Newspaper Page Text
10 TUI.SA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, NOVKMBKIt 11, 1918 WORKERS WILL GIVE THROUGH CAPTAIN Vnltril Wur Work I'liiuln to. H" ItAlw-il Tl.roniih d nnnljiilum of Various lliisinrKM't In Iln- Mi). ITiiIIpi) wnrk f.indi will ! k . llclted In TiiNu in nn orKiim;'" I ' Mid every luri'i- tit f 1 1 and l. Hit in the 'lty will ! under tin' iln I'tlmi nf a Cilpl.'llll, Who Will I " I I III' employes cf liiH lii-.tiriiil-iii. Tin r:iiiiiiilfcii ( m r I his m t) f I ho f I" wi i.f U"lKniiii'iits li the villous liuslnees-' lihliculcil : Atnorlr.ui National, H II. Kin, Atlin'ic rclrolciim complins, J. A. Mi lwT, American J .npri : i-oiiipniiy, '. T. J tm:. Itrl Telephone rimipiinv. 'ici.ii:i-7U-II; 1 1 1 fc Heart I'l'lroli'iiin crunpiiiiv. l.siie I luenriijx; 1'nnly hold, 'I'd "VSclls; board of il i,cnt ion, iibcr linUxcr. t'oeden it- ), A. I' Neil'. ' f f i ' : J-'enMei nuicher. ' piuiii. ' 'ii ii Hi,'4ii 1 1 ri Jlflinii; company. Jink ln'ii'lu'i ; Wler I'll linn puny, mi'l- venn r; olillnetilal .Supply oiiip;in. , A I' 1'inch; Oiitrnl .N.iilinnil luiin, I'nl I Minn; " 1 1 y of Tuli.t, .Mini I'iIU. AUTO SUPPLIES We have a full ttock in all line, including Shock Aborber, Rim Lugi, Spot Lamp, G. P. Cut-Out, Seat Cover, Tire Cover, Jack, Bumper, Lene, Pump, Anti-Freeze and a 1 1 Seasonable Good. See our immense tock of Rugs, Robe and Clove now arriving. These goods were bought last January when wholesale prices were about half those ' now prevailing. Our cus tomers get the benefit of these early pur chases. TIRES AND TUBES We handle the celebrat ed M I C H E L I N and MANSFIELD Tires and Tubes. Vulcanizing Give your Junk Casings to the Red Cross, but bring those not badly worn to us for Retread ing by our NEW MA C H I N E R Y and thus SAVE YOUR MONEY. We retread with Plain, .Von-Skid or Ribbed Corel bands, as you chooke. FREE ,'lldad Service Our FREE ROAD SER VICE is really FREE and is at YQUR SER VICE. Tulsa Rubber & Vulcanizing Co. 411 South Boulder 1000 More OF THOSE FINE Armour's Shield Picnics Go On Sale Today at 23c imd. The best japesi meat Duy ?red. These "e in size Be pah s et iiiiiniy i.f Tulea, r 'OiirtliouiMi, J ' l'(iiif. lii iin.i rrtl office, II II. Il.irt'in. I.lnpllli I C f J J 1 1 n K company, II. i I Mli.llll, Kx huilKn .VllWlml Ill.llM.! J V . A. Ilrou nice. ! I'itmI Natniniil h.iiik. Merrill! Shuy-i; 1'ii. k Iti-lil Supply company. I .Ink hukii', f--. .1,1 .ul.iH I I Hlv Mninr i'nl K A 1'i.nliy, I' ir.i mnl , I n H i. ill imrliiii-rilK. l II, lliiluii., I risen .Simla l-v, Mr. lireen. 'iulf I'lpc I, Iln-, Mr. Mil' l.i II, lien. i-i. I Ili-finiiiK i iuiip.uiy, .1 II Uyan. 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 J . 1 1 r-1 1 1 1 A I . t . i . 1 1 i urn hi ri v , Mr. API tl, Hunt .slurry roinpuiiy. Tom lint. Hunt HiifHir, i'oiii puny, I'. II. M. in, if. n luniiK I illltiiiliN I 'llMi'-com- 1 1 puny, I lliii i lul.wid JtcfiniiiK riiiiipiiriv 1 1 ii hlii n. Mr i kl M jiiiifurtnrliiK iilicr 'irnv. K 1 1 km i ciin ii ri v. Mr. Km f HnllMuy i ionpiiiiy. ninpaiiy. Mi Mi iuffy; Il.iil, I Ki ll Iiiiiii I, oli I Air Ki t' 'hum. l.lln-iiv Na:ioiiul h.'tnk. Win b l.nliiKMion nn i ,,i purull'iii, .1. IK. I -l InHinn. j Mnl t o 'liini'lini' riiinpiiny, W. liitMpIt, M.iKnoii.i I'ftrnii'iim ''iln I puny. Mr. Mi hnl, Mllnln'V Tank .M.inuf.ii Inrtnif i-onipitiiy , Mi. W'tr 'rti, Mark.iy Ti-lKriiph I'nmp.kiiy, Ii. Hpivy, Mnl 1. 1 n. I ulli-y Ituilway l olnpiiny, M r. M.irton. Mrl'iMiiri .Mamiiiii'liiririK i nmpuny, SuililfwuHiT, M i .Mi lion nil roinpuiiy, VSinrmi II. iiiifln. .Nuimnal I Ui nk .iit 'iinu'ri'i', Arthur Mi'iiilri'ii; .Supply I'onipany, ' h'nink I.-win, I ik In Ii. .in. i 'c up. inn 'Inn Co, I Mux I'oln ii, nil Wi'll Supply ruin i puny. ,l.l. I iifk, Ohio I'ltli'M Out i oiiilniny. Kiirl U. Hhnfi-r, Oklii ' Imiii.i Nmiiral (Jhi coin mil V. It. II. Him lli-ll , (iklahoin.t Iron VVorkH. .Mr. Impi'V, ( ik liiliuni.i I'iiioii HhIIwh) !i oinKiny, Mr Ijini.; I ik lithoniii Tool ! Hupply I'o, i'. W. Moorn, Oklit- liimiii Miun Tii Ii- I'miliiri-ri Htuto Hunk, w-r Hncni-r; ; Iloh Miiliinii.y, offnii, 1'mlrln Oil A inn 'o., Kruiik Uriiy. whop; J'mi j A in nun Hi-riniiiK ruliipiiny. Mr. lliinhyi.; I'uhllr HnrWi'n coiiiprtiiy, II. M HiiIi-h, I'lcnn till rnr pnriil Inn. Mr. I'iiIiiiit; Viitvh. pnrlir A Martin. J. M I n-r-i' . I'omIiiI Telfuraph cum ( pany. Win. A inUn. Ilominii I'flroli-utn ronmpny, II. j II. I'nrkrr. . Iti-u Itrail mill, Mr. Hnl.lcr; 1 Kami SpiliiKH railway, 1' H. HtrffuiM. Hi-lhy nil & UiiH Co.; 8wrry oil A ;(Iiim Co., W. 10. Ixirkhard, Hln( lair oil (Ian i'ii , !;. II. Ilourton; , Hlamlanl Oil rompnay, Mr. Curlwili, Houihi'in 1 cnrporUun, I'. II. Mon i fort. ; TIiIhI rill rompany, lion H!l; Twin HlHln Oil cninpany. K. C. Hallpr; ' 'IVxih I'lpi" I.lim rompnny, C. .1. Cat- t lnhun. officii, W. IC IIoIiiim, rfiflnrry; j Til 11 llotol, J, A. Knlilnnon; Tuliw llnnpitnl; Tulu Knller a Mmihlmry ioinpiny, Mr. Hlrlckr; I'nlon Na iloiml hank, K. 1. Wntkrr; Vaml ever Iry Goods company, Cliarlra Viindevur. Woolworth company, Mr. Hoff man; World I'ii tnhlnK ronipany, N. (). Henthorne; Wralern I'nlon, A. Clfno; ruldlo Hrrvlcs comvanjr. C. N. ltyntini bnllillnif. fl. R. Warnar. Knldlrrn Am AfTratrd. KNOXVihLW, Tenn., Noy. 10 Tliroit youn mm Blvlnir their nam aa (luy O. ilrrron, M. (.'. Dodrs and ij. II. iIo(lu wcra arrimtad hara y terrtny on rhar of ImprmonntlnK army offlrnrn. All th in ara said to he eoldifni. USED FIFTY YEARS FOR RHEUMATISM, AT ALL DRUGGISTS V The Goods Must Be Good Goods or the Sale Is no Good " I I u 105 Tulsa's r TULSA CATCHES STEP AFTER LONG LAY-OFF Almost Norriml .n.lll Inns Vi lli? I'lillnwIllK l-lflllllf of llll' 11 Jiliri-lu-. Will I'llliil. li-r- i I TuKi duln ' l ik ImiK In K- l r ln l,n k into i.lil fori,, i Ai'tivlMes M-ispem!' d it month nf" I hen Mi., fust ..'iivi-nni! ri'H nl tin" : IllfllllOIll I pjlll'llill' Nl'tll' ll ilnwn iiii 'lh- roll IfiHv Wi'li' i i "lilliH'il Iti-railw, ami hlU- thri" w.ii'n't H" ' iihiiiiI i i'rt.iliilv ,il,ii' tin' piMi.,11 In, iiiiiii' ilnwn lown. mnl thr in n' in . Iini'il In w.iinlrr nioiiml liintni I nf jlnnlinr ii fuml'. it w-im Hi" I V ill ll 'I'll IH.t Hllllll.lV. . 1 I'hiiri'hi'" win flll'il yi-ytfi ila'. '. I mnl prrai In th win' iniiplri'il In llu-j nrriiMloii. I'oiir miniitii Hir.'ik'i in 'iiiplril part (f thi tiiini in innnt of, ; tin- rh ii n li'-i mnl k'.i.'i' a l-r I. f t alk nn tin1 Kti'at'' r.iinpalKn In Ink i i WAK-tl l.v th'- 'H VI'II will .IKll''llH. ; : l.iiillnn up to tin' ilrlvn tliw wn k I 'fli on I ri h 'ipi'iii'il ami 'lnl a lapn 'illy hiihini'KM Hill Smith ill'ln't nut : IiIh ii'iilm llli' i;miM'HH riiiiiilnu until 'llin i) ik IK hIihwii. lull tin' hiiUMr M i wiliI out fm iorfiirm:inri M f 1 '-ii , I.'inI nli-ht j c.tfi-x that l,i ' I ii ruinum,' until' I mliliiiKht w'i" In r 1 1 1 iipir.itlon j ,i-iii ly llil.t ninriiinK. hut th(i niii'i''- j I Hon on n rvltiK tin- f iurth nn al h ml '. muni- i-ffi-i t. Tin- fuml ii-uuliilioiiH ! ' piryi-rit I hi' . opinlnif of thf iinm-ri ilaiirlnir at llnli-l Tulx I tin- f.iuiili nn . 1 1 In-HiK iirolili'lioil. .Mr .ii'Wi-i null! Hint until thi-rn wan i iiiiiilifi- I ration of the fond onli-r, thn wnul'l Iiii tahoo. Thcri- win mi way nf rlmrklnic up I ho Hltnut Inn rrtta i iliiur tin- rpl ili'inli'. ami In the ahxi'tir of any iilarmliiic Infurmatlon. th" nffiilnlM nay thy do nut iniiti-mplatii furtln-r rnirMil nf thn illm-aft". lillil thai tho ""rol I nn.ih.-nt I C. OF C. ORGAN FILLED WITH AFTER-WAR SPIRIT Thn Nnvi-inln-r l-u nf tln TiiIhii Hplrlt. whh h will loi ready for iIIh trlhiitlon Mnndiiy, aminilii Ihi fore wnnl of th aftcr-thi--war liidimtrlal rjimpalirn for whirli lh. rli.imhi-r of oominmro ht lin-n pn-parlnif for Homo tlinn. The lrim of the edltorliin nnd of the ninny rnntrlhiiti-il artlri-a le alunir the Uiiph nf Induitrlnl ri-l'i-vrnntlon nnd rontlnuatlnn of the conditions whh h pr-vulli-il In Tulna brfore the war hud riinh- Hh In. roadH upon the rehkn of lahor, In rmitniet to the cry that rnmce from many rltlin of Indu.itrlal stag nation heranee of the wur. the pic lure of "TulRn'e everrhiinKlnK ekv line" on Ihe rover of tlm Novrmhrr Spirit, lellH In (fraphln manner thn etnry of Tu'ea'a pontlnued ili-vrlnp-ment In Mpltn of the war. After reading thn i-urrrnt liwiin of the Hplrlt, thn TuIh.i rllUrn who him been look Inn Into thn future with mime mletrhlnii will lie Riven an awakening and experience the renll xatlon of the fttupendnimnemi of In dimtrlal ilnn whlrh will mxin he put under wty and whlrh will fit Tul.ui definitely nn on of the Irnilinu n dualrlal center of the country. WILL GET ROSTER OF EVERY NURSE FOR FUTURE USE Whlla tha women of Tulna today are making a canvax of the city In the united war work ranipnlun. data of very (treat Importance to the na tion will he Fathered hy them for the American Hed Croea. A cenmn of the nunrs In the community will be taken. Kach worker Ii asked to mark with a rroee the name of every gradual mire, etudnnt nuree, prac tical nu me and nurae'a aide. Thn etatletlca will be for the protection of the community in any pomilbln emergency, nnd to have wheji the nation call for nuraea for war work. East First Street Phone 6970 Leading Grocery Store and Market "GRANDMOTHER'S" AID A NEW WAR SERVICE In tt,i.N ini. ih when p nrj'uni! ..i.i i.i ln-ip. It Ih vi-ry hard to fi'il Mi, i ,il.l ' i. in- s artu'i- ilaya a.rr nv-r. I'loh y tl.iit f i-J J i . romiM linmi- Vj one rr In Iln- t - in ii I r y than In tin- ri. 1 In- ii.irriy ftm woik ainj tin' I ii iro.H in- a.i i alum; for tm- )'MIK arut 'ii'.'iK to inn, i- ali'l atti'li'l in tin-in ai d tin- -li'l'-r fnlkii think ully nf :hn il.i.s s Ii i-ii llii'v i null tia'.n luki i, hniil 'i lii-n- thn ' Is a will, how-'M-r, 'hi- way Will not hi fouml i n kiritf and mui ".ninan in an our of Itn way iiiiirliy of nlli- of our hi .'.Hi n han t ii ti-ij M.hllt nuvilit hi- i all- I "i i i amltii-i' in I ' Aid" Sin- r--al-i."d ili.i' film work, i'Hii iiiilklni; a nil ' i h'iriiiiiir, w.ih ton mui'li for hrr Hiri-iiKin. ' Hut," ntn urKUi-d, "why nid do Itin otln-r Ihnn-'H ami Ii-.ivii Ihi-till- y-l'HlK WnlliAM fin- to In-lp out of do om" Mir nrtn hnuo-'hoi-l wiw iiinpli', mid, hy a liltli- rxtru effort, iln- wiim fn-r Mi'Vi-ial hniiiH i hi'Ii day Iniriiitf tin- luiMi'-t Hi'aiinii Mhi- wi-rit 'n d if fi-rtiiit m-iK h hoi h. took' carp of umiill i lil.ilii'ii, ilnt th'- Iroi.IrK, i niik. I'd thr no'iii nn-al ami K-i-m-r iliy madi It poHHltili. fur tin- hoiiHi-woi k-r to taki- thi- plan- In thn fn-id-i nf Mom l-nv wlni had I u rillid to till" flair Her iiirnuntH nf liar i-Xn-rl-i-m i'H an- i ry iimiiHluK. Shf Haid -Iim hoiiii fuiind that if Hhi- wa-i: to 1'iinli to inlvantai-i It wan ofir-n canlrr in tiki- In-r own utinilH with ln-r SoriK-tlriii-M hi- fniiiid n widl -iiilppi i km lii-n, hut i.fti-n lo r i'ii.imi-li-d w.ii ii Miiii-i-pan, rMmr pan and i'of-fi-i pot mvi'd I tie day. Shu ul"o iiiiinn m il inn wh.i not jnxl, an hhhoii of their uhh whi-n mIi (iil'l an- othir "hi-lp'' vlnit hi fn-nuently finiml Inr own Ihimfn had liccn du lillritti'd to the Kriat miitlHfartlon of ihi- j.-iMyi-Mior Thi ixa'iiplo of thm woman h ih In-wn fntlowd liy "Vi rill of hrr own aiti- mid many a navi-d Inirvi-st nhmild hi- i-ri-illtrd to Ihi'in. ALABAMA NEGRO MOBBED FOR SHOOTING UP TOWN SIIK! i''IKI.H, Ala.. Nov. 10.--Will liird, a iiirro, wan taki-n from tin- lnl here early tuiuuht hy a mob nf i In ii t Hll nun. carried to the hunk of the Ti'ini-KHi-n river nnd hauKi'd. Thn body Ih lit 111 lianKinK ih"M tonight. ll Ih repurteil that the name moli Ih on thn way to Timrmnhla to pet two iirifrniH there charged with the murder of l'olireman (' rah am at Shi-fflrld week. Tho ncKt'o Ihld I nllegcd to have been Hhiiotlng up the lower en. I of Sheffield thlM afternoon and It Ih claimed buiiHted that he "wan out to net a policeman." Iln wuh finally raptured after a running ftirbt of more than a mile, during which the negro fired 31 iihnts from it rifle at bin piirHiiern. Officer also fired lit thn fugitive, but the only wound Inflicted w in In the man', right arm. About fi o'clock thin afternoon a moti of I Oil iinnianke.1 men appeared at the Jail nnd demanded the prisoner and he won surrendered. The lynch. Ing at the river bank followed. - CARDINAL GIBBONS ASKS THANKS FOR OUR VICTORY CAM I MKADK, Md . Nov. 10 In a eennon today at a memorial nuuui celebrated In the field for mildlera of thm camp who have died In battle, Oiidlnul (llbbonn railed on the poo pin of tlm I'nltnd Stilton to thank (md for ihe victory of the allien a ml to ank Mm for grace to "walk thn way of wisdom, obedience and hu mility." The cardinal wild a critical time haa now come, when the people of the allle must use the fruit of vic tory to goc-d advantago and when the piniplif of thin country must unite be hind the nut hurl t iTn. Thn cardinal spoke from the eteps of a field nltar and above hi in M a largo American ria. "We hnvn conquered." aald the cardinal, "hncaus wn believe that rlghtpntinneiw exalteth a nation and hi-ranse we believe In Jimllco and In humanity." Y SCHOOLS TO START . WITH STRONG COURSE1 Two MhiiiIsIi CliiHW-a Will Mcot To-1 lilgjit uml Oil Ceiogy ( Ihmh Salurtlay Mgltt nl Itiilldlng. i I tider tlie tliln of Y. M. C. A. schools, th- real work of the educa tional ii' of th V starts .Monday night when two Spanish rl.i un-H will In- held. Thn school wan iill ready to start when th epidemic broke out and ban been delayed for over a month In Its program, but in-i onlng to C. K. .i-!le, Jr., the delay him given thone in cbargi) ail opportune y to strerinihi-n thn courHes lo be iresented and to get the si'huol hrfore the leople. Tin- lii--lnni-rs' cIiihh In Spanish will inoet at 7:00 o'clock Monday evening In room "It" on tho second floor of the Y. Those Interested In the Spanish language, whether they have enrolled or not are Invited to he present ut thin time. ' Senior I). A Alvereg, Instructor in Spanish, speak the liingmige n his native tongue ami bis system of teaching brings thn student not only Into a correct speaking knowledge of Span ish but Into a reading and wrltlpg knowledge an well. This course continuen for a period of eight months, meeting Monday and Thursday evening at 7 mi p. m. Krir those student who liiivo continued the study of Spanish in private lessons during the flu, an H o'clock ela-'H to follow the begin ners' clans has 1 u started. Al though this Is a small ( las it In ex pected that those especially apt ill learning thn language will cutch up' with the advanced clans. Interesting to those who hnvn a speaking knowledge of Spanish nnd! want to brush up In It will . thej special class In conversational Span- , lib to meet with Snnor Alverez. on ' Tuesday and l-Ylday evening at 7 o'rloi k fi r a period of five months. ! OiriiHiniially meals will be nerved 1 and all run vernation In connection j with tin- service of the meal will be I tarried on In Spanish. Thin clas will siiIihi rilie for Spanish paper' and read the I'an- American I'nlon In Spanish. Oil Oology, the clas that I at tracting the most attention, meet next Saturday evening at 7:30 In room "I!" nt the Y and will con tinue nt this time for a period of 32 weeks. In thin rla alone, nn en rollment of 30 has been reached ami as tho clas 1 limited In num ber u very few more will bo accept ed. Interested partlo should call Mr. Leslie at the Y to arrange for enrollment. Occasional field trip will be made on Saturday afternoon. Thn committee on Imrtruotlon are: James II. Gardner. J. It. I'emher ton. A. Ii. Heeklcy, M. J. Munn, Oorge R. M.lttson, J. M. Herald and .Mis Margaret Campbell, who will select thn Instructor and lecturer for the various meeting during thn 32 week and also the field trip lender. Mis Campbell and Mr. Herald will head up the Instruction In the text. "Chamberlln and S.ili bury' College Oology." Tho first field trip will he made on Saturday afternoon, November 29. Those en rolled In this clan are from the nil coinpanlea and Include among other some of tho head of departments and young Indie from the office of oil geologist. It la hoped that classe In Kngllsh, mathemntlc nnd history can be' started within two week a well as a course In public speaking. Over IH call have already been made for public speaking Instruction and this class bid fair to he a largo one. The course of study I very prac tical, having a It Idea the teaching of men to think on their feet, and I to express their thought In the best I possible way. The similarity between public speaking nnd salesmanship Is kept in mind always nnd an at tempt to make It useful In the life of each man regnrdlen of hi pro fession or business. There Is an es pecial call for this course from men who are Four Minute men and men who have been speaking since war began and learned the need of such il course. PROOF OF THE PUDDING PROVEN- BY RESOLUTIONS The famous test of the epicure to determine whether a pudding I good or not sometimes proves to bo both disappointing and unreliable; tho' efter-effert of sll good things must also be taken into consideration. When Tulsa concoct"'! a "good time" for thn benefit of her thou sand of visitor during the V. C. V convention last month, she did not! consider thn "morning after" cf- , feet, but went the limit on each ! day' entertainments), and let tho I morrow take car of Itself. I And the stunt was a good one, as' Is proved (laitv by thn scores of let- tern of appreciation and thanks that j come to us from all over the United ' State. Tho following note of apprerl- , tlon wn received yesterday by his honor. Mayor C II. Hubhnrd. ' "The Confederate Soldiers Home, Marietta, (leorgia. To the honorable mnvor of Tulsa: At the meeting held yMtnrdav nt Marietta, fin., j ramp 703. I. C. V., a resolution Wn ' unanimously passed to express to the mithoritles of Tulsa. Okla., our ap preciation of their courtesy and con-' sideritlon stmwn to thn delegates at the last Confederate reunion. "Our delegates report that every thing wn dono for thn 'comfort and entertainment of thn veterans, and we wish to let you know that we are appreciative and grateful for your mony evidences of good will. Ilr spectfiilly.'t. de T. Iwrence. ad jutant camp 763, V. C. V., Marietta, (ia " LADY MANAGER AT Y. W. C.A. CAFETERIA AN INNOVATION tti-cause cf a change of manage ment the Y. M. C. A. ciLfeterta will remain closed Monday and Tuesday nnd after renrrn ngement will open to tho putdlc Wednesday morning under the management of Mrs. T. W. Hice, who isimcs highly recommended from C'Ui'einore where ehe has had c i lis id era Id o experience there as manager of some of tho Claremore enf'-s and res' iurants. The hiring of Mrs. Illce as manager of the cafe, trrla Is something hrw' at the Y. for hitherto the manager have nlwsvs hen men This innovation fin In with the Y's policy to release every iimn possible for war wortmnd makes th- staff of (.'.kfc'ieria workers largciy of women. Muke the world safe for our hnvn and Rli'R Open your hearts. Hive to the united war work campaign. These advertisements It Doesn't Pay to use a leaky radiator. Let us fix it NOW. Ve save you one-third or more on recoro work. Auto Radiatftr & Fender Repair Co. H. D. 'iHAVKS, Prop. 106 South Boulder Specialty Office nnd Store I'liturcM Tulsa Carpenter Shop B. nnANDMOno, Prop. 306 S. Frankfort Phone 468 "The; White Is King" Machines "or sale and rent. We do hem stitching. White Sewing Machine Company 213 K. Third Thone 7786 Note Our New Address Tou can save many a dol lar nt our upstairs store. We have no fake sales, spe sial sales, etc., every day or two. AVe sell you high class Ladles' Keady-to-Vear and Millinery jit prices that are lower than special sale prices. Our low upstairs rent en ables us to do this. Parisian Sample Rooms Upstairs Over WoolworlV MAKE 1V10NEY Sell us your Junk. We pay highest market price. Iluy and sell pipe, all sizes. Team service, free. Indiana Supply & Junk Co. T. Goodman, Mgr. II K. Cameron Phone 4174 WoirM Ads SUFFRAGE WINS IN STATE BY SUBSTANTIAL MARGIN OKLAHOMA" CITY, Nov. 10 Complete official returns to the elate election loard from 41 coun tiCH indicate, beyond doubt the adop tion of the woman miffrape amend ment to the constitution In last Tuea '!' flection. The returns In hnn' show a vote far miffraite of br-.rni? and 3'. 694 iiKAinst. In practically all of these counties the amendment received a clear majority of all votes cast In the election. The silent vote Li run ning remarkably low. one of the counties reporting this mornlntt Khowlni? only 14 silent votes. To U.'movc Trench Vermin. WASHINGTON, Nin. 9. Ameri can soldiers returning home after the war will b" required to pas throuch Kovernment ".le-louslns;" plants for the removal of trench vnrnitn. l'orty flvo of these plants, the war department announced to day, will be erected under the super vision' of tin- -r.;i.-on general at u cost of $1.50. 000. TO HELP YOU SAVE Turn to this Page for Profit IT POINTS THE WAY TO ECONOMY WITHntiT DENYING YOURSELF THE are money saving suggestions. Let them help you The Plumber Is Your Best Friend. So send for us now In order to In sure good work and to prevent a bigger bill later on. Bell Brothers Plumbers ReaP ) Furniture Tr t ValUeS Beautiful and Exchjsive 1 M JEWELRY at reasonable prices goto SHAIN'S w . w rrw . t jviii i i Everybody. Knows that it is false economy to buy cheap tools and cheap h&rd wsrCtt Buy the BEST they cost LESS. C. H. JUSTICE 210 North Main SPECIAL Big selection of Men's and Ladies' Raincoats at Special Prices SQUARE DEAL CLOTHING STORE Our prices can't be beat. Telephone 3675 5 North Main Street, Tulsa, Okla. i Third Door North of the Frisco Tracks. "We deal Q all the year O" IT PAYS TO THAI); WITH TUB FASHION SHOP TaUors Southeast corner Kflrond and Main, Tnls, Okla. Walk t'lwtalra and Snvo f I0on SUIT OR OVERCOAT Made to four order $27.50 to $60 All purr wool. Satiaf action troaruitecd. CI-KAMXG AND TKKSSINU . rnONT! 5010 New England Cafeteria Home Cooking, Popular Trices, New, Clean, Up-to-Date. Six Cafeterias Two in Tulsa 307 South Cincinnati Yard Work Stopped. WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 10. Orders have, been received by the. Liberty Shipbuilding company to discontinue all work on yard con struction and proceed with, actual ship construction on the ways that have been prepared. The order necessitated th-i dismissal of much common labor that could not qualify for ship construction am'. Rave rise to tho belief that the Liberty yard was to go out of existence, Now It's "Herbert Stow.' A housewife who has Invented a meatless stew hlphly commended by all her friends, pusses on the receipt to others. Her children, hy tho way, call It "Herbert Stew" In honor of Mr. Hoover? Slice two lartte onions thin and put In an enameled ware frying pan with a very little water. When they ae beplnnlni? to Bet soft add three irse tomatoes, peel ed, If fresh totnatoes are used. If canned, half a rtn. Let these wiok together fifteen knlnutes and add half a can of okraand a can of red kidney beans or A pint of boiled beunn of any klnd If tho family like peppers add a At-cn P'Per cut l-n NECESSARIES OF LIFE "Bayard F"i;n1it"rcCo- 21N.Main Phone - 4689 122 West Third fine,. Let all this cook together, with a cover over the frying Pn' for an hour. Take off the cover, and two tablespoons full of butttr and cook another hour to dry off little. To have this stew as It should be. It must ba made In a fry- 1 .. - . A . . . . nu "ii, m inm Rivea muro .ii for the final evaporation, and the frying pan must be enameled war as Iron wnnlrl rinrken the tnmatoe ii nd okra cooked In It for so long time. "November, BreakfesTS PostToasties . (Mam o Coww) Sav