Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 19 1U i IN THE OIL FIELDS Office: 6241 W. H. PECK Residence: 2442 The Sale of Pawhuska. The following tabulation shows how and where the oil men, mostly from the mid continent field, spent $3,358,000 in the Osage nation last Saturday. The bitfgest buyers included II. G. Bernard, W. G. Skelly, j y;. Cilliland, the Gypsy Oil company, the Indian Territory THMTTi'inatinjr company, Foster & Norwood and Foster & navi (.'. F. Fan-en and E. N. Gillespie, Tulmona Oil com pany .the Twin State Oil company and the Carter. Carl K. prefer bought more heavily and bid more actively than he ever has before. W. J. Kanupp of Warren, Pa., and D. R. Travis were active in a great many different tracts and both purchased land. The Marland Oil & Gas company con tingent were good bidders, but in the words of Mr. Marland, who is state chairman of the war work drive, "better solicit ors,'' Mr. Marland got five $10,000 donations and ten $5,000 going P 011 tne Pawhuska special Saturday morning from modest and generous men who refused to reveal their identity. Mr. Marland, for the Kay County Gas company, and the Empire Gas & Fuel company were the only gas bidders and got no competition in their one-cent bids for gas rights on the two big tracts which were offered. nption. initial km. muo irice. 1 13.500 Amner Oil Co. 1 1. 4. 5. . T. I. 5. 10. II. 12. IS. 14. U. 1. 17. II. It. :o. :i. ':"'. : 4. 25. :. !7. :t. :t. 30. 11. J 2. 31. 34. 35. 3. 37. i. 39. 40. ' 41. 42. 43. 44. 48. 4T. S!. S3. 54. 55. St. 57. 51. St. 50. 0. l. ?. M. M. ts. 6t. 7. fit. t. 70. 71. 71. 71. 74. 7-i. 7t. 77. 71. 71. 0. I. S3. J. M. IS. M. 7. H. ft. SO. 91. 9!. tl. 94. No. 1. j I. 4. 5. I. 7. I. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. It. 17. It. 19. 10.' !1. 12. 23. 24. 25. 21. 27. 29. 39. 30. 31. 13. 31. 34. IJ. 3. 17. 31. 19. 40. 41. 4!. 41. 44. 4i. 41. V. M. 49. to. II. (2. 1. 1 4. I. st: t iW-l (-' W I ,K SKI r-U 1 Si: 4 N K 4 NW4 NK1 Stt 4 KU'4 NK4 KK.I pV4 NW t SW4 NK f-'W4 SW4 SW4 NWt NWt NW4 SW4 NWt NK4 SKt Nil 4 -( . 2 2 - S :i ii z :i s i " '.' - 17--'7-t 1 S-1I7-H 19-7-H SH-'J'J-D 30-22-9 .".-.'4-0 13- 24-9 14- 24-9 14-24-9 21-24-9 24-24-9 24-24-9 27 .11 34 -in -10 -10 -10 -10 2.-.-9 2D- 25-9 25- 9 26- 9 1-26-9 23-20-9 23-26-9 25-26-9 36-27-9 1S-22-10 15-22-10 NWt 32-22-10 NK4 12-23-10 NW4 12-23-10 SW4 12-23-10 NW4 13-23-10 SK4 r-24-10 SK4 1S-24-10 SW4 1S-24-10 NW4 19-21-10 NK4 36-24-10 NWt 36-24-10 NK4 13-25 NW4 13-23 SK4 13-25 SW4 13-2.1 SK4 14-25 23-2T.-10 23-25-10 II- 26-10 III- 26-10 14-20-10 NWt 16-26-10 NW4 1X-26-10 SW4 19-26-10 23-20-10 30-26-10 30-26-10 4-27-10 9-27-10 16-27-10 16-27-10 10-20-11 NW4 11-20-11 SW4 11-20-11 SKA 15-20-11 NW4 24-20-1 1 NK4 4-23-1 1 4-23-11 4-23-11 4-23-U 8-23-11 NW4 17-23-11 SK4 20-23-1 1 SW4 21-23-1 1 NK4 35-23-1 1 NK4 36-23-11 NW4 36-2.1-1 1 XW4 12-24-11 NK4 31-24-1 1 NWt 31-24-11 PK4 22-25-1 1 NK4 3-36-11 SW4 7-26-1 1 NWt 10-26-11 HW4 17-26-11 NKt 26-26-1 1 SK.4 26-26-1 1 N"Wt 31-26-11 NKt 35-26-11 29- 27-11 36-27-11 36-27-11 8-22-12 X-22-12 17-22-12 30- 25-12 NKt SK4 NKt SW4 SK4 NKt NKt SKI SKt NKt NIC 4 NKt KK4 NWt SKt SWt SW4 SWt SK4 SWt SK4 SWt XKt SWt S DUO r,oo r.oo r, on ."no I on, ooo 20,00 15.000 r.oo in, (mo 5,000 25,000 500 60,000 600 500 500 600 1.000 No s:il. No Hale. 600 500 600 600 too 500 1.000 10.000 1.000 1.000 5.000 5.000 1.000 1,000 E.nflO 1 .000 600 500 500 1,000 500 1.000 500 1,000 600 600 500 600 600 600 500 1.000 500 500 500 600 500 1.000 l.OftO l.OOO 5 00 600 500 500 600 1.000 r.oo 1.000 500 500 1,000 500 1.000 1.000 1,000 No snip. No Bale. 500 No salo. 600 600 500 600 1.000 500 500 1.000 600 27.500 Amliur Oil Co. 55,000 Hell' Oil utid (iypxy. t'.l.cMjn Hilliliind nil Co., Tulfca. 22,000 Mlnurhoma oil Cn. (ivpHy and II. G. llitrnard. 170.000 No M ile. 85.000 W. H. Kkeltry. 22.000 K. N. fllllfwple. 25,000 Mlnni'hmna. 1 5.000 Karl K. Iircssrr.. 84.0HO Ind. Ty. 111. Co. 71.000 H. It. TravlH. 186,000 Fostfr & Norwood. 1.000 Kansopa Oil Cia Co., Tulsa. ,20(1.000 Foster, Winona & Pottfr Oil Co. 64.000 W. O. Skelley. 3.300 Karl Dresner. 72.000 Tulmona Oil Co. 16.000 Karl K. Dresser. 3,200 Karl K. Preaaer. 71,000 Hed Honk O. Co., Denvar. ' 11. 500 Cvpsy Oil Co. -2,000 Twin State Oil Co. 600 llarber l'et. and J. T. Ho;an. 41.000 Tulmona Oil Co. 46.000 O. 1 anil H. Co. 61.000 Twin State.. 87,000 W. (I. Skelley. 16.0H0 W. O. Skelley. 16 000 W. O. Skelley. 41.000 Kewannee O. ft O. Co. 20.000 New En. O. & O. Co. 13.500 B. N. Oillospla. 37.000 Twin State Oil Co. 45.000 11. K. Travis. 40.000 Tulmona Oil Co. 8.500 Miloklu O. & Kfn. Co. 6.500 Ked Hank Oil Co.. 10.000 W. C, Skelley. 9,.r.tl0 W. . Skelley. 12.000 K. N. Gillcspla. S.300 Ij. W. Baxter. 3.100 Choctaw O. & Pro. Co. 2.300 1). R. Travis. 2.100 ITod. & Rfn. Cor. 1,600 A. II. Koaenficld. 800 Mid-Co. 600 Ti. It. Travis. 4.600 1). M. Tettlgrew. 900 Sam Citron. 6.000 j. 11. Wrlchtjiman. 7.000 J. H. WrlKhtsman. 6,000 C. B. Peters. 7.000 Oeo. I!. Foster. 9.600 Ceo. U. Foster. 6,300 Twin Ptata Oil Co. 5.S00 Twin State Oil Co. 13.500 It. II. Rayhurn. 2,000 Kansoma Oil & Gas. 7.800 R. H. Ravhurn. 6.000 R. H. Rayburn. 2,4)0 Cosdea O. ft O. Co. 700 llerben Pet. and J. T. Hogan. 1.600 Herben Oil Co. 1.200 Herben Oil Co. 1.700 r. M. Pettlarew. 46.000 V. ft. Skelley, 51.000 Karl Preiser. 37.000 fiilliland Oil Co. 27.000 fiilliland Oil Co. 8.000 K. N. fllllesple. 5.000 Red Hank Oil Co. 5.S00 Robt. H. Hazlett et al. 2.100 Ixuls Friedman. 6.000 Tuloma O. Co. 6.100 fiilliland Oil Co. 2.000 W. J. Knupp. 2,000 Mid-Co. 300 W. D. Reynolds. Producers ft Rfn. Karl K. Dresser. Ike Johnson. P. R. Sterling. Kansoma O. ft d. W. .1. Kanupp. Hillside O. ft Ci. Co .1. M. Pettlirrew. tleo. R. Foster. A. At. Landon. Co. 500 6.F00 S00 2, OOO 1.000 6.300 2.100 6.600 3.100 600 IoscTlitlon of Land to Offorrd for Iamiao Vtt of Itanire 8. I'Morlption. Initial Itid. Sale l'rioe. NKt NWt SWt SKt SWt SWt NKt SK.t NKt SKt NWt SWt SKt SWt NKt XWt NKt NWt SWt SKt N K I NWt SWt . SK4 SK.4 SWt NKt NWt SW4 SKt SK4 SWt NWt S W 4 NKt SK4 SKt NKt NW4 NKt NWt SW 4 SKt NWt SWt NKt NK4 NWt SW"4 SKt SW4 SW4 SKt NVt SWt 1-25-3 $ 500 $ 7h) r'hillli't Tet Co. 1-25-3 500 600 K. H. Pence. 1-25-3 600 5o Marland Rfn. Co. 1-25-3 500 f'i'0 fsaue Arrow Co. 6-25-3 500 5"0 V.. H. Pence. 6-25-3 600 600 No salo. 6-25-3 No nal,-. 6-25-3 No sale. 8-26-3 600 600 II. H. Rrenner. 8- 25-3 No sal". 9- 25-3 Nosalo. 9-25-3 500 500 Marland Rfn. Co. 10-25-3 500 1.600 Marland lirfn. Co. 10- 25-3 500 600 Marland Rfn. Co. 1 5-25-3 5n0 .".600 Marland Rfn. Co. 1 5-25-3 500 2.500 Marland Rfn. Co. 20-25-3 500 500 Twin State. 20-25-3 500 600 Carter Oil Co. 20-25-1 500 700 Twin State Oil Co. 20- 25-3 500 1,300 Twill State Oil Co. 2t-25-S 600 600 II. II. Hrenner. 2t-25-3 500 5oo Sinclair O. ft O. Co. 24-2 5-3 600 800 flypsy Oil Co. 21- 25-3 600 l.OoO A. H. Rosenfleld. 12-2 1-4 600 2.900 Karl K. Dresser. 12- 21-t 60O l.f.oo Karl K. Dresser. 13- 24-t 600 it.OOO K. W. Marland. 13-2t-t 500 10,500 fiilliland Oil Co. 13-24-t 500 6.600 K. N'. (illlespie. 1 3-24-4 500 1,200 (jiilllland. 13-26-4 No sale. 13- 26-4 Nona If. 14- 26-4 No sale.. 11- 26-4 No sale. 15- 26-t No sale. 15- 26-t No Bale. 21-26-4 No sale. 21-26-4 No sale. 24- 26-4 No sale. 25- 20-4 No sale. 25-26-4 No sale. 25-26-4 No sale. ' 25-26-4 No sale. 27-26-4 No sale. 27- 26-4 600 600 Sinclair. 28- 26-4 600 900 Carter Oil Co. 11-24-5 600 600 F.. H. Pence. 11-24-5 No sale. 11-24-5 No sale. 11- 24-5 No sale. 12- 24-6 No sale. 16- 25-5 No sale. 16- 25-5 No sale. 17- 25-6 No sale. 17-2&-6 600 600 Marland. 56. NKt 1S-25-6 f.uo :,'6'n 57. SKt 1S-25-5 .. 00 .'.00 68. NKt 21-25-i . 500 500 69. NWt 22-25-5 600 1.700 60. SW4 29-25-5 No dale. 61. SKt 30-25-5 No al'. 62. ' NKt 31-25-3 63. NWt 32-25-5 Nos.ib'. 6t. NKt 1-26-5 500 5.H00 65. NWt 1-26-5 600 3, ooo 66. SWt 1-20-5 500 S.llMi 87. SKt 1-26-5 1.0UD 6.200 6H. NKt 36-27-5 500 2 .'" 69. NWt 36-27 -5 500 800 70. SWt S6-27-5 6 oil l.!"0 71. SKt 36-27-5 600 7 oil 72. NKt N-2t-6 500 5oO 73. SKt 8-24-6 No sain. 74. NKt lu-24-6 No hale. 76. NW4 10 21-6 u.ll 76. SW4 10-2 1-0 too 2.100 77. SKt 10-2t-6 No Hale. 78. NWt 11-24-6 No salf. 7. SWt 11-24-0 No Bala. 80. NKt 17-24-0 No sals. '8 1. NK4 25-2 1-6 No sale, 82. NWt 25- 24-6 No xalrt. 83. SWt 25-2t-6 No Hale. 8t. SKt 25-24 .6 No Half. 85. NWt S5-24-6 No Hale. i 86. SKt 35-24-6 Nopal. 87. NWt 36-24-6 No sale. 88. NKt 1-25-6' 600 t.OOO 89. SKt 1-25-6 500 1.100 80. NKt 6-26-6 600 800 91. NWt 6-26-6 600 '.'"O 92. SWt 6-20-4 600 700 93. SKt 6-26-6 600 1.500 9t. NWt 6-20-6 500 6,60.) 96. NKt 9-26-6 600 600 96. NWt 9-26-6 500 3,6011 97. SWt 9-26-6 600 3.000 98. SKt 9-26-6 600 3,00(1 9J. SWt 25-27-fl 600 700 100. SKI 26-27-6 600 Ki'O 101. NKt 31-27-6 600 1.300 102. NWt 3 1 -27-6 600 3.100 101. SKt 31-27-0 f.00 3.000 104. SWt 31-27-0 1,000 7.101) 105. NKt 30-27-6 6m) 800 106. NWt 36-27-6 600 900 107. NWt 1 1-28-45 600 600 10H. SWt 11-28-6 600 600 109. NWt 2S-29- 600 900 110. SWt 28-29-6 600 900 111. NKt 29-29-6 600 900 112. SKt 29-29-6 600 1.000 113. SWt 29-29-6 600 1,000 lit. NKt 8-23-7 600 700 115. SKt 8-23-7 500 1.000 116. NKt 17-23-7 500 1,800 117. NWt 17-23-7 600 1.000 11S. SKt 17-23-7 600 1.000 119. NKt 20-23-7 600 1,300 120. NWt 20-23-7 500 1,000 121. NKt 22-23-7 600 2,000 122. NKt 23-23-7 600 2.1O0 123. NWt 23-23-7 500 26,000 12t. SWt 23-23-7 600 29.000 125. SKt 23-23-7 10,0o0 26,000 126. SWt 26-23-7 600 16,100 127. SKt 26-23-7 10,000 20,000 128. NKt 33-23-7 600 27.000 129. NWt S5-23-7 6. 000 16,000 130. NKt 36-23-7 B.000 S3. 600 131. SKI 36-23-7 6,000 30,000 132. NKt 15-24-7 500 900 133. NWt 5-2t-7 600 900 134. NEt 8-21-7 500 600 135., NWt 6-24-7 500 700 136. NKt 20-2t-7 500 700 137. SKt 20-2t-7 BOO 1,000 138. NWt 8-25-7 500 2,500 139. SKt 3 1-25-7 600 1,200 1 40. HW4 31-25-7 600 600 141. NW4 2-26-7 600 4,100 143. NK4 3-26-7 --firtlO 1,600 143. NKt 16-26-7 600 1,200 ltt. NWt 16-26-7 600 600 145. SW4 16-26-7 500 1,400 146. SK4 16-26-7 600 600 147. SE4 19-26-7 500 800 148. SK4 20-26-7 600 2,000 149. SW4 20-26-7 GOO 1,500 150. NKt 29-26-7 600 3,100 151. NWt 29-26-7 600 J.800 152. SKt 29-26-7 600 3,000 15S. NF.t 30-26-7 500 2,600 1st. SKt 30-26-7 500 8,800 155. SWt 31-26-7 600 3,100 158. NKt 15-27-7 600 6.300 157. NWt 15-27-7 500 6,100 158. FEt 16-27-7 600 6,000 159. NEt 11-27-7 1,000 8.000 160. NWt 22-37-7 500 R.200 161. NEt 32-27-7 BOO 7.000 162. NWt 32-27-7 2.000 8.600 163. SWt 32-27-7 2.500 8.000 164. NKt t-27-7 1,000 4.300 165. SK4 34-27-7 1.500 S.50A 186. NWt 35-27-7 2.500 1 2.000 167. SWt S5-27-7 5,000 17.500 168. NKt 15-28-7 500 3.000 169. NWt 15-2S-7 500 2.100 170. NEt 16-24-7 500 1.600 171. NKt 21-2H-7 600 10, 000 172. SEt 21-2S-7 8,000 26.000 173'! SWt 21-28-7 5.000 25,600 174 1 NWt 24-28-7 6,000 22,500 175. NEt 29-28-7 5,000 1 1,000 R. Ril.y. .1. T. Liuitry I,. K linlu-rts. Tom .Mosixr. Kansoina t ft 'j. Sinclair. lnr.1 L ! -0. J. 1. Simmon. l.c.tHH ! rleduuint. Marland o. ! Twin State O. ft Hliirlair Marland C. 11. McKall. I.ouis l'n l. Marland O. ft O. Co. KnnM'Uia ' . ft .1, Ji. Simmons. W. .1. Knupp. C. I.. Mcl'Ull. Carts. Marland O. ft Rfn. Co. Carter. Carter. Carter. Carter M. K. I'avls. A. It. Rosenfleld. , M. 17. Davis. M K Davis, Carter. Carter. Rcd.t. II. llalett. Herben Pet- Co. Kausoma o. ft fi. Kansoina O. ft Q. Carter. Kansoina O. ft O. PwlKht Rody. Curler. U E. Roberta. OypMy. Ctypsy. Twin Stale. A. H. Rosenfleld. iyfy- New England Co. No sale. J. D. Simmons. fiilliland O. Co. Csrl K. Dresser. rilllllHnd. Carl K. Dresner. fiilliland. Carl K. Dresar. ftypsy. WrlKhlsman. fiilliland. Cosden O. ft O. J. T. I Jin try. Rrenner. A. C. Wolss. J. K. Kays. J. T. I wintry. Kansoma O, ft G. Marland O. ft Q. Sterllnn. J P. Malrch. Middle States Pet. W. J. Knupp. James K. Crawford. K A. Roberta. Rrenner. S. O. Kennedy ajid W. A. 8prlngnr. fjypsy. H. (i. Kennedy and W. A. Springer. I. iurel O. A O. Cypsy. Carter O. Co. ftypsy. Carter. W. Q. Bkelley. Pro. ft Rfn. Cor. Jas. K. Crawford. Oypsv. Phillips Pet Co. Oypsy. Ijiurel O. ft O. Co. Mid-Co Pet. Co. Mid-Co. Pet. Co. Foster and Davis. Jas. K. Crawford. Oypsy. Carter. O. J. Wrlfthtsman. ' D. R. Travis. Herben Pet. and J. T. Ho g-n. Marland Rfn. Co. Marland Rfn-Co. Cypsy. -J Carter. Kansoma O. ft O. WOULD ERECT SHAFT MEMORY WAR HEROES Colonel pouclos Picks Spot for trw Mmiorlnl Itnllilinjr and Monu ment to A monument to TuIko's fallen he roes, to be erected on the summit of the hill which overlooks the city from tho northwest, Is the plan of Col. Clarence P. Douglas, secretary of the chamber of commerce. This plan, which embraces al.o a project to over tho entire eminence and transform It Into a public park, will h laid before the directors of I he chamber of com merce at their next meotinir. The various civic orcanlrstions will also be acquainted with the plan and w i: be asked to e-idorie It in order that It may be put under wav at once. From the top of this bill, which ts In the northeastern part of he city there Is not a smcle section of i '.ii.. t nut of Mew. Tho skyline looms up like a mountain bluff while nestling" below and ex tending clear around It are thou sands of residences, while the Indus. !lf of the city is vividly pic tured by the roofs and smokestacks of the icreat factories and refineries which cut in here and there to re lieve the monotony of Hhlnnle roofs. There are probably not ft dozen cities i., k l-i.iied Ktntes which aro pro vided with a more splendid natural olservatlon (.-round. Colonel D'lURia) would have the city Indue bonds for the purchase of the1 land and to pay for the con struction of the monument He haa In mind a lnrro granite shaft on .V.I..V. it-r.i.1.1 hp fhlsnlett the names of the men who have gone from Tulsa to die on tne riciu or oartio In the world war. .n us summit no would Inftall a larso lnc.rndes.-ent lieht which kept burnlnir at riiKM. The grounds surroundiriq he would Improve for park purposes with boulevards and driveways. Colonel ti.-UKias anil a represen tative of The World visited the site w steril.ii- ar .1 found that It had been virtually appropriated as a park even In Its "raw" state. Scores of children were playing on the grassy -.mmli nf lha V-a'vht Lh!1.i f.rliwi- sxvires of motorists drove to the hill to glimpse tne scenery wnicn cannot be duplicated anywhere In Ok'a homa. Within a few miles of the peak, three counties meet To the east and north He rich agricultural lands which are now undergoing In tense development On the south and west nro the evidences of oil to which Tulsa primarily- owea her greatness. .While within a complete circle Is the city's skyline, the hori zon curving much after the manner of the scenic railway with lta glides and Its ascensions. Colonel Douglas believes his plan will meet with popular approval. eSome suitable memora! to our men who have given their liven to their country must be provided." Colonel Douglas said. "How better could we honor their memories than by erecting this monument In a public place where the heaaity of nature will serve to accentuate the noble deeds performed by those men to whose memories It is to be dedi cated 7" OIL AND GAS Uaiea, iippllta, Prodnctlaa, Et Wanted. Contract to drill oil wens, produc ing property preferred. Standard tools, experienced, careful drillers. Standard Drilling Company, Rox 1826. For Pale One 25-horsepower, sec ondhand boiler; cheap if taken at once. C. II. Prlddy, t!5 Daniel bldg. We are In the market f.r proven leaaes and production. Submit pro posals with full particulars of lo cation, condition, price and terms. Amlco Oil Company of Kansas, 326 Iowa Huilding, Tulsa. Adv. HOPE ENGINEERING & SUPPLY CO. Reports on Gasoline Plant Gas Propei ut. Physical Terts Made Construction and Designing Engineers Phone 7240 MONEY TO LOAN Have some private funds of clients to lend on good security, short terms preferred. SAM'L A. BOOR5TIN 613 Wright Uldg. ANOTHER ATTEMPT MADE TO KILL PRINCE HENRY Br The AmM'Utr.l l'n iMI'UMI AUKN, Nov. 10 - -Another attempt on the lifo i I'riio c Henry of PriisHl.i has been m.ide u: FleiiHhurg, Uci e he was In mitIiis Ion In a Mlla. The result of tin- at tempt is not known, but it i be lieved be rsciipe.l. Prince Henry, brother of the former i-itiprror. wan aitacke.l bi murines while fleeliiK ft, .pi Kiel in an automobile f:;iin a red flug on Wodnie.l.iy last. A dozen k!,o:.h were fired a! hint ami IiIh iliauffe.n IViUl tt illllliled. HOUSTON.FIBLR AND COMPANY f KutiM CUT, Ma. MCMHCR.1 MEW TOBK 8T00K EX- CHAKOE and ciucaoo to kid or tuade. Plorki. bondt. (rsln tit 4 etta Stan.Uril oil sod su bsldlar j glnfkt New York tnd Bniloa curb Llbsrif Boiidi banihl and oU l'rll wlrn. CHAS. D. CBOTRITETT, Mmpt. Tlfpbm Out J0S (ut 8. Botlea, Tul, Okta. PR STOTTS TIir.ATS ni.OOI. inl HUH' 1U.I-HMAS. lll.ll ill ti.iiii. I'l l.Hl.ltlO 1 llllll.l-H. I'll.-H Klli I'lstula. Rl.llleT. BlKl il.'i tU n IV l'14P.. Kl.i i a in. fit "urn. b iiit I Iv r l)iur-li-m. Toinntly I'lictiMnx PhvsicUu of Hot Hlr:iii,, Aik. Cnnsillttlliin A.lTt.'t I j 514- KENNEDY BLDG. PHONE 5673 i uisev. p e n n oi trot ou m am nan FREE III Milli e LOW MKHII'IMW t i ll MMI HI fl.ttl M l Mi VA(J. l I I'M I !f k Kl (Amenun tttHunn) mill." Arxcuolii n.ol mill IHiirsi-nol For Blood Poison Okm In .'. .1.1 i. n. ; Win diin. u 'i . 'I kail Miiuidar trinrcii, ', to 0 p. ui. f DR. STO'lTS SpecK'ist SIO ltlrt.r.1 Hi. 1. I'll ii. I Mtri.,! Iu4 litiilun Avf, I Okl 5 ULSA Machine L Tool Co. il.-neral Contract Ma chine Work, fl a s , fia-sollno iind Strm KiiKlne flverhnulliiK Wo h competent mechruili'H for field work. 415-417 K. 1st. Phone 70H9-3J6. OCEANS of STORAGE ROOM at NICHOLS Nrw III IM fMtf l l 0f'lt7IK fiki:pk'' sitiitAiac JI ST t t)MPI.I:i I II private linkers for household goods. lJiritest padded Auto Vsns for loovinu In city ami rnuri. try towns. Profesitliiiial puclicrs nd craters. NICHOLS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phone OKitim II7-IIH-M75 CHICAGO Kansas City Get Thom UNFINISHED Like New Hi, Iks P.ids, t'haiuieiii-rs. Auto riliiiiniiii;s. Silvurwure, Surflcal and I' I tint ruin. nls. Plating, Polibhing and Lacquering 301 UVnt l-lr-if S.ns-i M m.-iiiN Phone 8120 OKLAHOMA PLATING WORKS EVER TRY OUR CLEAR ING HOUSE FOR CASING, TANKS ENGINES? (New and A-l used) References: Any Tulsa, bank and II. CI. Dun. W.E. ROGERS CLEARING HOUSE 219 Kennedy Bldg., XuU Strandberg! McGRp;evy&co-! MRMURTtS: ' Kew Tork lto.. Richsnga, ! ' CIiIcsko Hoard of Trad. j New Orleans Cotton Exchange. PIIIVATB WHIRS I Stocks-Grain-Cotton i Liberty llonds llouulit and Hold OEUHUli L. KVbl.H, ilauar Phone 7200 Ifl East Third Street f Hotel Tulsa) OIL MARKI1T (jrjOTATIOtfS. Kin. n.l Okia...$J 'lf North I m. ..IIS llnMUin 141 Hmilh .. 214 tornrn (It). 2 VNemter ..... Ill f.'oratrtna fbki. ISO Inrlians ttA 'J I'r.n. ! .... 2 ii .... 2 2i I S'imrrrl .... 2 8U 2 ';'. 1 Itxliml . . .;. 2 .11 2 2.M Illinois t 4J 2 2M I t.i.l 2 71 2 231 Ms lllnfVr) I Fl 4 001 linn frci-k .. 1 2 us liia Miiu.1t .. 1 'o .1.77 bill Cm.k . . i.H) Merlrs llenryetts . , la-ein rrio tas.ii;) t'trlrlo IJ() f'snida ..... Pnn Corning LEASES FOR SALE 160 acres near the Willett-Brown Well, Noble County. Well now drilling at 1,400 feet, 6,000,000 gasser. One of the best buys in the oil field. Price $50 per acre. Western Oil Exchange EMPIRE ItefliM-rk-a lHnti-il at: OtiutiliM-c, OUIa. Oklnhiitiia C ity, Okla (IimIiIiik. Okln. i'onca It y. Ok la. Gslncsnllli-. Tciaa. REFINERIES, INC. Kale Offlo- I-honc 7U06, 82a I'nlty Illilir, Tnlsn. BRADFORD RIG & REEL COMPANY SO Ccdn niilg. I'hom-s Of flif 7I; Shop AAMO RIU 1KONH, RAND RICEI.H, CA I.K- W 1 1 10EL .I TI ITS AND WOUIAVOIIK 8oij Tiiiurt.n m I'l-i.v st(ki:s The Kansas City Refining Company KANSAS Cm. kASN In the Market for High-Grade Crude at All Timet Harry W. Jones. I'res. All,.-it It. J,jr,es, Vic.- I'res K. W. Ooehel, f-'ec.-Treiis -M Kr. Continental Refining Co. Producers and Refiners of Petroleum Products Bristow, Okla. A. A. Itollcstone, rrrs. I41111 1 licvt nlii, VI-.'rrH. 11 ml r; n. Mjrr. MIDLAND R K FINING COMPANY Eldorado, Kansas PRODUCERS AND REFINERS Oklahoma Petroleum & Gasoline Co. Manufacturers of easlntrhead. straight run ar:d blended gasolines, naiithaa and fuel oil. Alwa in Urn market for bli-ndluir materials. Kennedy Bldg. Phone 7020 Commerce Petroleum Co. Chicago Tulsa Kt. Louis Uarketcrs of Petroleum Product. pMmtlng Our Owu Cars, 1003-04 Dunlcl flldjc. Tulsa, Okla. WI-: M auk it i:ntv n TiiorrcM dkiuvattvb PHONE 4522 WIuVI KRN PETROLEUM COMPANY V. H. A. . flro. C. Ackers. ItcMldcnt Msnnprr. MIDCO OIL SALES CO. 011 PRODUCERS, REFINERS, MARKETERS ' nik THE AKIN GASOLINE COMPANY Manufacturers and Marketers of High Gravity Casing, head Catoline CtanTul.'a00,ku"k 'P nankin. Tru Dlda. luisa, uitla. Marietta, Ohio. Roxana Petroleum Co, PRODUCERS AND REFINERS TULSA ........ OKLA. rOP-NOTCH" OILS rilUENIX REFINING COMPANY TULSA, OKLA. Producers & Refiners' Corporation Successors to Economy Oil and Refining Company J. F. CAMPION OILS PIIOMJT BEUVICB 07-n-H00 COSDKN I1MXI. American Oil & Tank Line Co. . nn. on, m.flssri.. at Cl..ls4 Pttrbotln nilH is ik. mnkwm SINCLAIR REFINING CO. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TCMA, OKIjA tlS Sinclair Illdg. NEW TOIlaX 110 Braawar CHICAGO Oooway BUuj. Consumers Refining Company REFINERIES AT CUSHING Sales Office, 76 Wast Monro Str t, Chicago COSDEN & COMPANY HIGH-GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Tulsa, Oklahoma SOUTHERN OIL CORPORATION Petroleum Products 1005 Callais Bide. REFINERY YALE, OKLA. Phon. 1M0 a. B. COROORAIV flAIWY HBXTj 1AD1AHOMA RtiFlMJSU CO. Refineries at Okmulgee, Okla.j East St. Louis, I1L Tl'LHA OFFICK 603-804 GALLA1S DCILDINO 6T. I.UL IS Ol KICK. I ICUEHAL IUUEIIVE BANK BLDO. Lake Park Refining Company General Sales Office, Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. Refineries at Okmulgee, Ponca City, dishing and Jennings, Oklahoma Union Petroleum Company Refiners, Exporters and Marketers Tu1a office: Cowlcn. Hldn. Phone 440 Constantin Refining Co. Kennedy Building Phone 6020 tl'hono Osnse 2025 Sunland Oil Company PKTIini.KrM t-RODCCTS Itivimi Slkl.90t..1ll4 ttl.a- - . . i . . i m . j SI5 Son Hi Moulder SI, Tulsa, Okta. W. II. BARBER AGENCY CO. U nro nlwnys In the market for petroleum prmlads In our owi o si-lli-r'H tiink i-nri. (iiolntlons stillcltr-d on high crsTlir. uialncbead anil blended jfUHolIno In our own tlxTrntm cars. MI.NMvl'OI.IS, MI.NN. Riverside Western Oil Company MARATHON GASOLINE rntNi: rbio IMPERIAL REFINING CO. Ixx-att-d at Ardmoro I rrodncra and Reflnprs of Ilcalilton mil-. IIUIi-f;mlc f;i.lrc, I Naphthas, Kerosene, Il.lllluu-s, .us fll, l u. l oil nnd Koad Oil i trt-.n:rui urne anil Suli-s orn.-c SliU'SON HtILlI.G AKMMOIU;. JKI.AIIOMA ANDERSON & GUSTAFSON TTTJtA. OKTA. PrmiMUIlGH. PA. CHICAGO, IIJ,. Petroleum Products Kan KranHaen, Cal. NEW YOltK. N. V. KT. M)l IS MO. PIIO.Vi; 7J0 KAs htv. mo. l.i:vi o. Great American Refining Co. Petroleum Products Kclirery, Jennings, Okla. Phone 83'JO 419-14 New Wright Bldg. MUSKOGEE RUINING COMPANY Muskogee, Oklahoma NAPHTHA K I IUKKNE has on. I I K.I, iilL r.i-iiKicATrvo oil PAltAFFINU WAX CASOI.I.VE Tret-o-Lite Saves Waste Oil - 500 Mayo Bldg. Phone 5624 'I -i-