Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WOULD, FRIDAY, AUGUST lfi, 1018. 5 J JULSA SPIRIT WILL ADVERTISE REUNION during tb reunion and if gteal adveitising value Mil' will t. lid wttivrnli-ltl'l'"" l or Mml Snlr li, Onnlaln no A(ltrniKlri anil Will II,, Mi-lK'' Hiwwt l or Thru there will h a souvenir edi tion nf t Tllln.l f-'pirit Worlhy i.r Tulsa l 111" promo-i' nf momlo r t if The program o' rt in 1 1 1 !, nf din I' I' V reunion Tin; next is - - nf the hplrit will be devoted to . . rlin t ihi iik of Tulsa utnl w.H corn On pic- I tnres nf Tulsa home Scenes, photograph mill In fact, ei tv'Ihm In Ik--' ad W'l fine Ti.l' There will be 'J K'pirit printed htm 1 1 fm il fur r. If on ' I''' jit 2 S con's a in union. " i I 1 1 ' I I ,, i f llio f-pn It ll I I l dltlott Hill In- i,ni' I !il 'J'n I proud of. 'Hi' paper Mill i hi I V puces, I rlntcd un tin- ."''.: crnl" of on meld hook pnpir if .in i-"pe, ,., !! fill grail and ! lit' -lls will L it ti 1 1 r known In hill' II I In- it 1'Vi I ; ii llHlf -toll hli.tli'l. Willi lite contemplate. t runiliiii.iii'Hi nf Kip. ' good Ink and nils. Mn plotitr." i:tit hardly b told fnmi plmi..i:i npli" No mix ertlslntr will appear 'n Mii" I" th city will iirinn i ! In the city I ll was uf f.isl iIiiiiikI'I the inperfi would In' mnl i. hi I., nil th tittups f t-teriins lu fnii' Itu' opening uf i Hi" reunion, ,,, t ll,.. Idea J.imI dos ' iM'.i.l .ii .i Tuli'd upon. The ills-j iiiouuoi, t,.i i.ii ii.tniiU'il Wlinoui iihi to Vlie. reunion eosjniilttc'ii Mn.uiiMi lh- i li.iiiil.rr .f I 'uiiiuieri'ti. 'I'lit' ruhilTiU'i'i' appoint it til look after K''liif'U nut 't souvenir edition I fur ih" M-iiiu'iit mot lasf evening at) tilt l.v hang,, .Viluuial Lank to milk,, lr,-lr decision mi thn malton Tins i .iiniiinii'ii consist nf V . A. ftowi.t, . i ii iiiuiMii. W. A Kmn. W i M.h-i. ,. liuiHc iiml J A. Mi'- SWOR & AVEY PERFECT RIOT AT EMPRESS Iwilsnu Irphotim lllnokfaix- Coin rtluut Otir of IV-nt Aim K.tor In Tulsa. 1 1 1 i tu il if 'i; '--.I ..f ll." I I .- .f i r tii ip. i il,,. I.- I. .,t;i... III. i III" .1 Vi III I." GOVERNOR WELCOME i.f Ni.m'h llliiii; Mllslr liiri' of tin- Iti'iinliiii linui! of Thi Spirit All ciPi-ti-.-s f. di-fniycil fmni tli" i i f"l p. 1 1 i whlrh an r-ff I' li'tit fnn-n i.f .n will ib nntmilrfl Tin . i. i.- T tnkrn Imrk (iiimn I v ll." l !l Korn'f tli war-furid t y . m r ..r-rii'n-Kit " Hor utnl Avry m n,,. i;nitirrH toilny umt Imiini n.w un.l laiiKh fi r a "k ! Kwiir anil Avv. thi f.nn.r.i-i v i,,,), v 1 1 1 9 lm "f rurk artlNt.4, I.,,.,- pi, Al ll. Hulil Mtiil niiw i. in' if ii,,. lilKKcat liluikfinn in't.-i mi Ihr i.r ..I........ IriMilt. Ilirrw tliri'n Ii.k' mil.. TD RFIINiniM HI I FT' '"-" i ,f i:i"-r m- I U IXLUIllVJIl VJU LJ I J , ,.,,,iy rtirniiiin anil nl,-i,l jthi lr Irrimlitltil" tn'iirn IniinTm ,, i ' " " I tliina. (iiilnii of laiiKliti r i-ri-. - . 1 1. llnMxril to lnniir mi llt-linlt j thi'in fvi-ry nilniitu mil wli-n 11,. v to III' I i ll- rlimiMl, niiiwiiiinmini'iir mi' i .. iillilli'tirr rn innn in i y I . l . I ! y pf liniuttht Imrk Unix an .. I again M Ih" m.itltifi" p"ff. t .1.1, ,. Ilnln-rt I. WUImum li iiihI limt nlKht thry uliuply h.i it nil-Ill iriiwdn wltn. Ilrynnil itli'Htliin Bwnr iml vr urn it m rriini - 1 lino fn"t t .11 1... , frmii tlm vor;1 Jump I r n 1 n,. npi'iiltilt piiiitiiniltnli" linki-r n m.i. t., th.'lr IIIimI ilancr. Ilfv k..p iplntkliiK w'h liKl''"r 1 1 thi'in. Ann Hk" tlnlrn il n 1 1 .,,,. r 1 1 Hats First Murk of ATcw Season: Tulle and Satin Vogue for Fall TUvy O whiih Mr If thrr arr hi'llfK" XUtn hi Outf 1 ti nir.n 11"'V mil hnvn t InlilUlfrt )lt 1 Kt nn army rntnp nvrr "It kTi.i hna uthirilfy iui A. -'3 aMp m-' . .li-. ..v.-.vr .fe2 kn f.l II A fl'W HP I ll In rrilliltilt ti " that i-iinii' ( (mitlirrii si if"n. II I. i ; , I t t h 1 'mi an- f ! : 1,111.1. In rU 1 kt- t li" fm , t.i Un- t inn inn ,l"li k.i iii'iii iriilllnll till Hi" hi- k' H" mi. 1 i-ity i-: " ' fur i.-,iiinri'Hii. will I I.I, . ..n .f w.'l. miii' mi In1- 1 nut V k 1 1 In 1 ' nip, H. p1f tn TiiUfi w lt li r hk i;tt utf .1, t h t-itin in HMr v il- lirlU liH.t.t.,l h hM'it muKUifir,), TtiM txi'tm hia 1hnt U tin Hrth'""t .1 kifwmtl In ii 5 The Friday Hour i.f It., ' I .-.-ii M ;l ii In. ill hi K.inl.atliin. nir 1 ; 11 11 1 i r lil n-ply tn Mi" i.f tw'li'iui!" 1 lii'K" Oftallii i.i:i;ii.i III" fpiinuiii hn'i' 11, 1 upnii. will I " a f.ntviri' nf III" rn- Nntln to Pri cc Dm ggists Advance Tor tivur ft yar mm wc hi Nuiri.lril Hi tnapi taimnn nur nlil prir.- principally tif tirtun nf a In Inrrman In a it I a. whlrh rpilurrii nur tivi-r-hnail roat. tur our flm-al ypr Pinil IfMt July I, nur aalrn amounti-il to nr a mil fin ijollum- an ln,f i-iui nf (8 oner (1, 11 irri r.lniH ff W'p) hail Imivod to lirliV" th war prriotl m-ithuiit a I rhinitp In prlrra on Vick's VapoRuh hut w find that our wen omina tlu not kfnp parii with our rlatnir i-imta It In with :nrer rricrrt, thrr fora. that wo ara fun-mi t.i annnuncfi an Iiwtphjki. f frtia Aur-uat 1, hli h will rnaka It nn , aaii to rataJl Vapnltab at 30c, 60c and $1.20 Tni vfer nirniK l on OmniUii, H. C. Ill l.llllllll-lll l! In pltinii'l to 'til -, I . v mi vi I'll . in.l.l III rt, I, tilinll til p.- j 1 11 11 in f nl pn.lialilv i ii'l a r ir 1 in 1 1 1 . I I. .11.. I lii-rn frnm anfii" f..n p., iMi 11 rii:itti"nt .,,ti"i . A I'nlr.ii f turn t.i on HlKiifil with Mi.' Wiii'liiuil V III, h'i'. a i-iirnl-tul i niiipinv. Hi it i airl"H two hiin,l, whli ll will upsiMt In tli" I'Mli'riiiin niint. Tlii Wiiriham A. IMii; mm- p.iny it 11, l.irri-Hl Ir.iw-llliK carni val II 1. lata Hi" l ie f ill" "'! !- 11 111 un it In Mi" ii.i.I.II" W"nt. A l'-irt nf I III" li'i i lpli nf Hill tiillipiiny will ar tn tlii riMininii f ii 11 it 1 MILLIONS oT GERMS IN OFFICIALS' SYSTEMS TuVf.lin nnll-typlHiM" day nf t!n p. .in i i' I . 11 luii tiir lill ."ft l."i.t l"iiv mm" tiiim In- i.c'il.ttinif 111" fur.", frnm I ho rlili'f I il.iwn. wIMt r, Oil mi 11. mi (1 ila.l "rrii!t. I At liTmt tiial im f?' imtiilicr thf Ul'i'l 'mi tlm li.'i'l" 1 tit 1 1 1 -il nf l' rnittcnia. ; I rum n't s'lttnl point 1 lua nl il. iiii iii tn clit I'" it'ii'tiinn"'!. f'tr j il it Ii 1 I to In li"v Hist "o mrtny Ki'fina roiilil I." Iir-lil captlvii In an j mii i : I fl ri'"i'pt.-ic!i I'l-irlir-illy nil lln fur.- Bt.ilrallyl rii-i-ni. Mi" tr".'ilrunt, with thu rw-j n p'.i n of "I'tav" J.lin II clalina, n'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 y fimil a. I a.ii'h irilslra. , l," as ci-rnit un J Ocflnt thm to do i llii'ir win "t. I ofli'n Ttn-rit nr two ollnr unimi,!: K.iiiiI niifiitii'ra vn tli" pr,.i:r am 1 1 , I 'el Jt Troupn ar wlnrlwiml a.i. luifn and tli"lr munis Hr anitiiu and Btartllnic ll.irrv. NVI.,, 1, ,, Harry r nilrndid w ild tin ,r t,,.v lly iH'rtilnitli' danrlnir an. I m-nri a il",,"il lilt. M ivtii" ' : t 1 11.- il... . n,,nir very clrw-r JHi il tn. inn at I Vliii-i-nt ami 1 1 .1 v 111 1.11 .1 Iiim. , 1 liiirlcsnu" (H.ili.Kii'. nn nmrrl". lif,v Til" SiTflTl Tl'li'HT .1 tn. with 111,. i,,t t rtiricnl rvi nis ftnni all ,arr it, wnirl.l, i-iiniil"l"s Un- lull H um iilwnva ttm first " 1111 1, i1 ! -ri tft - li 1 tiic Hi'aiii.n and imw " 1 en, itin i to frmn tln'tii '11'. H.ll Ii w.iiu in tlm tall 11 H.I .l.r IU 11 I In i t .1 This l an limi t miss IL unusually fin lull. YOUNG FOLKS MADE A FINE LIONS' PROGRAM Two very Mjt, m.'! I.iiiu-rn fur nlnhtxl th priK ram nlny th l.iuns rLi.i at (tiir riitnti ItiMi'l; 'ini. Tli v wcr.- M.NMi'.i M.trJ-irlM nn,! Imrnthy ALL. -it, diunlitrni t,f U K fut nutithiTH of 1 h piiitxt niiil Min t.'4itilnf ij.-uti-f .Mr Alit-nt ln-fii 'l'i-li't tn f 1 j 1 n 1 U the riHiT'aintiirni ttiit Miilmt it n'l'-l Iiih 'I.iuK 'TH, rmi h to tit- il-!fht if tin' iiM-rntr m ami'.l hit Th rl'iit (.'. to ataiM In (tttln(C our t h villi's id t 'if 'il! :hk li'. hvvi alu-nyn lrn nn inrpur I ll' tliiH 'Jir liH'V Will liO "' " P' ''Hi!, fitr thu Olli- 11 'Ai - il K'ltt hirl. tti Ninart u rut . ti-cni. .i w .nn 111 mil Imy will hav l.i 1 ii'ti-"iir.n;""l I'v inKiiy ImtH. 'J'lil't WMf !ht wilJ- itiMilt( Will ItllV IMIf " .11 ,.f hhiiim iurk iiii'l wiittljj Irutm-u-Mi.-, iriutrrial nnl loltn wl I lUV Hi Itl'IflV I't'r) ;IH iti-r i 'M-k ft I K M k nn iimwii Thv Iwr fiIiK" L' r N i.t frurti it tlill'iM'.l con tutnn (n it ir. ultimo; gwn, fiom that hiMnl'14 1 to nn nfhTnuoii gunn. Ami uiriii. Into a r'H':ttii.iiit komii It oiiii(tfi too ; t, m It ut Ami the woman i who tu f.iHlHi.i. 1 .11 1 whi. h have th I Tin Imt wlthli iiiMv h n'J for ; ft t hn lifliiniiiuii or rimtaiirM ut w rar j w lull" anil Hiiiin ruinhlnl Th"M ! fal.n. h w i l a vrrv I"'I'iilar fw- I'ltM th fill lnlilll.-l I'hr (..It. I , m Itwi n mm of ttm ruinlnu iNiifuii n I f iiM'l.'H, a rlrh hfiiwn. 'I lia crow 11 atnl I Mm urn of ivi'i'i Vftl--1 in tin I llllill (ill'l llflf. Mini mi hit up ; H-r Hliln nf Hm tfiMiping brltn may 1 ' n a half ihi.cii li(a of ;oltrn p.irri.lln.v Th wIioIh go,l-ti hrnwn i IIn'I la tjultc rhurniliig anil In k"tj. il'K wllti tlm f.ill m'hj-mi. Pickens Has the Biggest Reunion Job ( itlli-i! nn In Koctl- Itl.WIO l,i.,l"i Tliritt Meal. y i tiiilitliTttUi lU-uiilim. a tit) ItiirlitK III" I 'or ttm nr fell. rat" ri-ut urn m ill. -a -, - will I." Mi" i f w 1,1, h 1 1 1 1 a t 'in aijpn Mils i iitiiiniit. ill i';l lml of till! C 'oil -..'I pi rliapa tlm lnlhl".-t 1 taiuly as tniiiy an any ini-iH.iry "umiultti'". la cliali iiiiiii, I.f -1 la tliaiit"d Willi tmn, a n 1 11. itu. In hsh;M 111 III M 1.' " W I f.'n. Mi h ninmiM w '! U . an f' l.w:a I km ;in1 I I'M i.f fiv i!luvi A. Coi- r THE HUNT CO. Main Street Dctwcen Third ami Fourth Third Floor Specials for Today iyBil Drapery special f"c I-'anry Mnniuisotto Draprry;- romhinationa f I'ink. I.iKht nine a,ul chocks. Sppcial per yard, 47c Bed Spreads Special Crinkle or Dimity Summer Bed Spread -iiIA Sun-ail" : ira !98 Sun' iiuiilltv: i.ili"d "Jttfl Sproa-N: qunlltv. pri"" I H0x9u Hprc.i 1" HiiallUl 1 r '., .1 9l)il0n quality, prlii-l good . t i 'V K.....I ii mi K 1 . ii 7S K,....l . t 2 Mil" III k and duly nf I.-,-.lil.g III vct t'luns, an, I tviii luiv i-li.uii" nf Ilia I iimnilsNai y ilinintt iimin wliiln tln-v .'lio h"i-i. I ' ha 1 r 1 1 ut 11 I'pp an, I St-w-urd ll. A. 1'nki'iia liat-c alri'mly tiu Kun Isyinit plana l i tail) nut nur-ri-Nsfuijy ilimr pail nf tli" Tliina ro uiiinii. Mr TP a, 'iui urrivod Ini a wt'tk ngn and lias li"iii Imsy lnuk iiipt around fur a muiuM In. allnn fur tno niMw hail utnl kitrhen. and Klv InK III" I'timiiilsNary riuiniiltti'i' ilia l.eiipfit of Ills wldu rjtpi-riwicu la hia illi of work. Mr. I'll k"nn was eirnrd vtlr day and aski'd t.i tell aonn't 'iidk ittiiiiil Imw tln luininisnitry dipatl nivnt of a reunion In rmidtii t.l,' w liat II In. and any oTtn-r lufiiiiiiatlnn that would I ui of a.un to Mm ptililir- in arriving; al an'iil undor atandliiK nf tl;ia ln.ig. h nf rrunlon orvlte. IU replied lhat h txiuld not Klv llio, lli anytliliiK Ilk aa good an u ndiTstandl ntr tif Mi" mi nf Mi la Jnu iui II w ill k"t w hi'ii thn plant Ih i-i frti'd. th iiiiii'liiiiry mid appliance In pl.n and tha old turn rivaled ut the laldea under tli" biK com iuiFjiry lent. It la nninn Job lit Civ front 6.000 tn lO.DOO men tin tneulH a ilay and cliifin Ilia dlnlnii room hy 9 . 111. Ii 11 1 Mr. I'l. ketiH will (In llua. A Initio part of the uonkm at atit-ti a ramp is don" l y itti'.i 111 . l or maniple. It will li liecessary to l-miU tit nnrfl l oul lx liarrrls nf poi.ttin,. Tlm I ,4 potato,- at pl.t, e.i in klti-hi'li and a iiliaui tliroiiKli ea.-fi l-iirrel. pntfiioi ,'-aii I- en. ik. ier lii thirty nlniiie urna. of alt'y gallon laparlty each, will i, tihi'il. Hi plant mipplymi li'Hli th infleti aiatiil iill.l tin- ilmni rnniii. Al tlm iiiff,i land. Just op pi'Nit tli dliilriaT runiii fiitiaiite. i-uf-ti o ami amid w U hia will Im aerved at all Iiouia of lfi day and nlKln, en. ci pt wlmn reiiulur tiieula are 1,,-ihk m i ve, In tli I. m lent. Mr. rickeiia. w ho him liail iihii h rxperlema at .Hut nn fi ilerata ipunlnna, aaa tlna featiiie ia a vriy pupular nil', ininh appri clal"i l.y. Ih vilpiiwi 'I'll aland will L kept liuay all tlm tint, In. Ni)a even at nltilit. Many of thn old wat nor du not rtlr al alt, but lliiK'T uiimiiiiI th ruffe tn 11 and awap yarn ahont tlialr rxpnrlrmea In tlm htm. Unta uf thrni, too, will Im iirvinia and alpltHa and atroll nut fur a cup of ruff) t.i aonihe) tl. lr nerve, w rnnitlit lo a hiKh pllcli l.y tlm ,-.-llein"iii of their annual rui'i-lliiif . , .mp A thwiihand poinula ornent aourula hlk". Imt that Is what will be aarvd at ths ramp when brpf la nn Ilia bill of fare, l-'riuii Hlxtern to twwnty Mir roaai pana will ba nouraaary fur thia work. Involving fi" rnnkln but (llfflrult to aerv, It llii Item nf una hundred KMilona nf i-ituned fruit fm i-ah meal where a name I provided. Nearly all other IteriiH the liupurlant Iteiua of fare will be arved family atyl. that la. taken to (lift table In laif dmha and thn lriiiifrred to tli in .1 1 v 1.1 un I platen. It la not prm-ll. av bin lo .serve In courea under aueli clrxuiiiatanreA. Im ri 1h In t li 1 piio la run A t.urrel of In thin nian- Aa Mil M'ftple Percales ine Perertl atrip and day st In llht i .iliim: p,. it fnfiired palterns T.i. Hx lnl, ITc Cinfthams pretty ).u. llnokfi.ld Clnrb.iii,, K all In v, Galatea Cloth 4c i".ilai.i I'l.Hlis. .Id Inrh.w wide In narrow Hli :p, , Hath Towels iiiriis. ner S1K1 bU, 19c ..11 lor 1 s ; t.,,1 , y "IMi lul, 2Hl' tin Vk ncv Hnrib Whit Itath Tow 1 Hpei lal I 1 Iday rod and I'l .11 Is In Kund slit" 1 m il, Jill' I hick TowxTg Sir.f.e.l plain whli". link Toweling, -'I'l' ! rnlay st jnril, I He Remnants Half Price Varlad lengths nf alll . w.i"l ns. dres 1,'o.ids. ihii-Iim'. fialnsniiks. wliii" 1 !. Iiim-'- elntllH. ouMnKs. flannel. I r cal. slni;hittiis. crepe". ,ln". linena, tad nllclnin. '" tonne, curtain mil1', -i"-' fnnrciuiaette and manv nlln i desirabl inalerlals in 1 ' niiiiierabl width., il"" :' " and color. Tlilrd llistr is mil h an Im pnrhttit pait ('f p,u '(hilly menu, aevetal women will be i kept busy ail tlm itui" pn-pHi Im: I tliein for cnnklim S.x luirre!, Mr. I'l. ken nays, fiiuippi-d with aieain plpitt take th p it. of ramies that 1 would be ntruiiK out three clly blncka j to do I he h-i me work. I nffis' All the TlrHe. If l!in u 1 1." ti 1 1 :t it ' " at the Tuih.i re in, .ut, 1 no tii'ite tli.'in It WHS .it iiim,. ..Mi'T reunion ilnm, Mi. ricken will milk" 1 Ml Killuns nf fnffeii ll! a ilui. and It will be drip mffee, lull ih nhl fHiill;mi"l, way nf loospedaiir-TQILRT G00DS-I ioospcci,i Today i the day of 100 Specials in our Toilet Good Sect ion I T. Uterine . .. I III' IVheco Tool ll 1'iiste J7c I'liliiii.liv" r-..;ip lite I ,"irh i'.. I ri 4nv ' llurvs .snip 111.' I .nir 1 ', ,! 1 1 'r 1 ,1 ut 4u,. rashinere '". 1 1 1 t : ' 1 : .. '' li- .el:h s An. ui nl Spoi l. il . . . . IHc rnhniere 11. .11. put Hi' l." A 1 1 1 1 1 1 Special ... HHr I'utloiira stimii -Mi' I'nmpe.ati M.ihaK fleam . . HttV l .ti ker Tar Sn ip lit" I'.. ti pi M 11 . . ii'" 1 ream . . 'c eii"li,iri !( S,..ip I f.-r 'J.'m' I ipeian M'is ig f ream . . Si lltlHtir' Nlirpi rv. ...t .. In' Sli! 1 I t ei k Cii'iin , Ittlc Wltlhiliis'; Sl.l. . '.Mc A 1 1 1 i v Si-Ii-im ... Mile W'lllllllns' ShiVii.i: ('' 111 . i't' s :t , 1 1' 1. 1 .,ljl v I '1 o. 1 111 'i'lc folllll'e h.. I il. . ... IV' A Ubl S - 1 1 I'l linui',' lfi,. fiiltrate's i(ii ii.i'l.i. 'l!. ...I'm' Si'i.ipi 1:1. r lit" . .llle I'lilnat"' C'lal Til.- .. Hi' !i,.mh Ihiuid I' kc I'nlt-ate Ital.v Ti'i- .. In' M.'lhi iiii-li'm; in-rn . Slc ljim-U's Sweet I'. I 111' I'll' lla'lt, 11 IHll.lllll A I N fold l-iiell's Hal, v kin Ti!,' . I."c t ream Mc l-i7ell .1 apaiii " II iii , rli Ci, im ...,;l:l' uikl ThI.v l".c Mi'i.-i In ill. i I.r . use l I'lams' farri..' ." 'I in- . In- M t I i mi I-i!.. lis l'.n.i. . ;,. y,i;,i,- -miot T.,1" . . IV i ,, , . Tuur.-t Mary (lard.'ii Ta!" I'b V ,., Mivi" f,.,i ft,-.,,., u 1 1 , i , .' i'.t..,r In,. ' Tr.1.' . .I'L- ,., ,., , .)t,i. r t,. I'trthorbl Tn.. Mi '... I. r til,' , w h l:i ,. ',, I...-. I:'. : ic I'll-lC'lt Al Il.l MIM. . Hi f,.. i,,,v ., f, ,. ' r""" , I'1'' .Mart "i .'.I .Ion I'nw der' '. , rniM'n fttn. I "" M iiv il .! n n !' if. tit ". .k Si 1". i'"w.ii.r , ipt,' i , ,,i ., i ti,- , ifif... .. . . r,:,. '' ; '.,'ili'nt T,,.,.i, ,. . I I, ',. i.. i'jc '" S,.:i., ': f.r . .. .:. ! 1 ii I . . -1 . 1 1 i ' 1 1 a tl i . . 2.1c I'J.- 'in i l'-r fume : oTi' 1 ""in . . . :',!!,' Swe l in, h-i l.-ifiin." . .. Mi for Whit f.llac rfftn . . . Mona jan rrfuni . . . Virginia Una lerfun, . l.lty of the Valley Pelflll Ideal rink rerfunie Willi It (e I'erfuine . . . Arbuttia I'erfumn I tat It a Sw t Meiitlinbiturii . .', ' .' , .' . . . Meiithnlnitini t'utex l'oltvh . . . . '. terpen lllh Tnbleta. S n iiiutinH ii hi, Tablet . .lereen s Cold freHin NohMpI It. Iaoi, Tom it I'aVl ' Itr. I.yon a Tooth 'w,i,,r' . T. .oil, llrtinhea Hind Honey and Almond rtemtoln nnrt AltnmiJ ... :lmn ( VM f renin ........ Clriio Tlsu liulhler . Milkweed f ream . . . M try . tiller N,,i p0i'i,n' ' M iry Culler Nail Polish I- Iv t idnra lit (Jood Toilet Water ( Toiht Wnler Atoinlaera ' 'Vliivts Toilet Wit fair liter Km I'owiler 1 1 ier K 1 'owi,ior 1 '.' I: I lorln KoiiKe li.irui I. In Sticks Spoi Vi liH Powder Puff n . i r i ti pt p'toillt.l roffee Into a but ,.-1 1,'MIHK It boll The 1 1 ' .1 Ul If f lot i d ihrouKh larKn sack. Tltr pot lit. .17c . 2"m- ii' .1.' I lb Hit- I III' t "c llc ,( S'tc Site ID,' ,' f7c ki' .-.p.- Si 4 7o 10,' I In Main Flotir SHE SUFFERED FIVE YEARS :inUy Restorexl lo Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Kv Vft, Fl. "For fiv yr 1 ullcreil from irrcirulanties, with ter rible iairi nd r awful Wfakne in my liack. The tlm'" Uir Kve m diir ernl iiitKlicines but Uieydtd me no (fund. A friend ke) afeit try l.ydia K. I'ink ham' VvKctabl t'ompnund nd I f.iun.J it to be th ' I uist Scat meilieine i rvei Iried lif emit it made rti" well, nri 1 rn now du in v telling my friendi M. ( AyiiH. 7Jt -oii!!!iililiiililillllnl y .( vitpteorork. I am rhout it " Mm. J tip. line M , Key W eat, t londii. Mnriv women rt some iit-riml in theit lif.. tiller fnun ailment peculiar to theii " nn I which in most caea nioy l ri-rt li'y relieved hv this ffimmi nsd m! i..r(, ini'iiii-ine, l.ydia K. i'inkliam't efetfllil,' Compound juat Mril. sin it found it hi'lpoii her fter suffer "C f .r year and trying everything e! 11 Vlvlll If v "J hv any annoyine cytnptnn.i po'i ( to understand, write. Lyili I. I'mklittm M.-linii" Lynn, M. Die result of tbeir 40 year exiierienri; ! t Sli lltvui! 'utter llttitr. l-'lve nr an people cutiinc liread till of the tune Bounds xn-Krat"d, en for a lare crowd of eater, but I lml ia what Mr. I'lrken aiv will be neceasary. The itemand of the oe casii.n will ba ah. nit ev-ii hundreil li.iiii-i i, inesl l'"lve hundred pound nf bacon will be th probable quota for breakfast, when that Item la used In plain ft ham snd "UK" lUi-i'ii will be cooked on bis; 26-f.mi rans-a. nainir th tup of tb aiovea ittid th oten to bunt. Speaking of , tin 1 1. w ill be :;". but thi y-wlll b" ai ramble l eetr I'or n ninny people In l,e hot . 1 . 1 pritmpt ly. It I" nut nf the iiies(ion In bull, fry or poach i i-fs W lfb liiirn use pitrip. Iiowevt, tK (-'ii be sera tnl'li-d and aerved hoi V.iriiiy will be furnished by lb" Ir. i rmli, i ion at a meal or two of fish Instead nf meal Mr I'u ken l.nfeis red anapper for thl" emer ticncv. Inn If Mil" cannot be secured I river catfish onuhl he subtltii,p.i. 1'ish. be auv I alw-ity wwleoms on tile bill nf far" bv th teternnn. I Help hi Mi icitrup will comprise I about two liiindre.l people, divided i, follows: Walters, IM). cook, H. diehwiirhrrs, 10; pantry helpers I'll veiel.thl" cimk. 1. 1 firemen, ; lvr puniry tin I. I": tlmekpi'tier. 1; heait waiier, Ii coniinlssary clerks, I. Iliptt't Vsixiil' frowil Hi-re. Tt Is n matter of pculat!on to the number of old soldier Ibis ramp will be ctlled on to feed. However, those men now In Tulsa who have had miii It experience In reunion work, are soemliiKly convince, 1 that the crowd t Tulsa will be much Ilk those nf l.lttle Hoik, flint lanoosa and Jacksonville At the first meal In Little Hook Mr. I'll ken fed near ly lo.iim) men, and the number liiifilT around that figure the whole three ila A total of 4.1. ;n0 meals was served' st tli" ('b.itt .mot,-, re union In 1511 In 10 14, down fit J.ii k .nm 11 In. Kin., about the same number of meal was served during the three days. Tb very lowest e I,, -i, Ihiti iiiivlmily make nf the number nf meals tn be served at I.i around ILOOd a day. or nrlfl for the week It may tu fur bevnnd that number. TbU rniin I'll ker i bat record for feeding big i row, Is. It Inn entered lo em ilinplneritt of Mi ilriind Army nf 11m Itepubllc. the rut iIot.-iI i'..ii en r In n nf the Wooil rtirn of tli World, nnd runny more i.iiK" i -it, "iiim!, nil over Ih coun try Wln-ii the Tulsa reunion hoiikM I. Is service f.,r Mil meeting, "t- t'h l . o, t :, (loviri at f oliliTibla. fl. C, noting a steward for the . , !i crii i act Inir firm 111 111" I tuted States, nr aged at can tor. ii. em ti, nth ling for ;he war lie parlriieiit 11 was i 1 1 It son i ulrv Mint Mr I n kens got loiiuh nf sixty t'avs tn corn- to Tlll.t for ih reunion nc anion W hen his work H nt er here be will return f oltiiiibi-i mid remime bis work City Briefs 11 ll I'll AN IV, Is M-iv nli k Willi tVpllolil fever lit III" bom, , Mil l' ,t' Jasper TIIK Ml'.llT'INil i f th" . i v p. nk board, a. he. Ini". I foi htsi nishl. has t.cen poatponti.l until l i-il r,,'"..l.ti evenitig Set, Till in "in her nf the buutd re out of lb nil. fllAHiilNil f III Kt.TY for eev eral teitr pas!, Jewell 1 1 .n. In son veNteribiy flltsl soil In superior i ion I Tor divorce fiom I'. I. Heiot" They were miiiicl At Knit Won It. leu. is. un November In. IUI.'. and have dim child IH'SINl'HH AllufNIt Mm mr ring lice ns., ili-parl miint hit th but mm veal ei day, tlteie being only one Ineite.l. Tills went lo ll II latw ren . age, I '.''l, a ml I net Wllllaina ncd 2 I. Imlli of 1 ulna. I Ai i'l Ut 1 M M 1 to Information filed In lbs JUHiue i ouit of John J. Huiclt, ' lleolsi, Perrtniao 1 a,'cuse,l ,,f coin-' in 1 1 1 1 1 iK iiNsitult ami battel y on hi wife, Sitiah Pert man. The offense I h IIi-kiiI to ban, uci urt ed on Ail K II "a I 3 . TIIK I'dUi'K ItK.PAItTMKNT was notified by thn chief Tllllraday lo kei(1 g lookout fur A J. Hcmt of Term HaWte, I rt it . wbu disappeared from that illy on May 23. II" waa In lite rial estate biiatiienM there and when last seen was In a Kurd auto mobile, with which It la iroppnaed hit drova away from Unit city. I'K.TlTlUN W AH fllesl In district rotirt yesterday eftri niioli asking Mint an Injuinlion be lnsue, against Ilin llsneuu biilldiHK' al the turner of Klrsl and Main. Tb petition la directed mot espe. inlly at lha loom occtipteil by William llaber over lb 1 11 k Mug restaurant (Irani I'll k tiieft on, city policeman, signed the petition, he having made certain illti-nverles Indicating lhat lliptor i tni handled at Ih placo described. I t. J. Mi Nt'I.TV. commissioner of sties-ts and l.M 1. 1 1 propailt, ha Is sued oiileiif to all office, t-itniieM-tad W illi lua depar triierit lo arrest driver of witgnii who spill chat and other building material on the street of tb city. An ordlnsnce of recent date makes It a iniaderrieanor to last's, broken glass upon the streets Ths minimum fine for tbU offense su plat ad at I Ion. - - I - MAINTAINING 111 greatest ore, y an to how and why It occurred. nailer Holmes appeared al Ih of flc of the c, unity attorney yester day and filed Infui niallou- against John rlhlpley, rliarglng him With as sault and battery. Th (as will come liefor Justlc John J. Hlek Th Inforriiatlon atatea that Holm wa hit on th head with a chain nd. Judging from external appear- a nets, something had happened to Iiim. Tha assault 'is said tu hav oc. otirrad yesterday morning. I Al.I.F.HlNU CIUM-11, and Inhaman It eatuirnt, a well as fallur tu sup port her, Pees Hath yesterday filed suit In district court asking for (II- vnrcs fiiini flarke Path. Petition plates that they were married at Istmar, Col, March 10, 1H5, and that titers are n children. It I atuted In lha petition lhat there la houshuld furnlltir to th value of I Hi) il In their hoin at sun riouth fin. flnfiatl, that Mr. Path owns 15.000 worth of stock In lb (quality laiin dry and lhat ha has 1 1 ,0(10 worth of sim'k In the I'owell-Mahsn Manufac turing company, Mrs Hatha atate Mist. In or. Ier to make her living she has heen forced to keep rflomer. 1'lvorce, piHssesslun nf the household good, all uf the storks owned by Hatha. IIS0 a month alimony and ilb for attorney' fees are skt. AI.I.KOINU THAT hi client "Lacked up" on a real estat deal In whlrh b in ted as broker, P. M. Thomas yesterdiiy filed suit In su perior court for the cullerilon of i ommlaslnn amounting tu MOO Thomas alleges that h undertook ut n dais not mentioned In tha peti tion to sell certain country res. I es tate for I'. (I. Kdwards, so as to net Mr. Kdwards ll.dno after all coat of abaliaot of title and war- lanty deed wr dlspoaed of The deal went along merrily and Thomas found a buyer willing tu pay $4,000, he atate. Then the warranty deed was eut to K.dwaril for Ills signs- lur. which wa refused. tin thl ground, Thomas hel'.eves h Is enti tled to his commission of 1 400. It ROADWAY. Tit I'lve. Merry Maids appear In the feature act at th Itroadway starting yesterday and those who attended th" performance declr thl to b one of the classiest Instru ments! anil voesl musli-nl acl of th aenMon. If Is a rent mtiHh'ftl treat. Trlxlii and ' ir'acle sr seen In a clever singing. dnm-lrig. acrobatic Slid chung of costnni sit that has many decided new fentllle. As blai kfar comedian James an.1 .lame have it line of clvr song and talk. They have sum" splendid gut: iiri.l ragtime oimi sour Tb darning Ilalc feature hard-shoe dani lug and ns novelty plnv a tune with (he r foot on snare drums p.iitler nml lib hey sr heard In splendid sinring nnd talking with a 1,1 r of poetrv thrown In for good measure Ths pictures Include a photoplay featuring Sales at Vandevers No phone (inlfra Imur milo items cannot lie nent '. ). IL- tin rhnrft'is, (.hop !y the chock for articles jfo on rale pmrnpt ly. 0- 111 "Salt or til" flso a e. i- stone t.T Half" nnd ' Mat y'a I'ratne I I egiry Adams llarth " Ther la corn edy. "Hi Pet a Htrittnt comeily. Not lit'. To ALT. member of TuKi loiinty home guard The county horn guard, both aHlvn and snper- dlffl-Ltj, irner try, will repoit for duty nt a. fur- i J't p in. nr win armory on Aiigum Id i ( rbl ay I No nbsi-nce with leave will be given until affer a enrnpitriy Inppec tlon b" intitle, py order nf L .1 K. HOfiNKY. tup I. Cotnniandln. Tan all h Hour Sale, 9 Until 10 a. m. Women' Hose, 14c uiil.v; v" Hill fa.'ilii.nicil hoM,,; practically zex. Regular ,r,t)c. Hour Sale, 10 Until 11 a. m. Girl' Percale Bloomer., 35c I'ink and J'.lue ; jfnod tniality niatrrial; nhvn to ll year. Jlrgular 75c. Hour Sale, 1 1 a. m. Until 12 Noon Children's Gingham Dresses, 69c Plaids and utripcf ; pxtra jyood quality; asros 4 to 0 years. Regular ll.M). I Hour Sale, 1 Until 2 p. m. ' .' 1 Sheffield Vases, 29c 9-inch high blown glass, Inlaid with Sheffield ail ver. Regular 7fic vases. Main Floor. Hour Sale, 2 Until S p. m. 20 Children's Straw Hats, 95c Light and dark colors. Extra good quality straw. Values 3 to $10. Hour Sale, 3 Until 4 p. m. Misses and Children's Summer Dresses, $2.95 Regular $4 to $17.50. Made of Linen and Llnene. White only. This season's styles, but alightly soiled. Sizes G to 14 years. Hour SaU, 4 Until 5 p.m. Job Lot Summer Wash Goods, 19c Including Taffeta Poplins in plaids, and Tissue ( (lingham, plaids, and stripes; plain and fancy Lawns and Klaxons. Regular up to 75c. i ,. i K.antiukn Itrtsirdesl. T. lAiLTH, Aug. Is Th seis mograph t the Hi Ixiula unlversl'y tndsy between Till 41 and 10 01 a. in. recorded 13 sever a'rthquak shocks, apparsntljr I 400 mils north west of thl city- It ws tlmaisd that th irsnion may hav been In th neighborhood of th Alsullia laland. l- s r' '" 1 ' pV tm, pound. rssOipr - to SSI grtnj U The ricli aroma and full flavor of Intcr-Stato CoflctJ Is fast findlnft favor with coffee critics and con sumers generally, who have formerly paid a high price for coffee satisfac tion. Th6 first cup is convincing the price means a saving. 25c ths I rcsh roasted. Your Grocer Sells ltk 14 tViisrsn at Tn ltTss HrtT-s Osorsa Co., Jests, lltaaesmi nssseeereip WeS'lp.liiiwi swesrps cwtd&euia, li (viinf women ou this ul)jocl u all tour serviio. , j ullh th" i i.nlrn tors, who li.-tve "V- itliWultviiin-iirftliMiiet iiifin eral tluMmand in In th"ir employ ysvyi(v-4irS eaajlW,1sWeJayrsi