Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WOItLI), MONDAY, NOVKMHKIl 11, l'.JlH Revolution Sweeps Over Germany as William and Army Staff Flee to Holland f ohenzollern i i i l i. I i. I f v 1? s Revolution Sweeps All Germany as William Hohenzollern Flees IViN'I'I N I Hi I I KIM I'A'i I. K a cofisation of work in nil workshops at nlxuit 10 o'clock. "Rcjrimcnt of Nun-mlmr chasseurs pasol over to the people. Other troops rapidly following their action. "The Alexander regiment, alter hrarinjr a declaration by Deputy Walls, went over to the revolution." LONDON, Nov. 10 (0:10 p. m.) Kiwn, where tho jrrrat Krupp fltwl worka are Hltuated, in reported to ho in the hands of the revolutionaries, Hays a dispatch from Amster dam to the Exchange Telegraph company. Lieutenant Krupp von liohlen und Ilalbach, the head of the Krupp workd, and his wife, have been arrefitcd. This news was brought from Essen by Dutch workmen arriving by special tram at LONDON, Nov. 10.- -(12 3) t" Hie former fiomuui emperor's l'''v irhloh In believed ti Include Kll1 Marshal von lllniUnhur-. arrived at Kyrden, on the Hutch frontier, ut f:0 o'clock Hundny inornln(l, nc turdlng to lJIy Mall mlvlcM. lTactically the whole Herman Mineral etaff accompanied the former emperor, and Ion Mitomo kiln carried the pfrrty. The nuto liohile were brlmlln- with rllles n1 all the fuiruUvr wr armed. Tho ex-kaiser wan In uniform. He alighted at the Kvsden station uid paed the platform, smoking a itraret. Ryvdan Ilea about mid-way brtwacn Ue- and Maastricht, on Ilia Dutrh Hrdr. COPBNUAOKN. Nov. 10. S0 k m.) New o( Kmperor William" tbdtcarflon waa received on Hnturrtity' tfternoon at yerlln with general r lolclng which waa tampered by th tear that It had coma too late. COP15NNAOBN, Nov. 10. fit SO i. m.) FYederlCh Kbert, (ha social wt leader, ha bran appnlntad Imper. ,1 chanecllor. Ha ha issued a pro ilamatlon aaying that ho plana to ' form paoplti'a government whlrh will endeavor to bring about apcudy peace. Chancellor Kbert Kvld ha would ondaavor to fortify ih freedom which the people had wpn. lie begged aupport In Ih hard work ahead and appealed for en-opera-lion In the country and cltle In the problem of provisioning. Herr Ebert declared that Prince Maximilian of Haden had tran- Irialto Beautiful and Charming Alice Brady AlKBMADY- faiowa at 1I:0, UilW, , iS0, 5, 80, and :M IlfCTiUr lrlti: Ixiwt'r floor, Tic; boiwny, 11c; chlUlrrn, at nmt lnms 6c; nllilM, 1 Ic. Tlwac prlewi Includo war Uw. Coral ns Wcdncexlay aid Tlinrwluy NORMA TAI-M-IM1E In n brtllhvnt prodncflon of the farnnn ansgv aucrraa, 'IKi-M'XK AXNIK" Tako Uila tip: Thle la Uio ktriHut picture Nornu Tid nMdgxs has ever made. u 8PE471AL luVn itN DATH Majestic Theater SIX DAYS ONLY, STARTING Tuesday Matinee, Nov. 19th D. W. GRIFFITH'S Greater than "The Birth of a Nation" AIX SE.TS RrSF.RVF.O PRICES: NlKlita, Sue. 75c, $1.00, l.R0; .MiuIimhn, 25o, 50c, T5o iind ll.OOj War Tax Kitra. Mail oPdor when accompanied by money orders or eltevks will be flletl In sequence of their ren-lut. Acvcngar on Saturday. Orred the chxnnellnrahlp to him, all the Hrrrrturlttri of stiitr nuking given Hi oir innwnt. Th new government, he added, would be In agreement wllh tin various parties ZI'TUHf. Nov. 10 lioHijen at Hie troubles In the In lerlor of (lertnanv. I'rlnrn Mailmll Inn of lliiitrn an. I all the burgoolsie ministers have reHlK'icd, Maya a dla putch from Merlin. Fradertch KhiTt, the Wd lallKt leader, haa been dednllnjy reiucnlxad aa chanoallor. IiNIii N. 10. In the naw Oerman government there will be only three repreae-ntatlvea for the majority partloe, nnmely, Knherar, tliithli-n otid lllnhthnfen, aaya a dla pntrh from t'openhaiten to tha K illluiKw Tcleejraph comininy. The other poata will be occupied by clallHta and lndependenta. rnl'KNIIAORN. Nov ID The naw Merlin government, orrordlng to a Wolff Itureou dlepatuh, haa laaued the following proclamation: "Kellow cltlrena: Thle dy the penplre' deliverance haa ,'"n fulfill ed. The aoclal democratic party haa undertaken to form a government It tin Invited the Independent aoclal lal party to enter the government with equal rlglila." William Itohenanllerrk the abdi cated Herman emperor and king of ,. i i h. i m .1,1.1 iuin lVeder- 1ck William, who hoped eome flay to rule the Herman people, are re ported to hava fled to Holland. The revolution wnwn ib in pr. graaa throughout Germany, although Today and Tomorrow In tlm flnewt plmuro hf haa evr mad "The Ordeal of Rosetta" nd ) iuii os ajontgvmcrr V' two-twi . InOfMuat-irvru(t CoiimmIj , ''Romance) vnd Bran Taclw" n-alnrtii Dainty I'KtiCY Augmented Symphony Orchetra NATIONS DECLARING WAR IN WORLD CONFLICT .. OeHnriillon of War. AuelrlM agnlnel l:rlt:lij(n, Aug. 2h. ll. Aiittiin agulnat Japan, Aug. 27, Uli. AiiHtna' Mynlnat Montenegro, Aug I, lilt A'j-trli ..niilfint Herbla, July 2, (Kit 1 ' ' ;i z 1 1 .iKMiiial I .erinany. i id. 2(. l!H7. I I : u 1- r ii diniltiftt Ferblu, d't. It,' I 'J I Oilni a,nlfiet A'mtrtu, Aug. H, lit I. Uhlmi aKidniit flennany, Aug H, I J 1 V Cula ajtalimt Ovrmnny, April 7, II7. 1'iaiifi- ;i(ilnejt Auatrlit, Aug 13, 111 I'r.m'e galriat Mulgorla, Aug. 18, l a i r, l-'rancM againat Oermany, Aug. I, I I 4. Iiiii'f intalnat Turkey, Nov. 5, 1 I 4. Oermanv ngalnat llelgliim, Aug 1. 1914. flrrrrwiny agalnat Kranre, Aug S. 1914. (ieriimny iiK'aJnet Portugal, March I. 1 9 1 . I'lermiinv airalnat Itnrnanla, Rcpt. 14. 1 9 J . Hemuinv airalnwt r.uwila, Aug 1, 1914 Oreot tirltaln mralnat AUNtrla, Aug. II 1914. (Ireat lirlinln ngiUimt llulgaiia, fct u,, his. flreaf Hrlliiln agiilnat flermany, Aur 4, 1914 (Jreaf Mrltaln agulnat Turkey, Nov. f. II4. Greece iMfHinrt Iliilgarla, Nov. 2K, 1114. ( Provlali.tial govern ment. ) Greece ugalnnt riulgaiia, July t. 19IT. ('Kivernnient of Ale ander. ) (Ireece agalnet Oermany, Nov. I, 19M. (HTovbriorte,! govern ment.) It aeemlngly a peniWgl one. prob ably threw fear Into the hearta of the former kalner and the crown prince nnd caused him to take oeyluin In a neutral state. Wilhelm II, reljrnlng king of the monorthy Of Wutteiiiburg, la de clared to have abdicated h'rlday night and report have It that the grand duke of Heme ruler Of the grand ducy of lletwe, haa decreed tiie formation of a ooupcil of atuta to tuke over the kovivt ninuiit there, river y dynanty n (iertuajiy la to be auppreeMd and aU the prlncea eg lied, according to Swim advice. People' government have been established In the erea'er part of Merlin and In other ultlen of Ihe kingdom and empire. llpaig, Htult gart, Cologne, K.eeen and Ktankfort have Joined the revolution. In Mer lin there haa been some fighting be tween Ihe revolutionists and reac tionaries In which several persons were killed or wounded. The palace of the crown prince has been taken over by the revolutionists. "tjon live the republic'' and the (Inglng of the MarselllaJM have been heard In tho strevUi ot Merlin. l'edrleh Bbert, the socialist leader, hua been appointed Imperial chancellor and hoa leeued a procla mation saying that It la his purpose to form a peoples' government whlcj will endeavor to bring about a apeedy peiwe. IlNnON. Nov. 10. (11:25 a. m.) Schleawlg-IIolsteln, the Prussian province which formerly belonged to Pen murk, la to be proclaimed an In dependent repuhllo, says an K change Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen. AMSTERDAM. Nov. 10. The HhelnlHch Weslfallan Zeltnng of Knaen announces that ICi;tln, the capital of the principality of Iiue beck. Is In the hands of the soldlera" council. Mnny pertHins. both civil ian and milltiry, have been shot. COPKNItAOWN. Nov.' 10 (:C0 a. m According to a frontier meamge Princes Melnrlch, wife of the grandson of Lutlwlg III of Ila- Grand UTt M'K 4 1MPANY Petit s niserved for night performance "The Cabin in the Hill" Cliff II net intra, leading nun Those Fall Wintor and Holiday stof-ks ntv,l TUO TKCTION. Why not have us place the risks NOW in our strong companies? Brink & Kramer 213 Oklahoma Cas r.ldj?. Thone 657 Tulsa, Okla. lrci nK.nnt Onnany, .Inly 2 I 1 7 1 1 io v el (iincrit of AI"X arider ) If.ilv ainiliiMt AuHtrl i, May 21. 1 9 1 r.. Italy ;iKlilliHl lllllKail.l, Oct. 19, 191 Ti. I'll!-. iiiTHlnst Oi-in.iny, Aug 2H, l-ilv ui;.ilnHf Turkey, Aug. 21. 1115. J.iu .uiiiit (jeruiany. Aug. 2i. 1914. Ijhi-ria nalnnt Cerinany, Aug. 4 ni7. MutitcriegTo atftlnat AuHtrla, Aug. t. 1914 Moiiti'ii;rii agalnirt (jermeiny, Aug 9. 1914. Panama Ktoilnnt flermany, April 7. 1917. Panama lurulnat AimlrUi. Deo. 10 1917. PortoiMl (ixaliint i.Vrinany, Nov. 2J, 1911. 1 1 '-wilii I lm paMned au thorlrliig military Intervention ax ally or l-ingl.ind ) Portugal ui-ilnxt flermany, Nfay is, lllfi. (Military aid ' grantod. ) Itutnaiila iiKiilnnt Austria, Aug 27, 1I. ( Allien of Aiiwtrla alio cormliler It a declanillon. ) ItUHNbt ngalnKt llulgarls, Oct. 1 191f.. Huwla agalnat Turkry, Nov. 2 lH 4 Ran Marino nguJnut Austria May 2 4, 191 r,. Hnrblit, i.giiltiMt Hulgarli, Oct 16 19U. Sorbin n walnut flermany, Aug (t 1914 Serbia agnlnet Turkey, Tej. j, i14, Hlitiu uyalnst Aiiftrla, Jilj 22! 1917 Slum niralnat Oermany, July ii 1017. Turk'-y ugoinnt Alllaa, Nov. 23 1914 Turkev airainst Jtunxinla, Aug. 29 1918 rnlte.i stntea agalnat Oermany. April . 1917. Pnllcil Stati-H agalnat Auatrla HunKury, Pre. 7. 1917. varla. was wounded In the arm when fired upon as she waa fleeing from Munb'h Hhe and hor husbanrl are now hiding In southern Havarla with l,rlncsj Adt-lphniil, wife of Prlni-e Ailnlbert, Kniperor William's third on. AMSTIIP.IlAM. Katurday. Nov 9 An official dispatch from Imrm stadt, capita) of the Urand Duchy of llewie, luinounces that the grand of llensn tmm decree,! the formation of a council cf state to lake over the business of the goYornmont "until a final settlement of the n,urntona arising from the present situation." HKItUN. Saturday, Nov. . (Ger man Wireless to lndon, Nov. 10.) (1:10 p. m.) With regard to the Incidents of November 1 in Harlin. the semiofficial telegraph bureau, working under tho control of the workmen' and soldiers' council, le aned the following report: "Thl morning at 9 o'clock the workmen of the greatest Industrial undertakings commenced a general strike. " Processors hoatened from all the auburn to the center of the city. Ited flag were carried at the head of the prncisMions In whi.-h marched armed soldiers and nil rlamcs. "The first procession arrived from Ihe Ackerwtraane and ft run A.a preliminary the soldiers and of. floors were urged to remove their cockade and epaulettes. In the ma jority o( cases this took place volun tarily. There wo n general fraternlmtlon of soldier and workmen. The work men penetrated the barracks where they received an enthusiastic recep tion from the soldier. "The military occupant of fac torles mlnpled In common with the worker, left the work and treated With them In common. "So far aa known the only clash between the ma-sees and armed force took place on the occupation of the Bo-rallcd 'Cockshafer' bar racks. In theeo barracks was n guard of fiieiliere. hut only two officer fired Three persons were killed and one wus Injured. Thl Is to be regretted. "Tho taking poiscsMlon of a ma jority of the public buildings and ewtalillshments wtm completed with out diffh-ulty once It wan clear that the military had Kone over to the people." Hy Ttie Aoelated l'r PKKI.1N, Stiturday, Nov. 10 fOerman wlrelcas to I xmilon.) Nov. 10. (12:f,6 p in.) Tho (lerman people's government him been Insti tuted In the greater part of lleriin The garrlson ha-s gone over to the government. OOPKNHAGKN, Nov. ta. f : 1 5 a. m.)-- Merlin was ocnple.l by forces of the soldiers and r o.'kman s coun cil on Saturday afterniion, accord ing to a Wolff hurca report re ceived her. TENDON. Nov. 10 (11:29 a. m. Ilple. the largest city In Saxony: Stuttgart, the capital of Wurtteni berg, and Oologno and FYankfort have Joined the revolution, accord ing to reports from the Danish fron tier, telegraphed here by the Copen hagen correspondent of the Kx chimce Telegraph company. The soldiers' council at Strrtt cart. Cologne nnd Frankfort have decided to proclaim a republic. HtfKNK. Nov. 10. In his address i to the people, the new Herman chan cellor. Krledrlch Khert, says: "Citizen: Tho cx-rhaneellnr. ' Prince Max of Itadan, in agreement j with all the secretaries of state, has I handed over to me the task of liq uidating hi affairs as chancellor. I ' am on the point of forming a new ' government In accord with the 1 various parties, and will keep public I opinion freely Informed of the ' course of the events. "The new government will he a 1 government of the people. It must nuike every effort to secure In the quickest possible time peace for the Herman people anil consolidate the liberty which they have won. I 'The new government has taken I charge of the administration to pre serve the Cerman people from civil ! war nnd famine and to accomplish their legitimate claim to autonomy. I The tuveriiincnt can solve this prob- 1 leni only If all the officiate in town mill c ountry w 1 1 1 ln'lp "I know It. will In! difficult for emua to work vKh lh' niw men who i h.ivo taken 1 liarge ut the empire, but I lil".il in their love i.f (hi. ! people. I..i' k ut orgunlzallun would I In ttna heavy time iiiiaii unardiy in I 'ierrnany ami ihe aiirremler of the I country to tremendnuH misery. : Therefore, help ymir natlvo country I Willi fearlesx. imlefatlKabl" wnrk fur . the future. Keryorie at hla poMt ! I "I (leriiarnl ev-r one'a eupport In the hard tuisk awaiting um. You j know how Fcriuily the war has meriaccil tho pruviKloutng of the people, which in the flrxt condition I of the people a c jikH'iicu. The po , litlcul Ir.iiiHfi.rin.iliuii ehoulil nut I truulile the people; the food aupply ! Ih the flint duty of all, whether in I town or country, and they should not : embarraf, but rather aid the pro- ilin-tliin iif fooil Huppllea and their 1raoHiort.H tu the town. "Kooii Khortugn Mlgnlfiea pillage anil robbery, with irrcat mlHcry. The poorest will aurrer the moat and the Industrial worker will be affected hnnleet. All who Illicitly lay handu on food HupplleH or other supplies of prime necfsily or he meuiiM of transport iiece.'jiury for tht'lr diatrl butlim will be guilty to the hlghent degrnr toward the community. "1 ak you Immediately to leave the alret'bi and remain orderly and calm." I LAST AUTOCRACY IS SWEPT AWAY OOMTINI F.D tmn PACS ONB that no. one In Oermany knows and that it lu still to be determined which f the contending element ! wU gnJrt -The uppBr hand. : Involution .Smiulx Rapidly. devolution Is spreading rapidly, land from Ihe fact that a socialist I ih now chancellor, it may he gath ered thai the object of the revolu tion I not merely Um quick ending of the war, but the complete aever ance of the political tics which gtill bind the nation with ltd Kor the ulltes tho problem ha changed. The countr.c which fought flermany and her vaaaala for more than four year havo emerged from It completely triumphant, but wtihln the borders of the countrie whlrh menaced the peace of the whole world stalks revolt, famine and anarchy. The world's next task miv be to restore order In the deso lated central empire. It may be the lot of the forces who have suc cesxfullv contested (lermariy' greed for power, to wive her from the fat she Imposed on Russia. Likewise, help win have to be given to Austria-Hungary, I'.ulgaria and Turkey, whose ruin ijermanv wrought. The Herman empire was the lat of the great autocracies who fall mark the real significance of the wir. In Russia. Austria-Hungary ami finally In tiermany, Irrespon sible power gave way beforo the lrr!ltible forces of democracy, (iormany, holding on to the laat. kept up the hopeless s'ruggle until Field Marshal von Mlndcnburg's prophetic words early In the war came true. The aide with the strongest nerves, Bald he, would win. It wits the crumbling of the home front which made It impos sible, for Germany, notwithstanding her great armies )n the field,, to carry on any longer. . dietitian Iic Is Gone. The collapse of flermany brings the ecMpn of the (lerman Idea of the suite, a opposed to the doctrine of Individual right, to which the nation clung with hardly a dissent ing voice until recently. Under this regime there was developed a nation of which militarism w.i the em bodiment, which murdered and ' plundered, was heedless of tho rights of the and made terror Ism a matter of studied policy. This terrorism waa directed agalnat not onlv Individuals, but against nations, airulnst not only hostile nations, but those with which Germany were at officially at pence. Its system of espionage corruption and violence extended over tho world. It was axemplifled by the plot carried out in this country under direction of the irorernment fur the destruction of munition plants and ships before the I nlted State entered the war and by the effort of the Herman government to embroil thl country, then neutral, In war with Japan and Mexico. No capital of Kurtpo was free from German secret agents In he yenr preceding the war, and the nations lived In growing dread of the huge military machine which Germany was building up, to the accompaniment of the emperor's booming of the "shining sword" nnd German tcvist ler Tag In voices which echoed around the workl. Swiftness Dramatic, The virtual ending of thl greatest of conflict ha come with dramatic swlfrned. Kour month ago today the German military power appar ent Iv was at Its height. The un ehecked force of the enemy had nattered their way through the French ftnd lirltJsh lines until Tarls In danger and the Ilritish were fighting with their back to the wall to prevent themolve from being forced to the sea. Ite In July the world wfis thrilled with the news of an allied counter-attack between ihe Alsne an. I tho M-irne. The Ger mans were hurled bark along the whole sector nnd since that day .the victorious progress of tho allies has been maintained. Various causes have contributed to this reversal. The entrance of America Into the struggle, with her vast resource of men nnd materials Is conceded by the' allies to have turned the scale. One of the most Important effects of this country's act was the heartening to nn enor mous extent ot the weary allies na tions and a corresponding deterior ation of German morale. Exhaus tion of German raw material and years of semistarvatlon assisted in the process of beating down the enemy to a submissive frame of mind. It Is also significant that the establishment of unquestioned allied supremacy In the field almost syn chronized with the unification of military control and tho appoint ment of general, now Marshal Foi h, to the post to supreme command. Military commentators without ex ception lay stress upon (he import ance of single leadership and the cenlus of ! nch lu .stemming and finally turning the tide. Among the Individual leaders, aside from Foeh, whose name stand out most prominently are .Marshal Joffre, who saved France In her darkest day of the summer of 1914; Field Marshal Ilalg. tho Prlt l.ih commander; General Petaln, at I the head of the French forces; (len- era! Diaz, who on the Italian fron I beat back last summer's preut Auxt I rlan offensive, and later tore the Austrian armies to pieces In a few I weeks, and General Pershing. On the German aide are field Marshal von Hlndenhurg. a com paratively obscure officer who leap ed Into the world wide fame by his defeat of the Russians In 1914, and subsequently bocame the Idol of Germany, and General hudendorf. who, although frequently credited with being the abler of the two, iiver touched popular Imagination as did his colleague. When von Hlndenhurg was ut the height of his fame a great wooden linage of the German hero was set up, a monu ment to the power which now Is broken. It stands today In Iterlln. unless the new maetcrs of Germany have torn It down. It wa late in June, 1914, that the world wa stirred by the murder In Sarajevo, Bosnia, of Archduke Fr.incJa Ferdinand, the Austrian heir apparent, and his wife. Austria, backed by Germany, accused Serbia of Instigating the crime and mado demands which Serbia accepted in part. Austria would not ugree to arbitrate the demands not accepted by Serbia and the foreign offices In Iondon, Paris and Petrogrnd failed to swerve Austria from her course. Austria-Hungary began hostilities on July 27, 1914. by attacking Ser bia and within a week Germany had Joined her, while Franco, Great Itrltain and Russia had thrown their forces acalnst Germany and Austria. As the war went mi the number of nation Involved Increased until the conflict herame the greatest In the history of the world. declaring war on France, Ger mnny on August 1, 1914. threw her armies toward France by way of Itelglum. Ughting for the main tenance f their neutrality, the Hel galns chockned the oncoming horde for a time, but within two months the Prussian armlo were within a few miles of Paris, from which the French government had fled. On" if the vital moment of the war had arrived. In a battle of dramatic changes the enemy hordes were hurled back to north of the Marne. ' Turkey soon entered the war on the aid" of Germany nnd Italy Joined the allies, Pulgarla came In with Germany and Serbia and Montenegro were overrun. on April fi. 191", the T'nited State, unable to force Germany by peaceful mean to conduct her mth iesR submarine warfare In keeping with international law. threw her forces Into the struggle. At that time the Imperial govern ment of I'.ussla had been overthrown and a provisional democratic gov ernment instit yted. In Italy the i armies of Vlc.tor Kmanuel were driving back the Austrian In the Trentino and on the l.nzo. France. ; the French and ISrltish were ham- I merlng at the German lines with 1 little apparent results. The autumn of 1917 witnessed the defent of the Italian armies and their retreat to the lnlve line. Almost simultaneously American troops ap peared on the western front for the first time, whilo the French and pritlsh armies were holding positions of strategic importance from the IT 1L School Rc-Opens : Monday Since the output of stenographers has been stopped for five weeks, it naturally puts us about five weeks behind on our calls for office help. The War Department has just written us an urgent letter, asking us to send them all the stenographers that we can, and the business firms of Tulsa and surrounding cities are almost begging for help. Do You Really Want a Better Position? NOW, next MONDAY, is the time to make the start that will make your desires come true. Don't be satisfied until your qualifications will enable you to command a GOOD position. Why wait until next month, or next year to begin preparing for a better position? You have already waited too 16ng. Just think of the "fat pay" envelope that you could be receiving if you were better qualified! Thl woman neglected her opportunity of at tending the T. II. 0. TULSA BUSINESS COLLEGE (Only Accredited Business College in Tulsa) Smith & Guise, Mgrs. Telephone 1429 109-111 E. Third St. The Excuse for Starting World War On Juno 2, 1914, Archduke Fmncls Ferdinand of Auatrtd and hi morganatic wife, the Uuchee of llohenburg, were ajwamlnated by a half-crazed, 19-year-old Serbian stu dent, one (Javrllo I'rlnsiep, while the heir to the Aunt rlan throne wa on an official vlalt to the town of Sar ajevo, Hosnia. Whether Prlnzep wa acting on hi own Initiative or whether hi crime wa the result of a plot has never been fully estab lished. It Is declared by the)--central power that the double murder wn plotted In Serbia. On the other hand, thorn is a widespread belief In allied countrie that the plot wu hatched In Germany, In order to rive the kaiser an excuae for commencing hie war of conquest. In any event the murder of the archduke and hi wife wa made the excu-so for an ultimatum1 from Aus tria to Serbia on July 3, which be cause of Its unwilled fur harthneas amazed the world. ' Austria's Ha mil Demands. The note submitted ten peclflc de mand and required on anawer from Serbia, within 48 hours. Theae demands required that Ser bia should vuppreo every Berblan publication hostile to the dual monarchy; that teucher guilty of lnUgatlug hatred of Austria be dis missed and that matter In the text book vbjoctlonablo to Austria be eliminated; that Serbia dlsmlm from her army and government employ ail officer and official found taking part In the propaganda; that Serbia accept the collaboration of agents of the Autro-llungarlan government In suppression of the nubverslve move ment against Austria; that Auatro llungarlan representative be al lowed to take part In the Investiga North sea to Switzerland. During the winter of 1917-U American aid became more effective, and Itusula dropped out because of the bolshe Mkl coup. Germany, at the beginning of 1 9 1 H. announced her purpose to end the war by an offnnaivo on Franca. It was her last mighty effort and for weeks the world wondered when tho enemy hordes would be stopped. The turn In fighting came on July 1. when Marshal Foch launched the American and French in at tack. Since that fateful day for Germnny the allied armies on all fronts have mot with continued uc ccss. Germany' ultimate defeat became more certain a the summer ad vanced. The first break in the ranks of the central power came with the defection of Bulgaria late in Sep tember. Turkey signed armistice term the last of October and Austria-Hungary tendered the white flag to Italy on November 4. when hostilities ceased on all the Aus trian front. Germany attempted tn bring about a negotiated peace, but how great was her failure Is shown by the fact that her emissaries are niiw at Marshal Foch's headquarter for the last scene of the world' great tragedy. TULSA GETS SURRENDER WORD COKTINITBD FROM TAOS OXB. and the newspaper were about ready to shut down for the night What will you be doing five years from now? Avoid the wash tub by attending the Tulsa Business College. BEGINS MONDAY tion of persona In Perbla uncus,) ,,f complicity In tho murder of Arcn duke Francis Ferdinand; that Se, j take action agalnnt two pocified flclals, who war accunod (f cor,., pllclty In the crime at Surajevu; tb it Herbla take effective measures ,, atop the smuggling of arms and .in,, munition across the border, and !i. naliy that Herbla give explanation cf the expressions of hostility toward Austria-Hungary on the part of .er. tain high Serbian officials. Serbia Bow to Austria. Humiliating and unjust though the demands undoubtedly were, Serl,: in her reply acceded to them all , cept two. To the demand that ,-i. bia accept Die collaboration of , of the Austrian government in t;,e suppression of the subversive mov... ment directed against the lerrlturu: Integrity of the dual monarchy, St bla replied that she did not .m.l.r tand exactly the meaning of the M mand, but that she wa ready to cept uch collaboration a t,hoi!j conform to the principle of uitei -national law and criminal procedure. The demand made by Auatil.i I.i;it Austrian official be permitted :u take part in the investigation relat ing to the Judicial proceeding in Serbia against person Involved in the Serajevo crime, tho Uerbian gov. ernment would not conredo on the ground that such action would via. laic the Serbian constitution. No one now believe that Aus'ria wished Serbia to accept all In r terms, or expected her to. Austria wa deaf to the appeals of Great 11 rl tain and Itusela are) declared war on Serbia on July 28. During t ho next few days Germany declared on KuMHia, Serbia' protector, und Franca, and the conflict wa on. and final edition were ready fur mailing, when the flnsh came. All Jlans for tho -noriiin edition changed Instantly, and new head line were necessary, new material written and almost aa complete revo lution tn the front pa( was re quired a occurred In Germany dur ing the two days Just passed. 7h statement that the war would officially end nt 6 o'clock thl morn ing was the best news in tho armis tice story. With the halser out of the way, the allies can now treat with the German people, and terms x can be made that will be In harmony with .he demands cf the atrlcken people of the world. "To hell with the kaiser" will probably have a different meaning from now on, Tulsan said when they heard the new hut night. BROADWAY Dun's Mis This rnhablc Com edy Today "Became She Loved Him So" Dy tin ramon HI -JINKS COMPANY Doors open 1:46 with picture. Continuous Performance. ' Matinees, 15c; MgliiN, ISilc 'do corvfnl about blond bain; you'll learn why today." tI M