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1 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, MAY 12. 101S 4' Y. W. C. A. Factor in Tulsa's Progress; Now Has Membership, of More Than 800 Th7r.".,l .....r,.,k,.,Bof ,..,r j JT K " '. ""' . '. It II,,. p,,.,.nl : J" ' if rlSsff 1 U I. 7T r N,w home of Tulsa Y. W. C . A. nncl.r -oiili uoiln Boasting .(Of a present member fiilp i f over lirlit hundred, and a 111.0,000 association building, wliioh vhcii 'in,ili;ti'ti v 111 l thn finest V' V. '. A. hnmn In t ho stat, the Y. W. C. A. Ihlh Khown remark nl,o pniRrcHa Kitjio March, 6, ISH, when it was launched, lilt by bit th xroup of women met in the home of YomiK Woriu-i. 8 uji.i'. tlon under Uie careful upcrMion of a number of Tula bent known clul. women, lia grown to become a factor In Tulwv's achievement. 01 1SIH. nillftil In January SHERBETS and ICES In harmony with the desire of the government to conserve sugar we are complying with the request In all ice-cream manufacturers, caterers and hotels not to manufacture or offer for sale Sherbets or Ices, which arc considered non-essentials, but are advised to confine our business to the use of dairy jiroducts, 'e are making a Standard Ice-Cream and you can 'depend oi. it., as a wholesome, palatable treat as well as "one of the most valuable foods, especially for children. ( all your druggist, or better still, take a package !' rao with you. PURITY ICE CREAM COMPANY Don't forget to buy V. S. S. Mis. si. t . ,. n u l inKii , r i.iiuk . tillltles of Tuli.,1 m a field for the Younif Women's i' asiKoria elation. MrB. liotli. lu-tnifr upon the advice of the noutlmcHt field com mittee of which she i.h a member called this .meetniK. Tuih.i wmnvn present were, MmdanieH A. W. Hoth, I:. V. CraiK, A Krnsiier-'et, l,,,r ,1 lavlson. It. v Wavner, W. W. Ilro dle. HutchPwui n nl l!;iii,l,il,n Theoe woiiK-n lut'T ( , nslliut.'.i the provisional, the first l.ard ,,f the local Y. W. C. A. iind at a mretin)? on March . ;14 ln, ni pmatf d tin: YouttK Women'" Christian wtci tion. This formed the nucleun for I the orerfni7.-,ti ,n here which later 'became affiliated with th,: nalioivaj organization. Scynrcd Tropcrty at f tncr. The first n''t of this hoard was o purchase the property, which Is the Site of the new n.-soclntion hulldlnR at 11"! West Fifth street. Thronsh tre Kir.dvess of K. Rouers Kmp and Oiher tlie cftttiiKe on the iltp wa repaired, and was used for two years as had,4uartrtrs. until excava.ion for the new t iillJinif hexan. Club and Individuals furnished the co.tace and nipdj It ready for occupancy In May. 1314. The preliminary club was the Y". W. C. A. I'.luh composed for the most part of yonnff business women of which Miss Hue linrr was president. This rlub plajed no small part In t re., I rtk!.!i- ''' a.-. lln- .-.,,. C. , w h'ch HI. ?..( 1 ,. . ''" ' t Hie ,',,nt , 1 ,' V I '. .ii rt It mi rut M rs 'lil :,t,i,,,iTilr, (irM , I, .nr. " I't ,lrlr;la c. Hill. littler Ttils't y. en.r.i t,, ,,. sioinrt an nt "esi iii th,. i-tatins Mt'd in t,o tciher or the fame yea i, MiiM Mil,i.., , , r I , 1 1 iiiy Kerreiury of the -,,,,th west fie'.d irtiveil t" lissiKI an. I Ir. m.tlned until n. m ines ere well ,,tKHli.ed Mrf, A. A lilrl,n,1.1 up to Hits tin - had arte, I as rliairiiian of the mrm'if rship romnntlce and on Sunday. Nnvemlier I, a mas meeting .is held i. the fin, I'yteilan chin, h i.n.t a paid up tun,, hership of women and mils was ortioiineeil . The is..,,, elation then ar assured fa 't and Inimediaieli i.e. c.iine alfllmte.i with th" nalnnal V. W ' 4. rcrnianciu Itonrd l'.hvted. The next step made was Ihe eler tlnn of a perninnent hoard of whtrh Mrs A V Koth was made presi dent, Mrs. W. K. SIM. vlee.presi. dent, Mrs. W. W. Hrodie, record hiff secretary; Mrs, J. l. Ulehanl-s. treasurer, a-id Miss Caroline like, corresponding; secretary, and Me--diimes .I. A. Hull, Kred S Clinton. A. A. Hlrhards, R. H. Wagner. A llrnsherper, Ii. W. CralK. T. K. Smiley. H. J. lleald, ft. Shirk. A W Mayslnnis. V I. Williams. C c Mnpee, A. J. fiudd, f. II. I'onanl. It. MsrArthiir Dan J. Davlsson. J. W Do.lte. V. P. Oiler. Frank lln-kell and Miss l.yda French The first secretary here was Miss Wenon.ih Marletl. a youns Cana dian, who is now In association work In Canada. During the year 1915 women were busily engaged In perfecting the or gani.atlon by addlnic departments and "flvInK each a permanent head with committees to assist. The six committees then formed chairman were educational committee, with Mrs. W. I. Williams as chairman religious work; Mrs. A. Ernsherirer. house committee; Mrs. R. .1. lleald. hoard and room committee; Mrs, Fred Oiler, social commllteee; Mrs. Frank Haskell, and ciifetei;(a com mittee, Mrs. W. N': Sill. Kvery member of the Young Wo men's Chrlstain association was a true and loyal booster and at the end of the first year the member ship roll of one thousand paid tip members. At this timn, January 1. 1515, Miss Florence Hansan came to be general secretary of the local association, but on April 19 of this vear. Miss Hansan accepted the call to he assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city. Miss Hansan was an earnest and cheerful worker and will still take an active part as lea'der of the business womens' clubs. Money Ilnlsed for Building. The year 19H In November, marks real effort and wonderful ac hievement of the Y. Vv. C. A , It was st this time the building campaign was held. At the end of arduous hut successful campaigns, funds to amount of J Irtrt.OOrt were reported pledged to ereet the building. The i",:t.e . I. Hi-nun -ml Miss la wuh M t .e t ,.. n ,. Inivles-n as chalr- tj--i srri.-ia, v. -i In,, M,r, ,., i wn , i.,n. m ii N now contemplating l- .'. n, .i-I s and wi l,ii; tli , apteral .proposed sites f,,r tin- pe, ma ,n . ed lampfit-es and , o operat - i unit y. W. C A camp w.ih pan.,., tei.-lieis- : other , otiimlttocH which are. now , ". ' ', '" ' ' ! "' ' " of 'he various departments ' " t 'ml ami ,!.. f thl. assoelallon hern I. e-.w-i h ea-:,M with ate: till Is' detriment. Mrs. (;oorg., ' : "u ;lr,,i".'"": '1 , f i.irrii,i... ,.iir,n i,llsirs ,i. it ,- '" l-l.. lb.- Mtrle .partment. m,s. x. w. M-vK..ine: so- - uepat iineiir. I-. .M 1' lot, in- n..,,,. I, and Sunt Spiln,:- Itn-p i inni committee. Mrs t W eili , w ere Miehi , ,,,,,. ,.il,.l.Ul. ,. ... 'V"' . , , . '"buries Y. tirimes; extet,.,n'n c',,m- mmltic- h,s been appointed ; ,,t t..,., Mrs. w. . sill. travelers' at TiM last ,iil In aid. Mr. H. I-. Fits-terald; educa tional aid employment, Mrs. W. I. Williams and membership, Mrs. W. II. Hake.' r'l (nod Iden. w "Theso disloyal citizens who are released on bonds " Yea?" "Make 'em put up Liberty bonds." 11.1-5 IIS .'.iJO.'K:?', TMT Le3iii "Tt.-ll mm s33t r. s. . Jjt first homo of Tulsa's V. V. C. A I'hoto l,v Tip, en Mr. A. W. Itoth, iT.-si,!,.,,, luisa Y. 1 . . matk i-et f,,- t,,. , ,,,. ,t. h id ', b.i-ll I .VI. inn,, aid ;!,on,;i t ) , o pie, lues went iiln,. matk added, expense for lnt,,,r and materials will1 more than make lip the d.rielenre , The hllild-.ln; e.lmil.,1 tee ti p pointed ' at tins time was M, s W. ltd h. 1 chaitrnan; Mi .1. II I ai s. vi.-e , chnirnian ; Mr i; M M..,,.. ti.,. surer, and M-edaiu- s J , ; ; I i.-t t... i A T A lis..,,, , , ,r,p, ,n II. Haskell. .1 A Iind V, s,,,, )., R. M Moody and I; l McFarlin, .1 II. M.-Fw.-n, .1 A il ,11 and lv V Sim lair The biilld,rti; already under . on struction will provide .t poard n.; hall, aceommodatinnH for ti.' g-:ls. and getierai association aeeoinmo-la tlnns such as swimming pool, rvrn naslum, ih.iiirKlle seletice. domestic art, girls' department club rooms, cafeteria, rest and recreation rooms snd Hlbl class rooms. n fact, n departments and conveniences of Ine modern association btili.iinK will he included. The Young Women's Chrllsian as soelatlon hat, been very actlv. this ynsr though due to housing con, II lions some denjirtments have been unahln to puisne their particular work as thoroughly as would have nthorwlea been done. secretaries for the various departments this year are Miss Ethel Maud Smith. employment and room director; Miss Mabel Murrell. travelers' aid; Miss Nellie Hufffilne. business secretary: Miss Rose Haker, cafeteria director; Miss Horner, girls' departments. Homes, churches and schools have served as mooting places for rluhs of the association which will meet In the association building when It. Is completed. Ruslness women, Reta huslnena gins, Tulsa Business College filrls" Thursday cluh and K. A. O. club all -hold regular weekly meet. Ings for t..e Red Cross work and Ulhle study. An organization such as the Toung Women's ChrlMtlan association Is with a purpose to provide a "house of friendliness" for all young wom en without distinction or class or creed, a plate of social service for the girl who has had training, help for the giil who never had a chance, protection (or the sJranger within our gates and lo provide the gospel which voiing women may practice fur mutual hctiefit. The present hoard Is Mrs. A. W. Itoth. president; Mrs. R. F, Mac Arthur, vl e-presldent; Mrs. O. H. i Leonard, vrr.ond vice-president; Mrs, W. II. I'eck. recording secretary; A. J. Hudd. corresponding secretary; irs. A. l Richards and Mesdanic N. W. Mayglnnls. W. N. Sill, J. A. ; Chapman Dan J. Davlsson, Frank Haskell. F. '. Harwell, W. M. Hake, j R. M. Moody, Oeorge Harrington,; Randolph Shirk, W. I. Williams, H. U Fitzgerald. F. fl. Clinton, A. Frns-; berger, J. A. Hull. J. M. Olllette, Charles Grimes and Miss Florence lleald. , I Depa-tmcTitsi Flourishing. j Younger than the association hut one of the most Important depart ments Is the girl's work department of which .Mrs. Oeorge Harrington is We buy clean, white rags. IJrlng: them to The World Publishing rnm-u-t pany and ask for Mr. Mao Drum.-r Adv. W War Sacrifice May 20th Tulsa -County will begin driving for $18,000 as its share of the Second National Red Cross War Chest. , A While this is the Second National Drive-Tit Is Tulsa's Third. It will afford a sublime opportunity for many citizen of TuUa. , Many who feel they have given all possible will he permitted to realize that their love of country surpasses their love of self. To these will come the blessings that are reserved for those who see their duty and who do it. Let us welcome this appeal of the Red Cross for what it is our first opportunity to really sacri fice for our country. The Exchange National Bank LET US GIVE UNTIL IT HURTS t 7 A 1 1 v VSSSSYS SSi - 1 " cSri I r rt onn iMUBimmiirim faffiniMM nrrB";fnirrt " --N ' : " ' ! x , . The Famous Hartmann WARDROBE TRUNK will add a pleasure to your vacation trip ttifiiS&'T Here it isa Wardrobe Trunk ' " ... -.1 4r,, mat surpasses any ouu i nu.... on the market. It carries more clothes in less space without a wrinkle at the end of the trip. Made in two sections, one a wardrobe and the other a dres ser. Half of the top opens, enabling, you to open trunk in the corner of a room. The utmost beauty and completeness has been attained in the Hartmann Wardrobes. Gibral tnzed construction. Faracentric lock3. Sanitary removable laundry case, hoo box. Latest improved interchangeable hat and drawer section. Lock ing bar. Secret jewel Drawers. A unique device for carrying an electric noil. .Spot welded drawer frame support. Nickeled steel angles on all drawer fronts. To lock simply tap the keylels lock with your foot. An '.xcliiMve feature found only in HARTMANN WARDROBE TRUNKS hero is no effort, no fumbling, no bolts the climax of convenience. The ''uklod top used in the Hartmann kejps your clothes without a wrinkle. ; carry various styles in the Hartmann trunk. See them before you buy, will mean a great saving to you. The only exclusive Hartmann agency in t'-nsa. Buy your trunk direct and get a factory guarantee. Priced 2TB to $2ooa ARE YOU GOING AWAY? YOU'LL WANT THE BEST LUGGA GETIE ELEPHANT FIRST THE ELEPHANT LAST COMMENCING MONDAY WE WILL REDUCE OUR STOCK AT A REDUCTION OF 25 TO 30. WE BOUGHT HEAVY BEFORE THE INCREASE IN PRICES AND ARE GIVING YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO. SAVE MONEY. Every Aiticle Sold on Factory Guarantee r W put your name or Initials In OoM, Kree, on all trunks and leather goods.- M2 SUITCASES and HAND and Leather Goods at Reduced Prices Look Over This List General Purpose Trunk Steamer Trunks Men's Trunks Wardrobe Trunks Automobile Trunks Skirt Tray Trunks Women's Acessory Trunks Tool Trunks: fixrirrl Hairs Ladles' Hand rtnps Ijidies' Traveling Bags Men's Kit Hags Umbrellas Toilet Bolls Novelty Work Boxes Tool l)at,-s Coin Hajrs Two-Story Haps Leather Shirt I'.ugs Collar Jiags Flbergraas Bags Bamboo Bags Coat Cases Suit Cases Klbergrasa Suit Cases Kano Suit Cases Bamboo Suit Cases Fitted Suit Cases Carry-Alls R. R. Bass Books Cigar Cases Jewel Boxes Drinking Cups " Attorneys' Portfolios Dressing Cases with Fittings In Kbony and Persian Ivory Covered Flasks Bill Books Leather Thoto Holders Rile - Hlte and Berth High W a r d r o b Trunks Mens PocketBooks Leather Novelties Ladles' Bocketbooks BAGS iSeJ ALL OTHER MAKES WARDROBE TRUNKS pJ Closing Out at rJnii---- 25 Per Cent to 35 Per SHu Cf-ntOFF EVERYTHING for the SOLDIER Full display of Army Kits, Thoto Cases, Toilet Cases, Trench Mirrors, Identification 6ill Folds and Card Cases, Drinking Cups, Trench Cigaret Cases, Tobacco Pouches and Pipes, Waist and Leg Money Belts, Of ficers' ShiTt Cases, Our "Adjusto Roll-Ups," House Wives, Writing Tablets, Officers' Dispatch Bags. Every thing for the soldier. ARMY LOCKERS Automobile Trunks, Ladies' Hat Boxes and Other Necessary Traveling Equipment at REDUCED PRICES All Deliveries Receive Prompt Attention ha I!! -Hi'! i M ' J . - s rrr tt it is-t ... . ism 1" TT TT" "If IT A IK T fTTV '?ytmz. rp Kuy War Savings Stamps 105 S. Main St. Next to Vandever's Next to Vandever's Plone 3883 memtmammmmmmmsmmmssssmsasmmm TAK& Y c Buy War Savings Starnps 1 HE 11LEr II All 1 JW