OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, October 16, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1918-10-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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Roxan& and Pan-
L American Com
axiuoiu-a auATGaT mwim
VOL XIV, NO. 23.
Optimistic Turn But
Many Children
... nuniro nnr oif-iy
MAINY brtDiLo "ixl o.uv
School Children Seem
Now to Be Worst
But Many Things Are Badly
Needed to Make
for Comfort.
Hot Morrow
( inelnnail.
Mr, skinner,
Vvrtlo lewis
HKC :. U' South
South nut Ii u -Mckrc,
Mgc 2,
Mr. '. tl. Vtooloy,
I Hulls-ill .snmlKriiM,
ago 29. Wool
39, 1 H 1 1 Kart
Th Ti- s an opt lni:nUi" turn m thf
Infiu.'ii stuation In TuIk.i. If the
death t.'tal 10 I'P taken ui a Imam.
No r.p. ut wax ma.if on thf niiin-b-i-
"f rifw ch.'k, us the Invp stiitnl
me . .in n 1 1 tttf Ih now only to ranvan
th s.tnation thrre tinii's a wi'fk.
AithouKh no rrport wan -niaop of
:tf HI" .I of influenza in the m hool
diiiiriTts ..f thf city. It wan officially
-..i(.ri.'.l hy the mayor last pvi-ninir
;h..t a larijn number of children of
rhooi aue ha.l become ufflictPd with
rhr epidemic, probably duo to their
hemn allowed to run about In the
nf.ifhliorhuo.l, and thua transmit the
(an.fl one to another.
of the sixty patients at the cmer-rem-y
Ked Cross hospital, twenty-six
rc lit to children, many of tlieni
unv babies, and nil of them 111 with
pneumonia as well as with Spanish
one of the most pathetic cases
ever recorded, was that of a little
girt, wno was tasen 10 ne .-""' -
irenry hospital critically 111 wtth the
I"" "!
The child's motlier seems to have
died the past few days of influenza,
).ut a veil of mystery surrounds the
....... . .
the Icmslity of S16 North I tlca
seems to know anytnuie uoout me
'oung mother, except that he Is
the newly widowed wife of a soldier.
who lost his life. In France a short 1
tune aco
The name of the family
could not ne teamen. 1 no neign -
nor carinR lor ine nitic one since
lis mother's death, a Mrs. Johns, re
ported the case to Mrs. Hallle (io
iy of the home service, Hcd Cross,
who had the child taken to the hos
T'tal for proper medical treatment.
No other relative Is known eicept
an Ked crifndiuot her, who could not
bo located.
System Is I.f f Idem.
A ststem as efficient and smooth
ly runiiinic as that In use in the best
private ho.-pitals Is In use at the
emergency lied Cross hospital. -Tho
st wing has been opened up and
is parked to the doors with the more
erious cases. Mrs. Frank Iyontf,
graduate Ked Cross nurse, has
rhurite of the west wing, aqd Mra.
. Hrnwn. superior of the Mornlng
Mdr hospital Is In charge oi tho east
wing. The entire hospital Is being
ipably supervised hy Mrs. Kate B.
fccntt. a registered Red Cross nurse,
whils Mrs. H. E. Carey, mayor's lid,
i superintendent of the financial af
fairs of the institution.
Graduate Ked Cross registered
urses who are giving their expert
ervi.es 10 this great humane work
re Mrs. Maud Amos. Miss Drew.
Mrs. Murray Young. Mrs. Dr. Wat
king. Mrs. I.ane. Miss Catherine
Cloudy and Mrs. Close. A complete
nd efficient staff of nurses' aids
"1 practical nurses complete the
personnel of the emergency hospl
vYAsHIV;to.V, (ct.
f"ton producer and "the
15. The
fair deal-
cm ton trado and
'"'lustry have nothing
cotton jfoods
to fear from
action cf tho
oarl l provldlnj!
war industries
for an alloca-
.I .a .otton and an tmiulry Into
whole cotton sitiiatinn. said
.arence Oualey, anaistant secretary
' agriculture, m a statement today
outlining the reaons for tho in-
Mr iiuplry gald that there ha
h np,n from the beginning nor is
'ere now any purposo or desire to
l ction price. It hun been 1011
f"ierc,l, he added, only as a ponsi
,,!"" exslty, dependent upon the In
f. be gathered by the cot
,c" committee.
As .easons for a cotton inquiry.
'r 'i.isiey said, frequently of late
"ere have been marked fl'ilitations
Jh'.'i' J,,S,1''I"K economic reasons;
1, ,h" Prices of cotton goods have
'er, advanrpd out of all proportions
,,?,, ,. prlrM of ''otton; that contract
I'-taiions in the past few months
h''"1 "'it of all relation with
' ''''"'Hiions, and that It ha de
. '"at there is a rather scant
1 ,sr.;y ' 0,"n of he grade of mld
'imr an(1 an Rbllndan,.e of lowpr
I C f..,tn - , . 1 . .
'... v.. me nun rinnu ano
I'aple on the other.
Stramer Ablaxe.
,v, ;!nr,K'ln steamer Kl Valle.
t rk to Nw Orleans, came In
" Pjrl this afternoon with fire In
"'fourth hold. The city fire de-
"ni was called upon to aid
r;i iguishing the flames.
. I". hlp h;iA hfi(,n on flr( for
"""a. She has a mixed carso.
OKLAHOMA . Widiioi
1 liurstlut fa:r,
iliiy kuil
I. Ml IM N
'(-iru-iiia proi.dl.lv
)Nrllit , fiurmii fc-. r
TKX A ft . Uf.iti.Ml.tv
1 VT
t il i
ii Ku:b
and I t) ir. iU)
KANiS 1'nrt v ro
in It-unn r-iiiir'.
... ... .
Guards Arc
t- I'luiUC
Culled Out i.
III MIlllllMll.l
Met. rath mill White I'ln.'.
Additional Pis-merles rc Made h !
Motor Truck Pri-rly l,o.s Ii !
I. Minimal ut $7.V lino. (Hid.
DILI'TII. Minn., i ii t I , Set i.u.s
fires hiit i' den-loped In tin. viniiin
of .Mim; ruth an. White I'in.'. ii. .nr'l
Iiik to infill m, itmn r''. I'lvt'.l Ih ii in.
tUKlit fr.iiirthn.il' tnwtiM. 'I'lifv ii"
uhoiit Mxtt" nnlt'H southwi-Ni of Iii
luth. Arljut.int (iriK-ral Klnimw ,iinl
'iovcrnor Hurmiulst If ft Iiuluth f.n
ij.uwlnr an. Allkin with lull hmm'
(timrilsriiPn to t!. I In fiKhtin tin-
! flHIIIf'H.
I tii'nor.ll Hhlnnw Kadi hf is siri-
i oiihI.v I'linHiilirinu I'.illitiK on! thr i-n.
I tir" Kimrd fiirre of tin- ft ;i n- to hoi. I
in rnocK Itrcs whiili iii.ij i.'pIui.
' lH'UTIl. Minn.. Oct i:
hundred bodies are burled in ;
Brave at Moose Iike today
i hlntlf
, while
in a.l-
motor trucks were bringing in
ditionul bodies from fire-wiisted
Moose Ifike and Clofjuet are cen
ters of the harvest of the mesnine
toll taken by the Greatest forest fire
in the history of the northwest. I'if
ty more bodies hail been brniiubt
into Moose Lake since d ivbreak this
nioriilng. ' I . j ii t and Carlton a.l.le.l
anoiner liny wttn reports rrom the
Kond du Lac Indian reservation
showlnR that nt least one hundred
adilillonal bodies will be recovered
In that section. The total of known
di'H.I has mounted to fiSI.
Klre fiKhters and those Heine in
districts bordering on the fire
KWPpt districts are prayinc fur rain.
The fire is not burned one unlv lv.
In low waiting a wid of sufficient
velocity to send It roaririR throunh
the hardwood unil Jack pine of the
t Minnesota top o
, v
(' MICA ( I'.), ( ict. 1 Troperty
damage by the forest fires In Min
nesota amounts to 75.noo.noa and
the Insurance will total 125.000. 000.
according to cnmpututlons made to-
liy Insurance men here.
HAS ION, Switzerland, Oct. 1 :.. - Ad.
vices from llerlln say that the pres.
Ident of the rejchMag has postponed
the sitting of the relchstag which
was to have began tomorrow, re
serving to himself the right to mum
imui the leg.slative body at a later
According to lierlin disp.it lies re
ceived here the Herman social-ft.
hate iletitietl. In t iew of tin; general
political situation, not to oppose
I'rlnce Maximilian of Tiaden retain
ing Ins post of imperial chancellor.
Tulsa's Fleet Docked With Full
Quota Liberty Bond -Subscriptions
Admiral Davenport's
Over With Fine
Thn. jle and worn. In
kept K
Ami peernl throuffli
Ihat nihl
Of all .lark nutMut and
t-h r a unfli
A lirhil A luthi: A
II frur, a dUTliil fan
1 1 c h t t iiitiu:
linfurtrd !
It rrew to Timp"s hutsi .,f .lawn
He gamed world: he Kv thai world
It'll grandest 1pi.oti : 'Oi,l Sail Of!"
-W-'rom .loaqinn .Miller's "Trlluitr In
l'.",imlni!i. '
Admiral ' A V. Davenport reefed
his sails, b.inkeii his fires, threw a;
rope to sin. re, tool; a last long look
at the other par., of the fleet, called
the crew about him and said, "The :
good ship Tulsa is now in port. Is.
there any pc'r.ior. hen; who says this;
hasn't been a successful voyage and j
Tho shipping board -the Tulsa
Clearing House gathered at the;
warf, and In the presence of the ( 11-
tire ere, presented Admiral Daven
port and Commodore Cy Avery with '.
bran-new ship chronometers, with
the compliment!.- of the financial in- i
Tulstt county completed Its quota
of Llbe-ty loan purchases yesterday. ,
and Admiral Datrrport atinoun i !
the final figures at $7.fi!.'U.-,n. The I
work had hi en completed during the )
morning hours, and smaller sales
yesterday afternoon wound up the
work " o ' far as the actual canvass
was con'erned. Who,' Is dor now
will be through the banks and vol
untary enntt Ibutlons. Any person1
who feels that ht or, she hasn I
bought all the bonds they should can
arrange the transaction through the
No Dope on Naming Ship.
Who'her Tulsa will get to name
the ship that sill under the Yank
flag in tne cities of 7.'.. 000 to IOO.imui
population class Is yeu- to be de
termined by tho tenth district man
agers. The final luncheon of the worker.!
was neld ytslerriay noon and be
fore Mr. Davenport hid a chance to
say the Job was finished, there was
an air of satisfaction about his table
that Indicated it. So Kobert Dolce
I Carson and 111.) Apollo club Bantf
Report iii London Is That'
Ottoman (lovernment Must ,
Nik'otiatf With Allcnbv.
0LD cabinet forced out:
Ik'one Was Threatened Unless
I Sultan Disposed of Tro
ll un Officials.
Immediate Satisfaction I'utj
I'p to Sultan ; Residua-
tions Followed, j
i I.il"i. dl I". Crrat I'.Tit-ain'-i
. in :,i 'I .iKi v. Hi.' K.'riiiim
N'.'U? '.lr It lil,'lfrl:iuil-. : 1 1 It
a .li'inaii'l tnr iiniMiiilitiin.il tUTr.'n-.l-r
'I'll.- Turki imII I..' r. ..'r'. d
iii'itoii ir .in ,i in: ii i.i utth I'cni'ral
fl'I'C.K III
..iiiiiiiii.il r of the I -tit ish
I'al. stun- an. I S. I la.
('AIMS, i ii t. I.'i - The political
situation ill I "oust I 111 lliople prev Kills
In the retirement of Kihit 1'asha
and Talaat I'iihIumi" indicate. I in 11
dispatch from Hi.' Turkish .
to Hi.' I'lcaro. wis such that
was threaten. 'd unless the rahini't
risiKii.il ami j.e w ("cured nn any
line hundred .md fiftv mem
ber of the Military club, the .lis
ia;.. report, nilniutted the fol
lowing program to the sultan:
'"The cl.islni; of the union and
Progress club, .liss.ilution of the
fhifinber of deputies: resignation of
the iMitire
cabinet with the fnrina
I1ber.1l itovoriimcnt; the
j t,(tl ,,f H
concession of 'icbt to the popula
tion; general .i.'iin.l.li.z.iti.in and the
siKnimi of peace mi any terms.
'"I'he authors of Ihe tiianifestn
.leinan.le.l Immediate satisfaction In
default of which the army and peo-
i.le would employ force. The sultan
at once communicated the demands j ' aref ul ly for evidence of this sllua
to Talaiil Tashn. the iiremier." ! I1"" " I'orled In scores of teleuratiis
m i from field workers.
; MANt'll F.ST K K, Kngland. Oct 15.
Winston Spencer Churchill, Hritlsh
minister of iiiuiiitlons. In a speech
today said that I'resldent Wilson's
stern and formidable answer to fier
11 iii 11 V Is wholeheartedly endorsed
by all the allied countries.
The answer, Mr. Churchill de
clared, has (ended ti prolong the
conflict, but there would be rsare
laxation of the allied war eforta.
I 'rues Soldiers to ltu y lion. Is.
WASIIIMJTi N'. lift. If,.- Secre-
'ark Ilaiier to.la.v sent 11 telegram to
ill divisions of the arniv In this
countrt' urging the soldiers to aid
In making the fourth
.It it e a success
..b, Iti.t cr Dl.-.
INPt !' 'LIS In, I net I.',-
John Aiikeii. one of the' best know.,
Htitnrnnh.lr liter drivrrM in A nicrifit.
iv hot r tnd.iy "f pnoii ?non fuj-
with ent'iTVi ism Men who had never
I taken out before found Themselves
1 Joining .1, the .singing. All the pa
triotic in. I peppery war songs III the
'official Tulta soi.g book were en
thuviast'cailv sur.g.
, As soon as Mr. Davenport an
nounced th- total of the sales, and
1 the loan was officially completed,
j the Apollo 1 lull members Numne.l to
' their feet and sang "Columbia."
i while the workers waved their nap
kins .1 ml --hotltcil
! .1 W. perrv. foiintv manager of
i the loan drit e. -.nd w ho ha be.-n
inthii.ia.-'ically be'iind 'be workers
I in their everv mote, cilled unon K
1 W. Sinclair, of the clcnuig bouse
nswcciaiion. ttho Ih.ml ! the work
ers for their -I'e
told the w,
hers of the a
,-t of the campaiirn.
i-.er-. that the mem
ociatlon had their
hand on 'lie pulse
of tlu- i lly and
connty. and (h it its member 1 want
ed to thank each person To the
two men who had hund!.-.! Ihe cam
t.alcii lie wanted to ihank them for
their wonderful r'--ult. and he pave
each a beautiful wit.h and chain
tviih the compliment of the clear-
inc house
The 1 rimptiirn el.
diction Lv pcvcr.i
-Inc n;: of "The St:
nved with a bene .
id It'inir and the
ir Spangled Pan-
ner "
Some l ine Figures.
Tw o nf the ouf-t.-ilidirr stl of fit'
orr given out e---er,liv by Mr
"Davenport was the t..i il sales cr.-dil-e.l
to the tv.-men under Mrs Frank
IJask' !!. Th' f - !! r.'.'.s.'.0'.0 dur
inc th" 12 .lav tint e ,
Am.'h -r important ri' or. I was
o.a.le l v a le-ini llelde.) be Mrs A
IT Criv-r. at Secnl and Main. A
fnhil f 4 n 1 were made, with a
credit of j:: ef.n
A statement was made bv f'v
Aterv as to the coiintv records that
w.n lllii.iiltviti'ig a., a measure of (be
county's patriotism. lie sail Ilia
more Individual -ales had be.-n made
in the eountv than (here were h"a.Is
of families.
The Cos. l"ii f'gure announ'-ed
e-tert1at tver- C.II0 sales and a t'i
tal of HIS.M10
Admiral Uivrport I now- fre-
paring for t c
and announ. . d
as he was tvo
had Just coinJia
Fifth Liberty
j.ii n
. f ,r
iilel-.t that s
, erne, I, I ride
need to fi:!iL
New A merican A rmy
Under Bullard Beats,
Off German A t fucks
My 'Hit Aft.soritr1 I'r.'.-n
WI I'll Till-' A M i: I: I " '
I i ltci;s N"i: riiw i:st uh'
i 'i .N, '( i. i ir ,io i i.i
Frills rf ; hi' sr. i' ml American a:
which began operations i i. i.
1 1! ii tibr i . 1 1 1 1 1 . ml i.f M i 'hi i
I K ili.Tt I.. l',i;:Md.
pulsed a Gorman i .i lil mi I In ir
TmiMi.rv Aiiimiitiif'w llifiin- lluil
I all shot t ,,f I hn c HMIIoii In lumi
lli-ttr; I)n lti'Hirt N l.n.
Sailors I loth I'lt-lit uiiil Hut IJ.hi.I-:
Striino.lili ( iMalmmu Hum u i .
iiiit' sul, rlii loii of Sinn
u asiiim;
I .' r, .i .nun
', Milisi-rtpliiiii.s
if ii-IrTi'-Ut.
I l.'l I . - . 1 1 J v
v l.ili.'iiv loan
'.I in tii'l.iy .i
finni Hi.' ili.il'
I ' "l.luiH
liiatinn. i-.illi.riil by the trcisui y aim
I i'.uni-.i ilir total f..r the loan u i 11
I I" $.'.!:. I.S7ii,ti."ili, still shot t of
U.niiu.uOti.m.n, tin; baifwaj fin
I , nr.-."
III view or tlic i x p. '.'tali.) i that
fruits of l.il.eiiy .lay .('!.!. i.i I mn
I 1 ist Saturday uoulil be fully i.
fl.'. ted In t.nl.ll's li'liorlri. tleasllt v
oinclalH declared the outlook sr.iv.
"Thoso in charKc of llie l.il.iitv
i man carnpaiKii ma.!., no conceal
ment of the fact trial the sit. will. .11
! was very disappointing, " said the .f
ifncal review of th" loan's progress
."Willi only four d.is of tbn loan
pei in, 1 reiniiininj; ihe coiinti v now
I'.u . s the task of raising In i xi 1 ss 1.1
.'l,iiiiii.u.ifi.iiii(i. or mini' than 7.io,
iMiU.iinu a day.'
j W IImiii's Vole Sii.illl.l Help.
i Karly niurnliiK tmsiKis to head
j "luarters Mimiilated hope, not borne
! "lit by tonlKhl H fiKur.-s, that 1'ie.i
j Ident Wilson's rejection of the li. r
mau proposal for an imiiiediuie
J armistice would create a wave of en-
tliiihlasm which would sweep a 11111I
Ititudf of subscriptions on lis cr.st.
1 1 oiuorrow s future w ill be wai. hed
the chance that sub
scribers arc delaying payment of the
firat 10 per cent liiamilpic ut and that
consiiietitly their pledges do not
show In ihe official figures, cam
paign managers 10. lay iiimmI thai
bond buyers pay down their In tier
cent installment Immediately This
will have the effect of relieving
banks of the tremendous task of
tabulating these payments in the
rush of the last bonis this week and
will show the naiion on Saturday,
the final day, precisely how big a
Job Is cut out for it thai day.
. The New York district gained but
130,000.1100 today, while - Chicago
netted $' OOo.OOn. Cleveland added
S I fc. 000, 000.
Xavv to Ho I'nrt
j Tomorrow will be Liberty loan r"
I navy day. Hear Admiral Cowie chal-
1 bom- loin ' 'i toe cuiuiiry .t match, ino er
, forts of the navy. lie issued this
, statement .
i "The leaders of the nation are call.
1 i"g upon the people to float this loan
I'""1 1,1 one-half of It in Ihe
ie nays iiiai. are icm. -n navv,
I me.iniiiiie, has tiassed the high-wal
! mark of IJI.0ilO.0fto mid Is going
ahead with undiminished force. The
naty is coming across again over
the top, an usual, hut quicker, big
ger, stronger. For the sake nf the
country, for the sake of victory,
match the navy.
"Our slogan has been:
"'Fight or buy bonds the navy
doe. both'."
Secretary Daniels sent the follow
ing menage to I men In the navy
let every navy man answer he
llohen7.ollern toast of 'DerTug
ui, I
making navy day. October Dl, the
dav of days in this battle for free,
The battleship Kansas ha reported
an average Individual subscription
thus far of Jl.,4; the baltiiship Mis
sissippi 1 1 03. and the Oklahoma
Douglas Fairbanks, a motion pic
lure actor, who reached Washington
after a transennt'neutnl tour, br.un.ht
with him a l-'n.nnn Liberty loan sob-
, scrlptlt.ti. which had been riven him
I at l.ignnn. N M. Lv Ablelta. got
I ernor of the Pueblo tribe of Indians
This subscription represented pro
ceeds from the sale of wool he tips
) tribe j:v order of Abletta the inter
lest on these hon.1 for the nett five
years was donated to the te. Cross
Ellsinore Rank Robbed
of $10,000 and Ronds
j LLIasI.S'.IH 11. Mn . net. , The
I rjatik nf llilslnore today was robbed
'of ll'i.o.i-i in . -.-1 - ; 1 and Llberiv bonds
ht' a band of safe blowers The men
escap'd. The robbers made four at.
tempts before finallv blowing th"
safe. The community was aroused
hut those hearing the explosion tver.
afraid :o give battle. It was said
A Want Ad in The
Daily World
Will sell
lot, or a
it house
plot, or
and lot - or
If yriti were going to huy real
estate you'd watch the real
estate ads in Th" Dally World,
and it would be a strange sort
of real estate huvcr who would
rot do the same thing. '
Thus It happens thai the real
estate ads in Tin- Dally World
INITIATE most of this towns
real estate sales.
Phone today SCO or f00.
(lonnati Army Head Compels
j Iteijiii's! in ;t. Made for
I'eaee, W'a.liintuii Hears.
Ah! Mai
De. : tl.
Reported to
Army Not
I'p Fight.
Internal ( ninlil mns Kxpeetei
to Determine Next Step of
Foe to Rring War to Fnd.
. 1. I
1 1, t . i nut
t.i .nut
l:ti. .1
ir t
in .;. 1 1,
1 1 iiii:.ii
t hi I 1, I I li .() on I llC ITC.-I
re evpecl. , to . lei er III 1 1 le
iinl inn. of the 1 l.'i mai.
r.-.i.leiii Wilson's com
"I'') t.
1 .1 ' l.'ll i.f 1 sl.'l ..i . ilctltiM.lv
ni.' Ihe .Ion 1 10 1, ea. iiKtiotia-
i.iiii. with .I' Tinan a iitocr 1 .!'. The
.r.'M..'l,l ,. pi-obablv alien. K has
" . I. I.c.l I'. lllli IIiioiikIi the Sni'-.
'..T.H'li ,,tf,,e
l:e,i,ii'. leacliinc Washington to
l l Ihloh official sources li ,iv
.f iieiiii il countries nut onlv Imll
cale.l Hi,.
alt-r, s.il.1
j t on I Hud
, luent 11. c
. Msieuce of almost . haoiic
111 Hie central powers, '.ut
that it as Kiel, I Marshal
1101111: mmseir w ho was re
for Hie
I'lniaii Koxern.
plllll! Hie pi
eslilent's peace
' teruiM
! misti.
inn setsiiig an immediate r
Musi I Iii t c I'eaiT.
It was sal. I at a
of the tnililaiy I
h-ads .f the naril
recent mcetitig
id. Is and the
III the relt h-
I'l. I red
conl. I
t on Mill. lenbiirg boldly He
that ilerniani must hate
ll oln e on Hie best terms she
gel lie said the armies no
had the iieceat. munitions
ami inateiiils to cnntii the strug-
ble, nor was tfif re am source of sup
plv so far as he was aware
In th ' light of this situation, the
field marshal sal.l he felt Ihe time
had toine to try flist for an armis
tice ami th. ui for peace nnd he urged
that (his could lie put In ihe light
of 11 concession to Ihe demand of
the socialists and pacifists in ier
many. Prince Maximilian, the chan.
ei'llnr. Is reported to hate strongly
opposed such a cmitse, dreading a
reaction Ngnlnst the Junker element
by the socialists, but Imperial ap
proval was git en Von Hlndenhurg
plans and the request for peace foi.
No Indication n to Itcply.
No Indication has been given as to
when replies ,v he minle hy pres
ident Wilson to the Austrian and
Turkish appeals for peace. It Is un
derstood that there Is no ground for
the apprehension which has arisen n
WA.willMiT'iN. Oct. .V Spanish
influenza, now has reached epidemic
proportion in practically every state
In the country and In only three has
it been rep,.,!..! as stationary, with
some improvement in Hie mutation
In Masiii hiisetts In spite of all ef
forts by federal, stale and local au
tliorities, the disease ha spread rap.
idly and Ihe death toll has been high
in most parls of (he nation.
In arniv en mps the epidemic Is
subsiding, a further decrease. In the
number of new casep being noted
today at the office of the surgeon
general of the army. The total of
.uses reported was (I.49S, a decrease
of 771! from yesterday. Pneumonia
cases were MHB against 2.R23 the
dav before, but the number nf deaths
increased hcln US!) ui;iln(l 7 t .
Hr day.
iMeport made public tonight by Ihe
public health service show thaf n"'
a single slate east of the Mississippi
1 clear of the disease and in.,iunit
coast stales, from M ilne to Florida
condition are serious.
The number of cases reporled also
is Increasing in Oregon, Washington
and California while the malady has
appealed in all mountain state, ly-flii'-nz.i
is epidemic in all (he south
ern r-'.itcs. as well us in Oklahoma
ami vArkansa.s
W ASHINGTON. o,-t. 1 A ,Lamp
tax of (wo cents on all bank ch.-t ks
provided fo-' in an a 1 1 j in I e 1 n t to
tile War revenue bill adopted by tlm
I .en,'.- fiti.ifii.. comiiiiiic, which is
ret is, n;: 1 (,,. iiou -e draft.
The a c, tollii. li I was adopted bv a
vote of s to 1,. Many inembeis. how
ever .'v.'.'-. ,! a doat't us lo its
accept., o. . I.-, ih- senile Su'h a
'av I oppn"cd bv Ir-asury dvpart-fil'-ii'
offi- ;.iN and manv senators,
I", rise 1, not only Would be a seri-';--
inconvenience o business hut
would tend to .l.scuiirag.- thrift and
:'. oirage ho..r'l:ng
The anioum of it-venue from such
ild i.e mii.iIJ In
i '
r.i'i'm of the revenue hill
I -.. rmiilly that Chair-(
aiinons tonight rc.tler-'
leeiliction that the bill
i oinfil" led by about O.:-
progresi .
man S
lied li:
would bi
'.fiber I'.'..
To Release Ilrltish
liONDoN. Oil. 1:,.
-i via Mm
ireaii i ne i.oi'.tieviK rovernnient,
a. rordini: to a telegram received
bar" today from Moscow, h is agreed
lo release the remaining Hritlsh of
ficials rmw being detained. in Rus
sia Tin iiif-.-,i.i. also confirms ie.
porrs ii-,- ine situation in ilermanv
s bet
"iiilug critical owing to the
ide of the Amerlcin effort,
it is said. jH beginning to In;
1 In Rerlin, '
win I,
Britisli Are 3 Miles From Lille;
Allies Driving Wedge in Belgium
Whitman .s Favorite
in Sew York Campaign
Gov. Charles Whitman, ubotr.
Alfred hmltli.
iov. Charles Whitman, Itepubll
can. I given the ei'ge In early pre
dictions in Ihe result of New York's
K'lbernaloi la I elet lion this full. I let
ting Is 7 to .1 on W hitman, who was
elected ,i 1 9 Hi by 11 plurality of over
Di.'I.OOII totes. S111III1. I leinticratlc
nominee, i prendenl of tho New
York .-ny board "f aldermen.
War Cannes 8o0 Papers
to Suspend Publication
'. 1
CMIi'Atio, Oct. U -Tho war's
effect upon newspapers was told toy
day at a meeting of the Intenallon-
al an.) Dally Press association. II N.
Kellogg, chairman of Hip special
standing cfiiiiinlitee of the associa
tion, a.-merled that labor condition
have forced the consolidation of i'.'.O
dally papers In th" I'nlled States,
and Ihe suspension of sfil) papers
since Ihe war began. Prediction wita
made (bat the cost of paper would
reach $10 a ton soon, an increase of
10 over the present price
Wilson Packing Company
Is Cleared of Charges
U'ASIIIN'IT'V.V. oet. 15 - Wilson
& Co.. Chicago packers, were cleared
todav of charges alleglngs.-ile of un
fit meat to the army which have
been pending before (he federal
trade commission since lust March.
'I'he derision announced today shows
that each charge was dismissed for
lin k of evidence to support It. The
complaint were based upon sales
n.ade at New
Travis, Texas.
York and at c.iinp
i(-e f.aiiK-s Slop
P' " 'K 1 ' ,i:l 1. 111 . 1 1. 1 1
fi is bet 11 placed on all itii e
A ban
game at I
1 amp ',i i..i for H.e . nation uf the
, 1
I war, it a i-t iiiiihiti. i iI lod iy. The
soldier will be
in ired t,, buy Liberty
but, ls instead
AAI -r4 1 1. I
: - sj .( I
Soldiers Are Saved From Transport
Which Sinks Before Time of Sailing
llopoKLN, o,t. !.". A man of
'leraian ancestry was examined
af length al the office of Ihe mill
lary police this afternoon and It
was reporled lie wa under cus
tody. WASHINGTON. Oct. I.'. Peports
to Hi.- row rt..i,:ir,.,i,..il on .In. il.il.
I'm k n t l.hiki'M, N .1.. t .h!;i v nt l
th'-rc were ftir.' htni'lr- . -Mirr-H nn
hoard in ft'l'litii-n to fo-tn hf r of Ih'
rr'w and (hit nil h-'indn ox ii thro-privati-s
and n Nailor. had horn
J .iiTount'd for It was t hoot'lit prh
f a.l Mm !hr misinc nun wt- wafn
! Iml had failed ' n-'Hirt llicmsrh-PH.
1 Tin- traniii.rt took a --?jJdfn
'to port jvvl is h.''if to hivr
hff'n ft M. fl fVw n hv u ,i t 'T priii r i rur
. jfilo hrr pftrij. rtp'n fr.r piadifiir mal.
Slin Is rtiii(r fn th- .MiMnnt nn an
nvrn k'-1! and urcik'Ts ate prrpar-
Inc to raif
has l''n
p hr
uirt of inquiry
Shortly hclote tin
I It iilisir.'t t Ani' ili a,
.1 o.t 1 ', -
men. a n t roop
formerly tbs
nil TitliifH Siri'H.'M'il.
More is-ilflc Detail rc Siiggtctl
In l-iiilliig I tlliorlals ; Senti
ment for ( rushing lcl.srv. .
I.. Nit iN (id 11
The London
comment on
lilni newspaper
I I 're ad. nt f llson's ref-lt lo (lermanv
, I-, gelid ally favorable In tone. The
1 St. tn. lard under the heading; "The
Itlglil Note," sat Hie nole "has re-
loote'l. 4-1-1 .1 1 m falsi impression.
t; hl. b weie possible III regard to Ills
three iiie-'tlon to Cermanv " The
newspaper regrel (hat President
Wll-nti did not refer lo uiiIhiiiiiiI
for I' l.oal crimes and Ihe burning
of Ion ii
The I'all Mall (lii.etle savs that
President Wilson's reply "reaches
his highest stain lard of point and
pi olupl lies "
The li'obe find there Is no am
higuHr about President Wilson's
si. -in ieplv nnd 1st "afraid thu (ier
mans will not like the manner In
which President Wilson received
t heir request "
4icnt nil lo I'ln Terms.
' I'm h. Ilaig nnd Pershing," Ihe
newspaper assert, "will determine
in concert the guarantees they must
hate In mind before granting a ces
sation of hoslllit ii-
The Wel 11. luster Oaette gives
first place to President Wilson s de
mand fur "Ihe dralruction of every
arbitrary power."
The Manchester Cuardlan sayi
IIihI Ceiinaiiy has surrendered und
although much remains to be de
fined Mini sell led that great central
fael stands established, which
mean 11 speedy end of the war. Th
newspaper considers President Wil
son not likely lo accept the chancel
lor's reply as to Ihe exact bieanlng
nf Ihe Herman note and says the
problem would be vastly eased by
the kaiser s abdication.
On the question of an armistice
tho C. uard la n thinks the Immediate
nnd Vila! question for President
Wilson to consider In consultation
with the allies and especially In con
sulfation with Marshal Fnch. Is the
nature of the security to ha exacted
for the withdrawal of th hostile
armies and that the enemy does not
ullllxe the Interval In hulld up afresh
his means of resistance or attack.
nnd suggests the temporary occupa
tlon of F.esen us the best security
agnlnst a piling up of munitions, the
evacuation of the whole of Alsace
Trfirralne ami the surrender of the
fiorman t'-bost fleet.
Wanla Terms Made Plain.
'These military terms may appear
severe but It Is best tn make It
plain from the beginning that an
armistice means without doubt a
peace, equitable as President Wil
son has defined equities, and sure ss
we all mean In assure It. We shall
not exact vengeance. We shall not
Impose needless humiliation. We
shall certainly require Oerniany to
do whatever I necessary for ex
piation and reparation and the safe
ty of the world "
"President Wilson deserves Ihe
gratitude f the civilised world for
hating saved the situation," savs
Morning Post. 'This effect of his
declaration In that (Jermany now
understands that unconditional sur
render Is an essential condition
firecedent to n armistice and that
the granting nf an armistice Implies
nothing whatever with regard to
teriiia of peace We aie thankful the
lermana have now only two courses
open to tbriu - 10 go on fighting or
put up their hands."
! The Dalit- Mail, in an editorial on
I President Wilson's reply to tjer
) many, says the reply Justifies all the
j high bo pes the allies reposed In tha
'iimineii up In a line," the news
paper savs, "It Is a call for 'uncon
ditional surrender'."
"In a state paper which Is a model
for Its dignity, penetration and re
straint,' says the Daily Mail. "Ihe
president translates Inlo simple and
words Iho thoughts of evert
allied government an. I of every al
lied soldier and citizen. ,Ie ha 11. it
caught in the Herman staff's
tlrrtnan t ra ns ,A t la rifle pa-tsenner
; steamship Airierika, was about to
sail todav for Lurnpe with soldiers
and supplies, th,. vessel foundered I
, at her pier he'. I
In the early morning darkness. !
while the troop, aboard were sleep- j
II. g. the America settled with her
kee In the ill 1 1 . 1 . leaving
only three
iirts nf her
i.f her eight d-cks and
funnels above water.
It, was Ic it. fil Dial a gang of ma
chinist were at work at. the time
the w-scl setticd and It was sug
cested that one of these nii-n Inad
vertently opened a seacock under
the impress, i, I, that he was closing
Tlie America, next tn the leirost
of Mir -"t crn rnent's transports Mp.
P cared to lie Testing on even keel.1
Tughrial and government vessels'
Willi , ranes were at tvoi k and It was'
evident that i.pei at ions had I n '
bectm m raise her.
The America. t,f I'Lnj ton gross.!
ha a capacity for carrying s.iiOii (
troop and s crew of l.rjno men of
the troops It was said tha,t onlv two
or three hundred were on boued at
Ih.. tio,M
Haij? Captures Several
Towns and Crosses
Haute Canal.
French Cut Kail Lines in
Flanders; Menin
Is Taken.
In4 Face of Most Stubborn
Resistance Yanks
Take Points.
LONDON, Oct. IS: North
east of U-iiM the British have
advanced to the neighborhood
of llaubourdin, about three
miles west of Lille and to the
south have crossed the Haute
Deule canal, south of Pont au
Vendin, and taken neveral vil
lapreH, according to the com
munication of Field Marshal
Hniff issued tonight.
LONDON, Oct. '15. The
British second army fighting
in Flanders has reached Le
Chat, on the Courtrai-Ingel-tjiunster
road, and has cap
tured the villages of Gulle
ghem and Heule. The "Brit
ish have advanced to the out
ftkirts of Courtrai.
VT h i 8 announcement was
made shortly before midnight
by the war office, which also
corroborated the Belgian and
French successes in Flanders.
Since the'morjilng of Octo
ber 14 the allies have taken
12,00(1 prisoners . and more
than 100 guns in the opera
tions in Belgium. In addition
to occupying Menin the Brit
ish have entered Wervicq and
are standing on the right
bank of the Lys.
FI.ANDKIIH. Oct. 1 5. Renter)
tienersl I'lumer's troops pushing for
ward In llelgluni have 1 raptured
3, 7l!3 prisoners, Including 111 offi
cers I hey have taken more than
fifty guns and a regular harvest of
fiiorlais and machine guns.
kiivkv mors AND
hvsh rAi-ri ni:n.
ILAVKK. Oct. IS. The French
and Jlelglan troops In Flanders have
captured seven thousand German
and taken eighty guns, according to
the official communication Issued by
the Jlelglan war office tonight.
French cavalry la advancing on
I.ychlervelde, between Thourout and
Routers, having crossed the railroad.
The Coiirtral-Ingelmunster railway
line has been reached by tho French
and Ilrltish.
if The AiMorinlfd I'res.
16. In the face of tho most stub
born resistance conceivable. Includ
ing literally hundreds of machine
gun nests, the Americans advanced
again today and widened the center
and left center of the American line
and desperate counter attacks were
carried out. These counter attack
failed. ,
The Americans who captured Hill
DJfl stid penetrated the strong wir
defenses between Landres-et-St.
Georges and St. George, have
passed si Jin inn.
RI Itl.lN f'UIMS
YANKS Ill.A ri:v.
HF.HUN. tin London, Oct l.i
West of the Meiise, wh-rV the Ameri
cans are in th" fighting line, partial
engagements me resulting in vir-
.ry for the Germans. iic..i'.''iig to
the official statement Issued from
general headquarters tonight. Tile
allied attacks on the Flanders front
alll u ss on tne nunners
eontlnue, the statement adds.
TO ItltlVK WI IH.F..
Ill Thv A..Meut."l 1'ret.t.,
The entente forces In I'elglum lihit
France continue successfully to drivo
the enemy before them. In Itelglan
I'lantli-rs the advance i.-t somewhat
rapid. but on all the sectors In
France the Germans are fighting
with dcspcralU-n to hold ba.-k their
The great wedge that is being
driven by the I'elgian. Hi Irish and
French troops in Flanders now
threatens seriously the u nine, by the
fiiemy of many positions in north
P-elgium from the L river to the
sea. Including his submarine and
oilier base along the coast. Whlla
CU.NTINt tl' OS J'AUt; iJ.
.'. . I
I' t
j, -
( r t' .i.

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