Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918 RVFRT DAT IN TUB TF.AH LaUTU is" U Tutsa'post ofic SsoouJ- roV"ru Urion I'rcsiilenl K.'liwr K. O. lrion Huni Msi.r UfJinKHOK' TMK AI'IMT III' Kr.A U ulf rilliTI.A 1 IONS). j Official County Taper BrnsriuiTiov t'iiK'Kk UAIIA ANU Bl:NI'.iV On Tr Hil Moulds , Ttirrr Mohlhs tins Moolh . . . . . I ' Vl . 3 1'' . 2 ril . . . PA1I.Y ON1.T. Ons Yr sis Month Tbr Months ' rfl NUAY ONLY. On Yr . i " , 1 ill .11 1 bis Months li.MI.V A V 1 K"Mi.Y. Hr ("Wrrlrr In Tilrl 12 """ MK Mil Kit UK 'I'lIK ASMOI IKI P It I', at Th Assnostxi Prus Is s'lnil mlilM t4i Ih, u lor fpiiblirstion nf ' ": l.slfliM rrlt4 to ll or othri. rr.lill Id lit., p.p-r sua ! lh l'ub bih4 asrstn. Phones f.itnrlsl nit U snl A I i.l . . . . NVsnl At lifpl .. Tniplay A4 lipt. It'liinrss (Iftirn , , f'lrrulsltnn , hnrfy Kililnr . . . . MsnsgAr F.sffn Ixirlnn . . . 0i ! . Ml. Ml r!r.iin .(!" i , ,i."m , .IWl'l', , . r,. i. m . . 7'' I" i 7i;ln Dailu Food. KOVCMBGR 11. 191". nniMtrvsa U i.rofiuhln ii.'Ui ll ll.. kartrw Hi t.romiix "I uw lit" lt" kixt ol U1 whirh n ! "' I 'I'm" JTrum roiflous ilwilnis "l fr, (In .Irsim rwl I r rrm In ho mi thy l.rltr ninn si. Arxt Int thr b'srt hi- thr rinUirHs ll colilaiitmMil is fros I Tun. 0 j)m: wisfr." "Oonsi wimt! 'vr hn purplf hills and beyond th noftly KlowltiK rtm of llfn'a ilar th warrliir'n uplrlt lAkf Hi flight! Out of th morn Inir. acroiu tho whim archway t noon-tiila. down to th miiK"t! nt njt th din and clamor, out of th tiltlrni and airlfe, out of tlin flurce pamlon of tha romhnt, Into lh rtri-amlraa allanro whoan aha.l Dwa mark the pathway to th atarn' lleyond aarth'a darkenlnn horlwm. throuirh tha curtalnrd nloom.of Right, far upon thn ahoroliia nca of fadlfi lluht! Out of tha aopy of llfo'sj Clathacmana. ovfr tha cimk Inn aummlt f Calvary, Into thn raalm of (ttory, whr-re Ood'a bun nam never furl, whera victory la ture! Bo tha atalnleaa knlnht of a italnlcta cauaa irtovea down th wt, whera earth'a laat utlmmor fadaa and dlaa, and Into nod'a prcadlnl dawn, whoae light l aternal, whoaa braath la cool and twoet Oona waat!" The Houaton roat. What a aupefb tribute to the "- vlora of clvllliatlon" aa they offer their Uvea upon the rroee which itretehea over a'thouaand mllea of hatila Una In Kurona that other may be swved from eternal damna tion under Oerman domination. "Welt done, thou good and faith fat aervanti enter thou Into the Joy cf thy Lord." 1 victor nraujroi's htatts. When Itepreeematlve-olect Vic tor l Berger of Wiaconaln at tempts to take his anat In th next eongreaa the question of hla eligi bility will undoubtedly come up at once, says the New York Times. He la under Indictment for sedition. With the possible exception of Mr. Ulllqult, with whom he shares the leadership" and control of the so cialist party, he la thn most prom inent nro-Oerman socialist In this rountry. He Is a man of force and talents, and In the term which he lerved In conRH'S before the wsr ha made a pleaelng record. Since Ihe United Plates entered the war hla abilities have been devoted to embarrassing and hindering UiN country, and this finally timtii-ht upon him the Indictment mentioned. If before congress meets he Is tried and convicted, the action of the house will not be In doubt. If. aa la by no means Improbable, he baa not then been brought to trial, the question will be delicate. To set the precedent that an Indict ment Is a bar to a seat In congrena would be danjrerous, since In close elections It would offer a tempta tion to unscrupulous machines to trump up Indictments In order to keep out of congrees men whose election was foreseen. If the In dlctment Is disregarded and the op position rests on the ground that Burger has conducted hlmsulf In n way to aid the public enemy In time of war, the house, which Is the sole Judge of the qualifications of Its members, would have a perfect right to exclude him: but the house Is wisely chary of exercising Ha power In this way. If the Indictment has. not yet been brought up for trhl. the hvii.- may hold Hercer's caw Ir Mn v uice. If the department of Juwtice tors not Immediately bring htm to trial, the houea should Insist that It do ao, to the end that the fifth Milwau kee district shall not remain unrep resented In congrcea. 1 KKND TlfFM nfMTl. tni thousands of enemy aliens are now living pleasantly nt Tncle Sam's expense In the internment camps In the south and wt Very soon the question will nrNe ' to whether we should permit these people to nve In this country after tha war. or whether we should (ham to the countries which v.m nrofesaed to love ao It ki? ot to take ton to --1 1 this 1 1 1 . - 1 1 f i . Tho pa trlutic cnr'toiim h'"i i.f Anier:' demands I tint tlin interne, I enemy aliens, to tlm hint mini, lm deported In flermnr.y, oi Austr..i. s the ' may be, nt tho iir'lM( bis nio ii, cut Thcic will, piili'ips. lm minis) h! i u ii ' i m objections tu ibis fii'irnii (.ti tin. ,.irl ..f niiiii' I t the Interned kiln h. who m.-iy f - J that tin- l'n.''"l States is a (i issnler place to Iivh In, ny-T nil, than i tin : i y iiu-l bankrupt c. p'lA. i4. We should k. . . jn iMiiit, t,'."VT, II, In country Ii lmt a pl.i.iiil.l ii : ' t.i live in lii.i-.iiiiin nf tin in, I'll In spite of them. nun iNI re member that they niinwc.l ninel'. tnluibly tin Ir preference for i rn n y uiilitrl.'; :i li.lil! iAf u Ii tli ul n I III I" I : 'I'j.' . I, . i. 1 (I r ,h'. ( ( . 1 1 ' . ' i i , H I. rn.wn, ari'l 'a Ii ii f.Ttly free to i In" l.i. niiH:t'ti t iim.I I. 'ii with a s.i:Ii .f i ).. IV l.'.l -ii.-r til. HI An,. Tn H'.' iiinn tin sit enemy ii Ill-lid ever i mil. I I .- 1 1 Am.i linns, wltli A rn.'rliii I'lrnl. w.njlil lm I., iiiiiko a mlrf.ikii fi.r Alii' ti " mlklit bnvn t.i iiav il.-iillv Til" iix .Hl , .if till-Ill li iw I.M.ll' l rll.ll irt. i l . iii' and d--.I'-il'l" Hist "'re Iran In- nn Tn. ! r r.-i;iii'i!i-I lion. Wln'ii Ihe win :nm Ihi-v ! wen- In !' lis our kipoh lln i y rule nf il.rinry fnrh.iilo itirm 'ilt Ing ut thi hmiil tlmt w.ih f. .-.Ii...- and protecting tlwin Wi did link Hutu tu help us r.irry on nut the Will'. H'll v. tu IllMnt thill hand airiilriKt vIoIhIi-.I mil' ili.l f. i I It cur rlxtit th.y I'tiuuM raise no us. Iluw f.iully they I i i ih ( i ! r n u l y Is shown they but. bed to turn by thn plots Alncrh ins UKaliiH against thn peoph i urn iither ami Unit were f iffht- Ing with us. In destroy American property, to take Innocent Ameri can lives, nmt to eneom pas Amer ica's humiliation and defeat. How ran U possibly be 'argued that such peopl ever could become desirable American cltl.ens? With lierinuny miuu-hrd and defeated, never to tie a menace to til" world again, many of these Intern. el aliens doubtless will bo eiircr to Klve Hp service to America. lint wo must tell, them It la too late. They havo chosen their bed. Lot them lie In It. The most Important duty devolv ing upon the American people at this time Is that of bringing the service of their soldiers to a pleas ant conclusion, says the Chicago Tribune. In more than a year, of violent action they have tasted' of every hardship rfnd miuiy have found their last reward. iVt the homecoming bo one to stir their hearts with the depth, of grnteful nesa of the republic In the crm mnn mind there Is the thought that a declaration of peace Is the end of all our responsibilities toward the war. Nothing could be farther from the) truth. War consists In going and returning. In Just as grent measure ss we hnve prepared fo' conflict and sent our soldiers to the front we must prepare fur the safe and hippy return of those aolJlurs. It Is to be sincerely hoped that the Tied Cross forces tn Oermnny will handle their revolution better than did their bolahevikl brethren In nussla. They are, however. It seems, startin out In t muoh the same manner, ualng the torch, the bomb and the bayonet to enforce their demands. The recent campaign without oratory, says the Kansas Industrial ist, wss so satisfactory in every re- l'''t met shall never he satls dlher kind hereafter. fled with any 1 A Kansas city paragrapher says It was superror horsepower which overcame the Kurd load In Michi gan. How the crown prince must re-j Bret, says the Kansas t'lty Star, that he was not born of poor, but honest. ! parents. J Kaiser Hill said he wouldn't, but ; he did. nven a "divine Instrument'' i can channe his mind. One of the headlines real. "The Cierman Navy Is Marching on ller lln." ' Abe Marlin. 4i "I'll be sorry when th' war's over 9 X cause It's so eaay t diet," said structure workers was issued tmiav Oran'rnaw Posh, t'duy. Mrs. tafelhy Provost Marshal liiuioral Crowd Bud Jast a bouslolr cap, but uo Ford. 1 ex. j Oklahoma Outburst, j A.- I'i .M IH tl.c H: U K.l IIMJ..H t., r Ii, ,i II.. . T l I i. .lU h ,JL - . i.'W t'iri.M Into n Imi MM,.. hih.hIi.i.I (in.' tt,. ii.ii.i.f sniiiti i.r Un- it. .n.iny l.i ...lit. I Willi 11 I" y.Un .Miir.sli.i II '.'wm I. Ul ll.l'J it h.''itrj Hi j .i.'ilf r'nnty. it, ii th ( h.i-i.lVr T l .I ti ' I'I' It. i. .- I I thlMtr s . l.i il - hr.k fill li.iirl' . i vi I ll" wnrst ..'it tin 1 1 ri i f . ii-1 r ir, l-i tlri' Ih.-v r 1 ite mi .-' I .1 in H.ty : ,i ml Mi I- II, III.. ll.'.l .iii4ji r. I ..ti. i, r " .. i,. I..1 , PMili.'n '!mi s r;.it J n i . . . , i i , t i , , ... i . ! in .-i In ..l ii . .11' n. tin ! ii ii'-l l"Ti n.i h i i . i ri nt III., pre I' 'I in-il i I . r n t e f .in Hi" . 1 l' K " I... A iili'l fh. II v r III 'ir. ' ( ( 'handler in w hn il.n-pn't ihi tn it i.iil'i Pi'H U lt:i: lilil'"-i the III ill hf-r iiiisl.ainl. A id .irni nf i n d mill ri I -.I I ((iliseiill.-nl hll'll him ii rri-:it l"i.t,..r ..liipplm; Hi tin- h II I"ir lit M im-i.ire A nillill'i-r "'I 1''K hn'.e hr..l . n iiiviv fi'im 'h"' in. .el lni:s, .,i f v, hi. Ii Is t Ii" f i ni'i'iH liniiXc ('(iiivnv, the "Maltha I '.' f-'avs Matt i'i" Un In i li'lhr: M.. si r.f th l I i ti'nua 4'i i e li i me t I'v Ihe plum Inaiiv "f "I er c.iw hoys Th'-v n;i n e streiiinle'H Salt in I i 'Hid Wild Horse i reek for H"- reason i that the ratlin were italtiil on Hie hanks of the creeks mid I ii'is-, sum" strav, wild ponv found i near sotno of thein. Itot'le rreek'. on the hniindarv of Oklahoma and Imuran counties, was name I hy i 1 1 - I tain lunhl 1'ivne nn,l a siun. nf j hnortici-rt line itav ilij-v camped on1 the ehudy bank of the creek All hut one hoille of I r had been irillped down, then the last bo'He! eniiiMed Caiwiln I'.'ivne took ihe' "dead subtler." and after tlirowiniri It Into the strontn, sill "Let this body of water be hereafter known as liottln creek." Pv Hie election nf J V Tlneher lo conrress. Me.Uelno Lodge. Kan sas, ie(s hack on 1tie miip as the In cuhator of celebrities I'r.ih.a'.lv more notable ncnplo have cither lived In or passed throuirh 'his Ill tie western Kansas town -than many others In the country. Stanley, after wards The Aflcan explorer, fltst started Ihe hall (if fame to rolling, by reporting the treaty between 'he government an, I th" i-ai-e Indians After tilui eniiip th financiers who put over hundreds of thousicils of Hollars nf fraudulent railroad bunds Then rnine Jerry pimps. in, '! led to emigres as a populist; Chester 1 liti(, who succeeded Mill after a term "r two of strenuous eaniialgii leg which sen-aawed first one way, then buck again; then Jesse Over slteet who went back to Indiana and to congress from the fteventh district i.r that state; S. 1.. Over street, brother, who benune l n'td (states attorney for ttie new i Oklahoma territory; Joe VNenl, tjie leading hanker of old Oklahoma: Toiii McNeill, his brother, with his pen mid unexcelled humor: then Chester I tmg, conirressivin. up to the. senate., and Carrie Nation with her very effective hatchet. Wellavc With Us Today merits Intsrvtaws With th Orsst and Nflir Onit, lUinie ind Abrosd. "I'm going to Muskogee to see If the Oklahoma Historical society can get possession of the old records of the Five I'lvilinrd tribes, for preser vation lis historical data." said S'. f Campbell, t bo s.icletv's custodian. who whs In Tuln yesterday. Mr. ( 'implicit bin tor lea I tins charge of the preat collection stored In tho inoilol liiilliltnir at Oklahoma Olt v. "I think there must he-a rrcit quantity of Important i and In - terestlng record at Muskogee that fhould be preserved In an organized way nuiilnst tho niMiites nf time and Indifferent Interest, and the agency of tho ( 'klaliom.-i lllstorleal society will be offered fur that pur pose " Mr. Campbell spent some time with Mrs. .1 W. MeNeal, who is In usurer of the society. AU'Turtus 11. K'V. sometimes re. forced to a" "the poet lariat" of lik lahoMia. ex'ieets to hsye his History of the I'll.rokeis of th" press by January first Mr. loy who is le:-t known t.i older Oklahomans ns "Cus" Is In Tuba to si cure the funds necessary to insure the success of the publication Not that the money I is iiro'Miiii'v to Insure the suec-is of, the historv for that Is already as- sored "It takes the tnoti. v to rrt the book before th public'' Mr Key said last night, "mi l af'er it has iiiivu hoen placed befoie the public rye. It "will be In demand j .i"n.n.: the older ip'iicru(ln of t'k 1 iholi.aos." I Verv few nun In eastern oklaho-i tllll lire well Vio sed 111 Cherokee f"'k, lore as (Ins Key. pra.'tlral.v bis w holo life he has lived iittuing tho Indians and Is r. 'girded bv them as somewhat of a prophet. He his spent several months in preparing ; the material for his history. I "We owo an enormous deht to our boys In the nrmy," rnlted s Senator Hubert 1. Owen said here hist vceek. "Th. y have bought with their heave young lues oii". thousand years of pe.i.n and an lm- ir.-,!- ite prosperity for America. i hi, h will I-1, - s ou" c.o i moil c." in try at"! .-'.cry man and wo:':. in ill it. "Shall we rcfi. e to pay our debt to them" Shi'l i e not he l;i:ld to reward thetn the a-is-iran-e of our love in the otilv concrete way' I it hope that the dour pli.ple if Oklahoma who have sol magnificently responded to the de-j niands made upon them by thn j-re it war for lihertv will realize the need of supp'ytng the means tn support the rev. -ti great organisations cm-' oaMir part divi.l I in the I'nite.l War Work lign nnd that they will p.y a nf deht t.i our h"s by n: the,!' m .lis with tin -u and baling th. ir -Ii ;i'" thn U 1 ti t' .1 V, m k i' imp 1 1 ..: n the lMiiitoitrnpbers I': WASIUNO-'i'V No r nine hundred m 111 . I Out 1 A Mil ' qu.i'if.' I f--r limited service to v TV- as phot,,,; ruphers In the :vrin and for I' la men for the navy to serve as bridge and j rp 1 t T I A 11 V XX'VCtlL. .a A V.. 1 A I- A W I 7 B 1... II 4 II V 1 I!y M All Y Author of "Hunting a 1 1 unljainl," "II un J I i n ir a Husband" llio TIihii (in-nl Tlilnga. rilAI'TKll ''It. The I. Inir lm read: "('an ym ."'.,.- t'. t-if nif. Am at I'iih.' II"S l.'.il N". 1 Ihl'lle" In th.- 1,1'. airy Mtllni ruuiii i.f the ll.f- ll'ii.itil, I -,iw'T w ; ii.. ii illllii( .l:i:liK K Mui-1, roailliiK. ' mid tiiKini? t.i itielr friends. I I wiit. lied the i,,.,t w.iy eagerly A ' miii- ..inie In mid Willi her - Mddle, i iii.n: e h. : ..n iiui.h's. When he saw f.ile III' 1, fed In 11 Wl.ll'l"l'f 111 i I w. lit II p tu III III. We I '". i i' h in. Is ai d he h'"K("l .it ' . ijuh . ."! r . " I hr lid i: I. lie' Here I v.. i-i a innn w th Dddii'M hruwn sl(lnj airl l!'!d, 'm f.;t?iM,K, I. ut ut-r him I 1 1 el nine ii I r .1 Ii . loll I I 'H e es . i e ' ! ii and ."t ...nlv, ii (i liihr.-r f -id - ! . I ami i".i I ui'l Ills ii i ' . i j i Ii held I 1 1 1 1 ii ( -i -i In ii eiirni rs. l-;-.eri nn his i . ' 1 1 1 1, In- Ii id ii M iuare. hard hiuk, n I Ii ll l-Ii hi i li.idy had luir'li-lled nil'! Kiniwi :,t i i.n ij. II n fir-I ivsra the old Kd ill". hut Ih" new Ivllie was In his "1'ine. I n in Kind to see you! He I....I...I at my fi.e with tender eves, the eves ef ii n .1 est an d 1 n g. He had l..t i'..t t. u hi in. el f ; tie w anted only to Uliuvv .iT me. Hii there. Iii I lm bright room over In mi'- . 'U'li. i, hy nurselves, I tnld liiin i'f thtMt, last months; of I'i in. hf. nf life on Ins own farm; of my laiher'" ih .it h. I hud fltilshe.l -almost hi n of the paintings that I told should hell, a till how him. it la.,t 1 would repay' Then tho new I'.ilward Waldrnn riiiilth. who had won the Crnlx (In tluerre suki' to me And his words I hid a new iij-ii nl in; to rue: i "Von lire lining to keep those' paintings. You Miall not sell one of i them. I never told you, hut I knew Horoscope ' " Mrrtiitny, Novi-mbcT t, tBt". (t'sp n,:lit ij ll". McChirt NsMpsper fj"' ilicl ) This Is not a lucky day, accord lm? to iistrohitrv, I'ramia, tti Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are all In evil aspect. A( cording to tho seers th In fluences tend toward nnxlety and uncertainty. A storm may add to thn depression 'hat will i felt with out sufficient cause. Tho stars seem to forecast great nervi us teiisam and a peculiar ten dency toward quick Judgment end faultflnillnir This condition Is due to the protracted war, which has registered so many emotions on the world consciousness. . , Owing to planetary conditions calm and tii'llcial habits of mind are counseled. I'rnniis Is ln a place supposed to Increase sensTI Iveness, foreboding I sod self-centered states of mind. Work should occupy the attention of everyone. The stars that foreshadow unrest nls.i seem to indicate that women will be required to enforce the rinks of Industry In large numbers when the new year comes. Labor problems are likely to he In. reaslnctv complicated, but a iT-at leader will flay a successful part ll. the coinlnu months. (inn of the sig-ns of the times Is that suspicion will hreed more than usual nnd thus all pub lic men will have to endurn tin lut criticism, but th'" mnv not last loliiT, as It will lie merely one of the effects of ene.roy propaganda. Astrologers Vmphnsir.c the fact that US'ter rrrtaln aspects of the stars ell's are mure readily prop- IHirat 1 than at pther times, nuttne erre-ts i.r all inaiciic nwuy may no I overcome I Ihe "vers who hnve prophesied voiild not live . that the l ilser 'through th lience negotiations srui declare that ilenth will eonie to the i.ermaK emperor before the ac kn'uvle li-a ent of the vlrtnrv of the :i"es bis made hlt:i less than king lvr-ons birthilale It Is tnav meet mane los-es In business dur ing the I ' ltiiog year. They shoiiM snfemiard beatth na well us the final" ! , e.'iidilln . Children b in on this day are llbi'lv to he pn ml ilotnlneerli g .and law They nt'...ul. he c.irif'jlly t--..(red, as they usually have fine talents. Talcs of llic Friindl'i Forest "I don't car" how hard It snows. Nor how the North Wind blows and blows. For I'm safe as nf can be In a bn; warm hole In the old nut Iron." This Is what oil Orandpa Possum sang as P'llv Hunny hopped along the l'tienii:v Potest Trill "lla. In'" l.iuiihcl the little as tirtimlpa IV-suin poked Ins bend out of his eld hollow tr.'e. "you certainly look slupy. What made ou wake up?" .... , . "What woke nie? asked th ohl possum gentleman angrily. "Why lb it good for-nothini: Squirrel N'lt craeker! Ho threw a snowball right Into mv window " And then Orind pk possum scratched some snow out of his left ear and looked around to find that naughty squirrel. And hi'-'t then, all of a sudden. to! ker than a sink, a snwi:n throu-.h the air and hit th" o! I In. now tree a tfe-mennous V4 back . . aloo.ltiess mo'" said Orandpa i',.siir-i "tf I ever rau'ii inui i.vm squirrel I'll make him wince, -es wil s sure as t m iwcn.y-on-. i.,.i iiien he hegan to grin f,sr Orandpa Possum is full of good nature and never ran stay angry for very long. "If you're good naturrd every one Will love vou more nth! more. So don't pet mad. hut always glad, And lend a helping paw." i-.L- (andna Posstm, and then he ' I at Filly P't inv, and Squirrel :.' -t .i.-V.-r ran .1 w ti the tree and 'p',--ise n... I'.-an lna Possum, For throw'.rg sn.av nt you Twotild be toe. bad to make you mnd Or Just a litilo blue." And then that mischievous squir rel ran avAy and didn't bother f T T f . ; Y i I IlOtTOLAHfl .Til Tf 1 T 1 Ud I ' Frank Ilelund was your father. T'e 1 fuiH t left, I promised I''"' ' ' '""k (.u( for you If anything sli'iul'i hip .( n to In n i -for lm kri'-W it then " The nurse liiternipted us "Tho visiting huiir 1:1 up. you may mini) loiniirrow." i 1 went the slow Journey back ! itiite blindly. I wjs tlilnkinn, w.ik ! Inn up. reiili.imr f..r Hie first 'tlnm that this was nil" thn' I lld ' rmt know; or If I h id known him, ho , had been hidden from mo hy that diilward utieoiithiii ss . of manner that rneiiiit to me, then, an Inner un l olil htics He wai alwavH kind, rood, tender, hut not iinv i-iil's Ideal. Now I knew that lie was all that and more, lie was nnv Kiel's ilreiuii he was a her.); ii nd; a hern r.f every day who could s'. it.'l Ihe test nf thu eom-iinin-pl.i. e. "If otilv--" I thought - then I re membered the look he had worn when he came Into the ronlll. I felt ' the slow color creep to mv hair. Here was the old IMdi.1 urnl the ! new Kdward Wahlron Smith. 1 Wolll'l nee Is 1 in lonioriaiw- .inn again. Sniiiethin told me that 1 should see til us a Ki'.iit many, to morrows; that he needed In" In this I-, adjustment as much as I needed , . i i,,, I ....a ..... - thai t had noil ii. i - passed thnnnih, th.y bad all helped to make iin ( more clearly. 'Micro was some moaning In It nil. I clasp ed my hands tli'htly mid vow to invseir that my tire snouni ne on of service -usefulness and love! At last the full meaning or living was (dear to me. And I knew that made for mc - the only man 1 could over have married. LOVI'3 had come tu me. The Knd. Orandpa I'osstim for a long, long time. "Well, I ptiess I'll be getting along." n.i ll th" little rabbit, and he bopped away, and by and hy he nunc to the Friendly Forest fund, where Uaiitiv Hi aver bad his home. Hut of course he wasn't anywhere to ha seep No, sin e. Jl was in bis little inn. I but. whose roof stuck up about the lee and whose cellar was way down deep where tho water was Tree rrom ice. so mill n couiu bwhh In and nut us lie passed. So Hilly Hunny didn't wait. He hopped along until he came to the eilg.i of the forest, and then he hop ped across the Pleasant Meadow ........ ... il, i u.l l.'ur.,, Vnrri oihurn Hunny Jenny nnd Corky I'orky lived! all the year 'round. Put what he did 1 there you must wait to hear In the next story, for the supper bell has Just rung and I must not be late f or Aunt jermlmn s angel cake. Little Kenny's Notebook. nits I was doing my home work and I herd the fellows wlsnel Ing for me outHide, mo thinking. l. maybe It mite lie a good hleer to get up and do them about 6 orlock to morro morning wen Ini good and fresh. A I put my bonks swny and went out, and Puds Simkin and Leroy Shooster and l-M Wernlcli and Heddy Merfy was out there seeing wleh one could w IsNi'l for me the loudost, and I got In 11 and wl.ssele.l louder than etiyhoilv except Hesldy Merfy and HJ Wcrnlck. and we had fun iliffrent ways, and ufter ma railed me 3 tlme.s Iwnl In and went to bed. thinking, i:oh I tione I can wake un lit Ii. And I went tn sleep still thinking about getting up. and sll of u siiddm 1 wisik up thinking. (1.. I wonder If Its yet. I wonder? And I got- out "f bed and went down and looked nt the setting room clock, being tas dark to sen it, sn I woak pop up by hhaking him about ii time, and h quick s.a up, saying, Heh' Wat? Wat rongT' Wat time Is It. pop 1 Fed. Am I dreaming this? sed pop, and 1 pod No mr. I wunt to get up at 6 and do my homework The douse you (In, sed pop. And be reetclied under bis pillow and got his watch and went over tu the win dow to look at It. saving, la half past. get tho mlschlff hark to bed. Wii h I did. and all of a su.blm I i woak up n-geii and It wa still too dark to s"e the "ttitnr room clok so I woak pop up agen. being harder than the f.rst time but not much, .iymg, Wit time is now. pop Heh? o. its you :uen, confound It. s. -I imp. Say. If this Is some kind of a vniiie. lecve mo out of It after this., wi'l ou' e.s sir. 1 It fi '" ? I sed. I lis t'.tl for all I know, said pop. And he went to the window with bis! ;teh agon, tawking to himself, aa If i hs wasent enjoying it much, and after he had looked for n wile trying, 'o see. h. se.1, P.s Jest 4 o'clock In the moruirur. time 1 was still nsleep, n..w ou cleer out of this and if I'i sec von agen before brekfist yotill i eat It off the mantel pre. Meenlng; brckfis:. and 1 went back to li"l agen and th" ncv: lime 1 woak up ma was shaking me, nnd the next time .e wns shuklng mo harder, and I was '.a;o for skool. Save Woman-Power. In this time of demand for work of women outside the house, many a domestic housewife is going to find herself, often againit her own wish, a wage earner Though this labor necessarily tikes many hours of her da v. ll need not alto gether deprive hor of her position as a homo-maker. Properly slnipli f ed and systematized housework ran go on. without too much s'ral'i. in leisure time. To do ih;s requires rare from the foundations up AH th" kitchen equipment should tie chosen with a view to ease In use 1 as well as durability. Probably cn- lameled ware fills the bill better than finvrhimr .lse II im nn hren k n hl even when handled In the hurry of a morining rush: It Is so easily cleaned that U save time In that way, and there can he no worry about leftover fooit which Is put away in a nance pan, as the porcelain-like surface cannot be affected even bv nobis. So watt the kitchen right. With n'.en sils cookln. no longer Is a bugbear, espei la ly as In these days we are all learnl!'? to do without eiabiiratio" W'at really constitutes a balanced an.l sat sifartorv diet can lie p:'"pa:e,t 1 v eve", a htisv woman who has bet a drifted Into the army of Industrial workers from her former seclusion in the home. Frlng "home" to the boys at Uve front, (live to the united wax work njupefclgn. cv I The Wife. I Hy JA.Nli l'lltli-1'S - . .... Ill-tan, Tcmpti'd, Sih-ikIs thu Kvf"lnK Willi -M of lie Rime, IIAlTKli Ua. I.ifn Is li.ihlt. NuUiing more or leaa. lli.ati Uaci.eU hud tunned D.u luinu of l oi'Slilei'liig h.inoeif ul paiamouiit impurtaiicu. Ills plitur, in com I"il. hirt entertainment. .So that when u vowmU to behave himself un.l eat at hmno, he felt aa If he a inai iii- like those of old. i rim ' tliiiai w.i no one In appreciate hi KK ril'n.c, to tell tilm how good tie wa, took u.l the ituat from tho uc- lion. I I'i wunted to be palled on the hark, not riKUiiUlVMly, but literally, lie wanted tu hear trio ' well doim" 'l,e felt ho deserved. b, akhuukh be went home to the ildlclou uinner K iili had ordeiu.l and Kauliel pre pared tor til in. It was unties In his mouth. After ho had flumlied, lie Miiuked a uigiir. Tnul too aid not limtii right, i'eihaps because iluili had not lighted ll lor bim. Then ho tried to read. "Trush!" tin "muttered, a he 'turned the leaves of u late maga zine. "How people expect a.- feiioW tu spend hi time reading such Mull, 1 t an t uuurflnu." Filial. y he decided he would take 'a wulK. That hi step led to tho drive, and that a Washington .Suiue J lius huppened ttiut niomoiit to pans him, ..s bin. ply a coincident. I It would khl tho lime to lido down land hark. Uf cuunu he would not get oli-lho bus. It was a ticautiful liigt" an.l it would be hard to secure a sea t. I : Sjineway the cigar tasted all right' I now, and he puffed away coi. tented- i lly. When the bis stopped al tho end : of the route, without any cons.-luusj . olijocl lu view, uliuuHt Wilhuut voil- , tlou, ho got down with tho lest of I tlin peopiu. ... I I "l wumler If Mollis I at home?" ho said to himself, iouii-ing In the direction of her swdlo. Uf coutso, , hud he intended to see her, ho would have cuilod from the liouwi and found out If she wero at home, iiut now that he wils bo near It would ha: a pity not to run its and see hor f or Just a few ininulMi. 1 "Hello, Hrian!" Mollis herself opened the door. "Miss. away; again?" sno n.sked with a comical look and accent. j "Yes. whont Ibis nftornoon. l.p state somewhere. Why?' "Dh, when Hie cat's away the mouse will play. And took up an- other muiiM! to play with him." Hoii'l fool yuumeir," urian re-: pei. siiillliii: ut her nonsenii. i only rarno out for a ride. 1 am going right back. Put I thought If you were In, you might feci hurt if i were so j near and didn't cn.-uu In."- ! "You aro pleased to bo faCHtiouB tonight. ' , I "1 follow In your lead, fair lady, i So they ehaffod and laughed with, and ul,' each other. enjoying himself hugely. Unco or twice duv Iris tho lung., short to him. hours ho, Hpent in tt.o studio, he thought re- 1 Kii-tfully of Until. She was a good i girl and ho was hardly fair. Lspc : iially when bo kiased lloltle. Kul who could help It? She looked so provokingly pretty with her big- j checked apron on. waahlng up the dishes she had made In preparing a welch rarebit for him. : lie somehow wished Huth would wear a chocked apron And cook things for him at midnight. It would tie terribly Jolly. Then he straight- way forgot that Kuth existed, while1 Mollio entertained him with the gos-, lp of the village and her own plana! for the coming fall and winter. , It was after 1 o'clock when he rose t0'shall have no shred of reputa tion le;t if you tay so late," she had uid to him. "Put it is good to have j '""" .. i "And It is good to come. liilan really meant it. Mollle hsd .given hint just the iUu.a.ioii tor .. I. i, a. iii mnil hungered. nen ne dmcrihial bis lonely dinner with only o,d Itache) In tha house she con- ; dolled wall him as if he had no din ner at all instead of a delicious one. When he told of the lincly homo to which ho wiia doomed to go, she pelted him and told him It was a Hhanie that a domestic man should have married a woman who cared nothing for a home. I So that when again mount ed the him he was in a beatific mood. I The time had flown, no na.i u.-en en lertained. fused uer, pra.s.'d and consoled. What more could man ask? Anl'.ed ut home, he found Ruths telegram. i ,t wasn't ' late Id send her an answer,' bo yawned sle-ptly. "I'll do it In 'h morning." then wont tii bed to dre im cf Mollio in a checked apron rare bus which cavort ed all I'Vi r the table, and which be vainly tr.ed to i.itch. Whl'.e. In a ho tel Kuth tossed a iwt tumbled, sleep- less, wondeiing 11 he nail receiveu hor who evening and If ho had spent me at home, or with MoUie King. Tomorrow nrinn and Mollle Are Unconscious T"1"1 T,lfV Are w'1't'd ? Everybody's Column. ! To tho Mi Ii tor: The gentleman who conducts Uiat ltnei e.sing column, "Oklahoma Out burst" remarks that the observing young man on Notth Main la mciineu in believe it tlnm for the young bucks (-porting tho khaki within tho buund the 'ary imos of TuIki to change to more appropriate clothing. Tho young north Hhler expresses the opinion of numerous Tulsnns. hut fails to go deep enough. Us' a poor rule that won't work work both way. llow about tho female of the srecle? This Is anoUier obnoxious feature that is being exploltvsl a trifle too far and too glaringly. When a thing's oierdone It becomes not onh' tiresome but escewd.ngly ihs likable. Anv day in Tuisa one can see young women parading the stroeta attired in a garb befitting only thoso of the male persuasion. They aeem to be more on dress parade than engageu in an occupation which wouia oi ns- ceswrty cali for the wearing of men's apparel. The wearing of such rarmna ty women when engaged In Inside work shows not a feirk of modesty, but that the wearer Is using good Judg ment, but when a woman Ho far for gets her s'x as to use this means to lil tract attention to herself, then the time has art. veil when a stop should be put to .1. There may be some people who n .1 ... 1 re this "sort if tiling. bUt the larger liar', of the citizenry believe that it should be taboo. N' T A PKl TE. Pelf sacrifice will make you happy, too. Give to Che united war work campaign. t A LITTLE HEAT GO A LONG'WAY Kconomlsta warn us that even when the war Is over It will be a hum' time before prices touch the level which we were used to before 111 14. Common sense also tells us the same thins;'. How can there be such tremendous destruction with out thi wholu world having to pay for 117 Think of the demand on coal alone to make the steel and the munitions and the ships, to say nothing of the transportation prob- icnis. so even ir mere is no cow even If there is no i-hortage such as there was last win ter, It la up to everyone of us not to waste nn ounce of these precious black diamonds. If wo take thought we can do our rooking with less fire than we ordinarily use. Much de pends upon the utensils In which tho looking Is done. What we need Is liluh hoat efficiency; that Is. a sub-f-t.'incn which heats quickly and readily. Then we need a power to retain that host so that the contents of tho vessel can continue to cook after direct heat Is withdrawn. In enameled waro we have these two i.sHential qualifications. The found ation of the ware Is steel. That gives It Its heat efficiency: the porceluin 1 lUe surface holds that heat and con serves all the hoat given out aby the i ottl so that norTe Is wanted. A lit tle ohscrvntton will soon teach a housewife how milch more cooking i-ho ran do with a little flr by choos ing her kitchen equipment scientif MAKING Don't Waste a Single Thing! Just Send It to One of These Fix-It Shops and have it Repaired, Cleaned or Rebuilt Like New You'll save money and at the same time aid Uncle Sam in his fight for Conservation Official Railroad Watch Inspectors for Frisco. M., K. & T.. Midland Valley and Santa Fe. LEVIN'S WATCH MAR KIIS, JKWKI.KKS AND DIAMOND IMPOIITLUW 101 Sooth Main Strrct. Thonc Osage S1S7. The Fix-It Shop Bicycles Sold on Easy Terms 114 WEST FIRST ST. Phone 2724 tulsa'plate 5jSSS. Parint9 1 W11 It us replace your broken wind- God Work Fair Prices shield. We grind and polish and rnnsnmprv Painf & PflDPr fit them In the same way the man- V-OHSUniCrS I dllll tX I dpu ufacturer turns them out. A word Company to the wise Is sufficient. prices right. 18 W. First Phone 7096 : i Rubber Boots, Overshoei stoves - Hester, stoves and ' Ranges repaired. Installed and ad- Half soled, repaired and re-heeled; justed; furnaces cleaned, asbestos vulcanizing process. lining of all kinds; stoves connected GATES TIRE SERVICE kexkual stove repair co. Phono 3SS5 We buy, sell and exchange stoves. ! Ilnst Second Street. heaters, ranges of 'nil makes. ... l-ast aocona Mirct. i.,onn r,14. IPS West First St. Klondike Auto Radiator bradshaw Repair Works. harness We rebuild, repair and put In I SeJ I new cores. We specialize on radi- Harness Repairs I xS&tl ators, gas tanks and fenders. J9 w First Street .f!Sj' Plinue 7J00 211 West irst Pliouo 07. 4 Oklahoma Plating Works Mier' Dentftl Parlors A yf1 P LATINO AST TOUSHINO- OF W'"SiJ ALL MRTAL8: AM. KLEC- Phono 8740 ' A ilW TRIC I'LATED W?!5 1 1 s to flsvrRs 304 West Ilrst St. Phono 8120 South Main tliisWy I Singer Sewing DON'T RE-TIRE Machine Co. f f ake! L"iV IS! Machines sold, K tilff ftS rented and repaired. K I WEBER TinE SEItVICF VV'laUiLirf Ml East Second St. COMPANY. tSfKZ PtV 21 Second SL hIiiii y Phon 670 trgC3 Phone 8tS7 j. l. corbin QAFETY RAZOR Auto and Wagon Vork. O Blades Sharpened Woodwork, Commercial Au- to Bodies any style Weld- Single 35c doz., Double 50c in?. m n Garner Drug to. 304 E. First Phone 4720 2Q7 s Mamj phone 252S PVERYTHING ""rSSZ E a-'LECTRICAL tiik up-to-date f Vlncr-Chandlcr Co."Srrops. ( filA ' Lit Ul Bamodel last VBii frX 014 S. Main Old Salt V . 10 Booth Man 8trtt Nt'Wv'X Phono 4123 Fbou 2869 -mo- Hroknp glasses needn't break your Hats Can be cleaned same as heart, 'live us a chance to fix 'em ., - .. Hp. Collars. Try it once. F. J. Anderson, Cleaning. Try us. ni j , Terry Miller if iO sb'tjr 7.,J,!,t Iiinindry to. (1 1 IV fx St J T,,1" s- 104 N. Mnif. Vj -SjL-mC Jhnn' 3518 l'hone 207. tCr-r Hlirh art upholter- Cn '. T. S. KELLV palringdretinbjhl ft iff Jg Plumbing and JL ing; all work guar- IjlJIli II s.' anteed satisfactory. "IjUU Heating y909l5.Cro7h..L0,Mainn9 13 W.Brady. Phone 5157 CC HOMER WffM Wmt Ads Sheet Metal V orks 600E.3dSt. Phone5590 Y TEEW ically than abe would believe ,,. ha Aon V, ... V. - . ,lnQ ..n.v uioiiniuii consr ."IS. nesa oi saving on a war essential. NEW STYLE BABY BOND TO ' BE ISSUED FOR NEXT YEAR That the war saving itamn gram of 1919 will he even inor.- n. tensive the one that has i carried on this year, Is the utu!.r. nutiiuiiiK or levering, r oi mo iiiiHu w. n. m. oank, fn trig his attendance at the n... I'W. ii.". ',nK nt of bank directors of the Oklahoma City lajit Hatui lay Thiii will be duo In part to the a', of further Liberty bond Issue The first of th year a new stamp be lsnued but the present stamp wl;i be .redeemable In the new !ss.i.' During the flu epidemic .v,,, have been no big days at the i ,It, hut thoso In ohargo forecast tin- nn Monday the big days will ara., start. Monthly reports show !r.,,t October sales fell to almost )i , ,,f the sale made In "September v i. i amounted to approximately i o . 000. If the war stamp rin.i ' ' ,iv bond business does not thrh.. p, Tulsa the quota of this eoimtv win not he filled at the end of the but with the town livened up nno" th..' resumption of thrift stamp sale., among the school chiilren, in K t'nn Is qnlto confident that T county will not fall behind. f The T'nlted Press continue .5 explanations and apologies. Tulsa's Machine & .Tool Co. 417 E. First Phone 7098 IIeld ii ELL