Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 191 Evangelistic Services Will Begin in Wesley Community Church As part of the program of Kev. i Kpworth league nmi a remodeled Hie t ,,,li.,. Ail ioti it bus u. ireu M. K. lirill, its paHtcir. to make Wesley Community chnn h :i rartor in the community life of v est 1 nimi, readlne mom supplied with uch r. . . ' ..i.... . v.i. i ...,,... of lh T iloi-arv PlKefll. it series or Bpeciai servii-..R win inini.n . ... I nri it'H "I " i nene.l this morning, conducted liy World's Work, Koruin, Kevlew oi l;ev. ri. A. Lamphenr. Hev. Lamp- , H,vi,w, c'lirrent Opinion, Atlantic hear Is late of Chicago, but now is; ,u ,.,.. ,i world nod district evangelist of the Tulsa dm-; Monthly, Illustrated Worui. m trlot. M E. church. He I.h ft man ; Cross magazine. Youth s ( ompsnion of wide learning and of bronrt mind, Kpworth Herald, Central tl,r,?,l,"n nml has had several years' expo- Advocate. Saturday Evening i nence an a pastor. He Is not of the ! Tulsa 1 tally World and the paator extravagant type of evangelist, hut j library of more than ho", Is aunt and practical, and his nor-i volumes, supplementing jno nm mons will be especially fitted to the! free library, of one umlred Woi5s people of West Tulsn. He Is a west- , This church has not bornni a'" ern man, college trained, a graduate; much noise In its work, but n" " cf Drew. Madison, N. J. I making a sleady growth '""T; ' . ... .i.,..oi.,.. into one of the 1 While the services are primarily , " - ",V of .Veit Tuts ioi iii ir'uir oi , .... co-operation or the people or me city la solicited Beginning with a few earnest workers and a weak organisation last summer. Wesley Community church has rapidly developed into a moat efficient gospel plant under the leadership of Jtev. II. K. Hrlll. The church now has a fine Sunday school of ISO members, a splendid Niiintliil Institution It ministers to an pnnsns munltv life, thereby reaching "VM I to whom the ordinary ui'in'i not appeal. American on List. OTTAWA. Ont.. May 11- Th" name of It. Voorkis. Columbia. Ten., appears In today's Canadian overseas casually list. v.- 4 ? IV- :.. A,. 1 kJ l V IE I 1 . ( ?? aW -t, A m J " tf 1 I, li'-v. (.. . I 'lupin ar, DANIELS URGES ALL ! BRANCHES TO UN1TE; NEW EDISON RE-CREATIONS Rendered Exactly as the Artist in Person Drawn from s photograph of Christina MllU-r singing in dlrrcti comparison with the Now Killson and prorlnu lluil tlus two Interpretations ore identical ' No. 82113 Price. 2.00 BENDEMEERS STHKAM Thomas Moore Christine lllller, Contralto MV I.OVB BHE'SjjBl'T A LASHIE YKT lames Hogg Christine Miller, Contralto Xo. 80U80 I'rlee, $I.AO CL1MB1NO VP DE C.OHJKN .STAIIi.S . . . F. Heiser Walter Van Hrunt, Tenor,1 and Chorus Ll.VI,'AB- ". E. W. Hanscom iteien Clark and Shannon Quartet, Contralto and Mala Voices No. 80387 Price, $1.50 FOREVER IS A r.ON'fi. I.ONI1 TIME. Albert Von THzer tlladys Rice, Soprano MT HAWAII, TOl-RR CAI.MNO ME U w. Lewis Oladys Rice and Vernon Dalhnrt, Soprano and Tenor No- 803 Pr,o. $.R0 Ch.rle8. .A,,LWtLT lEAVRN Charlie T. Tillman Charles Hart and Edward Alllon, Tenor. Baritone and Male Chorus MY MOTHKR-B RIRI E rharlia v Timan Edward Allen. ISarlton, and Male Chorus Xo. 60182 Price, $1.00 LIGHT AS A FEATHER T. II. Rollinson Jlin F. Uurckhardt, Iiells VALSE '"ERICA". Ru(ly Wiedoeft Rudy . VMcdoef i. Saxophone No. 50 IBS Price, $1.00 AdffJ."' AT PLUM CENTER Charles Vf. Doty Ada Jones. Byron 0. Harlan and Steve Porter, Kube Sketch RtLIVS DOO TOWSER Billy Golden and Billy ilelnV. ' n"ln( kif'a'ce" Vaudeville Sketch with Banjo Adilrcsscs on.... !ir,. War i i lie ,, ; Ptujcr iiicl ( il.iul.i ; I ai'li, . ATLANTA. ...... . , . Mary I i:i ni.-.s. yi,. ,; :. . ..,,' , j fore the nt urr;, , , . . , t . ' Methodist t:pjs. ,;. h ... ,,. lirgeil nil I'l.i:,. n.'- ,.r .-.t, i'; unite Inln i,:.K!,; , it i , , v , ' tUIlt Melhi.iliMs ' j Kecltlim l,,,w the r..,..,,t ,, I command it. the all.i j ,,r., France ha.i innbiii....) t!,,. ,,,., cnllizalion itn.i one t:, ip. l( to meet the jTtiKsian secretary of the WlsO UCtlOl, ill, ut vliicitig I IU -.ill v Met hotlists MimiM , gam Mi'i-r.-.i, i,i),l s of 1!1 he I "I" S of i" 1 1',.- .ii i , i ' ; .-MK In. the if tins ,"l"'l a uii- Aturrica n t liiU'Wi-e and I t . : V "in the i.v.f n.iKhtyl I .' I 'llltitll.eil l PM.;i ! ism i "'ill unity! h is hi .nil-; onward nio emeui cf t Chri:ui army ' "1 n this Mipren:e hi.u! the secre'.irv. 'when haa bless,. !,, j . nit,, r ;i 1 mill love (' the r i . 1 1 , 1 1 eneu in make insjhc fieedom nml denincracv of ail nut i,.ns... n,, s i preme dut,- of Methodists iiortn mid south, Is I,, make utly and a! mi. , ;. fices that may ,e necessat i,, n, - llr.e .MulhiiiliKts liro one n.ihiy church. There Is no excuse for u northern .lietiimlist church in At lanta or a .v.i.i: hern Methodist chin, ii In Seattle tf pol!tlc;-M and Imjm ness men l-.sve fnrgnten there was a Mason and luxon line the Methodist Ciiurchc - ri riot w !.! imivtr j march in separate columns under Rfparnte orga Ions." Sccretarv iatnis denied that thl I war showed that christian civiluu- tion has tailed. COMES BACK TO RAISE CORN i ni -r, - No' Bn I'riee, $1.00 Bl ZZI.V THE PER-ONK-STEP y or Ianclng Lou Chiha 'Friico." POZZO ONE-STEP. 'or Dancing Frisco' jaiz Band Xylophone Vincent Rose IV I Hin att No' SO" rrlee. $1.00 I I HAD ALL THE WORLD AND ITS GOLD Al Plantadosi Manuel Itonialn, Tenor MAMMY'S LITTLE COAL-HLACK ROSE Richard A. Whiting Manuel Hornaln, Tenor 0w R0487 Prlec, $1.00 SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE IS THE LILY loseph E. Howard Edward Allen, Baritone, and Chorus WHEN JOHNNY MARCH ICS AWAT DESCRIPTIVE PATROL New York Military Band ! Farmer. "4 Years Old, Rcliirm lo ! Ki'iilucky from Alassa to Do lilt, j 1 'IISVILLI:. Ky, My 11. "1'ncle Sam called nroVT am here to answer his call." snid L. Ii. An ; dnrsnii. a successful farmer at the ace of 71, "and I have come all ) the way from Alaska to raise corn i In 'Old Kentucky ." Ho presented a J letter of Introduction bearing the signature of the Americnn Southern I National bunk of Anchorage, Alaska j to the Anchorage, Ky., bank of the ! same name. Anderson tins been a farmer In Alaska for years. Practically all of this time he spent In rais ing potatoes, malting quite a for tune on the product. He realised $50 a ton last year and J4 a ton: this year for his crop "I hnd ten tons of potatoes on hnnd when I left my property In Aliiska, which 1 gave to a neighbor If he would do the digging," he Mid. "I guess I am too old Jo do any fighting, but I once knew how to raise corn and I believe I can 'do my bit' beat In this way. other farmers are preparing to leave Alaska for the 1 ' ales'. We will make any sacrifice to help our coun try " Anderson lived In Tennessee be fore going to Alaska, settling there' with his family before tne civil i war broke out. He enlisted ri Wall's brigade and was captured when Vlcksburg fell. only ciFnTYaTteach Minnesota .Commission Issues Order Affecting Thousand .Tvu hers. stt. P'l'il. Minn.. Mav II. A re rent order of I he state safety com mission, proviilini: that only ( itizcii.-t teachers be allowed regular em ployment in the universities, cnl legin and sehoolH--public, private or ptTO'-hlnl -of the state, will affect more Ibnn one thousand instructors This estimate was. made by Dr. C. il. Srhiiltz. s'ate superintendent of puh lit: instruction. I"' Schuloi is charged Villi etifon emeni cf the commission's order It is understood that se-e-a! hun dred tendinis will I e allowed lo i servft. because thev ar-' j it ' ci tur ! to hii-enie cltUens :iil the older' provides that persons who h't made application for ci'i7"nh'p. ; may teach. Division in each uull-j vidnsl case however, rests witii the. state superintf ndent. II Is ext eeted that several n.lh n j Instructors wl'l be perniltted to give , wpeclnl courses nt the state tiniver- I city and Mlrnnwotii colleges, but ft. j is expcoteii that a r.nmbor or I professors must seek ernploy ese here. alien ; J yrnent j a CONVENTION MAY 14 AND 15 8 West Fifth 7 ixaasm tassi stosu Phone 595 Mann's Hat Shop 10 East Fifth StreetSinclair Bldg. We have for quick clearance 100 hats $1.00 each, children's included. Moollni in SI. louis to Dlsi'uss Means of Relieving Congestion. RT. LOT IS. May 1 1 - The first nrniar-,eonvenln of the Mississippi . Volley Waterwavs assneiniioi,. which ; was organized in this cif, las' year, i will, be ho1,1 ln ''""t1 M,,V 14 ;ir'' I 1 S. according to an announcement I by James E. .Smitli, president of the organization. Letters hive linen sent to all members of the association, tvtifv ing them to be present. The neces sity of co-operation by all the mem bers Is outlined In the summons I Methods of relieving the freight congestion of the rail roads will be one of the topics liis. ushed. Invitations have been sent to governors, mayors, commercial mid ' hiisinea. ions anil state of. 1 ficlais of Nil the states In the Mis. s'sslppl valley. Many of these of ficials have voiced their Intention of bein prenenu There Are Many Reasons Why You Should Your Shopping at Popular Price Store Remarkable Millinery Values v lumiio r of course, . alls for a lightness of nature bat, that l,e life a lniddll,W oill of .-, tht H goml to look iil.o.l .such are it,,, t.ite. arrnals at Coverdnle's Sudors wloe and narrow brims, pokes and turbans, mKhn..., and o' .-r shapes with s:,n,..!y uirne.l up brine. IVrky feathers adorn some and give t ,)., b.-autv. others ,-.. tnin,e. with b.,...,,,,, flowers. , :!,!. s. I...d..,l ,, ls. etc do M..-s of (,.,-.,., s..,rs ha... been eclipse! and ,nl..,, h. !, of he new , sele, t We a,. , , ,llhl, . , f tullllliel s. Priccl s: 5ii, ,. nun ,, also i.u(.i: anmiuimi vr oi i vniMnii i) mhit.s Vogue. :.ig, i 'b k. I '.in ores... Hi, li. Eden. I'epn.i an, I other lines represented in this J,..'tlllf lit. A special purchase Trimmed mi rpcclil Ma ie re mainder of ibis w nek. a' $." and $7. on New arrivals In Ooorgvtte, Crepe, Mo'ine. llnlr Mruds m Ida, k and while; priced - :.rn. $to, $i.-. i7..M a ml White Ml Inns end black :,,. w hit" iocs the new . est hnw u nt J.,-.U, $111, tl.:,0 and Veils. All the new styles In Veils urn always on ,li.:,l.,v In -e And ilnn't force: ,u firn ready at all lime, t,, show you Ihe latest in t'hildnns Hats, tailored a ad 1 1 iii.ine i I'on't fail to viiii tins, one of t he lare-esl lle;,at ' n cut ' in t he Hnllthwcs'. A TUB l CORSET Department Our Coreetlere makes a specialty of driving each patron particular atten tion In selecting Just the model adapted to their reiulrementa. lils plays here Include the best models from Mile. Orace, C. II., Miller, Col lege Girl and others. A complete line of Miller Corsets; a very perfect flttlnif corset, ln many new models; priced nt tt, tl.KO, 9iM5, $T,,0 . IU:C.ALISTK COIISCT8 Special attention called to our HeKalistn Corset. We hove a complete line of Regnllite Corsets in plfik bro cade, front and back luce; values 15 to 115 A COIISFT WIT1IOCT A LACK It us show you the Treo Elastic Olrdle, without luces; priced IS, 4 and 15 C. B. COrWETS A blR- line of the latest stylet just re ceived; all sixes; front and back lace; pink and white; priced 11.50, 11, 12.50, $3.50, 4, 14.45 SUIT SALE Regular $29.50 to $55 Values $22 and $33 These fmit.t rume to us through nnp of the host we've ever made. We hoiinht the entire lot from' three of New York's most renownoil makers. UKMKMliKR, this is the sensational Suit Sale of the season, and the values are wonderful. Materials Tricot ;ncs I'oiret Twills Cabal d lies Tweeds Salvertinim Taffetas 1'nphns Colors Navy llookie lleltje C'oienhaKen Dray Ta u Creen P.lnck Itrown There are hundreds of models. Including every bii:b class siyle in plain tailored, wnlstcoat, bolero, clou, norfolk, etc., all possHeiiiK the dlstlnctlvo touch of fine custom-tailored mode l.s. New Arrivals Are Shownj in (he May Blouse Sal M.R.V tlt.4.1, . ., 11.4.1, I7.D5 An unusually Ihiro enllectlon of beautiful new georKetle, crepe ile chine, voile and nrxnndy blouses in tailored, tucked and hemstitched Mtyles, with all the latest novelty trlmminirs. Kvery pastel shHile is Included, as well as white and striped effecta. Complete Showing Graduation Dresses Beautiful (Jeorirctte, Crepe do Chine. Taffeta. Voile and -itml- Net Dresses in white, flesh falijjpi and liRht blue t-ovory new style, including tunic, belt ed, plaited and plain tail ored models; some are trim med with beads or em broidery; priced $16.50 Silk Skirts $7.45 25 in this lot; as Borted colors and styles; values up to choice .1 ."$7:45 iWomen'a Sweaters 114.00 value Bilk In latest atylea and col ore at ... $16.95 115 value Bilk Fiber ln lateat atylea and colors at .... $8.85 INFANTS' WHITE COATS $3.50 values at , $1.98 Many others up to "... $5.95 Do VI ' 1 Kl l, ' I II III I H 1 r 1 . $1.19 SII.K I'OI I.IN, YD. $1.19 This lino of Hllk Poplin Is H In, lies wide in several colors; our $2 value this week nt inn; I'KTTK'o.vrs These skirts come In muslin, hiwn and Indlu linen; they are luce and embroidery trimmed 11.25 values for to - 1175 values for . . . . II.SIl $2.60 values for 3. 50 values for 12. to ciu:ri: poxc;kk, yard ee This is a beautiful new line; white with fun ry silk stripes; 12 inches wide; our reRuliir. doe value; sale price !::Wc lUiAOC TAFFETA BII.K tirucLAi-as in. viii; S 1-7 5 yd. value, asle price 91.30 12 00 qd. value, enle price fl.4H t'i 25 yd. value, sale prle. tl (300 yd. value, aale price $3.25 CORSET COVERS f. 0c value nt !!9o 85c value at .Rite 75c. value nt 49e Thean coraet covers are lace and embroidery trimmed and are ex tremely well mad. PKRCAIiES. YARD r 25 bolta of new Hunt styles; small 24c novelty and stripes. SOg value at Our I.Ml'i aiAI, KlIJi Don't fall to aen this line of the new alike; 31 Inches wide; sev eral patterns. In rolora and sntln tripe; a 11.50 value at CVItTAIN KC HIM 30c valuea at, yard 14c 8 Be valuea at, yard J9e 4 0c valuea at, yarcV I4o 50c valuea at, yard 3U 76c valuea at, yard 40v $1.19 t.IVGIIAM, YARD Mc bolls of novelty plaid and 24c 40 tripe dresa gingham; 30o value; choice at, yard IiACE CURTAIN 8 $2.50 value, pair, aale price 11.89 13.50 value, pair, aale price lt.9 14.00 talus, pair, aale price U.4S TOWK1JJ iOc value, asle price i.yi 3 5c value, aula price goo 50o value, asle price ....... so (6c value, aale price ....... 49e 75c value, aale price .... . ..6n 86o value, aale pries ....... S9e TARIiK DAMASK SPECIALLY PRICED 11.00 value, 72 In. wide, at 74c 11.76 vslue. 72 In. wide, at 11.19 12.00 value, 72 In. wide, at l.4 $2.60 value, 72 ln. wide, at 11.95 LINEN LUNCH CLOTH H . . $1.75 values at ..Il.l $100 values at .....1.9 11.00 values at 12. IS $1.(0 values at tiAS TANSY VOILE, YARD Mo. These voiles are In plaids, stripes, with floral designs ; many beau tiful patterns to select from. Ocr resular 16c voile, priced QQ. this week at WOMEN'S HOSE c These ars extra quality silk. fiber ln whlta or black. Our ?Q $1 valus at U7C Special Values in Men's and Boys' Clothing Dept. "no Hoys' Wash Sulla Apes .1 to 8 yenrs; in sev eral styUi anil colors, priced $1, $1.05, $2, $2.4r mill up K. $3.45 fl Men's Slilrtst $1.45 )tir entire stork of men's r''t,rui;ir J irer .iiunw in fine Knido idilrtinK mater ials; UiiKe riinue of pat teriiH and colorings; nil i.e- l'rench nml stiff iff ; eo ac f.,r puJJ Men's Salts Snrtdnlly Priced $20 value Suits at $18.45 $15 value sergoa and fancy worsteds al $11.4.1 $26.00 value Suits. .$19.75 $30.00 value Suits. .$24. AS $32.60 value Suits. . $27.50 Cooper's CnJoiuralia White, fine ribbed, In short and lonn alecves, ankle length; all sues up to 46. Triced, $1.75, $2.45 Men's Athletic Cnlonsults, Prbvl Special S5c values at..... Re $1.(10 values at 74e $1.25 valuea al 95e $2.00 values at $1.(19 Silk Shirts a $2 One lot of men'a Silk Shirts In fancy stripes snd novelty patterns; all; VJ $2.69 20 IKii. Men's Shirts nt 7e Vxu These sre our $1 values; nil sizes 1 1 to 18. at 79c Men's I'nloiiHiilts fine lot of $1.60 values at $1.0 One lot of 12H0 values at $!. .Men's Panama- Huts The new 1 9 1 fl atylea priced lit . . .$.1.50. l, $.50, $5. $8 Men's and Hoys' Straw Hats In, all prevailing shapes nt ' 25e, $:i."e. l9e. 00o, $1, $1.50 mid $2 Men's Dees Shirts II vnlues nt e 1 1 611 vulues( nt $1.15 Muslin Mirlit Shirts $100 values at . . $1.7". values al . . 12.60 values al.. . 79e II .19 II 05 New I'm I in 1ten h anil Molmir Suits Pises from 31 to 4 1; col ors khaki, bl irk and llnht nslterns with noveiiv stripes I'rlceii 1 1 u. I2 60 and $15 IloV SUirin OHp Novfltv ulripp wtylm, al uhltf with military rn. larn Our 1.2,' wiilun at 98c Shoes and Oxfords Underpriced This W Cliililren's Sllp)ers In black patent end aunmetal; the lane novelties, 114 to 2 priced $2.45, $2.75 and $3.25 Same line as above; In sizes 2 4 In I; at $2.75, $3.25 and $3.95 1 louse Sllpiiers, $3.5,1 Ilenl comfort In these; soft, flexible sole. They are blHi k and a real kid; $3.60 value at . ' $2.85 Children's Slippers Size 114 In II; in black patent and Kun nielal. 1'rieed speelal at ' $2.25, $2.75 and $3.25 $15 value Women's Shoes. ..."....$' I. B5 $10 value Women's Shoes. er;'"P.'7.H5 Ii; valuo Women's Shoes $1.95 $12 value Women s Shoes $H.7J Men'a Oxfords, $H.50 ;enulne knnfrarno, Klove Krlp. In blsi k or brown, our $10 values at $.5() Men's Klmkl Otfords Men's K'bskl Oxford. This is one of the newet. with cloth lop, at $7.00 And kid top, at $8.00 Seelul Tun Oxford for (ilrls Ixiw heel, at $4.50 Women's Kid Pumps Rlack tmly, all sizne. military heel; specially priced $5.00 Women's Itrown Oxford Olnf Krip. military heel; our 1 10 value; spe- l.-il this weeK sh.uu A New I'limp for Women fienuine kid. I.ouls coveroil heel, beaded toe; special at i . $7.50 Women's Queen Qiinlltr Slippers " Priced this week $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, .50, $7.50, $8.50. "Bora1 Oxfords lnBliu-k Coif $1.(0 valus Hoys' HhoVs $2.21 $4.00 valus Boys' Hhoea .$2.75 Rises 14 to 11, Uoodyear welt; st $.125 Sizes 114 to 2, Goodyear welt; at $3.75 ', Men's Shoe. $ 50 valus Men's Hhoea $5.95 $5.00 valus Men's Shoes $3.95 Infants' Slippers In patent and kid, tan and black; sixes 3 to 5; at $1.19, $1.69 and $1.95 Worujsti'a Shoes, $12 Genuine kangaroo, lace, black and trray, military style, with 9-lnch top and glove grip arch aupport; IU.D0 value; aale pries .,..$12 Men'a Work Shoes $3.00 Klk Ijice at... 4 $2.45 $3.6J Elk Lane at t $2.95 $4.50 Heavy vVorV Shws at ....... $3.45 6.00 Heavy Work Shoes at. $4.45 Put your dollars on the fighting line the longer you hesitate, the longer will be the war. ZtfiZ POPULAR PRICE STORE" J Put your dollars on the fighting line the longer you hesitate, the longer will be the war. - BysBWffilTjrrIf