Newspaper Page Text
SI iL ELKS AND SHRINERS " UUSRD wiu amociatt.d run ! . h VOL. XIV, NO. 21. TULSA, OKLAHOMA, THURSDAY, (KTOUKK IT, VMS. Hi PACKS 1MMCK r, CKNTS WASHINGTON SEES LEAVEN WORKING Wilson Reply May Be the Start of Hun Revolt. TIME ONLY QUESTION . re xt V,VJ Twin Reports 11 lUt u-i Will Be Later, Is i Capital View. I . . i STEPS MUST BE SINCERE Guarantee Reported Asked for, No Obstacle If Heal. Y SHINGTON'. Oct. 1 - To irght's news of Germany 1m evert h,.r.. repirded here ns the shadow events being cam unon- lhi" Tlicri L ill WanhinRtn rf fl ,ul that ine khimt riM, .in.u nir'l i.r tliat h ian bren ijvit n,r,,ttn: i.r that Cprmany Is r"ai!y to ii.i-i-.t all of rrrol'li'tit'H i,n' IrrniK. i iffi. l.ils ami diplomat!!. W'll- riiu- .u ami ,r,ninrvalive by nalur"! and prarii.o, n'Kar'l with Inin dul- Ity ilic inliniatinns that ono or ail j of thsc ihiiiL'n has liapp' "'"! f I ihrv all Initio lh-y havo; , ih. 11 know that nnn or uil i.f! lh.Mii arc Inevitable. ti,p official opinion In thr i pi -1 tal tonluht is that roniinc of thnsp ih:nci i tiinfl only by th( unknown jpjrri' to wliirh Hip ii-rmaii mili tary power has been broken. There mnv be more Information on that point In tho rhaneellorlen of. Knp lnni. 1-ranio and Italy than there !i In Vashtncton. When President Wilson's reply to the Herman peaee prorrer went I forth Monday meht It was predirt-1 fd here that If it did not brine n j .keoniphle and nnrondltlonal rut- ' render of ihe military autorrary the, Cerninn jn'nnle themselves would fon-e one President Wilson's words ' were a plain Invitation to the Or- j man peopie to take sui'h a Htep and j nn ullimatum that tliere would be j no peace wih kaiserlsm. I Ifavrn Is Worklnc. I The rominu hours will show how the leaven has worked; the intima tons In today's dispatehen from Iindr.n. I'aris and The Hacue suu- Rest the prneess of the ferment. Most significant of all Is renrded the report from Holland by way of London, that Germany will reply mmertiatety to I'resident Wilson leeeptins all his terms and askins 'inly (riiarartees for the Interests of 'lermany and ttie Herman pop!e If sui h a reply does come President Wilson's onlv course will be to for ward it to the co-belllRerents. The Kiiarantees for the InterestH of Ger many anil the German peoplft do net Intervene as an obsrarle if Riiar nntee are soucht in sincere terms. If thev are put forth as another ve hicle for a quibble, an opportunity of diplomatic evasion and trickery, nr a negotiated peace, they will meet only one reply. If they mean guarantees for the intej-rltv and sovereignty of the 'iermany which Is rightfully Ger man, alwavs takins: In the deter minallons of the human beinKs con cerned, no obstacle Is foreseen. If 'hev mean cuarantees for the riht "f the German people to live their lives under a peaceful responsible snvernment which does not menace the life of the world. President Wilson's ulterancen on the uh!ect. "ffictals think, already have (tlven 'he answer. If Germapv accepts all Ms terms and attaches the condition "f sui h puanintees II !s considered that hardly Irs could be expected of her. Guarantees for the Interests of ''.rmary. Involving only Germans. It a pointed out. are quite apart from the self-determination of the ppressed nationalities In Austria. wr wnir-i President Aviison nas pledire.i the pence to secure oppor tunity for autonomous develop- ment. May Hold Hack T.ust Can!. There ahvins i the possibility that conditions I'resident Wilson has laid down as the basis for peace already nHVe come about In Ger fnany Diplomats noticed that Chancellor Maximilian sent a note "lid thai when President Wilson nn erd with an Inquiry U was l-'or-itm Serretary Solf and not the 'hancelirr who replied, and that nlf -. . . , lrif. new Kovernnn-iii 'hirh had been formed In Germany. It would not be without precedent if the pram p;irty j fiermany actually s In possession of nn Imperial re "rript or other secret act. renrnin'- ln the p.ver of the kaiser and his f"ry. wi, t,e renlv to President Wilson's Inquiry was sent. It would "it he without precedent if the ti'Kottatini, was begun with a maneuver for the best possible terms "! holding hark the last card. the do-tif;, of kaiserlsm. I och to ll ian- Trnns. It the prerequisite for an armis Ti 1 acrepted, the arrangements WI be made not by a mixed coni "iiwlon. hut by Marshal Koch and me ro-heliicerent commanders. 1 as b.-is heen nolnlert nut will he the nie.inu of I'.bloi. f.r..,i ' rn,ny every agency, with which "he co-, hreak her word if she ""Id, the occupation by allied M.'"S f Places ass:trasslurg. hmX rnl,,en7:; turning over to " ai.ies of her fleet nnd Huhmarine " "; with ""t recall of her suh l,,'' whi,' '"'lay's dispatches t, r ,fh, waa rr:""'y t" and th d'.t? ,"r of muni I ions of war. un cVtI'v."! agencies by Huns Start Wide Retreat in Belgium; Yanks in Grandpre and Gain on Meuse WEATHER REPORT. TI'I.KA, Orli lit M,ikitputn. "I, tiufiiitiiitii. 4.. sf'.tii wu.ii- i iiKI.AIii'M . Thi.rnlv and I'mUi .l,i, '' MM'ISt t : 1!ir.a.r UfS rain. 1 icUi r.,l-. iit!y f ur RKN'.- Tl.-ir.dy tnl Friday r!."i'!. prut'ii iily ran.. I T TKWS: Thurt.lur lo-nl li.ln I n l,,v f t:r WI..-T TKX s T lliir lay and t rl tl.n to i to;. f i r Iv VVs'v.s. Crl'v finally Thurvliv ut..i in j . fouler KrivUy. The Rattle Cry op 1 though to tjr;,th ii riir..iii,Mj the firlith if J ! -. i w . i ' i u tit ) I'L n r.nM. Ji!in(r n. fii h)o fur t'.tw . r .illtl.C I. ;f hilt III Vaill I'nii; l)it .ivint; still, Tin. 1m- -ii r ltttMif itv ' I r.-.ilntii tbf latinol kill iillit l.ot thirii to (Ilf l -t iiiaifrrs death of iili U llMt llistl llTft tin ur I f il tin i. ar hurt to h". Tliy Hi,o depart, ri.nam I iMii-r earth fr.i'niLy fk (ilVlMk OUDL' tilntnl it thnl Our i r iiiM i fi' inn not kill. Our fl lu l fl ! frein thr'i. H read f n . Oil' of th.i iinukp and crim. . bo ii rne r Wip I .-at ti in.l h.itiu, Our st'intft kIim ! 1 return. Itra.' lo Hi., end nt litnr. IliTe ,outh sh.ill ftreet u, ktltl Hem rii.-lll our !l . Kri-.'iioni ili.-y ram.iit Sev.-r her holdli-rii dii' H w ru-lit l. Is by HilBr A l.urst ) MORE FIRES BREAK OUT ( IN MINNESOTA FORESTS' Mi ( IS I-: I.AKi:. Minn., Oct. IS. I While state officials and repteseni.i-I lives nf relief 01 ganizatiotis con-I fcrred inlay to piovlde funds foi ; rehalilll'.iiinif tho flic devastated re- gion of northern Minnesota, easterly ' winds of incteah.iiK velocity fanned fresh forest ci nf lagi allons Into threatening propottlons. Many re ports of Uangeiuiis fires wero re ceived at reliei l.eadiiuarters here late today. The count of known dead hud reached eight hundred this after noon and more than two hundred persons are critici-ily ill In hospitals, cans: tig sstate ofl'h :als to estimate the general dea:h toll ut upwards of a thousand. Cromwell, 18 miles north of here, Is reported completely surrounded by flames. Home guards have been sent from here. Lawlei. 1 miles west, w ith its 'dead still lying In the roads. In fielJs and It. ery ditch, has been compelled to give up searching to fight increasing fires. Two hun dred men Hnt from there this morn ing, asKed for aduitional help. Guarantees Announced by Government of Spain MADItin, Tuesday, Oct. 15. Con stitutional guarantees nave been re established bv the cabinet. There has been a modification of the rules of censorship by the government. The cabinet has authorized the float ing1 of a loan of 200.000,00(1 pesetas Little Rock Wholesale House Destroyed by Fire LITTLE MOCK, Ark.. Oct. 1 . , The Charles K. Penzel Wholesale (Jrocery company's offices and ware- houses here were destroyed hv fire todav. entailing a loss of $275,000 on the stock and $2:.."" on the building. The fire was of undeter mined origin. England Recognizes Polish Army as Ally LONTioN", Oct. IS The firitlsh government has recounized the polish national army as autonomous, allied and cobelllgerent, according to an official announcement tonight. Another Attempt Made J on Life of Lenine, Is j Amsterdam Report AMSTERDAM. Oct. Ifi - An other attempt has been made upon the life of Nikolai Icnine, the 1ml Kheviki premier, iiccor.ll" to the Leipzig Abend Zeltit-- General Anzeiger's Kiev correspondent. Inine received a bullet in th" Khouider from a revolver in the hands of M. Pwanltzke of the in formation htireau of Hie soviet, livvanitzke whs -irrrsted. Revolution for Free State Is Started in Bohemia by Czechs I.oMioN. Oct !- A despatch to the Centra! News from Amsterdam savs that in Prague the strerls from the suburbs to the city proper are oerupic.i bv Iroips armed with hand grenades and machine guns m con sequence of a threat by the' lis in call a general etnke irTT'.uighniit Hnhemia. The d.siiatch adds that peniph'e'S have been circulated declaring that . Czech republic will be proclaimed shortly. , . . A general politic il strike lias beet, called in Moravia and lioheiniit and great ileiuonslrations In favor of a" independent sMte have taken place at Prague, according to a Zurich dis pa'fti( All theaters and places of pub lic meeting have been closed. I'ep ut'es are s.ud to have declared in speeches that the final phase "f a V-tho revolution is bi-:nu. PARIS. Oct. .Mee'irgs taiied by the Czexho-Slovak tuuncil at So Enemy Withdraw; Rapidly That Allies Lose Contact. ARGONNE IS NOW HELD Americans Pusli to North of Aire Rivr ; French ; Capture Towns. HAIG GAINS ON LONG LINE Forces Are Advancing Lille Sector; Allenhy Hits the Turk. in Pi- I h' v-- WITH TH K ALU K I A KM IKS IN I'.KIitiil'.M, Oct. K,.( l:;50 p. in.) Tin- Ocr mans have started a retreat on a tremendous scale from northern Helium. French cav.'ilrv isi nnnniiirhinir Thii'll. seven miles lrom the hanks of. the Ghent-rinifres canal. The imnn i sc t is on v Hi mi es " . i '; ii li l from the border ot Holland. ; r!lsf thi pnemv rot rent-. lint? that the French, Hritish , and rielgian intantry, at least l in tne center 01 me name front, have lost touch entire ly with the enemy. The Hel gians advancing astride the Thourout-BnieTes and Thour-out-Ostend roads have defeat ed the Germans, who are re treating rapidly. 1 - r a 1 l .aal- WITH THK AMERICAN ARMY NORTHWEST OK VKRDU.N, Oct. 10. (6 p. m.) The American troops today occupied the town of Grand pre, on the north bank of the Aire river, north of the Ar gonne forest. Grandpre is only a village ana US normal population l Incu Vion 1 Mflfl Liif Din n I ii 1'p H-tin iiiian i,i.'ji'i Lfuv n.v ' s . , . ;' is of great strategic impor- i tanCC. It is t he 1 Unction Of thf nilwavs! foodinc a ereat ne ranwajs ie((iuir ,i part Oi me iicrman army aim lies at the foot Of the Valley ... ,i i , 4l extending northward, at the entrance of which the Ger - mans have fought so stub - bornly. itnm.Mi .i)VAN i: M USUAL H AKi ItliP'HtTS. Lii.N'DON, Oct. Ifi- -The Hritisli force In Ihe sector between Kouai and Lille have made furlher gains all along the front and driven their line to within about two and a half miles southwest and three and three, quarters miles west of Lille, aecord Ing to Kiel,! Marshal llalg's commu nication issued tonight. lU RIiNLY'S lYIHfTS citoss oisr; iu lut. KI1KNCI1 1 1 F.'A PQC A TfTFRS IN rrtANCK, Cx t. IS. ( Iteuter) Gen eral Pcbeney's troops tins morning crossed the iiise river at Choignv. three miles nin th of it , Junction with Ihe Serre i iv it. ri-:iiin.; iu pohin . in n mi:i m;. i i uh- t he WASHINGTON, stantial gains on I Meuse .iga Inst s: ul. I a relnfo ri d enen.v Hit lii. .Hi sides of oi n resishinc e by! I to. w as i " port d iv by 1 lenrral 1 shing in his i un- I miinique for I n n.i v . Th" dispatch ad-is "Thu g uns no i ided 1 1 II 2:'!t. which We hav iutU' at i los-il . ha ng I I. .in, Is t in'. t:ni' s. nihiid-S'el. i mir men a si rn s of hi .ken new p.,; i'h Hie i K in ( oNTIM I K ON hi blnllT. Pr,.gtjt to pin'e.s' .iu-.iinst tile fxport of foodstuffs from li.ielniii.i tisilied; in ,i getter li 'lr:if' VV :il. il j. d. veil. p. : ins into a revol'. ,,,.:in: to .Ii'-t i p itches from .urn !i to !'!. ,v's I '.iris , : in1 w ;i.i p" rs. M ,'avv has been. pr.'c;.i ii ' d tll'iugli'il! the country' iand '!ii'.i.i,i and 1 1 im it i m.i n hoops :i- c'ic,ing iTlt'iltt I'liv.'ll I'lscli and 'lahf'-' rinvi It -'tit il.'ts spretd ! .Morivlaj land there hie been fighting atj i Mr unit. h" on p. 1 i i ; 'I niutz a nd : jskt'.l.l. Hie l.ilte:- the .'.'fit of the ,g us' gun p!.i nt. where vvmlt i.s siid to have b. 'ii sMspet.'led Mi-! I ellinel gill S. it IS vl!'l have been I posted it! the '...- J Ktreets t.f ! Prague ;,ud at ; 1 ' i ry has l.e...i put ' I into posit;.. r !.k-wi. TI.e popul., ! j tion. it .s di .!.!: ! is nowise mtiin-l i i la'ed. h""''. ". '"d th ' if ic.i...,i i to believe !,.' rr., hav " .. 'lis It I I it even re u- ! that f.gbi.iig now is golni! f i 1't'asuo. HEIGHT OF EPIDEMIC PASSED AMONG ARMY Wur officials I'lilnl III PlsTtasc 111 NiiiiiIh-i itf i iim' in I ' n fii'in M.ilrinrnU i.l niiillildil. VSIIIN' i'l'i'.N. .1,1. I.'. Wlnlc i" II,-. I cut llltcvo e'l e.l.l i li ll, in ..,.fi'f' Inn : 0 ntliiiH-.l di t'l el;'. in I Ii"' Si.iiiih ml! .1 liicMK Illl' iiimiiImt of m-w r.iMh .it army i .iitip Ind i I' d ainiv III' til. al nlflcl.ils I" I,. !., v.- II. ii 1 In- pi .i k of I Ii" i I'lllelMI. the si f, Hi s hid I. ecu passed. Sell el. I IV ll.ikll. Ill .llltlu.lll.log III' .; i',.,l.s, .1.11,1 tllev lll.lle.lte.l l.ii a'.. IKS t lliell 111.' s. . 1 1 -i ii I gen, '. i.ffli e Irnl I'KHIglll tile ills ease nllil.'l i! finite New cases nf lllf luell.i .llnnlig Ine Ir.i..s h n. ile. I .luting the "I ho. iis eii.lliig at noun Ind. iv lol.lle.l f. l'.iiH ! I'd a v a,"l agilli". Ii.i.te til. ill tl. c niilnlier nlllv .1 few il.l M .11,'. I I 'lieu MIOII I.l i:il'"! I...I.IV ,C.; . i;.lleil IS'.' ' ci'llipal e.l Willi 1 Sli'i lb'1 d.iv hcfine. and deaths Wl'l 1 I II a .II I t ease of I T'.C Inf III en.. i cases fi'tioiti'd fl'oin all Camps .since the beginning "f the 'pidcmle now total 1 sii. neiimo!i;a cases :e.i.:'7 and lis 12.34". AlllliMlgh iti nits geneially todiv to the public health service showed influcti.a sin ea.ling in most pints in k(iiuc ;,. lnrII, T,.lin,.s. n is .s..n,..i-.. ,.,,..,.-.. . .... at leas" L'.lll i..i s or I,lie ills, use i t-iemi-. f..i.i. . . . i ,..,i,iiini..,t t.. I- rci.ori.d in P "is ..f Arkan- -XZ-tuZi .Ilile llew eases Were tetiorle.l prticlli illv all sections of Lou isiana. Oklahoma and nlher stales Heaths In Washington In Hie i: I -hour period ending t ! o'cloi k to night numbered ST a decrease of one from W'sterday New ruses of In fluctra and pneumonia fell off sharplv today. Hie niilnlier reporled being Oil:! In comparison with l,4s.1 yesterdav. FRENCHTO" JoTnTlLIES IN REPARATION DEMANDS PA It IS, Oct. 15 (Tuesday- HavasV Tim French senate lodav uniin Imously ndopte resolution proposetl by the government permitting the government to proceed nrtivclj In co-operation with the allies wltn plans to obtain reparation for dam age rnmmltteed by Hie Germans. Ste phen Pli hon, the foreign milliliter, declared that ho should have more nowcr !o Insist on Ihe lust claims aK:,inst. Germany rne airocirio;. I w h h h Hermativ had coinnitlled. he .... ., . , ' adds, will have other atonement than m . ,,,,,,.,. ThP Germans : must be tmnlshe,) sufficiently to pre. v, nt forever tlie possible recurrence r h rrltII,.s llH ,ho wrl(1 r..centiv i K witnessed. I The senate voted that the foreign minister's speerh tie posted) through- ; m,tn ,,,,,',. i -- ; WOULD FORCE KAISER OUT BUT SAVE GERMAN THRONE I P.MtlS fii't. IB. According to a 'source of information not without .value, Merlin Is considering how L'tnptriT William can disappear without endangering the dynasty, says a dispatch from Geneva to the Temps. One solution being consid ered, it Is said. Is the ahdlctiton of the emperor In favor nf hln grand son William, the eldest son of the i German crown prim e, with the em peror's brother, Prince Henry, re ! tent. , The Journal des Pebats yesterday ; mentioned editorially the possibility : of such a plan, tiut it condemned II as unacceptable. World Can Be Relied on for Correct A'cas Without Bunk Extras Many telephone calli were re ceived at (he World editorial rooms last tih-ht for a confirma tion of Ihe news so sensationally played up by an afternoon extra lo the effect that Germany had capitulated and that the kaiser had abdicated Ills throne. There was to i rn nflt tnat.ion In give, liowevi i, as the tuiimi.s were fla'ly denied an, Amsterdam, I.ndon and New York all recalled their statements and killed tlie slory. Any liens paper Is Justified in giving Hie public th" ben fit "f unconfirmed rumors, but .it Is not Justified m making a pol'lve statement to Hf effect that Germany had uil'dto late. in the biggest headline the page would bold, when Hie plainly slate,) that Ibis was onlv n rumor. An extra in Muse cii'.' iin stancex Is issued solely for the pur pose of "I. linking'' the reading public. The s't'tv played up in the extra w is ..I' with mi" use.) e arlier III th" evening und- I a one column head. The World h'.s -tiled r'pe.itcdlv Ilia! it would l-sye an evtra onlv when there was a storv which bad boil 'oils'iiritl l",l. but Miit he :i cor firiiii'd b'orv did lueak du-- llig Hie venitlg. ri'ti'lrril could ll". pend nt i' tha" thr re wouhl be an fvtr.'i Issue from 'his office. V.'e wish emnh i' ' th" f i- ha' W" will not adopt any practice of holding up the newspaper huv tu; publi" I'v tnt'tin "f sensa irina I and tin lustlf la Ide head 'lies At 'a f oe str.t.-d it h"U von .( " a '.r!d ex't i on Mn- street there w;!l b" a story in it null!) 111" prb e you pay. mnlKJLumors of GO ON UNABATED , Tr . House to 1'ass Today Six l'.il lioii Hollar Lill for F.n lar;ed Army I'l'ojrram. PEACE TALK HAS NO PLACE Chairman Sherley Annouiu'cs Kecent Fu nis Not ('onsiil ered by Committee. PROVIDES FOR 80 DIVISIONS! Appropriation Members Act on Cenoral March's Advice in Reporting Measure. WASHINGTON' n. t K. Iiiinie , d.lte I i.liMdi I ,il un H.IM KOl'tl by 'Hi boils,. t,.,y I,, the millt.iiy liefli'- eiii- :,, i .iti :iu; ri,.U.'.,7:.' .Oil'l re ;l"nli. l.v II. c a '.ii.prial inn inni I . . 1 1 : . . In .tol.i fur till) I'lilll . .1 .ir pi.. grim ilurmK niliK nine n. mil!, s. I.eaileis raid the measure wi.n'.i on p.ift.s.i-,1 tomorrow. i Y.iseirsM prosccut inn of Hie war is the i lyiti' thought buck of Hie lull i.iid I 'li.iiriilan Shel ley in mi mil .' I in g Inn ii port. "This is a measiiie ptovldlng for the .. lit ill.. st .id'le.l CI .it lull e i'Ii's,' itn.n of tile war with the v ig.n and dispuich," lie 'I n il.t preparation no onsl'l-lin pi m was gin ii lo r i cut ! I . 1 5-.2.on( for thei ,li., for the n.ny unil ; II provides ; army, J 1 u I i $7u. nan, mo ft l.inilly allowanci h of , so.diei and H-i Ho i s i All a-lny nl ulinllt .'.,0(111,0(1(1 men, I 'eighty .Jivih'oiis ei I t. one and Is in tiaimng at home ity July 1, next, is what tlin new pit. grain calls for. Tu prepare ind maintain it, the am. unit now pinposcd is sought in H. billion to I17.uOii.00u.OOIi provided by the annual army lull uud tlie fortifica tions lull. It will I. ring the total of appropt l.i t In mm and HUthorl.itliiti for the year up to J.''.fi.oii.iniu,iio0. Gciii-i i March, appearing before I tint cunimittee when Ihe bill was iliafled, described It -as Ihe "iiihxI muui e.'folt for u defiiille maxiuiuni pl'l 'ortll.LfHT." It Is Hie lies! propaganda III tlie world for Genua ny," lie said, "be c.iuao Hiey cannot keep (heir people fioiu 'tnowlng that the I'nite.l Stales is tiulti.iJ these billions of dollars In- :to this war. It I., a concrete tangible I It, It,., o.l I- t.,r. I iti liot-l .. t.f r.-.,i,, V..IIIK, Jin. .a io that st.intlpoln! They know they are, becoming Impoverished. They know they are gelling down lo bed rock and here Is a nation throwing its whole strength Into It." legislative features of the bill In clude lluieasliig Hie powers of the sluppln boa id tto an to authorize ex tension of facilities of Mhlpyards, dydueks. marine lallways and piers. .More : hail hal,' of the I. Hal amount of app. npriutiiius and authorua linn carried in tlie bill is for the ord nunco ib-piirtmeni lo pirmil tlie ord. nance in eds until peccinber 31. 191'J, lo lie plannrd by Hie war depart ment. General llornry. head of the ord nance bureau, told the committee Mint the new prot.r.iiu oiils for l.hoo ! new guns for Hi - im leased artillery. I GERMANY HAS "MORE" OIL ! THAN NEEDED, IS CLAIM CHICA'IO, Oct. 1. A warning of the danger of taking too optimistic a view regarding Germany's supposed weakness was sounded today by Ira Nelson Morris, fulled. States tnlnls , tt r to Sweden. In a speech before tlie Chicago chamber of commerce, i "Our legation at Stockholm Is only i about six hours from Germany ami. 'therefore, we have means of know . ing conditions as Ihey exist, econom lli iilly and otherwise. In various parts of ( iermany." ho said. "Ill" Ger are re. eiv'ii.g mans, for instance great quantities of nil lrom Poland, iiialicia and Itumania. They had tnot" oil lit Germany when I left Ihev knew what to do with, j Tin v sold large quantities lo Swe. .bii mid to tuar.y other countries ! Th" l l.ralne, although thoroughly I tlisot g.ini.eil. has never failed to iscnd regular tihlptncnta of grain In ' Get many." Reichstag Meets Friday to Discuss Wilson Xote MASKL, Switzerland Oct t '1 Th" (.crmnii ret'lis'tair will meet Iti. lav (o discuss I 'i ' .a. but lis. not", according t" the Ctriuaii pn Wear (.iiue shields. j WASHINGTON. Ot i !' 1 of W .,- hinit'on's tintiv of ' Wriliilli Will i. i I -t a'.i',tre 1 on i row d.. st i eet . .it s a nd M my young d U,d. iv it th. ir .It I t w it h th"lr f.. e ua'i" shields a- prote infill! nz.i. ;i pr.ifi : ' 1 1 vot a't d bv some burr , muffled in tlon against 'i : r i.r, 1 1 y ad- I chiefs, who .1 uf'pr r;itf (h'Ulfif .lli,'l t f if t hM A WANT AD IN THE DAILY WORLD wi'l find the rirht worker for that job. i i.r the work-seekers' who versed and practiced In "nowadays wavs" of ilmn tlnnL's nr" sure to tutti 1'lltS'l' t" Hie t,rf,.rs of euiplovinent in Th.' Pulv World, ".vhuh if whv" an eillpl'iver Is enabled t.i choose Hi" I'.I'.ST run ur vvuvin. for t he w "rk lo b" done. Phone to ll iv (ifuiil or i'."U 1 . a ana musers ran unconnrmea Hi ram Johnson Roomed for President in 1!20 liytAM W. JtillN.StlN. SKW Vt'ltK. Oct. M. - Next Ho Col. Theodoie IIooni'M'II, I lilted Slates Smut"!' IIH.ini W. Jobiisnii looms In the minds nf i a ns the west as the most available man fur Hie republn in nn fur iiii'.'.lili ni in l :.: . a. . ..i .ling in Meyer LisHiier of l...s Angeles, an i n progtessne of Ciilifm ma. w lui has ii turned to Hie i epu I. In an fold. I .Issuer lias i i. nf. lie, rreqiieni IV Willi Will 11 II. i vs. tliainoan of Hie republican u. ill. .n il i lunuilttee, at Hie i lllill in. in s head, tu. irtio s. Ills statement with iifiienie to Scoai.i Johnson was minlo after one of bit talks w ith Chali man Havs. PNEUMONIA IS FATAL TO CLAUDE CHANDLER llrolln r of Mrpiibllcuii iiiigrrHonuin Sins unibs al liilia Afu r llnttle of 'Vrn Pitys. HMs-m! to Tlx Wiirl'l VI.NITA. okla . Oct 15.- Claude P. .Chandler, younger brother of Congressman T. A Cliainller, died at his home heie iI.ih nfternoon at 2 o'clock from pneumonia, following an attack of Influenza. He had been 111 about In davs. Mr. ('handler was 41 years of age nnd bad been en gaged 111 Ihe oil business for a num ber of yea is. I'uiiei a I will be held -from the home tomorrow at 11 o'cloik. lie sides his parents, Mr. and Mis. Ilur gess T Chandler. Mi. Ch miller Is siiivivil his luiilheiH T. A Cliatldler of Vlmta. Van Chandler nf heti biim nnd Mavis Chandler "f dona; his sinters. Mrs Caplin and Mis White of Ad. ill', nnd Mrs Mallard . iff Kolrhum Mr. ('handler wan not married. AMERICANS MAKE ESCAPE FROM HUN PRISON CAMPS PAKIH, Oil Hi.- Tlie Paris edi tion of the Chit ago Tribune has re ceived dispatches ft tu, i Switzerland, confirming the repent that i I Amer icans itii nlly eseani from the Ger man prison camp at lilingen, linden. onlv two are reported to have arr ived safely in Sw.tei land They are ,1 e 1 1 1 e n ,1 It I Isaacs. I' S N, of tlie steamship President Lincoln, and Corporal Harold Willis of Hoi Ion. Willis, who I' ll a prisoner to the Germans In Angus!. i'i7. while a member of tlie Ltf ivette escadnlle, escape.) from the t amp ( n oln r 4 I Thrc e Reported Missing From Transport America IM M( Ms I'N, N J , o. i. 0 Two sail'.!'- and one soldo r, n polled uu'sslng after Hie Oaiispoit AmcMi.i sank vsterdav a I her in r brie, have not re (tor' i"! 'lo i neir con i in i nd ing of ficers opinion as ex pressed loday t hat t In '. w It on. ii"d. I! was leaitied there was 11 .no't worth ,,f , "ii th" 'hip and this ptoll il lv i a total Ion. I. mile (.ulnict Head. I'tlM'-'. o, t i, i Hav a 1 All tioiini t'liietil is made of the death of Lrnil" liiijinit, founder of Ihe Cul itii t mii.i um. lie was born in IS.I'i. Pershing's Forces Greatest in World Danish Writer Says ci ipi-;mia I..M, in I ' News President 'ng al. In li ii ' '; a ns . I'd:.' tied HI d S'lto". "f it ai a in w hicti An., i WllS',.1 figure is l.rt ,t lor.. Tt vv t r to ' ji.-t t t 1 I'll I - U t,,e ' he (it '.v spa p' r i Itiord of ' n i.i n ill i p Tin. I't.Iltik' n ofirau, 'itrinued t he I cp . sen'. it i a g "V for a i i-l'tilut nt '1 1 lectin" ol le il I I ill g ill vv hen a I i.i m.-l CI I ;W .p. i it lit, W i s nil Al hid rt 'it it- from .in a tc . 1 ) . e W .1 t The . What A't Oil P . .liven' e in t i Slid that I in I', lie ul'l Ii i.l kli'jvvil. German Capitulation TT r - .1 Official I'rcss Uureau' of London Issues : Statement. VERIFICATION LACKING Atnsterdam Paper With draws Publication Tellincr f step. HUN PRESS SEES NO PEACE apers Hisappointed in ply of Wilson to "Fitfht On." Ke- A.MS TFRDAM. Oct. 1(1. The Nieiiwe Rotterdiimschc Coiinint has withdrawn its statement reporting the cap itulation of (iermany and the abdication of Emperor Wil liam. - This step was taken, the newspaper says, because it was unable to obtain any con lirmatioii of the report. LONDON. Oct. Hi. The Official PresM Jiurraii is of ficially informed that the re ports .published this afternoon to the effect that Germany has capitulated have no foun dation in fact. PISI'VrCHI H TliM, (!' CAI'I'I I LATION. WASHI.NViTO.V, Oil. ID. News dispntches Hi Is afternoon under an Amsterdam tlalii line said the SieuwH flolterdatnsrhe Courant had Issued a special edition In which the report was published that Germany hud capitulated and Emperor Will lam hud abdicated. Another dispatch under London date line, quoted Hauler's limited, as reporting that the German reply to the president's most recent note was expected to bo communicated Immediately and that ll was likely tu constitute a general acceptance of the conditions outlined by Ihe president as precedent lo pence, lie ports also were received In London, dispatches snld, through diplomatic channels from Holland that th Gi'tiiiiin reply probably would bo sunt today and that It would be an acceplanco of 1'resJdent Wilson's terms with some stipulation lo the effect that the Interests of the Ger man people, inns! tm respected. Later Hie Nleuwo llollerdnmsche Courant withdrew lis statement re porting en till ula t Ion nnd abdication of Inn kaiser while the Mrltlsh nf. filial press bureau announced It hud been officially Informed that such rumors hail no foundation In fact. ki:pv lit stop SI KM him; w ail AMST 'IIIHASI, Oct. 1 6. A move ment can ne obsei vod In the German t'Hpititl, Rii)a a diaputch from Merlin to ihn i'ljd. In bring about a, cessi tlon of the submarine wax as a result of Pi Wi. sun's note. IH N I'API HS M.L mi ri;u i: i.uiumi, AMSTKIU'AM. Oct. I . Com menting nn President Wilson's re ply lo Mie German peure offer the l.t'illn Vosslsclit. .eilung asks. 'What guarantee dues President Vv I Uon offer ihtit tt military superior ity will not be utilized afterward by Ins allies in a manner opposed to the piinciplcs of Just loo ami concilia tion '." "ll appeals we are at a Wage w hen ii is still possible to win ii the enemy 'hut in I In: history of Hie world il lias often been proved a rnis l.iko to d i iv,.' aotioltg nation, which, in older (nit In vintuin Us all, of flleil it:, hull In peace. Into sum mulling a I Its slumbering forces tu Hie iia' balllt ." Tho I'l liikfrn ' .i il utig says: "Pi-si lent Wilson's reply can't ! said to inaik an advance on lit" path r.f ;ie. ice. On tlie t'olllra'y 'itl t.tliiT ..p-ii'iK epe.iki. In the nolo The .sinol. il I 'it lociieeail and Lloid tii'iitr" mikis i's piesetn'o felt ami iciu.-is ion!. I In .lion wll"lier tlie j pa I ii an lead I t I h" g'tal ' I 'lite Nuitli German Gazette or Iterlill e.l .is; pit.iid nt Wti.t.n's rep;y h'lA partly c.itiie.l 1 in di.scii.ssioii lartliei' lllul par'.iy t'Mi'll. led it. "A flesh toiii.'er utteranco by tlie ti tm. ill gov et ninent tMelelole Is nec-ts-i.irv, m Ih it Hie bringing about of an a i mis'ice an I an lriairi iratiiui of l ii go' hit ions ate not yet mi ni' d 1.1 1" IV ,i t tail. a hie.' 'I'll" Cologne Gazelle, which often '.peaks .iiitlnii tt.itlvely, comment ing on I k id. -nl Wilson's reply to For eign Mini.'ti' f S"lf. says "After Pi'Mdent. Wilson's note, hope f.,r peat t: must In; lowered n ft vv pi gs " Tlie Cologne oiks Zeltung takes the .same stand. This! newspaper d- .I.iiis iliii a . 1 1 mn ot Germanys !l'" cannot be ileinarnled ll't tti' t' an a i mist a t' Is eoncliidcil. 1 'Ihe Git mans must, lower their I-,,,,, ., of i near pi nee i.f Justice iwi'ti..:' humiliation," s:aja 11, 'J Cu- l'.'ijiie olkb Ztuunc WORKERS SURE LOAN WILL BE SUBSCRIBED i While I Iron's Are Only I'asl Half- tinv Mark. ( oilinrv Will Go (Iter Hie To. I DAY'S TOTALS ARE LARGEST Meporls eslerilay Show al..000, 000; Musi Mil $11(10. (Mio. ()()( Pally In llcai h die Goal. WASHINGTON. Oct. PI. In thfc f oe 'of figures soil showing the fourth Liberty bum onlv litH" iiinii. than half raised up 10 $3,240. niil.i.llii Hie chief source of hope Inlilglll lav In assurances or cum ii.ilLii iiian.ireis for rat h of Ihe 12 llslilcts Hint their respectl" fields ,i iiiild pi ov n up w hen flint, returns lire counted. Suppniliiig Hits tiltlliitle was the addition of $.115. I. "HO today lo the lol.ll. Ihe biggest single day's still- scrlplliiii 'I'hls still left $2,730,0(10,- lllul In he gathered tomorrow, hri- day lunl Satiiiday Hireo days I tl nrti) a day. 'officials do not uxpert lha! big rale to appear In of ficial reports, at 'least until Hntur diiv. They believe a billion or mors will bo counted up after Ihe cam paign has closed Saturday night from Hie flood of hist minute sub scriptions. Mut they fear that unless the officially tabulated figures total considerably above tho $4,000,000. 000 mark on the latest reports Sat urday, tho loan may fall lo reach lis goal. When the third loan campaign hail but three days to run, the offi cial figure stood nt $2.fi79.000,000 and Increased to $3,004,000,000 by the final night. The post-campaign tabulations added $1,171,000,000, making the actual subscriptions $4,174,000,000. Minneapolis Is Over. Official reports lo not show any federal reserve district above 100 per cent, but Minneapolis district managers, with a recognized show ing of 40 per rent, claim they have gathered enough pledges to put them over. The Hi. Louis district with 85 per rent still leads all other. New York, Atlantic and Philadelphia are lowest, with percentages 47, 43 and 43, respectively. This wis navy day In the cam paign, and on battleships and at iand stations throughout the world, Atnertean sailor and naval officers turned In pledges of part of their small earnings to help pay th ex penses of the war. Even without today's additions, the navy has al ready subscribed more than $23, 000.000, Rear Admiral T. J. Cowle, navy Liberty loan officer, told Sec retary McAdoo today. The secretary, who has three sons In the navy, then proceeded to "match the navy." with another $100 subscription for himself. Soldier Am Investing. For the fighting men on land, llrlgndler General Ford, army Lib erty loan officer, reported that sol diers, exojuslve of the American ex peditionary forces, hud bought $.10, 000,600 In bonds up to lost Monday, and CapL Hubert W, Daniel, assist ant army Liberty loan officer, esti mated this would be raised to $4T,- 000.000, by the end of tho week. "This means," said a war depart ment announcement, "that the army will buy this loan douhln the amount subscribed to the third Liberty loan." A telegram received from Kort Oglethorpe, Ga.. stated that num bers of Interned German prisoners wished to Invest lo fourth Liberty bonds. Permission was given by A. Mitchell Palmer, alien property cus todian. Reports from all section of the country today show that railroad men hud subscribed for $109,438,000 at the close of business October 11. ST. LOUIS CONGRESSMAN IS DEAD FROM INFLUENZA ST. IIL'IS. Oct. 16 Congress man Jacob i;. Meeker died hero this morning of Spanish influenza,, fol lowing his marriage at midnight l.ul night lo his private secretary. Congri-maii Meeker, a repub lican, had served two terms In the housH of representatives from the tenth, ISI. Louis dlsirlctl. Ho was renominated In the August primary and was hem in the lnicicsl of his re-election when he becanit; seriously 111 in a loiai lint e I. He was removed o a husipial IilmL Monday morning. Ills iii'iinage at midnight lo Mrs. Alice Kediiien. his aecretil ryi fol lowed an iiouiict'inent by his phys ic. ,ui tluii he could not recover, lie was divorced from his. first wife and leaves four children. Iln was bom in Fountain, Ind. Oct. 7. I s 7 H. and was formerly pas tor of tho Cnmptoii Hill Congrega tional church here. INFLUENZA CAUSES FOOD CARD CAMPAIGN STOPPED Spet-ial to T'ot nrM. OKLAHOMA CITV, Or!. .V The home card cmipaigri of the I'rn'cd States f"B'l ailiiiitiis'raM'iii, which Willi to li ivh begun October 2S, ha. In i n postponed until pecember 1. iccoriling lo n message rereived bv C. H. Ann's, federal food adminis trator fir Oklahoma, from Washing ton. The campaign w is deferred on accomit ot the inflornz.i, which pre vented proper school and church help. Hume cards for Oklahoma have hern printed and the fuel adminis tration now will forth' r Its plans to have a new pledge cod placed In every homo ou December 1. ll :if,i m ;:' if i.i "! ..a ,; 5 h pi ii;- 91 if 3-I1- ! ;l M !$ I Pi Si n O