Newspaper Page Text
12 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1018. "PLANE NEWS" GOOD ARMY PUBLICATION Humor unci I 'in low of AvInHon Sof. tbn Told In (rlpplnjr Maimer liy Mm Ovr Tlirro." STILL LIKE THE WAR TALKS "MihIht' lM)-'- OIrrviui- Irgcil In Hc t'iil Ikmiii-; Items nf Sonic jiolal Kliciilflrunec. II I he Y. M. ('.. A. m.tile pr.s .h e tho organization of. Mm f'tily symphony orchestra with the Aimit Iiiii expeditionary force, im told In I do May il liisuu of "l' News." a p. rlodhl edited ami printed l v rcmhors of t he aviation bianoh of the signal corps In Franco. Tho 'V" purchased I he necessary musical instruments and rchrai-.Hulji have already tumuli. !! wimti .o Slid 75 artists have. Joined ilie'or rhcstra. -Lieutenant von K.zdoif l director of tho oririiiiUiitioti. Many othor Intorostin; it iiim arc contained In tho publication. This Issue wan gnitcn out (he Sat urday prior to "Mother's liny" and one ij the principal article on the front pane urges rvorv limn In the erniy tn write it letter to mothiir back hntni. They are InstriH led to mark on the envelope "Mother's let ter" as the army post office hud ar ranged to give preference, to uoh mail. Some. Idea of how tin- nun "over there" regard their mothers can he gleaned frnni thin appeal; . "Koincmlicr Mother." "If you ever spent extra effort on anything In your Ufa, spend It on thin letter. Make It brimful of op timism, love ami pood cheer. Drive away the troubles, worries or cared that may lie hera. fill her with love and lot her have reaiion to !o promt of 'her boy' by the thlntm you say. It Decennary, devote the entire day to making thl letter filled with the devotion every man feels for tile mother.' If you are one without a mother, tend a similar letter to the next dearest person to you, or the one that takea your mother' plum." That the men do not tire of "war speeches" even1 though they are In the midst of It, In indicated by the Item,, to the effect that Or. Van Dyke, brother of Henry Van I'ylie. the noted war correspondent, "nave an Inspiring lecture at Field IV Thins, day night on 'Why We Are at War.' " Dr. Van Cyke la a J'rlnceton pro fessor. It telle of a visit pnld fn the camp by Hrlgii(Iler-(!eneral Knulula, chief of the IT. H. air eervlce, and M. du Meanlel, French under secretary for war In charge of military and naval aeronautics. Aerial Skill Shown. . "A oon as the visiting parly hove In sight." the article state, "the aviation band assembled at the Camp entrance, struck up & wel come, and a number of fast planes Instantly rose to the air. The of ficials spent a good part of the time watching air mcneuvcrs, which showed piloting skill equivalent to that shown by the world's heat avia tors. Several formations were or ganised In the air and a number of sham aerial combats took place. M. du Mesnell made an Interesting talk to the local pilots, the gist of which was that American pllota aro al ready doing good work over the lines sad It Is expected the pilots that follow will give excellent accounts of themselves." The humorous column, entitled tal) spins," contains this one: Urst Tommy of the burying squad planting ltoches lifter the battle: "Say. 11". this guy says he ain't dead yet." Second Tommy: "Aw, shove him In; you can't .believe anything these devils tell you." Clifford R Crescent of the .Ifinth aero squadron, la author of the fol lowing ,poetn: , " MOTI I Kit. Aeorss three thousand miles of rest less deeps. Where blossoming Ivy 'round the window creeps, A gray-haired woman lone her vigil keeps, Mother. 1 With all the unreasoning of mater pal hearts, Each rumor wlerd the thorn of an guish starts To fill the ai'hlng void with griping . - smarts. Mother. And st the close of each mechanic day, When pawed are all the household cares away, She kneels - a thousand thoughts ere one to pray, Mother. , Hut when the postman on Ms dally founds- Stop ut tho door and brill his whistle sounds. Then ben's the I lened heart In Vips and . s r i -Is, M li' r. This little l.t'e- ... -... the nea Cctains, for her, (1m- i.virtr w . i .1 1 1, t be. Her f"' .i.ii.'.' t hi : w.irm heart i,' ' iM ', Mot her. ftn wrln a lln r two ;!f., set at T.e n.'Mis' b'.i.'.. wuli manklcd . .-r bb-t T!.i ;s 'hi- Ices'. . ib'. Ibis also be. I V . ).er. 1'li'len "i". e!lc:ito 1 1 cra t b n. 1,( ''.'I'' .1:11... v of sbraiili' I ' 'hlri' m r ... t ruti of .in ounce t-i n i f "in tlie aterlor will t' in- 1 1 i.f ,u ,'n (tlleh soldier a; .i .; ,:., b. r". The patient n s v. . 'i' : I it Hie op. r.t Hon ml .1 ' il Kim. '''' be came Out froli.. th.. llC, if th theti . 1. s t: I ih ; iu, teii ,. a new man. Hoard Iivimiion )iispla. KKW ItM.K, ,1'ine v I'l,,. i;..r. . man Io;m-iI t.r eli; h.i.u suni-.- 's 1. 'i, . received tr.inici-.iiH c..;nl .m.s i'-j Karding the hold nK of faniit.,M il-s-plays. fc''y i;ii;hhi. p;.M . The ;in--j sedation of Tex 1 lie b' ' i 1 ! ;i 1 1 i lioiince that it Pfi.tld rr mi -ii .'em. ollH' a ! lo:,s .'m utterly n l. ! ' . ' b ; l i1 View of 'tie n .'!..' : 1 t .'ii l:i" alt vi "V en i i .u ;- 'T'la im' the i n.-. eh ?" ''., IV willimr to l.ise a few dollfirn Jllt f'.r ttl" fun "f il " "Vi 11, it a j tort ot 1'uii ttiat M.r.n pa'lb." Ten Thousand Dollar Cow is Busy Getting Red Cross Contributions '' WT' it" Sn" r , Vr'W !.. "Oxford llrlcr I'luwcr," the 110.000 ( lianiplon ( on, ThniiKh she doean't know It, "Oxford Hrliir h'lower," tho $10, Olio champion cow. la one of the bent workers for tho Ked Cross In the present war fund drive. These pretty milkmaids lead their valuable chariie about lbs dalrv show st the (irand Central I'alace, New York, to attract crowds which fill the fled frosa milk pall with coin and bills. "Oxford Jlrier Flower" was recently sold for I It), 000, the record price for a Jersey cow Infant Paralysis; Danger, Methods of Prevention, Told by Dr. Bishop Tly Tilt. It. II. IIIKIIOP, JK. f'ommlsaioner of Health, Cleveland, Ohio. This Is the fatal third year - a year when we may expect a return In force of the dread plKue Infantile paralysis miles wn inakii use of the experience gullied during past epi demics and take every possible pre caution to protect our little onea. Just 'three. .summers ago. In th summer of 1316. more than 2,0U0 lives were swept away by the cpi detule which terrorised New York city and the greater part of the country. Since then nmil sections of the country have been Hpared, but w dare not relax, for the history o! poliomyelitis, which Is the scientific name for the disease, shows that It. like much other organic life, coniej tn waves at least three years some, times loniier apart. Kor Instance, there was the great outbreak of 1 907, another In 1913 and again In 19H. I'ntll of recent years Infantile paralysis was a disease almont com plotely shrouded In mystery II claimed thousands upnn thousands of child victims and a smaller pro portion of adults, but nothing defi nite was known of Kh caue, or of its mode of transmission, or of l'.s period of Infectlvlty of persons suf fering from It. In fact, In the ma jority of rases an early diagnosis uvuild not bn mad" P rot... ht . ... 1.1. . loroiiK'i l.n ioirs inner ex perience In 1 91 ! nuch. however, has been discovered, although much more remains to be learned Dlsea-w Ih CaiiMil My Mi'iri- (icmi. We know now, however, that the disease Is caused by a specific rorm. For this has been ih.:.h...i fmi,, sons suffering from the disease, has been grown In our lab.jrulorles, has been Inoculated Into monkeys.' has reproduced In them true cases of the disease, after which the specific organism has been recovered from the bodies of the mnukeyn ho Inocu lated. It is also known that the germs are contained In the serretiona of the nose, throat and Intestines of vic tims of the disease or persons con valescing from It. They have, also tieon found in the same secretions of persona exic.'d to cases of It. Wn know, too, that the germ r.or majly gam 'entrance to the body through the n.iicoiis membrane of the nose ami throat There la Home, evidence tn show that the r.'.se and throat sef n t:. .lis .f some healthy pct-Moiia wi!; ,t.Mti..y the verm-, m a very khort. tin... while those from Other .ero!l m.t When the germs, have, once gained ae.' to the hn I v e,f tho victim they grow rapidly ami soon Invade the hinln or spinal cord The walls of thn blond vessels . tpplving the nerve celln are Inv.i'lc.l their caliber con stricted and the blood supply of the nerve cell partially or wholly cut off, rcsiiltltie In the defeneration of the nerve cells and the cnrrespoml nerves, toeiher with paralysis of the i!iih'l''H ttirriu'h which the nerves are 'I .st rthut ml Animals lo Not sprpad Tl.scafr. It was thought that Insects or the lower animals plaveil an Import-mi part In the rpreml of the d:sea.e, but there m no reliable evidence to pf'.vn It. Vcty likely the house f; dfH act us a mechanical carrier ..f the disease much as it r.iru.-. the KeruiH ot typhoid fev"r Jn th" f.lth It lin ks up. On the whole our evHepce ili..n" that Infantile pat a! sis is st:..i-l fr.-m person to j.eison thi..ii,:ii 'he Interchiinne (.f lnferled sc. t etioris. the sources of infection heirs? tint omy the rei-nnlr.ed caaea of fh. dis ease, but ml:. I and unrecognized casefl, as ucll as. healthy perifms Who have been expose ! to Infection Knnwiriir these things ah.nit the dreii.l n,,,;,-, v. what can he .lone to afford pioiectinn ngniuHt It" To an swer th.s vny (iiiestiori a confer ee, e of health officers arid the sur-gi-on general of the 1'. S. public h"al'h service was held not long sko. a' which It was decided, among other th'rit:, that the parents of a case should call a physician at once and follow his Iriftructlons They should also Insist that the case he Immediately reisnrted to the division of health as thn law re (lulres. This Information belnK needed to proteci the remainder of tho family and tTin rest of the com munity against Infection. If thn condition of thn case will rermit they also recommend that thn patient be removed to a hos pital, for then thn victim eill prob ably have a better chance of recovery than ut home urn! there will not be :m much dancer of other member of the family, contracting the disease If tb" patient, for nny reason, must remain nt home absolute' rli-nnll-io.hs mist be maintain...! iff Ri times In Iho sick room. All cloths used to receive discharge., from the mouth or nose of the patient should be burned or boiled and all other dis cbargea disinfected Kis-p Children IVoni .StnuiccrH. other children In the family must be kept away from thn patient and must not be allowed to leave the house or in contact with other children for two weeks from the date of last emit. ict with or exposure to the patient Watch them carefully and have them attended by a phy sician if any sinns of Illness present t hemselvce. other people should remember that thorn are manv missed cases and carriers of this .Pstase. particu larly in times of epidemics. There. fore don't lot your children a-ociat'-wtth strange persons unnecessarily 'and keep them. If the diseus-- ha 1 broken out nearby, as. near hoine as j .s compartible with their gettinc plenty of fresh air and exercise. Keep on tho watch at .-ill tunes this summer for mispici .us svmptom.s jand call a doctor as soon as any I of the following symptoms arc noted I'cver, restlessn. i". weakness, fiet 'fulness or lrrit..b.!l'v. drowine. j vomiting, pains m the ne k, back. 1 arms or legs As to the outcome of the disease, lone authority ha- stated that a ' pcr icentage of ji. tsoi,, children partiru jlarly, die dur' t!ie acute stace of . I tho ills. ae This perconctage varies ; from f:w tn certain severe epidemics 1 1 1 twetrv in others The averau-e fi.a'h ri'e ,-.f nnny epidemics has been h. low 1 II per cent I I "i.f those wiio riirvlvo.. a pa't rt ike coti.le,e r.'.'..vrri.'s n wti:''h r.o c1..;mik' remains. This number; is irtei'er then Is usually supposed j "The remainder suffer some do- : !u:r"o .f r.ermaner.t crippling l'-u' even In this class the extent to which ' r. eoverv frori the paralvsis mav o' -m: is treat In many instances the,, re-idue of i.'i r a lysis lnav be so uiill las pot to seriouslv hamper the life 'a-liviiii-i of the Individ. i lb In others in whom It Is greater :t m.iv be re- j In f.l or minimized by suitable, j or; h'ipedie treatment." IT AS HIS lllll SF. SUNT IIOMF, Two llargcs Will Carry ( oniii i tlciil ! Man's Pundiusc. 'When Timothy I.ounhlin. a cal .dealer of 1 1 reen iv ich . Conn. l.oii;:hf the x rooto house of John A Top Iping; in l;, He Haven, 1.. 1, he could 'not shove If. In his pocket and hike it homo with lnm. And so far as the panel post Is concerned there was the size limit 1 Ihit.Mr. l.ouehlln did not lose nny 'sleep "tihout It. Me just cave Wei I come Steinnietx, 'an architect of Croenwloh. a contract to ship the j house to his address And Mr. tdcin mct7. Is now busy shipping it. All Mr. Stclnmeu has to do, ac cording to his way of looking nt It. Is merely to toss the boue on a couple of coal barires that have been lashed together, then tow It four miles Across tirecnwi.-h bay, a neck of Long Island sound, and then roll It off onto hat .Mr. l.otnrhlin plans will bo. his front door yard. 1 .MKtelnmctz already has the housd, which wa.s on tho shore, Jacked up on runways. Just as soon! as tho barges are fixed up his lob will bo done except for nttinir the j house on and off the bai w. s ntol 'lowing It and a few little h MPs like that. "If you don't marry me, I'll blow In my entiro fortune." "I'll be a sister to you while you are doing that." ATTENTION, OIL MEN! Are you In the market f..r casit and line pipe! new or us. I an make prompt deliv. right. wi: Af.Mi in v rii'i:, sl(; AND AIIAMXiMlli V;.s. Oil States Pipe and Supply Co. tfflcc,unil Yard III) F. Archer. I'honc 7761. BUILDERS AT WORK IN ARMY SERVICE MrinlMT of Tulsa t iirjM-iitrrs' fnlon Tills r.xpcrlcm'es In France; JtcKirtctlons Irkwiiiic. That the union men erf. Tulsa are playing their part In winning the war is Indicated by the following letter, recently received: France. May 13. llt. I. v. vieh. ols, secretary of Local 943. Nation al l'.rotherhood of Carpenters' and Joiners' of America, Tulsa, Okla, Hear sir and brothcra: It has been sumo time since I heard from Tulsa and I am very anxious to know how things are back home. About all we get here is local news of the war and not very much of that. At Work "Over There." We are well aware that the car penteeu are doing their share to win i ho war. Hut you would never know In the army that such a thing ex isted as a carpenters' union. At present I am doing a regular day's work under army regulations, un der a 3-year-old boy who knows bo ery much about the trade. It la ery amusing to one w'ho has spent It years of his life in all branches of construction work, but we are here to win this war and as long as they say go I am going to do my best, even If It does hurt. A dollar a day and board la not very much but cms can live on that, and that Is more than some are doing In this blood-stained France, with practical ly all the male population at the front and women doing the labor of the country. We are located In the Interior of France, not very far from the front line. No one outside the war zone can realize what a colossal thing this war la. You must be here and see It. Anil Somo Mad Windier. Rain and mud urn tho worst things we have to contend with. It rains nearly every duy hi re. 'lease give my regards to the local and say that when the V S. u roady this war will soon end. F.very one here Is confident of victory biit it depends on you back there at homo Just as much, or even more, than the boldiors here In France. Yours truly, W. II. RUCKER. First Replacement Company, 30th Engineers, K. F., 1'. O. 7ti6, France. OKLAHOMA TOOL & SUPPLY CO. Itclnllcrs anil Jobbers DKII.MMj AND 1 ISIIIM. TOOLS American Wire Lines Waterbury Manila Cables Waterbury Hull Hopes Casing. Line pipe and Tubing Gasoline pumpmg outfits: "Novo," "Poos" and "Injeco? Oil Country Hollers: ". & S ." "Oil City," "Mogiil" Automobile Casings and Tubes Kxnort Orders Solicited .-uaine otrices snd Warehouse, Tulsa, Oklahoma Branch Ktores: Bartlesvllle, Drumrlght and Okmulgee, Okla. Rig Irons Pumping Jacks Oil Well Supplies Snow Steam Shovels A.lax Drilling Engines Pull A Sticker Pods o. K. Swivel Sockets Hums hwivel Sockets "Quaker" Mill Supplies Developed and Undeveloped Mining Leases for Sale on reasonable terms Located in Picher, Baxter Springs, Crestline or Waco Camps of Joplin-Miami District CHANUTE SPELTER COMPANY Subsidiary to THE AMERICAN METAL CO., LTD. P. O. Box- 41 315 Frisco Ttiiidlng liaxter Springs, Kansas. Joplln. Mo. prices OIL PRODUCERS, ATTENTION J . l TEN THOUSAND TONS OF OIL FIELD V V lllll C CI . JRON OF EVERY DESCRIPTION We are paying interesting prices. Write, phone or wire and get our prices before selling. A trial will convince you. Will name prices on the lease or on track to suit the seller. FEENBERG IRON AND METAL CO. First and Greenwood - Thone 4750 Mil ion Dollar Lease J tr ejk m m a m w mm m tl w mm . . Biggest Oil Gushersof tlieYcar Came in Near Olimufeec-Younfetown Oil Co.Holdings Go, A 4 18 5 POOL a JrrHt9 Map shows location of 40-acre lease, which lies between the famous Youngs town pool and the well-known Beggs pool. We are located in S. E. Quarter of the S. E. Quarter of Section 7, Township 14 North, Range 12 East, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. Oknuiljjee-Youngstown Oil Co. 10011 Ualimorc lUiildln", Oklahoma Cit; Oklahoma Drilling To start soon us the necessary capital i- raised to put down our first well, Kai-h one should bo a pusher and our .-I'm k should be worth nuuiv times its .n.-Mi-.t price of 10c a share now,' .-hou!d he in to days ?").00 a share. Lease May Be Worth $1,000,000.00 THIS COMPANY IS ONLY CAPI TAI.I.F.I) FOR '.O.OOO.OO. AND ONLY a FKW THOUSAND DOI i.AKS OF THIS STOCK HAS EIOF.N ISSI FD. We are only offering enoiiKh ot this stuck fur sale which will raise the needed drilling fund which will set u ready luhirh under jmiU'ce field. map above between til nioiis Yunvrstii n known for its ' wells that have been rill for the liquid gold this wonderful Ok- You will notice on the our l.ase is wedged in 1'i'irirs pool and the fa- pool, which is and .U)m-barrel brought in dur ing the past f,.w months. figure we will raie the iuvde capital for drilling within days or less time, and J,his is Your Chance to m.ike a Jerome l.v l!i-estmtr In our drllline; nllollTicnl of slock. I Mir c i lut.i lii.t inn i-. miill C'UI' rssil.i!ili.w tre'i, lliu. wells ;lfe flnilitii: iie.'irer nii.l in our Ic.tne. iinly a litite v.-i-. iioiih cl' ii- lo Hie fi-noiis liccv.-- pool, which h:is pro. luce, I ' .inil th..ii nf harrcln (I oil We rn'iv e,-r n ."...oei or 1'VeOO l..-irrl cu.-lirr, then e-erv ilollnr .u lin-cst with us lo I'lini; tn our first well j.h.oii.1 return tn vou i lni:nhe, loi.l possibly l. oj for one. wttliin ii few short we. -Us. Think Quick! Act Quick! Buy Now! Pon t w lit until (ill nf tliin s'o.'k N Fol't.lee) tip hv the wise ones, Oil onir. pn mes nr.- con ti.-ifttnjT to iliill wells In i'Mtv ilirection f.-om oil!- Icis-e The 111 ill lite His well Is slivto.l our M'.cli will no up linn :i f I r i ! I starts our I. us,, ihe mor.. ::!u.ihle our jiroi.erty l.econies. A t. feel we have mie f the most yahial.le Iciisck hi this fiel-l :in.l it shollhl n.t he hut a mutter of time till tlll.s lyj.tvven hv the hit Koine i,,wn into the oil i(iriil nJ I'loducnis thousand ut biiriels of oil for you and every other stockholder In lliis rnnipany. THIS WILL HE THE LAST AI.LOTMKNT OK STUCK TO liK Sill.n If this well conies In a l.ii; produrer. Tho proceeds) derived from a :.imt or H.floo barrel well should pay f..r the ilrilllnK of this entire within a short time from tho mile of oil. Then tho proceeds from the sale of oil will (to Into a dividend fund which should, cive us a $1,000,000 or more a year to be divided amonp the Ok nuilceo. Vouncstown oil Company stockholder. Think what this moans to tho stock holilcrspof tlu. company only capitalized for $.10,000 and w ith only a part of this Issued, thl would only leave a few of us to divide up the profits with. KKMK.MUKK. Till-: I'MSSI'KI) SHARKS OK MTue'lv IJ( NOT DRAW DIVIDENDS. And uur stock should be worth 30 to 500 for One l.cehic vour Interest In from 1.000 to as hlsh r,s lii nob or la. 000 barrels of oil dally pro duction Vou can't afford to stay out. tiet in tmlav whihi you can. Opportunity only knocks nt vour door once In a lifetime and it is up to vou to Krasp It now. We will never s. li another share of this stock nfter the first well .IrilltnK allotment of stock has been sold. Khoiild this well ho a bin (lusher. A 2,000-l.-irn I well on this lease would make our com p inv worth $1,000,000. Tho oil is there, she's nil around us, hie larce producing wells. It will u.i.louhterlly mean a fortune to you who help me drill. This stock should all be sold and off the market within tho next few days. Don't let the wise ones pel, hie It up and leave you wishlnc you had followed our advice after a monstrous mistier ha. I been hroiiuht in mak ing thousands of barrels of oil daily for the stockholders. Do It Now! Buy Today! Rejoice Tdmorrpw! Write the comr.rir.v a check. Send the money for Just as many shares as you can afford to buv. KKMKMRER, TIIKHK WILL ONLY UK A yy.w uk i s to dividk ur the rnoKiTSj WITH. , That is the advantage of buying stock In a. company with small capitalization and with tho outlook for a successful future. This Is your chance. This advertisement may likely never appear again. I expect to raise the needed drilling fund within a few days. Then you can't buy a share of this stock as It will be taken off thn market when the drill starts to powul down on mother earth for the lbpild gold that underlies this wonderful pool. The stork will be taken off the market soon as the . need.-. I fund for drilling Is gotten. A Sure Winning Chance of a Lifetime FOU yor IK VOL take advantage of It. If yon could stand and see the big gushers filling tank iift.r tank with the black liquid gold and the drills pounding away In every direction from our lease, ynu would send In every dollar you could rake and scrape and gather together for your share of a waiting fortune In the Okmul-pee-Youngstown Oil company. Clip tho coupon 'below and mail It at once together with your remittance. I USE THIS FORM-BUY NOW! 100 '-Mill Sail .Mill :.- Shares . Shares. . Shares . Mum'. . Shari. . , . 10.00 , . 110.00 . 25.00 , . fiO.OO , . "5.00 1,000 2.000 2.MI0 5,000 7,500 Shares . . Shares. . Shares. . Share. . Shares. . . ision.oo . . 200.00 . . 2.-.0.00 . . r.nn oo . . "50.00 Authorized Capital Stock, $30,000.00 OIvML'L- iiKMi i.i.i i:-YorxfiSTOv orL company, Ion. II llahliiion- lliillillng. oklalninui City, Oklahoma. Hi riii. iiien; I hereby accept your Invitation to CK.K ViHA'iiCTriM v niT. COMPANY and f-i'l pavn.ent of -.,l stock with the understanding that these shares are fully paid and non-as low and forever all rornmon stock, a ml as pro rata interest in gill leases. bnv shares ln'-nhe . . .....'.ira in enclose nerewiin ... I t. .innihnMsr of snld romnanv, I am en- and properties of every nature now owned fiolil lir.v either from producing oil equip mentiji or buying and selling leases, he owned l.v said coiiu.ariy. as v,e.i as ail profits .or me company Yours truly. NAM K A DP It KSS A'u aloi.u:n'aro selling this st.K-k. You must order dlreo fToiu this aivcrtlscnicn J WjfMWltlCT.