Newspaper Page Text
. I 1!! 1 n .' t; VOL. XIII, NO. SOI. Tl'ISA, OKLAHOMA. THl'KSDAV, JULY IS, riiICK f CUNT'S kijg&t&y iXAnso iu Ajiooiirmii nui WIST 12 TACKS CRISIS OVER IS iPayment of CAPITAL'S VIEWr.,.i ,1 ... Washington llelievcs man IMan.H Have Iiecn Frus trated Fully. GREAT RESERVE IS SHOWN Taker and March Reluctant; to Talk in Absence of Of- j fieial Reports. I COUNTER BLOW IS POSSIBLE! Foch May Decide to llit Hark: Possibility of tack Iked For. At- 1 1 WA'MllNOToN. Iiilv IT Win! rffi. lal report from u.niuuls Pershing ami P-liss rn' loo In I II'. I 1i permit furinul oniielusicns l.i he drawn toil. iv by mll.tnry mil Inn II ics licra HH (O the eilUlltloll filling the front where the Herman offensive was still heating against A mci in. j rem h and Italian ib-fi-n.lci s II w iui clear they read pros advice ns in cheating the crisis pant mi l (In. ' ni;ui ' plan frustrattvl I He. rctary (taker would not cy press an opinion today a (, what, was to be expected iii Kiiiii'i' Ucn-i cral Marrh. chief of staff. l.-f red ; midweek conference llli news-; paper correspondents on the rrotind ' that liln official advices would tint permit In in In gn very far toward making clear In IiIm ((carers Jusl ' what H ("iiimplrin at the front Appamnlr hmli (icrn'raU IVrnh IriK Mini t(liHn ure (ilinrrvlnu: ki''I ruillnn In I nrinulntliiK their renirt ; rniiim nfr.riT" (I'lHTally II a ' nhvlou lln lialtle ;ih irganleil n Jniro than half wnn. I'lithllnK li nrro- l. i Am rsn iirronntn ami the hrlif 'ff Ii-Ih I ruiiiiiiiinliiH'H frnm I'.iiIm ml Herlln Iibvk mi fur iIini-IommI the Mliintlnn th frreiit thrust aliirllnu fiver 11 aweep of rnore limn sixty lnllea, Iiiik lieen tlrrneil (liiwn In three, (lays' fluhtlnK to only one ue t:ve nfi'tnr hre the enemy Hllll wan noin altiKKlehly hi ineoiint" Fhnrp riniiiter iiaiill hy rranrn Amerlrnn forcea In thin nertnr In'll- It M thint.-hl. that hllll fur- thf rratrli-tlon of the active line to he ranorted. nJfiera agreelti with vle ri Jied both In tttnee and In In today thai fh treat offenalv Ht dKneratad Into purn- ''Vinci "CTion on a front of ea ,,r.,y mn. Thla aeetor Ilea tti. M.rne In th. JaU. mrcUtr ia the wooded retlon wet of Hhelma. It In poealhlo the a. tlvlty on tha tier, left In thena wooila will' reault I a flunklim operation at lthelma Jtxelf. hut off li er here wrm not In clined to think no. The renter of IntureM wan the 12-mlle atretih on the anuth hank of the Maine, whli h Ihe, pneiiiy In. I, In and hlH thruat flown th river ulley toward i:pi'i nay. ( ounU r-Slrlkc I'iikIIiIc. Aside from the poslhllily that later advlre would nhov (tint the tieruian war tnai-hlna had heeii pot len Into motion attain nfier havlntr f.een hOBiced down hy the flerta re Blilame of the Krenrn and Anieil. ran troops, offlrera looked with par tirular attention at the very hope ful protpert of a l ounter ulroke vhh h they believed miKht have Im jiorlant reBult.i It wai mill In.llnited by tn.lav'a reporta that the (ierinani have rronMed the river. ta nd with both flanka ejpoaed and with their roin immlonnn lima aeriniiBly untuned Tha 1! nille atreteli on the aouth bank of the river Ihe enemy holda M not regarded hb wide enounh to protect tha flow of aupply and ammunition tralni and repl n ement rtlvhdona ti the front Model n Run ranitea and the Inireanliin effective-ne-a of aircraft, it :n end make any aallent ileprndi lit ipii nar row a baae a ri tnpcrmn one ll waa believed unleaa the fiermana can J Widen out their JinaltlollB thev will I ba compelled to fall back M the rlvar or face) the poamhllit y of be In trapped aa thi AiiBlriaiiH were on the I'lave. ROOSEVELT TO ADDRESS NEW YORK REPUBLICANS Tbssnltp Son's lirnili lie Will Inofficial Siato omcnilon al saratotit Sprlmts SARATOtlA f-TIMN' ;.- 7 Republicans I'l'hen 'i ht for the nri'iffn ll r' V V . Ju'v d here to il., enliven - on which will ooell tomor'ow. wete v.e to readlust their a, , 1 'It'll'' " 'he j.bII of unef which fell in when the news was ii'ir ii li In Krnnee of l.ieut i """ -lit and to Ihe anxietv i i 11 - sei to.m In I u r v in an an'' mnt ii I!!i'v -d 'MM " ' "!"M early to. lav of At!" ' 1 -.-ton K Lewis, eh iff riv ' ' hitma n for the y .il. , : nlnarion. '"":" svmpaihy wis rxpi ; ' ' haorl for Col The '" ' and his f imilv 11. s . -(' I .do r. rte. '. 1 to address the convent .'i i. i despite his bereavement vvhs 1 ,(M a ch'iraclrtstic man ful i , ' f his couraire A'f' re.... ' ni of svmpsthy w aa ad'ip'cd bv " " smte committee at a mceiini; n- ' ellt. ( 1'i'eparallons were made t.mlirht ' five I'olonel r.nosevelt tomorrow , "r Oie most enthusiastic demons-rations ei,.r areordd a liepul.ll can lr. iv, a'e bv i-.r-v ,-o. ,.. J1"" Mam del. ,!e, ,)t, ',,, ),,.,. to .-M,r ,(,. hope the ,-onveo. o'lyni ne st-uiipe-le.l lino Ii " 1 "e lormer .ie,wl nt for the ii or r n a i o r I a I i, "iiiiiKlmii, t I The W eat her n n.i'.i .ii'l r,....r... ,z r.s t ntiiitn i rMit e. i 1 1 1 1 c, . 4 VI VI' WIN l.vl V V ,s s H . 1.1 e, i in i.a .nulli ,l,lll '-""' 1 eoismnyl. mis nyt miS f ,,r under in " t ,v fM J ,, . KM aimm rl J I 1 ill HUM: V"r 1111..I i fi ocril!) j ,,, r -pi l"'M 1. I" nei"!!" vim KriJ.) pr.ili I I.1. Uir I Mil-. tsse I" I., I I..H.I) I'H I 1 wt imrnoii . I ri K. Al Tr S-(.n'wiUi- in.l Kti.1 -. i-'.ll ti"-. .ini'' iikjIt Hi net Ik imrnic" .ml V ri.Ui I l.r ...l I"-' 1 i-.t imrtlnu 'I 11. l.a t I v r-1.1 hiiW rl . I I llinponsibilitu Th i.'.l i.l. .In v i ..tnr In 1'iV , n .r !fe-i rmi'i, .,,1 .1 ill free . liml l icrlllfl MmilcU of -lr'C un. ,. in wn mifiiii l k, Hal must lie ilona He .1, N 11 Til. r arir .1. Ily. IH lul.l Flill 'I l.i r rr Life r.. a ro.H'.l "f i re. nil..- fruol nor. IF. ll r.r.HNg lrjra il.. -i I..K-I- t il iy. a. f -fi. Mn.l .i-ii.'.''i' e f"' tl-l.i.rf Willi ftlTe lit.. I.rmily of H"' ""'- ll I. ll l We tli-''k"' -I" p an.t il.Tj.rr, A . li' ' Y, h i. I .i t l"'i : l'.tl..f l(Pe.rr I- 4 II I em a n'e n.urr w- J'i.r... irr l...iir Icr n ' ' " " ' I.HCItier, 1'' .ri it. f',f a efi I ' tun. ll.jt -r kii" i.'iw th.-i mine .tlr All tin- rui.-s I...H ali' iI.iim- i.ii r I'm : .- 1 n "f . Bjpt ll 11! tarn!. , th ihn Turnii-h "I'llr In w f I I A ii. I l-i r ainrr a:il -uincil unto !h .l. 'l?il If We W illi ni- I ! fi g ll Mill T h 1 1 (! l m.irlti kfllt.r tilth ( I rir lit. ml". I.) Kiiii.r A liiin t ) CROWOER CALLS 46,000 jilEN FOR AUGUST DRAFT Uklalionm tii I nriil-li 1.300 Who M ill t.i to 1 rt iiiiiiii 1l'two4'ii AuKiiet 5 nml l. WASHINGTON. July 17 F..rly alit Oioiiaand men from nil atatea and the Dlatrlct of t'oltimbla wi re railed to tha rolora tonlnht by I'n ' u' Maraha-I P.eneral t'rowder Thev are ta bo all white regiments. Move ment Into ramp will be between Auniiat E and AukuM fl Thla la the f;rt Ken,.rn r:l f,,r Aiiniat. durliiK,, which month the military propram provldea for thm entrapment of three hundred thou aanit men The atieclal rails already Itwue.l account fur 19 941 for thin month. KoIIowIiir are th quotas to be furnlBhed and Ihe, i ampa to which Ihe mi-n co: Arkans.n l.finn. Camp phelby; iiiliipiH. i.onii, J.-ff.-r,,,,, turracka. Mo ; Iowa, koo. .1 ff. rson r.arrncks Mo Kansas 1000. Kort Itllev K'un - Louisiana X00. fanip Shrlhv; Min nesota l.ono. Jefferson Itarrnrka, Mo; Missouri 1 (ino. Jefferson Har rucka. Mo; Nort li liakoia Hot), Jef ferson Itairacks. Mo ; Oklahoma 1 inn, 1'iimp Irernont: Tennessea 1.1110. t'amp Sliclhy; Tenas l.kilt), Camp -I' W isconsin 1,000, if. ferson l:.irrai, BIG INCREASE IS SHOWN IN RESERVE RESOURCES t.aln sIimst lMsfmbcr XI fa Over Mni'ly-lwo Million, Ijitcst lU-port lu-vcals. U ASIIlVUTi IN, July 17 Strenmh and Ktowts, ,,f h- feilrral reserve system was ahinvn today by tke fad eral rsi-rve l-i nds report that on May 10, the K.U2 memher banks had total irsourcea of. 121, 070,000, -000, an liu-riasc of 9i,lini,0uu since lieieinlaf 31 This Included JS.. 1 .12.fi00,00n resources of the 7.(013 national hanks anil ST. OI'O.OOO re. sources of the 4(1 ainte banks, mem-1-ers of the reserve system. I. ..ans nml discimnts on May 0 amounted In 1 1 i, I 42.UOO. uoo , l.lh- J 4 lerty bniiilsiiinl otlu r noveinment se. t.o to'curitleM held" by the banks U.ltia;,. jUini.iii'li, inner seiuriiles 2..2S.. I iiiiii.Oimi , demand ileposlta $11. iii.ii. I non mm; time d posits t .1.3 40.000,. OtPi: iiipllnl stock paid In 1 1 . 3 H 7 ., surplus $ 1.1 4 3.000,1100. COUNTESS IS ARRESTED AS BEING ALIEN ENEMY Alctamlra ton Sclitx-lr SiisiH-ctcrl of Aliltm; l.i riniin I'rnpuirivmla Is lli-hl In Vow ork. N I V l ' I : Is , Ju'v 1 7 --Suspected l ,,f havmit been as-i.'i latcd with Of. I i ;e,, t o n l: .V. von ."trens. h In l.elliiln p l' 1 1 1 ' il if 1 1 ' 'i l in mis rniintry, I'niiriless A 'i-i.'iiii! r i Niarda von S- lieelo was illli-e.-.l here toilllv lis il m f Ih, e to cto-'nv aln-u hv fliterus in ini i.f Insure (iw she was taken : f) lle'.le. - 1 i::r;. s ,piiu.. V 1 h" u : v , n M' wliu claims I, ore In f.iseri, v i a i s a i;.i S h e an' a. It ess and Culled Mutes t'Clf uti Iv enm . ( ;,'ni in cm .1 1 1 in c i run n I : ; ii'ii ny a i-n it f f.v ! r lid to hav have )..,. p one to th,. Of I ' 1 4 Ml in 1.1' rn I'll' a la-s'v , In Mnn.l i t e j vv i ' n t h ll lit a 1 I n a ,1 fe 'I la L" Premiums for j Hod ford Submits Iuh ommendations to Ilcqiui. TO STABILIZE PRICE j Purpose Is to (iiiaranhv! Steady Production fur ! W'ar Use. I WANT PLANS GIVEN TRIAL ! rnmmiltiin lUi'tri wr Il:ivii V IfllllMIIV. V .Vli.-x..- ..(..v Agreed to Proposals Effective- Soon. Serial to 'I till o'l.t K AMllMJ'I'i iN. .lull IT I :i mctit of i i rtain pre iiiiuiu ..ri i i u.l oil bevonil Me poMli.l i-hii-h l.i'PIl l.ulll.lillcil to Ollei tor M I, He. lllt of tile o iln.nli.l, ly ,.- wit pit i op. nil ci.iiiinltl throiiKh ia chali'iii.ii,. A I' :ci!f"i.l 1 nr h iiilil-iiini I mill fli hi the fjruwfltiin HiMtrni N ri'ituiiniriulcd nil 1 1 Mi follow Uik bllele: I lull the lai-uc pun liaHliiit i iun iiinlii4 foiittniir to piiicluifH -riidr oil ut rtiilr H.-tcil iiiiiiki'l price nml that all tiilii r inn hiiw r who now pay a pei-mlum for itiiiIi oil Im- mt ntlt K tl bin after to pay up to u iniitliiiiiiii irrinliiiii mIkiici ihhiIi'iI market prlit'N aa follow: j l or iixliliii; crude a m.iiliiinm i rciiiliini up to 7." iflil, mt bar- rcl. i l or (.arlH'r ami Itlllluir inulc a j iitattiniim pri-iiiliini of 91 h.t I Intti'l. j l or kny ooiinty crude a mnil- iniitii pn iiiluni of no iriilM h r liarri-l. l or IIcuIiIToii i a maiiniiim pn iiiluin of :I0 ii nii. m r barrel. nd for nil oilier i ru.lci for the whole iiild-iiintllii'lit illil-l'Ul. In ! rludliiK KimxaH, iikliihoiiui and j nortlM-rn 'lras, a liiniliiiiim pn-in-I linn not to ruifd I'-'i ii-uia ht burrt'l. wild ihr atrlct iiiali'mtaiid- line I bat III no ilWtrlii In which I premium arv, Ih Ioc paid of Ii-hm llian 2 ll'lila barrel will llir oil admliiNtrullon permll llic miIiik ! of n blKhcr preiiilum than It now I 111 Cffl'l'l. A. f. Ilidfor.l. chairman of tha ! naiional petroleum war H.-rviie coui 'mittee. Ima foi warded ihe fullowliik letters mi he half of the romniluee !o Mark L Ke.piii, direct. u Keneta i of the oil division of the I'nlled : Main fuel n.lministrutlon: "M I. Kcpia. diret toi -ni neral oil d. vision C S fuel adniliuatration, anhillK'on, l i' I'eu- Mr lle.juo, Kefeirint; to your favor of May 17 i. I.ilive to crude oil prices and your iiiiii( the matters therein re- I fcrred to be taken up liy the national petroleum aat rv lee committee fur full arid report. I Inn to advise you that In accordance ; with your itipieit the several lot- i i.nrv ,'iirtiiMiiicf-s on in n. I U e II -1 n aim J .. .. ,..,. i ,i ... .i, ,, 1 1, r- i ii , .,,.lf coast and Itockv mountain divisions, have fivi'ii earnest and lln'iiKhlful study of the matter "Thee several advlaor'v rooirtut teea, as well as in eeitain iritanci. several associations of p'o.l ucr s anj refiners h.ive nrrf illv ilcliln-r iTed ..r, the uucsnotis Involved, bo'h sepa rately and In bunt sessmn and have presenied their r.'poris 'o this committee sc'tlriK f.'i'li then ronclusiollS These i-epoits hale had the consideration of the members ol this conimjiitee and "Vi;il of Its sis alona and I hand you herewith Iheit coneluslona as eiehieli.-.l in the et. cIoAd recoinmendatiuf's I Ilrs-oiiiiiiendatloim summinti I In hlimllnK viol these lecoinmen i d illous for vonr iippioul. I wish I., j point out that the eoii.tmii'-c has had In mind two untl-i Iv nut pun olpl.s or olijects to wit 1. The stalialtlPV of I" es of crude oil thtouKhout l!i" v.i'ious producing fields And I The continuous arid un.nicr rupted flow of crude oil :ti it 1 res ent channel). Any- aoluilon of tb . oeip e ' I prolilrnia Involved In caininK i"' these principles, espeeiillv in an In lintry all), an many i on f In I ' i-n in 1'ttNIIM Kit UN 1' M WANT TO RAISE RATES HERE: Hi i rx. rat ion CoiiiiiiIhsIimi Hears p- ' lilli-uUon nf Trli'idiiiiir ComaM. Sprcial lo The World , OhLsMUMA fITV. July 17 The I corpora tint, en ..-.I..,. I...I,. t b.-.i' l I Ih, appllrntlon of the Hout.hw isf in I "ell 1'eiephnna i-ompanv In in. t'- is pate :,r. Tulsn. It w ill re.pilre s. i I eral riuvs for the romii lssmn to K over fij-urea aubnwltted In Ihe app. atlon and testimony, but a I w in ii made aa esi Iv as pope!!,!' MI..XI( Ns t.UANTI II AMM.-II ' arrana Issues Onlcr I'or I isrnn-r I Menihs-ra nf Ma.l.-ro' t iihlnci. PAN ANTONIO, Texas. Julv 17 , Word has been received here thai 1 amnesty has been (iranled Kmr-m I .Miidero nnd l'edro Ijiscurlan I v i I'resblent -;nrrana of Mexico. They were firVhierly memhara of ' the Madero cabinet but did not assist . Carranr In his fKht aualn.t lluertj. Rim e then Kmesto A arlero has acted as fiscal HK.'iit for viji.i In New Tnrk and recently was Indicted In that t it v with the bankruptcy of the firm of Mu bun Hrothers Ijtscuraln was o.inntit- of foreign affairs under .Madero and prnrldent ad Interim I until llwila took offlvB. Crude Oil Is LOOKS LIKE WILLIAMS MIGHT BF APPOINTED I I. .11 Si 1, n.irn III. Ill I II.I..I-C ll.i l.i.. 1 11, ,r in Mii-1'rril linlic I , 1 11 1 iIm 1 1 . JHRLWU -POLITICAL MOVE t . Mill. if liml Si n,i (o "' I il ( .iinlnLil.' M,i l, I H.l I I llilttl . H Ml i . TlIM Ii. I.VKNM Tulu Atlernev Wlin Anr t l' K.ilTl Ju.llis t l, I. fil llal.lnm.a 1 I n 1 1 i.l Oetnoi rat bad n staleini iit from WashlllKtim that the seliatols had quickly iiKieed upon lioveriior il llama to avoid complications and a flcht. but the story was pirn! . ly killed'' by the press buuaii for iim-xphiined lessons A special to The World last nlrlit said, however, that the iliHpul.h was authentic, and that the senatois bad actually i-ndorsed tha (.overnor. The specia1 waa fi..m Muskoyae. I pai'l All Usal rroam"- Thla nawa waa tha most atarlllntt political Roaalp that baa reached Tulsa III ilnys und In addition II puts a crimp Into several candi. ilaclrs A bar association mn-tinir baa been i-alled by II f Conner, presi dent, and N J Ouhser, aecretaty, and Tula., county lawyera were Kolua to decide what their attitude, would he Home local attorneys ronli-nrie.l they owed an endorsement In tha home num. Tom I' Lyons. hilt others felt that the) local association should not lake any action. Tha meeting Is set for tonluht . at I o'clock at Ihe district roiirt room. Indorsement of th" Oklahoma roncressioiial delcH-a'ion I" fcoloK li have considerable lo do with the appointment. If It l true- that the endorsement has been made there is little k ni'V doubt aminm politicians vnini what makes th" wheels no around that outsiders i.ini d"t Uovoitiiir W illiams Is reianh d bv even those who loll'ht oppose hllll ,, , apnble federal district I'lH- t.m. l,.r IIm service as an iitti.incv In uklaliotoa. Ins cotistru. wmk In .i .....tiiotlonal lonverition and I i.t.r on the suprejoe Pencil of ukla ni, followed by hi" tY'o- vrais as , hlef eei iitve qualify h'm fi'l the place. With llKIl'y sitlefae- . linn lli ltiirilcil b Some ns St-lilisl. I,, this IlKhl. the'er was re ! t.n.led yesterilav as set lied ill It vv Wl-ll until Miliar .u nr.. ,1 . ICO '; i iv in ' ,. ,.,, it,,. appointment be held up until af'.r (he ,,-s The SV.'l-h:ill.'t.m ill" It. h seemed lo Huh tic in v ami .1.. I .. nf tile lieWs. O I" " I, VI III 1 lie! I'd t till! r ne mm. I ii. I the al'p"ln"i '"' I I"' del 11 e,1 S.'OU ' I In I Jure snow " makuiK On- Midur I ; plai mi: lis Off! "va ,,t V Illiao'S In- to I HP ;i measure won ' n- I Ill.ll Will lull' VVlU I. .rill el.-tmi, th f..)'. I ..ll ! i. tuns .,1 I 1 1 "I and llcpiii'lu m l n .is a slilen.l ii r M l.' had a tend, in i Ih.-nilir- f-nies . ll. I ll If ilu'i" .1 .-1 h I -I'U ;t In ll, I , I ,v en I f. ,,;..M it n-1 ,il'" Germans in Kevolt j Set Fire to Dome; Destroy 22 Dimes I. "SO .'III, ' " 11 "'I N v . i , . ot i, em li r u, v . i d.M'i" h Si,.-.!, s S.'l- . V , III I- ", f i.t '" ' with : - a' ' i 1 1 f a t,' I .' I I ' Inll I hH' hai'l-e 'n .V in-ti l d i ' 1' ml beet flM (nee Nil. It.-! del at t . ' ;.d Is ' n ic "' ' li.-S W I , il.l'l.ll i r. f r i.-i. I tr . . i i : t I i.'.n in. u I;. .li H ii ' ' s I I .h. Ice li.ilpll I 1 . I . ' .i:, ,. i, r , I,, ii, hint h. 1 ' .- ! . I I. . 'I lit I .11-1 I ii I II pills .1 'I ." I .1 .-n . I.. . an. lei .ti - J V- ' I ' ' - I 1 ill. lei a M Usl. ocee 'hi'' im,. a liens ;ii:i'IH) l.lllle.l ll! l.lleoi. lit til it 'l.ll Mll'kocil. illlil'H- i ' -MP' siiaaisisssssiasasjali im mil Jb - QUENTIN ROOSEVELT KILLED IN AIR FIGHT of I nrim r rrrshhiii llnnM'trl, ' Mi i-. Ih .illi In K.iHl. Hh I iit l.i r Mm it I'l in h shows stuff was in him I ail. or lie .l id II" ! to and I 1. 1 s.uiii i hlim (or Ml- t niiiilr) HAD ONE PLANE TO CREDIT n I ..'hi al bale in till. ll Ai.llOK I - Sou of i ol'ifl I lllmiubl I low II I II -I Xll plain-. II1SII II IIM. N . dull 17 X I.II of In. p. Ih. II I I. Ill Uuellllll ItiH.seii ll lo. IV llnl have fiillcil to Ills il.. nil hi n i bat Willi II Mpiuilnoi ot lo Illi. ill iill-phllics, lla- luolltbl I" I i.l.oiol It.M.sen ll ami bl- wile I'lil In ! enlilo no NiiMe si-ol f I r,lt'l bv Mrs. I lieiHlnie II i. Ii. Jr , III willed Mn said tin' n-pot I was "ubo liil. ll on. milli on il ' llieic I ho foriiicr pis-hli in fel i liowcii i, lli.ll tin ic i. oh Is it sllubl possi bility that Ids oiiiu;i-.t son was still alive. llVM I II II V N' eguciiiurs in.ulier a . lull 1 ? 1. 1 1 me vety yla.l ti nt l-.e to the fi.uit and had t he 'ii in. ii I'll. Icr a.. mi sery Ice to his ntiv and to the stuff llletc WIS III hllll hi f.TS his full In fell him " This stuiyiicnt vv is Is-ued by Colonel Then, line I'.n. seii'lt today llfler pic- dispatches had I'll n she. I cmif 1 1 in "it Ion lhat hie mm lull bei-n killed I ' A H I S. 17 Lonsevell. yiuillKei.t Lout lV'-it-"4 n il i f I lie I . i - mi l- picfldeiit, has I.e. n killed In an air fiisht, the seini-..ffcial llaviis news aiiem y im iiniitici s His ma il, ii, e f.-ll Into Ihe i-n.-uiv lims P hilip Itnosi'veit, i.vucntin s cousin, witnessed the. air I. utile in the vlelii Ily of I 'ha lea il Thuury. In which I'umitln vvaa i-iiKiiKfd ami,, saw the machine fll, hut did not kinnv until later that Ilia airplane was that of his cousin, l,e Journal saa In, lay Ltsvutrnant llooaevelt was last seen In cm. hat on Sun lay inn r li In with two ciieiny Mltplsnes ahout tin oili.s IriNlde the Herman lima In the Chile, hi Thierry sector He started out with a pair. d of II American iuUi hlnos. Tin y encountered aeven I'lcinnins nnd weie chaslnn them buck when twn of them tuned on l.leiileiiant Hoosevelt. lleporta of the fit ht atnle that tha ilermnna appeared lo ha ahootlna at IIm lleillenant ftom the I car. tha tluee machines beimr together I'hen one of the machines was aeen tumbllna Ihtouah the rlonds arid a palrol which went In seaich of l.leil tcllsnt Itoos.-i ell leliimed Without trii. e of him. He appeared to he fiKh'I'iK "! I" "'e lst moiiii-iit una uccount of the combat aisles that the machini. caushl fun before It la-Kan to fall. Qiientln Itfio-rvHt In Arinl 1917. J'lin'l (lift rutin. Iluii h v in 1 1 nu rorpn lo train f'r nt'ivtrc with llir Ami'll ran army. lit wnn roitinilMiiionfd Iiint full mil In th- iir.K-Tit ftprtrm lirK'in m tlv unrvirf Kith th Ainrl ran hit fon t n on th Krwii-h fumt n Julv S h tiHik p.itt In itn u'fl.i) 1 1 m 1 1 1 ii'ti'i'ii iiti-1 fibr in an Mm i-hi ni h In 1 h Viinir rrirltiri .mil a fi w iin I (tT fn .1 nlv I I' 1 w i-t unnouni ril thru huil l-rnunht j ii v n h Ih f 1 1 M ii(i nui n it I r phi nu In j a ftKht imitli nf -nntf'iin 'Kiiri-r). j ASHINil'I'iN. I nlv tT g irntln j;,i.i c( w ii-' t Pp h'lhv t.f t lie 1 J:iim'vrt ii ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m f t .'i 1 1 i ) iiMi) Ui ' ir,inl( ut iIip lutf 1 1 mi nml hi IiiikI iite iiTfi" M-uiafi l n-ininnbrr- I I hv U :i - h 1 Tl It 1 1. TI fit' MUM horn 1 hiTra 't, N.i t-mhirT. H ' .'. n t I lit f-i:-: i ilv )hiui uhin hin fithr uhn tn- pi-H- ii ti j Hcrrrtnv ii t t h navy In t h ! McKinkv n.ln.iiUM'r.i.loii ; 'I In h'iV Wli .1 hi.rn li . t H r, ! ini w nli a npi-i-i.ii Ihvh fur nnitnal lite mil itMiiv wri tn N'otlfn (til. nf Ii :-i t-.i i I tin in I h- V hPf I In'iv i nlicn lu It pt 1 h f i ml! y mill ft t - ' 1 ri't tri4 tIt a H'a'c t.f Jitiilfty hvm Ilirl MT'll.pM- J.f'M M ll ht:iPt. Wll, nrii itntiH'it frn M'pflU-n, wcr i rn-; i't - I 111 'h n-Inwi t nr nnMMtK''t uli.rli Mic tuM k ithr-r'!. f-n h"n ' I w ih 1 n i in n t h u T i i p rol'incl. ' . i i i. ...i i... ti... I....,-, i ' I a 1 1 1 'M I ! V '! f I Ml h:i fi'! MT ll t I ' I i nit'i-'"! Ii:"ii'iv. ftnn lM nin, a1)- i , h i-r n In "pi' r t "t t h rimii . li t i.t: I ' it .' '1 t lj'if!i , . li i n I ,,,.1,1,.,, . . i llaifo I, Im- Marts So.ill. SI. I 1 1 I.'. .1 Ull I ,' The ll'.l Hit- . i tin-lit b.lllp- line nu the MiilHhlppI ' 1 1 '. i i p r . ,l,.i hi w i i ( I .. In op.-ru t urn j With 1 1 o. p.. I a! v e-tutpliieiit vvltlllll fan ti'U'hs in . . if -1 1 ii i: tn a il.'. lirii I ot, t.-li I '. IV. b-t. 1 1 I 'ire. t.,r bunders a !,n p 111 SI I. mils loci tin it en. limit I.. i.f prospective i 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 . ! II" .-ns ten t'-wl-nats and tiietiv l-are.-s , in I .' pu' in opiu:,tt.,n I ) thai time i ll.s niiies ll.-piibi'iiit Mamii;i-r. 1 II i .' ' I '.' ; I , i CI. Jul , i ; ( i: . ph .-, i : i-1 a : i ", " i s..,-t . i,lr I 1,, I 1.1 I, -I I . I , I - t- ' - I ' . 111'. I elL! Ill' I I" a.ii I the lo I I ..' in et. of tl.e i- V . (.1 ll. I hl'.url. of t he . p'.lul , .in , ii i; ii p. -is, n il f,i sil'ilr.p of ;. p.ii.! ., ii u S i ' i 1 1 . i i i u "i n, .i n Will II ll.n s llo 1 In i-l'i h.t u-.iK l o Ni' A' V ni 1 A ucus 1 l-"ive Hundred Itfittfl Dailu in li troprud an Chnlira Spread l.i .-, 1 1. . ..!!, 1 - So. t- ; pel sol.s I I ' . b.der I ,1 ' i v In I.t , ,'Cr.i I 11. .-' ! I ' 1" ' I I i - ' L l s ;,M .1 ,. p, I ..p. , .... i. - , - -I '! -I ll t . . . i l." I .,!.! , . C I ' 1 I t.- I - 1 1,1' I ". If! . t " 'II' ,,, ,: , ii I ,s pt . id P. I i ',!!' I nU ITA Pwi'finc 1 Itlltll JLJLU1U A IJOILIVUO llllClCL as Main Hun Drive COLLINSVILLE AND TULSA SHAKE HANDS I'allv I ri ill. I l.l-a llilld Miclloi; ao. I el .inn Ncllllilsir lo Nollll lit I mil ) . iGOOD FEELING IS MUTUAL II. .Ill (llle, Cbil-C I I Icilllslllp nod I i i. n i ill. mi for .imkI of All, UkI Two Honrs. I ik-ii ii 'l.lllllN! Ill i ly epi il. init Tuifa a ml Ins! ii'uhl shook hamls 1 "II II ll nu . i- - ineiit to be mill i illv ,i . I,. Ihe .1 lli-l III a lo -w l Ipllll I i la I ion Ii ip. '."In 'I u - sits V. when I III v.iuu of i olittiMi ill.- aliuosi uiiiitil ln.-lii ( i l l IP. I. l allol III 1,11.11" of b -ivniif lioiieis mil I in nml list a pail of Tills i count v. 1'iliy or linn. Tulsa men drove lo I '. 1 1 1 1 nsv 1 1 Ic Inel i.lKlit and pnrtlcl I pi u.eellliH at M ismilo hall In uhl'll Tuba speaktis wel. I'd ihe ull'ins of the area lo Im liana I., islib Ii ..miilses about twenty aei lions of laud, lucltnllnK I li. i llv of I i llitisvllle I v Vay ir I is tik Wtioden, In wel . '..uilnir ' 'ollln .vllle Inlo Tulsa county i .nde lliti kss'ttlon that Tulsa was me best ciiy, In Ihe heal rmitity. In II e best stale. In the brsl country In IIm vviiild. nml lh"t It " fltlln Colllnsv ilia peopbi should be- an Int-ncl of a i-otnbl-luiiioii which defied tbo kalaer to put bis lux upon I'- Mr V widen was siippiiitcl In tils tenmiki. by !: M.....r l..i .. II KPiimiitis K. It I ... iv is, Commlesloner M J M ji Moiall. (iwen (iwt-ii. ,-Nolty. T. J "in. ti. Tile and others. Isirton Talh. I. uui-ne Ij.rlon. editor of Th" World, spoke, briefly upon the Im portance of k.hmI roatla and elicited a ready response from tha Colllna Mil" people who etpect that their co-operallort with Tulsa upon this unesiion will result In ureal benefit to both rltlsa. Tulsa'a iTatnrlral leam, Kllnt Moaa nnd I'nt Malloy, tVbl he honora for the visitor In ireaenttii Tulsa aan tlinenl toward tha people who are about to become cltlaena of thla county. Until these gentlemen aua tiilned tha reputation they enjoy as bi-intt able to eftjier preaent a aerloua or humoroua apct lo the question under discussion lir. W. K. Hmlth, on behalf of Col llnavllle, pledaad lla aupporl. iiiilltlewl nd otherwise, to the county In any movement whloh had for II objert th betterment of the county. In elusion Ida rerrmrka Or. Hmlth e presped the alnrere hope that Tulsa would not naulert'to put over the vote necesary to ucrept the new territory for the reason lhat If II should fall t'olllnavllle would ha In . f a fit. The doctor waa assured lhat tha proper viite woulo bo forthcomliiR. la 4 onipllnw-ntrd. A highly complimentary tribute waa paid to Colllnavlllea foramoat , losda buoater. J. lb Ward, who baa Just completed a road front t'ol llnsvllle to Dwaaao. Thla stretch of road, about al mllee In length. Is on" of the best of hlKhwaya any where within mile of Tulsa Attorney J K. Orr, who presided al the mecllim. paid a tribute to Tulsa which war-mer the hearta of the vlsltora and made them doubly elisions to become betfer acquainted with the-people who are anon lo be come a part of the county. v II. usee (I. MoKeevrr, Hepubllcan i a miniate for dovernor, w aa preaent at the meetlnu ua tha uaet of the Tulsa rontliia-ent anil addreaead the ineetlnii briefly. The following men were among the Tulsa delegation: I". M. Wooden. I'at Malloy, Mint Moss, Lil Crosslaml, A. II. Collins. II J. Cray, It K. Loaler, W, T. I'.r.t'ly, John II Hlmniona. C. (1. Ixiwe. II II Wyss, Iienny Jonea, Win. Mr ClilloilKli. Owen Owen, A. A. Hmall, ruiKfiie laurton. Jsmes Ariher. Uei.lgs Mnwliiry, (1. (1 Weaver. It.ind.dpli House. ' John 1 1 Purler, C (i Hump. 8 l( lewls. H. I. Mil ler, C M Oownlng. 11 ('. Ja.o lis. A L llsrblson. T J yulnii, P. M I'.obn, M J McNuliy, P. I. Hteen tod, SeeieV-iry Oownlng of the Cham ber of Commerce, arid ernon I. Hmlth. Semenoff I when on for Cain in Siberia; I.enine Sends Protect ,n Pf"t. -1 KIN, Mondai . I uly 1 - K i at h from Manchuria s ri nuliees Hint (lenetal Seinelii f f . oil holslniik. Iiadel. bus '. u l'S. 'ar isugj Willi Ills f.u. es 'lb. t.'ill of Kbits livik III Hi" ut li V-"lei n ttllreiollv of the I ills l.allnil region, baa belli '! y . I 7'H Illi r-t.,1 a K , f,,iollil- Hielr captoie "f I he I.nlshenk I a re I e I led r I rat I ng ii I Irlli'li i Americans Account For at lA'ast Fight Of Fncmy's Planes Willi 1111 AMI ItKN IIM UN Till. MllM . '"! I'- I rfiioh obsf-rtt-rs rotsirttsl I. slay that I :l nlridan.-s fell In the which an bnerlun pursuit Miun.lroii was patrolling and fight, lull fii.'sibit. W libln (be merl.nn lines ll bad Is . ii .siiisi.lcred nr- (bat the inerl . sns bad ilowiieil fight and poelbly mm- i-iM-my planfw. Kncrny Is Only Abloj to Mako Slight j Advance. FOE'S LOSS 100,000. 'itiu-Ii (Jims Dciiilly ;ts Tfrrifif Drivp Is ShattiTi'il. AMERICANS IMPROVE HOLD Strpiitlu'ii (irapp at Kos- Hoy; Kain Halts the Knomy. PAltlX. Jul v 17. Thf FrtMich pdHitionn ri'main in luct along the whole Cham piik'nc front, Hrrordinjr to the war office announci'ment to nilfht. Heavy fiffhtinir con- llon.r,! TK rn n (ho lit the iTAV. biuI at nonie points the Ser- rtmn were atiie u mane ifiiin.i but they met with powerful wvi".tane every where. l.l'ullM SH ADVAN4 K . AT HMV DM'. ItllMT. ijivlifiM Julv 17 l)lsptcheg arriving In londnn Ihl avenlng y that at only one point mil nu inaiia aucceea In advancing today, and tlien at ennrtnnua coata. The dispell he aaaert that at 11 .......1. .1.1 m,,rnlna after two Un- .. .1... n -i w auccesaful uttemfJ's, tha tjermang, on a ftonl of alx nillea puanea inio me l'-...u ii,,a . a deuih of one and a half nillea at U deapeal point, at. lthelma mountain. (;PKMN C AfU'AI.TII- l'I.A l-:i AT lOO.WH).' ioviuiu li.lw 1 7 4'aaiialtlss misialnsd by lha Uarman troopg In the nrrenaiva up to im l""r" v ailrnaled In number 10,000 or ...n.i.i, nawa received In Ixindon today from tha ballla front In Franca. IH-III.IV J I.AIMH U.000 Arniii4 in wiuvk HK.Kl.IN, via London, July 17. civiaaan ihniia.nil orlaonera hava been taken by the (lermana In th preaent offenalv accoromg io itje claim of th war office In It report from general headquarters lvmgni. . r AMIJIICA.Ns) IMI'HOVK IDKinONM AT MlMsKiV. vii tii -rutr AMKIIICAN AllMT IN KIlANPK. July 17. A downpour ... .-.i.. ,1... i.hIUm eonea lastwaen Chateau Thierry and Dormitti on (ha Marne front, has eerved to iow up the operation alnra early thl morning. In th neighborhood of Toaaoy In ike eiiae i.end dlatrlct. the Ameri can further Improved their pol- tnma toitey. Fighting continued throughout .ho .T.v. in tha realon nf th counter attack begun by tha American Xqrcea yesterday. " Many (lermana between the rall- mA . I. . .n.i.h lianlr nf tha rlVr appear to have mad good their a- cpa to tha north nana at aeverai pnlnia during tha nignt. pi itsniM) hi itiirrw IW0 I'ltlMllNKUM TAkl'N. WAHIIINOTON, July .17. Oener. a pershlng'a i-omiiiunliiie for tlon day, reaching the war departme u t--day. reported that 600 prlsonera were taken by the Americana In their counter attack w..lch diova the Her mans back to the Mrne esat of Cha teau Thierry. (.Ol IIM l M.MH r HKM 11 AUM V. II, Tks' Pre.. WITH Tilt; FltKN M poll-rj4 I N KIlANi'K. July 17. - - tleneral Hntiraud. the hero of Ihe Oardanel Irs.- Was the I-rem li coiuiiiander who burred the advance of the Herman crown prince in Hie Champagne ll whs he who. to the east of lthelma. In one dav brought Ihe host of Her man lo a standstill This was dftne with only coinpai.ttlvrly Insignifi cant losses in. inn bis own men In consi-iu.-n. e of Ins lulinirabU defen sive preparsllons A hmi I twenty enemy divisions have b.'i.u Identified In Ih.' fust line of this sector of the fi nit aei!,.. !) the end of the f'rst day of fik-htiriK- h .1' nf these divisions bad l"-rn b a. lie mauled The pi . . an' ion the l-'i encll I ii. I taken before ihe T. u'on often I .lie was s i,-h that the Her- ' III -Illi Were I" ill'"' t" c iptiire 11 single prisoner n Ihe i 'h a to pa gn n 1 nin,? Hie fi. nil dais pie, .-.Img the a"iek The Hermans thus were de-l-ih.-d of the posslbilliy of nl. 'anuria" int. it ma lion leKardlng die Pi encll p!i.n ( ituW N I'ltlM i: M XKI.S V N 1 "I'PHH I' Mill II M4INH. Iii Tie Pv sl"l l'r Willi Til-P. l-KKN'Ti. KIIIK'KH IN l lt.VNi'i:. July 17 When the Herman aitlllery preparation started in the nl:ht of the I4tti. the flashes fnuti thoiisamls of guns were so vivid Hist thev lighted up the streets 1 fnrVI IM til OS I'Ai.K 'I 1 N Is Crushed GASTON MEANS SAYS HE SERVED GERMANS Man ..olticil o Maying Mrs i ... .... ' OTHERS DID SAME THING lifi'lari s M.ii.v of luuu. ai I s wrssnt In Now i ork Made M.uiei ll. p. toss otlog Huns In m.-rb a ( IIICAHii, ,l,ilv W A -1 ni if alan thai he had seiv.d us ,,n imci.t of ihe Impeiial Hcrimtn g n . rmiicnt was made today by Uasl.ui II Means at the 11,0011.001) King will In aim,; to delermlue the legality of one or two Instruments said to have been left by the lale millionaire. Means, who appears,) aa a witness for the heir of Mrs. Maud A King, for whose alleged slaying h waa tried and acqibtted In t'onrot.I. N. C, last aumnier, freely admitted receiv ing mnnev for acting aa a aeci!, agent of the Herman government be "' for the I'nlled Hlatea entered (hi war. . (Jnletly he told of receiving MS. 000 at on time and 191,000 another for his aervlrea to Oermany, and .of de livering It, too, 000 which he received on a check- to Captain Hoy-Pel, on of Oermany chief aplea In thl country, whrj waa ubsequently ex pelled. Aked regarding th service for which ha received the 1.00rj Mean aald: "I mad that money tha way Ion nf other American did, gome of them Ih blggeat lawyer In New lork. I ran easily (ell you tha plar where I collected It right In th Trlalty church yard at a designated tombstone" Tha wltneaa also admitted ha and Herman aplea In hl country wr to tin up Ih building nf electric boat, tha "moaqulto fleet." building for Ih a I Ilea In thla country. Means aald ha found lha boats had gun ampUrre menu and that Captain Iloy-Kd called thla to lha attention of th neutrality board at Washington. "President Wllann then very prop erly aaked him why he waa doing detective work In th l!nltd Plate." declared Means. "And- now for th first tint Ihe public -know why faptaln Hoy-Ed waa, Kent back to , Oermany. t turned all fny Informa tion oar lo tha g ovrnlhnt.M NEW TORK?, July IT." Fully IH. 000.000 of an aggrrgate aal of 1100.000.000 Herman war bond In' ihl country early In th European rrnfllcl went Into a "corruption fund" managed by Teuton agent here, It wig asserted today by fed eral official Investigating propa ganda activities. " Not only waa control of Ameri can newspaper and magaetnaa con templated, but fostering of pacifist sentiment In certain colleges traa so compllehed, tha Investigator said. STRIKERS AGREE TO PUT QUESTION ON WAR BOARD Allantn ntrert Tar ihjM-ntl'vrw Make l"niKn. I'rc-sklcnt Also AgrrfCs tn I'msioelllotl. ATlNTA. (la. July 1 ruder of tha sinking street car men hers today offered tn submit differences between themselves and Ihs Ucor gla Kallwav Jt fewer I'n. to th war labor board, or If that wna not agree anl to lha company, the strikers proposed that reerenlteil represtents lives of tha company tak up all question at laau with a commutes) from th u nl in N The propositions were submitted through dovernor I'orsry Th strike began yesterday. President Arkwrlght of tha fleor gla hallway aV Power Co agreed tn the proposition of the men to put Ihe rnec up to th-' war labor board pro viding the men would return to work pending the board's decision. W ATT SB AN K IS R 0 B B E D OF $3,000 IN DAYLIGHT j llnmllts Hold I i ( iisliler anil Make lwnM- on lliiis.fbck Innards Mill I oiiulr). Mc- ii ii ; i .1 : .iii'i- it T w o maskeu I. .mils bed i.p ih. casinei nf lit"' Mite bm.k at WaPs, i ikla S.StV lolled "I"I of t IskoUCe, ,'l t -3l, o .-ii., k this milt nlng and sc. cured I l.mii! tit c vsh, hi-coM 1 1, u 1" Ions d:-t'inee telephnne icpuits. J'hev on hoiset..i.-k and rode ni pl.l I v tnwai I the In!: inunlty to thr West Ai-.-ordirik' to d.s.u.piinns the ban dits ev'l.u.llv wcri- the same two w h-i IX month:! aRo held up the Wu'ts bank and made off with t.'.l'i'i A posse h In piunulC DRAFT RESISTeF"c.IURED last Mftnhcr t.f rkansas t.atitf Is Now In Cushat), l.riTLK lt"PK". Aik . J iii IT 'A dispatch from -v. t k . !..iiU:h' announced Ihe ciiiitiiie bv Slier:" Plant of llurdy Adkls-.m. only m u - , her left at huge of the b.nui ..f n leged Cleburne oiinty d.-a't . r"-i"' era for whom office- bf-e i. searching t.u t"'! dswi. n- w ll '. brongb! to l.ittie l',,,"k in on. face chn 'get "f res'" li' i,e .p-it' and murder In eou. e.'t! ,-i w v i, to. jkiPIng of a ' ',''!' ' 1 r o( n-e ' ' . -" i'n ii fi t V sh el 1 f f m pes,, a : ! , I . . n , .- I his f.cher. T.rn A ii, 'I .--'.O'l i-l-l i!v 7 if- 4 'I i 6 li:- ii' p i i f 11 v ! Vi i li it? sr