Newspaper Page Text
VULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1018 WORKMEN'S COUNCIL NOW GOVERNS KIEL V ,iIpi . Soldiers anil laborers Rolrp ' ,iili,.rll.v ami lwi- ITKjumu. (l,,n riillHliiR lU-voliillon. ORDER NAVY FROM HARBOR MilJiary lYlMmcrs Arc to lc Ho rower In Tuki-ii Our lliiii- Try to "I'pwwt Oiulircok. . , Nov. 7. "Wis Herman : i, 'iin.s iiave derided to supides ?.',; ,,'w,uti'" ' Klel. cr.oTliug 10 , 'ivit-urauh. tfrvt'iul liun- i ... diers f r..iu Klctiinurn Inland , ordered to Kiel. The work I ,,'and soldiers .o.inr'il. u.l ,n ;!, I'.-is decided to make u )i'ai.!.uin ri Mbtance. K ,1 m (-'"verned by the murirurs, li, is and wurkt-rs uuunr-U. All tlie ur,oi... .s Mn been occupied . by , i ir.M,i.! The street car lines ;uid .,j arc under tho control iif he .,rkuiem council. There have ln no diamrbanci-8. After u conference botween Secrc , f, u statu lliiiiHtiian and leiu:y We and the workmens and sul ,'liets coWil the following proc'ama. t.on " l.-wueo:. Comrade Kor the first t!mo power is In the hands of Iho .uIJ-.ts Great work Ilea before UK. Hut 'in order that Ha rt-aiizai Inn tan take l:ace Uih oncanlwUlon if u,ir movement neceHHary. Uc have fi rmed a council of workmen ml soldiers and It will be resnon Wbl tr Hie preservation of order." Tn foliowiuK pointa were passed by Ihe council: Kirst --.Secretary HauKxmaji will Use n'n ll,at Uio demands of the aoUlrirs and workmena council shall It forwarded to the ralchstan. Second--nm linmedlato cessation of ' all military measures directed arainst the movement of the coun- C'Third --The navy has been ordered to I'ave the harbor. Fourth MitlUiry. prisoners to be released. LONDON. Wednesday, Nov. 6. Members of h bttleahi Kaiser at Kiel have mutinied a-nd hoisted the atteniDtinir tu de fend the (jorman f'.an wore over powered and two 01 mem. m.-iumuE the commander, were killed. A num ber of others were wounded, accord ing to the C'oloK'ie liuzetle. Three companies of infantry were Hem from Kiel to restore order. They immediately Joined the revolution and a fourth company was dis armed. Ijunnic last niKhl huK.sars sunt to Kiel from A andnbeck wero en countered ouLslde of Kiel by soldiers with machiiiu guns and forced them to turn back. Tho soldiers council has decided that all officeia remain at their present pouts but mu.-it obey the (ouiul , whb li controls all fond sup plies. .Machine kuiis are mounted in 'arums pans of the city. Cuxhaen and Willieliiinh.'iveii are ipilet. An Amsterdam dlspalen to the K ihaiiKu Telegraph company says that two battleships, the Kaiser and the SchleswiK-HoUteln, were seised by Hid mutineers and that 20 officers. Including two captains, were killed. It Is reported (lie at Kiel refused tu march to tho harbor and that the sailors threatened to blow up the battleships if attacked. They aro defending the ships and refuse to return to their duties until a treaty of peace Is nittned Admiral .Soui'luui. Kovcrnor of tho part, liavlnn asked Iho muiiilneers what they wanted, has1 aproved u.l their demands. In rludimr even their refusal to Kilute officers, It Is Bald. BRITISH AIRMAN SURVIVES ! FIGHT WITH SIXTY HUNS! UNVERIFIED REPORTS CAUSE WILD TRADING Nw York Stork Ll.l. FURTHER ALLIED AID IS REQUESTEDU BY RUSSIANS WASHINGTON. Nov. 7 l'urther and iinmerriate aid from the allied and American governments in rld dimr I'ikkiii of boislieviki control and re-istablishiiiK order is asked In an appeal addressed to President Wilson by tiie cwisolidated Itussian proviM.on il (iivcriiiiii'iit at i Husk and delivered to Secretary Laiislm; to day by Hons li.ikhmeteff Kusslan ambassador to tho 1 nite.l States. Alter dcscriloriK the rcin of ter ror inaugurate,! n eeutral Itussia by tho boIsheikl anda-seriinK that control by this element is made pus slide only throiiKli Herman inllu ence, the appeal said aid already ex tended to Russia by the allies will be in vain, "if the new help arrives too late." It adds that every hour of delay "threatens with Innumer able calamitlefl, the allies and other nations " rarllament I'axiwfi Women's mil. LONDON, Wednesday, Nov. i. -The house of commons today passed on third reading the lilll permitting women to sit in parliament. By The Aiuxwiaird I'rrns WITH TIIK AI,IK1 AltMl! IN FRANC K AND I'.KMilf.M, Nov. 6 One of the most daring and gallant deeds has been added to the records of the Hrltmh air force In u battle recently fought In the Mormal forest by a llritlsh major, working single handitd In a fast scouting machine. The major Imd engaged a German airplane and almost before he real ized It was surrounded by a great flight of enemy machines, which at tacked him fiercely from all sides. A battle royal ensued, which lasted about an hour, during which the Hrltlsh airman was attacked bv huc cessue flighta of enemy planes until he had given battle to butween bu and CD. Karlly In the fight the major sus tained three severe and crippling wounds, one arm and both legs be ing rendered virtually helpless, lu-splte his Injuries and the fact that he was almost unconscious at times, he continued to fight until by bril liant and fast maneuvering he man aged to ittiape to his own lines, lie hud destroyed four hostile planes iind driven down out of control be tween four and six. The llrlilsh airman Is In a hospital and will probably recover. ALLEGED LUMBER FRAUDS CAUSE THIRTEEN ARRESTS NF.W YOltK. Nov 7 With the irns! it 13 officer and employes of the Coastwise Lumber ft Supply Co. today. It wis d.sclnsed by fed eral officials that an alleged con spiracy has hern in progress to de fraud the government of thousands of dollars through not delivering lumber for which tho Rovernment paid The company's government con tracts are said to aggregate be tween $-.Odn.ioin and J1I nno.niio and to Involve the supplying of lumber for Camp I'pton Ijong Island; the coastal naval air station at Newport. It. I ; the army piers at Hoboken. N. J . and other army post as well for the l nlted States shipping board and the custom service. The warrants for the arrests were said to have been Issued at the re finest of Attorney General Gregory, who Is understood to have person ally supervised the lmiuiry. New York l icliange Closes Marly Hut Volume of lliislneas Keeps Officials Itusy shares High. Nirw VdllK, Nov. 7. - Wall slreet experienced one of the w!ldit and most bewildering sessions In Its varied experience today, the stock market responding feverishly to un confirmed reports of the signing ef the peace armistice with Germany The financial community accepted the reports und gave itself over a de lirium of bullish enthusiasm. In recognition nf the desire of the brokers to celebrate, the authorities of the exchange suspended operations half an hour abend tif the regular period, but Ihe press of business as represented bv buying orders was so great that final transactions were not recorded until some la minutes later. Stock opened at gains of I to .1 points, cables from neutral points telling of revolts and mutinies in the German nrlnv and nat), inviting further extension of long aceoiinls Italia and oils were among the first shares to make strong response, high lass transportations mounting to the ear s lust prices at gross gams of 2 to 7 points Mexican I'etroleiini rose almost ill points anil related shares 2 to f, Motors, coppers ami peace specialties finished net ad vances of to 4 points Hallway bonds gained 1 to 4 per cent, various foielgn Issues I to 'I I J but l.lbertv Issues were barely firm Old I'nlted S'ates bonds were un changed mi rail. CblrMO Provisions. rniO0(V Ne T Hotter, nnfhsnrfl freailier) 'il V.I r - llereipu. ii.u;.V fM : unrlisiigefl I'olaUlM Ur.pti. ,',S rr, unrhsngnl Poultry- Alive hmrr, fiiwlll, Ulut-ar. iprmicii. il-t'c. turk. :ilr. Ktnsu City Provisions. K4X!..s flTY. Nov t Wheat, an rhssgrd No 1 W'l. 'J ltt'2 I" '4 ; J nominal; No. I rod. i IS, .Su 2, noun Orn No 5 mixed llSI'ifl.VS; Ni 2 wliite, fl ISfal i. -N'. H yelkw. H 5'g 1 .'. Hals ytfaily t nirhf-r: No. 2 whitf. TllfiTtSr; No 'J mixed, MS'. K,e II.VJlnTl i !,'ii in lliiiiilr.,li Huh lw Cnm m. T llel .-I.;; 1,1', I 'j M ' A'l'.tr I Mil II', I ,' 4n 47 Am !' vet K '.'I s , , s'. S til In., etnotlfs I! I, , ' I' I I'S MHT. I. ir Hi 4 1', 4'' ' 41 t-ll Sm ,,1 t r.J 'I 1 V, -III, (I'J A in -u u III II.' I I'J ' 1. I I Tsi li los'4 ll'7 I os i m I'xl.ami . IS3 Am le:'iT il 7.1 71 7JT t.' ,,il us till OS At f.m.l I, ; 1,7 lo.lT, 1"' At 1 1 ii I 1 f.' pel l in' lla'il liro ltd si1-. 7 7 ''' S ; Ha t nliio '."I Mi j '74 .'"' . Ili-i ?i s 11' '.'i, i. 'i en t 2 l u I'.v ifii- ;, I I 72 llil 17i j i i'ii'ii-r 41 o;i 'a lio I'-S I lies anil ll'ilo II . M S HO't Hi ' . M mill st I' i :.'. i :.'. i c li I nl l', ; .; . :i :i i I i t. .no l'i.ii,r It 4.',n 4J 4-', 'ii I' t.n.1 I s 4 1 4.1 4 1 I urn I'nsl II 4s 47't 4 7 4 I'rn si,.,-! i i, i, .s s i, I I ii 1st l an.. f,tll 'J i ;i3 , :i I ;." I-"- I ! vi,1, iss vi I t 'i K'.-.-lrir n 1 '.ti .4 I'.S (Ct.ii Mm. ir. 37, r.".l l.i'.S 4t.l Vi'i ,f,l s:l ii4' I o.t i.i ..r nr.. cm j i 'Ji ;r."4 1 It 'I I .Sli't S. ... . HIS , I !,,., i, i ,. irJ i 104 10.1 KVl , 1 .S' '"l'l' r en i M v '' ' 'I'H M. ' t ir - a :io '.Mi '.'! j li t m m . i (il ; 7 7 j'.' I, f.'o', :' l"t Pe.'f t .l.'i il I ', .1.'' S k. 'i i ,t.,.r i i in v an i, 4ov, I I .-I. ,i ,t aih 1 ill '-j lis I 111 4 Max V .i.ira .' 40 .17 , 40 I Vi f.'re 4'.l 1 7.'. it.' 1 7 4 i j i aim. in i .., to '.'ij : : I Mi'li i. ". - I s . 4'. 4 I S. 44 S , Mi r.i. ,( '.' : 1 1, as ' :n I N. inih I n l II, :i '.j SI I, S.I N'- I w . .1 : I 1 1 I V I1"' S III Nur l, if,.. s-j i u7 leu ! I'M-.. l,:i s,i 4J. 4'. 47V I't-i I lit, :A ,. ! r,,l 4H .',11 I'm .l.iii :l, I t ' 7 4'i V 4'l ' 4'l ' lli i nn I',. i i II V 'J I '-' . ! i.lnii: .'is ii.'X, tins I'-' " Km. I n i v 1 1 : i, -7 ' so s. V I it... 4 . In l Hi I" Sh 4 t I . n'.l '.'.. !l VI s.n i nl h , l( 17 :t 't V :,H S V. i . .,,., I S.MI !., f.. 17 1 I III llf. l"""j e i Ha i '.' T -i 41, .'IV V 7l:t, .x.nlli H4.1 .r.l I I 7 I 't 7o 71 I 'in i ,..,t r lo ir,-. 1 1. V Hi 'n IV.i. I'.. 4.1 I'll pin IB1 I.. I. a re I ,si; 7i. 'i 77 I nioii In I - . 117 1, ;i 4 1 .17 I rain -' ii.-n l' it l"7.' V 10.14 I 'mil .1 K'.nl li II" 144 IG r ! i i . ,i vi 1 1' i ir; v, i.', I I si; ,', , r I I 7 .14 774 7I it s 1 1 1 ir,.' inii) oo in:', r s s ,,(1 m nj iti iij t 1 Hi C'.i.: . r 4t Ho st) I'll I m '1 1,,. 1,1 ; I 1. 11 1, '. 14 lio 14 Wuh I'f.l V. 4" .T.l'a 4'"S, W . .1 I 1.1. hi I I 1. '.' '4 IC -I 1 It . 7n ft '4 41 S 4'. V il'Nin,r :ii. : m Vi X FdDdDdl Millie Airinmy smi otl EnndDuagUn f r dDM MILLIONS of pounds of meats are being called for by the Government More than one-third of the energies of all the Armour plants are being devoted to meet that demand to help win the war. This means that we must dis tribute the remainder of our available supply very care fully. One section must not be permitted to suffer from an under-supply of any particu lar kind of food when this might be avoided by simply preventing over-supply in some other locality. In solving this problem the local Armour Branch House (and all our similar Branch Houses at other points) play an important part For each knows the needs of the community it serves. Our Branches all know what foods are available from out side sources what alterna tive foods must be supplied what "out-of-season" prod ucts are needed. And they also know how much less than the normal supply of shipped-in foods will be ade quate at any time, so that the Army and the home folks may be sufficiently fed. Some of my important duties here as the local .Armour Manager are: To study the requirements , of this terri tory; to be in constant touch with the sources of supply; where possible, to prevent shortages; to specify the fcods most needed. And the best way I can serve Armour and Company is to serve the merchants and the people of this community to the utmost of my ability. H. M. McKay Manager Tulsa Branch House Telephone 105-859 - Don't Sell Your Liberty Bonds-They're the Best Investment on Earth Jnl ' , , .,,,,, I, LSJIMW.'S I I I I II I aa,liaSMl.ll.lMlMMIISWMS LiiSiT... rzjrz-iir7TZZ?Zr-t "C'-Sri.sit.isVi "liii rfrriiiu mmmmmmmmmmmmmm """ ' 1 1 iiiiissw-iisMsaissiws.wam Tui.l ...:, 1117 nun ttamlard Oil Htorkl. I .'rai.illti'lg, M.liri'iny A Vl ) Mid Atkfl Anjto tnt ii. an ml .... . . 17 17V A 1 1 a , 1 1 e II. I.i.i'uc I'lO'l lots nim''i mi.' ;i'oi Colli il .1 4 4 i 4.' ( ' reseu l 1'itti' .'Ill 411 I'limiit riii'i l l't' i.r' li-' Kiireka l'in' I '17 V"ii lialrna Signal, i mi I O'l !" lialess-Siirnal, j.f.l 100 lO'i lllinma I'll." HI 173 Imiiaiia I'lpe ill il.' Ohio Oil TIM .IS'! I'raine o and 11 -M'' ''"' r- Prairie Pipe 20 '-' South I'fnn Oil s. 'Jt'i f 1( of (alifo'iiia .1S SI'J H ( or Imllana flUO 7111 H . el Sr .l,rr .Ssj f,.1 S (l. of Knaii !Mi: .'lil'i H II of Krntu. k Tlji 71 l.'i f I). of N, w York ?S'J aruuni Oil . w. 37i 3S0 Indtpenil.nt Oil Btorki. 5 I (FtrandtHTg, Mr(irfstv A Hid At'antir Pftrolfiint . . I'lll. Spruce, com. fltisa f"Tii, idl. Ilarnelt Oil t'otden and CV. rotn. Klk Banln , H Federal od 'I lliitmlnn Oil 7S Merritt Oil Midwest Oil, roio. Midwe.t Oil. pfd. . . Okla P. and It . . Okni.lpc I'. and K Omar Oil hafiulpa Ref Sifojr Oil ""eniioyah ld ..... Hinrlair (lull Union Oil Wajdand Oil .... 2.1 . loo . I Mi . li 2 . IS . 1 . t . SI . 60 . 3 AlVrd. a 76 S 10 17 S4 104 lO'i li tii Bond! Cloitnf. Nuy. 7. Liberty Llherty Nr.W Yollk. rleaed : s rirnt eonvrlitile 4a Sei-ond 4a Kirit ronvf rtilite 4'ti S''nnd eniinerlltle 4 ij, t Third 4,i Fourth 4'. a Now York Bonds for South. H. P .a rrrfinli-reil V. S 2a roujmn f M n ri-riNiered f M rta riiujsiii V. 8 Is r t'. S 4a oilioli AmT Td and Trl ell , .Is Anglo Krfnrh At foiKt Line Il ai bond a . .ft") 0" , . OS 0 . . s on , . fix f.n . . ilil OR . . MS 1)4 . . (s ua I OA I M i 8:1 I Sit ins-j nr. Bli u. H4 llallimore and Ohio rr 4 Ha i A4 Onlral if Oi.iriria t;oliol. f'nlral I.ea'i'T 1171 B.'.'a rid Ohio r .'.I . H fiiravro II and O Joint 4 f'bl Mil '"t s't I' " 4" C R I and I'"'- Ky r 4 I'nl and Siiol hf-rn rff i Iienver and It'" Orande rff ... lmminifin of Canada 6a (1931) F.rin cr-n. 4m Illinois CenHal rf 4a Int Mer Maroif It Kana t'it Soinliern rff. St . . I. It-celt and MvrM .'it Ixiuii and .Snti nn 4a Tllu Kan and I'm, Ut a .... Mih. e" 4H Kra York Cmtral deh li .... Nor. and Win! Conaol. 4 Northern I'a- if l lrnBl.- Conaol 4 I I'snimyl. grn 4 Keliiil.' Kf'i. 4 Hep Iron and 8. . ( 1940) .. .ut lonia ami ."an. Fran, adj 0a.. Sea. Air jinn adj. it ,t Sou Hell Tel. As I.I Sou r'-f cr .'.a S'nuth KiiH ia Sou Hail rn 4 1't'ian Cofniiit "V. Sa Tfas a'i I I'li'ifi'' Ul I'ninn I'arifi'- 4n f- V. S Slfl ' a Cr Clif m Val,ali l.l. Kri'i.cli lio SV4 Dally Cotton Tabla. 1 7 7 r.p.7 Port mofnienl Mi-Hlmr Been Xw Orlesr.a ;i ' i.alffnton :i I '' ;.si-! MwUlle . . . l Snvannan . -" r'" :l'l'.'" Chrlflon '.''! Wi''on 4 11 'l' xa illy. . Norfolk . . 2 : 1''"'-' Haltniore ... lloslon ...UIO l'hJlad-lhi :l '0 Ni York . 31 .'. t nor porta T I iel 17li I 3 VI for wk .... I I '17 40 T'l fur lf.f.H'.'i.s ll.trri'ir rnri'mMit. Middlin Reeta. irnjiion . ..'tl i' 111 Mnni.lua ...'lO'.n Mi.'.o aiiiii . m :,"7 SI Ixi.iit . :'" l.ltlle Itoek . :i" "0 "!" Ir. :. si Montgomerv . Jt) 50 'Iolal loly .. '.'474 oi. n so SI t His 4' not s.',j; 104 1)1 B7 70 Il 7 lo:i (i.i b siis 07', S7 fl" 7M, t,o K'.'S r'lfi H tisai 100 fl'.' SS 14 ii'l'a 1 on . 1041 14 Stork :"'J.!4S 'JU?i'IH 4'.' 1.: I O'JUS U'::i7 1 O-'Jfi I I 'ill'. 1 1 ','10 2-' 1 f I'Jll-l'i'.l KsIm Plo-k I '.si S'j'iriST 2"nri Vl!l'l7 9 -'4 in.l4!l I'l7lill 10SS 2S7U6 4I'.I Friday Hour Sales at Vandcvcrs No phono onlors hour pnlo items cannot be sent 0. O. D. no churuoH fhop by the flock for articles po on sale profnptly. Hour Sale 9 until 10 a. m. Women's "Mendel" House Dresses, $3.49 Made of gingham ami pi mile; plain col ors, stripes and plaids; Ioiir sleeves; regu lar .$.') and $r.r0; sizes .'IG to 4(5, Hour Snle 10 until 11 a. m. Children's Gingham Dresses, $1.69 Plaids, stripes ami plain colors; regularly $2..r)0 ami ?2.7."; sizes 2 to 11 years. See t ond floor. Hour Salt; 11 until 12 noon Women's Outing Gowns, $1.15 Good heavy outing; pink anil blue stripes; all regular sizes; regularly $2.00. Second floor. Hour Sale 1 until 2 p. m. Society Silk, 49c 36-inch ; purple, gray, cream, orange, green and white. Hour Sale 2 until 3 p. m. Voile and Batiste Waists, $3.75 White only; hand-made batiste; very at tractively hemstitched; just three dozen in the lot; regularly $6.50. Hour Salis 3 until 4 p. m. Sheffield Silver, 49c Powdered nugar holders marmalade jara, mustard jars, bud vases, pickle and olive dishes, etc. ; worth up to $1.50. Hour Sale 4 until 5 p. m. Embroidery Edging, 5c One lot, comprising lace embroidery edg ing and embroidery; up to 2 inches; regu larly up to 10c yard. Hour Sale 5 until 6 p. m. Children's Drawers and Shirts, a Garment, 35c Regular Prices up to $1.25 Munsjng and other well known makes both part wool and cotton; fuzes from 4 to 12 years; a big table full of them. Yandever's Sale of Thanksgiving Linens Is In Progress .Every piece of Table Damask, Lunch Cloths, Napkins radically reduced. The Sale of Handkercliefs Continued The pavings are unusual; everytning eluded. 1 5 Oklahoma Hospital Konrlre Consist of 1st. Fireproof bulldlntf arranged for a purpoRo. 2nd. Modern and cnmplcta equip, tnent under oris roof. 3rd. Chnrnrter, experience and akIU of attendant. lr. rml S. ntiimn. rrrsliIi-nU Mlna II. . '. .Irurlrr, It, N. Superintendent lr. I.ytlo Athrnon I test (ton t I'hysUlHn Ninth and Jurkmm Street J'lione Una k 3 9 Vt ! I'lioiiB U ) ' li-17 West Archer 11 PRODUCK CO. Wholesale Jobbers Creamery Mutter and Kggs (lootl Eggs Always 5 E YEIr. Arthur Ear Campbell Noae . Throat Mayn nidg rtiiino . 198. Ilcadquartera for fCryptok Ienaea New Locution 10 Weal Third rhone 847S MATERNITY HOSPITAL Krflrlent trained nurses. Ilable Hilnited If desired. 1103 W. MAIN ST. fiklah.ima City, OUla. QIIANNON'Q 3 FURNITURE O Kichnnge New for Old 14 and It West Second & CDr.I. Angstreich W OPTOMBTRI8T with HARRY HEILBR0N JEWELER Second and Main Thona 11T I J Cbleairo Orsln Eania. ReeelpU, 10,000; steady. BeeTsa, $7.80(S nilCAtH), Kot. 7.-'lo'lay's ' 00. ... lle IlereipU, 1.000: 102")fl "Ware. lorn- Open I nf , II-..,.. n.O.'.W 1 7.8 V Nn. ... IS'i , ; J Jf ' -shwp Reeeipta. 750; fteadf. l,e ... 1 30 ' 1 " i OOiaii.00. al , ,tu. 11 , !,;, ::. -td v '" v '.'rk v, no s i at i o a--" ' vo'j"rd ;r. 7-. '"'flTn n-. -J. ili'.U iiio iii i Jan. . .2M)i -4 15 1 Gay W. MoCulloch H. n. Chaffln MOWBRAY UNDERTAKING CO. OPEN HAY AND NlOItT BERVICB THE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY TIT BOUTU.CHEYENNB .rilONB 100 Children Cared for Durlnr Worklnf , or Hbopplng Hours W. J. GREGG L. J. MARTIN Attorn eys-at-Law Eichanga National Dank Bunding Tulaa, Oklv , AUGUSTA F0URNIER 0M0HUNDR0 s Teacher of Voice. Btudlo 1!20 N. Denver rhone tl4t EDNA B, FARIS PUBUC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Room 530 Mayo Building , Thona 7985. SAM'L. A. B00RSTIN ATTOUNET AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW (12-11-14 Wright Uldg, Law of Oil and Oaa I Law of Corporation fHONP Till CHAS. H. MERILLAT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bond BuUdtng. Waahlncton. li. 0. Oil, das and Indian Matters fort Worth Lire Btora. FORT WOHTH, 'lei , Nor. 7 - Imba, St. LotiU Uts Bto. T IOI'It". Not 7. Ilmra lOfliltf lriwrr recHiuta. 14 SO0. I i r lila. $!7.&U'ri isofi. pin 14 7if(l 60; mi led ami l.uuh.ra I7 4i'n)IH 30; bearr. fls.aodv is .ui; bulk, I17.!0(s is. 10. faille Rteadr: rereipta, . 010. Nalire I hni'f ateeri 1 1 1 liO la 1 8 'id ; ynariinf t.ira 2"l,riiaiid heifers. 'l..llf. 15 Ml; fowl. 7.50's -4 1' 12 SO; atm-keri and feeder!. S.50' 12.00 ; fair hi i-rimr aouthem beat ataera. tlOOO'i I H ni; rt ioa and heiferi, 7.S0 15.,u ; -(lattle i nam. ca iea, 17 7'i(a 1 7.V j. Dr. E.G. Badger L I National AflsociationX J) CHIROPODIST Z IHV2 East Third St. Phone 2810 Tulaa, OkJa. WOODSON E. N0RVELL Attorney Now Txicateil In Unity Bonding Suites 101-111 21630 New Orlaani Cotton Futnrst. KBW flKIiM NK No 7. (iotloD doled at a decline of Its to 39 points. Huh U rloe 79 7'l sa -ri 2 7 I 'ja fio 27 :n "i d" I VS 40 'J7 CO V7 7H '.x f.O in ' I '-'I 40 : 2T.3 ! -7.-0 flei-. .Ian. Mar. Vv Eariaaa Cltv Prodnc. KANSAS ( ITV. -No. i. Butler, chaniteil. fcisa VncliBt)d ; John McCormack CONVENTION HALL NOVEMBER 20th Seats Now on Sale From 12 to 2 Jenkins Music Co. GRAND Theater Stock Company will oprn aa soon a the, qnanui tine Is with "The Cabin in the Hills" Cllfr IliwiUnirs anil Lnrrna Tol muii In 1 1 leading luirta. HOTEL1 OXFORD Strictly modern, steam heat, hot und cold runnlni; water in every rnoni, private bulh, mums slnglo or ennulte. Kates 15 per week and up. Corner Third and De-trolC. a" cr Sk-