort: snort model, hemstitched collars; tho waists are trimmed
with pretty pearl buttons; sold regularly for J2.00; aa a special
-- ... , o.i o.-i i -fii -uuiaf. irimmnil with larffe vnih
unfl nn. or iteauiuwi cniin oiiiiru wmj ni'-mi -
collar and turned-back cuffs; handsome stripes ana meiae
positive 1-1 value; aa a special
large voile
Wash Skirts at Little Prices
A featured announcement of interest to every woman. Wash SJrJ r"
. ,.,,! 1.1. - I. nn nnnnrtlinlt V to hUV them cheaply. Willi'
Bonn 'u-ash Skirts, trimmed with pretty pearl buttons; have two pock'
etH; durably built; sold regularly for 11.50.
Bale price
5 and 6 Wash Skirts. QO QQ
$3.00 to $3.60 Wash
Skjrts. hale price . . .
SaJe price $3.50 and
regular values i"
!.!i0. Very special
Silk Dresses at $19.75
A pleaRing assortment of silk dresses in crepe nr"tp
or. crepe de chine, georgette crrpe and kluiki-kool
cloth. Values from $2j to $.17.50.
Kale price
iifiifr sf rf niiT tii I? t' t hi: einttrv'T imcrnnp ron i rcc
Buy War Saving Stamps Help Ihe Red Cross
Silk Fibre Sweater Coats at $4.95
Just one lot of Silk Fibre Sweater Coats in gold, trimmed in
purple, with white sash a regular $8.95 value. The low
price is made possible through the fact that we have but
the one color. This is a remarkable value
Embroidered Camisoles
Tub silk, messaline and silk and georgette camisoles, hand
embroidered, medallions and lace trimmed. C?1 U
Regular $2.25 values. Sale price, each yx --

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