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TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918 MO HOME-COMING 'TIL YANKS REACH BERLIN Woman Smjh the American woMirrs Want Job 1W' ' f()Pe ic-turnlng U the Slates. SPOKE TO 5,000 TULSANS ,()1,...n,.n Hull Hllcsl When Tatrt. ,K. p, iiM'iietrullon SUirt"l lwt " f I t.ii. a Wur Work Campaign. in.- tell you a secret, Amorl ' ' , Madame Pierre Rernii-rd, k ' , ,an. addressing 0."OU T-jili.-t .s:.rday afternoon, at Con- vtiiiinn , nftn nftft , -y,. i I don't think a single ,,, wants to comu homo li , want to march into Uer- .. rternard was talking to i r- and fathers and broth-.r- of the millions of I'mr."' i la- el ' i'V. ' M.l i the ' , beating the way Into i,.!larc. (ihnut raining a i.:v on the tinned war ink-' work- ,: de Cueldrs of Tulaa ha ii.- ve tut y song nt riaioe, jet ' ' !'f-'-.i.Mt m honor of the national , i! '! chief speaker. u'lii in..' P'Ttiard was introduced ,.,.iH:in of the onn, and ''..h or,. iirrord, the vast throng rw aid mood fnr a moment with Oklahoma Hospitla Ron Ice Consists of lit. Fireproof building arranged for , purpoe. tni Mudern and complete equip merit under one roof. Ird, Character, experience and alclU of attendant. Br I red S. nintnn. President, ULs II. C. C. Kii-gcler, 11 N. Superintendent Pr. I.ytle Albert on Resident Thyalclan Klnth and Jecksos HtreeU l hone Osage 110 . w. nil f ion viun "BUSINESS CARDS phone JiiOO 15-17 Wut Archer HATCHER PRODUCE CO. Wholesale Jobbers Creamery Butter and Eggs Good Eggs Always YE Dr. Arthur Ear Campbell Nose Throat Mayo nida Phone 84V0. Mdquartcrs for ftryptok Lenses TULSA New Location - 10 Weat Third l'hone 3473 , MATERNITY HOSPITAL htriclent trained nurses. Hables adopted if desired. 1103 W. MAIN ST. Oklahoma City, Okla. CHANNON'i J FURNITURE Exchange New for Old 14 and IS West Second Guy W. McCulloch II. ll. Chaffln MOWBRAY UNDERTAKING CO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CDr.l. Angstrcich OPTOMETRIST with HARRY HEILBRON JEWELER fecond and Main Phone 117 THE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY TIT BOOTH CHETENNB PHONE lOOt Children Cared for Durln Working . or Shopping Hours wTgregg lTTmartin Attorneys-at-Law Sxchange National Bank Building Tulsa, Okla. .EDNA B. FARIS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Room 530 Mayo Building Phone 7985. SAM'L. A. BOORSTIN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW U2-1J-14 Wright lildg. of Oil and Gaa of Corporation PHONB 71J Dr. E. C. Badger National Association CHIROPODIST llii.r, Poof tvi.j ci Phone 2310 Tulsa, Okla. HOTEb OXFORD f:rJc,1; modern, steam heat, hot rnlf d runnl"B water in every w nulta. Rate, $5 per week trolt Conw Third and De- E bowed heads as an Impulsive, out ward evidence of the place that this brave link- woman and her 'brave loyal country holds In tho hear la of every American. Madame 1 ern.ird I a naidrnt of Paris, Fram e, and in the first three months of the lust her husband and every other mm,. relative, and while broken heuried, i.s duvoting her life to patriotic "It is with deepest emotion," said the tittle matron, "that 1 hear my beloved son today. Wherever 1 so, to the training ramps to all ynur big cities, urnl to all other nations that fly thu flam of the alllM arm ies, my sung- is on every lip. The Marsx-Hlals sprung into being In 1770 in Strashurg, when our fore bears were at war with the same barbarians that we are ut war with today. live Million Soldier. "In lull, when moliilliatlon took place, (n three weeks lime n.DU" 00(1 of our mi n between thu ag s of L'O and ii were called to the culm a, I 'an y . 1 1 1 Imairlne what It meant to have r,. oho, (inn tern taken from the homes, ana businesses of th" cn'un trv In three weeks time? if thine fl.Ono.OOO brave men 2.00n,ou0 are deal; living s.tor.flceu to protect France from the ur.a.uught of the 1 1 ii ns. me million and a Iia.f lire hopeless cripples, maimed In the combat "America now ha S.flOO.OOO men under arms. 2 .00" not) of these are In Franco, but the great part are ntill In the training camp of your t'ountrv. f "When these five million men were taken nway from France, our women fell Into line and took up their wo'k and are carrying It for ward with their own. Wo have no men's work, nor women's work It Is all work thnt has trv he done and tho women of Pranre have simply lidded to their burdens with out thought of gain or public no tice and an thna a-selstlng their men to stem the tide of tho Invading 1 1 unn. "America hns been so good to us. Wo are closer than any two nations have ever been before; but let me Kiy here, that If it had not been for the timely help and attitude of lit tle ISclgiiim-- had she done as fler manv thought she would do bo afraid because she Is small and Ger many i-reat, they would have swarmed over Krance anil we wuld never have needed your aid. Words Are Inadequate. . 'The war. of which you hear. Is : nothing you have no conceptions j of the horrors, there Is no word" I possible for me to make clear to I yon people a thing that you never! had In your rountrv. Tour brave son Is mv son motherhood la ltl great principle all of the allied na tions are happy to aid all soldiers because their own boys mav need Hid. A world that can feel like thla has gained something from the struggle. ' "We people nt home are hnaor bnund to live the principle that those men are dying for. There are per haps none In the audience who has not someone nverwas, nnd we are pledged because we live today In the greatest epoch of hnmanltv, to keep up the morale and good phvslcal health of these great armies of vic torious soldiers. 'This war la g-olng to give a great, wonderful edifying principle to live up to; a principle that will sweep nway the barriers that have arisen between the On'hrollc, the Protest ant and the .lew. Through the min istrations of these seven organiza tions who are doing o much for the welfare for all Our boys, we are learning to see with the eyes of brothers, yet worship In the way our ennscienco dictates. The world has learned a great truth slnoo 1911, and that Is that war Is something more than a machine, but a conflict of Ideals, 'The countries of Europe were golnp mad the past few years, run ning a race for gol,i and to dominate the world In all lnes of achievement. They wefo plunging headlong Into ruin and then catne a great halt and that halt was the world war the ngonv of suffering Intensified. Out of that suffering grew a knowl edge, not of the brain but of the heart, -that ajl the world may be yours today and taken from you ruthlesssly tomorrow. "Army officials are now consider ing a cessation or hostilities, and If they should. France will have to de pend upon the allied armies for aid during her reconstruction period more than ever. Since June of this year, French refugees have been coming back from the towns of northern France at the, rate of 3,000. a nay. i nose women anu cniiuren are sent back to us by the retreating htwa In a deplorable condition, dur ing four awful years the Hermans have Infested that section of my country, the homes aro leveled; treasures are curiied off Into Cer- manv: the whole country is aevas tatod. and the people In such terri ble condition, their bodies pitifully wasted, their nerves gone, ttyu It will take years to bring things back to even a semblance of their former conditions. Help Them Llm. "Now let me tell you a secret, Americans, you have two million men In France, and I don't think that one of them would want to come homo today. They want to COREGA Holds False Teeth Firmly in Mouth It Prr-wnt Sore Gam. Oumg shrink or swell and plates be come loose, which la no fault of the dentist. An application of Corega sifted evenly on the dental plate re lieves these conditions. It holds tho plate firmly and comfortably In po Hition. Also promotes mouth hy giene. 35c at drug stores and derrtal sup ply houses. Your druggist can get it from Cleveland,. Ohio. Advertise ment Knocks Out Pain If you have a single ache or pain In your body, here la good news for,nnd gratifying relief wnen you mm you. You can knock out pain in on;ir King's .-sew iiscoverj round all you have to do la to ap ply Miller's Antiseptic OH (known aa Snake Oil) to the afflicted parts. This great remedy penetrates thick est sole leather, ihrougn anu throurh. In three minutes, so tlrtit you can seo It Is bound to go rnrlit i.n into the achinif Joints or muscles and knock out pain. If you've got rheumatism, lum bago, neuralgia, sore throat, head ache, a sprain, or any pain, don't wait a minute go to the nearest drug store and get a 30c, SOc or J 1.00 bottle of Miller's Antiseptic Oil (known as Snake OilJ. Money back, ii not saUstied, ymmmmsssssssxEmmwm. I .ww- mr m . r e"f I jrt'i.. Hi 5V 7 Alice t3RAPY W,Au 153. - ' 1 THE ORDEAL BV I , '11 Scene from Alice llrady's brilliant new picture, "The Or. P al of Ron tia," which opens at the Klalto today for a two-day ntay Mium Hi has ju.'t opened In one of thu hits of the new si-uson in New York bill lic ashures her many screen admirer thai her :tugc work will not intcrterc wlih her picture productions. march Into Terlln! and I trust and hope that they Khali. You have three million bos particularly trained In your camps, muke It pos siblu for every one of them to nee service overseas; not In the Irein ties, aa was Intended at first, hut lo help reclaim France." Convention hall yesterday after noon was filled for the first imu. motlng nf tho 1'mted War Work ers cuinpalgn. Tho singing of pa triotic songs by the Immense Kather Ing to the inspiring air nf thu Kreat pipe organ, opened the meeting. Hubert iiolce Cai son presided as di rector. After a short Invocation by Rev. C W. Kerr, lJr. Abel gave a Khorl address that was as usual very dunce. much to tho point and applauded freiumtly by his appreciative iiu A t'otlMini: ovat.otl greeted l.leiv tenanf (.'. II. .Mct'ann. one of the nine surviving menbers of the Laf ayette Kscadrllle, who In a few weil chosen sentences, gave a vivid weird picture of conditions at the front, and pointed out the n 1 of keeping the yeven patriotic organi zations at the front, for their fleet upon the morale of tho troops. Mnokes and sweets," said the young lieutenant, "lire the two things most vitally Important to the flxhting men at the lront. oil Uie battlefield, when a man la wounded, a cigaret is as soothing to shattered r.ervea and pain nuked bodies, uh coojune or opium. Which would you rather your own boy use? "Imagine, If you an, a battle front 67 miles long, on which K.OOO.000 men aro in constant con flict From September until t'hnst tiian, !i rains practically every day. While the men are standing knee deep In the mud of these trenches, the lied Cro-ss, Salvation army and oLher patriotic organizations, keeps them supplied with hot Koup, hot cofteco and chocolate and sand wiches. "Approximately 2.000.000 Ameri cans are in Europe at this time, and it Is up to you to see that their morale and f.ghting spirit is kept up to the highest point. "How would you like to work five days and tjiphts in the mow', terrible conditions that can be conceived: and then le olered I ack for a rest and find there nothing to eat hut hard'ack and black bread, etc? Thia is what we facd until these seven patriotic organizations got on the Job; It is your own fathers, brother, husbands, sons and sweethearts that these organizations are taking care of, and the rlllxens of America will have to give, and Rive freely. In this coming campaign that they may keep up this splendid work for sev eral vtari yet to come. "Show the boys In khaki that every man, woman and eh lid on this Side of tho Atlantic Is hack of them, and I will guarantee that thego same Ikws will keep up their end on the other side.' Frantic nnd prolonged applause punctuated this war hero a short ad dress. Lieutenant McCann has a very earnest, forccrnl manner or ex pressing himself, and besides scor ing highly In the Interests of the coming campaign in this city, won for himself the attentive apprecia tion and respwt of the entire large audience. 'drafted men urged Td GET SOLDIER INFORMATION There's a lot of information ready for the 70u draftees going to, train ing camp, at the federal building, to be given out by the lied Cross home service, that will help. ma. terially in getting straightened out many of the perplexing problems that pew soldiem encounter when they get into service. Ill pi esentatlves of the home serv ice division will be at the fMeral biiildiriB today and tomorrow at 3 o'clock, and every reg!rant la urg ed to be there ut that time to get the Information which is essential In handling such matters as the In surance, allotments from pay, al prwancos from tho government, manner of addressing mall, etc DROUSY, LANGUID DOPY WITH COLD King's New Discovery restores the alertnes of Yesterday. Dr, That "all In" feeling that accompa nies a heavy cold and ceaso.efl cough lis replaced by one of restful repose w-.-oHsh flushes, phlegm congna- 'tlon. throat Ache, croupy 'Coughs, mild bronchitis are allevtaied In short order. Fifty years of easing r.i',1 and rough pain have made it known nKtiotially. Sold for fifty years. Ail druggis's. 0n, $130. The Poisons of Constipation are gent y but positively expelled from the suffering system by lir. King's New Life J'ilhi. Dizzinofs dis appears, sick headache vanishes, th. digestion perks up, general health i-nnrovea Your druggist has then; aine aiwitu. Adv, LA.-:.- J-K.; tfeT WESTERN REFINERS GATHER HERE TODAY at InilKirtiiiil Session Will He lU'hl lloii'l Tulsa Texas Oil OiitliKik Reported I ivllcnt. Itcijinnlng Ll o o'clock this morn ing tin- WeMern petroleum Kefineis a;t.iuo:atlon ttill hold an Important meeting at Hotel Tulsa that will hi M K refiners from all pari f tliu niid-continent field. K, H. S.ici k, president of the association l expected to preside and as lie lias nseiitly come ironi .cw York win doubtless much that "it1 is of Intertst to report to ihe "-.Malloiy, A. U Pels, and su-i inly at this time when , TiUi.e.ape, it. H. the war appears lo bu atioul o er j ( 0(.i j ( i, with. iik a, M. T. C. A. Itrnley. vice president of theji( WW jl(.nj p. asmiciatlon i-.iine in yesterday and .,;(,., TBI(li j. will attend the meeting. Mr Hraley UviIhou, F.. J. has just returned from a trip through Abbott, M.r.i I. t Ho Texas In id and is very oitimillc in reganl to thu situation us lo u eup- ply of crude. I be. leva there will be enough oil produced In Texas," wild Mr. Hraley. "to lkocure of the needs of the cuuntiy fur the next five years at least. Ileal of all. II Is of a gravity and refiniTi' quality that Insures a plentllul supply of all the byproducts and s luliy lubricating oil." As th Sincalr oil corporation la well equipped with pipe line facili ties and will be even better fixed ua aoon a the line connecting the Han ger f if-i I In Texas with the company's lino now In operation a far south as the Healdtun field is completed, Mr. Kniley'e prediction If correct, as It doubtless la. will put the Sinclair concern In a moat enviable position. The lino, now building from the f'ushlng field to the connection with the Kansas City line will leave the Chicago line free to carry oil direct to the Chicago refinery, and will give the company an eight-inch ami a six. Inch line as far as the point In Mis souri where the two lines branch out. A report of today's proceedings will be watched for with greatest Interest and It Is hoped lhatnow that the w-ar Is so nearly over that there may be no necivMitiy of secrecy in a matter In which the oil men arc so vitally interested. The refin ers have done wonders for the mid continent field nnd everybody in ln ferested In their prosperity. SHERIFFELECT WILL WAGE WAR ON AUTO THIEVES Automobile thieves nre going to be a spei'ialty with Sheriff-elect James Wooley. That is, h- Is going to make life so hot for these criminals who make their living by stealing automobiles that thev will remove their signs from and go into business elsewhere. "I xpect to appoint two deputies who axe well ipiaJifled, lo hunt down iiu'omobile thieves, and these two men will devote all their tins to running them down," the sheriff elect mi HI yesterday. Ano'her thinir No Idlers. loafers or holmes will b" toll rati! around Tulsa after Mr. Wooley takes office. 'A war policy of 'work or fight' will bo rigidly enforced " he aa-.n. In a statement thanking his ffrlends for their support In the re cent election Mr. W on i v nromwea aggressive warfare on bootlegger and k-amblers and on countv mad houses which he terms breeding places of crime. WELL KNOWN BARTLESVILLE OIL MAN DEAD PNEUMONIA John J Sullivan, a former resi dent of this city, panned awav Sat urdny evening at l o'clock at his home nt HartW-Hvlllc, nfter n ten days' Illness of pneumonia, follow ing influenza. Interment will be made this afternoon nt 2. 30 o'clock at IlartlHervllle. Mr. Sullivan wan connected with the Prairie Pipe Line company nt this point up to three years ago, when he was transferred to Itart lesville, and was making prepara tions at the fjme of his illness to re move to Tulss again and take up his duties at this point. Contracting Influenza while hero. He 1 sur vived Mv his Wife. Mrs F'orcric" Shen Sullivan, und a 4-year-old daughter Jane. The family han a hord of friends In this ritv who will be grieved to learn of their sad bereavement SECRETARY WILSON WILL ATTEND LABOR MEETING WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 -Peers, tary Wilson hoe been requested by the president to attend the inter national labor conference, the first lolnt assembly ever held bv organ Ix4 labor of the I'ni'ed Rae and Mexico. Mee'lrprt will begin Ved". . dav at I.-iredo, Texas, and Nu'vo lAredo. Mfxi.'o, under the auspices of the American'.lon of Lit. or and the organized workers uf the southern republic. Hre Do-troys Mills. cH'LFI'OCT. Miss. Nov. 1 0 - Fire todaTy destroved the saw mill and machine rfVop of the Ingram ' nv Lo ruber company at Lyman, Ml rr-ba erfiio-oi loon la ,2U0.U4i0, WAR NOT OVER AS FAR AS DRAR CONCERNED full for Toil Men to io In Camn Mel Jell. m IhmhM Hi the l l cmplloii Hoard (,o This Ucvk. In spite of peace rumors, the war department Isn't stopping tn the lira!; and near ii'O Tulsans will ko to training i.aiup tli.s week. Ti n men will lie sent to '"ainp Me. ("id, an. A.., . and uiii mi on the 13th j and Mill. I'o lowiug Is thu official I list piepnred by the exemption board for cuiniv and i ity; 1ty Cull, 'nil service Men, NovoiiiIkt II. .In uc (IUI7) lli-xtsirnnta. Mai. ,!i:h M li lie I .cu is :c. Albert pin, N S Aiimiii. .lohu C. Hicks. T. U Ted ford, John C. Mushiill, II K. Purtei, K M. Iiodn.nt. Jake S MI...1M. T I I'ni'iH, 'i.lle Hunt. Sv ., I'ein, i 1 A. 1 Mi hII'o t, , : Southern. H. Kurr. Jos. F. K. .M.mllel.l. Thus I line IN (I0l) Itegintmnla H'iillltig, I i. I'. lilackwflder, II. Soiiilioaiil Frank Siebentliall, II M" lie. Kov Mreeby. I'luplel. .'. W. Ilaeil, f 1 1 u !. i i . IJ. (' lii'orge, tTI'Y I ALL. t.ciicnil s.rlix' Men Nov. (ieurge S. Sam II, I OH. Xuiiusl i i ( 1 9 1 N ) Itcglmrunts. S'nitli. Ilii. mi l.llpel, V. I'. Nai ' ", i li.irley laineit., I'liggln W UiF. l a, .twin, l'. ll,i Kille, C. W. Mi lomilil. J. M. Fink lent eln, I). A. Iicklcar, I.. Selnii. W. M. Invitt. U. V, Tliornton, W. P. IkmIsoii, W. U Payne, K. K. Shore r, A T. Koyd. K. II. Woody, II. I). Hauptiuari, M. E. Slmiin, Kd Mi lianiel, Hilly Keeling, I. It. Walker, W. (.'. nt..wn. N. 1'. I'ruiu let. hi. Hiu-k Havinoii.l, ( ij Mi i uston, K. 1 1. Wal in i C. I Wald. ii ii. (JrucncwuM, A I'. Mcllndo. W. F. Hull. Lou A. Iliiumf anier, f. t'uiiiiiiurham, J. September 12 (I9IN) llgltnuita. l'ugh, K. K. oolin, tins t. ...... v 1 1 s'on. c. :, Hay, U Mace, Kinll Z. ,,, K- j.. (i Harnett, Richard Fetter, (lias. V. CI odea, O. A. Jones, (ierakl RllShell. I wis W eihsingrr. J. M. Nule. Huulmiiun juiker, 11. Iee Wl.liauiH, C, 1 1. Huiinenl urg, O.L Suwyers, M. P. Trimble. . H. Vendensen, T. M. Hrcer, h. W. Shunkey, W. C. Hlnckbiirn, K. E. Hlichcllffe, II. S. (illmon, Leonard I leaser, H. H. Jeimen, Julius Coker, H. J. lAWMon, V. I Hlack. I). J. Martin. W. J. Perilne. J. N. Kmeraon. W. F. Power, It. R. Haines, II. p. Hluke, J. W. .nek, Rose Mooth. M. fl. Miianlnglll, E. L, Carey, P. Knight, Henry Stanley, t. Jl, ) Hrlen J. J. Howell. A. C Moreland, M. Ixwey. U. .1. Shlpman, H. T. J, Irving, C. O. Kratzer, H. D. I.'hy, II. W. Azesdorf, If. W: Kinlih. F. It. Smith. S. W. Hrtegn, Ixiuls Roberts. M. Hlickwnod ?, C. Smith. K. R. Wilson, T. H. Mc.Mahon, J. W. Hattenflold, J. y, Simpson. If. R. Htelnlmeher, M. J Quick. II. K. Llebrand. V. D. Caprlto, H. Dye. O. A. Anderson J. Keller, Iee IT. Decker, O. D. Itov, W, .. Kltol, K H. I'erp, Win. Hensley. U Hernandez, T nipson, CJ. II. Keith, J. M I 'lll . J. II. Kilder, J. J. Kirg. Claude IHollllHOII, J. 1 i Ito'idcs. Nova t,,.,, ,.s, Nova W. Parker. J A. Sitco, J. It. Little, S J. Haugh. R. lb Harrison, T H. MclMjriald, K. Hughes. V. W. Hol.liertson, H. Purdom, K. K. HiiyM, Pedro riupler, J. 1 Smith, ollie Johnnn, H. A. Ilardesty. M. 11. Iipp. F. R. Rohlmion, 10. C. lean. Ollle II. Itliind, J. C. Harriett. T. K. Colton. Frank M. Meredith, F. I Jackson, J. II. McllrMe. H. KeiU, U C. Men-dtth, .1. H. Fleming. K. Lulls. R. R. Knight, (i. J. Wander, O. J. Johnson, I. F. I av Is, K. J. lliu-k, Henry, Jr. Staples. F.ugene Oilibons. P. H. libber Arthur Cox. Arthur Wallace. A. .1. Htigley. W. N. Immont. Walter Wheells, liu W. Raldrldge A. M. Jeffrie,, A. l. Anhnlt, P. F. Ruamll, M. R. Polk, IW'nr Taylor, H. B. Llchlyter. F. I). K Hakes Frank Kwaln. It S. Hurt on. F. H. Hrownltig. E. C. S quiche J. C.riffin. Mark I li-lrl. J. Stock, F W'. McCiillough, J. Z. 1 'reyf us, Q. Lucas. A. T Mitchell J. n. Neyln, J. a. Pendleton, If. O, Jones, W. II. Harrison. 'A. F. Wiftls. (1. H Thompson. M. I. Hamhlin K C Rector. K. S. Slehr K. K Walker H 13. North,--! L, Allison It J Jr. Coleman John Young, II. S. Cannon, h.ugene HohianiliT, W. Hurtnn. I ' A. Utile, W. A. Hingham. Frod . Minteer. J II. Jones Marvin Wiririinger. J. U. Cook. J W. Cooper, R. T. Richardson. R.T. Ijiwrenre. II. It. WatiTl'mld, W V. Newman, U M., R. I". F.v.iris. Kwell (.'handler F. F. Webb, .1 K. Hurry. W C, Kai:r I. M. Sleri"i A. II Cutbiirth. K. O. Cheiioweth, l Kenrianier, O. II Reported enlisted Williams, d. II. Imuhle. C A. Tltneiu'V. T. Kldd, Hobt. P. C.i on. C 1 Ferguson, I M. Mitchell, A.' R. I. '.. anil, C. W. Rl mad is. A. pi ic'.r.'. I leorge Ciinriingliam, A. WeS-l, F. ' Wycoff, K. A. Hall. Jifii A. Ilorltz, I-'. II. 'uiptmiinn. E.J. Mic.heil. C. E. Hall, W li. York. V. H. Kurnweld Abe AaU; Seymour Harvey A. MoJC Idinbar, I'. F. .! T. I einner. S Win lev. W S. r itr.lil. I'. Taylor. M. W. Spll-ev. I'. K. M'-v-igh r, c. K.l'.ian. c, 1 1. l.i-tri't, F. II. Iian.i l .1. L. Frey Sam F-. Hoo'h J. V.'. i Vi'ilenw-rVig. W. McCMrtlv j. -r Herinell, i. K. Young Uortch Kerr. W !. Moles. H A Robinson W. A. Rnwell W N. H'lteller It R. Howell Harvey Harder. A A. c.ruell, Ollle Oll'Hpoche l A. St.-wart. fj. W. Trier. .I.ohn And'ews. II. A Mi'Htriness ,1. p. T' acker f. K. Tuvlor. W M. Iiv!m. T N La n t z F w 1 n if I'ntte-son. l-i. 1-'tourney. V. '1. Hantzc. Ma.rlon Hunt. Han Jr. Ijumpkln. T F. F.v.ins, 'Jeorge Wllks. A. P. Murray, M. R. Iwden, I). V. Morris Willi Tl'itu. I J Prown. O E. Shark. W, A. Crowell, I'rd V. Hi.arrnari. F. R. I'aiti'.er S'a m M irnv. C V. Nnt'er H M Mill.blefleld, C. Cker W. W. Icvl Rill White, Joe Mchmond, IT W Williams A. ft. penfrow. M. Tmnn, Velson JUarpcj; W. Le . Itecker. K KtUott, L. D. Hyrnea, H C. WuIhoii, W. T. Mlzell, Nathan I'enny, J A. Monroe, t. J. MiS'ormlck, W. Holicrts. II. N. Wolf. )! 1'. I avne. 1". 1 MeUeown, 11. A. I.iWIV I'. II. Johnson. A. C. Hecson, IV V. Lander. J. (. l'lirdy, I. It. I hike. Win. It. (lei. hart, C. (. Koutouienas, 1' Hyn, S. II. Walker, II. C., A A. Hiiik. S II l'uuu.i. Austin Sutlon, A. L. Hliick. H, I' Murray. J. A Marriott. I! V. Iirevfus, A. Wllilains. J. A. ihIioi n, W. Chlsholm, It Higgs. T. II Johnson, F. It. Harper, f" II. Ford. I A Klein. C J. Hra.lshaw . A Irf-lleau, 17. 1'iilsom, P llirliniin. ,1 del, (Irul. 'is. S T. ( 'handler. J. It. Comer, A lionton, W. If. flow. T. Simmons, K. I.. Ling. M H t'olllna. Codv A. Horner ohn T Wleneke, L. i. Jenkins. J II Allen, A. A ViuiHvke. A Moss. H. It. llHUgllS. C W. A. Hurt. I H. Kainsev. L. I' Stii-lleln. A It. Mil. .1 II Cuirk, K W Mllkaien. T iiil. k, M ltvnti. T If. Ne.ll. F Luplecol.i. A. W hitrhurst J Miirdoek, H Slierron. H I liorinlev. M. 1 Nisbll. .1 A Worntlmttoti. (Mew, ii. W. Thoi iibaiigh.. Henry. II. A. rsslligan, W (lanlhrop. It '.iimtiro, I II. Jones, i K Martin. F T. Wolf, K. I'. Spit.. F. A Illalne, T P Walsh. Frank lleyiiian, I. W. A. W. i ml.urne, .J. F. II. IV ties, C. W lianvello. i:. V. Henrv, r. Mamiloglll, II. 1 Faulkner. Mel'anlev l"nn man, W. J W J. Allen Allen, L Heed, W Selle, W .1 V. Kllis. Lloyd T Markov,. I, K. Ilrvnnt. Fddv l'.oaeley. II, 1). fiotdsmlth. It. (K)l'JiTY CMJ,. NovcnilKr 1.1 (tots) Noilii. June A (1017) Registrants. Iliilloek, Roy I trad bury F.. n. Harling, J II. Hruner. W. F. Ilehmlander, W. Harrison, J. It. Wilson, J. i. Place, A. H. Hlufflebeem, .1.1 Sloan, McKuovcr linker, Press Hntls. Ira llnlllngsworth. K Cavln. Roy Weaver, (I. . Klaver, Wyand August 21, KIT. Dowdy, J. V. Warren, A. Lamhley, II. ! Rowe, A. K. SrptrmlHT Cliapmun, Ii. R. Nelson, (leore H.-Prlese, J. R. 11, 19 IS. Wofford, H, P. Jackson, K, W. Ridiiliig. A. J. Money. C. K Courtney, J. ft Muinlro, A. C. Cross ,11. II. Peck, W. T. Francis, o, F. Ktniley. W. I. Wl son, C. II. Jr. McHlnley. U N. Ills, kwell, A. V. Funk, l. II. Time. (J. K. Hprsdling, ,M. C. Mi-Cleery. I E. AHher. W. Xl. l-arrott. C. A. Purdey. H. K. Wlkoff, Roy O. Prince. Carlos Chappie, J. K. Porhes, p. W. Klper, II. P. Burdett, W, O. m Itlcklng. A. L " Kstey, U. A. Reekham, A. M. Rernard, II. H. rhompsmn, W. U. Ulpson, P. C. Roberts, (1. U darkness, D. W, irisrk. W. Justus, I A. Jr. Phelpa. W. Ian Rich, Chas D. IJerly, C. N. Hcnliesey, A. P. Page, K. K. Frew. H. J. Crrnshiiw, II. R. Clounch, K. W. Cochran, R. I. dray, Clyde 0. Fox, Frank Hood. Alfred P. Peffley, 0. F. Mendenhall, W-V, Wilkinson, It. E. Doyle, W. M. Karnes, lie Sweeney, Per P. Mayer, P. H. Turner, J. It. Ilrooks. E K. Dykea .1. I. Ninge, C. A. Hwarts. II. J. Frazler, C. J llennliiger, J. E. Pryor, Will Randolph, W. N. Ilriiwn, It, T. Day, K. II. Powell, M A. Putnam. V. A. Ilaiim. 11. It. Chlldress,f,. P. Hunt, A D. i ii lonriell. C. Jr. Thomas, R. W. Klrl y, II. R. Abbett, U I. (I ray, John Ensure, J. H Frocee, Waymnn trose). J. I), Pamlio, ltwls Wilbanks, C. C. Thompson, H. W Iesui, Hay I.Hvl.urn, W. M Fleming, C,, ;. A Culver. ). (j. Harris, W. L. Harry, J. T. Im. Earl It. Schmidt, A. II. Yates, A. II. Williams, l W. Lampkln, I. J. Rasa, O. II. Smith, O. leR. Jenkins, J. A. Keith, La It. V. Ilobbs, L. B. Hutchinson. W. Chapman, y. F. Clover, John Magarlty. R A. Sexton, E. T. Peterson, A, Klnkeade, C. J. Wallace, Joa (iatewood, II. IL Zepedo, I. TTIplett. It. a. Sample, J. B. Smith, W. J. II. Nanti, H. D. Cmger, If, U Nelaon, O. W. Shackelford. J. Ilaxen. fl. W. Coatney, H. B. Shlvel. 11. J. Rrumley, C. Meadows, J. E. Squire, T. Rurrla. A. C. Vernon, I D. Hyers, A. E. Fisher, W. T. Martin. Jay Rears, W It. Smlttle, n. II. Turley, W. It. Trimble. U W. Knrd, B. O. Walker, R. L. James, W. D. Hruee, I. (1 Toney, W. A Heagrove, J. C. Trent, C. Mngonla. R. Mvera, C. 1.. Mitchell, V. Freeman, Fred Thompson. A. R. Ilascom, C E. Atkins. C. n. Walker, fida Winlover, T. If. Adair, T. R. Shanks H R. Dean. F. F. i iffutt. K. H. Ilrnv. Whiter V. Rue'l. V. M. Wilson. Henry Held. .1 P Hush, 1 1. C Trushel AIt Kvles. W. R. Smith, Kohl, Sheppard, R. K. Itvan. Rohf. c,llon, Sple PldgewKV. Dewey Krelter. ChaHe.s Norcross. J. H. Foster. It W. '.ohaugh. W J Mi'onnetl, rj. L. IteiLHor, M. A. Wages, H. K. Skin Comfort For Our Boys Found In Cuticura The Soap to Cleanse mi Purify the Ointment to Soothe and Heal These fraerant, super creamy f mollienti oothe( arvd heal rczemai and ra&het, top itrhing, clear1 the tkin of Diniu.cs. the iclp of dandruff tnii the hand ol chaps and jortx. 1 or cuts, wounds, bru s eti, bites nu stints of uncus, suntaini or windn.urn thry are most effective. ..i. r..' p . k. Mail. AdltjeM !. , Dapt. D, iViMlea." Sold eeiywl.ere. Sixp 2V. Oint ment Zi end Mc l ' H n r. l is ft ."-' i a i i m i j i m j -j Morgan, Jay I .11. I-oil. ! mil. W. li I 'oil' i-l t, tn. liisp, i;. ii. Inch, c, I : . w.i ti ri. II. Sl.ldi . C. w us.. ii, s. i: I, I i ii,., ; V n lor. i ! Foi.-tci. .1 II i ii i a 1 1 , II. I ' . T A. II. I 1.11 l e'.l, III I aid Sinner. I. .Shields .1 I '.. l.oliK, II M. i. e. N ii. I I II I t I1 11 . .1 lv M II .'to 11 .I.'S. Mai nil, John . I o i i.'s, C s. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- v . I llo.Ueilen, F ii'Neill J C. Holland, Win 1 1.1 iiihiion. i, Sliijith, John I I win, J. K. K H 1. 1 it! Iik, Siici liiall 1 1 li'il icl i-n'er .1 L. II. J N. LoiflS. .1 W li, chin isi.n. A. Mullieiieii. II. S. Sihoner. i'. I. VA hitnev. J W W'. 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . Curl lve. Pant lilllliore, II. F. 'r.illuitt, H. L. Sli.upe, It A. HniM's, J. T. Iigsn, A. M.C. Curry, S W. Husk I ne. II M Harvey. It. I'lmlt, W. S Mnador, I !. '. Morcaii. K. II. Cloutih. C. I). Laiinhlln. A II. Iliillev, II H Harriett. II M 1 1 ii it t rs inn ii. C. K H.iby. C. N. Hallciaft, .1. I. Sliward, Roy Hiiriiu. R. Hiirauan, Ivan O. llrnvwi, (1. K. Divine, JiitiijiH Riilhbun, A. Cover. II L. Sleveni, W. A. 1 Li M i n i n n . IA A. Shanks. I . S. Mercer. V. L. Steelv, J F. Taylor, L. (). Strain. L. II. Kearney, O. L. i: l ji; Mitchell. j ii. I Irnxtl. ,1 C Purser. .1. I, 1, .1 Park. C li Harnil, H II I'elo. Yuucy W lliiamn. II w. n WilllillllM. Ilellj Hrown, A J. Matlln. II I, Kennett. .' C. Hokun, T P I !eeasl.. , John Slanford, .li.tin i Huik. I.. P. Jr Tone, .1 W Stancliff. II V. Fields. II It. Siilldi'l .s, I leo. Rodiek. J. N. I. .me, W. I Cooper, W. luthtie. D. Richardson Jones, S. S, K. C, A.M. I'errv. C. F. Chellet, I, E. Morales. Hen I iiinritvan, J I MoNKop, J. E. Hallo, .1. C. Hood, I ) p. Ilowiin, c. K. Haiikltis, T. L. Hryant. A. Collins, E. E. Carmlchul. 1). L ijeen, W'. E. Heiidren, W. C. NEEDED IN I .lin.niii, it. A. A. I'e.u ler. Henry I '. Malcolll. C. II. liny. U T Su'lioiH-.n, A. F. Nelll. '. i: .11 .1, 1. lileuil DRUGGISTS CONSERV Influenza Epidemic it Decreasing in Most Sections and the Demand is Slackening, but We Are Still 18,000 Gross Behind On Orders and it Will Take Some Time to Catch Up. THREE MILLION JARS SHIPPED DURING OCTOBER. On Monday, October 21, we ad dressed an advertisement to the wholesale and retail drug trade, ad vising that we were badly oversold, due to tho Influenza epidemic, stat ing that all deals and quantity ship ments were Tostpnnd, and request ing that VapoRuh be purchased In mail lots only. This condition still prevallt. ' At this writing we hnv back or ders for eighteen thousand (IV, 000) gross and our orders each day are double our dally output. The epi demic, however, I decreasing In must sertlons, the demand slacken. Ing and we are working night and day to catch up. In the meantime, we ask the trade to b patient with us, I'jiormoua Shlpmcnl Have wiped Out Ulceus Stocks. On October 1st we had on Tiand at Ihe factory and In twenty ware houses over the country a tremend ous stock of VapoRuh, accumulated during tho summer months. This Is now gone - we actually rhlpped during the month of October over three million Jars of Vapollul. We are speeding up our factory as much as possible and Ihe problem now is to distribute) the factory output asi quicsiy Hl posnuie. out, mum fore, for Ihe lime beln;, abandoned freight shipment and are shipping ell her by purcel post or express trying to glvo inu h Jobber ut least a little stoi k. Immediate Shipments to Ilrngglsla In Infliii'tim Districts. Preference Is being given to those sections stricken by Influenza. In order to i.h'Ii these sections as quli kly as can he, we are, during ibis emergency, making shipments bv parcel post, direct to the retail trade, of not mor e than three 1 .1 ) dozen 3 ii I' i-ize in any one shipment. Wi prefer that Ihe lubbers order those shipment for their tritrle, hut lo save time we will, if the need Is urgent, ship direct on receipt of check or innnev order. Naturally, no new ueeoiinui can be opened dur ing this rush. Samples anil lnfliicna TtiMiklets 1-i on Hiqui'Kt. We nve prepared a little folder riving all the Information uvill.ible so fir on Spanish Influenza- its or am Gas Consumers OF TULSA District Number One Today is your last day. Do not fail to pay your Gas Hill and save tho penalty. Our office has been moved to the Oklahoma Gas Build ing, 117 West Fourth Street Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. Hulman, C. B. Smith, .1. T. Ruey, R. G. McWllllams, Roy Moore, L. F. Chlsman, .1. K Adair, J. K. l Iv, W. 8. Wilson, V. Y. Sarnlv. Jos. King. II. II. McMllleii, J. K. Cowan, D. H. I mnne, H. E. Daniels, H. C. Rogers, C. R. Edwards,' E. M. Orr. J. F. Rollins, J. L. Vaughn, I). A. lisk. A. C. Arp, Slier Davidson, Otis E. Ililtledge, M. I. Shoup. C. L. Dye, Hurt Maxwell, J. C. Oliver, C. lR. He.'ilon, R. II. Krlder. J. 1. Hell. R. W. Patterson, A P. Jtrown, A. F. Tlrown, R. W. Thurmatl, R. W. Jones, O. R. Martin, J. W. Yespa, Joe Campbell, Earl Cox. John II. Smith. W. P. Le (iranda, Jos o'Leary, J. V. Allensworth, E L, Patterson,' W. H. May. W. L. Crabaugh. C. IL Chilton, J. B. Parker, Homer . Duncan, I. U. Ronnr, A. R. Cates. J. W. Jefferson. H. I Hall, IS. II. A. N. Slum ma n, H. Lynch. .1. I'. Scull,. O. M. Sli'I'li. li W Sinclair. N. I Marsh. .1 I. II,,. lie. k. 1 1 Siafiord, I . W. S. Zipf. F. W. Davidson, Earl Poller, L A. iii'lnlisoii. II A. Alliiian, Ch. is L. Power-,, li. W Free. ling, L. M. Shorten. F. II. Itvan. T. T. Vowell, p. A. Howard. K h ullliright, T. lireeu. II. O. Sohlln, l.'rank hurley, E. C. Sanders, tl. R. SmotiH, Kd Cole, DeW. T. Hrown, Eteyl I lliirr.ilson, Jno.W Tavbir, .1. A. Smith, A. li. Ross, W. II. Hall, Chester Kelly. C. W. I'.uttry. I). II. Mallory. A. 1J. W hlslenhunl, P. Ilarker, A. R. Aat. II My Ideal of a wife Is ons whet can make good bread. She- My Ideal of a husband Is ens who can raise ihs dough In th hour of knead. C.irr, A. !. Ital.lrnlge. C. W. Smith, W. A. .overly, i C. Palmer, i'hedo Ji Hi u s. F. E M. .ll.Uie. W 111. nilll. i ' M I Nun. I'". .1. hi. .1. w. Han her, H. E. Koiieils. (.'. Arluickle, C. R. lieaMilillller, M lvi llerkiner, F. L. Moore, J. I. Pluck, V. W. STILL ASKED TO STOCKS OF VAPORUB "FID" DISTRICTS igin th symptoms and ths treat ment, and tbsas will b forwarded to druggists on request W will also bs glad to mall to any Individual ons of the booklets, together with a quarter-ounc sample free. flow to 1'sa VapoRub In Trestlng , Spanish Influents. ... - Jn every case call a physician VapoRub should be used only In eon. neriion with ths physician's Internal treatment. Apply hot, wet cloths over ths throat, cheat and back between ths shoulder blades to open ths pores. Dry lightly and rub VapoRub wsll In until ths skin is red spread on thickly and cover with hot flannsl cloths. I.savs tho bad covering loose around rhe neck, as ths body heat releases the Igredlents In ths form of vapors. These vapors. In. haled with each breath, stimulate th lining of ths air passages to throw oft the Influenza germs. In rasa of head or chest cold, which often accnmpanle Influenza, ths Vapors tend to keep ths air passagst open, loosert ths phlegm and make th breathing easier. In addition, VapoRuh is absorbed through ana stimulate the akin, attraotlng thi -blood to the surface, irtid thus aid! In relieving the congestion within. Uow to Vs Vlck's VapoRub as rrvvrntaUve. It Is questionable If there Is any thing which will prevent Spanish In fhenr.a, except avoiding thoss per sons who are spreading the dUMasc) by roughing, sneezing and spitting, and by keeping up the bodily resist ance by plenty of good food and ex ercise in the open air. The Public Health Service recommends that th nasal passages be coated with S weak solution of .TIenthol tn liquid petroleum as a protective. Por thli purpose VapoRuh' Is excellent. Jusl put a small portion up each nostril from time to time during the da snuff well hack Into the head. ' Kist'ft Free Prom Colli by Inhaling VaHHub. Colds Irritate the lining of the air passages slid thus render them s much better breeding place for th fgerms. At the first signs uf a cold use VapoRub at once. Melt a llttls in, a spoon ami inhale the vapon arising, or VapoRuh can bo used In S regular In n.oin steam kettle, such us most druggists carry in stock. II iIiih is not available, a very good substitute to use Is an ordinary tea. kettle Fill ha. 'full of boiling water-- put In half a teaspoon ol VapoKuh from time to time keeg the keltic lust slowly boiling and In h ale Hie steam arising.