Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER lfi, 1918 DANIELS ASKS MORE set 1 -n.,; ;! p .... ,. f SPEED ON DESTROYERS : ;, ;m. V r . I.;, ii lull I. i; 1 - til V ' I'l "' SUM l I . ' I """ : i il( ! ,, ! j, i lit i.,,niii .. " ' ! Will let I, (.. .i Hit l.f llH ' Il" t 'i Maiy Msrilin en IN on Milluiill r ' 1 - . to Increase lliiHiUm.- I., Mi t nrr-r- iicr-no nrnniDrn Pfuioflrw: INQUIRY TO INCLUDE i mum sea Mi-ii.hv. EAGLE BOAT MEETS TESTS TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION V. a.-ii: I.," ' , t j , 1 i I iii'i,, .Now i h t, i 'r"' It Her Tluin II. ii) i.ii.m mil lUi-n I . i x - 1 -1 1 I'milm lluii hi ,"' ' l'ul'i Plant Plnel'i'li l(apllll). ! I '., ,1. , f-.i Ii '.ft.. Ii.l- I.. u-;i r i .' . .' i I. nil r ill e II . pi.iei, . 1 1 i . u i hi, i rrii i.r hi. i"r m;.i i . In I wi ill 'In A .. . ., . .1 I'. (-, Hi .Hi i.. VA SHIS'. Ii I"-'. ' ban Khipi. )(.., rs ni-n1 ..iiic.l ,V I ' II I 1 '.I Ii.,. ;:. Iml:i l.i up III' ir ml .i,l llf .1. . '. I.. I ' ' : .ii- in' n H . ,.f !h. ', v .... I i; .'i f irmi- ff-ji' uth u ' .ii i.ii .' . t. no h tn In .l 1 1.1..1.K Tim hi it. I.u y l.i .in .i ' ' .i i ' f r'.nfi'ii'.ii r s mi Ii i . .r i i-i.t.i : i . .i '.I ii. I. n:.i ' y i ml- .!.n,i... i Win ll.ll,; I,.. I 1,1 .i I , I i i j .11. .' . .1 ill ni i i'V I' ll ii I i .i m i ini i '.' il. 1 nuil tu I i v i ii ii4) 1 1;. i n i '.i i i! H.'rttelM UK p '.:3II',. Mr I'-, i ' ' J, ii lr . f;i . ' I ii lln' I'rltikh .nli ri ii'v. .'. i'.. i .I . i 1 4-t. .1 f I 11 (I I ' I, K I' ' III.' I ' ncw.'.l .I'll, ii. .ii ini' i 1 1".' I; I I'M:!-, i',' ' illg 'lll'l Itl-ll Hi' "1 I'll Mill' . Ai"- IN ii iii.i'-i In hvi pri-pai , , iii ili.ii ii. 'ii,. I ii.- i, ii, i' .'. li.ii- Import an n-i.i, ,.f i .ii ' i i'li . ' ' - 1 1..,., I'. . i, i t l'i' .i '1 in ii .i i ' e ' ' u .iff., i.i ii. ' ' ll.l . i l'i i'ii. ;.l . I li( li' i .l f'il more O'-m: 1 1,'. ii l.i' M ij'i.n Hi. S 11 1 111 .1 1 l'i III'-' I I ' . I .1 Kki-i'.'f ii ii I ' 1 1 1 1 known li' l ly il i I.u ,1 ! n.M it, -I , . M l '.r . 'I I', I" ,f'. ' I. , I 'll.l. I I I .1 1.1 I Ir I t , ,u l '.i'li I I. .1 i,..,, I.. ,' yr ' I.,' ,. ' : HI.!-, 'i.i " ' I." I.l -. I I i' r .1 ll.l in . i. li' i .i I ."l, tui.l I .i 1 1'.lll I'ls 1 ... ' I ..ll.l. II p..t'1-.l, I'.ll II .11 III' In ' ,.' 'AH i'l ' I" i'K-1 1 "'I .' ' ! i mi -i, nj'Hi'i. I''. ' i'iI'iI .ilol.lsi.'" ' f i i ., , ii I if. i-ri i. 'I i ii:''i i'" . ' i. l , i ' f ,i 1 1 i 'i'.i: - r i-'ifr.' i-ii , III Mi- LEJVS COAL MINE RUINED BY OCCUPANCY OF ENEMY I H , I.. . I .1 ' i ii..- :. I,.- f'- 1 I'K. I I I win. Mw i iii I- .i ir 'I i !.,.iki I I ('I'' ; Ii' ,- l I'l l r i il 1 1 ".ii ' l.i' ' i! . -I il In --,i,ii ' i'.ii i,f tin. inn.iiK I" ' l""lii-K lii 1 1. vi .il.-. I 1 1 in i .in. i ii I i ii il II mil "i li'l ii In- i. It fi i. I., ii Mnii il.i- ii' - 1 1 ! i h i.f in n, m i in n of I i.i' i, iii: I'.lir'i' N". '. IIH' ' ' ' A h 1 1 i , , , ' 1 1 , r , I ' '"'I f I .IT l'i, lull ' l,i .i I l.f 1,1'M'i. 'ikMi T in. I', li.iv- I i 1 1 In I'l. tin. I ii'l 11,11 li.i 1 1 1 SA l. Ilii' Iilll'-H I'l- C h ri'M iliN in fi ! v m-.iv I" ' i. r i li.i n fi.ii. ri' ii ihk ' ( Hi.' 10. "(in Imuni h-i'l bi-Mi ii i.l i. iii i "1 Iii -. I . Il'i' I,, r,N 1 1,,, hiii.i,!',!!..!' r.iiiiiit nut k.iKli' i' win. :-.ii. 'ii I". Ilii- ' , 1 1 . , i, .- r f t ni.iii.IIi. Hi. lu'iii liiivinix in i vi iy ii.iii i.f Hi" ii'in.i i i.f in i ii . 1 1 r . 1 ' I s m"l. AMIRICA'S HOMt SHOE P0imJJ JARGE quantities of StunoiA are pur chased by the Government to be sold to the Soldiers and Sailors. We aim to make ShinoiA cost the men serving their country and the public back of the men, as little as possible. War conditions turn men's heads to profit making. We believe friends and users are more valuable than the profit of the moment That is why you can buy ShinoiA at the same price as always. BLACK TAN WHITE RED BROWN PRICE AS ALWAYS TEN CENTS mm .i if. m. w . fcll ! I ! 111 h. m n -mm Ilia w a.m:s'. T' ;.. ii. i r. tik- i-i i'l a ; i: if . ,i , .i I t iii- i-i ,ni 1 1 . y ; ',. "I' '-lli-liil of Ifil; Ah, i li ' i'i I.M'-U.'.i. ii ... . I . '' I I'l .1- I I'l,, III,. ..!!! II, " ' ,11. .I U ' . . I - -1 . ' I I.l Vi', r.', J lit' . i"! "i .imi.i-.i. ,,.'i ..r . ii 'i' i ', -'I'll '''I- I. ... I 'I I I II'.,'., '"'I. 'I'- .,'. -.' i,..l.. 'I nliKll! y "'"! 'I'"i .,.'! ) '. I II..I,. 'I. : "'. I'.-'.i i i i KI IIiM ,sj Itlllnl In i linn. "i'i UIIII.iiii I. llaiiilH, ( rnwil'T. Ini'il nf Wmiiii!'. I'm luiili', I,, mum i, m, rli-hl. IHIIIlli',1 S,-l,.'-J I ii lil I, ii, In. II , (.riKK-, -;''. I'm ,ii, . ; MiiiIi.ii .1 i.l-i-r, Uusli Siriii(H. Mi rrlll M , IliirlM-, Spini. M.ii iln I,. iMiiiiiMin, oriirlllc. ril,ur I,, ilnliimiiii, J.iuli, r Uniiiiili il. Iii'iinn I mil Ii riniiii il "'".'i- liiinli' S. lili'kliiMin, Mi.imi. I- i'l i. Iliiy I;. Si IhIiM, liorrnil. Klllril III Ai'll.,11, ITiiloilnly ICc. irli-il Mlv.lui; I'l'lml'' riff II. Ili'i U l r, 'l iTKIr. I4H l iit U HIi I'i'imIii A l.i'iulil JiiifrHiivi- l.m:ivi' iti ml In l.ikiv try uri" .'.in- Lull,,, f ir ImliKf'Hiliin nr i 'i.iiKli.iirtn. Nnw in. ill" tin, friinitMiiili'il l,v Hi,, mini iifin t urri .1 nf linivna T.inli'i',.n dull 'r..inr. 'Inipli nl I'Nliirlmiirt' It, M.rn , I AMius'i ; n i.. 1 1. 1. i :, i ,,, r rvlili in i. nf ii : i i , i ( -. 1 ii' i ii,. i ni l-iii-iir i lit- V'Ji.i'iiii i li.tmii'l mi.s infill l.i'liiv liy tin wimliiT d in i i I'r.N ..iiM' h.iii lint m Imv in Hi" ' '.irll.ln ,in 1'i'Kliiii fur f-otfril iI.hh. nff liiui.1 M.inl, In, I iiotlilni; iimri' ili fliu'i' Ii ih tii-rii li'iirrc'l St'iiiili' I'llllllll Ii I' lni".llK.lllnn of Knurr' illillii , Will N I'rnlx' j W hi k nf I . m ill A'iil. ' BRISBANE PROBE POSTPONED III urines IllK, XMiiil'- Mallir III I nil- Hi IH .' Ni II Tiii'mIh lii-lny ( niiM.I lij lllm-vt if WINK'S. m I : . ' , i"' 1 1 S75 and $100 Coats and Suits at the Little New Shop With Extra Special Lines at $35 anil $50 Winning &00 ulyli'.i in KrosKon nt $25 Pri'miPN ii'Iho $33, l.'iO nnil $15 WAISTS $.1.50, $.1. ;..(), $10 unit $13 f I. '. III. ' I I1'' J'l'll' !'' '.' til''- ..,.' I- : ii. iii'i nr .'n i i,.i.-i i.r iii" i i , i i" - .ii 'i '(.(i-i !,v A'tf.ur I 'i I-. ... ii 'A "I, Hi, .ii'l ' i'T iii"i.' v "I -. I.l, '! .. V, . '.' l,lfl I I' . . . :", ,in.i ii ( n. i -ii inn .ii v in'" 1 1... ,i. ir. . ti.- , f i .i-i tun n tu i . iimii -.Il 'i in ' I. :'i . 'mn'rv 'J'l.ii i .i.i in.iii .i :i', t ,..i, . 1,,1'in-In-1 'i i.f M,.- i-..ii,ii,iii, i. tif'i-r I i,f 'i" i i..m nl, 'i i in- l'- thi' Hiinv l:.i I'.I' MTV I''" llHll III I'll l ililllil'i'il to II," I'DIi, 11,1' IH. Ill I Si'i'llt I'. ! ('Sll.ll Si nnlir i". I rii'.l l'i .li'ii"is-l Ih" n r,,i iiintiMii. I, i' i. "it'niiii ui'-nt wi" iii.i.I" I li.ii i ' , i i ! 11,1 .i s'l-r nf i Ii" .H.nv lllli-!lils'"ll- i SMVli", ll'I'l li'i-ll .ii I ,.i.'i , .i ' 1 1 l.i .i ( I - r ni'Xt 'I'ii' -ml .IV. wh' n Hip lni nry will h"Kin. II .il-i, v.-i-i 'i'i'Iitmi.O'I 'liiil ilnirM i'i". 1 . I..H' nin.i nf in,' iTiiiuiiif !" im'ln tu f' i r 1 1 t 1 1 , t: , wo'llil I'" inllfil AH ,1 Wl!lir".i In fniilnT j. ' i nil mn fur n Ki n " ih'i'ilrv. Hi' i-i.iiiiiiltlii rnn .if !". I T l.'.wrv 1 1 . i fii . fi.riin r f 1 -"ilii il.-'riil ,ili'irii"v :T I'.I I i-lturK H. In fi,riiii-li 'In' i uiiiiiiltfi'K with ,L til i: k ' i'f iiifnr'ii.iMi.i! 'iri'.l ,y I In- KiivrriilinTlt .11 In 111" pull'liMl ill'tiv It if nf l.rfwi in ns ifvi'.ilri ,v f,"l i r;il (jrnliil jnrv lliv -l l(r ittnliH Hf I ' It I mIhi ik Ii . ulill" n ii"iiinl W.lh H'Tlt I" l I' ImilfV. lltllirllt'V- trfrifrnl i.f Tti;iM. iipfiiini: nf thf hf irlntir w.ih pin. poii, ', tif.-iiiiHn nf Itlo lllni.'ii nf A Irxmiilrr Knntii nf N,w .irk. tlif prlnrlpul witiiff.-t I'i'iini'l fur 1-,'niit.i flliil nil iifflilnvlt nf hi" flifiil, dinvlnr Knntii w.n In .iny wuv i 'inni'rt..i1 wild thf pur i lian" i f thf U'.'irlilngtiin Time Knnli hNii k il;i ri ! Iliiit In writ I ri k h If llf r t' l!f rti irl I if rrih'irp. iinini i hl"f flfrtiiHti i i.i,it'-iiiill.'if In Anir r- I Ifu nii'liiilTiK tlin iifnip.iper mtnii-! tlnn In Nfiv Ynrk nn. thi nppor I tiinjtv ,if lifrnitn prnp.iKiitiiliNt to I nlifiln f-nptrnl nf n ni'w.spuprr thf rf. I ho wis Hi tlnir iih I "rri ImrK'n limkf r I .mil ilrnti',1 t tin t h tii't Hnv lfiil-l ItiK'i with fniiiiliiirK sini'f nr with .'111 V I'lI'M ITS. j Specials That Merit the Word Fall Coats Kxtrrnifiy (iiiirt iihuIcIm in fHl plui-h t nnn. With ami w.thnut fur tnllum ami triniM frnart rno li s th.i'. art) Krcatly un ijfrf.rl.'f'l lit 1524.95, $28.50, $37.50 $42.50, $59.45 " up to $100" iiih'T rmiiH In liciutiful iiiiiteri.'ils nf $20to$so Separate Skirts No mnrf r f r ! ,i!if urtl' le for thn WHr'l rnhf thnn an iiltrai'lhn i,rpariito Kkirt. IiiHpliyn hero IihIiiiIb a wnlo choice in Mlk poplinii iimi novelty rubrics. Kach i. nf nffiTini? a illffi rent hlyle feature $7.95, $8.45, $11 nnil l.i. Children' Coats Children's Serge Dresses Just the styles needed for Bchool wear. Designed for service and in styles that will please. Very excep tional values for this week ?,t,3'9S. $8.50 SILK PETTICOATS For rest of this week we offer two specials in Silk Petticoats ' One lot of regular $5.50 values at $4.45 One lot of regular $3.00 values at $2.45 lnroitpor.ihly prlci"! are these rhli'tren'M l;er rikin coatH. Hhadc of hlue only. Regular ii '.,') ki.'llcrs for this (IM QC week' at Ol.Itl Other children's CoaU In many different styles and fahrlcn. i.9T, $5, t.4S. $7.', $9 83 and up to $IH. GEORGETTE One lot nf flro quality KeorgettH la all colors. i0 Inches whlti and a rei?ular i ' .'ill Kr.ide for rest of week at $1.95 SILKS lino yards of silk In plaids and ktrlpes. 36 Inches wide, t'hnlco of all colors. Kenuliir 12. 00 grade for rest of tins :r.k $1.95 Unbleached Muslin 2.000 yards of unbleached uiuhlln. 3H Inches wide. Keg;. ulr llf. i! yard. HpeelHl for rent of this week at 28c Bleached Muslin tCOD yards of fine standard grade, bleached muslin ;: inches wide. Regular 30r yard. Special for rest of week ut 24c ,3R0p,te ,,SMiinl llmti lidliV U'nir 408 SOUTH MAIN Mvlc hut not oxfi-nruKiiniv. 3RITISH CASUALTIES ARE 1 700.000 DURING 29 WEEKS; NKW Vr.HK. Met ir, - Hrl'lh ' 'tMiii'ltlfS diirlrtf the flrl 29 weekH nf lfM iigiri eented TOil.nnn. sf.'ord-' !rii? to it CHlilfKrH'ii rect'Ive,) hv the llrltlsh li'ireai '' 'nforr inn h'Tf Io.Imv Tint does ,iot Im .do losses i In thf heavy flKlitlni; of the I pro week. i The nifss.'iKf stilled Ihnt durlnir ill" lierlml between .lainnrv t and ' ill-toller 1, Iho lowfst CRS'liiltv I let t for ;iiiy 'ilncln ffk wii 4 12 and j the liiKhe-it over forty thonntiil. I Mn at KniinrlL'lit. IJ"!I MIIKIHI'. Okla.. "t li. The Sp.'iMah InflueiiiU epideinle all Dnimrk'lit Is shmv.iiK slitns nf almfe. I inent. .'iccorrtlnif ti pli.sslrlans here. ii nd Mavnr II. V.. Nlcoileinn stales j Dull the will hf llf'f.l ,ts to j tlu iilers. pool Tiiill.i :itul other pub- i lie iiieetini; places by Saturday, If nut before The public tu-ltnoN ill t'lien up m st Tuesday, neciird Inif tu S'lpe r'ntnndent W. I' ('reni'li No ih.'. iters or other pub lic meeting .) tn,-. are opt n here ai,J pnn lii allv every 1 public iiieetini; pi.n c In I'reek county. In the small er lll.iipes and towns. InciuduiR Shiiiirni'k and Ollton, have been eh. Mil fur the Wfek. So far seven deaths have occnirfd In IiruniriKliI iim a result of Spanish Influenza. mii-vi i:k kaviviiS l.ll-S I'ltOM Footwear Section W iinif n's Queen Quality I all lio.ils; Ixiuls covered tin 'J inch tops; In brown, irray, Ivory and while. Ileal values at the price of Slli Women's Queen Quality hoots. In link. Iirown ami gray teiithers; Louis hfcls Triced at 7.:,o. ss .'.ii nmi so oo Women's Queen Quality .hues In military; I. lack, crty and brown. I rii'-I at S.vr.0. t)..'i(. 17.011. H Oil and $10. Men's Army "hoes In brovn only. Full military las!. I'lne irrade leather. Trice. I special at $."i.00 and Sfl.OO Itot and Kirls school shoes. A very large show ing In many different utiles. I'rlced at $- 5 tr $6. AO. Mens and Boys' Department Men's Fall Suits One lot of men's regular t21 vtlues in Kali Suits. Choice of all new patterns und shades. Terfect fitting. Special for this week at Other Men's KulUi ut $1H.7j, til 'M, 125. $J7.aO In $110. S16.50 Boys' Suits In the very latest modes for both school nml dress wear. A Res T.' to IS years? Triced for this week at $6.45, $8.50, $10, $12.50 and $13.85 Young Men's Overcoats Stotk In young men's overcoats never offered a bcter selection for ilioosing. All-wool fabrics that show their quality. The tailoring Is a feature Triced for this week " S20, S22.50, and $27.50 Bath Robes Our entire line nf men's bath robes is now on display and It offers dis criminating choice In plaids and floral design. Triced at S5.50, S7.50, $8.50 . p to $10. Overall Special Men's union-mado overalls. Ex tra, heavy blue denim and worth $2.20. Offered special J- QJ this week at 5xtt) Boys' Knee Pants In fine serges, worsteds, novelty mixtures and corduroys. Made for service and with tityle. Triced ut $1.50 $2.50 Men's Union Suits Men's ribbed union suits for winter wear. All sixes and all this fall's new stock. Itetnilar l.'.oo vaule for this week at $1.75 counteracts the bad effect of sunwind and dust upon The stroke nd dust of city life.. ani the sun nd wind of, the country, spelt fjin for good complexions. Hut ri : I n; .1,1 Ku l?;n..l vc.lltvi -...'- , - -j .,, ,ii, " j i.... Soap repairs the damage done in this be used without hesitation way and belps to J me iK.n clear, clean snd fresh. Ueainol Ointment is cooling, sooth ind and healing to an irritated skin. It contains medicinal agents that are in no way harsh or harmful and may All 4nil(feu nil ftntnot Sm. tod OW The Itcst Way to (V7 a Satisfying Peace Ih tu Buy It With Sacrifice. Save buy Homh andmore Honda. Our Suits Impart A Peaceful Assurance of Style Rightness It is not enough to think your clothes are richtyou must knoic it, to he at peace ivith yourself and the world. When you slip into one of our suits you become instantly con scious of that feeling of "rightness" which no amount of talk can bring. Come in today and see for yourself how truthful this state ment is. $25, $30, $35, $40 up to $75 SI til MlAn c:csiT r-v i rothers .-.0 dozen Turkish Tow pI.s; size 18x:$6; heavy weieht. Rceular $3.00 dozen. Special for rest week at, dozen . . $2.49 fH POPULAR PRICE STORE" mmmmmmwwwmmmvamstammmssmmmmammammmmmm One lot of regular $4.fi0 Blankets go at One lot of reguhr $6.00 Blankets go at $3.45 guhr $6.00 $4.95 GERMANS ORDERED TO HOLD OFF YANKS GERMANY ALLOWS SPAIN TO TAKE OVER VESSELS Since the, Liberty loan went over we can say that the kalacr is "bottled In bonii.'' I ne Atiucliefl (ircat Importance to I'otillloiis In OcfriiMi' nf Sitlan ami Miililioru ItiMaoif Is I'ut 1 1. IW Thi .iO'nli-, I'rr.s. WITH TI!K A.MKKIfAN KuRCKH ! NO!iTH i:s'l' ill'- VKItOl N. dot. l.i. "Mow i;reat is the impurtance iill.tche.l t- the llerinans to hold ! n.g b.. k thi Atne-lcans Is shown In in recent order of (General von Per j Marwit::, coinnritiiler-ln-chlef of the fifth army, which has reached American lntelllKence officers. "It it- on ili. on, ni:uerahle re sistance of Hie Verdun front." reads the order, "ihn depends the fate of it (.T.-at ..i "l of thi' western front, pirhaps even of our nation. The fatherland must rest assured that every i ooi ni'itnb'r nr.d evry mull rciilii's the Krc itneK.-t of his mission and that he will do his duly to the very end. "If they do this the enemy's at tack wi.I, us hiTi'iiifi re. break (iK'tlnst our firm will to ho'd." With the American army already ncross the Kreimhll,lc-Stellunir line. It mlKht be i xpei led thn the ficr manj will fill h i. k rupnlly lo their third line of defense from Plenav to Sedan, but btc.i'isn of the vital ne resNity of precciitiiii; th" allies from cuttinK the lints of communication before the i-reater part of the litr- man forces .ne able to extricate i themsc-lvi it li assumed that they i will lucre. ti'i', nithcr than decrease, their rt siKtanci'. It Is r."t believed, however, that the (lerin.ic.s will be able to offer! the same wil of r"iiMln in e. hut. on i the other hand, will auopt a more open form of warfare. Mich as they i did north of the river Marne. con centrating here und there forces m Places best suitable for d. laylnit a adMince Into a slowly com pressed area. When the Hrltlsh forced their way throimh the eecond defenses near' r-nihr!. It is pointed nut. the iier-: mans rapirflv fell back to their third defenses, but the strategical reasons for their continued resistance In the on st that part of the sector is not j to be compared to those In front of j the Americans. I MATJRIP, Oct 14.- The govern ment, ui'ter a Ions council today, gave out a note sl uing th it after j prolonged and friendly negotiations , between Uerllii mid Madrid, Or many had at corded Spain cession of several rf the Herman ships in-j terned in Spanish ports. The ves sels named .ire the Krlplua, Klio, Matllde, Tritifield and Itudolph, with a total tonnage of 111,600. j Spain, It was athle.i, could also, rla.m at a later date tonnaua to make nood "previous losses on other torpedoing." A New Principle in Complexion Treatment AH rascals lire false. MILK TOAST DIET -TOO MUCH FOR HER "f dociorel for ears wilh only temporary rcMcf. My was very had. after eatlni; I would always have such a fullness in my stomach t and my heart would palpitate. I cnu.d not eat milk toast without dis-1 trenKlmr me. Since takinR u course i of Mayrs vondcrful ueniedy, more i than a year ,ik'. I can eat unytliiiiK my appetite desires " It Is a simple, harmless preparation that -removea thn catarrhal mucus from the intes tinnl tract and allays liie inflamma tion which causes practically all ii'.omach, li"er and ail ments '"Iii'linir anpendicitt.s. Pne dose will convince or money re funded. Quaker and Puritan PrtiR stores ami druirirists everywhere Adv. Most r injurloai hea usihI httiii:iy. The c!o tin Dorrs and fTi-nt- urtily form a rniarieot. BuiTKr, ttillitic ' film wlilcli Intrrfrrea with eliminatlTe ur t i.i n ar:,i 'i,akeK thi ,ltin ii'kly ami pasty, j 1 tor ia an application mereoitled wi I whicli 'ti upon nn entirely diffrnt prtn , eiplr. While prfei't'y harmleHl. il hai the peculntr pr.iperiv of ramming ,r ab- j or'Lio:i i'ii di-a.1 and balf-di-ad partictei L of siirfakin, as wt'll an unhealthy matter I' In tlm pnrt'M. Thna It takea away from in- 1 Inad of addlca; to the roinplriion, d f f. r I i"e m thia repci from ctniuelKn. Thn I ipi-ult ia a pprfri'tly navnral and henlThv I Viser. yeiin complexion. V.,reolied irn, pni i rurnLlii al any drnff atoro loea ounce is a-.if fifient i, ia applird al night like rold ! cmrn and HAaluil off in thf morning. I 1 hi. correct principle m the U-Aatmnt or ralurallv irona otn Uie linfR. A fai batli, I tmted rttnariiably effe-tiv in thia' direction, niay plates bo m.mU liv dih-soivinf an ounce of now- r a . diri'd aaio.iln in a half pint witch hazel WAR WORK Amirlcin women nurse.i areinatallecl elisht miles In the rur lines "over there." U I K Ii ' here at hnn-t many women should leir-i riuminf to take care of the Mf or. in emenyn. eles, the wound ed. You ' 1 learn a. RreT. Ir d hv obtalnlni; 'h "Medical A1 a hook of 1,000 paces, bnnr I In cloth, containing chapters "i Flrat Aid. Bandafrimt, Anatomy. H " a-lene. Rex Problems, Mother st.d D K. . 'ino t..aapHnl,nna for Si I, la nl in the trattnnt -" " f"" . . ... wrinkles ia to tighten the akin, whirh ! and chronic diseases; profusely niua- oy wood cuta ana comri- Ask your dnnRist or send SlVc. tn Publisher. 6(3 Main sire, u Buffalo. N. T. If a woman is nervous or has d;i.-V pella. auf'ra from awful pains at regular or Irrerular Intervals ahould turn to a tonle made up i f herbs, and without alcohol, whu n makes weak women strong and s women well. It Is Dr. Pierces I vorlte Prescription. Then, for to liver and bowela nothing is so Ku. J as Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pclleus. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME BURTON HEADS INDIANA STANDARD OIL COMPANY I 13 Dr. WllUam ! president of ' rnv nf lndinna. the board of dl- .ed OTICAGO, Oct. ' M. Ttiirton was e the St.i-ilird Oil c a; a meeilnn of I ru.-'ora today. Tioctor Hurton. who wna recently ; awarded the Walter Ulbhs mednl of ithe American rhemlcal a'iclety, ruc t ceerls the late Lauren J. Prske. J 1 has RToxn up In the service rf the rompsnv, the ls.c position h held b'trtg iha; rf Renfial manager and vice president A new office of chairniiM of the board of directors was creved a'.ao. Robert W. Stewart, formerly general counsel of the com pany, belnj elected to the place. Nurses Recommend CaLicnra Soap It appra'i To farm Vn-cmar il ts tn pure arid ciearwm;. It does madj to Ireep tbr slin dear and healthr e reoa!',T :f assisted br tonchrs ( Co rmui tMntnir to first aijnt A prm nlev rrchirss. ixvarbrms or chatrnj. Ieal for toiirt uses. ' Tim r Wall asmsMa tul iwl 14A Ihaaia V,M xrr, If yoa hare Catarrhal Pfafni or hni and ear noiara or are growing bard of bear in; go to your druggiat and get 1 ounra of rarmint (double atrengthl. and add to it li pint of hot water and a litlln granu laled an,rsr. Taka 1 lablespoonful four time a day, Thi will often bring quirk rrlinf from thi d i t reusing hiad nois.. Ctacgod noa Inla should open, breathing tMsvimo ea&y a.1.1 the murua atop dropping into the throat. It ia raiy to prepare, coita llttla and is plant to take. Anyona who hat Catarrhal iHiafncni or head noisea ahonld pivn thia prescription a trial. SATISFYING RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment Ha3 the Punch That Relieves Rheumatic Twinges. Marana'.l. Tex.ia " have used Vr. Pierces Kavonn Prescription a i 'l find It very 1- medicine; it - tainly did me : of good. I oo! recommend 11 t ladles who ner.,1 a tonlcto build them p In general; it will do the work .. directions are followed " Mrs. M. C. MoCaulcy. I0S Hank St. HEAD STUFFED FROM f CATARRH OR A COLD Sayi Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air PaAsagea Kight t p. Instant relief- clogged nobtrlls, no waiting. V' open riisnt up. This warmth-giving, congestlon scattertna circulation - simulating ; remedy penetrans without ruljblng right to tho aching spot and brings rjiilck relief, surely, cleanly. A won. Ti-.1": ...-."''... r.'"8'!air pa.ssa,,-en of your head clear ?' "L 1'. w.. IL-. "",r mwnCl you cmi breathe fr luniixisi'i L'l.iinva "Jet ynur bottle todaycogts little, means much. Ask your druggist for , it by n-ime. Keen It handy for the i whole family. The big bottle is . economy.$1 ;o i i you can breatno ireeiy. .no o. h.iwWln unllfflleu. blowing, hci-l- ache, dryness. No struggling f''f kreath nt night; your cold or caurrti , disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Ci-"irr. Balm from your druggist now. App V a little of this fragrant, antiscpi hcaiing cream in our nostrils. ll penetrates through every air pan.-'-' of the head, soothe- the ln?lainrl r swollen mucous membrane and lief comes Instantly. It's just fine, lion't stay sl iffci up with ii cold or naaty catan n. .