OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, May 13, 1918, FINAL EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1918-05-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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'' iiiiwim nam nmnriwu.
NO. 13
i iwwBiirMgimtMHMM wwiiw
AH Dcpsnnii-ril Of High School
Murk in Im- Ki'iiivm'UKhI Ii
I'libHs1 Hcini.tiMnillon.
May I ;, 10 and 7 Arc To I Iays
of Kciil l,iinrliliniwiil Fur
TiiIsh Cili.cii.
The annual exhibit nf i hi Tulaa
Central Inch si hnul will he Ht
li e 'i.n v ri I i n hull May I 'J, IK and
IV. AM (if the departments will be
represented in this rahlhll : It will
l"l Hie luigCHt exhibit (if school work
ever 1 1 .-1 . t In I tin city if Tulsa. Ill
. the rvAinriKH I he music elanse will
give a ri u in I of selections, the gym
nasium pupils will gie soma of their
fancy (lain-iM, and soma athletic
drill, which they have ben so dlll
H (.' n 1 1 v pructiclng
The manual training department
ill huv mi" of th largeat and most
Interesting of all Hi exhibits. Horn
nf the article which will be exhlblt
ejLfrnm thin department are: Cedar
(fXesta. talles.choth library and din
I UK, chairs, bed stools, lampa, dreas
Inn tables, desks and telephone ta
liln. In fuct everything from Ihla de
partment which will be of any In
ternal to the people"wlll be exhibited
The beautiful workmanship of the
pupils who are taking- training will
be. highly appreciated after It haa
ben viewed by ichool patrona.
Art anil Kcirnoe Booth.
The dumeatlo art and science
classes will repreaent Kail Crou
work and food conservation In their
display. They are going to have a
number of different boolha, each
representing one phase of the work,
as: Ilaby booth, knitting booth,
, Junior lied C'ros booth, dress booth,
lint booth, and a booth which will
be uaed In dlaplaylng war foud. The
domestic science clusse are print
ing two card, one which will rep
reaent a patriot meal, and the other
a alacker meal- After seeing- this peo
ple will realize the good work which
haa been done, ami la atill being done
In Iho Junior Red Cros department
of till achool. '
In the language department the
French, 1-utiii and Hpunlsh will be
on dinplay. The French clane will
be repreaented by a apeech In French
by Kugene Thorkrcy, and the Iruna
latlon by Richard Wheeler. There
will alao be eome French papers on
exhibit. The IIH and 1 1 A Latin
classes will dinplay aome drawing
from Cicero, and alao they will have
aome written pnpera. The work la
on diaplay by the Hpaniah depart
ment la work which waa done
throughout the year bndlviduala.
It la Correlative Spanish, ahuwlng
how Fpanlah applies Itself to other
subjects In the high achool.
In the history department the til
and It A puplla will dlepluy mapa
which they have made of (Ireece,
Home and lluly. The Kngllah his
tory student are making a acrap
. book on the modern Knglleh phase
of- the war. These classes will alao
dlaplay aome mupa of Knglund. I'miii
the civic cluaara will be seen a
drawing of the charter of the city
of Tulna.
Ijuiguuge IIOOlllM.
The Knglish cluaara, which studied
lvanhoe during the present year, will
have Illustration from the hook,
auch aa picture nf Wamba, (liirth.
the Hluck Knight and lvanhoe. The
Kngllah literature ('Inane will have
on diaplay composition showing lit
erary appreciation. The 1 1 A Kng
llah rlaaaea will diaplay their talent
In editorials
The art department will have one
of the large! exhibits; It will rover
about forty card. It will ronalat of
a copy of all the different art work
which haa been done during the
year. Some water color pnihtinga
will alao be ahown. Thia will he very
interesting to all who will attend.
The commprrlul department will
diaplay Ita work in business, Kng
llah. bookkeeping, penmuiiKhlp and
spelling and vocational guidance.
The penmanship. whlch,wlll be on
dlaplav la exceptionally good. The
vocational guidance law will have
on diaplay self-analysis churls mude
by the puplla.
All claaae In the aclence depart
ment will have aomething on exhibit
The goology classes huve .mounted
fifty mlnernla which Jiave been
found by the atuilcnta during the
year. There will alao be numerous
Plates of land mrtii'ture. fault planes,
oil field contour and work baaed on
cap limestone. The botany classes
will have a collection of the differ
ent kinds of bug they have collected
and mounted during the year.
In the mathematics department
original problem from the geometry
claaaes, which the atudenta have
worked out will be ahown.
Knibryo litbllu KkvIiom.
"The public speaking department
will be repreaented by the Hall-Fel-lowa
contest, which will be given
one evening djtrlng the exhibit. The
: Triangular debute of both the girl
and the hoys will also be given.
The gymnasium rlaaaea composed
of girl will give aome of their folk
dance, poses, and aome of theirath
letic drill The boys will give the
tumbling drill, which was given by
tliem in assembly, uiitl which aroused
much enthualasm among the atu
denta and will be of great Interest
to all the people who attend. To this
l-erfornia lire will also be added some
(if their athletic drills.
The miiHic classes will furnish
music every nikjit during the exhibit.
The first night they will sing the
smics from the allied countries. Thp
next eeniriK they will slog. "Come
where, the I-ilicx liloom." The Men
delssohn club will also furnish some
of the rniiMio. The orchestra will
play every night before and after the
program. -
JV:e riti.ens of Tu.sa ate cor-;
rtlt8)Tnviied i attend thi exhibit
and koc the excellent work which the)
hlith achool has done rturini; thej
present year. i
Prank W. -"Mr. I'rutt. 1 saw a
siKn down on a street which stiid.l
'No dirking,' nd there was a pnrk
1 u k I' ll feet wide."
s. l.e Sourd wiehes that who-
bmti,ht the (log into study hall
vvould uie lilni?elt up, that she
could Nonk linn in detention.
fi'I'nl -Wliv, Mr. Pro tt I S -.cars
F.dn Hon- do you know? i
I'earl I looked it up in the en- j
Cyciojiedtju I
J Mother' Day
Mothers' dnv, which is being ol
served all over, the countrv loil.n
leai hea us far Inn k at the esti Heat j
tecorda. The (ircut Mother of the
lioil wa worshipped In Asia Minor;
' t fi by Hie pagans .lunt when Hie
lirlatblll Church set a tl.lV apart
for "Mothering Hiinddv" is not in-
luin. out in ruiiy tune when young
men and girls were hire. I out a n p
prentices. Mid Iwnl huudav w.i
always given tliem to iiituin ami
i njoy the day with their mother
Mother day wa but ricci,tv ol
V(..II,.P. .1 .
served In thi country. inn- pacci
of history huve been written itli
ery little Hentlnient appearing. We
pride (Uirelves on stininc. ,iov
showy seiitluient. yet the ci-lebra
tlon of Mothers' day has at lencib
been made Urn exception 'I he
churches, the government and the
people honor this (lav of all days.
Mid each yeur the president
out the following proi laniaUoii
"Hy Hie Prcehlrm of the- liilnd
Htates of Auierii.i:
"Wheress' bv a Joint resolution
approved May K. I!H. ilemKii.iiing
the second HiiihI.iv In ,viuy as Moil,,
lis' day, and for other purpuisrs. ibe
resideiit is authorfed ami nuncst
ed to lsue a proiia mat Ion I M r i k
upon the government uffiitals to
display the l ulled Htates flue on ill
government buildings and III"
pi of the I'nlted Htates lo display
the flag at their home or oilicr
.uiinnir pin, r i ,,o ui- ,, in
doy III May as a public expression
nt our love and reverein
mothers of our count rv.
"Now. therefore. I. Woodrnw Wil-I
son, prealdent of the I nited st iie
of America, bv Hi tile of Hie in ,
Ihority vested In me bv Hi" said j
olnt resolution.', do hereby direct I
Ibe government officials lo dlHplnvl
th. I'nlted Htates flag on all go -rrnment
bulldliiK aud do Invite the
people nf the I'nlted State to (lis
plav the flag at their home or
other suitable places on Hie second
MundaV ,of May lis a public expres
sion of: our love, and reverence for
the, tuoUiera of our cnuntrv
"WutilJltoW Wllau"
Molhera' dav v.'a observed first
In Oklahoma Muv I.1. Ill:, by the
.rocliiiti:illon of tlov. Lee Crime.
Of course, flugs are very patriotic
lo the nation's mother, but each
individual should hae isae mother,
one dear llttlp mother on whom a e
can bestow his regards and lo
The beat way to show bis love Is In I
flowers Mowers signify the love
for your mother belter than anv
thlng else. Wear your mother's
favorite flower, give her aome
Mounting plant or a O'otted one.
something that will last, and ahe
tan remember and be happy because
of the day.
( Hy Kathleen Norris
A.r.iis ugo we carried to your
The talea and treasures of event
ful daya.
Knowing no deed tou humble for
your praise.
Nor any gift too trlval to please.
Ho still we bring, with older smile
and tesrs.
What gifts we miiv. to claim the
old. dear right.
Your faith, beyond the silence and
thn night,
Your loe sliU close and watch
ing through the euts.
) Tulsa School Men's Class
The Tulsa School Men's club met
Tuesday In the high school gmy
tiualum fur an evening of recreutlon.
TTiie fortv nub members in attend
ance took pat l In the exciting games
of volley bah and l"nur ball.
Mr. I iberholtxer, our iliatlngulHn.'d
superintendent, proved to he one of
the most enthusiastic olley bail
playera that has ever bet-.i on 't"':
floor. Mr. I tatt and M r. Mccarty i
periormeo mum onoe ooi it.io ...
bar lor Hie amnsemenr or inn mnei
rluh menibers and Mr I'nverferth
wa given pilvute lessons as lo Hie
use of the bar.
The swimming pool was very
poDolar during the evening Here
,.... .i.ffi. ,ili l..i. c. ... innud.ieed
"-' ' -',,
A huaincsH meetltiu followed the.,
serving of the eats which consisted
of sanilwiciieH
cocoa und pie
I rl ntf the business session the
election of the clubs officei took j
place. lr I larence (irman ,i!
elected president. Mr. J. K. Keeling,
vice-president and Mr. C. W. Kim. '
secretary utnl treasurer.
It seems that the men of ilns i 'lil i
live from the foutlli Tuesday of tin'
month until the next niereiv lor the
good times they hae in Hum club
Spanish News
- - .-.--..--.-4
The World reporter went to Mi.;
HallowaV tor a Mat, ment ahniit th''
l'"rt nt li-Siiuiii'i.i iri,,i uiii to be given
In uHaeniidy. I to- some leason m
other slie could not Ht.ite eactl
when the pro-jri'in wool I h te.i,;v
To compere. tie o, ihtt ti.tl to sooth
the fet lt.;s of llie nrlie rl.e o'.
nnteered ilie it, lit, v ,ni infortnatiou
Ninety per t t'nt ni tne I: Sp.nn!,
tlllpl! have ariltns I., tin Ml owe
They draw plo's ,"if their Fti,in.t
and lutiel th" tii i ;i n -tie in Spanish.
thus getting a u-l.li'.il kll'Hl le.I .e
of the lanpii ive
J Monday Aitembly j
0 Hi I'M-.ll linrtMlillle grow b 'ttcl l
ei (,-i.toii'la wan ' ej,t iulial I
Iv I'cnii'l Mr Tub t s called oon .Mm
licit n ' 'mm, I. ell io l. 'II" a i, m, i : fa. 1
trip (.r'Artclls anil Kdlth to Knid i
"Them ism' ninth to t'-il. Miss'
Campbell began, "except that I ll.ne'
tn-n li.nicu.ir ft.iwuni ibi ..i ..... . !
t'jiiitv of iid'IrcsHHi , ,,, irom Hi
ton I v, as atmoititci i-li.-i pel ion- An ,
e M. off he Iralli ue . blle!
poslec II It Il'j. Ill I' I UK that f'Mir gle.lt j
aitists wei, r, appear in l-.nli. Ar-i
ll'll Wonder' d v. ho Hie Other io
V'. ' re till- ;e"jil woo CiislK anil I
V.'eie r.'Cnt'lll.'e .1.1 tlltOllgll Hie Clt.
N'ot f,,r wtiat ihe H i ,) afiiriird, for
the v'e-e uell io-haveil, lull for Willi'
I I c ,1 i in ! liu , Mile 11 '
The in n! j.cm ii Ale nil i s asHem
llv w ;i -i tliat th 1 eslirneii were e -
CI '.('' to Kf' 'i'ell .itlll(S taken
II v.nx :iutii,l l.'iat seevral freMhrneriff
tiiileit ,o fio out Tlii ll .Ml. Tlill.,:
expli.lloil lfi.it the-, . ,"il, go 'veil f
if thc hi'A i "i t "! i -n i !.( ir'' ipiat ter
li'el out Hi'V M
Atlel III'. ffe.MII'"l 'l.lll lli-,l j
p'-lie-l aio! inilci pre,'ill,1, Aile.'ls'
an, Mi'n l-'ioii "reriiered tli" .e
l' i l, m Ho v "M l.der. il" In Kind
Tlie ,ii, I i-piendolU an,! were eo-
IIii.si.i.iii, alii !,( ne, I bv Ibe s. I,i,,. I
I I lie i l ee of I h I'd m l Mr
T il'l.s lul, I .il.oiil life MeioP I .",,ii ,
Mill i ' liipel I l' W I'.. I I 'Id I HI.
lion lie . nr; 'ii i laii. low i.iihi' s.ven
lilies Ol, I o Till.'-. I.
i pin-
S ! I III III III' I II I ere', I
. i,,in
. i fi 1 1 iii , i' 1 1 'I lie bad u iood
I n
etiii hi,,! di tir iii all report nail
i:ii I" had a iaii.il ln.ie
The orchestra of Central higK'ls
rldtm bard against the time when
the high s hool exhibit Is to be glv
at Coiiventhin hall. The work
( ill lie doiildv hard on them, aa they
li ne been held back by , the fact
Hial their new music failed to ar
live Now that It la here they are
worldlier hard every day tu get
things lo the place where they will
salKfv Hie expectation of the peo
ple who conilt to thn exhibit.
Arrangements are being mnde
for the orchestra lo play accom
paniment to the ;ee club. The or
chestra this yeur la not nearly ua
large as the one last year. The peo
ple who can play Instruments In the
Ingh school have fulled to rome
nut, though the school haa given
full credit for the orchestra work
this year l'nder the able lender
ship of Mrs. Ilarrell the orchestra
ha ecompllhed a great deal. It
la not large, but It represents i-ual-ity.
'i I'
ll ia true, the orchestra haa not
covered itself with glory Ibis yeur.
but they have gained aome very
good experience and if these same
students come nut for the orchestra
next year, then Tulsa will have a
si hool orchestra of which everyone
can well be proud. The people of
the orchestra are always glad when
anyone comes In to hear them play
They huve had several Invltulions
to play on different occasions In
the citv. but due to certain hidd-
KiielfM thev Iiuvm liuil tit refoue W
hope that next veiir ih orchestra
will be in such shade that they can
t lav at all entertainment of the
high school and also for outside I
club whenever the opportunity of
. - ,
y. ..vaavv country is Involved Th 1 i 11 in
! SDrirtf Gardening mom-.' uliemlN ureat and will le
I I ii, ,ii Ii great"!' before It lis ended.
l4 i - ;in, theretote taking 'he 1 1 1 I t -Hut
on Tehlh und Wheeling Hie I to siiirei st t lint all gi .iduai in t dasses
ugrlcultiire t lasses h've planted their . l'i nl.ols of whaiever guide lie
spring guldens. The garden 'are ui red to mu'e i hi IflB "eei -ctB.'s ,n
laid off In fifty foot lots and these simple as posmol" In older to muni
ate UlVlueu II. ill III I"," seiiioii
The pupils were allowed lo p.ant
what thev wished und luanv have
good gardens. A few pupil who
have not neen able to give i. al-
I o n 1 1 1 1 ii to the garden thai was
needed hive not the showing the
r0 (lf gardeners have One
, K,., whn VarJ M home for
garden stated that her radishes
and onions alone In the school gulden
nau ncHnv pain tor me rest or me
seeds used.
All nave raoisne. onions, nnu :!-;
. .. " .
uirterent variety fur nut space re
. ...... i, .... ,, ...
Snl, a,., I
,' ' .'.- ,,r.
Mll 1 -rs..-, v - I
- w i"ii "-i ,
Kihiiiiii iditi on in nipnr niiirtii
tn . riiiinly Im.kn fl-'e . !
i,-i n. inioe jiiiii ." " i tii,-,,-
will be mote students interested
enough to icarn how to garden uc-!
Some Time
Some time In the future we will he
honored lv a hat show given by the
pupils of Miss Hohlnsun and Miss
l ord. It mil display the artistic
uldlilies of the one class and the
good salesmanship of the latter.
To make the display more inter-
estlng then- will be th contrast of
two shops showing Hie right and th.
w ri-ng win t
carry on business.
We, can It
forward to a good
w lie
a.-enilih some sweet da.vj,,, j,n n,e wrtv und after urrlymg
ibis show villi be presented.
M i: A. lollins from Stephen i
ccliec. M.i . w is here Thursday and j
epi.ke to Hie senior of T. II. S. This!
is a cul iiininf colic and last year I
had fortv tu!s from Oklahoma. . j
lu ZD I ' Q '
e xA.1, II I TS--ri
i. . .. : ' . ( .v JwM
' .v. :;-:-;ffrwm$i
Gil " " f?
ft . sun -t " J
Edited by Students of
Managing I 'alitor. .
owa I illlor
I.lifrary I dltor. . .
sax'lriy Idltor. . . .
Allilclle Idltor .
Faculty Advisors
f'eorge Hhelton, Clare Stafford. Norma I-ayrock. Mamie Fairbanks, Bessie
Holme. Mury Newbolt. Hen ha Hallup. Harold Wondllng, Kenworthy
Francis. Carl rtlmpson.
Htudenta of C'entrnl High School are urged to contribute the Central
High Hchoul World. Leave i opy in Kooru it. 1:1, not later than Thursday
noon. News Items, stories. Jokes and articles about high school work art
acreptnhle. Manuscrii Is must be signed by the writer.
Expense of
Graduating Exercises
Alone the lim ofconserv.i,loii and
simplicity in time iiar I trie ..nun si.nd scurry to' and from rlaae.es, (The pupils are beginning to realize
a letter from I'.nia nder Ivjjvton, innals and a doren or more meetings, that some of the bandages and
commissioner of ediii atii'TIe sayr: 'to say nothing of the frantic trips I necessities needed to save the lives
"A pprnlma .eh vyA, M oncind " del r-nt ion. nil of which go toiof our soldier boys will have to be
boys uiid glil1, I't'wiiin men and ' maae up a busv dav at Centraljmade by them and no one else. He
yoiins' Kimi'ii. will graduate from, high school we are likely. Indeed, 'fore this they have been depending
hlgh'trhool, iiornal school i ml col- to forget the various little cour-ion some of the older people to do
lege 1'iis spring and early niiiiniw , tesies we all Know anil snouiu prac-ithe Ked Cross work,
and appro. vim. ilcl, one million t bree 1 lice dailv The hoys an well as the girls are
hundred thouriwnl fn.ii, Hie elemen We are busv. yes. but we should urged to come to H-10 for the pur
ury or r-aminai win.ole. It each ' never be In too much of a hurrylpoae of making bandages, which are
of Ih.t thee hundred thousand j
Shoilli! Illlliei-eseui IU spend tell did- . "' net or pici, op me noons a tei-
Wirs ia tdlKht i r.tmiB'. i. on gi adua- , l,,w' student has dropped, and we
4U n exerns" ' ut to ines Ml ,u should be ashamed to have to he re-
f'trir ers, i to., the t'.'d jl Mould am ml 'i-'iln'ded of such 1 i rourleslea as
to three million dulla'-s If hull ol'-" should show teuchers und visit -
tnose gra.u.'itli.g from Hie I""! ,"". we are In ,, crest hurrv to
schools shoii tl spend ; ;r '' " , L Ly
uti ver.ire ..f nil five i!..Hurs. this ' l" ""' ' laaes. but that is not
vi on'd an, o mi 10 n.i.eihnur roo.e'aiiv reason why we should nearly
than lh-ec iii'llh. i dollir oiiKini-
Z , ., 'i - oil ; :,, .. "hi
Is not an itnrcas,ii'ii,i estlmute.
Iiia dilation fiom school of unv
grade Is an lin poi t uu event in th
live of young people, and in ordi
nary Mines uriy reasonable expend'-
tuna in i ut'iiei lion ili,'ieHb are i
flegltim - ile
.'Hill Hliouiil l:ol I"
ted lo. ttit these ate r,m onll
mil times Wi are etigai'id in tie
giisites! war of ail his'orv in a In,
and death Ktrutigle between null
InrisHc autocracy and dt niot i atii
ir- et!i ni in viliicb the f;
id mir
all unr.ecet-a.irv rxpens", and- tt
vest tiie amount thn i-a.eu h,
Hi x ir.g stamps '
A Y. W C. A
iiie'itif: was held nil
Tbiirsdav in Itooni IU Tli
f the meeting was to e, t ,of f u''f
I fop the renting yea,).,
, Thu offa ers elected are as fol
: Liicne Iterlin
president . i
cUra Cur.i. vice pre.s.d. ni
x lrl
ginin l.eonaiu. serreturv. and I'au
: inn Wniid .l-eiisorer 'I'lo. ,u i ,mo is
. . .
" '"l .V" ;V "', ' " '. .. :
,iiH.s 1.1)1111111. ;"IMI1SHI1
mil ii)ei. .um i.rri i.m n"i Msn
iCIT V Ulil n at
Aft-r i ho oiiivrr ha. I WM r'rrtoj
neveierid te r or i ne l 'i esn ;e i m n
church rave a talk to the cih The
eubeci wh'ih he ns.'d v is
lsh With Jesus.
The talk was highly
i t(le w,,, alien, le
j inK
Military Hike
liu Thursday the giil cadets filed ;
out of the huildini: at : I They i
started for the usage Irtll again !
lint not to the same lull as Ix-fore
(, Maybe in time they w ill sue-
r.,t m reaching every lull m this
famous rame. '
rliev took some more good sn ip;thv t lose ;n a couple of minute.
KtIi el rl took three Ha now it In
but there u-is i tiougli left in the)
te. nsurv to kupdIv the ucinles audi
Mr. llotner hlmaelf. would In '
li'-istvf p, P Hie cauiti lift by the-4
In Our Own Cafeteria
Central High School.
Dorrs nee Hodcrtck
Madge Carson
Mildred Kcott
Anna 7a-lla (ioff
.James Robinson
Jack Wheader
Ward II, ;iwn, Adah M. Koblnson
j Courtesy as
! an Asset
Hi the hn.il. and hufle flnrrv
'" hold Hie door open for eocha
KnocK one or our I.-llOW am liema i
-Utwii and punch two more w-h i
. ...
nur elbow s as we rush teinpostuc i
v uti Mm steoa. courleav mav e
I an old-fashlonetl grace, but It
certainly one that should never die,
iind it should be our great pride to
pteserve it in Central hiflh f hool.
How could must of us answer were
we questioned us to the number of
courteous act we have performed
to, lav"
Not only lo the teachers and vis
itor, but to one another In the
will be In such shape that they can
(ampus should we perform these
I.ttle courtesies.
; William Rhees
Willliin Ithres, u member of the
diss of I T left school last spring
t 'ri into th omry. lie Joined the
ligation se.-tion signal corps and
iiiiinedla'eiv left for Kellv Field.
K.i n Antunio. Texas. He has been
nl Prance several months, having
i Tusncd last winter with munythrll
hnt escapes He has seen lots of
action and is retting to be a vet
eran He write home:
Was k-lud that Joined
the artnv, but sorry that he joined
the "pill rookies'' i hospital corps).
tin ehn.il.l hnw. loirt.l tV. tnf.ntrV
r n. u hme tiuti cumuunv. or artll-
lev A for myself, I am In the beat
1,1-uncli ,,f II, n rle. hot aeldnm
... .. .... . .
1 cmser man ten nines irom ior
"" ' "'v-lf " mar- than the
I'litving dinpittches. I'.ut I prefer
11, t lie second battle of th
Hl)mt1f, H Kolntf on now. and 1 hop.
lliift b-- the time this letter reaohe
ion ! v.-ii' be over. The way men
are getting killed is something uw.
, ful. I suppose the paper say aome-
'', hyjthi'ig n iunt it. but they can't, des-
meet- critic Hie awfulness. You uiiist re
I n, ember ttiis I. the b'oodltat fight
i the wo-ld has ever seen. Illvlaion
nrtcr 'Million or iroofis are uving
I ; lit enllv w ipetl out.
I ! 'I sui nose von are "Milking of
eiilhilng 1 tiope you do. but If you
do don't enlist in Hie 'pill rookies"
ret s.ime whete whete you can see
rc.l service If veil get by (I mean
if von don't net bun.Deil off) vou will
ha ve an experience which vou will i
be proud of. I
"V eil l am at the post 'Y and I
l wish I could write you a long let-,
"Ycir friend
The senior class day committee 1
In Id a meeting Tuesday evening und
arranged the els -a day program.
) n
Boys Will Be Men
Have you seen them, girls? Oh.
don't they look cute? It's the boys'
misplaced eyebrows I'm apeaklng of. Chiaroscuros were out on a sketch
They look so Frenehy and nice. How- ing trip. Since this Is a new and
ever, I hate to sen our young ones I promising club among 'the organixa-
do auch a thing, for we all know
they will grow up soon enough und'be heard from.
then they will 'be trying to regain I About twenty-five of these art atg
thelr lost youth. i dents audi aa they keep In room U-8
Then, too, It will take the boys too
long to get this beautiful growth
which they so desire. Mother's dar -
ling la growing up all ton soon, and dust from some pusalng car or a
don't you know that It Is breaking sudden thud caused by the contact
mother's heart to see her boy so , of the art student's head and the
doing? j cross-ban on top of the car.
Listen, kiddle, go home, consult Owa.tso lake is a fine place for a
your mother and dad before you try picnic and many large trees make
anything so rash. Most of us know the place cool and shady. The usual
that you have rot shaved more than unpacking of "eats" was gone
a half dozen times and raising a through with and Vlthln a fw
Ja a hard Job, don't you think - ( minutes the fun had sturted.
Then, too, none of the young ladles, A, ,,,UOl f.thig fun we refer you
like for their beau lovers to have , f,,w kodak snapa and pencil
auch a disfiguration. It's ao email sketches which were made and are
that she haan't noticed II yet and If the possession of a few of the club
I were you I'd go home and shave It members
It will take six months to get th ; ,,,,, , , , d f th d
aTd,r;,1f. r0:ohah0onrt 1 IT wa'iT Z mt w asT" k d""
time on auch a trifling matter. He- j ' ' ! T f"!,''
aide., ,onny. you are too young and ' ' ' rn , PVobMy
wh.n ,.h ..i v,.e h n. ".Ann. supply the real farts about the atunt
...i.'" i. iw 1.1,.
partly turned little chick. Of course
wo understand that you want to be
big awfully bad but time will bring
that about soon enough. Ho, dearie,
go home, take my advice and shave
It off.
High School Red Cross
The Red Cross work which le be
ing done in the high school haa been
well done, and la highly spoken of by
a number of people who have vis
ited this department and inspected
the work which has been done by
! the different pupils of the T. (
H. H
,h prP,rnt time a great neces-
laity to our. bora who are fighting
I "over there " The hoys are stronger
and therefore can rolihe bandages
Iverv much tighter than the girla.
The sixth period Hed Cross rlaas
"nl"r ih" -"'P'rvlaion of Mise
" rof"n P-- The class Is
Jon .Xceotlonallv aood work for
exi.epuonaiiy goou wora tor
.11. At in. r ... It fa m an. tin
: " - "'-'" ut.
2 ' members, nam.ly. Josephine
r orester. Lourlne Ilryan, Irene
uawatns ana uorotny weber. They
ure itk ine present lime maaing Klta
to put the bandages in fur the boys
who ar needing them at the front.
The hova who arc fighting are In
deed doing patriotic work, and
therefore every gtrl .should give
some of her time to-patriotic work.
What la more patriotic than to aave
the life of some of our precious
boys who an now fighting for us
and our country?
Pupils who have no chance to go
to th Red Cross room after school
or at night can ao to the Junior Red
Cross department of the high achool
during one of their varant periods
and work for the oldler. An In
vitation ha been extended to all the
pupil. Including both the boya and
the girls, to come to the art de
partment and do Red Cross work
for the soldiers who are fighting so
diligently to save the world for
The Junior Red CVoa-; department
have finished the Belgian layettes,
and the are now on th'elr way to
the Belgian people, where they will
ba highly appreciated. The Hed
Cross work which haa been done In
the high school hos been very highly
spoken of by the women who are at
the head' Of the Red Cross work In
the city.
A scope from the plav "Antigone"
will bo gien in assembly this week.
Thih will be the Huongest scene in
the eotiro play. The ast is as fol
lows Kreon Mm a Holmes
Antlaone Uenevievu Willett
Ismene P'iri Cannon
Cisiirrt Kthel Cannon
It wis a hard striiftgle to rhoos
between Armngenn md Sura as both
were very good. Then there ure
minor pirts that .vwr eiiuallv good
but could pot It" presented because
of the limited time of the assembly
The offices of rotume ( vc rseer
and sti'ire manu,'ei' were. given to
Anna .eiia uort ana r.aitn i'i'osi re
Fnncis Sheelnn wll! giv, the hls-
mt-v or tne play up to this scene and
nuune ..one mi mse me rnsiory
from th's scene to the end of the
Friday afternoon the military girls
had their pictures taken for the
"Tom-Tom." They were all dressed
In uniform and looked reully mill-,
bvfR Tine-
Lat week we remember of seeing
j a brief mention of the fact that the
, Hons of C. II. S. we feel It ought to
went to (Jwusso lake. The ride to
the lake was uneventful, of course
:ave for the occasional mouthful of
v,J-il"ni1 "lake it sound life-like.
The main event of the evening
was the "big eats." Kveryone par
ticipated In this part of the outtiig
aome more than others "Dofer
Melton for Instance.
After the eats came the usual
packing up and the little group of
artists atarted homeward. We've
heard several Utile talea of how the
rldn home turned out to be beat of
all but, to cover It all, we will say
Mra. Itnxter and her daughter Olive
surely proved to be "good sports"
and ahow for themselves an ever
lasting friendship for the Chiaros
curos. "Faculty Fancies"
Uy Kt'LA JOflKY.
Mass Hownian
Sometime I think Mia Bowman
quite a mystery
To keep aa bright a smile while
teaching "Hlatory."
Yet jf you look about, I'm sure vou'll
find, dears, '
Ifa clever .folk who take time to be
kind, dears:
And so her mind rejects the thought
And crowns the ancient rule "Vic
torious." Miss Kimble
If she doth seem sever 'pon our
hilarity, '
And If a smile from her is a great
It'a not because ah really la ao
stern, dears.
But only l determined that we
should learn, dean.
Solemnity on her tall brow de
pleted; To th pursuit of "Knowledge" ah1
Miss Barbour
Miss Barbour vow that dreary Math
ematics I the highest form of mental acro
batics "Y'ot; cannot have a brain well
rounded, dears,
I'nleas In math you r firmly ground
ed, deara;"
So when you ache with mental con
centration Just think how grand a thing 1
Mis Berryman
We love to speak long sentence so
norous' Of grammar "flawless" and mean
ing "porus"
But whether we "shall" or "will"
Is a vexed question still, dears:
And 'till we get this monster firmly
Our conversation will be sadly Jan
gled. Miss Kerrigan
The Juniors thought lier youth and
fragile alendernes
Were outward signs of inward ten
derness; And tryst confess In the beginning,
They did impone upon her manner
winnin;, dears;
But now those Junior are a wee mi
nority Who dare to even miration her au
thority. Domestic Science Picnic
The girls of the domestic science
department and th domestic aclence
teuchers pldnicked at Sand Springs
purk Wednesday evening. Kath girl
Invited one of her girl friends to
enjoy the evening wlfh her. The
following members of the faculty
were also guests: Misses Tabor,
Steele, Henderson, Kimball, 'Ur
batch. Smith.
The park was opened to the Jolly
party hy Charle Page. A deltciou
picnic supper prepared by the girl
was served in the lunch house. Th
merry-go-round, Joy house and
fkatlng rink proved to be popular
attractions of the evening.
Much Needed and Iong Netrlected
Class of Fnterialnmcnt Mill he
Put on at Close of School.
On Doom Have lo lo Much f'uea.
Ing to Figure Thot Out; Prizes
Will be ;lvcn.
Everybody get ready and says
those nickjlk and dimes because that
big carnival is coming Friday
24th. The time huve changed anj
seldom doe Tulsa get an opportunity
to en.loy a real, sure-enough, good
carnival. Coming at the last f
school, with gay ciowds, !t will he i
fitting end to a yeur of drudgery.
The money ruised during the car.
nival will pe used to cover Incident.,
expense connected with baskelbad,
... . B,,u l.,li; inH I1I1INC
As music hasn't been pushed eiy
much only a small sum of muni',' it
set aside for t by the board of eilu
cation. But with the splendid suc
cess und sliowing at the various con.
tests they will probably give more
attention hereafter. P. rvs.Clayton.
commissioner of education Tftaid that
In importance In school work music
ctme after the "Three It's", read
ing, writing, and arithmetic.
IMont-f of Fun.
1-astlnr three days this will h
the fete of the year. fide allows,
cojd drinks and fortune tellers nana
are to be neglected. The girls' m,.
tary organization will huve the kiIiI
drinks Htnnd. This will probably o
a popu'ar booth n there are ,ini
fair damji ls in the khaki. The Y.
M. will have the peanut, and pop.
corn boota. The board 1of educa
tion. will put up a war booth us h
counter at'raction to all the frivolity.
In act, every department will b
represented, twenty ''booths' bulnj
A prize is to be given to the booth
tuking In 'he most money.
Sweaters Are Awarded
Wednesday morning at assembly
the sweaters for the basket ball and
track teams were awarded bv Mr.
Gracey and Mr. Clayton Anything
connected with athletics ' is alwayj
a matter of great Interest to :hi
student body and rewarding the atn
lete for their work is alwuys doubly
This year Tulsa has a right to
proud of the high, school.- in foot,
ball we had ionic team and in hut.
ketball wail, not enough can ba
id of Captain Wood 'gang of bas
keteer. In mualo Tulsa high has
walked off with th honors and the
labating team didn't hav to take
anyone' dust. '
Th climax if seaaon marked
bv a record of 23 victories with but
two losses was reached Wednesday
when the sweaters wore given. The
sweater is identically the same si
the football sweater with a smaller
letter. Those who received then
sweater were Wandllng, McNult,
Carter. Harney and Wienecke. All
of these lad worked and fought
their heads of In their championship
drive. All that has ever been aald
of that team was true; they didn't
need publicity to get by on. Thej
proved themselves a team that woul!
have given ony team In the state a
run for honors. Frank Wood, cap-
tain and all-state center, did not re
ceive a sweater. The Athletic asso
ciation has made n rule that hut one
sweater can be given a man. no mat
ter how many sports he has won
honor in. Frank paid the penalty
of being an all-round athlete. h"t
anyone who ever saw him plav
remember hla good sportsmanship
and sterlings ability and will readilv
grant that he deserves nil the pram
he ha earned for himself
At the same time Mr. Clavton. tn
track coa-h, awarded sweaters t
Wlmblsh. und Captnin Nowell. watt'1
ling, and-Carter also earned sweat
ers but were barred from receiving
them because of the association rul.
Wlmblsh showed that he '-"
worthy of a "T" by placing third in
the Norman meet and Howell also
won places at the Norman state me't
In the nole vault nnd hurdles. Th,"
Is the first year that T. C A. S. h '
hnd a ral track team and thoui-n
thev haven't been winners, thev de
serve a 'nt of credit for their hat
work. "Sir. Clayton h
a well-baUnced team and he ist .
afraid to compare them with ti.r
best In the stale.
Power of Vision
Thursday Heverend Abel P?1-.';
the high school for the """Vrce
thls year. He Plal"e, '7 powe'.
fully the need of a. vision af P
vision of purity, and a vision
truth. ., .. t,nill!.ht th"
He said annougn -
.ia mnt move in
accomptish anylhinsT. yet it In
ff: I,a-. but the n that Is
WOl - ,
.i mir inp i(itt vntn
ceived bv one Individual. It tak"
the world a long time to open their
eve. to this- fact. There is tremen
dous power In the Individual. V
read history and find not the mu
hut one man who grasped a vlsn"t
and achieved Fuch men as
poleon and Lincoln are 't"".
this. It Is n6t alwavs the man wH'
grasps the vision that causes "';
reforms to he made. There are also
women, as the girl who saw thn vis
ion which has brought national pro
hibition. Reverend Abel said to t
students. "Above everything else i
member that If you have every o Hi rr
success and fall morally you are
'"'Reverend Abel' Is an interesting
wall as beneficial Pker W e 9
orrv w cinnot have him before t '
school more often.
R E W.lder Invariably conies t"
class without his geometry book j
his time and mind are occupied
the oct of escorting his betroth d
the fourth floor and tf he should -to
hi locket he would miss this u
lirhtjful opportunity.
Mr Unverferth Murl, give t"
necessary criticisms."
Rllence. , ,.
Mr. rnverferth. Innocently I
tl louder, Murl, we can't hear '"
lw7Tl'W'MW'Mgr'""'r D"""'""'"T""' "" "M---'--rr-in--:-1;-. j'7iriiuju..iii Ji.y..,Tm
'.M"-lfilWH.iB A-lH ffwwiwi-si

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