1 V
'I l
SS i
2 i
Gcorre Piclioll M rites lniwtln
. Account of I'.xiMxlrni-i-H of
Voyage. Amiss.
Mrs Kits Wrrr of No I'w 10 homo
of Hoys: Tell lliwin f"r
Minrk mnl NwiriiIIh.
An unusually interesting I'Mnr In
the out. appended frnin tieorgn
f'Vckell, who him jimi urrivcd in
France Ickell is well known to
oil nun and NriitnrH throurhuut
the mld-c uilllient field. Hlnoe
Januajy J, 1!U7. he hud charge of
Ih proJuctlon for the 'lorn "II com
pany, and prior to tliut lime hud
. heen for -i number of years In thargo
of the prodm tiun of tin- McMan Mil
rcmpany. He enlisted In the cn
trlnrerliic corps In ricptcmbcr, 1917.
The IvIlowliiK Ih hi flrat inter
home tV' anyone except liniiMxlmte
Somewhere In FYance, April 1818.
E. li. McKarlm. Ttikaa. Okla.
Ier Kd:- I'romised I would
write, didn't 1 and titrw 1 have time
for a tine.
Wlrt you could be here In our
ramp fpr an hour or two. 1 could
show you mora and tell you more
than I rou Id write In a week, and
then I eould ask you more questions
ahntit the oil bualnea than you could
ever answer. You know I can't tell
you much, It wouldn't t by the
censor, t ut I oan aay few word.
After nix month' preliminary
work at Denver, I Leavenworth and
Fan Antonio, we were aent acroaa.
Talk about a happy bunchOh liuyl
They slipped us out onto our trans
port and started us across quicker
than you can drive out to the coun
try and atake out a location. Hut
when w left the harbor no one-waa
there to wave goodbye, however, that
didn't (natter very much beoauae
all of the boys were aaLeep and
didn't know we were under way un
til next morning when we were out
of slht of land. Kveryone of the
soldiers had ci-rtaln dutlea to per
form and mine knpl me on the ttern
of the ehlp one-fuurth of the time
day and alffut all the way across.
Me Cuama the Klnnn.
Recond day out a atortn came
along-. Before that our ahlp rode
alonr aa ataady a Hotel TuUn.
stands'. After the alnrm atruck u
thavt aMa went through more mo
rions than one of the (Irla In the
show down at rumria-ht. In
fact, we named cur ahlp the "Kuty
rarby," because It could certainly
'hall the Jack." You know there
are lota of men here who knew Huby -when
ahe waa still a blonde.
A couple of hour after tbe atorm
ramo that load of brave aoldlera
boya waa a load of seasick In vail da.
Kven the thought of fond made
thing worse and when the bugler
blew the "mesa call' ill but a very
few ran for th aide of tbe ahlp. One
boy heaved hi roeaa-klt out into the
ocean, saying:-
"I'll never need you any more,"
and another pleaded for someone to
"rail thle ea to 'attention!'". 1
read once that Americana have weak
stomachs, but those boys on our
boat eat a record for distance and
spaerf. You know now why aaairull
fellow a boat all the way across and
why shark come to the surface near
a ahlp. 1 took my blanket out on
the deck and slept in the fresh air
end by doing so I got by without
a mlnuta'a sickness.
After four or five daya the appe
tites came back and the men mad
up for loss time. They ate more
than a tool drener ran. That's the
r en son von have meatless and wheat
lens day In U. B. A., an that the sold
(era will have enough In fill up on
during the last half .f the trip
Oncevn Is Wonderful.
Berleusly, Ed. the ocean mad . a
tremendous Impression on me. It
is so Immense, so powerful and
everlastingly changing. In th
harbor our boat was aa big a
mountain: in the ocean It waa a toy.
And the colors of the water varied
from the deeuest ultramarine to the
lightest violet. And In the wake of
the ahlp at night there waa alwaya
a luminous streak Ilka the tall or
comet. But you know all about the
ocean and you know that no one
ean describe It successfully. If
man wants to know how really small
and insignificant he la, lust let mm
he on the ocean In a storm,
As we neared this side and the
submarine danger increased, the men
didn't aeem to rare. In fact, I think
that most of them wanted to see
sub. We did see one, or at least.
thought we did. The ordera were
to deatroy any suspicious looking
object and Investigate afterward,
would like to tell ynu what hap
nened. but It wouldn't get by.
Bo here we are In France. Of
course, we do not have the oppor
tunlty to mingle with tho people to
any large extent, and It wouldn't do
much good, because we can't "parley
Fransay much yet. However, I can
order ham and eggs and a cup of
coffee In French, and also can make
them understand when I want a bot
tle of wine. All the French drink
wine, but are not drunkards. It
seems to he a national trait, an far
as I have seen, and about every
third store In town Is a wine shop.
Instead of going in and putting one
foot up on the mil nnd nnyine:
"Two Potties of Iturl," you ri'
eHtr-d at a tjitile and n wnmun ttik
your nrnvr for mm' viry light
drink. S ou know a Koldnr can't liny
any tlilnn, wit h "kirk" In II. Kven
If li wantftl anmttlhini; koo'I and
MronK he Miuldn't K"t a rr;it il' il,
h'-caiiw tho ordinary eoldtfr'H imiv
aniMiintH to only III) or J1!0 nft"i
paving hla allot mi tits mi Liberty
booda, inmirarirt), riu.
At thr windows of rmt.i'irantH
there are hIkdh reading:
"A iiiiirice-ria will furnish their own
bread; we are not perrnltied."
rld gl rift, tiow In your ehnnre to
sen it. riherinnn Chllder ban a mus
tache, and II Is the fimt attempt
at ijrnwlnif one. We think he ninln
It off a ("until hiiah while, 'he wiift
out to the ratipe He In naturally
proud of It, In t't he wan ho pre
oeeiipled In tralnliiK It In urow Ihit
when I er llateo, and he kiv'n ii
plenty of l iothes. U e nre provide, I
with all the neevaHltle of life. We
do not expert any lununeH, and eon
seiiuetitly are not difiippnlnied tr
caalonully we run tet i muly In
limited uuanlttieH ni m,. i'. s rout
inlsaary and ho far have heen able
to buy plenty of uruoliiiu: toba'co
There are no kooiI I'ii ii ti i:ara and
few American.
Thjre ure Hotftiets r,r all kln'lM
here; the French, whiu-e iIiohs uni
forni is as highly roloteii and vuri
gated as the Hummer kitIh' tit homi'.
Morortane. viiose itrhH IooUh like a
bunch of Khrlnet'H In their fez' and
tunica; Kntrilnlt soldiers, u hone uni
form Is morn like ours, and thou
sands of Atne.ru jiu. whose uniform
is plain olive drab and w iui hits the
feweHt mtiii rueulj and sttlpea and
Koldler life In peai-e (tine would
be unbeariihle, but in I his cause f,,r
which' we are fiKhlina; we me all
prepared to no to the, limit and hop
thut peane does not rom utilil It is
a JuhI and luritlng pi'ii.' until the
whole (iertnan Idea of w,ir for war's
sake Is forever eliminated
Koldler lift) is nut aa fiiHrlnatlng
us the oil business. Thn loriR,
swinging sweep uf a valklriK beam
always hud Cie Kteatest atiruition
for me and there was always the
gamble of ahat the next screw would
go Into. And yet. In soldier life a
man must be (lead, whose soul is not
stirred by the sight and sound of
ten thousand men headed by the
War and Htrlpes, their shoulders
up, their pack on their backs and
their feet pounding Ihe earth In per
fect rythm.
From the appeursnce of things In
thlM country. I will he here for a
long time. Mo ynu take care of the
oil business and i ll try to get a Hun
apiece for us.
I tost wlshe to all the boy. My
candle is burned almost , out.
Blnctrt ly,
My entire lyldrcss Is Scrgt. Frank
rickell. Co. " MID Knglncer. A.
P. U. 701, A. K. F.
ornwior im tuidtv
i ; OLiV V ILL 111 I mm I
I Official American j j
Roll of Honor
I 11 r II 1
moil oi iionor i
!Jw . .. -V '''"'id
j ' " - 1 Start
H Ah'IIIM.Tt M t ! .' Tlie ;
lU-nrv r .,:iv i i .-1 i "d .i .' I'.iii'aine I ;
K t nun" -i d i vmIi iI as foi:, , w ' I
(itut'M ; wniinlcd f.c-,ciclv
mlM.nliK in ar-
I M.l.ilioiiiu Itculincnl
li alnini; in Mont li s Time,
s.iys I'l iilci'ost.
Killed In
licd or
i-.aunes I ; v. oim b
wiiimuleil t-1 1 1 1 " I I'l
lion I'l
Killed in Action
11. I'liiiiiley,
I .ow,
Attendance of 500 Kx ported at Club's
Anuuul Illnwr lit IlotoJ
Tonight the Tulsx Rotary club will
entertain their mothers, wives and
sweethearts with their annual
Ladles' nltlit" celebration, and it
promises to be one of Ihe nioet novel
and delightful programs the Ko
tarlans have ever pulled off. Secrecy
aa to what la coming la being rigidly
maintained, ao aa to keep tho fair
guests expectant for what haa been
prepared for them.
The entertainment will he held In
the main dining room of Hotel Tul
and covers will be laid for four or
five hundred. 'William Vandever,
president of th club, will pres:de.
It being nne of the last meet Inns un
der his administration, as new off!
cere era shortly to be chosen for
tho year.
The Untarlans had hoped to huve
Ihe Kelglan artlsta, Miles. Daley Jean
and Oabrlelln Hodoux and Jn Col
llgnun, aa their guests also, but they
have wired W. It. Culberson, Yhalr
man of the program committee, thai
they will be unable! to reach thn
city before Wednesday morning.
s.t'l llalpli
tille. Ull.
I'riv I ilvuml '
I'riv- Aliimso
I'riv. Kitdolpll Slina, New inrk.
PH. Wlllllllll M. tail i'nsM'll, (iill-
rail, Mont.
Died of Wounds
I, lout, firmir ti. Micpnrtl, North
a-ton. M.tss.
orp. William 'F. MiK'nuIey, Itny
H v. Mich.
I'riv, "hII .1. Urtico, Waterloo,
I'riv. Itollcy W. Marling, IlnrtlioliI,
X. I.
I'riv. Mhrrt I). Ilcjilr, Marlon,
I'riv. Zonnvl (lilcago.
I'riv. ItusM'll M. 1'ontlii, Nor-
I'riv. Jiswpli v. Ilimers. Brooklyn.
I'riv. James Itayniotnl an Alstlno,
Syrnousc. X. Y.
Died of Disease.'
rrlv l'aul v.. nlur, Carey, Ohio.
I'riv. ham Tugglo, tlonlclo, t.a.
Died of Other Causes
I'riv. Pol in DulKiyskl, ticvcliind,
Severely Wounded.
Ueul. Hiram A. Mlllr, (r.. New
ton Highlands, Mass
Corn. William (.'. Dupell, Hoonlon,
N. J.
Corp. Culver E. Waver, Johnston,
llsrvey H Krver. Prnvldence, rt. I.
Oeo. T Holllhttii. Someivllle, Mh..
John Kiiulskl, Hrooklvn.
W'lllam N. Meyer. Covlntrton. Ky.
Ooieri Slnnwskl. filen I.von, l'a.
Slightly Wounded
Mai. Itirhard M Paddock, New
('apt. John W. Cotton. Itallrnad
Flsl. Cul.
t'apl Charles Porterfield, Jr., St.
Paul. Minn.
'"apt. John Porter Tryotw Kl Paso,
Ijeut. John C. Itoggs. Itlihmonil,
Ueul. Fiank Demsllgnqn, Will-
mar, Minn.
IJeut T.inma II. Judd, rull-
inan, Wash.
IJeut. Kdward K. Merrihew, New-
ton, Mass.
IJeut Hilary Ileroert Hcott, nan
Antonio, Tc.
tfergt. Paul R. Clause, Fusion, ra.
Walter A, Koenlg. l,owetl.
l lnoM Sk i linens r,t M.uiImmkI An-sui-r
to all fur New Coinpanli-s;
Will Maki-. f'liie Soldiers.
'CI," H.con.l riklahomn. regimetj
Will he N.'l5tcred Into reilertll Bcrv
! wltbiJi thirty fiuvs. but nnhodv
knows wlielher It Is tn i;o to the
Mexican border Iir i,, .ranie said
ll'ol W. .1. I'eiiteeuhl ef Clkluh inn :i
I of nt herJ O'lly .,,:t Tllrhl tiefore lem loir Tub,;.
after ,i i 'oiitcrenee held here during
the nftel'ili.on with a miniber i,l
pri'tinni'iit mililary men who ha',,
bad charge of recruiting the regi
ment in this section of tho slate.
Colonel. I'luteenst, as has been
published, is Hinted for the colonelcy
of the new regiment, although he
denied yesterday that his appoint
merit ,hus been decided upon. The
folnnrtl nnd lieutenant-colonel ure
to be appointed directly by Pres
ident Wilson, said Colonel rcnte-
Kroli, Pi lulu rn.i,
Harry K- MH"y, Worcegtec
, Logan Ressom. Btedm.tn.
Jacob Schmidt. Urns!!. Inrl
Ftank J I.yk. Manches-
Morthwlck, Meriford.
For Burning Eczema
Noted Kiraker Will lilve Two Ad
drcNrs at onveiitloii Hall
Neil Sunilay.
(Ifrmun atrocities lp their most
frightful form will be depicted to
Ihe people of Tulsa un lied C roe
Hundtty, May 19. when tr. Newell
Dwlght Hlllls will formally open In
Tula the second national Ued
Cross war fund drive, for which
Tulsu must raise fl.Sfl.om) in the
week of May 20-:'7. Doctor llllhs,
who recently returned from a trip
to Kurope, will make two talks In
Tulsa on that date.
On Sunday. May 19. which bus
been designated as a national Ked
Croas Sunday, Ihe pastors of all
churches In the city will preach
Hod Cross sermons in the morning.
In tho aflernocn lioctor llillis will
speak to mm only at Convention
hall, where he will Illustrate In de
tail the horrors perpetrated hv the
Hun army on the people of France
end Hnlgium. .Sunday niftht at a i
htg union mass meeting of all
churches and people of Tulsa he
will attain speak.
Greasy salves and ointments should noil NAVY RtCRUITS FALL OFF
te aDolied if nood clear skin Is wanted I
from any druggist (or 35c, or $1.00 fm
. ... I ...... M . Ktlt mnn
iXLia lAJga o- iaiiub '
fhen applied as directed it effectivel)
lemoves ecsema, quickly rtups itching, anc
leal skin troubles, also sores, burns
roundsand chafing. It penetrates, clean bci
ind soothes. Zemo is a clean, dependablt
tnd tnexpenmve, penetrating, sntiseptu K(,,
tquia. try it, as we rjeneve running yo
Uve ever used is ss effective and &atisfyuiu
The E. W. Roes Ox, OeveUnd, 0.
uffer with
A constitution' trestment for rheumstiain raJ
sed gout. It dot ve tns tslcsrunu o
poaits which cans Ihs palnFul wllln at
th ieints and driva the uric sctd from th
system. In ua alncs lH Sold br Miili
drsaslaU for 75c. per bold.
Bbt & taut, M in, lilt to ISA Stt, Hew lort
Twculy-flc Men S-nt lYoui
IxhuI Sl.ulon During Wi-ck.
Naval enlistments In tklalinma !att
week were 120 men. Of this num
ber 01 enlisted in the naval reserve
and "H In tne regular service. Tulsa
nent In 2ft of these.
While the number of volunteers
has remained about normal, tlne
In charge of recruiting fur this dis
trict are disappointed thai the num
ber IB sn small. Friday morning only
nine men had been, sent to the dis-
ift offir flout ci'i-ht' sll'i-stations
K'l ll iV
It has also been off
reulsteren men
Ladies. 11.000 Bavardt I i
an tee mr rrrst HuerKkfn! "Monthly
neand Hafeljr rliia inrnt of tlu ton-t-nt.
moat okatinate. sbnormsl raaa in 8 to A
da. ho harm, pais or inttrferanra with
work Mail I.S0: Double Slrrngih a
Booklei Free. Write todar. Dr. T. A.
aouuuii(toa Bjomlj Co. IUium City. Mo.
stated that
lio wish to en-
liHt must present a written release
from their local exemption board be
fore they will be accepted A tele
graph release will not be accepted.
Cnpald telephone bills f,,r Hi"
month of Apill are past due if ' not
pnltl ty ti p. m. on the If-th scvice
will he (lis ontinued l'lonccr Tele
phone - Td graph Co.--Adv.
'r buy clean, white t.-iks Ftrind
them to The World Publishing com
pany u-id aak for Mr. Mac Urilmc
N. ('.
ter, N. Y.
John W.
Mass .
William Burgess. Walthsm. Mass.
Mnses . Cllley. nlngham. Maine
I.eo I.. Clerk, Klldesr, N. I'
riiarle V. runnlngham, Pyeri
vllle. Iowa.
Krnest It. peekle. Metier, na.
Young Krssler, Coollilse, TeH.
liewcv mil. Trenton. Te
Frederick tl. tiulld, Marhiaa,
Jnme I) I luti hltiuon. Charleston
William A. KlnsellB, Fairfield
( hnrlev . Khima. Houston. T'xn
Harold H l.enler. Pendleton, ri. A'
c 'in roll li. Ijtrrthee. Itradford, pa,
ltobt. It. M.iclionald, lllenhrnnk
Harry 11 Marsh. I lerhy. VI
Walter Meten. Adena, tihlo '
Albert Mederer. Fotlstadt, N. J.
William .1 Nallp. Portland. Mime
John (i c it to. Iietroit. Mich.
Herbert A. Schaarts, New Yolk.
June F. Smith. Hasting"", tows
Unwind It. Stanton, i'ak Park
John It Ti
Wtlhaio I.
nioutli. M.iss
Missing in Action.
l.lent Walter M Tennv. S'. M-
hans. VI
' '"I II.
i (rp.
Knorh II I'ohle. tjulney. Mass.
FdWHtd F.. ilurnev. New Haven,
l,ee lniere. Ijieport, N II
lo ,V' M iher. imrcitestcr. Muss
Clifford Markle. New Haven, t'nnn.
I-t .nirisj .'liil(itnn. Port Chester,
N. Y
John V Murphv. Atnesburv. M iss.
Fihvurd J. .Murray, Smitlunidon.
t'lnuda ,T. Nelson, nristol. Conn,
tjnorge K Newton, ll.irtford, Conn.
i:dward A. Pati'tiande, West Hav
en. Cann.
Oliver .1. Qurllettiv T.yndorvlllc, Vf.
John I.. Whalon, Hoslindie, Mass,
Hydrophobia Infection In Oklahoma
Is Too I"rr alcnt. Says Or. Itlikf.
Ppenal to Tha World
MurzlinK of dogs should receive
attention early in the heated season
;i;t a precaution ai'mst li prophobia.
save I'r. J. W. Inike, state health
commissioner in u bulletin Is-sucl on
tho subiect. There nre more cases
of this dread infection in Oklahoma
than there should he. he believes,
and the people must help sttpprcsn
its dangers by muzzling their do;.!).
ivlor. Cnlfm. Wash
Toidter, Kast W'ey
Harold Curlson. Iiorchrster,
l-'.iving A. Oresser. Pristnl,
to'orjie Nelson, Hrlstot.
It.tlph Harney. Fr,inilnton.
ScwjII W. Iticlt, Oorchester,
cost, and Hie majors, enptaitiH and
lieutenants will be aipolnli il ly
governor Williams.
AjiiHilnimeiits Not .Made.
Many Tulsa friends of Mai, I,. W.
Itoi,k had hoped that, he would be
given the lieutenant -colonelcy of
the redolent, hut it is reportod that
Hie beet Major Uook can expect la
to be. mimed senior major, lie has
this rank already In tbe regular
army, nod his homo town friends
believe his experience mid soldierly
qualifications entitle him to the
lieutenant -colonelcy
While President Wilson Is to ap
point the colonel and lleuleri.ini
eolonel, it Is common knowlnd'jo
that the Appointments will he made
through recommendations of tiov
ernor Vyilllatn and that he will
really dictate the selections.
Amnng those who attended the
conference yesterday with Colonel
Pentecost were Mat. 1.. W". Kook,
('apt. C W. Iliad of Muskogee.
Captain Hldenhotir of Vlnlta. Capt.
II. Tom Knight of Olaremorr and
Captain Mulhn of Kufaula.
Work Progress- Kapldly.
The imrpose of the meeting was
to ascertain tho progress that has
In en made in the medical examina
tions (if the men who have enlisted
In the regiment. The report showed
that the wink Ih going forward rap
Idly and will be completed within
a few days.
Knough men have been examined
and accepted fiSr Tulsa 'wo com
panies to more than make up the
minimum strength of each, which
100. Over 2M have already been
Colonel Pentecost "said the re
sponse to the call for enlisted men
had been splendid and he was proud
of the way the' young men of the
ilalii had volunteered. It was a
fine lcsiiiiionl.il to the loyally and
t-iitriiiiiHtn of Oklahoma. The 'cnM
liter of the volunteers is exceedingly
Rood anil shows them to he the very
best manhood of the state. The
percentage of rejections upon ex
amination has been remarkably low.
Vlniia Man Will Not Oppose Jud;;e,
Turner for Supremo Court.
Fppriil to Tha World.
MIAMI. May 12. Judge Preston
H Imvis of Vinlta, (udge of the dis
trict court, is a candidate fur con
gress. Ho made the announcement
Saturday and said he wuuld make a
canvass of the district between this
lliiui and tnit primary election In Au
gust, Judge Davis, early In the year,
announced that ho would oppose
Jufrko John 11. Turner of Tulsa for
re-election to the supreme court but
his friends In this district suggested
that h niako the r;un for congress
and the contest in the first district
promises to he a real live affair.
Judge Davis haa been tho district
judge three years.
Masonic Neophytes Adopt Class Son
That Bodes 111 to Herr Kaiser Bill
Here Is tho song of 1(M great
civs of younfir (iklnhnmans,, many
of whom were well known young
hiislnefs men of Tulaa, who took
the ,i;nd degree In Masonry at
Guthrie last week. It 1 ming to the
tune of "Tramp, Trimp, Tramp the
Hoys Are Marching."
'Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boy are
The Kilser' standing at the door,
WonT you givo us a submarine
No we cn biff him on the bean
And there won't bo any Kaiser
any more."
Quito appropriately the rlass
named Itself the "All-A morlcAn." It
numbered 3'U and t comprised ot
tnen from every part of the atate.
Among the T'llra members who went
to (iuthrio and took the 3 tul as
members of the rlaas were Jtalph
Tallu;t. "Hill" Hmlth, William Slew
art, Nell Sutherland, Hnsecoe Oram,
(luv MrCullough, ltabhl Menkes,
Charley Vandever, Schuyler French,
fiahe Dreyfuu and Moaars. Cook und
Hab'ol Menkfs waa chosen H;lam
orator and Schuyler French c!as
historian. Captain Akin, F. 8. A., of
Fntd. Is president; Dr. Phil Halrd,
of Oklahoma City, vice-president,
find Sergeant Mager, U. S. A.. Okla
homa City, secretary and tressurer.
i 2'LrJltil'VVV: 8AVKS '"""
One thousand dollars In twenty
dollar bills "all bound 'round with
a woolen string," ss the amount that
Officer Hi: ley Clever recovered for
H. A. Meyurs, local contractor, earlv
yesterday morning". Clever frustrai
ed an attempted hold-up when h
appeared on the scene. Cincinnati
and-the Frisco tracks, where sever
al nights ago a man was murdered
by thugs for 120, just as tho bold
thief was relieving Meyer of hir
watch. The alleged hold-up man
cave his name to the police us J. K.
Hrowatcr. Ire I a chauffeur whom
Meyers had hired to drive him.
Meyers, according to his actions, had
been drinking and claimed ho wai
in that neighborhood for the pur
pose of paying some of his men. Ik
had on him J1.000 In cash. Hrowstir
Is held In Jail without bond on
charge of highway robbery and will
probably be turned over to cour.tv
To Kelicvo ia in tin' Stomach,
which disturb your sleep, just try
one 50c. bnttlo of I.ax-Fos with Pep
sin. A Liquid Digestive Laxative,
for Indigestion or Constipation,
Pleasant to take.
it. rftfc
Kill ONE Fly
With a Mighty Swt
While a HUNDRKD Die
From a HOFSTRA Shot
rAj?ainst Flies, Mosquitoes, Roaches, and other disease-carrying
and food-destroyingests. It will help mightily in winning the
bigger war against the enemies of the Nation.
Speed and efficiency are just as important in one
fight as fathe other. Life is too short to waste it in
swatting flies and bugs singly. Kill them by the doz
ens and nundreds with ".nc:
... fetii
iiS. .vt.'d
The new insect destroyer. A non-poisonous powder, y
Harmle to Humans-Fatal to Bugs. Unlike any insect
powder and unequaled by any other insecticide.
Kill the Insect Invaders of Home
Garden and Poultry House
Roaches and Bed Bugs
iV'ii'.r..'i. .
i iii. tojt n
W.SI'e'S -
Flics and Mosquitos
hf HOI'S! UA to ilrfcat tlt.sciic. The
health of your (amity is your lirt coniern
anil t lie nation's (itrat nccil. N ou sltould not
ttrcli-ct lor a sinnlc diy the best mtuns ot
ilcatrnyiup: tlte K'rtii siicadinii tlv and the
tu.i!aria-lirrciliii( mos-nnto. Spray tin ir
lirrrrluiii nests and RatherinR places with
HOI SI'KA (torn a HOl iiTkA Km.
Thee persistent little pests
that muss up so much fodM
resist almost alt efforts to stop
them. IIOI STKA is their con
rpirror. Sprayed on sltelves, in
cellar and pantry, it prevents
the invasion of the ant kills
him wlirn he breathes it.
In Your War Garden
It is said that Potato Huk, Tomato Pui
and Cahbaije Worms and otlier (jarden m.
sects ticiitroy mote food than the submarines.
1M);STKA kills thcc Kardrn i-urnues T hey
breathe it ami die. Ileum early and spray itic
Harden plants and vines with lltll-STRA.
Use the HOl'STKA pun.
In Your Poultry House
20c fvo ra DIME !
"Money back if ltOFf-TH f.iils to Sa
(he work." In the unou-idfied guaranlre
prtnteii on every package.
lit lv
7. iCisNl'"
PRlfE "
l,rt itff.Ci.rrti
V s.; U v v " S -I? 'iViiir:.': ; r.t -Wi:, .tin-it i TJt, P -..'.- JiiJ'.l'W.i'tfir.ii'rtS-'
-ik -w-c.s r'r--r-Lrr
Is -'Si s
a liti
To be rid of the annoying roach and the H VSrfl i as-ffrr
loathsome, bedbug is the determination of 1 ' J00l,Ptj)'
every American housewife. HOI-'STRA is fBjssjsaajJJgs i
sure 4leaih to thase invaders of the home. 1 A viVl'-'nl' 1
Sprayed in the hiding places of roarhes i!l''lawtllIrNJ''V E'.
and in the crevices where bedbugs roost, it slirv15 sr
kills the pests and breaks up their bleeding IT M
Sprayed on the roosts and walls, HOK
STRA kills the blnod-suckinu red mites. In
the feathers of the, hens and in the setting
nests, it destroys the white mites and lioe and
prevents the breeding of the head lice that at
tack the nrwly-halrhnl chicks. Harmless to
letting eggs and chicks, death to vermin.
'"-rent metal gun, loaded with 10 cents' worth of
HOrSl RA, rnsts only a dime for a trial. Order one (rom
yitir grocer or druggist now. If he hasn't HOr'STKA yet. mail
the dime to in. We will send the loaded gun promptly by
nuil, postage paid. We will appreciate it if you will send
your dealer's name when you write for the gun.
HOFSTRA Is Sold by.".
rortra ani itnirta la He. 6 and It alas, and
lua.ltil hums. Ht-flll feua wltu psckaga powdar.
DEALERS The Mir, sit -siinimrr sdvfrtlslnr campaiitn Is creatine a rsp-
gromiig demand for III KSTK A. with sal,.s opportunities you can't sf
tt overlook. Oriier from WllllHinon-ll!ll.ielI-P'rniee (In. Oklahoma
"ity. tiiithr.i". Hhswnee. I'lueksshs, Alius, Klk rily; Hsle-llslseU Grocer Co,
MeAlestcr, afuxKosce, IVira.-il, 1'oalsnte, any Jobbar in Tulsa.
302 North Nogales Thone 6624 Tulsa, Oklahoma
yiurSutMtts sW swyw