Newspaper Page Text
id li v" TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1913. J'! 1 If 'V 1 1 ;' 1 4': 1 n! 5 i r ' s HENRY B. WALTHALL AT MAJESTIC TODAY Great Dramatic Actor Hack on Local Screen in a Tense Drama, 'Humdrum Brown' There Is a surpilfe 1 1 1 Klnrf fur Rdml'ofi i i Hi ni y M. Wnl'lhilll, II." i-Urllng I rnalta tnr, win m tln vlcv lii!. uryt Famlli pUy, "Hum r:nm llrown,' which will sho,e i tlx VaJcMlo tlicntie today .111. i Mm, duv. W 11 It hall Ih noted f,ir being ti. mot ''UiHhli (I H r 1 t-f, t . r (, i'ii, tiumil ilrui ri.lf-H m; the rcec. lliil nil hia puts In former photo, play Inwc l... n made u 1 1 1 chmv o I v J his wonderful facial expression. In "Humdrum llrown" In? Invades, a M r tt-1. 1 --.Mix field of rinli. rii.m aion. It one of I ho sin.ngM "encs :it thci climax or Hit' pi. iim lie!mli in raging battle of liruM-ri with Hi. win, 1 Campion, who plays the re. In of "i'.ir.,. Tan ner," 11 gentle'iini, crook, ns his a . I vcrsary. M i-.. Wuli Iim II bus never In -fore tippi-arcd In a ren' right on the m- rf fti, arid hi trni:i:lo in 'llum (Iriiin llrown" In urn. rmil for thin Motor whfwn former tifrnni illi -mentg have 1 M itys In . 0 of .1 s 1 r 1 il'icllc iifUurw. However, II Is certain t tin 1 nil those who h 1V(. follow. ,1 M. a. thai! a work i-'.nce his i,, n ru 11, "The Ihrth of a .Van,,,,,' u,u ,.ri,,v hi" avoi It In Lis Intent CuraPu iny, Hie fight occurs near the en. of II11. picture, unit tiiUcN place In the ki.ii-. room of a ship. There Is u scrumlue am! thn c 'i .11 , lit s crush timl from ope er d of inn net to thy other, battling furiously nil the :l,,,o. Mr V.'nlthnll receives punishment 1111 f.lnchlniiiy and Klvm It hhvwIi, It 1m apparent t tin t he cm express emu. lion (uite m forcibly nnd linj.res Ively y.ith I Ih fists hh with hi. l'nuntcnatice And then, at Ihe en, I of the rinht, thero Id 11 mil fume that in the illmnit of the. entire btory-.i cllmuv which the audience hus. up to thai point, not even no ttlUi h lis fluripcclcd. Hut It In nut to he presupposed that the battle In the uliile-ryom In thn main fen. turn of "Humdrum llrown." In fad, It In merely a elight Incident In 11 n Interesting und ltealln(f - plot. The story la u drama, tense throughout, inil re lieved hy exoclleiil toiirliex f coin edv and human Intxreet. it hiif wriuen hy I hy raruliii uiitlinra iM H. and II. II. Imnlel ami ctlie.led hy liex liiHinm. Maiy I'hiirliMon rlnya the principal inpporilntj role. ItlTA JO I. IV IT XMHU.I) ltl.Nt)W.VFl. I.tioltanln Sun Ivor Itr-i-iincix on (lie SmtVH Her Thrlllliur l:Mrlitiii t on Ill-fined Miriiiner. AT ltln) TttV. Rlla Jollvot, alur of Metro's I lr. Hereon npectarle of litlertinllnpul venta, "Lent We Forget," la u tin. tlve of I'Yanee. Horn and hroiiKht tip In that country ahr oommwnir.t her ataK career aa a child. Bhow Ing great talent. he van rnruur fcKCd to prnreed In her tlientniul career by the great Coiittlln. M.iU ln her lUtjie dehut In Ij.njoii aa Hetrloe, n "Much Ado About ' Nothing," ahe later appeared in many other BliukeaperUn produc tions, and I now aa equally f.unoini nere aa auroud fur her Bupern lru Diatlo ahllity. ' It Wna hor arttial prewnei on board the I.tiallanlu when that il! fted veneel waa torpedoed by . the Hermans, thnt inmla Mii Joltvtt tho loiilc-ul atar for thla trotrt ndoiu production. Her vivid recoaii' or tho drtalla of the tianulv en- hed her to give n iri-eii ,dnl of material help to IMreclor i.eoine 1'errnt when the plciuro viaM In courae of produntlon. Ynijjle Beenes that oecurred na the nr-at ahlp went to her doom wi f.tlth fully re-enacted under her ivIJ recollectlnna. It tvai In Italy thnt Itlta .lollv.t first entered the motion picture field, playlnr with thn Amhroa.o conipnnv of Italy. In this work, xhe became well-known In Kurop.i, Uilor ahe tamo to America when Hhe Joined the lsky foirea, nn l placed In -The l!narrald." and with tho Ivan In "Une lw for Until.' rilie uIho Flayed with meat auccena m i"IIh met" with Otic Hkinnor. Though a, hrllllalit wirceas In both fields Of her endeavor, MIks Jollvet, however. la purilculaily fond of the erteen work. She funis more scope fqr emollonnl eiiireri rlon, aa every of fort liati to be'i-on-' cenlrntd on the aciual uciiii.t if me scene. The Motion I'lctui i puli. Tt waa while In Italy that Mi Jollvet, that It Is iiereeHaiv for an ctresn to do tier very hardest, bent work In achieve .uivchm. It was while In tlnly that Misa Jollvet first met t'ount ,'.e i'liilc.V. who la an Italian. iintlrimn. The nieetlntr soon ilpitie.l inti ro mance ami they Here tnaiii, I 1 1.. get her they l.ave dn-io won,,i I'nl work In thin great pi o.l'icUon of "l.est We Korget," an.l the ploiute MAJESTIC TODAY and MONDAY The Biggest and Finest Picture Show in the City Today. Great Double Bill Henry B. Walthall The Mansfield of the screen in his first Par alta feature at this theater "Humdrum Brown" Supported by Mary Charleson, Kate Price and other noted players This Is ii sliovv you nIio' don't waul lo miss. Show Hours: F2:Sn, 2:13, 4, Prices: 21c: hlldn-n, o. 5:4.1, 7:30 ami 9:15. War Tax i:tra. Coining Tuesday nnd Weilncsiliiy Tlie llrlllliint Cotnislicnnc, M MHiK KI".NI;OY, Hh her cyei nnd lit-r smile, and TOM Moo I IK In their laicst comedy, "Till: FMIt l'ltl-TKNlJi:!!." Also "I he Ingle's live." I. CHAaLEP PAY. At tin TiM'rt'luy I'lihici,. t'.olay, Moi.'l.iy ati't !H I MlllilTI'l r,e of t he 1 Hull of the y. hv tli .re 1. ."I not, il.l. OPERA COMPANY AT THE EMPRESS Kxcellent Siiiff day's Trt III Hill. The t'elll iiiii-rit coiopiiiiy prem-nt a "Nutl.t in i ild Mi.lri'l" lie id lli new hill oni nltiK in Mi,. I'lloprera toiluy. Itoo'ol.ed art cellent they will entertain Miupl' palrons null chisHiciit and poimlir Holloa Tudor lainer,ill Hint l'lii'i.lii, are the hi'coioI hea.tllnei m on the llll. Tho .lapi, ri n.-w wir film and other nets cniiiplete the hill. J SoUIuth' Uttcra n Active Hen Ice With tin- A'nerl Kxpeilltlonni y l-'nrce. Aiiril I'l, IU1S. I -ii r Aunt Nell: Today uu.hi a re, teller day for me in more sens.s limn one, hecau-ie 1 rei-elved twol I tiers froii) you rrn.l one fr6n Aunt I Mamie-- renlly the first I have had I from the Hi nl ex alnce l. iu'lntr an, I j 1 never hnd anylhlng that nuide toe j more htippy than thorn- lettem. I vaH pot expecting any mall hecnuio, none of. the lo)s haie received Ict teis yet. At our prencfit Htnllon are toe-i who have heen In the xoiie of n, viiui'O for Nix tnonthH at thin ami other posts near Ihe front and have earned service , stripes. When an American gets one of those he lias soinethlnu to he proud of You seern to think I take a cheer ful outlook heciitiHe I do hot evince tiny outward signs of homt-MlckncM t yet you should see I hone men who have heen here long enoim-li to get their stripes, they whom you would think would naturally he homeslrU are the most choerfJJI and ake everything; Willi .nharaclerletli: American good humor and spirit. These men really deserve due credit because they arrived In hud weather and spent a winter for the most part In not too coinfortahle quarters. If lifter tho hard service they have gone through I can stand tho test I may expect the approbation due, a sea soned soldier. w 1 hand It to a New Toil boy who went to Kranco and Joined the Krench Infantry, was InU-r traiiNfcr red to nvtntloh and after 14 months waa transferred to the American furces. I got the story from hla own llpa because he Is here In thls'camp. He Is the sort of fellow you like to gleet an a fellow-countryninn for lf and others of hla kind did much to preserve the atllea' reapect for V. 8. Although he wint through hardships which I believe most of this army will be spare,) he neither boasts nor complains. As fur myself my work Is light ami Interesting and everything Is very coinfortahle. We are unite a dlstunce from tho front linn trenches and only occasionally hour the rumble of guns. There Is nothing of ony particular Interest to tell, uthers things of inlllt.iry Importance 1 can not send on account of the policy pursued by the censorship. Then the renlly exciting events can better be told In person so when 1 return be prepared for many long weary hours of llHtenliig to a pri vate's criticism of expensive and, de fensive moves. Thus 1 confine my self to curds because they give es sentials without details and are con venient to dash off lit odd moments nnd I can keep In touch with you oft ener,, than 1 could by writing li tters. I havo Just time to address the orvelope l fore the VY" closes so must say goodliy. With lnvo to nil. WH.I.IM. Krom Willis itlnvtnn, "on or W. !' i Hlnyton, 7 1 1 S. Petrol! avenue. j .lust about the time thnt Hugh! lleilienl returned to the majors an other of llionc 1912 world s cham pions also returned. Htee Yerkes, signed with the Cardinals. BEN TURPIN Famous Crois-eyed Comedian And all the Sennett beauties and funmak ers in Mack Sennett's latest potpourri of fun "A Battle Royal" CHARLES RAY IN NEW PARAMOUNT P CTIIRF Doris I.ei: II.'ih I'lxcellent ll'A ()ipiiwitc Star in "I'lay- trie tiaiiie. NORRIS COMPANY HAS HOUSE ORGAN ''I he orrl -ci" Ix Name I'lililli-altoii (.otun (tut by -ulo llrtn. .Motor rial's i-omt'iiny heunf organ "' it copy , being pi mte.l t Ms II Is II hreeity I. tile ,llpr ami is edited liv .Veal Si I lie, l.i n ,. Ihe well liiowl iistllng liwillai-'cr of I he company, lie sa va: "This Is the first lt.Mue of 'The N'orrls 1'ep.' It Is offered f..r lour iipploMll Without tipoloKles. V are a 1 1 younir yet 'lastly Is ltse;f the Uutotnohile young, and hi III- e , till M'e,,' have Ip learn. "It Is our aim to make th worih while, to convey to-om rs new Ideas In sales nitd . ,..! ,. t. o..... .... i. ...,-i. ,..... , .,-,., oi imi' ii wi.ii developments In the Mini ketlng of iiiosmooues ami Marmons as well us (liiry and IHamond T tru ks. "('oiitrlliuflons from our dealers will ho appreciated; In fact we must have your Ideas If Ihe M'ep' l to he a success. Aid the other f, l low with Ideas that hnve In dpi I V o "Forward. There is no such thing In business as slnnding still We flther go back or we go f uivard At Ihe present time It Is jiioia im portant that we strive i go for ward. There are possibly more dif ficulties U overcome than you have ever had In contend with befoie, hut iliflcultii's are meat and drink I" the strong man, the man who will suc ceed, tonm what tnuy. "Test your strength! Annlyjo yourself and your buslnuss Find out If vou are making thn extra effort that la now necessary to suc cess or If you are drlf:iii , not for ward, hut oh.-'aWI. I l.i t our l'i word be "forward !' And aucccss is aure to come." : ! ..... r - ... mmmmM 1 j .newest (Mt-m :','.,.. "Clajlng; feWitff'Si t&lffZM2Z "M .e . " whl,,. ,., M- ...esen.ei, V ' ' M t t -Sf5& ' 3 ::i:,v'"" -;! '"- ,1 a,,,,.,.-,,, , ..veil,,,, ,,,ha',,a,f, X(' y'&2$& ViM ... ..v l,,;;r.,.:,,:::";:va.,r1; ('..'"-' he 'he I. lit... sto-v that ha AXS.T SWSSr'JiH'WS'U bee,, ,.ve Ml 1 ! II V In ,1 long JWilV' jiJ'SS .l.iale, iesoi,r.-ef'il Arton-, girl. h:gh- I ! ' MJiJiiCt4 eili 0 !si,:ri!,,l : fit!,, I w,:i, .(,e v;n, an.l y-JJffljiZJ 1 Vigor of the c..f!e W&f 's&Zjfr0 I 53 1 I -.H in .he I,, ea In I ' 1 !.'l.ide I' ' M,-...,,i. win. w:l be! SZ-Jir. Sttp iVo-A e..l.vl., and .. Mi-toe of the! iWflMZZfZS JTk A y jS-en as a rough r-mii h f o iiniiii. I .i I - Y, Vfyto V ''' I!'.', lnriln,. :i;, a I flv nl-.,.g ' 'J 7S,W I J,J Rl 9 ad To-."-" b.i-i.. v. -,v it.iv Ki-i jw&?2i . fjnu j .'.r. .M . pr.e T'," I kl&Vk ;N0RRIS COMPANY j mMM f, jmffWM j HAS HOUSE ORGAN MtK JlP T!o' N'orrls .Motor rlah-s i-omi'iiny Yf.-ZJ ' . S " Win ij U.L jlJ V :$;UA .1"" I't in in linn i ii in i . i mini n . i i i II. n l m,rm. i cliig . os iiiiims l il , ', in l i an ii, i nil hi isniisssAei n, iiosi in , ii . v Jack Livinc3Ton .- in" Tianglb.Play' "Who lsTo DlaWii2: At the Strand today only. Screen Time: 7"- unuwih i um ot'ycuu oiut. i j I ...,,. n,. the light of ciplosliui nc The story of how another Amer ican soldier, a tlrtnd iMpi ls. Mich., man, lai k I r J six big liri'ii" in single handed and got out of It ulive after Kllllig five of Ihein, has icicllod hero. . The man Is Sergeant 'iniiin';hain U'.' w-i.i s'.itn'io'i it ;iu oie, ova tion po.-. in an A" line trench when a hand yrcna.le .lioiiiir.l on his 1 V pit ra pet i 'u nnlngha in realized Inn rkert n, th,, grenade an.l oaiig. toss. .1 I It lnek Into .No Man's IjhoI before il II lit up I r' ln ll' s Xii"ilc,l. ,s It went ofr the slieli'h l,,!we"n the Hid i ' i . n n 1 1 1 1.' h : 1 1 1 1 eu u :iltiipfe of six Huns In .I'icl for hit. I - "Girls Must Go Over There, Too! illy TH K, Ulltl. .MUTT TiUVN.) Since It is i"iin!:ir to ennutirlab exprefsioti with strong emphasis on the personal pronoun I to use that privilege, 1 siy to we. (the women) are going to have to lielp them. Th boys, the flower of ttje nation, I mean. This Is n matter we cannot leave to the people whir do not un derstand and never will. That shad owy .Mo Man's Ijind between the trenches of virtue and sin. where miiNt of us fight our battles and are wounded and even die does not Today, Monday and Tuesday Charles Eay m 'Playing' tte Game' lr n victor l. :,s3i7' - ilnlvV'' "i. 'J. . H lnMM I TUMMMIll allMaaM IT HEARST PATHE NEWS 11:30, 12:45, 2, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 7, 8:15,9:30 c:.. if, i ! i saw six hoi Inn mining his way pi ot. They piled Into trench a few feet away from him. Cunningham drew his "on nnd "slug leu.l' Willi telling effe. t lie killed the first, the second, the third and then Ihe fourth. His aim failed him for an Instant and the firth man was only wounded. Then be turned hi.s luiyoni-t on the sixth one ami had hrous'lu him t his knees when the fifth man raised on his elbow' und shot Cunningham. The Antericiin was rescued later and a few diis afterward a French general visited him at his cot In the hospital and pinned the covetc! Croix de liueic on him r! exist for them peoplo who live their I lives by rule of thumb; people who measure the standards of living hy right is right and wrong is wrong. We. the partners of these boys who march away to the colors for us. must defy conventions and thesa people as above described. It Is Imply up to us to follow the colors In none eno rapacity and do H tjulrkly. We must make the final choice of our sucrlflce and laugh In corn the slothful who say It is un necessary for every Individual to sup port one. who lay down his life for his country because the situa- . lion stands Just ttjat way. This was not Intended for a sordid war story picturing the horrors nf 1 the war In lis manifold horrors bull of war and Its human relationships I Not with guns and trenches but with 1 men and women boys and sir', re- ! inced, the man and the maiden. The I volcanic thunder of hlrhlui; runs; ! the blistering heat and bovs rotting j In death side by ide, bespattered In I the blood of others freshly butch-I frrd, of course aro the horrors but I SPFXIAL FOR TIIE SOLDIER W rarry the largost stock of nmiy kits unit iiiulpmont for the soldier !n Tulsa and ol the low iisi prices. ELEPHANT TRUNK FACTORY 105 Somh Main. 1'lione 3HH3 .4-xt to iiiub'vcr's ' : 'here are other Important factors to : alleviate the hardships of our boys ill Ino duty stands before us to houiijer our burdens and carry tnem. , ' Now the boy! lie Is leaving. Never mind the home ties. Try to forget the bonis In his throat ho Is striv ing to swallow at tho final departure, lie has a song In bis heart, n tune on his Hps and an Iron resolve deep In h.a liberly-lovlr.e; soul. Now thrt girl! He believes in her. She prom ises to stand behind him In his ef forts. She I.s the armament of his hope, his Inspiration. He hel,ps he will make the supreme sacrifice he la making or a part of It at least. Here we leave the girl. Will she make that sacrifice ho is ex pecting of her? If ahe does not his aoul will he seared. They say to the man In the trench war reduces Itself directly to the man on bis right, tho man on his left the man across beyond the barbed wire- and a woman! Always the woman. Now for our first sacrifice. The time has come when civilian clothes hnve been laid away for time no one knows- at nny rate In cedar chest and trunk lay the reminders of the flower of the generation. Will we show that our light Is burning'.' Will Wo lay beside thair sunrlal posses sions our mils nnd imsbelows, our luxuries, aeorgettes and e.Slins, and don the khaki Instead? Will these be succeeded hy the brown of khaki or the Inexpensive tissue gingham, rlnted vol!,, and org-iiidle? f,r will we still strive to save our earnings for luxuries as prices soar regard less? The uiiestinn Is, paramount und deserves "the united thinking, of every woman In the T'nitert .States. For every dime saved in conserva tion la the touch ,f the hand of the great physician upon some one In need. If nine-tenths of the women could glimpse what depended upon us ex clusively ours would be a setf-sncrl-flclng nation. (liw much the hunger of the mind of the man the thirst of his spirit, the deep and hidden yearn ing of the wearied soul for words of comfort depended on us can be ex nmpled hy a trip through Ihe wards of wounded and dying soldiers. We go Into the ward of di.'ith. A man a boy rather for he is very young lay dvlnc from . uonnd. i' mm the dark look on his face the rnd Is near nnd he Is f. gluing the power that Is claiming him. He Kcems even In h.s delirium: to realise Ihe helplessness of his situation. All he can do is wait for the inevitable. No reason why he should strugvle against denfh No reason why there should he a flaming eagerness In nig eyes to get back into life's game Hgain. He had given willingly. He had gone to lav down his life for the defense of his country, lie had seen in oho girl work done for Cod and for the sons of that man who made ns nil In His image but she had failed him. She had not responded na he had promised. Now he lay dying. The girl who wouldn't follow was a beautiful memory but the girl who passed his cot with the splash of red en her arm, and who made hla wound feel easier, held his memory for hours after she h.i I passed on to the next cot. still she was not the girl who had made her vows and plighted her troth to him. This girl had miserably failed. She had not come to him in his last needs. He closes his eyes and cares not whether they ever open again. Sumc woman had miserably failed! President Wilson Says "The work that the Chautauqua is doing: has not lost war. but rathpr hs trainprl that the people will not be said to be an integral Patriotic Programs Play a Prominent Part in the Chautauqua which Opens in June Captain David Fallon Author of "The Big. Fight." One of the survivors of the Callipoli campaign. Wounded 15 times. Commanded a tank. Lay wounded three days in No Man's land. The thrilling story of the war told by an orator. Hear the Man Entertainers Bringing song3 and stories of the trenches. Harriet Bird W arren American ambulance nurse, who will relate some of the experiences of the front line hospitals. ' 1 The first number is The Ladies' P-eni mental Orchestra, giving a complete pro gram in the afternoon and a prelude in the evening. .Along with the patriotism is lots of wholesome entertainment; a great comedy drama 'by The Climax Com pany; brilliant music, including Cimers's Band, and altogether Fourteen Wonderful Programs Seven Happy Days The only thing that has not advanved in price a Chautauqua Season Ticket. FoY Particulars See Any Boy Scout American Engagement with Huns q( Chateau Thierry More Than Skirmish lhNIiriN, .Tune 8. Iteuter's cor rrspoitsu.nt. with the American army in 1'icardy so ml a tho following dis patch conceininif the fighting north wit of Chateau Thierry In which thn Americans were victorious: "The American force operating northwest of Chateau Thierry ap pears to have been Involved in much larger affairs than wa.-i at first be. liMved." This force now has I n engaged for three days in s. rlotis and determined righting, in whi'h our allies l.ebl th,. upj UiroiiKhout. hand "The Americans liioin'sclvts bc lievo they have been hoi, ling up a Cirmoti advance that was Intended to extend the front aiunt; Ihe valley of the Miirne. but the Herman moth, oils rather suggest a reluctant ac ceptance of a light that was forced on them une?;p,.cteiilv. The Her mans doubtless believed thnt the Americans here, as elsewhere, would hold the line defensively in order to gain experience. The American action, howver. has been on tho of. fetisHf throughout, und they daily wrcH'ed ground from, tho enemy, which he had been compelled un willingly to defend and forced to at tempt ItH recapture. "At cording to tiie statements of prisoners It appears thnt a single TULSAiM TO FRAME CHECK ! FOR LOAN OF BINOCULARS Ii. Sf. Ilovviiian Mrst to He Iti'vv nnlcd ' by I nclo Sum: (ilnsscs to Jkv Souvenir, Too. So far as Is known. I,. M. Itnwman, ' In churgo of. the government labra- , lory on the north aide, Is the first ; Tulsan to receive n the, k In pay- , ment fop binoculars given to tlie , navy department as a result of the ' campaign staged by fonr-mlnute- 1 men some tltno go, when they made an appeal for "eyes for tho navy." I Many pnlrs of binoculars, spy glasses, telacopes, sextants nnd chronometers were sent from this vicinity. Mr. linwmnn sent a palrj of binoculars valued nt IT".. Yes-: terday he received from the navy disbursing office at Washington a cheek for l, which he will frame and keep as a memento. The cheek is sent ns payment In full for the binoculars, but if tlcable, tyt tho tormlnntlon.tif the war the glasses will be returned to him, in which eveni be Si pavtueiit will constitute the icntal price If the glasses are stilt In cxMcnc. at the end of the war-tiny will be appropriately engraved with the names of the naval officers who used them, the engagements they weie In etc. This will make them an c ceedingly valuable souvenir. ri.AHKMOItE. June S . W. K. Holand. scoutmaster, and 1'. M lrvi coe, local merchant, left tins week to engage In Y. M. C. A. work, th.e former Ifolng to France and the l it ter to n training school at San An tonio. TexHS. Mr. Holland , mor tnlned his scouts nt his home the night before he left, and Hie bovs presented him with a wrist watch as a token of esteem. A feature of the party was ft bonfire-on the lawn made of copies of "The, Finished Mystery." now oDDortunitics for st rvicc. fail in the support of a patriotic part of the national defense." u jLj on 25th American unit forced three Cerrttan diviMons mi. i actio,, making a Scrvb iVlblo .example of th., fir. i and Inking ground from the tl.lrfi In a bitti nn:hf." It vi ns striiKKle la;ii'.K sf' whom Uirgely owing to the sur. rior I, " I (II I Ill .X I'll. I'll -, .u at hoi nrst tin, eneinv .hv,- o cvtcpellcd to give ground at!d 1U1 to suffer vi o ca'iuuliii s. ' lint If the cm-my was ,ori f n el i 1 1,., I. .. 1 i tinlimK,.,! imitnber of machine g a i . ,, , ' ' ""-miy 'xieii'l. a their i.rariice of sui-rlficlm, ciune gun ur two In ii menu .e p. 1 w i io nring the rant ...!.... fl.. .. l. t. . .... w ' oooe, n.wm , ,1M toll il.'' Aircrii :un: as ln.k-ai l by i oe ni.moci- t machine gUll Itui.-L " ami it:., sureeona t I'o'tite'i iitiu a inatortty of smh very vvounus nut neeti received close iiuarter.s. at Nothing hindered tho American .Ii lei ruination to reach their oh. .lectlveK. Indeed their casernes car. i letl one att ii k In the ,, ,ri ....i,t ,llt-l hll'llllfUIH OCyOlnl Hn, 1 assigned position. Now j Show Today Headed The CELL! OPERA COMFY IV MCHT IN OLD M DltID" I 'rem the land of tho Mikado KOBAN JAPS Oriental Wonder Worker Duffy & Montague ".Married a Half Hour" Tudor Cameron and Company The a Act" KIPP and' KIPPY In it Comedy Novelty WAR FILM ITglitlnK In l'rcncli Trenches" Shows nt 2:30, 7:15, 9:00 I "SI. importance because -of the l-ei me express inu hujjv. institution that may r f. J:' fSSSW