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TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918 Full Text of the Terms (Continued FromPagc Ono) IV General clauses: '" 18. Repatriation, without reciprocity, within a maximum period of one nonth, in accordance with detailed conditions hereafter to Ix? fixed, of all civ ilians' interned or deported who may be citizens of other allied or associated itates than thos cmentoined in Clause 3, .'anagraph l'J, with thr reservation hat any future claims and demands of the allies and the United States of Vmerica remain unaffected. 19. The following financial conditions are required: Reparation for damage done. While such armistice lasts no public securities shall be removed by the enemy which can serv eas a pledge to the allies for th crecovcry or repatriation for war losses. Immediate restitution of the cash deposit, in the National Rank of Belgium, and in general immediate return of all documents, specie, stocks, shares, paper money together with plant for the issue thereof, touching public or private interests in the invaded countries. Restitution of the Russian and Rou manian gold yielded to Germany or taken by that power. This gold to be deliv ered in trust to the allies until the signature of peace. V Naval conditions: 20. Immediate 'cessation of all hostilities at sea and definite information to be ?iven as, to Uie location and movements of all German ships. Notification to be fiven to neutrals that freedom of navigation in all territorial waters is given to ;he naval and mercantile marines of the allied and associated powers, all ques tions of neutrality being waived. 21. All naval and mercantile marine prisoners of war of the allied and' associ ated powers in German hands to be returned without reciprocity. 22. Surrender to the allies and the United States of America of 100 German submarines, including all submarine cruisera and mine laying submarines, with their complete equipment and armament in porta which will be specified by the lilies and the United States of America. AH other submarines to be paid off and rompletely disarmed and placed under the supervision of the allied powers and ;he United States of America. 23. The following German surface warships which shall be designated by the al lies and the United States of America shall forthwith be disarmed and therc ifter interned in neutral ports or for the want of them, in allied ports, to be lesignated by the allies and the United States of America and placed under sur reillance of the allies and the United States of America, only caretakers being eft on board, namely: Six battle cruisers, 10 battleshipstight light cruisers, including two mine layers (including river crafe) are to be concentrated in Ger man naval bases to be designated by the allies and the United States of America, and are to be paid off and completely disarmed and placed under the supervi sion of the allies and the United Staets of America. All vessels of the auxiliary rieet (trawlers, motor vessels, etc.) are to be disarmed. J4. The allies and the United States of 'America shall have the right to sweep up all mine fields and obstructions laid by Germany outside German territorial waters' and the positions of these are to be indicated. i 25. Freedom of access to and from the Baltic to be given to the naval and mer cantile marines of the allied and associated powers. To secure this, the allies and the United States of America shall be empowered to occupy all German forts, fortifica tions, batteries and defense works of all kinds in all the entrances from the Cattegat into the Baltic, and to sweep up all mines and obstructions within and without Ger man territorial waters without any question of neutrality being raised, and the posi tions of all such mines and obstructions are to be indicated. 26 The existing blockade conditions set up by the allies and associated powers are to remain unchanged and all German merchant ships found at sea are to remain liable to capture. 27 All naval aircraft are to be concentrated and immobilized in German bases to be specified by the allies and the United States of America. 28 In evacuating the Begian coasts and ports, Germany shall abandon all mer chant ships, tugs, lighters, cranes and all other harbor materials, all materials for in land navigation, all aircraft and all mterils nd stores, all arms and armaments, and all stores and apparatus of all kinds . 29 All Black sea ports are to be evacuated by Germany; all Russian war vessels of all descriptions seized by Germany in the Black sea are to be handed over to .the allies and the United States of America, all neutral merchant vessels seized are to be released; all war-like and other materials of all kinds seized in those ports are to be returned and German materials as specified in Clause 28 are to be abandoned. 30. All merchant vessels in German hands belongnig to the allied and associated powers are to be restored in porta to be specified by the allies and the United States of America without reciprocity. 31. No destructino of ships or materials to be permitted before evacuation, surrender or restoration. 82. The German government will notify the neutral governments of the world and partciularly the governments of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Holland, that all re strictions placed on the trading of their vessels with the allied and associated countries, whether by the German government or by private German interests and whether in re turn for specific concessions such as export of shipbuilding materials, or not, are imme diately cancelled. 33. No transfers oi German merchant sh ipping of any description to any neutral flag are to take place after signature of the armistice. VI Duration of armistice : 34 The duration of the armistice is to be 30 days, with option to extend. During this period, on failure of execution of any of the above clauses, the armistice may be renounced vj any of the contracting parties on 48 hours previous notice. VII. Time limit for reply : 35 This armistice to be accepted or refused by Germany within 72 hours of notification. Mayor's Proclamation WUKI.AMMION. Tr Us" IVopIc nf Tulxii: In Ills a-nni loHMliicNt ,ihI tin tiroiiithl miuii Willi victory to llio anna or AriM-rtia mid our nllliti. In less liian Iwo -un linn- and Ix fortr our (treul luiilon had M-rlounly fHl ili- ravage of mut, our rix-iiitca Iihvp fi ll Um- Hi I uk til imnhliiK d' fctil. In 'I'luiiiltrHtlt luu for Mil IImtm- nn-ut McmkIiikm It Is iln-mctl filling llnd .r.HT ihut rti-ry clll.-ii of HiIm city Hliould lfli' I'liin-xlnu of Knili--fnlix-M lor flic tmiitiwt victory tin- world Iiiim ever known. Now, thi'rt'fori', I ( liiirlcH II. MllMmrd, Miiyor of I he city of Tulsa, Ok In , do In n li) in lullli I Ills (III) . Moodily, Nmi-inlsr II a li-iral llol liliiy ami I ik Hint every man, unman nod tiiilhl w 1 1 III it (In- illy of TiiImii nIhiw llii'lr uppnv hulim of HiIn lilory liy Jolnlin; In a rlly wldi ii 'i lifilloli lit pt'iuc at Con trillion liull ul H oYlork (iinltlit. KiKtixl t:. II. Ill HlUltli, Muyor. LAST AUTOCRACY IS SWEPT AWAY The Excuse for Starting World War Revolution Sweeps All Germany as William Hohenzollern Flees LONDON, Nov. 10 (.1:10 p. m.) Essin, whi'iv the great Krupp ftrt'l works arc nituated, i.s reported to br. in the hand of tho revolutionaries, says a di patch from Amster dam to the Exchange Telegraph company. Lieutenant Krupp von Hohlen und Halbach, the head of the Krupp works, and his wife, have been arrested. This news was brought from Essen by Iiutch workmen arriving by special train at Zevengar on Saturday. l.iiSliiiN', Nov 10.-- (12. 21 a. m. Tin- former (iciinan emperor's putty which is believed to include Held Marshal vmi llliiilcnhiiric. arrived ttt KyiiU-n. on the Dutch frontier, at 7 S n o'clock Kiihdav ninrnliitf, ac cordiriR to I hilly Mull ndvlies. Practically tli" whole Scrrnan (fiii'iul Htaff accompanied tlif former emperor, and ten nutomo blles carried the party Thn uiilo tiioIiIIik were hrlstllna" with rlfleti mi n nil the fiiKiitivi'H were uriumt. The eK-kalscr m In uniform Me iillKhle,! at the Kyadcn station mill paced the platform, amoklng- a cllfarpt. Kysdon lln ahoiit mld-wav between l.ieire ami .Maastrh ht. on the Uutch border. ('OI'I'NI I A'l KN. Nov. 10.-' (8:30 n. ni ) - Newn of Fmpernr William's abdication wW received on Saturdav afternoon at llerlln with ueneral re joicing whli'h w,in tempered hy the fear that it had mine ton late. ft il'KNIIA'iKN. Nov. 10.- 30 in I -1'reilerlrh Khert, the aoclal- iKt lender, hua bfen appnlnted Imper ial chancellor, lie ha Imied a pr r la inn 1 1 u li H.iyiHK thlU he plana to form a people' (rovernmnt which II endeavor to brlna- ahont apeedy peare. fhanerllor Kher .laid li" would endeavor to fortify the freedom whlrh the people had won. lie hewed mipport In the hard work ahead and appealed for eo-opera- tlon In the rountrv and cltlea In the prohlein of provisioning. Ilerr Khert deelared that Prince Manlmlllnn of Ttaden had trana ferred the rhancellorahlp to him. all the aecrrtarln of atate Imvlnic given their eonio-nt. The new government. lie added, would he In arreement with the various partlea. Zmifir, Kwltierlan, Nov. 10 Itecauw of the Iroiildea In the In terior of (Jerni.iny. I'ltnee Mailmll lan of Itaden and all th Imrirenlnlp mlnlstera have resigned, nwn a din patch from llerlln. I'Yederleh Kliert. the aoclallat leader. ha been definitely reonxnlned aa chancellor. IX)NT)N, Nov. 10. In the new Oerman irovernment there will he only three repreaentntlvea for the majority nartlea. namely, KrT.henrer. Oothlen and Itlchthofen, aaya a rtla patch from fopenhanen to the R rhanice Teleirrnph cnitipanv. The other pota will he occupied by o- rlallnta and Innepennenis. An nffii' dii'patrli from Imrm- Htadt, of the tiran l Duchv of lleNNe, nMiutinri-n tfiat the Knimi of lira!- btiei ileriii'il the formation of a eniiiii II of si, i,i- tu take over the Iiiihiiii'hm of Die L'overiinient "until a final act I lenient of the queatlona artanitf from the prevent aituaUon MKIII.IN, Saiurdny. Nov. .((ler. man Wire e In London. Nov. 10. I (1.10 p m.) With rea-ard to the ln IdeiitM ul November 9 In Merlin, the aeiiiloffii'hil telegraph bureau, wnrkliii: under the control uf the win amen' n ml Huldlerx' council, la- aueit the following report: ' Thin iiiorninK at 9 o'clock the workmen of the icreataet Induwtrlnl iindertiikiiiKi commenced a general atnke. "Proi exuioim hardened from all the aiihurha to t no renter of the city. Itert f.nxa wire carried at the head of the proreaaiona In whl-'h marclied armed il liern and all rliiAaea. "The fliM tiroreHNlon arrived from the Ai kerMraMse and llrunneMlranev. Aa a the eoldiem and if ficera were tinted lo removetheir oi kailis and t-pmilfttea. In the ma lorlty of c.iHca thla took place volun tarily. There waa a Reneral f raternliatlon of xnldiera and workmen. The work men penetrated the liarrarka where Ihiy received an rnlhuala.sllc recep tion from the aoldiera. "The millwry occupnnta of fac tories mingled in common with the workera, left the works and treatad with them In common. "So far aa known the only claah between the maaaea and armed forces took place on the occupation of the so-called 'roi'kahnfer' har racka. In thoc barracka waa a iruard of fiieHlers. but only two officera fired. "Three persona. were killed and one wuh Injured Thla ia to be regretted. "The taking poaae-wion of a ma jority of the public buildings and eatalilhmrnta waa completed with out difficulty once it clear that the military had gone'ver to the people," My Tin, Auoriated Preu. HKKL1N, Saturday. Nov. 10 (Herman wirelias to l-ondon.) Nov. 10 d2:r. p. m.l The Mermen people'a government has hen :r.ti 'uted In the greater part of i!eri!n. The giirriaon has gone over to the covern ment. NATIONS WHICH SEVERED DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS aAlnat Japan, Aug. 2. I'ortugal, March Serbia, July, 2(, Austria 1114. Austria against 16, lilt. Auatrla ogainat 1914. Aaalrla airainst United States. April S, 1917. Bolivia againat Oormanv. April 11, 1917. Hrarll airalnat llernianv. Ap-ll 11. 1917. China ugalnst (lermiriy, Miroh "4, 1917. Coata Hica agalnat tlrmany, Sept. 21, 1917. Kcuador against Germany, liec. 7, 1917. Karypt againat Geri iany, Aug. 11, 1914. France ajralnat AuMtni, Acr 10, 1914. Turkey, July I, of Alexander I Aue'rU. July i, of iVleMinder I April Oreece Against 1917. (Uovt. (Sreace agaJnnt 1917. tllovt Guatemala against Oerniany 27, 1917. Haiti against Merman-, June 17, 1917. Honduras against Oermnny, May 17. 1917. Nicaragua against Mermany, May IS. 1917. Peru agamst Germany, c. t., Hn Turkey against i:nlted St lies, Aprl 20. 1917. 1'nlted Htstea nga.lnnt MermanJ1, li'eb. 2, 1917. I'ruKiiay agalnat Germany, Oct. 7, 1SM7. K'rom the official Mitietin of th committee on ul'i; informatltn. Auatrla (Including gary) Belgium Bolivia Braall Bulgaria China . Costa Rica Cuba Kcuador Birypt Francs Osrmany Great Britain . . . Orsscs Guatemala Haiti Hun- Population otlir Nation. iO,00(.,OCO .. 7.671.3S1 . . J.6!0,bSS . . tl.992.9S7 . . 4.7H&.000 . .411.000.000 417.604 2.40C.117 . . 1. 600. 000 . . 13,170.000 . . J9. 601. 509 . . 66.71S.000 . . 40.HS4.790 S, 000. 000 2.092.814 . . 2,010,000 Honduras Ita v J apan ioeria Montenegro . . XtlcarngUik . . Panama ..... l'em I'ortugal I tu mania . . . . Husaia Sitn Marino . . Serbia Sam Turkey t'nited Statu Uruguay . . . . o9i.67S 3Vf.98.000 61.696.S&H 2.0(0.000 MO.OOO 6t!i,X91 386.891 4.1-00.000 . 6.S57.R9S 7.600.000 . 17S.137.0O0 10.6S5 : 4.(00,000 6,000,000 . 21.274.000 .102.St4.S09 . 1.2H..914 Thirty-three bonds forfeited In Tulaa county courts are basis for hh many sutu ugalnst bondsmen, Insti tuted Saturday by County Attorney ! Geoi-gf Reeves, and a test of the assertion that many strnwhnnds have I been taken by courta having certain Jurisdiction. especially In liquor case. The county attorney gets 23 'per cent of all the money bond col lected, the balance glnir to the atate. The bond units are agalnut the orig inal defendants as well as the bondH : men. I These ure the title of the cases, 'nnd the Hum aued for. State x M cm, o 1. lirndley et al., il-MlO: state vs. M Harris et al., 11.000: state s I, Cooper et al., . St. 000; state vs. V. H. Huntchlson : et al.. S1.0O0; stat, . 1, Simmons 'at al., St.OrtO; state vs f. Markhain ! et al., J.r.0: state vs f Kldd et al., ISOO: state vs. Wvsman et al.. iil.fuifl; state s f. Adams et al. $1,000; state s J It Smith et al.. '$.00; state v K. It. Mclaughlin et 1 al.. SfiOfl; state vs S L. Fuller. $S0n; state vs. A. I'.allard et al.. S'iOO; state . I. Agner, Si. 000; state vs. ill. Hogers, (1 000; state vs. Mrs. t ). ,11. Uradley et al , (TiOO; state va ; Mrs. n. A. HrRdlew et al.. $'00; I tate vs. Mrs. O. H. Uradley et nl . ' ISOO; state vs. 1. Iewls et al . $"00, state vs. J, C, Havaire ot al., 11.000; ! state vs. K. J Ardlnger et al . Jl.O'it); ! state vs. Mrs. o. II Bradley el al . ! soo. COt'KNHAGKN. Nov 10. Tha new Berlin government, according to a Wolff Bureau mspaicn, mis iwimu the following proclarvntlon: 'Kellow eltlrens: This day the neonles- deliverance has beed fulfill ed The social rtemocraiic puny one undertaken to form a government. It has Invited the Indi-pendent social ist party to enter the government with niual rights." William Hohenxollern, the abdi cated German emperor and king of Prussia, ami his eldift son. Freder ick William, who hoped some day to rule the Herman people, are re ported to have fled to Holland. The revolution which is in pro-gri-es throughout Germany, although it seemingly is a peaceful one. prob ably threw fear into the hearts of the former kaiser and the crown prince and caused him to luly asylum In a neutral state. Wilhelm II, reignlnir king of th monarchy t Wuttemhurg, Is de clared to have abdicated ''rlday night arid reports hava it tbit tin grand duke uf Mw, rulir of the grand ducy of Hesse, 1i;ih decreed the formation cf a coum-il of aui to take over tho guv eiiimont there, Kvery dynasty in Germany is to Ik suppressed and all the piliicea ex iled, according to Swiss advices. Peoples governments have been established In the greu'er part of Merlin and in other cities of the kingdom and empire. Isipsig. Stut' Kart, Cologne, lissen and I'rankfort have Joined the revolution In ller lln there has been some f.chtlng be tween the revcluttoniais and reac tionnrieM In whuli s.-veri! personh wi-re killed or wounded The palace 'of iim crown nrince bus been taken over by the revolutionists "Istng live the republir" and the singing of the Marseillaise have Ix'in hesrd In the streets of Berlin. I'rederich 'Kbrt. the socialist leader, has been appointed imperial chancellor and hos issued a procla mation saying that It is his purpose to form a peoples' government which will i-mHw. to bring about :i peace I.sNPN. Nov 10.- (11;IS a. m.1 Sihleswlir llolsteln. the Prussian province which formerly belonged to lienniark. Is to be proclaimed an In dependent republic, says an Kx chauge Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen. AMSTl'.UPXM. Nov. 10 The Bhelnlseh Westf.ilian Zettung of Kssen announces that Kutin, the capital of the principality of Lue beck, is In the hamla of the soldiers' rouncil. M.iny persons, both civil ians and nilli'aty. have been allot. CflpKNIf AG K Nov. 1H.--(:15 i. m.) Merlin was ocitple.l by forces of the anldiers and workman s .oni'. cil on Sutiirdfiy af tei'iioo.i, .icro.'d ing to a Wolff buroti.i repoit re elved here. Th' hardest thing Is wmppln' up a mrarter's worth o" door knobs liul ber heels sound sloppy, whatever else kin be said o' thenw CCPrNHAGFN. Nov. 10. (S:S0 a. mi According to a frontier nicsKage Princess Iflnrlch. wife of the grandson cf l.ndwtg HI of Ila virla. was wounded in the arm when fired upon .is she wrts fleeinc from Munich. She and hnr hushnn.1 .ire now hiding in s-mthern Hs;ir:n with Princess A.lelpheid. wife ,,f Pr.nce Adelhert. i:mperor William's third sun. AMSTKUPAM. Siiturday. Nov 9 ItsVolutlnn la epreiuling rapidly arid from the fact that u HuclalKt is now oiianrellor, It .may be gu'h eied that the object of the revolu tion l;s not merely the iUH'k eliding of the war, but I lie complete a. vet -nice of the political ties which still bind the nation Willi lis past. I or the .illies the problem bus changed The countries which fought Germany and her vassals fur more than four years have enier tre.l friio i It i (illliletely triumphant, hut williin the lifii-.lerN fif tile countries u hii-li fneniiee,! the tieace of thefl' whole world stalks revolt, famine and anarchy. The world's next task miiv be to restore order In the desu l.itid central empires. It may be (he k of (be forces who have sue cesf fully contested Germany's greet! for power, to save her from the fati she Imposed on Itussia Likewise, help will have to be given to Austria-Hungary, Hulgarlu and Turkey, whose ruin Gennanv wrought. The German empire was the last of the great autocracies whose full marks the real significance of the Wnr. In Uiissiu, Austria-Hungary ii ml finally In Germany. Irrespon sible power give Way before thn In islsillde forces of democracy Germany, holding rn to the last kept up the hoMaess atrm-'gle until Held Mammil von II lndmihu rg r pri phetjc words early in the war rains true. The side with the s'rongewt nerves, s'lld he, would win. It w is the crumbling of the bmiio front which made it impos. sidle for Germany, notwithstanding her great armies In the field, to carry on any longer. German Inea Is (June. The collapse of Germany brings the eclipse of the German Idea of the stale, as opposed to the doctrine of individual rights, to which the nation clung with hardly a dissent ing voice until recently. 1'iider this regime there was developed a nation of which militarism was the em bodiment, which murdered and plundered, was hoed less of the rights of the Individual and made terror ism a mutter of studied policy. This terrorism waa directed against not only Individuals, hut against nations, avuinst not only hostile nations, but those with which Germany were nt officially at peace. Its system of esplomige corruption and violence extended over the world. It waa exemplified by the plots carried out In thla country under direction of the government for the destruction of munition plants and ships before the I'nited States entered the war and by the effort of the German government to embroil this country, then neutral, In war with Japan and Mexico. No capital of Kurope was free from German secret agents In the years preceding the war. and the nations lived In growing dread of the huge military machine which Germany wvis building up. to the Hccompanlment of the emperor's boasting of the "shining sword" and German toasts Ixr Tag In voices which echoed around the world. Swiftness Drama Mr, The virtual ending of this greatest if conflicts has come with dramatic swiflfiess. Four months ago today the German military power appar ently was at Its height. The un checked forces of the enemy had battered their way through the French and Mritlsh lines until Paris was In danger and the British were fighting with their barks to the wall (o prevent themselves from being forced to he sea. Ijite in July the world was thrilled with the news of an allied counter-attack between the A1sne and the Marne. The Ger mans were hurled back along the whole sector and since that day the victorious progress of the allies has tin June. 2k, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and Ills morganatic wile, the ljuchess of Hohenbiirg, were uHsnsMlnated by a li.iif-cra.e., lS-year-'dd Serbian stu dent, one Gttvillo Prlnitep, wlnie Urn heir to tho Austrian throna was on an offlcia; visit to the town of Ser ajevo, Bosnia. Whether Prlnxep woa ui'tiiiir mi his own inltlatlvo or lion of persona In Serbia accu,N complicity In the murder of V;, duke Francis Ferdinand; that Sc. take action against two apf-Jf-e-l flcials. wlio were accuse'CrS , pllcity In the Clime at Si-r7v. Serbia tuke effective nieasui '-a' stop the smuggling of arms und n munition acrnhs thu bonier. ji: t nally that Serbia give explain'. .... whether his crime was the result of the expressions of hostility pai Hint has never been fully est 11 Unhid. It in declared ly tile central wers that the double murder waa plotted In Serbia, (m the other nani. there is a widespread belief lit allien countries' that the plot wu hatched In Germany, in order to give tho kaber an excuse for commencing his war of com' nest. In any event the murder of the arcnuuse aim inn n " "'" ' ment directed against the lei excuse fur un ultimatum from Aus- ( lnU.Krlty f tMe monarch tna to Serbia on July 3. which be-, ,(u rfpP(1 tI,Ht !,H did no: cause of ll tor iimniir exactly the meaning of amazed the world. Austria's Harsh Demands. Thn note submitted ten spe. lflc de. mands and reipilred an answer from Serbia within 4 "i hours. These demands required that Ser bia should suppress every Serbian i publication hostile to tho dual monarchy; t liu L teacners guilty oi Instigating hatred of Austria be dis missed and that matter In the text books objectionable lo Austria be eliminated; that Serbia dismiss from her army und government employ all officers and uffieliiis found taking part in the propaganda; Unit Serbia accept the collahoratlon of ngents cf the government In supptession of the subveislve move . . . , . 1 ..ui.ln. iVinl Aimtrn iliein. iie'ioini. ". . I .... n.,.uU I, P, , l,W ne ai- owed to take part In the in tsiigi-, I c Austria-Hungary on th. tain high Serbian uffici Serbia Bows (o Austria. Humiliating unil unjust thnur demands undoubtedly wet e. in her reply acceded lo then, i cept two. To the demand Hi , lia accept the collaboration o( ,(, of the Austrian government n supprcMHlon of the subversive m inand, but that she was i., cept such collaboration hh. t,:,-n, 'conform to tho prlnciplin of u '. I iisluiniil law and criminal proe,..;; i The demand made by Austria I. I Ausirlsn officials be i'-niiitn ! take part in the Investigation n .. I lug to the judicial pio lines , Serbia ag ilnst persons iiivmveii ! the Serajevo crime, the Serbian eminent wuuhl nut concedo on gnund that such action would v.. lute the Serbian constitution. No one now believes that A wished Serbia lo accept all ! terms, or expected hor to. deaf to the appeal of Gi. Britain and liussia and declare I on N'rm:i on Jiuy in. joiring imtra. ! next few days Germany dei lar. ,1 representatives 0( ' forces ngalnst Gernmnv and . i As the war went on tne nun. r nations Involved Increased until conflict became the greatest in of I history of the world. . i iieciarmir war o;i i i nncn. i i manv on Auitust 1. 1914. threw enemv to a submissive frame mind. It is also significant that the establishment of umiucstloncd allied supremacy In the field niniosi syn chromzed with the unification military control and the appoint- I M'.rMhnl P'oeli to the post tu suprerpe command. "nie toward I rani'" b w..v Mil It" ryl commentators without ox, j ''' - , ' ;";,rf;;r, vlh" ,n. .. , ,,, i,.,r.,..i. i tcniini'fl of th"ir neutralitv. t r. - leadersnip ami me ance of single genius of Koch in stemming and Among the Individual leaden, finally turning the tide, aside from Foch, whoso names stand out most prominently are Marshal .loffre, who saved France In her darkest days of the summer of 1914; Field Marshal llaig, the Brit ish commander; General Petaln, at the head of the French forces: Gen eral I Gar. w ho on the Italian fron beat back last summer's great Aust rian offensive, and later tore the Austrian armies to pieces In a fuw tip '.lc: weeks, and General Pershing. On the German side nre Field Marshal von llindenburg. a com paratively obscure officer who leap ed into the world wide fame by his defeat of the Husslans In 1914, and! subsequently becamo the idol of Germany, and General Ludendorf. who. although frequently credited! with being the abler ofii'the two. never'- touched' popular Imagination as did his colleague. When von llindenburg was at the height of his fame a great wooden Image of the German hero waa set up. a monu ment to the power which now Is broken. It stands today in Berlin, unless the new masters of Germany have torn It down. It was late In June, 1914. that the world was stirred by the murder In Sarajevo, Bosnia, of Archduke I Kcancia Ferdinand, the Austrian liren maintained Various causes have contributed heir upparent.-flnfl hi wife. Austria. to this reversal. The entrance of I backed by Germany, accused Serbia America Into the struggle, with her of instigating the crime and mnde vast resources of men and materials i demands which Berbla accepted In is rnnceaeii ny ine allies I gains checkned the oncoming In -. for ii time, but within two no i i the Prussian armies were within few miles of Paris, from which li French government had fled. line of the vital moments of war had arrived. In a battle dramatic changes the enemy were hurled back to north of Mnrne. t Turkey soon entered the wvir in : tho side of Germany and p.iiv 'Joined the nl'les. Pnlg.irja ctih- ; iwith Gcrmanv nnd S rbia .m l j Montenegro were overrun. I On April S. 1917. the I'ni'el States, unable to force Germany t- peaceful means to conduct her ruth less, submarine warfare In keep:; with International law, threw her forces Into the struggle. At that time the Imperial govern ment of ItiiHsla had been overt hi own and a provisional democratic gov ernment instituted.- In Italy tie armies of Victor Knianuel Were driving back the Austrian In th" Trentlnn anil on the Isonzo. France, the French and British were ham mering at the German lines wi.K little apparent results. Germany, at the beginning of 1918. announced her purpose to end the war by nn offensive on France It was her last mighty effort nnd for weeks the world wondered when the enemy hordes would be stopped The turn In fighting came on IX. when Marshal Foch launched the Americans and French In at tack. Blnco that fateful day foe Germany the allied armies on ail fronts have met with continued ? cesn. LONDON, Nov. 10 (11:59 a, m.) llpHlc. the largest rlty In Saxony; Stuttgart, the capital of Wurttem- berg. and Cologne and Frankfort have Joined the revolution, accord ing In reports from (he Danish fron tier, telegraphed here by tho Copen-1 hagen correspondent of the Ex-1 change Telegraph company. I The soldiers' councils at Stutt gart. Cologne nnd Frankfort have decided to proclaim a republic. BKKNK. Nov. 10. In his address j to the people, the new German chun- . cellor. Fnedrich F.bert, says: "Citizens. The ex-chancellor, j Prince Max of Baden. In agreement i with all (he secretaries of state, has handed over to mo the task of liq uidating his affairs as chancellor. I am on thn point of forming a new government In accord with the various parties, and will keep public opinion freely informed of tho course of tho events. "The new government will he a government of the people. It must make every effort to secure In the quickest possible time peace for the German people and consolidate the liberty which they have won. i 'The new government has taken 1 charge of the administration to pre serve the German people from civil war and famine and 0 accomplish their legitimate claim tb autonomy. Tho government can solve this prob lem only If all the officials In town and country will help. "1 know It will be difficult for some lo work with the new men who have taken charge of the empire, hut I appeal to their love of the people, ljck of organization would in this heavy time mean anarchy in Germany and the surrender of the country to tremendous misery. Therefore, help your native country with fearless, indefatigable work for the future. F.vcrvone at his post! "1 demand everyone's support In the hard task awaiting us. You know how seriously the war has menaced the provisioning of the people, which is the first condition of the people's existence. The po litical transformation should not trouble the people; the food supply is the first duty of all, whether In town or country, and they should not embarrass, but rather aid the pro duction of food supplies and their transports to tho towrs. "Food shortage signifies pillage and robbery, with great misery. The poorest will su.Ter the most and the industrial worker will be affected hardest. All who Illicitly lay hands on food supplies or other supplies of prime necessity or the means of transport necessary for their distri bution will be guilty to the highest degree toward the community. ''. "I ask you Immediately to leave th" streets and remain orderly and calm " : i While it costs a whole lot t' keep t h' tab'e up t':tysO days who ever seen a rich grocer? Who remembers when no home was complete without an oleander? conceded by the allies to have turned the scale, fine of the most Important effects of this country's act was the heartening to nn enor mous extent of the weary allies na tion and a corresponding deterior ation of German morale. Kxhuus tion of German raw material nnd years of semlstarvation assisted In the process of beating down the part. Austria would not agree to arbitrate the demands not accepted by Serbia and the foreign offices In London. I'aris and Petrograd failed to swerve Austria from her course. Austria-Hungary began hostilities nn loli "7 1414 hv sttseklnv Her- hla nnd within a week Germany had Joined her, while France. Great J Britain and Russia had thrown their All Joined ItcvoluUon. LONDON, Nov. 10. Rntf-h wlreles service) Three German de stroyers have anchored ou'sl ! i f Stockholm and all the guardshipd it: the Baltic have Joined the revoli tlonary movement. School Re -Opens Monday Since the output of stenographers has been stopped for five weeks, it naturally puts us about five weeks behind on eur calls for office help. The War Department has just written us an urgent letter, asking us to send them all the stenographers that we can, and the business firms of Tulsa and surrounding cities are almost begging for help. Do You Really Want a Better Position? NOW, next MONDAY, is the time to make the strt that will make your desires come true. Don't be satisfied until your qualifications will enable you to command a GOOD position. ' l- Why wait until next month, or next year to begin preparing for a better position? You have already waited too long. Just think of the "fat pay" envelope that you could be receiving if you were better qualified! What will you be doing five years from now? Avoid the wash tub by attending the Tulsa Business College. M 1 This woman wkh,i:"i her opportunity of at tending tho T. B. C. 11 SCI BEGINS MONDAY TULSA BUSINESS COLLEGE (Only Accredited Business College in Tulsa) Smith & Guise, Mgr. Telephone 1429 109-111 E. Third St