Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 13', 1918. jOARD AND ROOMS " UOHT HOUSEKEEPINO BOOMS II Clf .CINNATI, N . 440 - Twer-Urg furliiahed ifoom. fur light huuirhi-rviug, . Ulan to amall b.l.y. I'lmin 3110. tltl )KU1K HKKillTH- I wo-rooni. new modern. WtMl TUriliO'iru frouplt. nee of l.aa'merit. ttlHBYCNNK, N.. 77(1 --Two room! lurmeuru for DuU8e,,pi"B .V';. e VKNVKK,... 419-Large Ironl WK'u " kerning roiii. . ... - j'Klst!0,T . runnel, ml room tor hou.rkri-riHiK. VkiiMXl. '8"'-S10-thr' furniahed rovina from. ml bark for lirH IKIUae IKryiKit. eutraaee, arrange!! r laiiii.j e.lulle. near car una. an- i---Alao one sleeping; room. TkTsco. n.. 4 In--Three furniahed rooms for bouM-keeping ground noma, a noim 5HS4. liis'hi FIRST, W., al4V tor rent honaekerninr roorr.. I'none one IM. .i:THtt'lK S. 7'Jl- llne large liuhl house keeping room, with two nnihfit rXIKlRUre. tH Liu wuiuowa. fli!l. iJdflT'ililf'HKKlSKi'lNU HOOMH for rent. Peon aOW-Ji I.AVVTOS." 13 For rein, two light houaekrrping room. Phone 4 1 1 . h. . ITlGllY' MOL HtSKKKI'INii room for event. ,l,o room and board for I7...0 per .. I'hona a3. AORKdUv. H' i Kor rem, two modern down .tair. fura.ah.d light bouaekeeping roouia. - - r7.y, . , v JS m" t'nnr furniahed room for light housekeeping. Phone TlXlAT-td, H.;"s;-Kor rent ''" ;',; kofplog room., 10 bed., bath, a ana bib It furm.h.d. two Call aftcrnooni. 'in' room, 'and t-o h?..t rooim, uiodoru. Call uiuH afirr V a. m Childnn wrlroma. ... I'HOKNIX'." S.. 120 Two room bouK lurniahrd for lignt bouncko'l"". lU" drpn wrlrom. , iliAKHl," "ri., 'ln;J Kor 'rent two com plololy furnished mo.lurn hounckocpinl! rooma and large rloet. l-trii. . aink with hot and rold ,' anirance, no children, one bait block oi two car linen. . EOOM8Threo modern furnnhod room ranaiatlnr of one living room, rointori able aloiping porch and amunirr kilrnan. aiiitablo for thre.. or four. ga and elec incur, well water, wa.kmg dulauia. Thone Sf.10. . kookr'OUl), S, liiitl -Light houeki:l''n rooma out of the neat oi ine dlatrict, "two beautiful room and garage, furniiihed or nnlurnmneii. tn . UCMJM For' rent". furnih-d for houakping. I'hona I.KHJ. fJ V" k . "5rrr, V.ZW -viT v ji i -fn room& and araall kitchen fu'rni.bed for light hou.o ke.nim. alto chicken jar.l if demred. Viiiuii' 'u- ' -r-jiv Knor rooms for rent. rloee-'ln, lurnitore for aala. no chitdri-n koOM4 FO b" BEMT-x-0 BN1SKED 1T T? i.. ulnninc room . . r niriueri. a fto atuan aeoooa iiw. private. jorrh,roaonahle. ? - ....... i. f ,, r1 room. TtOSI'ON' 8. 1100 aouth eaposiirfl. adjoining bath, . gentle- men only, l'hone 5e04. bALTiMlMU!, S. Itooin and a! kiteben fvery homo ana uiiunK r.,m if deaired. to one or two ladie. tm- nloved. I'honc 2i). TT,ii i i.'fc-u'"H Vytu Two largfi modern well forniabed rooma, cau bo connected, aouth capoaura. rA.,V ti?i, u K-a LtrM ale-cning room " KJ.'X .,,'.V.U for ihree or four. 1'houe BOSTON. H M3- For rent aleeping room -j .ji,m,. alnemng porcb, auitable for four men only .... 5, .ui.y.V iT.trt Vnr rent. (WO lar, ...,,' fni.'i,i'.hed rooma and aleeping porcb , lor houaekeeping. piano, front aud I rr "1 .... ..-.,1 well. rarage. I'hone 43 14 unill o .jv ,V".V ..T" . ' A7,irl.fifc'U. H. 72J Una rurniaorj rwu. for rent Thone mne riiKYKNNE, 8.. al"l Nlaa aleeping room, wa ''hone 3(n. fliliClMrlAtl, N., '? tool bedroom for one or three working" men, reaaonable and eioae in. H1CAOO PLACE. 811 Large, tool roona and elnewnai porch, amiable aeveraf young men. Tent reaaonawi cloae-ta. Phoiie fiHL t "ciXCtNNATr, 8.. 417 Nicely TuratabM room, ouuide ntranee TilKYK.NNK. S V.3f. -Will ""ventilated rooma, walking diatanre on rar line I'hone 47f7 t'HKYtSXK, S , 4US.V - Nice aculheast room elnae in for gentleman only. Kef- erenoea. CIIEYENNK. S. na I'p-natra front bed room, convenient to bftlh, two bloeke from rTixlb and Main, refereocra. Phone 7IH4. TiEVVER. 8. I'itTi-neanT WeU fu'r"ni"eoa room in private family, next to hath. iiKN V r.R. S 6 1 S - Two-rooina"n.r"ieep' leg porrh. hot and cold runnirg wtlr in each room, will take care of four men or ladiea employed iiENVKltrs.', 121 -Nicevfiiriii'h.''d" room in private apartment, ono or two X''U tleman. t r..-ir.rv, . . mi. r or rent rooms cioae in, for htiainoaa mm or ladiea em ployed I'hone 111. iv j K NY KK7 !" .'. 1 1 0'ri N i7el y"f u'rnTafi e, front room for renl, hath connrcuiig, (or gnn l.l'man only Phone niiflil nr rail. TjFNVEK. ei., si Nicely furniahed aouih" eaal room, doao in, for genlleiucn, twin heda. TKl.WOOirrs-;-3 1 ----Sleeping room for r.'nl to one or two gentlemen. rloe In KAHTON, K 11.1 One tumianed" ti. room, modern, with hr,,,d tur lwu ' tjamennr man and wife 'Oiihrni, it., 5332--Tare,,' iron". ' .r - low im ear line, 4. n room bung. ruirtrLFNTIl. r. 2 rut-' furniahed PKialte Uniai (,'r,, ' ''r,,l lauiilv. or'gi'hU;!; 'c-T"" Modern. l" 'ear 21 ''rk 1:;V"r1e.;N.'r'"' me, ..U;'S; oi:rtii. w. unable for aieen n m. enme, verv ,l. .... ' '.'"-. """i ern from K'isf; -' 'umiahed room. 'ki-ti'ri"" s ' 'iiA'n, ; ""P.'ig room LZ 'l'. -I'"' . 'rn,ahed ferred ' " foil. lleuicu pre- KlscO, v; .-'io""J ,-- ., ie, ' ' '-(-"'rvinu' quartera for CI'THkIk" ' Hv"?Ti.- room for one Ve i- "I1, '""liened "i. thnroki.. .' aeimrmen rloae water ''"' monerii ' r "- I'hone with running T1IKIE, s r.i " i V aVep,,,. 1',r"' "Mil. aouth ll'lnn !,. :.,, two 3an;. 'KTMK.NTS...f: naherf .i r nofta -'ping room, no West f....k ".1? "E . " Izrl'" roc's: 'art (,- r,, - ' '"oia favor.t... "! n'w houae, eidr. cooleat e, terma very oomo and aee i" .. r,n ' "--Meepicg room orTenL a r v inn,, v .nv--- . (le "dr(,, ';;"' "O. .103, .in- i-rn, oniirn, l-a,.ni. OrtvilaH -I " . .' "'ne (121.1 .1 or , " ""'"a '" Kill - Nieaij- ..""iroom turni.kod front Vrme. '!''"... entrance- clc," rw ,0;-." " E "-Third -for pho.: ron.1bie. i,y d,, . ""I. r,i. """.ern 77an .1. Wright, itrr "I'TU, W ntlroom. cliVfiVi1'"' 6J. m. for C91S. BOARD AND ROOMS ""ROOMS TOR KENT - FUBKI8HED 17 UOUSI -Fur on' or two girla employed, in a roltarn buuie, lo sleepiuf porch I'lione t'!12 ', , KO"M -Living and bedroom In apartment, lr,r.. blv'-k" '1'hinl "d Miin. clean eftrl cool, ri oilier roomera, f ir proof .gar u.' if 'wauled I'hone "M M. UmlM Kor renl, largo .leeping room. I'hnne Mill. H. '. ROOM - Kor rent, front sleeping room, ron nertuiir l.alli anil kiKhen privilege. Phone VJUH. . . H.KKrlM) rilHCII -Two room IcepinjJ porch and garage. Call 117a North Cheyenna, , , 8KVE.NTH, W, IS Nlroly furniahad ileap- inr room. mo'lern . bKCONl) V, 'JiK filneping roonn, verjr cool, comfortable, well furniahed, Try cloeil. SOfTll PIliK- ri..ulUaTr"ooio. private family. l per .-k. gentlemen, rcfercn- r H 1'lione .Hli J .. HOI TH rill.iK-- Newly furni.lird. loutbeaat bedroom, four lurire windowa. In pri vate home, breakfaat if delired. I hone v.y - - S(iI:TH S'lTl.. Large;' Weil furniahed Mitilh ro..m adjoining bath, ainall family. 1 hone W VKNTli NTiel furmehed m"1' em Hlor,iiiig' room. Alia Viala apart ments. . . . iil.l'iKI'INO " iiilllM - r'rint. prefer two J'oul'e ladies I'honeJHl TWKI.KTii.K.' ill) - For rent". on larga .,r.,iui,A,l fr.mi hedrnom. connect ing fmth. priMite entranee I'hone 3 100. TV K1.P1 I I. W . '1 1 7- -In modern home, newly furniahed aleepmg rooma. cool for aiimmer 1'lione 71 THIIili. W Tl.i- -Three furniaiieu ngni hoiiB'-keepinff nwinia for rant modern. Til inn W. 4fll - Ibreeroom nicely fill'- niahed al-artment rhone .ifi. . THfKI'.-W . 3S.1 Large aleapinr room. VitTIHt. N.. ' lr- - K'ronl bedroom cotiven ient to hath, bail block AMiiirai junry. l'honn (1i"1. VVANTF.D Jleflned laiy to share room in private home, aomethiin- very nica for right part- . Home privilege. Addreaa Box A !'. care World ' ROOMS' WITH BOARD iiTTTUnir. S, 31.) Hoard and 1'hO'ic 793 1. 1 room. WANTED--llOOMB Og BOARD ti KiTflM U. fin. il gentleman ileairea -room in private family. V. O Boi l8a. WANTKl) --Three or four furniahed rooma. People who were never children and word a tJ.ert ada "no children" don't anawer as 1 have One rhild. Htate particular. Addreaa Hoi A 93. care WorliL ,j KI'HTr Et5 SERVICE7brrEREU 8 UANKSTON Siiitt cleaned and preated . l'rarltral cleaner and hattera. 23 South Mainjilion S371. Bl'l LiilNti ANriKEPAlRiNfl Wa do all klnda of building and repairing; atora fixtnrea apeelalty. Tbone 9iJ. Call for Joe. 208 Kaat Firal u MIKHSON HKOW.N Vnrnlt'ure lloapital. 807 South Roeltford RaflniahinaT. upbol aleHrg repairing. -Phone D3B7; have work done rtrht. afao reaaonahla. WA'lt li HKPAIKINO eipert wateh aad Jewelry repairing dona by foty Jewelry Co.; chime etocke repaired by a chime clock eapert under yearly guarmaao. Phone 0470. 418 South Mai, t BUIJ.D1N0 AJrD0ONTBACTIliq ti.KtnRIC WIRING and rrxturea oat here rent ia low. aave money. Vlnet Chandelier (Jo, 824 Booth Jlam atrael Phone 4123. STfrOKH A VfltlNO Real Ratal, ineee- anre, Invaetmente. 114 Bobinaoa Bldg, phonea 170 2594. CLEAJimo AMODTIliO 8A.V1TARY atATTRKSS O. Mattreaaea renovated and recovered, returned homo nam, day. I'hone 6449. nRl,e&MAKIKO MILLINERY 21 CORRECT CORSETING ' Mra. A. I, arpenler adrian with you. Appointment tf deaired. Marquette hotel. Phone 077 I . ilf..MSTl U HIMI AND PICOTINO neatly done by White Sewing Machine Co 119 raat cecond atreel. I'hone 7786 NOTICK -T my former patrona anrTothera woo wnn eewing none at home, my ad dreaa il now I jll 8oiuh N'ogalea Phone '"; Mi" Nelle llindman. klNtifR btWINO MACHINE CO. Hera aliW-hlr.g and al'otlng neatly dn ninger eewing tlaerilne Oat. Ill Eaal Second. Phone 7f) WIIK.N lOI! WANT YOl'R flAKMKNTS tlFM-ll. no fabric, ia too deUcele, ladiea work a apeeialty. Hankatoti, ti2 fouth Main. Phone ,1o7l niBURAWCB I nltlll', ri Kfc. tcrnado. plate glaaa and aiuomooiie .iistirance . in the beat eoto paniee 'pji jlicnr 2Dti STEOER TOIJWQ Real falate, Ieaur- anre, inveatmenu 114 Koblnaoo Dldg phone 1570 1594. MOVINO AND 8T0RA0B 89 MOVINO AND tTTORAOB Store with P.go'a Pteproof Storage. Pbonea Oaage l.M8 1588. MITTINO AN1 DECORATINOW CAN aave yo-j money en paper hanging and .painung; rail lor evtimaie; all work guar, abteed P8 Sutherland, phone 4.11 7-R. alATIIKWS BROTHER. l'.n'eF haogirlg painting Call ni before the ruea. 4tt Detroit phono Oaage SB04, PAINTINd AMI PAPER 'lUVhTNII Satisfaction guaranteed, p. W, Buuiu.n. Phone f'h7:t ,1. PA I NT I NO A-NTl PAP E R J I A N ( 1 1 N C, "il r price, are reaaonable; aperial attention given to phone ralla prompt aervice. Phone Winaby 1220. r A p'KKlTA SO I N( f and" 'painting: work promplly attended to; eMimatca cheer fully given; work guaranteed. 1. . Phono 4rHrt PRINTINO AND STATIONERY 32 Mri.TItiRAl'll -Let me gel' out your Ictlera, pr;e..a rg'.l. t.ra.e It-axil. 5 1.1 Central Nail. Hank llldg, phone P01.1 REPAIRIKti AND REMODEUNO S KEYS Marie to order, gun and leckaaaitb trig, welding of broken parte of iron, re pairing of everything Jacob Novelty Oo, KatKirBf . Phono 726. taULOP.'iNO ANTj""PRES8Iri( 11ASKSTON Cleaner and h.iter; euiu cleaned and preaaed. fl. C22 houtb Main, phone 5SJ1. OKAS!,' CI.Ka"nTNO AStii PRESSTNti Onr and preaeing ia auperior; eg- Pert alteraliona. 17 Se.-ond atreel. EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTF.D- MALE . 38 AhtSK M II L V M K N W nlnl eapenehred final aMmbly Mtfn or) utomoliiic -vnrk. Aj'plj- Tulri Anlomobl!- cori-oration. liny wantrt. witli t (lhi-r rrat trr'icTH'a Prion" 107 r 7r.1" UoV AnihitHiiia. tiMv fiver 1 t-o rrn tir turn framing. (k lahrnta Wall J'spt-r ft Taint t.t .1 Wm Third U(kKKKKl('- Kxprn-'ni-rd ' IfdnT rl'-rk '-o)tiJ y forporatlouK-iO'l OPi'r liinlij for adTancfment. Aridrem Ho A ,S car Wnr'rl ft( H"iR KK KI'KK--"- W a n lpTrapVl)7eand w ho han bad Iota of PipTionrt. inrri-! man rroffrrpd, xrxul nvmoy to t'ic rmht Vind of man. (.Turin on llrua , -Ml South Mam iri.Arks.Mrriiva,,V on "an Un round biatumith. rnut ba ?oofi ahor-r, lady job per day. I. F. Huff, ,r. Ok'a ClaK.RN Waiiit'd. boy !o rl4rl, in UtT, wriip, jivjne rffrrnMa and salary wan-Pfl to 7,"n COILKfr()R--Watd'Vip'rinfi-d man ooiUrtor, one who ran lriTn and tak rr of car Ta!l fl7I H after H p. m, UKIihNK K V n l-d. an expert white a'arrlonor ; fTi'd nalary: rtrvuem re nni-r-d. 7na .Soiuli Itoulder. Phot) 247. INSI'TUNCF. PM.KKMAN for Oklahoma: aelert your territory and atart working now Write National Union. Pol 574 Tula, giving complete addreaa. J V i EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED MALI. JOIN TIIK AKSdlf-KKcriiltutit ottir at 'iirtori i ny, iu;i. b) ukitfi. Chirk nk Arilmnr ind KnM MAN - Wiiafd h .mii'c i,. tiA.. .. i Rtid In in ittf nuf. t r i, .,. ..t 'M ficr. nmut , ati'f f- . ( , k t failing room f..' ; w .'r' ,, a ,t , 1 MA.'H I N I s 1' t,-.l, , .... flattK Utl-p li..r,,t , t ;, , , i ,i J i K-T k To d S,.rt. s I'KKSNK K Ki'ml t !!..'( i .. , ;, . v ... Uohntr'i'riil t 'lenni'' c W-irts Home Art ufr, .iin S'- VOl'Nti MAN Wai'ed hour per ria.r in , .l corae. 'Vu- H-:,! Kaat Third '7'HE!.P WAVTf.t WiK--.Whi.r i--,1 1 I'.MALK f erred. Itoaton . Appl) COLOKF.Ii 1,1 hotiaeworli I 4 4IIH COLLKCTDII ." Call ".'I'M. C I f I i ! 1 N TK-Sl- rhii nur-.-, enne. nl.HIWASIIKIi Art t'ufe. pill 7734 IKirSKWdltK" V general hnin-ew HOISFKKKI'KK honrekeeper bolel. am.; HOCREWflKK W.nt.d a eral honrekeeper good Phone So; I. HOI SKWHUK Via e'al houaowork ii. ,1 .Ins rath Mo llOl'SEWOKK..- VVtai'lci for general hoint-no right.. Itefrrin. , a. a ' . Iiiilt " i-1" y i: 1 South fl(H'SKWfiil " V, nnii 'I g'll I - :il housework, while or c Konlli lietroil. "I- -Ml" HftliliK K, 1406 V anted a irl mi, ployed to ahare our hone, ure.t rai and Jitnev a'-rommnda t ion's llOl'SKWllKK - Wanted roi-.r. general housework. Aj il Ilelroit. . 1 f O I ' E V ( 1 1 ( K W a ii t e . I n a i d I'l :! Son i h b 1 'j "for F-I,er- I A 11,1 1. I I enrr.l ! al homework, arna 1 family. I.' Norfolk l'hon.. ';ii. fiol riKWOHK Wanted' a" girl for "gem houaework. (all Momlay I'lft So TtouldeT.. Jlh alAJll Kapeeially fmil laundreaa a. 1. 1 one who likea rluldren; r.-f-'ren.-ea ; no eerventa' rjuartera I'hone 411V WANTKI) - Kipi rienrcd lahle girla over 1 years of a,;... Mei.iti.-rg, Jnfi Konth Main. V?ANf KIl f wo while .mirnfir "ileadv emplo.lmMit goi d wai;' ai'd hoard Cull at n .vfi.iin ,iam. WASTKIV -Kapeneneed rough dr marker; good at.-adv work, l'lior-.e 77l,l call for aupeririteiident. (jualtly Laiitr ; ' dry. WANTED-- Kxperieiie'd Imindry help': I good wage ateadv work Q.ialny Laundry. Phone 771. ar-k for aupt. I WAITRK.S.SWanted. eiparienird w ait j reaa. Apply t The Tea Cup inn HEtif MALE FOR.rEMAXE 40 W A NT K I t M M K I I A T T, ,Y Nam eg. in en', women, 1 nr tifT, wi-bin to herom1 ajnrcrnmert -"Irrka at V -i(ni:ton 100 month.. (,4 3, rare- World, v YRAVKI.jNi; SAI.KSMAN - VantMlT j pnriencrvl in workini; gniall lowna to V'll rrorkfry. pnamelwar1, Kiaf.ware, no'l tinn, nr. ; i(ie lin or e lutiive ; full rommimiiora woVly on approTttf' bii . ni'a ; proaipt di'hvrri.R ; riht prienw ; rfernrra rennired. Tyler Mannfai'tur inc 'o . St. lawiuU, M. 8I,ESMEN AND AGENTS 41 A fl'T.sX "CORPOHATMN would like to receive applicaliona from aeveral high grade aaleamen. The men we require ahnuld he clean cut and able to give reference a w linnaafe grid mora! rhar aeter and have a prevtoua aalea rerord. Saalried poaniona are heieg and atlj ha filled hv the huh rerord men in the aalea force. Kor appointment, call 8 3 V and aak for manager SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE 42 BOOKKKF.PKK K.perl lionkkeeper and aeroiintant wants lo connC'-t with uninid mercantile or marni'.-irtitring concern Have ha.l rhrec yeara pratli'-.l eipe rienre Addreaa ll.n fl. e.n. Wond CAUI'KNTKR - W'lslica repair work, llollla. Phone lo.'.3 CHAl'FFKl'R -- Man, wan'a poaltlon, var.i man. aiao A 1 garage man. Phone 3'4l.l LAIY M KN.iili;,M'lli:n n,.r.s t n ponrv work. II i-vj-crieM-' "-ai. 7 I H t ' MAV. Nt.VHIilM' year. old. a ante .o- ailion. have I. a I a .on.- -i, . Iiooh a."t u and clerical work. wil tackle nj I Mn-v Addreaa A-p''. care World MK.1T ITTTVII -.Situation wanted l.y meat cutter; inn a"t draft age; new roorer In the city. F P. Keaaoke. 4-'l fi'.l'etle. WANTKH - l'oition in or o"t or cuv l-v vou'C man. 'J1 irirs of lice, oot tltaH.'! hlr,rl neat llr.Hiv il 1 M w . i 1 1 o 0 and "f go,(d education; good prnnian r d hook , kr .er. i rill operiilo n tyliewri'.cr aop e . , llice erperi. ri. . ; a-n -n ' ployedH2 ll.v as oiri'-e iiia',airrr 'l' : aire a 17 with larger opportontltea: enn furr'.ivh A 1 references . will e.M , for a peraon.l interview- rt vmi nlpaire j Addre.a Hon A at. care World YOlNli MWYrR nl. i-.' to u' eonneclion with a" oil rorr.p.nv or i law firm heal nl trrdeiitMK and nuaH fieationa. Addla boa AIM, rare of ( World . BUITUATIONS liOl'HF K KKPFH- WANTED FEMALE 43 U ant position aa bouae 1 keeper for bachelor o object to rare of one with good people: no w idn wer : won t nr two cllll'lrer, -Infer, lie, d up i tall JH So-nh j ply Phone HJ11, or Kenoalia. MorHKK r. v. r r. n- iVanted bouaekeepr-r 1'J- iin.-icuni a motherless home or -. - - I lr-nio'i a ir.-d widow I', i for laicli.-lor A 7" care World. M KF-- Fx per i en red. gradual niir.ii wi-b ia!nl reaa I . Ad:!: eta ea peaillon -to travel Willi i onalile aalary a'id ' cnae llox A "d. rare World. STKNfiliKAI'HF.It -With U ) rin' elenog rar.lnr. dictaphone nd eiei-utiv.' e ptvlenee, dcaire. permanent ,aitM.n. life inaurani-e preferred. Addreaa Hoi A fit. .are World. and clerk dxirea poai ion Addre.a Ho. A C'ri. rare Wor'ii STFNOIiHA PHI'll reliable, deairea poai tion Addre. rtov A 2, enre W orld busxitess orponTUViTtES 44 CASH UKOCKRY and naikcl. f lare nor. for aale- Selling :l'itn P'r moi'lli. a" rftfh- invoice .round $10'.. i " 'r"'1" cnaiderod going t.1 war rea'nn for eili lug: come ate it. Frank Brin-o. . I la re more, likla. , CAKF. FUR SA1.K Cheap if taken al once; in . new renting oil field. .-! int on .eeount of .ickneaa. llox S7, I'.i-l I era. Okie 6NKKCTtONFRY - r'or aale. a email eon feelioncry. cheap if Kld at oncn. I'hone A3 3 . . (lltoCFUY AN It MARKET Hmall eh grocery and rrerket for ..te f.'l.'.l. (?Rt)CEliY AND jiTAriKKT- Invoice 1 1.200; doing can buaineaa. no oenvery, ueat iv ration, cheap rent f'hnne (;H74. JUItHINti ' P.L SlNl-'-iS- for aaie. a lorai. well paing jot huiiiiesr. good le eatlon and leaae t an give an I if -ictxi-y r.'Mkon for .e.lii.g A 21. rare World. NF. W RlO-liirKV - For aa!.-. lie row ar.d fully equij.ped plant of tllv Ln'.iatily Refining Co.. at Hilton, OH., at reason able price. Part r.h, balance bankable paper. MeVwM iUitxuk aiurk i'anhua U OkU. I FINANCIAL BUSINESS OI'POKTUNITIE.I 4t! automotii , i ide, rh'lJ r.-vatr il'"l' l tailor. 4l!lj l ti -I, li II Mi NV ss Mlol ta.e. 'Li-. I;,,, iik,.m.ii, i "'! h IC Jb Vol NO Keal P.aiale. Inaur-i anre. Intme-Ma 1114 Koblnaoa Bldg, 1 a It. ID 2.SH4 I 'i U'l'lvlM. For "Hie. rlt-lin:4- and la.l ". - l.iis.iit-a. d.tnig Ikl-wh-kh of -00 I I '"' fc-'k. tw.'t'.t nionlbn l. .tM 'iniiiiiic i !l 'vl a! once on .-cuiiiil of ol'ier j I i- . n - -. ,ll e t,-rm l-o rljitil party ' '! ' . I ' l-'aat Third T I "I: Hiir" H,,r haie. all iro.lrn l hi iniu. at, -ant preaa and rlranii.g -IIH ea. in good ahape; now doing a w-k . nuiat aoll. aa 1 am in Mav i.s Joe Coleman, lartlea J 'l-'a on LANDS AND LLASL8 44 A ; : I t At HI S - For ale fee. i 1. a. I and .ine field in tiv drilled .int. field ruria per fill Price f l.'tfl.iK.O. hi..-in,.e ran l,. arranired HarriH. Hi 'J i-j South Main, : SI' ' W..'l..,l'. "from40 oiini of ilio good eoiinliea ciOtlly. nmat lie reafton i "4 r-irn Tu'aa Ur.rld 1,-n KTta good In.allon. . iilao li.-l arrea lliiririin Miir drilling, low i.ntal r 1,,-re. Maker Investment II. fl F AiliP. il. taiuain I F.A.SK - I '.0 Phone in:i7. (eet liol HOTKLS AND ROOMINO II0UHES 4S Ii I' Vlk.lKli aiih Yadon Inveatment Co . .Iri'. only in rooming honeee and fur 1. 1 '.- I t..n a -III Klrat Aallooal Hank III.!.: I'l.oi-.e S..k. (".llKDi ANH R'lllVINO ll(iJSEri-UTJ. 'Hara A I Palace Theater. Paonoa f"0i and liJ4 li.'tLh and im.niliig hotiaea- terma; r-irt.n r,-al l-atiiiii:a Si'e Chamberlain, hemn 111 in I'finarl ..4.(3 SHOO. KlnMlM) IHHISK Alllaon Kaaatty" Ceav pany sure haa the rooming liouwa; large or aurail: Bn)rHre Call 4744 1,1'ii.MISi, llnl.-i-, For rent, 1 li ""rooma" H.i.l !. .Inri roumi, new lirick build i: Woai Tulsa. Phone ,'m)C1 R or call 111" Quaker ' M0N ty TO LOAM --CHATTELS ' i Ji'V Viil.' Nf!KI MliNF.Y.""' Ye loan money on furliilure, pienof and Vlr-rolaa in houm or etorage A. L Moorh'-id. 'Z lU New Ault bldg. Phone . 'VH ' -.-- REAL E-STATE LOANS 47 -AKTNA HiiLl.lirjir A 1-oan AiuM-Utiftnt Da ort .V tUd l.ff.'. airt-nt!. rnurtl 311 i:i.-H' It'-lc It-'al eirai,1 loano KARM LOANM lt tia help rrni lo oay a larrn or tinproTa , tb on you bar. Wa bay, ail or at ctanca farm a, WtiaDFM A KAINKT Thona Oaa 749 Room 613 Roblnao OTY'rKAI, KSTATK loan ; for N 7 rar a on tiuaincaa or rcaidenra propartr in Tulit at per rent inlnreat; no Onmmla tn ; prtnriple pay a bit any dm after fir-1 f nr al end of fiM eara- Intareat .i.annMally. W -22? Iowa R'dg Fhoni. Oaaca 2 10. WAKTED--T0 BORROW 48 u -vr j rnidonc firnt nmrtKaite on tf ITOIi.Tt v n.if cent, hO con- m(!itiri. rhtine 2irl.R. INSTRUCTION EDUCATION AL AND MUHIGAL 4 I IMAVO " !NSTRr0TlONH--l.ady1 riper!- enrd in ciMlic inatructtotia, de- urea pnpila Call If,"'. R SThMKiRAPIIFRS and bookkeeper, ara in gre.l demand, let ua train you for a Letter irosition, both day and evening school. I'hone 4 '.l. Tula. Buaineaa roll.-ge and -Miaa Kanniiiga' private arhool eonaolidated. i' Kaat Tlord TI LS.v" Hl'SINUSH t'OLLK.C.K and ilia. Fanning'. Private lliiaineaa College eon aolidated. Kor rompleto infomietion in regard lo fcpeeiet training in Miorthand, tvpewriting llook keeping, etc.. telephone I4JH or cell .1 our arhool. 109 11 Kaat Third alreet. LIVE STOCK D008, OATS. FET8 fi3 CANARY" HJIiPS - Two Instil ifnl T-enod f-,.yt fr .ale ?,.! JvMith Iner.. LIV STOCK AND VEHICLES M F(- S I.K 'c li.-vt! tlirrm c"d yoimc traina for nal1 . yi'iir rhui'-e mt of h. ad of horiw Nirhol Tranttfer and Siormr Co. HOItSK AMI IlI'liiiY 'Knr aulf, liir unit inij,' fin.- roiidition. lor infor- matioTi rail 4084 J. HORSKS - Fine apan of draft lioraVa for tali-. ff fi and 7. wriubt 2 7V fine taft of work hunjeaa (ti"n wilti tlitm if dcHtr.-d. Miller Hrothen. U ajcuner, I k l.i rbonn 73 'L'hVJ UK MA I. K MILKS- Kor al". pnuinli w.irklt:j evir ?ir,d.-iv r f'T ChII iflJ Sumb i; o'clock Main. I. day POULTRY AND 8UPPLIE3 fl Kl'liifT- It.rred' Plvi.ioiilb Itoeli egga for hatching,. HI Ml for I V. o- d a 100. Vrl ane I'airv I'l.'in. H X "'' !'"i.Fll Kor MV. ( ill i.i.o.d. d Homer t-lrenra. tin Pair I1i'4 .-'mill l''k Ave Klliilii; hlllli Hl'li K'.i.'' For aale H 'ii f.,n I', or '. per Ii -i ml red. few aeliir.g. of White Leghorn egga al ; 'oi for l-. Phone M.r. " PERSONAL PROPERTY BUSINESS PERSONALS B7 STFPKll YOCN0 aeee, I n veal rilenl. 2 M Itolii.iai.ii flidg. -Real F.atate, Inaur i'honea li.O-Jiyi, BITtDiNtJ MATERIALS i; in. Iliand, for ran T,I.:S VI ..I HOUBEHOLD GOODS 1 "fli'.N SM.K t e,.,. -fda. Mi-- 1'., at ,;i Sorih ItoiiMer, 14 roouia of filrni r, , aale slarl. .1 1 p. Ill 11 If Mi aiiclii'iieer UEaTTIFS nig a.le i. atlll on; .111 save w,u 21 P'T ce:t oo any rug w bav. 21 W. F.rat I'mre (ll. r'tMi S l 1-. u'arit ipriirig room anile, ,h;ui unle. refrurralor fcVa Hi aieo lait'ler. curi.ia aireicner 'fl I'l '(M'i I KK r".r -.A't-, ('inr rom? atid fc!,.pn a,irrti nirr!: atra:iEfd. rhou 'M"1 ... Kl liA I I I KK - '1 -rrf ro-irnn wmil'le for thn roo'ii. r!iiip, l-:a.injf lown, 25 ' t-oii'li Vint..''! Ht' KliOl-lJ Kl liNITi:HF. Klfen c.liirft. fTi-!f.f rookiT, f j e r"oroa f nr ri:shfd rofi.-iftel' ch'-a,. for rant., liavii: TnUa I'ln 7!fl fw'j'f ) y . l'..r fftlt , Nw I'r.r'crtlon. ttiri-o iMirrtfr ''al i'iv' with ovi-n ; pood r-.riHii in- 4) North P-vma h'r- U V!V f AMI..", library l)e. f.onV -M-f.'i -inr -nr. rui;h, d r r, rhif fp it H,, (.; Viliii! bargain. houlU S'l'I 1 1 p ttnr' r thai can ti- liand'v4 .i'd htor.' W huy arvthinj. a': 'I i-rjthu I'rif tk ' r lh ((,; I'KntiB 'e."t:ii Piamond Kitrnliur ronr,',"v Mii-SICAI. IN'STHUVr.NT IkF- I'l.VS'O- -MaOli IsPI llfwV. J IM owntr It-avinp Tuka f t 7 1 i " OIT MAfUTiNERY 81Ji-Pt.TSS 3 fl-nifr rmMt" tark. p'Tf cngini-a, I viir-tnAcn, for naU, ail r.ari;aiii atid firit rtftpn pifhtir iiKt-d or nw A d 't '"a K. 1 1 lilman Son, 1' O. Hox l.'.M'J. Mai In 'I''n ii i I ' . r S v..r.,rdhand 8 n j. . 7.6; 1 i.n up, f,t'"t; I'.O h p.. $1.9'"0, rpv 1 ,'ii ). j hijr h preHiUe-a in atork ; oil ali Ma. xif-am and fma 'nejint-a. com prftxaora and fompUt bUkIc aerondhand tracJiinery, JUaudrelk idacbtuery Cc Jop- I PERSONAL PROPERTY ! OIL MAriUNKHY ftUl'l'l'.Il'.S til' r o Imthrt V 1 'i l,nrhi- I ('' m, u,,r IM'UI llntrl "lulaa. k tor I't-i."' All Mr (HI l.FASl's And lownahip p.ata and all oiher ml f,,.,t (,. , ,,.k- ilH ,r aal,. .y nil, l'r.-a, 'J 1 ;, 1 ai Third. Tulaa, ikla. 'phnua 4,.':t. Wrila lui catalog and prir 1ml u'a fre OPFICI1 STORK rgUIPMUKT 64 lulaa Kiillt,.r u,,... u-..Ht. n 'I i I if nh.'i - lain si-.Kns PLANTS. i-i-.rtiU7.i:rs f AM. :KI V. .,!.- ,: ,.. . ,.-,t- mim,. 'iwHal Law aon w iro.. rK S . n ' inn i h' t WiroUti-t, ,-rtmrw.! TOM A 'Mi IM.A "I'S Kn. 7rif h hiirKiJ b WEARING AF'PARF.L. d7 HfOMKST CAHM nrlco yuA for aend bard auita and ahta I'Iiob 8. JO. lASVl-KHAliK Co ST I MKS Ma.g ti-rad m fiMuniea for rent . oul if i.Mrfi ordera filUtd hy api'omtmciit. JIU tii-uin va. er 1'hnnt. H I 1 4 W'ante.. ti buv Second E&nd CS'r nr1 nhoeei Kivc' rlollrs In 1 1 ft pni.l fur nulls; lilKhcsl pricivi 1111.I f..r 8hoc. We huy old eral. I and hIIvi i-. J'hono 7940. 210 KAHT fOf(ST STR KKT , " SKt'OND llANl) C1.0T1IFM liighe.t pncea paid for meo'i clothing. .boe. and rhone 2flfi5. 8UITfi Iflgheit eo.h prloo p.ld for men', aecondhand aulta, eoali and trouaera; alao buy ahoea and hate. Phone S44f. BUIT3 AND HUUKH Higheal price, paid Tor men l lecond band amto and aboea. Ilck llardon. Phone 6 MIaOELLAti;OU8 rOfiBAti HA KB OVEN-Fgr aale, good aa new7"bar gain. Steward Ketehum hotel. RAINCOATS The "water uroof kled" A lo Wait Rubber Oooda, Turn.r Bldg, Third and RICK chocolate loam aoll can be bad for Hauling away, irortkeaat corner Clneln in il and Kait Nineteenth alreet. phone 7(irn. MKVlTNO MACHINF, Good droohe.d While rotary or Singer eewing machlae lor aaie ea.ap. jll aat Hewnd .'reel, phone 77fi hCRKKy TlOORR For aale eight new aerenn aoora, two teel eight tnrhra and .even feet al. inrhea, one screen door two feet by ait feet alx inch.. Phone Oil ir,, TEo'EiTiriowi it.tMa ' imiSh ance, Inveatraenta. 114 Robtaao. Bide.. pboeeJ670 J64 Tf iLKIitf "rlCALKS A fl " type.; capacity from 3 lb., to All, need ebon l 'A month. 7"H South Phone ftflSS. V A I.I. TKNT - For "kale. " 1214 : p'r a'e T ally now. ,1. '8. liodeo, 619 Woat C.memn. WANTED TO BDT TO hV'Y Hoaton'brlo'dl do. ClTjonT i ion HAliM B AND RRIDI.K Wanted to bny aaddle nod bridle for . Hhetland pony. I'hone 14(1. ' EXClUNdB--AUT0M0BILXS 70 t'AH Will trade aeven paa.enger cr, good roiidition; .old for about -,0t)O, for good bit on parod street. Whipple, JM Kitat Herond. CXCHAK0B--REA5, flBTATB TJ HRildM II(H SK-'Moderirnd" 1 1 4 acre tract in Mari.mville. Mo.; live college town, lo trade for Tulaa property or rood car. Call .Innee. 1900. " rOB TRADE MISCELUt VEOtJi 7S PONY and delivery back lo trade for rood milch cow: aee .1. A. Hpradling, Ijorn bard additinn. Route 4 Boi HI. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FT TJ Airp APABTMEKTS 78 Al'ARTM K.VT- Five room aparmanl lei rent for air month. If tadten t one. No rhildren. Phone ftS17 APAKTM KN'T Well Inrnl.hed, mtTTtid. living room, dining room, bedroom, e.tra Murphy in a dor bed. kitchen, bath. Phone CMS niffh-clttiJs rurn.ffhfli kDartfDftnt for rent. One year li'6ur. Tenth flnrl Kou'h TJoston. i I n I u , K. K , 14oirT'hfJri-wpa7tmin u! w".i aid iinlirr. ihrp r ft onu and litth, lM,miUfiil)y furnlahrd for penplc vmploj rd, eirtlkni at real car and Jitney irTiri FLATS FURNISHED 76 A I A HTM K NT Nircly furniahfd" apart mom and k't' hrritfl with all mndrrn ronvriiifiM'ra , lights, pa and watr tur ni,h"l ; c loai in , tuiiahl for on or two. 9 AO month I'honf 7S(U R. APAKTilKaNT Kor rrnl. thro. rooni f-ir" mlifd apartiovnt, $ 10 ; two room, I'hont- 4o7'i APAIiTM KXTS- Kor rnt a two room apart ment, aWo itirre room apartmt-ni Morn) lOal,) I2i'2 Hoalh Iri-nvor. I'lion Nf.N1 il.' rlV::Wilirrnii partm"nt ol four rooma for aii montha or lon(f-r. r. HtMjnnljItt ?o rr-(ajKinldf par ty i furMHhfd in inahojany and trt. rlprirf Iigliia, modern in ffcrjr way and delightfully to., alao haa lrst frnnt porrh a tiff porch llRllt. Io doorti from Main Kirost rar linr. iMinnif 7i"H Mon'!. . t(H Tjr hi dk tii, rlna in -Hacblor apariuici.ta, mod Phona R2I7, HOUttBB FOB BENT 77 ( HKY K N K N , IU(j- Kor rent, dandy ai room hntjii-., 97u . I I'iM-ini A fo, 3 r-3 ommrrrf Hid I'hono 7,i7i Kli.HTH, "K", " la -f wo rooqi kouaa for rent Kolt RKNT - TrWr roin ioua on rar liriH ; n-wly pfirrrd f m.d lor at ton, f 2 pr month. l'honn .7't0 It WUSCO N". 40? Hii room anl hath, don bl' houa1. modern. all in mormiiirii only If'-l'SP! - Kor r.'iit. fon r ruonj. corner of Ku'I'ih an-l 9'." i l'Vion AX3 HtM hr; -':, garder,, wt-il, a and water fitrrmhr-d .4.1 per ition'h Ch.n,. 'i4a lU.Yall'lA, S. 1''3 -tfn.: room Itpht honart keepma; firnuira fnr aale, ire-room honi. for reiit HOUSES nii,NISHED 78 ACT y ;i K -If yon t rfiit a ncv en rotin bcantif'iily fnriiite.) bijniraiw. I a rice lot. or will rei't I wo alrepi r,4 roonu I'hone 4'jo0 Holme r.'TTA'iK Mndcrn, & iim,iu mtuite, god niiion; waiktriit il tat . ws;l rM. fr.r vi-ar o purtira buy in a; furniture. Pr-ona KlHIi (.; TT A ' 1 .Modf-rn, fif room roliaj", f ti r iiinhed eoii.r'''-'' etffpl nilverwfcre ami linen, fipe In'Mion. warWinj dmarire no ih!lr4n, r frrr-nr" requited l"rro-i,e 4? I K Satunlny arid Monda? fo: H a m to ,r. p m n,Mr afler fi p m fH .Sunday Five-room furni.hrd houpo for rent, - with jarajo ami servant quarters, $12 1824.- Call i REAL ESTATE FOR RENt KOUSCS rUHNISIIKD HI Kl lilN." s , 7I Five rwnn .""I 111., iooiiin nil l.itll, a.luHa ot,U' fli.ll'l ItilnM li.n.i ,1 Ii.iuii- ir.nae ra r. ti n.'.rl,-ra r.T rent for .1 mi, oil . .';!. i, lear- i.T a )tr I'lo.ito 1-our aal Itlirnl, 1 prov ,.,u !,.( I ' , i li.o... . m ( hi ri 1 1 ri arot li-;,. uiMil.--n 4 I'dom- 'U . -llnMK Kpi r-ttl or t-ib-nt an n..iii fi.rtili.'fl li.niic il.. :aiiir l'J (it nmnih rt.niiio t I'. I V l I 'I.UK MH' SI'K INtiS - To n ill fr ii- niii'iiicr furnivhtd ii.nar in l--I rfni.lcnrr dial r let r'"Crt Apply Sunih Cinrittiikad afii'i ftVlo'-l-1,1 i UKNK ATT Kor rci, hrauti f .,!! f iiPimhi .1 '!iriniprl (r'.'M t hi- I Srj tn'"', Pt '.'"'. I pi t)lil . i:t'j.l Kfir rent t room ''"I tum. fuiiul''l. P'tH . in ai- '! Ii" "-m in rtnw i.ifr- caidt'ii (oi aW' I'lii ti- jl K K, , 114" Tlin'- rm m )t i. i t it. pnrtv liiivini:'irr cull ni y'VKIIi N, fl7 Kor rent, tiir.-lj In' unlif.J ft vt room niiuiTn ii"iiir. .-ul I'll SIIH-. For" renl tts to ten rotmi n-aidcnrr., rlor in. rrot rfitnona !. pr- viditiz yon will ny tnr. Will i;ivrt MHiie. t ! rm . full Moorf hc;..l -','!) SI'Ki'l M. Sonll. ndi. 1iv room lit.": f.r t-ul and will It""' n" "r It-MM m r'HaM.. rarly, protidii.e yo will t.ny fiirnitiir- of four r'm'na il(:n art -purr,, as pcfty ta travlftR Mir ( all Moorfttad, &?VJ SolTIf KlUK. Heal rluap in, tMi ronin In. .! for rent pravidinif on oiiv fur tiitur. vn cli'tp. I'liona 41 and 4.-47. . , ... S'H'TI! Sll'K Kor rwil. nin rrwin Iioiih.. c1of.-in im tii i h Hid- nrovidine y-m l'ty f-irnlmri- i'rtrw $n(i. onr half raan, l-ii.if.- monthW Vhn SK VKVTIT. r . MO For rat.t for fnnr rmmllir, liociiinii.K ..'m 1, .'. (ifiilly l'ir nit.' r-d , room liou'o with al rep mi a, l.or,K. f'.r,rfif and Unndry. I'lion.- -MHii Knl'TM hlhK W'velv f. room nw lin f rtlnvf nirly , funii. hd : rotipli wMp ttul rhildren Phona fit 4 1 "4:0 OHkes ffir Einfl IN OMXviilll.f lU-II.DINfl ' Nowlv ilocnruieil ami In fme rr" llllllt; all nffll OH nil ewrnnil ftnot : hl, hint ami luniinr wrun fur Inhud. VEKT KBASfiNAW.K ItKNT See Mir. Moasns Wnr'M Officr. - " a a. - ' ... a - II fl tt r tin TUttJEia) Aauj"""""". . WARClioilKK-For rwnt. .l or part Urga . . it . i ' aV aiDr' brtck warvitonaa. ta 4,i' - m ii oa Wo at ArrhPT. 8f tRR7li00M -Kor rut, ir-nl lo. at mn ond and Bouldor. Imiuir'a lift South firOllldrT. -rr- wvifrtT t laanna rni IBKT t mania, waitw owmtuw Jm ' Kaat Saoond atrxt. tPnJTL 19 . .... .'.rr... v ii.Aiiij"r.i',ui.hlrt woman will!";;, for lumfhed ri. or K.U" rlnrlrif .iimmer lor u.r, ,-'" - amall rent. A 1 1, r'-z.. - : HOt HK -wnwo wi'c, - - - f raoaaie raedere, tuifurniaheJ. no .'iT..T1,l.rilo A 4H, rar. Werlil. j.arly no eon.rra,,,.. ,. , llie aumirer ana - - - renting tnrir nun.- -,'--.,. ,,h . p, f, reaalin.h e ( an Al rsference.. ,'1 i ji. m. W, H.'i. WANTrMrTtTTeMr i,fe1iwIMe. geila- Arl,lrea. Mr.. Ml J""'"V J'!" , REAL" ESTATE FOR SALE AOBEAOB'roi AUB M -r:r.v;r-. e.nir ri j farm near P.waon mam k"1 - r- hearing mm. P""; '."- .,, .;... 1MI0 l'hene !..Vi.V . . ii-uT the kinH of s place i"U "' '- 'rka 'JH A"" 11.1 Tr-S Al KK TRAIT -Fine l' acre Ira.t wz'zxii :i,'j.wi',:.,..4'cr,.ii J0 Ault Mlrlg. HODBF.S FOB HAI.E aTaR'I MKST SI I'K -'I'lose In, rlliap. ('" awnrr. I '1117 ACHK MlT-llcutlliiHy allii.l.'.l on H.rli A,T,.,1 ,n.l rlnae eno'igl. I" vrrv ,i.-iral nome alia. - . Wr,r,l, the merir,. term.. l'l.n t"''- run ,nlt tilde. . . - 'n VII it I 1 IVY "-Keveii roc'ria. l-eautifill da ";,,.,;,. J.....l.f..l cl.eineai fi-nir-a. a...i.-iii. oaa flm.ra. a tug lioiiac laar front. I'"'' "''"'. l'"i"" landle. ealk'.ng dialer, II K ""'. f 1 '' " - HI si;liW V -dar-lr dirrryim hung , ' a7-.1i casli l.slre 4.i mniilll lUrikalnn, 3411 ll.,l,.nn llldg. 1'l.on :.;. j Itr mi Ai.n'.v I'l. - " .- gaiag... I.ri.e.l to "! ' ''' 1 ' e.., ..nil. Men " '.('' r.H.m 4U.I l.'i.mmrrre H it . l.mrtli ami Va'c .'.'.. . .- - BfiVOS' H - Kilra hnv, five roeim houae 'in f.r.r .mi- !' -d in five d?a. .n.-e ' i ', :.4l liblni.auii Hl'lr- I I 'me ti i IKlTTAlir; N.-v. five ror.m il.t. l.-au titill ll "ak flrpr,r, wtiile i.n.incl thri 0") t. mai'it'l. $A. '". '"'' 'l"wn '',"" f'.il por muiilli II. II l.i-craft. I'litjne 41"'-'. .. ... CAUHOV. fl Haiitlfut H rnorri honaa 'ie flarllun I'i.eH. and a.'' ri.iarler.- a l-argaiii. rinilie 'J'.i77 or J,14 tl.Wonll, S rrn tinuae, PACT SWifc like ret. I. , I 1 1 .! fandy f it room ' mol j i i r.-roo-lelfd l- ow rif r $2 ,r'.n, ."') lia'an new fite rrKtin mod' rn hun low. fieri neii y, man hi. t.'iiir in fca tuies, sifrifire. owiitr i.f-di. itjonev rit'i now et tilth . a't lodsy, wortj, i-'-.V'J, 'l i 1 1 a ' 1 y Co 1'' ho p e i KASV SH)K -Three room, full mth lr,t. nn rar line and rloe,n n ttouthenat sid" I'rire' fl $40(i rath a--d V per nio'Uh. S. tmliiftt , I I ltclni.aon Ht'lB Dionp 1714 LAST SlI'lv -Two lour rortm I. ..' "on full M- rorfil't lM. gtOti't Vr' t . ' l l v nf f Iom- to rar line, t . '"mi. !f -. ,'j-b a -,'1 i ' a uiotill: '1 a!u Ri alty ( u. I'hone ;2 KAKM lirt 'd Hti a'-re, nu'ir-it'd fain in liogan county aitra (fed huy at f,V-'i( vory ta.y terma; would tr.i.i for Ttilna prnpfrty or cooj rr, Hakur lateat t m i i Co. l'liouo ttoX M-r an.l l :.-i'i I ilSI'i'Kl V. K rn!,. 1.,-ilt ; I- II' I'll. . i :r . r . i . I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE flOUSF.8 FOB'raI.B " " "95 HI,iii'K, K. -Nim hu room hunttalow m it HeirnKo, lot 4'tl() and hona mod in, unit.) fur l,;t p,.r montli Krtre for (hu I, on', t.tiOO, one half faah, iiiievtn-.' t.-ruiH plion ('n pj or rail at nlt Htitat. rt-la for Mr. Campbrll. in!. sAi.K lt otart-r, am ifrivini? Uin ttj him .iff ruip iry fiT room t'tinjcalow t .Pi,; Hun i ti y, hfflini; hi a bargain. I tut I'lni.. W(t;) l,nilt tiy oanrr and ia a vl'M.iriii,il ait( r rv a jtla-p ru wilt fu'd any pi. in ihm. city. Thia bona. lot I - .pii-!ir(,l(.d for $4,,'.lUi. . Will Ml' ,1)r tt.nnii with cm.d terma Will tU'lU Mhow in MtiV tinir- I,. H I. rook a. (ti futii ,,ei!in; I'hone 4.ltH mA UU. 'i'K At.T liUVjul.'iO' ff0t'on" Hand Nm!.l,m hue, 7 rMti, 91') a month I'mm- f J Inqoira .Vorl, Denrar, lint j-'K ny ltl ihrt rmm honta, walk 'ii: diHianer lot inil4ii, with thadr frini, bath and (a In honax, ranted for tVi pr ut-onih, prtrtj only 9p0rt ."I may darn i( fot 9710 rat-li, linUnrt" f'." rr nionih Call j.honn tlM4H. Il'M I'K N.'w fiv rtNim limiia, two lota. r !,., pood cardrn. caraui? itn.l rliickfo tionn. I'j.j'iO. terma. Minna 6U41. '-'n-a. nit HMje Kl-Mi!,)( Nii-.T, new 4 room I'tMijtalow tn Kind.'ill fht-ap, by owner. I'hona 992 Or I 1 'I'al Kl M ) , I I, 'orncr lot I 4T), ' will"" adl itt. for ividi f'hon- owner, 77J!l, KJ Mm,L I'drro i's,m)hi houao with alf-p hc I'ort'li. piMid will, barn, on car lin-, I hi..), j. 1 1 Mi t a.h and .i j a innnih. TnUa Rj:t) O I'hont ivi AJAPl.K KIlnlK -itwauitful lo'rom hoini, two hatha upitatra, tiln and lavatory dowiittiaira, litrcn iWknx room and din in it roorr, aun parlor, all built in fna tiirra. hafifintit, ftirna. ajaraca and arrvania' unnrUra; waa 9K.100, party ia ctlUd out of lawn; wtll Meriflr for 9t"0K. I 'hoi i 2Tt r P84. M(ltNIMMUK " AfHilf .ON" Tf aU. arvn titmn liiippalow for 97,000; Irving Pia-a addition fi v room rot lag a, 94,aij, J.17!S raah wtll naivdla: Huua.t Will ad dition, aii room bunralow, Ja bfinf romiiirlad. prira 5.600. rma If aalreA. Jfiiildtra riiTaatmunt Co., S0 Now World fiH.m rnonx .fast. h 'K W) It li h! I ooo bToek initlfio, a 40), nw on a a tor y, flva-room honaa lai n. narn wood floor a. ctoaeta. pantry, li.i.n 91,1. so for on irk ial, caah 9HU0, Daianfrt tHi monthly. ditsjnw Hld I'aona HlftQ. UttrK Y)Hli. ti. Tli0 Ckirk i (4Mf No 1HU). fi vi room frama dwvlllna:, eloae mi arhool and car lini. mwir fruif. food rardn. poaaoaatnn al anfa, PrV $9 Anf), 4m raKti. balaucn 4u tnuntnlr. 'Jii Iowa Mid I'hona S 1 AO SI V klMIM.4 tNIl IIATII Mntill uaRmttli new j aamathipf diffamnt; poaanuton 4i inn i nv n ownur a" nr dcia. BOI TM ri-WOOD fttt rotwi, tmodarn houae, hardwood floora ihronffbout and nirely detuiralfd. Iieaullfnl lertriral fii- turra, thfa la f Iota 1n actd will rant for f7ft par month. Prlra $6,600, 1 Tf.O eaah pnta yon In thti noma. Km wi biah, ,t Itohinann Hldff. Phnna ITU H)l'TII .fclDIC Ki-rom and baaamant, white anamal flniah, bnlltin faatnraa, kardwood floor a and baautlfnl alMirkral ftxlurea and dnrnrwtlona. Thfa Ii m inap at f i 5i)0. f '.1, nod raah. halanet aaay. Hre Wimtnah, 2 15 Robinson Wdg. Vhona 1714 MIX-KtMiM Modern home, walk Inc dii lane., aplandld horn a. prlred $4.ft00, with 11,350 rath and MS par month. Ben . Anrat. with Iiowa Infaatmant Co Room 400 Commfrra Bldj., Fourth and Main , . HHlf'riJ HIDK For aale by owa.r, saw aaven raom bouaa, oak ftaori thrufhut. haaemant. aaraca. aarvanta' u ax tar a. furnara heal, all bmlt Id fcatoraa, aaat front, nktly dacoratad. Tar ma. rbOf SOITH BLOK -Kor aal a, larva umiwa houaa., full alia lot, rloaa In; four tJar i inAaa. aaIlk laa aal el c lea l. rl (tl t 1 lei and frate; ra;1 watar; alarlrle liftita; well; riateru; ranar; ffaraga iwaj rara- natural ahade rnona 71 1. Imjf if" HI DE r'or aalt "a"wutii ' a Id a, nod fl room bunralow, aodarn, with built-in f.aturea, i,750. R. V. Hilar A Sn '. JBhfln?.af ! fl HoSlaax Pldg. 8KVKNTKr,.TIf, K . l0Haw fla rawm banfalow, hardwood tloor, old Ivory fintah. fiatiirta ao'i aioraunna ia naai. large, prte 94,60, oaj gJ terma. K m. Parnan. pnona ra. HIX HrtXIM fM'ri.KX Two bathrooma, mow tor 17ft, 4.00. $l.tfl dawn, pj ' mafita par Month. B. B. bawcrafl. Phnna 413 a. bl'ltURHAN AOO'TIOS Watad on pa v i'd road, and rar Una, ona half and ona arre traeta. atrewt now bain a arradad, ideal for mbiiirhan hna, raaaonabla terms. P K. Houatoa, Bli Hobinaoft Hldg Thona 7JnO. WEHT r Tl'LfrA- for aale, two room hvnaa In We-1 Tulaa. renta for fia. lot sni 140 $50o raah. loqnlra pool hall la CamDlietl llldg., Weat Tnlia. WK.ST 7HlIf- New, two atory, 16 rooaa aoartmant. eler triell aud taa. toon la aiion, f d 000. $2 000 raah. TuUa 1laal- t f o. I'hone .2 LOTH FOB HALM CITY JiTH -Hen ua for rlty lota and 'arm prouertv HaVer litvaslmant Co. 1 1: Daniel Hld, I'hona 800. KI.M PARK I.OTH A tnw good aaat front tola ret for aate at f'M and fl.OOO walk me dtalanre on aouth aide. II. A. Jtoaa l'hon. i.i'.v: KAT SIDK Nka l"el lot on Kaat Fourth alreet mar WashiiitTtnn arhool, two blorka from ear line, for aala by owner, Irrmn if deniri'd rhone lUf-O. I T For aale. one of thfl heat Iota oo Norfolk in Mfrrntntraide I all boho. I,-1T - Iandy eat front lot, sooth afda, .rfJiL'ti7. pard street, eto. will saii rjtcap to iiiirij huyer I'tton owner. t At. l.ti'l'S' Siifiitl offer, full-lot, r loan In Kaat Kie-ond, walks and newer psid, pavlrtf half, a? ooly. one half raah. It a as invciment to rnona unno. Jacti'f (.(Kid vasnt lt on O. I,, rar Una. f.r .al rhean J If. Mankltoil. !I40 Rob i.iifin Hid- Phona 0''7 T'AIIK IMI.I.-'- For" aala, lwlr"a W'"7i I W mil front, Arthur M". ralin, 920 North Hwood I'hona 2U R, Hoi 'I'll Ml UK-- l-'nr aale, a aood east' front lot. clnre to. Una will $rnw tnlo mo nay sure. Marry Jenkins. Thona 480(1. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES for sale" Three Packard Twami Sikes - 7-Passenger Slightly Used Offered for Sale at Actual Value $2,150 to $2,350 Wire, Write or Phone Wadley-Morriss Motors Co. 417 North Harwood Street Dallas, Texas j, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "lots ron laJJ TWO LOTB Kor sal, n4 two-roeii ; hone. Pnon Jg-r alter n noea. FARM LAND Buy now ind gel thla r renl. no er a near r,ir-, - -v mile ixirthe. Prtr, OkU.. 0 awe , In cultlv.tion, ill rn fc tlltlvw4 Hire teres; new lhr-rm house, 1 new brn tni all feooe4 aod rraa4l fenred with new wire; 44 er im ot Win this year, SS aorea ia oat. " to ai re In eorn: leaae oa 40 aerea T more 15 srre In oat and IS In eora ntea with Ihl. farm: ym get a third l grata and fonrtb of oloo i thla U a goad, wall Improved arm : lb toil I la a Sleek loaan ad will (row alfalfa, notatoe. or anrthlng el; I Tie a cloo prlra on Ihl. f.rra for a few o.v aad If roa re looklof for a food frni T will buy this; this farm 1 clear of debt and owner will lake half eaeb aad ! long term on balanre. f hv olher: II you have frm for sala or want to nay one .-.Il A. B. Poller, with T, A. Tni Iv rUalty i, of flea 610 BobifMoa Bldf. lhone ftS2w, b i ' 530- AIIIK TRACT 850 aeras la eoltle- linn : 325 .rr. ay aaeadow and rrea paaliire, two rood IwaaM; rwa tenant houara: two food barn aad two food hy .bed.; four well of walor. ut.hurg manly. Okla. A banal al i'l per arre. Hnilner 0 -mm rVew World Hl.lg. Phone 22f. L&& is the Bzttx ' Why? Becanjtse Profits : Jmray thz Poirclhiaser, In thai Inat thrna year iurntxr hn.m ailVHlirnrt Innra than 100 n rent, harriwarn mors than 100 par ' epnt farm product mora than par cant, while land lUmlf onljr about , 10 pr cent. Oat th point? Lot . your "noortlo" run wild for land for tha next blr advance aura to oora ' within ninety day. , 1 hava a few good farma for aala., v. n. vnunin, auiiinaviiie. arKia. . WAJtTED WSAi EITATi It UtJHTOlrlKRH daily ...ling la'bay lawsr able homes. We make inapMlaoaaf promptly and derot onr lin and . r lor qulek dels. List what yaa Imt 1 vHlh ktonrehead Lola a Inv.itnieal 0.. l'hon ftana. ' IIOIJSBW.nlarl to buy, tig r aajeoa? ; room tan, eloe la, ooUl aid aaar t.fIjli.tMl!l'l""' Mi. Ewf Xour property wilb and at r.' aalt. Aalldar Inveatment 0. "rnaa tmNeWoirrooj. 0T7 HFMl l") RNCK -Wnted I bo y" FoTTaah'e J ; tomer, .Ii to right roan roaldeaea la - th. north or .oath part of the elly. afuai be modem, well-balll and noil loeathra. ' Will pay 15,000 to ,00. Phoo l7. Blair Brothers. 5B Unity Blag. ' i Hlx OH BKVK06tW1a.od"."rB Souse "J. (nod lor. lion. M.v. 1 11, too anuitr K nine room bora. II. 1 1 as, Th, to ... ' eh. eg for Ilk equity here. PoMool- ' fire Bog nil. TWKNTY ACRH W.nted at one, akoat ' twenty teres of ground, weir pro teel ed. i Call vhon Irlfll-J. .k fee tla r address 13IS Feneth Boeto. WXrlfEI) TO BUY"-Tw ar threo-raoaa' aea.e, near ear Hat, ean pay a 100 k ana fin man in, Aidreu Boa er won. ut aitAfa as' On top of Beautiful Irvini Plaoa. ' ovarloOKing city and tha river, will be aold by owner at a prloa much ' lower than tha aama property oould be built for today. , Tbla 4a ona a the flneat bungalowa In tha city. Is. ' ..lul . K I V Ia lila.lia w.iai. vu m nau ivv, avraiiv ,r. Ten rooma, Including aun rooov';." iriwatw, j , e4 flna Aak flrmra. n.k and iverv maJ - wnrk. hnautlfullv naAnrato al lul . bath and built-in flxturaa. ' Blr leaping porch . glaaaed-ln with French wlndowa on three (idea. . good baaement with furnace, garage -and fine aervanta' quartera. Thla houae waa built for a home,, haa double floor with heavy " building protactad with heavy building paper. bpsena of minor oonvenlencea ael dom found In , houaea offered for sale. Price rnunt be all caah or nearly ao. Owner will take tlt.Olt for thla houae, built leaa than ona year ago. Houae must be lnepeetad to learn reai worm, tviu aiao txin- . aider renting aama completely fur nlahed for the three summer montha ' to Tellable partlea. " Reven-room bungalow; living room) acroaa entire front, French, . dVsoravl lirrakfajit room, baaamnnt, beautl-' fill decorations and lighting flxturaa,.1 rant front. A real home.' Prloa, , IS, 800, terma. Walking dlatanee. t JJcsimlkniras & ' Phonea 8492-4305 and 4290. Owner Wall SamiHcfi FOR QUICK SALE Sli-room modern bungalow. Para Hill. Will take lot on deal. Act quick. Thone 1316-J. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOB BALE