Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1918. MANY RUSS TOWNS ARE WON BY ALLIES Americana, British, HiikhIuii and French Making Rapid Headway on Uoih Hunk of I lnu. COAL FIELDS ARE SEIZED Capture of Kplurx-rgrn Will Prove of Much Value to Archangel .oy crnntrol; Will Aid Cwclia. By Th. Aitorltttd Prtt. ARCHANGEL, Mnnrlay, Kept. 30. American. UrIIJah, Russian and French troopa today occupy vitiate un both banka of thb Dvlna rivrr 10 a point 126 mile north of Kotlas In the government of Vologda. They have advanced 75 mile in the last two week and they now am about 3TS nillca southeast of Archangel The Sixty-Six "Boston" Stores Sell for Less Because They Can . "Why do downstairs etorea ask high prices for apparently the same kind of footwear that I have seen in your ahop ? " "Why do you ask low er prices for apparently the same kind of footwear that I have Been In the Vdownataira stores?" Come up we will give you the answer in a very few words. rpatalra Hlorre In 49 Cltlee Boston Shoe. Shop inc. 320V SOUTH MAIN 18T AI1W OVER WOOliWOIlTH'8 More that go in our great-October sale. While our fifteen stores have been crowded full of buyers for the past two weeks, this sale is only getting under good headway and will be in full force and effect every day in October. There will be new bargains every week and you had better watch out for them. Buy your new fall Dry Goods, Buankets, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Clothing, Fur nishings, Shoes and Hats during this great October sale and you will buy them right. The following prices are good for this week and next. Read and save money: A Carload Flneat Colorado Eating rota lore Per peck (li pound) o Pr buhel (10 pound) tl-73 5,000 Pounds Beet Cabbage, nice solid heads Per pound 3lr Per hundred s 5 100 Picnic Hams Nicely moked and of very fine flavor,'1 ) n cheaper than salt pork, per pound Navy Beans Best hand-picked grade 1- AA I pounda for iDltlU 1,000 Pairs Men' extra heavy blue overalls; all OQ alxe DAOi7 3,000 Yards Good Outing Klannel; while and blue pink Men's Fall Suits. Hundred to select from at u avlnc of from ZT $14.50 to S24.00 Boys' Stylish Suits At away below regular flQ QC clothing tore prices, i prices, fOKttOU XncrSccorii Dim The nwr Is blocked further south j is ny ntilKlieviKl mines arm wrf which Imvn beet, sunk Ui the i' ha n -riel. I'l Hiu Viiitii river, howeyei, prog. rc In u imliht i ui ti-.l und Am"i lea riB urn ttinmiK thi' forces upylng the important town nf Shrnkwrsk. The Aurora boresllH is already flaming Iti Mm northern any. Ill their advance t j the I'vina thi' land forces have mot Willi urtu ii y no rislslanrc i-.iici. i i . n 1 1 i '.'I. when tlx A n i lean wu kiIi''c " d to he ivy in.ii iiiiiii K'iii f.i'i fur five liotitH tit Hilthkii. . North of Kei iieancska va. which U near Mm confluence of l tin Dvlna and i iIvi-ih. villages had r ' been nuilislcd by Un- Ic'li hrviki in their flight from Archangel. This f It-f so ant linn I h'y diil not sicep anywhere, until Mm .Moscow author. 1 1 icn halted them at Hoi i nnoska va with an Imperative demand to make Hltllul Village NHIllh llf lllilt poll. I uffcred heavily. Execution uml iloiiredallons wire roinniiitod then-. iitnl when the- h I i if h aimed tln ! wire given ii hi'. illy welcome. ; Thn I.oIkIici il.l took from Arch angel. Hi'' I" "'. fat Mis.disippl - j llf pllKHI'IIKIT hliHlH. leaving the III- II. n un iiM i nllpciiiin of i i.ift which j Mlaied Kidakln Hoot In pearl and dark dray., taupe, fleldmouae and dark brown. Long-, graceful vamp, pretty covered Louie hoeli with hand turned aolca. All alxea; width AA to D Hot Women' good eeamlena black . Hundred of putr warm blanket -"i" "" j " 1 -fl V 58.95 r.eautlful plu.sli, vel vet und cloth coat; Tailored Suits and Dresses Latent New Tork styles In best material-- $14.75 to $37.50 Silk IClrirttnt Htylea In splen did quality kIIK.h ... 19c In black fancle . und Hundred newest styles . 0?Q Cft tyUt Brothers lap Buy 4th I. dug I'.plcndld service. uic.iIukI Ihn fiinlnr w ..i I In t'Oiiini.Hid "f "in enemy. i.HiN, Mil 2. Wry muivv ciihiiiilli.i h wore, Inflicted mi the bolshevik troops hy Mm entente fop i s when thy ra pi hi cd I s bun-I t n nk,ia In northern European huskm (September ;:n, ic cording i " "'" i fil ial Hiiiii'iii nt issued lo'l.iy hy the 1 war office. Thn tow whi'h Imd In , 1 1 Inn c I ' I .1.1 ! I' '''' (.' h'.Nhe i v ik i. per. Hi'. ii i iii K..reii;i, h.i'l hei-n IfiiMifird uliJer i.eriiiati huiiervtiti'.ii WAS'llfMi'P'N. "cl. 2 The i-fluie .if (iil.lniKi,ii the r.iltmli I .f fxpeflrtl lit-1 f to prm c nf gifat ii'o.lMUncf In the Kiiamnri K-'ivern-im m nf thn imrlh t An haiiKi'l A i hiTl Ii.ih- in: u ri i hninir r m.iili: in xh.i'ixiivf f x.iinlriiitniti nf the ".ml mill niher ilfpohitH In HpiU .iik"ii and It w.m ImK'-ly due I" tun up. hi Mint lh ItMtmli expe'lllifin, wlinhf an. rw linw Is ri porlr'l, wan iiicli i t i kf ii II Is .iln'i llmiiiflK lifrn Mint nccii nf tspitlif i uf ii iniiy ii'Miill I" HtdppliiK thi- prupiwi'il wlMidr.iwiit of Hi.' ' '. liuSlns .ik IrniipM fiiim Ihf VnlKit frimt, a innveiiiiiit hnn I.. .-I, c.inifiiipliite.l Tur H'uiif. wefkN With ihf Hilled trniipH drlvinic rap l.llv null lif.ixt frimi A rclimiKfl, It h hilifVfil they will tie nuori lil to effect ii Junction with Mm i'.echii mi th Vol.'- COTTON GINNINGS SHOW ADVANCE IN SEPTEMBER WAHIIIN'lT'iV, Mi t. 3 (iittori glnrmd prior to f-fpti'inhrr 2 '. amounted to .1.7 1 9.9 1 r. luilm, fount -Inn round nn half l-.ilfH und Includ ing I7.'0D round balea mut " x I I hales of Hia laland cotton, I ho cen ana bureau toilay aniinuiiif'l Thf Oklaliunia tnnlniare l,'i3.t'Jj MI'-h. (llnninsa IiihI year to Sf pti' H'liuiintfd to :,51.6'.8 tinlca. In. Iml Ing HI) . 5 1 0 round liulea ami 1 ' . -T 1 hair of Hca Inlnn'1; In 1 1 lo Hi.ii date glnnlUKH wrre 4.HHI.9S9 hilm. Including; t 4 . 8 f 5 round tmlfs uml 3 I . J 6 1 lialeii of Hra Uhuid WOULD HAVE M'ADOO MOVE TO CENTRAL RAIL LOCATION WAaillNCTOcf, Oct. 2 Hi-pre-aentatlve (llllrtt nf MaHhachunftta, uctlnR repuhllcan leader, apfaklnK In the hnuae Inilay, advocated re mnviil nf the railroad itdmlnlntrutlnn from WnahlnKton lo aome other city. Wanhlimton Ih not a rallrnail cen ter, Mr. Olllett aritued, und he mild while nirectnr (leneral McAdno doea a great deal of valuable work In admlnlaterlng railroad affairs, much of hi work I pectiiculiir. COAL iv c:aii mth ok my Tin; WAI.ON lOAO Delivered Any J'luce Immediately. Albert Coal Mining Co. Phone 1073 I'hono or (all SIS W. Kaelnn Mces Hosiery Bargains 19c Men' black and fancle . , 18c Blanket Sale fine nt . . $2.95 to $8.45 Ladies' Fine Coats $12.50 to $49.50 Shirt Waists $2.95 to $7.45 New Silk Skirts S6.45 to $12.50 Fashionable Millinery of beautiful trimmed hats, verv $2.95 to $8.45 Liberty Loan Bonds RoijpHonor WAWIIl.'.'tiTu.N. (icL 2.- The "l urii reported by Iowiiik i .iMii;ilten mmaiidiiiK' K"iierl nf the. Anierlcin e xpeilitlonary force: KilliiJ In iiclinn. U2; minting In ii'iioii. :! woiinilid HfVerely. 110. I if .1 from wounds, 14; died of HI- i a; , I . T .'a I. 'iUu. ikliiliiiiiiaint In I .It l. Killed HI itf (lull hiiifl. .Iiiiii.'h I' Wilkeraon, Hinder. rrKiil'ti: '"h.irlea C. Ilayhllp, Wade, r'lvnn I" liiiitmi, I'alrfa. William .1 I'amphfll, I'aul Valley. Ilit'd of woimdit: Herift Alfred i ' , Hr.'ulley, Hhiiwnee U mill. led iii actlnn: I'l IVIllff. 'i.-niKe I'. Ilflfi'le, Itutler. Iiali I;. MaKoir., Trlhbey. V livil I, n.nlev. I ii 1 1 .1 . Ihivbl Woiibird, 'ink lien . iiiiiii I''. i4jch-H. I ''HI iK.l'e.. I'land ll.iwkiiiM, Ariiiillu. John W l.ifffl. ( hlckaMha. killed In Anion. SerjfeiinlH: Im Frank Anto'ak. I'telrnil. Mull. Atlfilph Cuehl. Ilrooklvn. N. V Itayinond K Mill, l-sliind 'lty, .V. V i 'or poi a In lltliniir .1. I'.fhn ntz. Jr , I'hlciigo. John I", I'lvnn. ('oniifiiiiivllle, 'a. John !; ililmer. I'eninil I'lty. Neb. Harry Kvan. Joiiim I'levebind, l''iank KowalUnwHkl. I'rlmnme. I'll. John l Mci Melliinil, WanhlnKton. I'a. I 'healer I! ItalliMev, Wltiobf. I'a. Aiotiin T. ItobliiHnn, HeiiconH. N. Y. lluKler Joseph Milini'iie. unnwuy, Mich. I 'onk - Hubert K ' Hhooli, Verbank N'Wuge, N V I'rlMiie John Willi.i'ui AdaniH, intonoirnn. Mli h , MuiMeppi Anconiii. Iluffalo. N. Y., I! Alui.nil. (iinlM.lf n, Ala. I'Mot'il I ' llelibl'oo k. Wbleman. Ark. I 'rank I 'Iih i Iche II I. Hockford. 111. IVitrlck I'lark, I'lilliidi'lphlii. I'a. Kfiiben I",. IiuvIm, HlKhpnlnt. N. .'. l inn et ! I leek, HnrkliiK. Neh. Ai.diew Mimleavy. New York, N. Y. Irfullo li, I'-ewell, TutneiH Station. Ky. JatiiH Kolliart, Jr.. ftrooklyn. N. Y. Manuel N. tiullegn. Centrul, N. M. fhurlea A. I lamer, Kt. Wkum, N. M. 'ieorKe W, llaah, New York, N. Y. Charlea A. Meary, Ney York. N. Y. I'harle C. derrnalne, (llencove, City, N. Y. John tirny. New York, N. Y. Jumea It Mickey. I'almyrn, N. Y. I .en V. IliKKln, Eat Hockuway, N. Wiildenuir t'. Johnnon, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hurry Vern l.nbar, Tllo. Mich. Wlllliim Uialey. Hpeedwell. Tenn. Harry I.lnnka, Mt. Airy. I'a. I'aitlmlr Mnewakl, Chicago. William r. I.owery, t'ana. N. William Million, Concoume. N. Y. Kdward K. MarHhall, Washington, I'a. Lincoln T), Murl. Koryth, Mont. Homer I.. Nlklrk, Illiiomlngton. Tnd. Jame M I'erclval, Hrooklyn, N. Y. Mlovannl Tetetrofcl, jrimwood, Ind. John gulnn, tionlKal. Ireland. John 1.. Hheot. Kugar Grove. Vu. K ('. Stecgbaiier. Mnhkoah. W'la. H. H. Htewardaon. Colby, Kan A. Van I'atten. Kayettevllle, N. Y. VV. J. Walter, WanhlnKton, I'a. IkiiiH Wela. Woodbine, Iowa. N. l". .Woomer. Tyrone. I'a. iluy Wren, Middleburg. N. C. Klnier Crowe, Laddmlale, Iowa. William I'rute, l'hlladelplila. I'a. II. A. Cuuimlng. Aurora. Mo. Htephen Curtln, lfti( iHland. N. Y. Joaeph Cucano, Derby. Conn. Keith Pule, Hrldneport, 111. Frank Daley. New York, N T. Jake ramhuk. Hartford. Conn. It. M. Iavl, White Plain, N. Y. Frank J. Dax. Chicago, 111. .Uniee K- Dlnan, I'hlladelphla.- I'a. J. J. Donohue. W. Philadelphia, I'a. Hennl Donovan, Oaslnlng. N. Y. It. L. Kckanl. Taylorevllle. N. C. Carleton Kill. Hrooklyn. N. Y. I-o KtiKlaniler, New York, N. Y. .lame 1). Kardy, Chicago. 111. Carl Farnworth. Litchfield, Neb. Albert Fenton. Heading, Ohio. Ilrvan L. dullaghe,' Now York. N. Y. It a fuel I', llarta, Taylor, Trxa. Walter (I. tlerke, Chicago, III. Antonio tierniano. I'ltteburgh, I'a. .1. It. (loriiiin, Onceola Mills. I'a. K. K. tliinlner. '.lohnaon City. Tcnn. Henry II Hall. Hope Milln. N. C. I'Mward Haul, Diiveiiptiit. Iowa. Charlie C. Hayallp. Wade. Okla. K. W. Ilelmburg, Troy. N. V. ('. M. Ilerhlg. Itidlanapnlln. Ind. Wm. M. Iloiiaer, Keyner, AV. V.i. H. J. llower, Khaniokin, I'a. Don 8. llul'ert. Itedfnrd. Mich. Harry, Hlngtown. Pa. Jnmea M. Knutiton, Hen.ion. Minn, .lame KnnlHtra, Marshall, Mich. Thomas Kunx. St. Ixml. Mo. John Kutla. rncaavllle. Conn. Harry McAlllater. Hrooklyn, N. Y. Died of Wound. Privates: Kugene t'lemente, Tlcondemira, N. Y. John Keppler. Stupleton, N. Y. Timothy Mangnn, Kerry, Irelund. T. Y. Kearns, Lawrence, Kan. K. M. Lnughran, Hrooklvn. N, Y. Attillo Manfredi. Hrooklyn, N. Y. MOTHERf GIVllHILD" "SYRUP OF FIGS" IF TONGUE IS COATED vm . i i-i II Cross, ICVeriSh, SICk, blllOUS,! clean little liver and bowels. hlldren love thi "fruit laxative. 1 nft nothing else cleanses the tender domarh, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not atop play- In to empty lta bowel, and the re sult 1. they become tightly clogned with waste, liver get luggish. stomach, sour, then your little one heroines rroas. half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or eat naturally, brenth is had, system full of cold his sor threat, atnmech-ache diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See or If tongue le eoated. then give a tea- spoonfut of "California Syrup of FIks." and In a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and un digested food passes out of the sys tem and vou have a well, playful child axaln. Millions of mothers give "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" because It Is per fectly harmless; children love It. and It never fails to act on the stomach, liver ant) bowers Ask any druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Fig." which has full direction for babies, chil dren ct all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. He ware nf counterfeit sold here. Get the renulne. mad by "California Fig Syrue Company." Refuse any vther k In) l with contempt. Adv. J. II. Prentice, Fredericksburg. Va. Hugij I). Hchultz, Davenport. Iowa. Norman K. Kcngin, Hateavllle, Mins. Hllmar W. Slelaff. Buckeye, Iowa. I'iiiiI Slier. Kradford, Ohio. Hay W. (Steven, Corydon, Ind. Oflua I'. Kireet, Khelby, N. C Henry Wolaimkl Ituffalo. N. Y. Another List Hhow: Klllifl In Action. Lieulen unts: !L. .1. Lnderle. Jr , New York, N. . Morley (Stewart Mu'eM, .anslng, Mich. KcrgeanUi: John K. Mender. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilbur Harris, Wist Virginia. William 10. McliUKter. New York. Charles H.iIhmIi. Klnon. Wis. W. M. Llewellyn, Nurlh Uruddork. Pa. Jot pora Is: Klva litithr Itruce, Titusvllle. Pa. Clifton M. Cimuy. Philadelphia, Pa. L. It. Collins, Detroit, Mich. K. M. F.rwln. Wallsbui g. N. '. K. Hansnn, like a.-haganion, Wis. .1. P.. Kettering. Cl'iaKo. III. II. L. Tucker, i 'om fird. N. I' Million HIi'hhIiik, Harrison, N. Y. Unaeph A. I'.nyle, Hronklyn, N. V. li. M. Morsi hausei , New 1 ork, N. l. t link : C. A. I'nlenian, Irfingpond, I'a. Privates: Chmles Anidur. Huffajn, N. Y. !. N. Hofldf. Waukaiina, ik Teofil lliel-kl, Anibridg.'. I'a. K. !'. Iliirdetie, Kvansvllle. Ind. John W Causey. Males, Li Dan Cohen, .Milwaukee, Wis I'.fiile L. i 'onnullay. Hvlton, Texas. William Dnle, New Yolk, N. V. Carl .'. iret.ikr. Nasliknro, Wis. W. K. Dri.-Hler. South liend, Ind. J. .1. Parley, W'l Iki'sba rre. Pa. F. I' leininiiii;, .New Yol k. N. Y. Joseph I' reman. Haw ks, ). Claude l llalsey, Itlackwell. Okla. Salm, New York, N Y. Win. '. lleK irty, Nevada City, Cal. Thomas lli'iinn, I'lttsbuiKh, Pa. Charles W. Ilnadley, llradford, I'a. I'.en Hope, I I.icIki c en, Ala. L. H. Soviet, Kaliers llldge. Minn. K. T. Jnyie, Jr. Hrooklyn, N. V. M. P. Ka.lkn.lrf. Mesa. Wash (I. II. Leary. I'nlon Course, N. Y. James McCourt, Johnstown, Pa. C. Mi'Cullnuxli, Haxter Spring. Kan. J. J. MfMloin, N'vw ork. N. Y. Henry Mcliovtati. Hrooklyn, N. Y. Charles A. Mack, New York, N. Y. Thomas .Mourn-) . New York. N. Y. Ldward Katlian. San l-'rnncHco. -Cal. Kriil Luclen .Nichols, C.rienup, III. J. I'arnello. Province Trapanl, Italy. William J. Hyan. New York. N. N. David J. Khleliis. Chester. I'a. John f. Smith. I.ennir, N. C. Paul D. Smith, Columbia, Pa. Daniel Stoever. Lebanon, I'a. Herbert S Turrentlne. Wlnsion-Sa- lem. N C Neal Vail, Phllinlelphla. Pa. Kverharv John Vaneltneren, Nl II " waukee. Wis. Clarence It. Wolfe, Pools. Ind. Anton S. Hliizek. Cleveland, o. Howard W Dnerr. Carnegie, Pa. Frank I.. Ma ldis. Woodland, Wash. Arthur W. Mi-anath, Hrooklyn, N. Y. Kilward C. llovenstinn. Phladelphla. jrence iM-.nanac, Nonesn. Pa. CeorKn Smith Monroe, South Haven, Mich. Carl Mulrain. W'hitlnsville. Mas. Cecil P. Kneads, New Kensington, Pa. Thornton M. Itlce. Necopeck, Pa. Vltn Itosso, Worcester. Mass. Philip Schron, Hrooklyn, N. Y. Tf"nv H. West, Oxford. N. C. William C. Harlow, Ahford, Ala. (if.l M Mender. New York. Joseph Hertx, Chicago. I. 0111S F. ItlonrlKOod. Hrooklyn. N. Y. Peter P. Hrown, Whitman. Mas. Kalph Ferguson. Farmington. III. Sidney Ferrl. Mlasgow. Scotland Clarke It. Ixiwery, Pittsburgh. Pa. Cecil N. Martin, iLawrenceville. 111. Ivan Myers. Columbia Fall. Mont John HaaniUKsen, Mlnot, N. Dak. Theodore Arthur Howie. Clearfield, Pa. Robert D. Shaw. Corry. Pa. Stephen It. Shw., Oshkotth, Neb. Michael Ney Hhoenberger, Fa-ette county. Pa. . Andrew Summa, Punmor. pa. Karl It. Pwansnn, Hancock, Minn. William E. Sutphcn, Valols, N. Y. Oulseppe Trolna, Hrooklyn, N. Y. Jame Webster. Mlddleport. Wash. Meoi ire W. .engcl. East Urand Fork. Minn. John H. Zinpdilnekl, Pltlahurgh, Pa. Died lYom Wounds. Sergeant: Kverett Sleeter Kirk, Wlnnefleld, jk. Albert P. Kuttlg. Ijinrustcr, O. James T. Pavkes, New York, N. V. William W. Wood, Falmouth. Mas. Corporals: Frank H. Hrady. New York. N. Y. William K. Htisoh, Nantlcoke, Pa. Wlnifield O. Jewell. Pocatello, Idaho. Merle Phone. St. Mary Pa. Samuel K. Denpl. St. Jo. Texaa Fred Mahoney, Jr., Troy. N. Y. Bugler: Thnma J. Cochran, Pittman, Ark. Private: Jo. W. Allen. Schenectady, N. Y. " Ceo. C. Chard, New York. N. Y. Thomaa Curtis, Sandusky. Ohio. Will Kvln, Albany, Ala. Cniver King, Terre liaut, Tnd. Hnm Koolatra, Chicago, III. II. K. Kronfleli New York, N. Y. Lee A. MeHrlde, Klk Klver, Minn. John K. Noonnn, Kingston, N. Y. Lee Boss Porter, Angola. Ind. Delbert Riley, Florenceburg, Ky. Frank Arenok. Buffalo N. Y. Joseph Haxinskl, Lynn, Mass. Kdward J. Hell. Hrooklyn. N. Y. Kenneth ti. Itugluss, Portage, Wis. Isaac U Ciuttleberry, Moulire, (Ja. William L. Pavls. Winchester, Kan. Warren J. Decker, Philadelphia. Pa. Henry M. Kills. Beverly, Mass. Joseph Fernandez, Sacramento, Cal. Carcie H. (.Unions, Redfleld, Iowa. Henry Y. Maxwell, Angullla. Misa. lli-nrv ivmer. r oi esi i in, ill. Alf Hherge. Manchester. N. H. llarrv V. Tyler, Milton, Mass. Huron Ppchurch, Linevllle Ala. tieorge P. Weden, Milwaukee, Wis. Dbtl From Dlsraac. Corporal : Albei t K. Stelzer, Celina. Texas. Wagoner: Harvey Dunne Black, Bath, Mich. Privates : Wm. Sheridan F-aggx, Minnng, Wis. Leon Pullolla. Cleveland, Ohio. Peter John Stathls. New York. N. Y. F. M. Stephenson, Meridian, Miss. J. H Copeland. F.lffrlngham. S. C. Patrick J. Cullen, Jersey City, N. J. i I Kdward Fai rell, Hartford, Conn. Samuel J. Malone. Greenville, Tent Leonlilns Taylor. Reliance, Tenn. Plod lm Alrpluno Accident. Lieutenant : Stephen T. Webster, Augusta, Maine. Dlcsl From Accident and Other Causes. Corporals: Carl Lee Colvln, Breckenrlflge, Mo. Frnnk M. Mi.:iieh, Jollet, III. Privates: A. J. Huffuiu. Pawtucket. R. I. Frank J. Pencil, New Y'ork. N. Y. Frank Mllewskl, Chicago, III. Raymond Hagamann: Chicago, III. William A. Jones, Johnstown, Pa. 4 Another list shows: Killed In i action, r.2 I wounded, 1 iotai i. ; mitiunir In action degree undetermined, Smartly ti Tailored Fall SUITS ton 1 1 IP II 1 $29.75 ($15 Valuce) Hanilsnniely styled type in fine quality men's wear serge. These suits come In navy blue und black only and lire beauti fully trimmed In military braid and but tons. Belted all around. The coats, which have four pockets, are made In the new straight line effect ami are 33 Inches long, guaranteed Liberty satin lining being used throughout. The skirt have slash pocket and are gathered at belt. All sizes 1 to 46. Regular $4ft value. Special for three dOfi day Millinery Specials For Three Days IQ r A $5.98 Values at DO.JU Rich looking Street Hats, the brims of which are fashioned from fine quality velvet, while the crown are of hatter' plush. These come in color combination of red and black, taupe and black, copen and solid black. Hutu worth 15.98. Special for three day, each . . . Up to $15 Values, $7.50 i ' One assortment of distinctive pattern hat that sound the keynote of fashion. These are Gold Medal and LKO brand hat and come In Panne velvet, silk velvet and Lyon velvet; also beaver and hatter' plush in 'all the new fall shade. The trimmings art pon pons, bands, aigrettes, wing and Movers. Hat worth flu, $12. Special for three duy choice LEWKOWITZ - IPSTAIUS GARMENT STORK SECOND FLOOR ROBINSON BUILDING THIRD AND MAIN TAKK F.LKVATOR Killed In Action. Sgt Wm. S. Cannon, Philadelphia. Corporals: Frank Crist, Hillsdale. Pa. Seth J. Halper. Jollet, 111. Max Hlrshovltx, Boston. Mas. John A. Holme. Corapolls. Pa. Kverett II. Johnson, Blackwater, Mo. Private: Wm. V. Hrophy. Waterbury. Conn. George Kvans, Belt, Mont. Joseph V. Favalaro. Glufsport. Pa. Warren V. Grave. Philadelphia. Walter E. Gude, Lacon, HI. T. L. Lee, Humble. Texas. Henry A. Phlppin, St. Cloud. Wi. Eudokm 8hulak, Yanvobrn, State of Horndno, Russia. John Signrolla. Prov. PI Cosenta Amenta, Italy. Clyde R. Kuntz, Big Run. Pa. R. A. Larson, National Mine, Mich. Lonnle M. Lewis, Krln. Tenn. Alexander Linde, Lodi, Cal. RobtA. McPhail, Jonesboro. N. C. Jame W. Madden. Hrooklyn. N. Y. Raymond Maloney. Philadelphia. Harry A. Marto. New York, N. Y. Arthur Mayer. Brooklyn, N. Y. Albrt Mead. Baltimore. Md. Charles E. Menxke, Belleville, 111. Albert H. Michael, Hudson, ti. P. Klmer K. Mikesell. Homer ity. I a. Clarence Miller, Erhsrd, Minn. Vellx A. Miller DUnner, ii-ii. Mocer F. Minogue, New York K. t- John K. Moyer. Portage, Pa. R. T. Needel, Chicago, 111. t.--ai VfviM. Brooklyn. N. Y. n M O'Connell, Rockaway Beach, John J. O Hnra. New York, N. Y. Emory It Osborn. Montgomery. N.Y, George Osten, Toledo. Ohio. Carl E. Otto. latke Mills. Iowa. James Paull. Milwaukee. Wis. D C. Poplin. Charlotte, N. C. J. T. Prather. Indianapolis, Ind. Geo. T. Record. Wayvllle, N. Y. John Rice, Manhasset, N. Y. lke.1. Kigsbee. Durham, N. C. L. J. Robinson. Gary. W. Va. Joseph V.. Roscoe. Osborne, N. C. Luther W. Russell, Ebony. Texas. Frank Saladlno, Gary, Ind. Herman Schindler, New York. JC. Y, Alfred Schneider, Hrooklyn. N. Y. THE PALACE CAFE "A NICE PLACE TO EAT Dancing Every Night 9 to 12 Basement of New Wright Bldg. Next to Post Office : ( . : Lewkowitz Announces a Startling Three-Day Sale WOMEN'S NEW SUITS, COATS and MILLINERY Today, Friday and Saturday The tremendous increase in the cost of ma terials, labor and all that goes toward the making of women's apparel has prompted us to anticipate our requirements on a large scale, and we are able to present very un usual values for those who buy NOW. Quality GOATS in Plush and Cloth &&U,tO $25 ($37.50 Values) Sty 111 h creation in Coat for women and misses, that posses all the features ao much sought after thin sea son. Diagonal velours and burella cloth In colors' of brown, gray and navy, with collars of beaver or kit kat fur. black and $3.50 These coats have button and buckle trimmed belta Borne are full lined, while others are lined to the wals; only. Included in this collection are genuine silk seal plush coat, beautifully fur trlmmfd, and pony and plush combination trimmed with Chase's beaver. Like the cloth coats they are full lined with Liberty satin lining. Sixes 16 to 44. Not a coat In the assortment 50 and $16. $7.50 worth less than $37.50. for three day ut, each . . Jo. V. Schuler, Dubuque, Iowa. Wallace K. Searles, Swain. N. Y, John Hlblles. Chicago, HI. John W. Sidwell, Brownstown. III. Arthur L. Smith. Waukegan, III. H. G. Summerfleld, Pittsburgh. Pa. Albert A. Waton, Colwn, Pa. Ray Weekley, Shirley, W. Va. Morris Weschner, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oliver E. Wright. Pittsburgh, Pa. Dlrxl of Wounds. Sergeants: M. L. O'Malley. John M Paden Corporals: Superior, Wis. Wayncsburg, Pa. Earl U. McVey, Mansfield, Ernest Phillips. McDonald, Ohio, ra. , Private: James A. Benlschek, Chicago, 111. COTTON ESTIMATES ARE CLOSE TO 12,000,000 BALES WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. This year' Cotton crop waa estimated at 11.818.000 equivalent 600-pound bale by the department of agricul ture today, basing its estimate on the condition of the crop on Sep tember 25, which was 54.4 per cent of a normal and which forecasts a yield of 154.1 pounds to the acre. A loss of Indicated production amounting to J.iOtj.uuo bales was. shown by the July 25 report. A still heavier loss from weather conditions during July, amounted to 2,482,000 bales. The early estimate of produc. tion was reduced to 11,317,000 bales at the end of August. . Today' estimate, based on condi tions existing September 2, com pares with 1 1.302.375 bales produced last year: 1 1,449,930 two years ago. 11,191,820 three years ago and It, 134.930 four year ago. The condition of the crop on Au gust 25 was 55.7 per cent of normal, the lowest on record for that date. Last yeur, September 25 It was 60.4 per cent of normal; two years ago It was 56.3 and the average on Sep tember 25 for the last ten years 65 per cent. This year' indicated acre yield compare with 169.7 pounds last year 4 They go on sale $25.00 and 179.6 pounds, the average of the last ten year. Tho final estimate of the year production will be made In De cember. Capital School Closed. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. Wash ington public schools were closed to day because of the rapid spread of Spanish Influenza. More than 3,00a teachors and pupil already had been dismissed for observation. Consult DR. ST0TTS Formerly Practicing Physi cian of Hot Springs, Ark ansa about ii 60 6 99 (SAIA'ARSAN) Treatment For Blood Poison DR. STOTTS treatsNERVE, BLOOD and Skin Disease, . S t r I c tu re, Pile Fistula, Kid ney, Bladder and L'rlnary Diseases nnd all Chronic and Private Diseases of Men and Women. 210 Richard Building Tulsa. Okla. (Third St. and Boston Ave.) Offlco hours, daily, from 9 a. m. lo 5:30 p. m. Tuesday and Saturday Even ings 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Free Consultation and Advice to All. Rouleau Millinery Formerly 106 South Main New Location 122 South Main NAPOLEON QNCE SAID Foettor. Artaj Ii An Army Hlf T fcitd Men in Trslnlni C.tnpi. is C.n. toim.nts. in th Arm and Strj tutt'i frota blliters and Mr. nnit on tbctr feel. Kvrr "Comfort Kit" inould cnlstn on. or nor. bono A'l'i'i Foot th antiseptic powder to into th. .hoe. It fraiti.nt th. tired, sehjoir. .m.rtinf and btiitert nnd tor. tpoti. Tbt Plttttbnrgh Ctmp Mtnonl trlvite men ia trtinint lo mtkt it.ilj at. of Tool 1 Bold .Ttrwnort. iit. 1 O i