London Papers Register (iiijoiinn
to Pmpownl Mcllifxl lo t.rl f
Money for War I'niul.
fRy Reciprocal
liONlx .N, Nov.
News Service )
f Knulinli tnlcr-
Uice (if whut th
foiin.1 Its llmll.
y rail "Munis" Inn
They don't ri 1 1 1 1 1
ing tanks iih rnlieetloti
iritr loan mi Fincrl jitioiiH,
boxes fur
they will
ven put up with having Trafalgar
quara turned Into an open air r
(Ihltlon of war trophies or disguised
ts a ruined French village fur the
lamn patriotic purpose, lint when
lha publicity manager of the war
loan campaign whirh started yes
terday announced last week ilml
he campaign wimlil open with "a i
llmtiltaneotie discharge of all the
UUIalrcrnft guna In I . iiO n nml
llntrlrt," things wj'ie going a I'll 'on :
lar, don't yon know Tim whole I
areas, with th" inception nf th"
Worthrllffe papers, riice aunli:l 'h
Inggeatinii. "Si'iiHiilliiiialiNin run
iad." wan Dip caption of Hie I'hron- .
Irle protest, u rut other Journals look ;
Inn same 1 1 iih.
Perhaps they wouldn't have mind
4 few guns Kvii ft ri Ittutitlnn
Mr rald.niiKlit have not ty . The 1 i t
f an air raid la enough, Dm v hiiI
tut when thr mini an In action, ii"
rveryhmjy known, they do not nil
Bra at one; thi'V work up until
ally to a Imrrago ami ovrn when
tie air hall If Id nl I'm height I In
lon'l fire simultaneously.
Tlie newspapers' used Ih'lr own
pin nf heaviest caliber ninl put up
I literary barrage of aoinp ImpreM
Hveiiesa. Here uin aom specimen
"V aearrrly know lm to set
Inrth Din full Idiocy of thla pro
(oaal "
"There Is nothing whatever to be
nht for til hi Inni'im ite profiail "
"This rldlrulnus pri.pnmi I " And t lu
ll: Kill) of tin' I'all Mall: "Much a
lonrcrti'd liann mlKlit trrinlnuU' tlio
larthly I'liirrm nf iiulte a iniiii'i-r
f ppopla." "Tlia rt-autla of thin
Mirth ahukltiK rxploalon iiiIkM In
PTlnua " Would a lilK nolan ahnkp
kinae lha Rolna In John HuH'a pock
lt? "Hnrna nrrv--ahorkoii rltlna
right llrtlrrd button up thrlr pock
ta In protwit and IndlRnullon." "We
nay atlll hava Herman aplra In our
nldat and Dili Kratultnua illnpluv nf
ur anti-aircraft raaourcoa inlnlit
rnvlila theaa ((entry with Important
Nfvaithrlaaa It la rumored that
bla nnlaa advoratna Intrnd to
va their roviwta wh-n prnre la
leclarad and Klvtt I,omlon a Rood
ilrt-faahlnnrd Fourth of July rolw
iratlon, and tn JudRa by th way tha
elabratlonal emotion ara hi'lnir aup
Preaad during theae irrrat wanka of
rlrtory there will ha aonir- "con
larted banc" when they break looae.
Mother, Who Lives in Ten
nessee Mountainfl Where
Black-Draught is Relied on
in Many Troubles, ays
It Made Her Boy Well
and Sound. i
Coal Creole, Tenn. ftp In the
aiountaina, quite noma dlatanee from
limn, Uvea Mra. IT. 8. Krttta, who
relates her experience with TheU
Jord'a Back-lrauRht aa followa:
"My little boy. James, toik' elrk
with diarrhoea about Mve yettra ago,
mi waa badly awollen. He bail Die
nrulea and thta wua, no doubt, an
ifter-effect. 1 made him well bv
tlvlnit him Thedford'a itlark
DrHUght. 1 rva It to him three
itnea a day for a month. I fjrmly
relieve It auved hla life.
Wa always keep HlHck-!rnuirht In
ur house. It la our doi'tor. Alwaya
iHy to get and prompt In riving re
lef. A small pinch of niack-Iirauirht
after each meal at bed time for
leadache, atontuch anil liver troublo,
Uid we are well tha next morniiiK.
It certainly worka wondera some
times and saves no end of trouble, re.
tevea pain, and there Is no nerd for
another doctor.
I hava recommended ltlitck-
Praught to all my nrlKhhora and will
KMiUnue to recomment! It."
Thedford'a ItlackMiruught la a
Era, vegetable herb liver riiedli'te.
ting gently, yet promptly, on liver
and bowels.
Thousands of people, everywhere,
pave found It to relieve omiMMpalimi.
Indigestion. bllinuHiii'tM Hint many
rmilar dlsonlera.
Trv Hlaok-Diuught. Your tlruKHi"!
11 Is It.
New Empress
Re-open Today With 2:30 Matinee
Big Vaudeville Show
headlined by the brilliant Japanese spectacular ,
"In Wishland"
A sumptuous presentation of one of the greatest
acts of its kind in vaudeville, by
J. K. Emmet & Co.
Also showing the Latest Official United States
War Review.
Today's Matinee, 15c all seats (except boxes, 25c)
Night prices: 15c, 25c and 35c; boxes, 50c
ptctarts at :15, 7:20 and 9 Vautb-vlUp at 3, 7:10 and 9:20
MT All ttcknU pan hasrd for Snnday night thuwn arc rimmI for
tetter nlcbt tbow tonUfht r may bo iue-,1 at Uslay'a tuaUuiv, If
Reventlow Predicts
Anarchu on Takina
Refuge in Holland
l.nN'liu.V. N,,y
Wll I'll' H service I I
ell ! Ii i .V. v hose pro
IlIKH ll.'IVH ripp.-.'tl,
WJlf llltlle Till'i'S .
I. ii. iikk rii"i in
( llrHlsh
'oil! vnn Ito-
; -r 1 1 1 . n unt
il during l"
llilliK' nf lli-i
ii-niii.irk ll'
il'Ti.iTfl tn a riirn-"i''ii'!i nf al 'h'1
froll'.iT th.il th mliiallnn W'l'll'l
In OiiM h wnri" in i i i i 1 1 1 a o V wlii-li
IIm mlilli'ln i i'liirlif'1 finin lh"
f i mil !iirui uh. if hy moid l"
I'rfinlrr I Inyil lainrKi ui-litri- Is
Ntir l s l I h l I ,ii hi v Max ( hulo'
Mil It May S.kiii lie I-im(.
J iM iN. ,i
!l MM HI'IA I' I
a im nlii' nf l hi'
it K ' filling IIIK
v If' f l:mli uin1
'M'lii n l I .I" U ' iixil Ho
i".l i I H ii t till' llil'Ol -
i In- M i v or irinry
nw "I h.fv" im
an arm tii.i-nt nt
ii'-ttM for ynii,"
ill A lln aiiiin
in only pa 1 1 nf
li"la Ml. iff In
I in- a y. 'I'h" ki "Ut
riu.uiv niolili."il to
liiK-Mi'ii iim im ri'a'hii.K natural
li iiil at a iiniiiinnt whi'it it Im fluid
i by runt ami nan Ki t out only by Im
; mi ll in t Min i cinli r
" ("i iii.'tnv may continue to In
i ri'.mi' hei' vnluine uf ftufferlnic he
h im ah". nly raiiHi'd. Him initv P'ih-,
nintv rixsi a utile Inniter; hut the.
iinii'i 9 she liaiH'M. the Innre iil('kly
wil Imt iii;,-M lift nine ae the fair
l.iti.H flie ban ho w.ilitoniy detas
tiiii.l. '"Itiii" will he JuMt terma that will
pri'M'iil him h waMiifirieHH riKaiu. We
will do no wrotiK if we iilruiiilon no
"We luivn no deil Kit on the fler
irain people, hut W" mi'an to Hieiirn
beyoitil all, Dm fneiloin nf nur own
people 'J'lm i "i K li'MMiieMM thjii
pliiri'd Dm world In such awful it;iiny
to' it i i"i i Ht"in i ' i kniiin.- aj
V hi-n the I'nmlili.ntH were run
Hi'l'ri'l nil the i i'u i mi nt at 1 1 e pai'M
of Dm empiri' were I'oMMulled. l-'or
Vinrn we liawi bud ii Krnal brolh'r
hood of suffering; we are now koIiik
to have a Kreul brotbrrhood of Joy.
"The imvt few yeartf hi'o I'n'iT.ed
with fate for Mrltnlii and thn em
pire. t iih hartlFih all fnrtniiiH .m l
lift up Huh rmiiitry to a polllou II
never held before. Iiet Die I'ritiHli
empire keep its IipiiiI, and all will im
riKlit with Die world."
troops and to Die relentless puratilt,
the Herman envoys bafe not been
it hie to get IhroiiKli and other meana
have hail to be devlned to enable
Diem to croHH the lines.
"The Issue In settled. The enpltnl
of Turkey Is now til most In runflra
of our alilpa. lUletrln In shuttered
and broken. The katm-r and Die
crown prince have ubiMcaled
ll'rince Max's decree said that the
kulHer hud ilei'iili-,1 to abdlciite.) A
sucresor hus not ben found and a
regency has been proclaimed.
"This la Judgment - tho 'greatest
Judgment In the world."
Italian Prisoners Are
Returned Hy Austria
hy Tits Auori4eil Pri'M
KUS IN Nl I ItTH Klt.N ITA1.V, Nov.
!U. (4 p. in.) More than a quarter
of a inllHon of prlaonera of war, held
In Austria, have been returned to
Italy. Sick and wound ml men will bet
Inter by way of Swltzer-
Ufp of Fruit Trees.
Of our fru.ll trees, the pear l.i the
longest lived. They will bear for GO
years and a few hardy veterans a
quarter of a century longer. Apple
trees rnngn In aKe from su to 40 years
while 25 years In nhout the limit for
plum trees. Itnspberrv and black
berry hushes live from s! to 14 year,
currant bushes I" years and gooHe
beny buMhes 10 years. I'eijplb'i
Home Journal. 'u
Hint Making Im UotIvcmI. r
The match shorluga due to tha
wnr has rnoHed it revival of Kng
liuid'a oldest Industry, the making of
fllnlM. Moat of the flints are taken
by the siakers of mechanical devlci
for llghtlttK pipes and lixarctM. He.
foro the wr. most of them went to
Hpaln iitnl llaly where the flint nnr
steel have never been entirely sup
planted by tho match People's
llume Journal.
Cuuglit far nileven anil Car.
Iieputy Sheriff W. T 4'arrett of
MtiKhes cciin;y, caught Tom Klrby
(.'l.iude liurhim near Stewart,
okla., Siittirilay with n Cadillac car
lielongliuf to Mttjo brothers, and
brought them to Tulsa I.imi night.
Thev ure said to have confexHcl the
tilt ft nf the car. Sheriff S. it Tuf
nir of 11 unties county, wan In rharne
of the two alleged car thieves.
The sublime 1ml. lup your ihnmiy
or their Uvea - milled war work cam-puiKii.
innwr- nMmur pthmto
umut lumo
Many TIiIiikm I'laiiniil In Adu-nlHf
tin' I'alrliuli War I'linil ( iiinpiiiKU
In rroKri-M in Tiilxn MiIh Wwk.
l:.i;i.li Wno'hi Mfiirit rn.'tker. nnd
iiali arn.y of mei-hamci, i.iinieif-.
i ii in iii, im ami odd (nil in"ii h.n
Iii-i ii liu.iy fur a week geltirig rcnlv
f'-r th" li.lla'le 'l':."M'l.l V il Mliirt Die
iiiiif'il war wnrU rnm pn .' t:n .
An n m 1 1 unity in .i',- f.O reiitM
for an buiM'Ml-tfi gri-nlfieiM iliiuvttinut
that lull pay fur peveiul (Inzill nf
il." r t t 1 1 lilii'l in I'r.n.ie right on
th" fnuii; l;r.i an njipnrtunMy to
buy mine i.f Dm i"i,li'i:"lil in Die
parade, .ui.l other meana will he
u.-i'l lo lu;iig to Tiiiialli the linpm- I
laire uf the drive for IHSO.OOU for
w.-ii wnik.
.Muilii rM and fathers of TiiImii are
uri-i'd lo lake part In Din parade.
A in iirnriliileM will be provided for tile
pamfitH of ho hi le r h. and every father
am iiinilii r In urged to be at Ibe
chamber of commei c rooms at 1
o'clock Tin". day iifteiiioon to take
p. ii tint he pa rude.
The in camalum of the parade
will he ;ih follows:
National i olori, with guard.
I ifllcl.'ll.M.
.Mot her m nf soldiers.
l-'atherM nf soldiers
Workers In Dm allied drive
l!ed CnmM, followed by lied 'rn-n
Apollo cluh.
SiN-oiiil IXvlHlnn.
Y M C. A , K of , Jewlih wel
fare workers, with ln.Mlgi.la, march
ing abre.mt.
I'.aiincr, "Wn are the little Diitit;
thai help the boys."
I a .1 mini v I'lpe.
bl I'M Hull.
le) 1 in h i 'a met.
(d( liidy Kalinin.
' (ei letter to .luliii J. Tulsa, Some-
w here In I 'rance
I'lildi Iilvlnlon.
Hearts of Dm World.
tal lielgluui.
fltl l''rance.
Ki hi nli
('. A., wilt o.tmn community
American Library ajsne-la-
."salvation armv banner,
(al Members Salvation army
ceded by their own band.
(h) Doughnut.
i n y t.
(c) Apple
Itcgiilntlon of Transition From War
IUihIs KcaAHiirrs Triulcrs mul
Follows llaiikcrV I'ro(rrani.
NEW VDllK, Nov. 10 Announce
ment that the government has taken
nieaHitres to regulate the transition
of the Oountry'a business of war to
peace waa the most reinsuring event
of a week of extraordinary develop
iimnts In the securities market.
This step Is In consonance w ith tho
program already formulated by lead
ing banking and lndtiatriul interests.
The recognued domestic mercan
tile authorities place CMpeclnl em
phusls on the fact that thfl business
of virtually evry description la pro
ceeding with unprecedented jondl
Dona In th foreground. Trade
showa gradual diminution, especially
at centera where reporta of war
order cancellations hava been moat
Wall street seems to believe, how
ever, that the Immediate future of
market depends almost wholly upon
monetary conditions.
Railroad shares stood out for their
relative strength, the low priced is
sues being again sought by Investors
Financiers are under no Illusions
as to the future retpilrements of the
government In connection With Its
huge plan of reconstruction but such
demands. It la generally believed,
will recelva prompt support.
City Briefs
announce the birth of a daughter
on October 1J-
R. !. IIAN'l'i iCK, who has hern
very seriously III with the Inf lucnra,
has recovered.
IN Sl'PKItlDIt ftit:rtT todiy
Judge Itreckenrldgn will hear mo
tions and demurrrta, starting at 9:30
editor of the t'olllnsi ille News, have
word that the editor la nick with the
flu. following the celebration lost
nft'K Ml'NTKItS are getting a
run for their money up around tluvl
I I iwasso lakes, millions of birds be
ing reported. At least rs hunters
weut up from here yesterday morn
ing. TWO Sl'SPKlTS arrested at Col.
llnsMllt' for robbing the Leader
store at that rtlv were brought to
Tulsa yesterday and lodged In Jail.
Tho leader lost about i.OOO worth
of merchandise.
POT.lrrc POritT will meet at i in
o'clock and w ill be In session until I
the 400 cases 0n the docket nre
disposed of No court has been held
for month, except In cascs whore
the accusvd cxnild not glvo boo J.
TDK ITNKi: AT. of the late Wnl
ter Hill will be held from the under
taking rooms of St,nley-M.-s.'itne at
1 .10 today, and will be under the
auspices of the Typographical union,
of which deceased was a member.
THK. KIWANIS CMT1 meets to
day at Hotel Tulsa, nnd Important
civic matters will bo diacusHed. This
Is the only club that meets ddring
the week until Friday, when the
chamber of commerce directors will
be in session. The City club meets
FrVmy as usual.
IN RP1TK of Die fet th.M the
l'ai-ltesville J'.lnc company's smelter
at folllnsville was ordered to be
kept Intm't by Dia government, It is
reported that Die blocks tire still
being dismantled, 1? already being
down. There are still eight of the
blocks standing, and In its prime
the largest smelter In the world It
, Is not belns
; fallnx(k
used booauao of fuel
i ho follnulnt; raaualtlfa ura ra-
pnrti d by thn foininandlnK Benernl
of Dm Ain-rlian eipedltiuiiitry
fnrrcH Klili-ii In mtlon, Hi3; dmd of
wounds, 10; died nf ucrldrrit or
a I other came, .1, died from airplane
accident, 1; died of dlsea.se, :.;
woiimliii severely, 35, wounded, fle
it.... io,i.trreined, X; wounded
Total, ;.
minnlng in action,
' ik l;t h, fiirt list:
lill.l.l.I I AfTIOV.
Irlvat :
lU-rtmm '. SImtwhsI, Mrwirrwrxsl.
IHI 1) OF WOt MIS. '
Ijiur.-mo I-' CriirshT. Welch.
William M. Perkins, r.nlhor.
nrlilo Wi'b li, SnlllNiiHr.
WOl .mh,i, ni (.iti:i; t NUICTEIl
mim:i. PrlTnlox:
Irul l Man. rwklrk.
Jlitrnld I) Tliomas, I! rock.
Killed In Action.
John A Street, Prooklyn, N. T.
l 'a plain :
.Tii'i-lili A. Sweeny, Paltlmore, Md.
Alexander It fte.imnn, KI Pnso, Tex.
Win A Sheelian, Wasblngton, P. C.
Patlallnn Sergeant Major:
rinMsweil It s.tyre, FerugMon, Mo.
Set reants:
Alfr.ul '1 D.iker Topeka. Km.
J II I'odkmn. Siriitiiskv, Ohio.
T . l'enrri. Jr. Philadelphia. Pa.
.'"hti K. Norton. Seymour Tenn.
Ilarrp I'ntlnikl, Phll-idelphla, Pa.
. I'! Pnlllit-uek Juliet, III. I
' ' W It'.'ihlns. L'.s Angeles. Pal.
'' I' f t J r i nnp, I'.illlmr.re, Md.
A iii.t i; linde, Italllmore. Md.
!. W. Hi'iicli i m, Casper, W'yo.
t W McCartney Spring Ittin, Pa.
Hubert II I'li'i, McMlnnvtlle, Tenn.
' II Pearson, Wlnonskl, VL
H'or Pees powerton. I'll.
John C Strlder. Simitichnnna. Pa,
Cbirles Trapp, Philadelphia, Pa.
r'r.tnk H'trin, ToiimrHtnwn, Ohio.
.1 o Keeley, Mmlsav, Cal.
F.. T MeCuli heon, Tarentnm. Pa.
Hubert C Million. St. Louis, Mo.
William H Miller, Orrden. Iowa.
If K. P Prttchard. Philadelphia, Ta.
H J r. Iteehrier. Paltlmo-i. Md.
Maek J. KtibldoiiT. Hlverslde. Cal.
F. Sandhnff. Trenton. N. J.
I. K. Schmidt, I'rb.ma, tihlo.
Oseir Sctnider. Itlslng Sun. Intl
lHivbl T Smith Norrlstown, Pa.
C A. Walker. Maryvllle, Tenn.
Klner Itrateng, Itevlls Ijike, N. D.
K. H. Htnniert. Ilestand. Ky.
Plus J. Nan, i'lilladulphla. Pa.
Mechanic: '
Wllllnm K. Sloan, Attica, Ind.
W. !. Huckster., Pattle Creek. Mich.
John ItiiHitiuMsen, Phoenix, Aria.
I'i ivxtiy :
Cbas, ft. Andrews. Haltlmore, Md.
Thus. V. Heals, Newsoma, Va.
I.ivle It. Hoyles, King. N. C.
Freil Careoii Imvton. Wash.
Herman .1 Carrier. Mt Hoszell, Ala..
Sitiiiiel Hurls. Itrooklyn. N. y.
Ueo. H. Inidney, Cottnntown. "enn.
Oram It Fngle, p.alt'.more, Md.
Walter T. Ivimeliei)'. Stansgnr, la.
Wm. II. tlill'i.rue, Winnebago, Minn.
Mlcltele (lotclll. (lunuvu. Pec Car-
denl. Italy.
Alex Krlnsliev, New York. N. T.
Andrew Kurl. lioselnnd, 111.
Harry S N-fler, San llornardlno, CaL
John .McAllister, Hurllngton, Kan.
Andy Mct'all, Houston Tex.
i. inner n. sici lain. IHIISOoTO. I1L a,
i naries .Miller, Ail.unstoll. N. J.
Hons Moore. Hirlier City. Utah,
tjiwrenco It. Moore, Ionia, Kan.
Morris Nachllgal. Prooklyn, N. T.
Isadora Nagdfinan. New York. N. T.
Wm. II. Nelson. Corona, N. i.
tlu.st A. Pearson, F.. Pltt-sburgh. Pv
Ik:i.ic K Pendleton, Ollmer, WosIl
C. K. Phillips, Kansas CHy, Mo.
S. T. Plutt, Jr.. Ilighstown, N. J.
Wm. U Keardon, ProvMence, H. I.
Pob lieesi', Fulton, Ky.
Michael UohhcII. Springfield, Mass.
Thus. Kusnell, Washington, U. C.
W in T. Savage, oak City, N. C
John Scholl, Scranton. Pa.
I. Sllventro. S-an Francisco Cal
V K. Smith, Pilot Mountain N. C
I'eed Smith, Columbia, Ky. '
Diirney M Smith, School t leld. Va.
I'e.irl II Smith. Queen Cltv. Mo.
HenJ. 11 Sparks. Kiclimond. W. Va
Agiwtino Strarra Stafford Mpga . Ct
Itu hanl A Sulflvan. Scranton, Pa
Ciaii'itce I-' Surpriae. lYanston, K. L
ln J. Swarta, Phoenlxvilie, I'a,
Peter T. Tar as!n, Ituffaln, N. T.
Amos It. Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mike Tliotnas. Cburton, I 'a.
Heider Thompson, FJtirdland Nor
way. Merl l Tipton. Martlnshurg, !,
Santo Tripoli. McKeesport, ITv
liny Anderson, l'si x, Mo.
A C Assstindsen, Hlieinlunder, Wis.
Charles Hell. I.umfsxt, Tex is
Cecil tl. Ileilie.i. LiMirt, Tex.ta.
Clia-.!er Hlxtiop. I.vio'k. Iowa.
Michael .1. Duller, K. St. Louis, III.
Pi't'iiiirsl J. Ciisey, Philadelphia, Pa.
Al. Comnuiker. I'hihidelpbla, l"a,
N. F. Conway Il.irrisville, W. Va,
James It. Conlin, t'.rstleton N. T.
Hol.len S. w'nrry. Swanton, Vt.
A. H .Corrigan, St. Louis. Mo.
S. M. Cotti'ell. Newport, It. I.
i'h. in. ( iisliinan, liioken How. Neb.
Pain W. Hotv, Junction City. Kan.
W altceJHirleu. Prooklyn. N. V.
K. K. Kdmomls, San Heruardinii. Cal.
Clyde II. Fd wards. Ntiev.i, Cal..
i. ii. F'liott. irgiltu. :l
Nevln K. Kistier. Ambler, Pa.
Ii. Fleming. Maitland. Mo.
John J. I'urey. M Hawaii. . J.
Francis U Jiul.1. I'aKland. CaL
Joseph Kelley, Paula, Kan.
Joseph Kolowsky, I'ana, HI.
M. F. iawle.ss. Scranton, Pa.
John W. Lee. Newark, N. J.
Pennle Lafowltz. New York. N. T.
I I'-ernard Mcloury. Philadelphia, Pa.
K 11. i ouchman. Washington. Md.
Frnest Martin, Wlllimantb:, Conn.
Henry K. Mlchalls. ItrooklTi. N. Y.
Salvatore Mure, San Jos. Cal.
A. W't Nonneiiiatin. San l-Vanclscsj.
I.-nac (' Noiiiiau. Mount Airy. N. C
John L. Noyer. Pendleton, Ore.
Albert K. Peterson. St. Paul. Minn.
otto C. Phillips. Ha Dm. ire, Md.
Harry L Plgg.'tt. Shillotte, N. O.
drover T. Porter, Tacom.i, Waah.
li'lin Province, Ir . Irond.ile, Vo,
John C. Itoby. iNiaysville. W. Va,
Carl Satber. Krwkino, Minn.
W. A. Schulta, Cleveland, Ohio.
Iiemotrye Scopetes, Satnos, Greece.
Waltej- W. Shaw. Creenfield, Kan,
H. L. Stbort, Sedalla. Mo.
Max S'.Uer Phisi.le:ph:s.."''n
Paul ,T. Smith. PhllardVphla, Pa.
William c. SttiitJi, Kuffalo, N. C.
W ll'.iam F. Stone, n.-bhortmi. Ark.
John S. Stump, Visalia. Cal.
Wiii'.er Southern, Sieeie, Mo.
F. L. Townwtnl. Latno.ire, N
V. C.
J C. Trs.n ton, Newport. Tenn.
Fll.'ati Triplelt. West lirhttm'
J I. Vol Iron r, Cabot, Mo.
JuHan c. Walker. West ntirham. N. C
John M. Wise. IV. I La. Ia.
jAuftan UfS' ooi. VV imhtocton, lad.
eJs Our Biggest Customer!
Missing Train Connections
Yesterday Delayed Vaude
ville Acta and Kept House
Dark Last Night
A delayed train from Little ltock.
Ark., to McAleator, ikliu, yeeiterday
caused thoua-imls of Tubta vaudeville
lovera to be koonly diaippmnted lajit
niKht when the New Kmprefs, Tul
su's popular VHUdeville theater, wilh
forced to remain closed. Tho train
wua bringing one of the big fo.itu.ren
of ihe n pen In if vaudeville ball and
the act, with eight people, mimed
connections at Muskogee and waa
unable to arrive in Tulsa lat night.
Ixrng proctfwione. of aniuaeinent
lovera goinji to the Empreaa for the
f.re.i vaiuievllle tliey have aeen In
nearly a month and a half, were met
in the lobby with the announcement
that there would be no show. The
management announced that all
tk-keta that had been purchased will
be good for either ahow tonight, or
that tha money would be refunded
at the box office.
It wu a heavy loaa to the man
agement aa both houaea for the night
performance had been old eut.
Nearly haJf the MckTt holders, how
ever, took their disappointment with
good grace, kept their tickets and
an id they would be hack tonight.
This showa how hungry- Tulun are
to see vaudeville again and two full
houaea tonight are a-smired.
The big Orpheum feature act, "In
Wishland," said to be one of the
finest spectacular fantasies . ever
staged In vaudeville, arrived on time
bat tir other big act waa delayed.
Millions ot sticks of the Adams brands of chewing, gum
have gone to the boys in France, Millions are on the
way. Millions more will go. Please remember this the
next time you can't get your favorite brand of Adams
gum. If Adams Black Jack is missing from the counter
try Adams California Fruit, Adams Pepsin, Adams Yucatan
or any Adams brand.
Pure Chewing Gum
Adams Black Jack f Adams California Fruit
Adams Chiclets cCt Adams Yucatan
Adams Pepsin Adams Sen Sen
Adams Spciannint Adams Clove
romln from Little Rock. Three full
ahowa will be given u.i usual today,
with the matinee starting nt 2:30.
In addition to the vaudeville pro
grain, the latest official V. S. war
review will be the curtain raJsor,
and lTof. Joe liiday'a popular Ivm
preea orchestra will bo in the pit.
Yesterday wa the biggest day In
attendance In the history of the
Hroadway theatre and thousands
were unable to gain admittance. The
III Jinks company of musical and
vaudeville entertalnera presented
one of the funniest comedy dramas
ever seen in Tn'. "because She
I.oved Him So" Is the title of the
drama and It Is replete with funny
situations. The story relates to a
newly married couple who contin
ually quarrel and fight because the
wife discovers a blond hair on the
sleeve of her husband's, coat and
perfume on his pocket handkerchief
which had "no business being there."
I.oIr llrldge as Mrs. Weatherby and
Kdgr liarnetj as Mr. Weatherby,
parents of the young bride, offer
numerous comical situations that
make one's side ache from laughter.
They are regular riots as funmak
ere. They frame up a sham family
quarrel in order to ahow the newly
wens the error of unnecessary quib
bling. Joy Gravea and Harry Ches
hire aa the newly weds perform
their parts to perfection. Other
leading parts are taken by Mr. Sher
wood, Mra Sherwood. Harry Fraley,
Mrs. Maine and Harry Bowers.
Music specialties were furnished by
the Stelnway quartet, Martin Sis.
tors and the son, "Girls" by Ixtle
Uridce, was a regular knockout
Carried Red Mag.
COrRNHAtiK.N, Nov. 10 Six
more cruisers flying the red flag ar-
rived at -Hamburg last night, says a
Wolff News agency dispatch received
here. The city of Hamburg gpoer
aity la qwmC
AMSTERDAM, Saturday, Nov. .
A message from Cracow announces
fthe formation of a Polish republic
under the presidency of Deputy
AMSTERDAM. Nov. 10 Profes
sor lmmaseh. the Austrian prem
ier, hna m.'ftU-u,l nlliniBi . .
- -. ... . . . . . u u..ii.ini ii uiiiaftuoil,
says a dispatch from Vienna, that
i maim nua assumed sovereignty
over CJalicia,
Galicia is a erownland of Austria
Hungary north of the Carpathian.
It has an area of 30,307 square" miles
and In normal times had a popula
tion of some 7,000,000.
Milk IToiti Tree.
Several speci-s of trees found In
various parts of the world yield a
very acceptable substitute tn int
One 0t these grows In Itrltlsh Ouiana
and parts of the West Indies. The na
tives call It the "Hya-hya." Its Julco
is slightly thicker and richer than
cow's milk and Is used by the na
tives for all purposes that we use
milk. Thn tree grows to a height of
,40 feet. T;he Cltigalcse have a tree
called the -Kirlaghuma1' which
yields a milklike Juice. In Para a
tree caller! tha "MaMannrfanrfMn"
gives a similar Juice that keeps in
definitely Without nilrlnr Tn tY.A
Canary Islands the "Tabaya Dolce"
yields a milk which, thickened Into
a Jelly, Is considered a great deli
cacy. People's Home Journal.
Palace Stormed by Mob.
HASTTIa Nov. 10 Th. n.i...
- - - - ..... i4inva
the Austrian deleratlnn mt n,in.,
haa been stormed by a mob which
threw down the Austrian escutch
eons, amorrtlnv tn A Vinnn ln.Au
. M,.y .wi
Ueceftml hare.
Musterole Works Without the
Blister Easier, Quicker
There's no sense in mixing a mesi
of mustard, flour and water when you
can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiff
ness with a little clean, white M isterole.
Musterole ii made of pur; oil of
mustard and other helpful ingredients,
combined in the form of the present
white ointment It takes the place of
mustard plasters, and will not blister.
Musterole usually gives prompt relief
from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck; asthma, neuralgia,
headache, congestion, pleurisy.rheurr.a
tiFm, lumbago, pains and aches of tha
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia!.
30c and 60c jars; hospital size -50-
WANTED to know the where
abouts of F. A. Charleston.
I 'lease communicate with
Western Rope & Mfg. Co.,
Tulsa, Okla. Phone (900.
war work camparn.