Newspaper Page Text
kxjuioma'i BBAnurr nwirun VtSJii' ijiiitg m A5io7iTmo tun VOL XIII, no. m. REAL OFFENSIVE TO COME LATER March Tt-lla Military Com niitti'.; That V.ig l.low Will 1U Given This Year. PRESENT DRIVE IS MINOR Suoii'.s.s Though Startling Is Small im' to What Is Vet Expected. SOISSONS LOOKED TO FALL! It's flrcapturc? y Allies Is Extmctnl ? Huns May ile i'orct'd to Itetn-at. WASH IN" iT' 'N. July 11- War dr J ailment nffii la.a i.-'t Id" ii. il nurllir nff'llrlvc .l.ainnf ttx- l.rl luiin In I'n .l Itli tin! I.i'i r In tin I'ri'isrru tear. Tlil.i wan dim Ihm d m. 1uy lo Inrmtirri "f the limji"' mill, laiy i-ntn in I T t re li' lieh.-ral M.irt h. i ii;i f of aiaff. who Indicated the e-nphit limit of poeaiiily light Arnrrl. ran dltln.nn. In Ihe ti. nt double liiilli! in the Amm- Mamr Ichel'n front would not affe.-t iii.iti riHlty I' .iiim in hurl out w helm nm limn juwrr iiiId th g real fit r UK K I l nmu v In n the effort to beat Ihe enemy I nk off trench and Helg.mi toil I' i (Inn. I; made plain that the hnuihh- Tn; at;.ik of I'tamo Amrticun f'ri'H mi th A 1 h i n--Ma mr lin : ii til'li'l aa i'ii : ii m ; nor 0i- erullon In I'lllll 'LllNjl to what la lo i.nif. Tin- o n I 'M of Ui drive l.ti incited ytNlcrd.iy by Hcncr! loch, hmifitr, haa already hwn etartllng I'ffirlal reportn from I'arla tonight Mil 1 7. 000 prisonr.. unit 30 .una had In -n raptured. Thn I'.'rlin clement admired l-Tench advam r til Ignored American participation :nl claimed 30.000 prlamieri. 1 i i n taken by the Hermans I" their fl'lle. launched last Monday. Ap VArrnlly ltic furmv rnmmaniliTS i!rn in. i Mtiiilt Id Ihn linnun iri pi thai Amrrli'Jiii urinH'ii re l ndy f.ghlttiB uvir li'l'H front rlil 'irinic rrrir, .inriirrii oir irt fhi'i r ri im ci (lliflon. S.ilw.n.1 May lu- Tl.rn Sn. Ilrpor'.l llf 1" ,rom '"n" cf'n nl I'urii in.' 'I t furlli'T n .n. 'i Iil t' ny . ...nri Aniprlran fun i n iiurinic inr Jtrj. -i'riK'lllI navirrs limn hiihtiii fehiin led to th0 hope that Cnla- mi llne nirh! Iitlore last, would la a.Uil band! within a horl me. . .."u.m,- that II had already fallen " ." addlthuial llarman prla nti r had bnn lakan, wera In circu lation, but additional advlrea from '..-rural ITrahlna had arrived at a Uii- hmir. Mr Under In a fitalement nalil: "W haw Im tMporl of ttio rap. ure of Solum i n. hut the huttle, haa been rutin al that purt of tho front urd lh" fall of Hnlaaoiia aeeined to be Irulli'.ilrd by Ihe prutrrna mull at tin' t.ino of Intent ufTlrial dl patiii., IIiiiim MaT-lV ItinTxl llark. ' Tim I'i'lli'f tK'Xmi tn Like ahape riih'' miM'l.i rif iniinv n'nf offlrrra t.err Ihiit another 4H honm llllKhl hi' t tm i.irrnani heating a hanty titieiit f t mil the n.illent ttiey tmw bold miiith of Ihe Murne and pirn. iil.iv f t 1 1 1 Iff whole ureal tieml they fiirrel in tho allied hue when the, airuik on Itin I'hrinlii di-tt lunin f-ont lii-' Viy, ad furred their ,iy to (tin Warne. Unlnaa lh Franrn Anierlran troops are hronaht to a halt drfinllelv before. Sunday nlitht, ! le frei-'v ii"dni'i thai tho enemy will he fori ril In full hlirk Kvell if he U niHi-e-f nl III evadliifr Ilia Juan of 'he trap mm it rioiinu on Mm. ho mil tm rmn pelled tn atian 1"ii "t 'iiiiintilirn of w:ir mulwrial and mil loe niany priioneia In mak j"K Kood Ms ears pe. It la hellened." GERMAN "JUSTICE" SAID , TO BE INSULT TO WORLD rlmliilhiratlon of l ln rninj SaIiI lo IW Krvi-rslon l Prlmlllyr Hat I, inlanders Trafflr. ' M;N VfillK". Jiil) "". -ierman ' nur. martial evidently dmlnleler 1 e law with a Mem hand In Ihe at t'niid to prrienrthe epread In 'ler nmtiy f ltniheik doi trineii. Their applli atior, of ttie law" was de noiinnd In the ral'hKtin hv the Sn riHllat. lr. Colin, an H dlsprare tn t.erman luitlre. urriirdiim to the ( oh.ciie I ini t:i-. I'lTirK inrt.iinrH to i.hayi' Unw He-Vi-re thoHe -'nil in ih h.ol li''.n. I r 1 'olin '.ld tliatu iionnin vi tin ntnojiad to pii ii up her hut alihii had fallen 011 the around near a trnltv r.'ir W eiritenri-d to eerve one aril one half i'm Iti n penitentiary oti a rharae ". attemptiK tn ctidaiiKer Irmspnrla tio I'r. Cohn eahl he ro il-l enu'nerute di'ren, of canrn XVorkmi'n ;! Iliilv. ISKi u'ls'T'i.N. Ma- . .lulv 1 ! - The llriii'K ton Marnit.irlurers a""i r. ition tmiay (ranted t-hoe orket k. other than outlets, a SO per rei.t .iKe Ini'irate. tn he paid iim ii .ir h.inuK The advance affect ,.ail larntv thoiiKiind operative,. In llns virlni'y. Thire wa I'ltle t-hnriRe In rutler,- ,trll4e altuallon hnl.iv Their ( ontin'led ahrenoe fori e 1 t ,i hoii.,,,,1 more operative i,,t of orl', and It wa ea'lmated that ri'.irly inen thousand were idle Klrlke la ltlei. ATI.ANTA. (la.. ,l.,ly 15 . p, fer- ... -n i.e. ween til" alrlkloa h'rret ,.,,r .. .1 .nn 1 oe .eot Kl limee Hallway and 'iil'an. w , T-e Mettled Ut a .",,":.,;,n"'h, "n" "-n !, .1 . ' t ,,'w 'una. ai-rurdliiL- tn H-vtu oul lal tonijht. av atatcmi'iii Warship Is submarine to r rmr rtMt , I fir it.ium lurH i r ' i ' -' r hunJ ' r. 1 ,i 1 1 I M A N I i" sturdy ',; day jrn-f t'lf fair k m r Tr.x !t itl h-ifi 4 s f rlirraliv C i f . U K f T 1 r X V ttn'Ua fair. "'ni f in nor I ri portion . ii.o i 'npn vnii-n it m .:i w-t w"init. - ( The Helpful Man i thr lln .-wr IK.) iruulili-. b unly nw lit lii-vr lliont'lt ll ililUnft. mi i. I:,n r"l . 1U tfrr rr'korrd 'J rrU ""' f'A-.ft I" , . Il ii i.l iii ouly lu "' il rcuM it. II. mi ilinil l rfi-koii bil bi'd ni.ii. rl Irv in : Ani l r i, 1-l'n. .ein h HrnJ''l ni lli Nnrr .i. ..I lo Ihml f fl'lr It'll! I, ,1 ,'rrih,.,l l.iii a; "4 ilimi. All t i"i ono m iroubU wno mull! Ill, I l.r'l'U. I.IJ. 1!tfre I' n.illi.n Imaoftaiil Ihil be niilJn't !" ir li e n in a lie li" il"l (rierdilup llnl an. I aa ri-al'r Irmi'ilr fir I III I nil to atiiwrr, "1 U'l lani t Int. it In ill) " III llio igM loi fiireuioil duly t be'p 1 " fhv'w rather m mw ' tm TIT. HA. till ll X Mai mum " atiuin wludl .nil ' ii-.'. .-ill '-.T inunic - " b " I mored rrii'.i r I. . ... Ih. Imuti'.a' lie nrly ...I"''!' tmlnv I tie only 11, e drerl. Id rr ihe'l'il f i"itir; mi en trie oei'il. Anil le hut irin i.mile mella, follo-e. lo the end "Whrn Ilia elher mlii'i In (rou tin mini! w birh fai le, tli.t'i Ih. inr lo ha nil irl.nd.' (Lopjnjtil 1UI tiy tilur A lioetl ) INCOMETAXOFTEN - PER CENT IS FAVORED llonx. Biji ami Mean 4 innnilllii' Wanlilo I'l.Mf Mliilmnin Inr In dlililunl.s aJiil ( orxirnil.,iis. WASHINGTON. Julj 11. A 1" per cant minimum Income in f,,r Individual and corporation in lien 1 of th ireaent 4 per rent for Indi vidual and per cent for iorioni llon waa favored at today' rxrcii tlv aeaalon of Ihe hoime ways and meiina rommltter. whlrh lN ile:,fiink. the new war revenue bin. N m,,. cluelon wri rem he.l, l,OWPV,.r Me.mherti of u,, rommillee ex 1 preaa.d fer ih.t rr,nt ...,; the $.O0O.0O.O0O revenue planned) from Income, and tWM rrof,tl, rould not he rieri wi... ...... , I ... a i'IUI IIIH . ""in. mump Iiirinhrrti .n r I ' "MS'llll III litll Tl. Koa , I. , iu.i, . u "pedlenl. A I ge-ted. ' " ",T v R'sumptlnn that nation irt ... ." r""Kr"" 'M 'mt be en d , a,lon T'k ,h"r ruifwrd " 7;'"" "f ohltnln mora reve- .oe-lera-:--- COUNTRY GOES BE YON n rail r- r. .hll run WAR FUNDS TJ.IH Offrrln, of r,f,.lm r. du..! aa llraf ,M k Ar ,,vp, nlMiiirMM; Ti lU iurna Pat,. WA81IINGSWN. July l.Oy-er. ubaorlptlon of Ihe flrat 0 blork, of treasury rertlf h ale. i,uM , Ilclpallon of tha fourth Liberty Irian and Inrreaaed return, from war auv inn crrt.ficat.-a and from Int-ome und exr-,, profli, hm all la l. reduce the third h. weekly offering of re.,Hi,ry rerllf-Te- i.nonn noo, ,rrrptyirv ;,;:;o-)(V- nlKnt atinouncrd. Inmitutu,,,, which have made arr.n.nmini. t. 'J s, rlptlone o ,he haala of ,, er.riK or Ksoooo.noo may r,rr.. oi;t tin ir jii.niH, It wan k.m. The .hi 1 I hlock of reeiin-,, . ,.. he dated Jnlv . , n,, , able HI. uii ... ter.v.t at 4 1.1 per r R,lh,rrl.; tlon hnvai will Jie doted Jnlv In -The offer;r' of t,,. u-,,.. Which Sui"l'r,,,l,w l .i,e, ,,v ,j riirivir,Mii ril.i'.l liy f'MJt.OOO the i,r"B'iiT annnurieeti tcrtay Vork, I'hlUilelphm. Kt l.oula New and naio.ii 1 irv redeial re.erv exceeded their riuni.te. diatrhta Hom er In in London To Mfkc Food Survey 1 1 M 11 iiner. 'V. Jnlv 1!) Ie,hert i- r. A'i'i'il.'lti fori, I inntrn.liv irtni' A ni'tl I I, may a ! a I'nt ; !i pnl t f r 11 ! ASIIINi.TiiN. J i'v t I 'on.l j Adn.iuia'r.i'.ir nner ef( .,. ., , K . ton en route to I,ci..on .1 u v arid IsU'ed a few ,u . ;.it..r tn make a ; ."'111 ev of tie f.,i,, liia'IOri :,, C;. j I I'll' II.' .i . i.e -li.ll e I hv .),,,. I epti I". 1 ',.11,01 1 I'lef t.p niflit ill I ' I ion. 'J.UI'.s W fte. ,.f the inc.: . J d'v i-ion. 1 ; e S ,t il l, - .11, i , ,. pr Miletit o( the tmiii i', "n ..f the fm.d u'ln, MraMriii, mn l.cwifc 'ijuaia, Ut. llouver o 'rotary. Sunk Off New , ,r may nave i Navy Statcnu nt ( iir . No Reason; None Thought L.s(. HIT AT FIRE ISLAND Cruiser Goes pnun With in Fifty Milr. of 1 1 : . Harbor Knt raiirc. SUBMARINES ARE FLARED Definite Infnrmatiun I Laekinir; K t urn nf I '- Loats S ASIIINiiT' iv ii.ii v il p ir' I'" i t Inlini . I I . i i'l i .1 ii I SI fl . 1 1' . I l n ; ! 1 1 1 -. ii rend.nn In mi l"n .1 lilniiir.l 1,1 Ci,. I Ins rr n :t i r h.i n 1 1; 111 Kill! II li'tl tn i li- i tint iv men ,i i ' I i I p. t. poi 'i',l landi d '1 he 'lie rnrditliiii no no v.i: .in. I i In I'lf A: HIN'.T'iS .1 li:l M (,; 1 ',, Il , t 'i.' I ! tif'Utli'i' I i toni;Y'. I .-,'in 1 1 If II. e I'K'I tlild hern , l.oti: I - . -. T. .1 I i i Ml I j n I I ii- ri r.i 'Jim ::. i u, r, ol tho I ' he .' lj-'.l I ' r. "I w in .r i.'i' r-"i Irdi'il ;!' if i i- i Imwi r i ii i s ( :'. r. the hi, a hi ' ' ' il : ; 1 I 1 1 , i e ' Vi.' ' li.irl-T. : ri il-.u n t n ,' is it n -I I of h iri lv on V iJ.iei liui U K : i I Ih it . iTiriri' fi in .v iia I A;nrrit u n .,!; . 'I hi 'W'-' I'h ti t ' I I'iri .1 1 t Im I h 1 L )l'-iV 1 1 1 ,v UI'K !ni w 11 H .i hit I T'h i--i-! it-, if v ( i h A f. t r ! n 1 j r ' r . ; 1 , 1 1 : v W its ll V tr ! I til l'f t 1 ' 1; I liow r, (t if ;.iir ; Tr tn the truii-i'." 1 . ' if tli ntiiitii-" f j for llii Sun I 'if f 1 mii! ftnljt hCuHt ft l l'r I I'ntil th !Hti"Mirt.T; t i-f . ti : I I V 1 t a I I . 1 1 1 : i 1 !') , Im II' v (!i'it ' f 1 11 k t 1! fiM ri k tli-frm 'r .1 t-iM i!-"a K'fiil' :.ri, itu ni u i-hi'a. ton vr Ot tiiTW 'rt- . Nfly lniif4 Sljilrittrnt. Th vi. 'y fo.'viii riir rnfr'( hy lit- U r 1 1?-t wu I . Th fia v ' I'.irtti 1.1 ' 1 , r.nt f I r t m !n . f r fin 'hi run it 1 ills 1 i t M .il ,ra l h.i ' 1 .v S Sum !.'(M w h 1V.U f. 11 , , if .' h "1 1 f )-'it ' i 1 i " I i . 1; 1 11 .!' ... k 1 li;- n nt, . f !l t f il!. J h'M .,i 1 f . IH s V Li h'!- I it ' i ! - !; H Ht tt I lin s ' i'H I ."i I it ii I ' 1 1 hfr h ) 1 i orn nr" hi nr f 1 1 11 r i t i 1 eis ne Mat. So far a, M 1 1 t h' ri' a p I"' 1 ti ''I hlli- I'.-i n tin h of 1.'" 'i r h , it-it t ; hi . ,'1 ti - iiiii'i I'h San 1 1 ll I' .1 " ' .... 1 . I 1 ' 1 . of I 1 hi 1..,. ,: ,. . u .. ,1 r irrlr I a ''otn 'h :l,r n . of 1 I I I '!' f.rei Mill Idiin May lime IUi-ii hi"l I.ltC toiu-h !le HI- 1 d ' I'll ' n ' would add llnl h. In; t" 'I. - M.itii.n' and officers prnfce'i -I t 1 l i" 1 Information to the a of the In or the pMiiiher of -nmIvo t' 'i appuretit. linwint, 'hit ..'he.. were prepared 10 heir Uvea were hM der;itte tie tone of ' he lr. I: i.i 1 d .ep ,' The rrt irn of I he nn h era w a run to lie unripi ii it - I, hlh. ' .!! I tho HlnkniK of Mav and "how n that t hc"i 'tea n was capable nf rat-teir i. warfar e tn the verv I ': h u The Putt I'le.' 1 n , major w.tfhip he In: country entered the mir conimercliil romtw.H' .h. tin hu t. ;i p. to (tie aiilunersilile'. ..-i it'r; f.-v raid and In tin war r i : , deatroyerri, lrx.c.rioi.e ..-! en.'i patrol houta ham hren 1 1 :!; attacked. Ieepte reports of V t a. r 1 1 1 ' "lllp and that inil'ii". I , ! ' ". ai'llt n (-, im wise s'i, Mi-U ! k'-' rinse to the run--, n.n.i, i teinlfa.,i y niiiinlaln. .1 Hi,- 'it ' I'lformailon on which to !..:. n.- t' . a' the auhmarlnea had n " e arn.n The offlrl i ilptrhr-i n i' , 1 a- 'lepnrlrtient I in :k III wee .1 hlnr! tb rn' report of t' f (INTlNl'KIl 11N pi,., I a : Theatrical Folks May Next He Sent to Work or Buttle WASHINGTON'. ,iv n .: . f'alona baaehHll phuer. of 1 1 ' line must work or fmht Inline I.,.:. mid the draft r c-11 1 a t ,. ". " hi,nire, ,,, ,, mr' ,.. , trl.'ril in rfnriners and timvlr,. 1 lire players und emplm.- a- t" 'ek new j,,, ol- f , , , din tin,, f,,if, ,,,, rr,iv Sn-ietai-y :ak..r ", tt', , . ,. "" far i4 ha- I. a II : , rerned. ,f,v , H1 ,,,.,,,,,.. , de,i,l..n huld.rm the .am.- a productive, or,.,,,,,,),,,, He helteve,! ,,p hi ope ..f ,t., 1 ,.. MM-.l.a -hnuld , , .,,..,., ., in in, :,e other , ase of ,,, , . -or a M-hn.e p, of e-1,, 1 ,., ,, , II. n a'.le'y Hu, f ,.n,r,,.,, I.. f 1 1" i - theatrii-Hi ,u, , M" fn ;ll rxempted ,., ,. o-Hlnal u,,,k ,,r flgtt, ,,,,,,, ,, "" l""M' -' to ll-hal een".,l an I 1 ' 1 t'": I'lai ' ,1 .,1 this . :.,- ..'I'll-, and ekllled e,i,pl(., , .,ru. UJcing mowrij niututca, S.. OKLAHOMA. SATURDAY, JULY 110, 1!U York Coast; . orpedoed Her HUHUA SOUGHT WAR AT TEUTON COMMAND I'll I i Mil up In ni Mt ;ni, ii II. .-I (III li- I ' i in.; GASTON Mt ANS TELLS PLOT in in l In. il .1 in,., Ill Jll 111 Sll I i i niiti nl .iii.I II. n, i , I illJI Mini, M : h ,i r, or ll'e I, el- I that Im late, u.i'll.t I 1.1 1 1 ' i In Mi en atid a l Irin (it in uinilillc and I. he 1 lilt' I tie 1 ,'tli III II II I Tli- It iM-r.H b.ild I IhlH InfortiiKtimt . lie, In 'I liel." tlie ., ihollt I t l- t,.'M that h.a lotht inh.Md f'1.01 Ih i'lnh,i..'iv in y I hi it Itroiinht r !lurrl. Il-- 1-i iHr-r-l him Ii In' On- l 111,1. ny Of tllft ii I I al 'i , th" u i'111 hn sold he 1 III confi fen, es HUM .!,.' I'll IV Tijirullv. i." ri-l.iri 10 the ptiMileot. Serretnrv 1'anlel-, .1 I MolKau Wild John It. I.afiiui rdilor f the l'rn nleii, e, K f. I'i'irnal. at w lit. ti ti e Ksve t In .. itmIi iin'ii Information which r "nlte.l In the aresl of Wrri.i-i Morn, while rti .nii'i In Mow op a brhlre ni'-r w h'cli ''iniiidlati troo(is wme 'elnif tram imrti d. ! Mnina eafd Ihal M Maud C h or nf w li'if Inll'iltr I elltlv 'wn.'i i 'iiii,l. was iiiIu'f .1,-d with - Ii i in fir iln hillv In supi,iim the 1 '.irrnaii K-o ' n it h inhlter tu , violullon of the l Kin A merle, n tilde j,yrreiiient He paid ilet-niany nllll fWed Mrs K inns eetale apiirnx. ' I'mitely (7,040 ii a roeult of theen t rnnssrtlniia. ; JAPANESE PARTY SEEKS j TO STOP INTERVENTION m-Iiii-KmI flirt, N llpiaesid to I 11 lei Inif SIIhtIii Mini In I nine l.reul rn-viiirr! l.'iMni.. July !.- ilre.ii rfforls apparently are briiiR mild" tu hreak i iloun political opposition In J.i an ti fi.-u-t h ipat totu iti inter-, entton lu ll'i..,i and there I. a c,,n 1 1 o uons i'tnt',,( and Knlm.' of l". ht, n! and 1 1 i I . ' I e yir ' "iil''il.'t .'-I'- a illMiatr'l to Hie lialh I vp'f -.i 1 . 1 1 r 1 1 Tokln I i '.-ri ,lilv I r I In- lea, let of tl r Sen -i Ka til i hlef nppnri' nta of I n t el l en t inn had h'ti" ir,t er u il ,s with Mal'-rth. tniinlljl and rrtnci' Vt'iuji ilii -'lle , ' , a f -K r-.. It la add".!, fil t that a coali tion tnlnlst ry will he ere i 'i d The Sen il Kal one of (he two 'in;.--.' pohtnal pir!i' In .lipan. M.miiih S.ilunjl tinnier premier, w leader of the party linHI rarlv I'; I ! ! I I'rlncr V a mail i'ii IN pieai. dmi i f I ho pr h y i nun 1 1. REPUBLICANS MUST HELP PARTY GET ON TICKET I iih'i-s 77 I 'or I ' til Tin o mlnK for Hehls KM, Itrpfihlli nil Nn nun A III He I tl I M l o tth .,u r In i ' ti , t in; a ,' n-'itil t '-mint i f t he pat i . 1 1 ' i M' h "c- I - f.l I Old lteul.. it. tnlatt . : - in I , I.-' ni l I' I'ii' a t-'i ' n. ' a -i i,l to it u-,i ril 'iilionti id tic .' r loi , i;t. t ' ' t ll ill" pi , lual In, I:., hlt..' Ih it I In rr I , uii .. , w line I l " v. . ;i I ' I'tti" ,,,. '. .' f.,i i 1 1 u i ' 1 1 in m m i ten --, pa - , i i 1 in ! a" that th'' K'lm h am i ' '. , I I- ..' L-'i t" t I'.- p d thi. i. irh . n l , thi ... tn I I tie . mill it lol.r ' I'll. I' i h ,1 ni ml-, Ihe f th th' t he , . tii t id i ;u OCCUPATION OF MURMAN , RAILROAD IS PROCLAIMED dlltlr 1 1 hi'llip of Hrtll-b Nut t 1 al,rn i ,. r . i tl. ,ii ti lib tni' i I' on i I riMtts. l - !.t-M .I':' I ! - x I. I-. " p '' ! ' : ' v I ' of I " s n Mur- I '' I"''. .t,.t. 11 I he l ,,r. V i ' 1 J II I tun I ' ' i . MIIik otf Ihe , ., i ill 1 1 v W J I I ' . I I a I i e'.o .1" tm in ,, . r , 'lew rc4 If) I I he I n T ni ., v, rr e ,.ii .,, , ,1 hn- ' i "led J II lio in,, e,,,. f r . . ri i I ha 4 ' K f lull,. Int. i, m1- j i , ,it, , ,,firr ehr n u.k V. , I l A "l.. dkT I "'I !'! j I Hid- l loiiiin row I h.. i rut r it I Sen I "V " " ''' I'l' e pe.i. v. - I, it e, on the S l ' ' ' ,,,v lv ' I''"!' i'. l"i.l It ,Kh ,i Inipe.l., ,. - X TV 1 '"""I Will I'tr- I Ml.ull.le: of II,,,..,. oti I.n,,,, (,.,,(, ' . '- ' :..-w Mnik. j,;.,. i.i r,.. 4 W I ' ' " It na learned I.,.,, . ' Al, i. lv7V , , 1 . J. niau ten i tui y, 'BRITISH transports SUNK BY HUN RAIDER iiriMiu Sl'lll in llnl linn lii l.iii I4.11 Wiiirr. I lir w,,ITt STA" linlr is hit ii r i Hi lit. i i ' nr. I Ii, I mi. in! I Inr m il "-nn liir I nun I liimr, I Mil In I irr tmrrlran. ANCHOR LINER TORPEDOED .- , V l 'II k .,:'v hi ti. h 1 1 m n. lint t '.it I I t t I I , . I I'H'v, In. n l et u 1 1 i I, ' .u h mat I tie off t h 1 1 h i ' it t W a I ,1 him Ii ,1 f t n in u , learned Inn . 'tl, ' a ' pat h i i wn nwrt'il I .v the; . ""V:." . ,. r."r'" mard III'" I'rior In 'he war hc is rnir.mi'l In liam. Atlantic eeri- 1 j, ( I '.. .. . . . . , ' 1 annwered the ,. S rallof the VM.i a star liner Tilanic In pr:l. I'M . when that i I till ,, nut. tnrrerd heli.iH- on her maiden v,n me to New link and wa. Hunk will h in- I.S.. of pre Ihe l arp.t.'ini ph Led ii., ami Unded at New 1 ot I. M-,1, Mir,,r of the Titanic. AltlmuKh I II Hie eetil, e of the I'rlii .h .niernmrnt for nc eral inonih. the Carpathla ti.m l ien ut.",t nn Amerliaii Iron,, Itin ll ll.-r la - t lepart'irn from mi A merh an port wa in Jun l.i'NPhiN, .lulv It --The llrit.h; tt,m.,ort luirunK laa he.'n .una hv a Mihinarlne, Ihn vadm'tnlii' an noiinceil this afternoon There wire nn casualties I.llNIHlN July sloop waa h.i li k ,y Tiieadji, faia an noiittreitie.if today It l'rit,t-h; a ituhinarine on f iidmlrally an- , Twella of Ihe crew were the only mrilinii t t .V ATt.ANTIi 1'OHT. July It The Anchor line atcaiimhip,'ir luni iron, waa Hunk by a ii r loan Hiilifi.rtne May ?.1 In the I Mediterranean while rarriin. caiiin I fi'i-m the r'ar I aat. It waa reported 'here today hv n pii.i.eii;Hr arrtvioa foil ii Mrillnh steamelilp. The I-:1vmh ! h cm one ,,f a i-oiiitiy of 2.' lens.-le. j The crew wai. mm ted). RED CROSS WILL ORDER Dri irC1 CrilT Tn DIICCIA ntLltr oLN I IU HUiblA - ------ - I i .l Inililiif ami Miillrlnr Will la-' SupplltNl -I arllct 1'iav.lbli Miimrnt '' , . HIS'. iTi.N Inly 1J . i. i'fe riircn of relief i ppllrn, pilm.palll fondaiiiffs, ilnthlnu and mediolne. In to Ii- d.t pal' hi d In l:u-a,ii by the A'nerfran lied i roea -"at the earileel pi n.ihle Innnierit " A ipeial Hhlp will he ud fur Ih purpose and the . a'k'n will he arcompanled and rll- iriiiute.i nv a .roup of lied I ro.s I representatives who will work under tin- direction of the American l:e, ' 'in- romnilsilor, now lu ItiiHida. YcMrl Willi Marine on Hoard Ih Reported in Dintress Off Coatt AN TIMIC I'l HIT. July l. ixiaslwlne simmer wbli Ii wan M-unrtiMl In marl no rln li today Hit hatlnit M"nl mil wlndraa ntg -n, iln of ili-inwei on Bwiuni nf n, uhmallnr aitark, had anmn ,i r l-nesi(;crH a ileiaolinirnl of tun. i I Inr rn riilln. Mi,, inrrlml a lare I iiianlll of fnl.hl. I A S r R j I hilil Ii IIH Iii Ihr lr.lll. rr.iiir.iii; I J ju ' l' f "'( n I- I!.-iio,l. I hkIIsI, I i tjr , wmj siiMip i in im i Vvy ' f o..ta.. I I f.... a Hun.!, i,om. ''.l- lfU- V Ale?. Jl'omcrt and Children of the City of Tulsa Inutril tn Httiii'l t J t n niiiii,nlrr r lnsin jf r.ill "I the sillied Recruiting Drive in Tulsa, at I'mirth hihI Mam i ln !. Tonight at 8 oX'lock Concort liy Hoitif (. i u .1 r I Ihui'L Prillnm l.y II 'inr (iuartl quails. Siuakinvr I". Men Hacltl rTVoni the Ticnclics Sl.nKi r.-t in it oil lo :-Iji a a r-r tlftr w n p"'l U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, U. S. Mai inr- Corp. li it ish-C.nndian Urcruilmg Muslim II German Reserves Fail to Stop Rush of French and Americans J It'ofumia'H J om ! of Are in I'. S. Mlea, III.. I..rrt..e M.aarxl. I U MllMir..N. Ja.v - Two i hiiiidn d .ind fifty,1 meinhe.. r ttie o.,i eeeni i .on 1 1 o h 1 1 1 v a a" r a ce ,,e ,. ,,) ,.. ,.,., ...loet Ih. haled r.i - t Anatoa H.inaary, declare. ',(. , ,:. , n.riKue Manank Sho K ,h ,i,g,,,rr ,.f 1 1, . Tlnin.aa l M ..,, U and. fame In In.- I nlie, f,u,, r ,, ,,,, t ,,, t,.i f. r i I .. I , , fitnu Die I nllad S'atea of the I lo lie ml. n p r o vla, ni a I (,,rrntni'nt. which Mte and Inr ' ,,,.,. .,r, form and whl. h Ma . MM k , ., , , , 'i.,,,,. itiouaand , ( ,e, rn are alonamde or ' 1 1. u ,.,,, .hnflnu then anl.tnlhl irl- iuitiilia lu the ifi-i til fi.hlllin, h ra SKIATOOK MEETING BRINGS IN FIFTY H'i ruliloi; lulio l iilhiieta.lli'nll) IUis Im iI ,n l.lnlo I lly In NorUi I'nrl of l oiinty. .r'-.inl Mullet I'ord of lie Ca nadian arini. who. wlttl her.eanl- ! ilajor I ji Inirsto'i have been rrmler '.'! such cff'illie eervhe In Ihe In. a III' il 1 1 I im tir i- ilrii In Tulr cuun 1 1 4 1. 1 w ei I . nun hei ihe bra it a of a I'll nnsil of people ni r-klalonk laat tniahi. whrii he Hliuwid Iheni a rifle i ilr i ei-ot hi uri h nf Muni In their 1 loiuu or tin wiwtern front, and held tZTJty rtt '"uli deoiornn v w hlli fiKhtniK over there . ,f ,,,,., ,., ,,r rrth...,.i I,, ..u." -laneited . Ie 11, a 11 -I I niea - """-l--l veteran of neiy KuropHan Iih'II.i.' I 'in 'I I'll 't'p up at.'l I . lie l,t . I I tn fill the 1:11.1' I I'l thill Ut'lfoi ul an. Ink" .he nacea left I'l- i .it r i ' In- I ''n' I i t hi- ii, "ii w tin III' 1 lift' ii many of them up lo 40 Mai . nf an i.i 1 nnd ai'e I lit 111 HOHio of tlni i as young hir.e nurnhei- of d'aA' deferrr I I laanlfli it.iin,, Htiflted up aflee Ihe ieiikln inr ., ,'le iirralu.'etnenl-t lo roilio Ii, tn'- I tutav l. ml enllut rllb-r In Ihe thlii-h iirmv Ih'- I Tilled Sla'm atlni the I lilted Statt'H luisv or t h I nil, 'I Slut-a marine i ol ps, M of whit h wor- iiir oiml iv recruit- Im; n.-t ,,c ini nt Ho- it Hi"" S.iireini l.lvloaHinii of Hie llrd-l-s i anadiiin .iilnHii.n Kale an Inter i,in,. talk nn condition abroad .lid ii ihe front ''a wrro alii made hv a A Small Kltnn M Hunt. C II lirti -'"iti and II A Wood, all f Tu' lilenn l ondon of the marlm. In .Hided This afernonn ut I o'clock a meet in - w-:'! he lieid Iltoken Arrow The two returned latia'iisn j 1 all's w HI he 'lie prim ip i '''" :,. herireaui I m I w, ' exbttiil ar.rt i.tiare mt a i, 'in, her of war I trnn;.i"n from I t m'-e j . I .1 ! o ilt" e a ha u I ' "" rr,l aid mr."l'K will he held al I mi l . I and Ma. n III I'n'Hil I I I a- ur- I'AC.KS Ki m ' Dospilc Ili'avy t'oivcmrnts 1 Fall Bad,. HEAVY GAINS ARE MADE I'risoners Now Number 17,000; Mile anil a Quarter Ailded. ENEMY NOW ON DEFENSIVE I)rio Ls Halle.l to l oi Allies; Hheiins Is Saved. I'A MS. .lull- I - 1 he I tanco Ameiliaii brlueer, Ihe and 111" Mum i ,s lel ln 'bus far 1 7.000 pilaoiin arid more than 3C0 gun, captured by Ihn al He, ar, ordln. In the war of(.c an liiiumeniant All day lha h.itile waned violently. The I Tench have held Iheir pnalllolin on Ih f. I n I tali eouthweal of Mnmsona an, I have imnle linpni laut adt aiii.e. it t a r inns poi III. . iv or i i-i Mil it him: hv Aims. Ity Tn. AiMiciaied I'rin WITH TTIK A Mi; UK AN A It M Y HI TWIKN Tilt; A IHN K A Ml TH H M A It.N I ,. July II Th. r'ranito Arnrilrau troopa mudn ull advamtu late this nfleriinoii nn lb. bnlnann. i hut r ii Thleiry front, avruln. ahoui leu kllomeier. i about n mini marhliin gunfire ) Icloua Herman nut Mm gun fira .niithweat of Sola 'ens hampered lha advance fur only . .hint period lu lha am aarilnn rhe Uarmriii itlempN. in uae tank .ralnal lit Aiiiertcan. but a but f 'e aonn lump, llfd Ihn tana. 10 Tn tie it The advance began with a barrage opening at i 10 o rlucK. Tank, were unl In by th allies to aaalnt the infantry and machine gunner and the Herman endeavored In eleni the lg Willi a heavy atiell fir.. Nnulhweet nf Mulaeon th Hermans repeatedly attempted In reach the allieV hu gun. The German fir lug continue.) until long after dark hut th trench and American gun. responded In kind, and .at full protection to th allied force, a. they advamed along the tin, fev ra town, ware raptured. Heavy reinforcement were rushed up from the north by Ihe Carman command In a da.peral effort o head off Ihr hard fighting alllea whose rapid advance would, If con tinned, aever tho Herman line, of rominwnlrallou. vii-ii iii;n ih tki:n II V MOI'IIMI l ltOOI'N. I.i IN I ' IN. July troop. c.ptured the tillage of Metrrrn. to j K' tla r Willi nmie ihati 3 0 ll prlone,r and a iiiimhrr of mat hlne gun. In an iteration in Ihe Hallleijl senior til. mntiitng, a'tordtng to Ih of fir la I r.pori from ITeld M.mhal llai. . liTad'iuarlr i. In I rani e to Mghl ' Australian troop advanced lu a abort dl.tanr. anulh of Materen and look eighty pi i.oner and ten ma chine gun, the report add. III III IN AllMllS I.AINt INK t I.AIHl IIU'I I.M:. HKIII.IN. via r.ondnn, July It AdniiH.ipii I made In th Herman official eontmunlcNtloii leaned tntty that Ihe allied trmpe. ihrouirti a anrprlse counter offensive on Tliun dv broke Into the Herman frunl In faotry nd artillery llneB at laola'ed pmnta heiween the Alen and Ih. Mirns and furred hark the Herman line toiler a et ren. I hen im of the lierinan poalto,ia prevented .he al he. from trenklug throu;h, the -latenienf i Int in ei flinll U'trli! hi tie !r-ll !l lo ill iv .j nun. thrn i. h Hi" Heiman llnea lii'lai-t n I lie tiMio and Ihe Marn" wan r, puleed .w ill, tieat t hi-cea lo Ih a II ): ' Ii 1 1:,- fnlri h. It-' ''. e, ,, . to th Hla'eniHnl --Stied lt k't.liet.1 hril l l'l ir. t ', thin I'lt'llli;,' MI UK VNS I I -II UN IN ATI At hV hy T hi; Ainu i,, I I't. , W'lTM TTH V Ml III' VN I -1 , IT;".-, r. i 'Mil'. MSN I. MAIINi; I nl. It. I P tn ' icni'.l I, tic. Is. t,v a i 'I 'm " i I t. ' !,' I ' ., i, . ,, ', 1 I- i rn. , for, . c t hr-r l".il nraU S, l-,.tia and I !' I All!' Ill IH': I'lnl, tuo line of Ih. ' t tilt 1 ' i .' , , f j r 1 1 1 r i ji r Hie . I inc..' ' h. if'.. r,.-t!ti w ' I ' lotl a n't hi t ii . n i I h" ,11 I' l I ' ita h !, In. .1 i .p. 'Cl u,i o d In I of H e . ' i" Hn i r i; i ' '. l ' I t e i 1 down A inr rti a ti if 'inn '1 I, I C! . i ' f t r 1 1 r h. ' i of", i h t t I ' al' .. ., I , i, ,. . 1 ,ti.e ' oi.-i fui , hv kilt V, I Jr. ' hi' I'll o( ni UM l.D t.'.N l Aljh 'l"tl.lAti l'KK'U o CKNTS - 1 ROOSEVELT TO RUN ! REPUBLICANS THINK "h', Jfw- Not M,,-,,. h.mwll I'o Hlilm, mi I C ii ii ii t nK f,.r i,v, r- lloin-lilp r S.'ia f, ,!,. WHITMAN GTAYS IN RACE -rrn,t l.oti-rnt.r ISifun, In M. ilrini h Mini in, ni (1 Nanio 4 ollM I oiiiiiiii, .. TAFT MAKES STIRRING TALK lornu r l-renlilnii I rue. I bx-llnr) of Iti'l'iralli ana In I'uah the War Mum lnrfiiiHlf , M.W t'lllK. Jnlv It- Then Jura ItooaatiTt. before leaiing b're today for iit.lcr ia nn III. leluin from Ihn U.iofflclll ;pib 1 1 1 1 i ii.ivenlloii at HaiatOfii Hpilng. declared that Ita had 'Tiolhliig Iti any" regarding Ih. lo nominal. Jilm for gov. er nor. HA It ATui I A HI-HINH8.' N: Y.. Jul, 11 With the eve .of lh political leader, of the aiatei and nation fu cuaed on It de.lperatlnn. lha New VnrK llepul'llcan .tata conv.ntlon niiildenly and u.ienu.riedly ad- Mtau-arned. leaving unanswered many iuetlnn. in which rrpllea war mtf eilv awaited Chief among th wa. whether Colonel Theodore Ituoeevell would ronarnl lo enter th rara for the. governorship tht. fall. Th. prev.ll ln belief lha delegate, left for their home., wa. that lie would, hut In the ahuenre of any authentic atatemcnt from him either whll ha wa her yesterday or afl.r a move nirnt to nominal him aaaumed def inite arid purpoaeful nropairtlona, th parly inangra of all faction wer. aa much at ea aa ever. Allhnugli lha convention just rinsed wa. featured by th rentrall aton of Ih llon.avelt boom. It marked the first appearanca of th recently enfranchised women In a big convention on a political qual lly with lha men. ',. W omen rtajr' tnrt Th part played by lha woman wa. not In.ignlftrant. Kully an. fifth of th 1,014 delegataa wr new volara. and a woman, Mla Mary u arret liny of New Vorii waa mad. chairman of the important resolution aummltl.a whlrh dr. fled th platfurm that Waa uiianiriionsly adopted. ' Ihe platform adopted declared for a tigorou "win th. war'' Policy, - commended the administration of Hoternof Whitman and -.mphatl liy urged th New York Mnalor lo vote for . the federal . uffrag amnndinenl. Henator W'ad.worth .ild h wa not In ay m path v with uie piank The i-unventioii today llstnd lo a silt ring patriotic ddre- hr former ITesnlent Tafl. adopted a platform ami participated In invrral lluoaevclt xnd Whitman demonatr.tlon.. Nnlwlihni.ndiiig (.oiertmr Whit. man a n 'tnounretpeni nf hi Intention n remain In tho field, tho Roosevelt "round robin" continued tn obtain signer.. It raw reported - that ' ha r le. Hvan. Hughe, in Waahlng lon h.d rnmniunlrated by telephone with the petition rlrrulalora her and h.d asked the uae of bin name. A call by William Howiird Taft lo thn i-.ourilr ytn eh'fl (hi. fall a It-p.ihlh-an ningreaa which h deolarad ' would tllmuhite Ihe I lemoeratlr. prealdent by offering constructive rrltlclnm of (ha admlnlatratlnn'a ar tlon and Inaotlon. and. by legislation, . eniigo the nation", military prrpa ralion., was Issued hv Ih former CiiNTlM rn ON PAliK TWELVE vieena'aomTtsTrTsence ' of million u. s. troops StH'lallat I'adcr haya Tliopr la xj I in ii hi Tliat l.n-nt iMtly of Anirrli-Him In In lainipc. nil; ii Ann--. Juiv i - in on. spoken lortinienl on Ihe growth of American etrenitth In I raiire the N. m hi Ii nt Arln-iier eliinm "f lenn miivi the.o u no iliuilit thai more ituin mi'limi A nirrii'an ti'unps al re.,v ha.e nrtiied In l-hllopr. . lie ill"" that tlnn la a of orinl 'itlou a !.' .i foa. 'f! aa the rleatirui of th" Utitfli srniv. " ni tt nipat .on in I hi' f'KhrillK," tt tld't". ' Inrr.-iiara th" ' let mail I.i -.Ii t" one of K'Kal'tl" ti'Mlf- t.ltll'l t is a nil-, ondemf n nda hi flit Ihe Hef-nliiil i-nttlinanit le t I T" In. f i trlil! a l-'ral declslntl hefnre th. I it of the l.'nitcd Htatea !, felt - LIGHTLESS nights will j BE RESUMED WEDNESDAY lOnli-r l-smil In Sato 1 licl; Kff'i-tltt' I on Mnnila luni Tui-eilay In i Till Srillmi. U A'-ll I V' ll'i .S'. it I ."'i in pt nui of 'Tt,hi:eiH n t e Ii t " In rtni ii.iii'it la.-t winter tn fuel, I Will i tferUH' licit Uedlien- tla. it waM nu'iouni ed 1'iiimht I. 'h. f ut ,i il ii, I ii t -t r ni ;nn All out - loo: i . ' i n i ' r a i n u tint ti t it r cc pi loo of in i'i-sit . ti-.--t I'Rliting 11 bo ilh" oi'tci"d a't'T'lhal ,.,ite on Mnn I ,1,1 i 'I; ,.1 c and Th .in. - 'he New I. 'OK Ti t-.rin-. I- .'in. i t - , M.nlmt. I olunibia. .Iil.l .,l.i nf rii'tl r " the Lli.toJ ,l h.n.l Mi'ild i rk "i I! . ! 'I ; tnallid ii "i ?'H i ;t I'i'j ;t. .Ji; V.T'"''r TiJr:.wt,",l,' 1! r w.gvtixWWi')W.