Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, ntTTEMBER 11, 1918 FOCH TO ACCEPT ENVOYSVANSWER Belief at Washington is That Evcntd In Hermany Will Not Change Status. EXTENSION MAY BE GRANTED Few More Hours May Re. Civen if Asked For On Ac count of Courier's Delay. 1iMioN, Nnv 10 A rneiwuge from i In- German commlniiarli-a to tin- lii-nii-iii high command trans liuite.1 t the French giivcitiinoiil WilrlcSH I'liys; "Wo acknowledge receipt if ! w rn.l i announcing the arrival t the four commissaries tdi-bgaic) n. I tlii-ir probable delay for iwinn lid ui a" Ilevi.l here tin- ii H. i.nfi.i I fi. 'ir. W'lll'l ln f.w unit vv'i'ii'l I. M K:v'l, Willi II . I.J," I lull Willi liil.'l happen c. 111 Gi l lliany cml'l IliilKn IM I ' 1 1 '1 1 1 1 o 111 I In' ti rill which ll.lVP been I J I t ilnwn l.y lhi I'nlliil HiiH-i and the II i I J (-M f'T I I'MH I I Inn Of ll'l;:l 1 1 1 1 1" Them- dim, nr till- lll'ili- Hi-VI'l" condition which may l.i- c juried If the Tito linns .'iimlcH hrivc 1 o wait f'-r the hiii ii'iiilcr nf indivi.lTil mil's of Hie ln'iii'ii Geimiin fin i i will i ' 1 in-.- Hi.' r ti 1 1 1 r v-,' I.. I, ill.. r i.f I I if'l Mill liy .ll 111' 1 1 1 I i. 1 ".II "I Ml" :n M.UVIIl'.l i.ill. 1 I , g I 1 ' I . I'f Willi I f'iflii nf .r,. i-1. hi. 1 1 '...! f(u. 'ii' in.iy i Imlil Hi.' i "in" 1 1 I ' r I'n I Ni May He In lil 'it Lleiin o'clock I rem h llinii n 6 "'i Im k In tin- iiiiiinii .r in tin- i .i'i' ITU I lilted Mill. i I ' l.i VH In i II lil 1 1 "Mil M'Sl'Mi tioiv ln.'ll'" I ' I. ill' In III-' mill n nig I "i ' i '"'I " w I" f "i ' . t .' I ii" .'. M MUTT AND JEFF SOME RECRUITS ARE PAINFULLY POLITE. by Bud Fishei I h i.- . . I ii i n.i.-T ', I'm. Khl i.ffi i- i ' h " . 1 1 .i n v v li.'i 1 inn ; lm WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 -Hod ri-vnliitluii In Germany up-'" tin lii'i. lM i.f the ul'ill' iiUi'ii and n ik Ii t "f I hi- k iliT apparently Ih accomplish II, K the. uiicHpci.tiil liv throwing riiiiiut)' InUi lln- Ii.-iihIm "f ii tvoih in. h h anil soldier' tcgnm- willmiil breaking tin- ttirri'l nf government ;u- impairing I hi- in il' ntial-i "i im-.-riiiii.iiii- envoys w;illini within the kill i'il linos. Tin- prevailing view here tonight In General Kuril Hllll Will ur : pt ihe Kixii.itiiri-A gf tin- envoy t tin. iliuiiiniiit would riul the mir, If thi-y desire, to algo upon In Itructinn from lli-rlln r the Her nial) great lniid'iiiirteia before tho iXplriitlon ir the time limit II 'clock tomorrow morning, Freiiah tin 1 1', I A u. in., Washington timet. In minm quartois II 1" believed that even a request for a taw huuni Mti'imlun of time might be. granted If it runm from Kn-ilnrlch Hlinrt, itifl nnw rhaiK-nllor aipilnn-d v an m-nry of n-Ki-ncy uml rpi-oKiiixi-d m hi-iul of Urn rvrrnrrii-nt hy t IfaHt a liixg ii-lion of tho revolu llonarlo!. urlT In IM-Iiiyrl. rhynlrnl cllfflc-nltlm previ-nled tho roiirli-r bt-arltiK III" urnilHitro ti-rtn (rout r-at'httiK iJi-rniim liiaihiiiiilnr iintll 111 o'rliM'k thlH iiiiirnlim, 47 hour aflM- tho limit hiul lif-n fixoil Kuch a riim-t nilcht l maili- tiy wlri-N-wi If It appeared liiipiiallil for tho courlpx to Ki-t through the llni-a oh tlm. If grutitoij it ii ho- lii'ii- ili.ii tin- iiu," fi w 1 1 tin ii I I In- i;ii'iiilli i,f If tlllll )lp'l-lH ..l" i lain miU ..H".i I" in f'iriii.'i f ion I o i lei i.'.i I I Xpl-I'll'il. Tlion- w 'ii l i'f ri'iiH il'irlur Hi- 'III V l-'l "III 'II," I I ' 'I" III" .1 IT" v t'l-niT.'il ii' iff r iv. I '"i" r.'i,' (".,i ri'"'l in I li.i ' II," I. i :i- i Ii i'l f .i"l rtri.iMl ill" 1,1 ill.y lii.r.lir i.f ll'illill-l lll'lll .-il,l, Wll'T'' III' llll'l lll'l lI'lWTI llio ri-li- i,f iiiii' mi' war 1 r -1 .il rin i""TI iii'.'i,liii ir'"ia a Tw limns lir-furo. ril'wi iUHpiiti hi-fi from llio fi-r-miin H'atliiii at Naiif-n hy tho rmval railiii ii.woih iit Arlli'iirtAii rav- tho surlalllM I'MfliTM' i'llai'ili nf ovliltl ' rii HHjilrini-r at IIitIIh aint nlHi-wlmro "f Iiu- nli'tliall'iii nf prlm-ra iiinl t llllTH. I'f It'll I .Minn KiilllK I'V'T IO II," ",(.,l"V ,-.HiTliliIT,l." Ull Willi III III' Hlll'ltllillll l,f III I American Fliers Active In Itombing Operations lip tin- Anmlnt4-1 I'MHI wirn TiiK AMi-:ntfAV army ON TIIH; HI'MiAN I-KiiNT. Nov. 10.- Miirn than I'll') A iihthuii fliorn attar-koil ttio ri'Uliin nf M"iitin,1v Moniliiy afiornonn, minm of thom Irnpplnir Kin .oun,l ImiiiiIin on ttio Montmoity i.illr.'a.l piix-tiona, whilo olhora ilrnpiii'.t 20-pounil honihii along thn roail wnyit ami whornror onomv tronpa tto nlKhtod. A nnml bor of firoa ri'nultoil from the tiomb Ing In Muntmoily. t Cl I IK LOW': Of MIKt, KA I I I fc' A,.'"T . , w- Vk-'Lt ? 7ou"t:e tilt in tit COMVAM. VT It, bf. A Ilritish War Cabinet Holds Long Session IiNIKi.N, Nov. JO. - Tho war rali-Ini-t Mat Into tiinlKht, l-r-'inli-r t.lovl lli'iirK" havlnif lotiiriii'd purpnoi-ly from tho i-mmtry. Mr. Ilalfonr. tho fnrolirn mlnlalor. hint nn anitii-ni'o loiliiv Willi tin- klnir. war tn thn Tattoo ZnlliinK of Itrr altuatlon. hna pimiponod Ii4 prnji'i t od tour of tho provlnoo. j - m : I . ... j-. . . 1 caw't vcy tie A vevsifc, J . I .i T TOlT i uatuL. iife'J I till vdu n hai M-fc J J V. y- V-JL I if.'. KAue DOaje AMTM) IA i V-' " " I -:-.. .1 I I . 7 p?Jt j Y SHARED CHOCOLATE WITH FRENCH PEOPLE Tiilann W'rltoa He Mnw Uir fjrrnt Ho. Ikif Work of Oil" Hvanljiiliiii lu i IxtuhLuIoiI Ti-rrltory. "I "aw tlimimnds of J'iomh n-fu-i)o ycwiprday on the road, all bare foot, moat of thorn with only one garment on and all irtarvlnc. A bunch of thom Juat mine In and tlie T gave thom what few nupplli-a thi-y had. and O, xrd how thi-y ate' The hlda ai-tually H.-knl the tin from thi, i'ii., I,, K,.( ,e laift drop nf rhorolatn In thi-ni," wriloa W. II I'miniiv. a Til li.i n who tin !ern nn Dm lialtln froat In l-'ranco. A li-tior friiin n Tulaan who haa eoi-ji I lit want and atarviitlon lu tho ili'V.imali-il lorrlloiy of Krauro in rlvlnu in advanco of Iho unii.'d war work i-aitipaiKn lirlngtng I h In iih-h-a-AKo l.i a n iiin al (tircrt to every per. on In Oklahoma to do aomethini; in ,',"a', jhhi) DOCTOR WARNS TO BEWARE OF BACTERIA Rlmplfl MottHMli to Prerrnt Rrrnr , rrnm of Inflnrnx Now Ttiat the Han Uoa IW-n Uftod In Statn. Iiilpiiig i;i., the alali-H iuul aud ..mi Buimri i no It. "In knuw that' we are to le. per mltii'd to hIi.iih with the atrickon iiuiKiaua and I' ll in n pmp the coiu toita w Nijiily llm Yaiikwunny ap. piia.ia lu me in inn Uiun anythiliK that iiaa brn-ii Mini n hunt raiauu; thia fund, -.a much of It K"i Juat aa tha choc) late to tlni-Hj huiiKry t-'renr.h children ill i r . t-.i ii, io a V hut ou tit I'M-iMi trimt," auld K. W. Btnciajr, Uilitlll'l lll.lll.140r. Mr. l uiiiruy writs from J'arls aa follnwH: '"Hun la a dlmual rainy HuniUy i vuniiu; - not very oold tail dlfUKn-e-ubly ciuily. I uuug bark ami night 10 thu ti. O. H., which tueuna tha m-rvue i.f iiipplli-ji, and grneruily mirk of tlie a,.uv fiKhting. Tha lit -tit- town I am 111 la omi ruri-ntly held ly lliu tii.-i inaiia and haa bct-n aub-jixtt-d to mo much i'lunbardmetil that ii"t .1 I'Ui'iliug la iiiUti t and tew vsi-n of 1 In- r in tin are aiumling. 1 haw llioiiHaiKjM uf l''ri irh rofumnn yi-mer. ilay mi thn mud uml It Haa u pitiful Mglit -iil'l mt-u and women muatly narrfnui, ruk'K'."l i lntlilnK, what few thc-y IimiI - .11 il.- In and girla from infarilH to lu i'ui 11 of ae. all bare foot, innat of Uii'in with only one kaiTiiiTit and all of tlium atarvlni;. A Iiu Di li juhI r.uiiti In lu-re luid the Y gave thi-ni what few auppliea they hail, and 1 1, l,..i,l. Iiow they aie! I inner knew winu it w aa to b so hungry. The klda would actually Ink l lie tin fri'tu the i.up to gel the l.i at drop of chocoiute In them. The irfiiKeva wort- from town that have recently been held by the (ler mana ami which the French and Ami-rlcuiiN took the laal few Uaya. "You ere theae Americana fight! Nothing can amp them. I aaw them charge up a long hill right in the face uf a withering machine I'uii fne. They never watered. Aa con aa ona man fell, another at c li pid lulu Iiih place and on they went aa unconcerned aa If 011 a parade. 1 111 y ait Himply irrmiatiblo. The tiermana aliuply can't atop them. They have the nerve and U la hard to hold them buck, "And the artillery la fliM. I aaw a barrage laid down that waa In a linn almimt aa auuight aa cou.d l-e ; drawn. The French have ahown ' them how and they learn nuu klyj and aoon oxcell. They auie hate the CiermaiiH on the run. Uueaa the lii-r-, iiiiuh did not figure on leaving huh 11 aa they have fine aix-foot plate hIohu mirrora and porceialn bulluuba In I Lheir dugouta. Many were of con-' ciete. 1 paired aoverai thouaand Ui-rman prlaonera recently taken, and Homo of them were not over; II yeura old. All seemed disgunti-di and tired, .Vnd none of them want to get back. "iou ought to aea thoae tanka work. Tiny JuhI run over every thing; nothing aiopi ttiem except the big cu.ilier guna. t never thought lh.r u .T. 11,1 inuni' a.irtil.nB tn I he world an 1 to eeen lately and in t hia I uorkmen-, and Solilion.' ConncM S.H "Nnw that the epidemic of Influ enza la aiippuHed to he over and the ban la lifted, It would aeem we ahonld draw anme prartlca.1 leaeona to prevent a reptjrrenca at loAnt of the present epidemic. If poaaible." aalrt Ir. VYe. H. (Mlntnn, yeaterday. "I'vi-ry effort nhould ba made to auppnrt th i.fficen charred with the ronpmiNlblllty of enforcing the exlatlng lawi. and the preaent condi tion may lie Improved upon by oh aervlng the following: All Htnroa. theatera, rhurrhea, ho tola. hnspltals and bulhllngi of any kind nr chnrarter where people rnthi-r. nhnuld be propprly ventilat ed. 1 if tho two dangeri, It la per haps lew dangerriiii to have a pl.ioe too col. I than too hot There nhntiM tie pn-ppr change nf air In nil living, Bleeping find hiislneH ojinrtora. Kveryhndy ehould beware of the btioterial barrage. The American .Nfedlcnl Jntirnal re ferred to a report of the American expeditionary forcei which Included tho following eleven dlaeaae which wore ronaldered as respiratory In fections: a) Mump, mefistea, sc.irlet ferer, diphtheria, meningitis lb) Itrom-hltls, Infliienxa, pneu mnnli tonHilitla (ncute), phiryngitla lacute). t'rowilnir and olnso personal con tict. together with Improper ven tilation, unhonlthful food and undue fatigue will encourage the dissem ination nf all the Lbovo diseases, any one of willed may prove destructive under certain circumstance, and all are disabling at any t.mi "Incidentally, these and numer ous other diseases, such as typhoid fever, tuberculosis and venereal dis eases, may be distributed through Ice cream parlors, soft drink stands, restaurant, hotels, burlier ehnpa, nnd nny place whore n so, pa rate and clean service is not maintained and dishes, receptacles, ut 'nsils, towels, hands, etc., nre not kept clean and whore carriers, or amhu atory types of the disease nre not discovered and Interned." I'vacc "lh w were wpry.'- ny the fle. "VV' .aw thn fil nf tatuUlii treiwl I'pon iiur karrml ant, a, ,n,l tiwonl Tho .lirmlii by wlkitJl our eiilii irra atirred tli.Mo w lov-u irere IramplM auwn. ) iai.'il on many a rutiie-i town. And kiiw our noiiiea toi in tlie patA 11 rriifcfeiin lual aii4 l-riuo-iaii wralb Axil yet wa tn 1 a no cry for peaca ner prayea iv iiavs tn eannuua "llunrer had left na wink and fain. And y-l a utlorad no eomplaint. lair ayoa bad kmkod on (iliAy acaaM; All ttval a l'ruin warfare means, Wa'd wrtneasod. and wa nniieratood How law Una dennin, if ha emiid. Would elnk to win hit foul di-aira. Wa'd aeon our tompin aet on frra And yet thrmixh ail our anraiadiad erkia Tli we roite 1.0 plea for c juipromiaa. "We are your oVadl W, rare owr youth To bund a Unlll. peace ou trntk. tta rw our little henwa laid low. thir motiieri bear a 1'ruftAiaii blow tur rbildren mauni-d bv gray-ciad noaU. ,mt el unmoved we kept our Mnta And rav our Uvea that time ah-uulil brinf llniAJ-urtwin to Ml I,ai a tiijllg I bry diuile.l peai e bmfurw our eyea And Wo refuiiid to couiproiniae. "Oh we were weary, airk and eer. Heaih'a mark had iirnal!e.l every door. AimI dtuKiialion Itirealei.eii Ihen. ) el wn warn true to Ood and mea. iveiiolil ua now. aa m arise VA bo m i g ti t ham hed l,y rompromiae. If strong for buttla lliey remain. We il.aJl have ijivmi our hvea in vain. If M-a.-a ton make with them. ,e aurt ll la the pence which ih:.4 endure." (Cj.)r 1-1,1 lls bq 11 jar A. Iriieat.) WH OLEnSrAWlTOrAN IZED FOR UNITED WAR CANVASS WOMEN URGED TO BE AT HOME FOR CENSUS lnlted War Work Campaign Will (.atlicr stntiMtlcH and Glre Infor mation About Money. MANY TOWNS JOINING WITH REVOLUTIONISTS I'p Authority In tlmra-llP, Mann heim, .Vun-mbiirg and Cnmc1. conn-, kivv und conipieri-d. Nothing in this Hue I hey will not attompl and their connummuto Bkil) and ut- Imp fnu , Iivi,.,m k,iv mil illrii'iVti. corned the llnche. Soon they w ill be ! A MSTKRPA M, Nov, 10 Among bombing llrrhn. l'.ut there are In r a I thn latest towns to come under tho of ltoches left and 1i.ih of fighting yet rntr0 of th, workmen's and mil- tone nunc nenue 1 u-y nn- wniiiiy no- , .. ,, , ... ,, feate.1. nn!. lirinianv ucce.-us ,l"r" """" re Alx la Chapetlo. aooner tn America n pciic- demand. t'lianel, Nurcmburg. Mannheim, fllad- We will win this war Nothing else really matters until we do! 1 al5?r7V 11! Iff 'l'' " 'J ' - J 'J!':i'TT3arlrrVEyt 3e patient here Our Boys are getting WilGLEYS over there! It I wonderful to two the aircraft gun firing on a tiennan plane over. icad and If you are right under the shell In some minutes you can hear the pieces of eharpm-l fragment hit the ground Had a lot of aouvenim picked up on the field but lout them all Will try and get huiho more, a a a RnnnVrhiirg Taken In Itr-vnlntlon. rol'K.NIIAUKN, Nov.' S (Friday). Somlenburg Is in the hands of the revolutionists and tin- rod flag hus been raised on ship there. Mothers Your little one won't amlle If It llver'a full of bile. t'a.rarcts act thing right When kiddles tongue turn whito. Thoy bring relief and Joy To constltiated girl or boy. t'hildren think them dandy Tin-)- are mild cathartic candy. .T I bach nnd Muenster. A gpneral strike has been proclaimed at Nu remrmrg and .Mannheim. Order I1.1 been reetored at Ham burg, where the police have been permitted to resume their duties un der the direction of the workmen's and soldiers' council and places of public tunuaonu-nt have been re opened. At Cologne the whole garrison Kidod with the workers' council, whoxo program Included, according to the (Vlogno Gazette, the abolition of all German dynastic, the annul ment of war loanet, with special con sideration for the subscribers from tho poorer t-liuwes, the liberation of ail poiiuc.u prisoners and the aboli tion of saluting. The military and civil prisoners in Cologne are in the hand of the council and already all tho prisoners have boon released. The majority and minority section of the socialist have been fueed. A muiig the incident of the revo lution Is the renunciation by the grand duke nf Saxe-Weimar and his family of the right of eKemption from taxation. At I.ui'eck a lawyer ws rhargeil with treason because he acted with out authority from the workmen's sin! soldiers' council in liberating prisoners. The Herlln Vnssisehp pitting and Vorw torts confirm the fact that the Inception of the revolution at Kiel Was mistaken In many uuarters for the idea that ji cruise had been or dered and that It wa Intended to give Pa-tie t) the Itritiah fleet. NKW YORK, Nov. 10. nr. John H. .Mntt. director general of the I'nlted War Work campaign, an nounced here tonight that the whole country had been organized for tho drive and that in many cities work ers had received advance subscrip tions. Cincinnati alone is reported to have contributed about Itjoo.oO'i while I'ostville. Iowa, the home of Dr. Mntt, had lust night oversub scribed its quota by f ,non. Cable report stated that $150,000 had nlready been raised In i'orto nicn; the Chilean provincial as sembly In China had appropriated ll.'iii.uOO; and that the emperor of Japan ha personally contributed S IS. 003. OfiDER PREVAILS IN CAPITAL OF BAVARIA, SAYS WOLFF Departing from the usual rule of making; interest in a war fund In stead of un Invitation to gather en ma-Hse, Tulsa women are today urged to truiy at home. Starting; thia morning, workers will visit everv block In the city and have a talk wHh thn women of every household on the subject of a con tribution for the seven great agencies having to do with the morale of the army. In order that every home be leached, the request of the campaign committee is made urgent, and the appeal 1 made for an enthusiastic co-operation. It is planned to have 75,000 contri butions to the fund in tho city of, and that mean that practi cally every person will have to chip in. The executive committee wants every home represented, and every person in every home, if possible. The team will cover every part of Tulsa, and environs today and by noon, the whole city should be ready t,i chip in on the 1250,000 needed, and a nice little over-subscription. Tomorrow, a parade wl'.l be given In which the fathers and mothers of soldiers will take part. A number of novel stunt will be pulled off, and at noon Thursday, the workers meet at luncheon to make further plans to nUse tlie money. Tho stunt-committee haa a num ber of novel Ideas, among them being a bis map that will be erected today os tomorrow, showing every block in the city, f rapidly a a block com pletes Its quota, it will be painted red. "Paint the town red by Thurs day" is the committee slog-an. STOIVIACHjyPSET? Pape's Diapepsin at.once end ournesa, gas. acidity indigestion. Tour mfcals hit back! Your atom acta, la aour. acid, go-say and you fe. bloated after eating or you hava heavy lumps of indigestion pain or headache, but never mind. Here la Instant relief. Don't stay upset! Eat a tablet of Pape's Diapepsin and immediately the Indigestion, gases, acidity and all stomach distress ends. I'ape's Diapepsin tablets are the stfrest, quickest stomach relievers in the world. They cost very little at drug stores. H.Pi:L, Switzerland. Nov. 10. A dlspatrh to the Wolff bureau frnm Munich. .1 copy of which has been rectMved here, sats order prevails in the llavarian capitol. 'Provisioning of the city." the dis patch adds, "is assured. Trains are running Into the city. Tho admin istration has bu n recounjzi-.l. For mer ministers have turned over their offices to their successors. The at titude nf the middle classes his not yet been clearly defined. Kfforts are being made to conciliate the peasants, without the h.,1 of whom tho city is destined to famine." Members of Saetia Crew Landed Safely WASHINGTON. Nov. 10 Eighty- one men who were aboard the Amer ican steamer Seatia, which sank yesterday morning off Orean City, Mo., after an explosion, have been safely landed. In making this an nouncement tonight the navy de partment wild this accounted for "approximately all" of those aboard. The Joy of Motherhood Tolfj Women Tall How Tney Made Evanl Ona of Great Happiness. TnumlrynK-n Get Inrrrasn. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. An in crease of $3.50 a week for all work ers In aundries at Littlo Rock, Ark., exeppt drivers, was ordered today by the .national war labor board, which direct that wage discrimina tion between white and negro wo men be -..topped. Htirulnrs Fmployod at Plant. PKKTIl AM1IOY, N. J., Nov. 10. A rpport that two of the most no torious burglars in New Jersey had been employed 11 guards at the T. A. Gillespie tthiill Loading plant In Morgan prior to tho explosion there on October 4, which cost nearly 100 lives, will be investigated here next r1 aaaVwfa'aiafcaBf in-air PPM Killed a Captain. AMSTKKHAM. Nov. The town commander at Kiel and Naval Cap tain Heine s were shot and killed ' Thursday when tho senate stibcom- wtiiio resisting nrrest. nccording to mittee reopens it Investigation of n dispatch front that place to the Co- the tragedy, according to announce lognc Volka Zeitung. ment today. Getting Heady, "lias you made all aTancementa fo' vour marriage." "Well, not nuita all, lMnah. 1'se got to buy a trnoso. an' rent a house, nn' leer 111:1 Vi hnslvin.t , I,..,. V, i n. Children gladly take Cascarets n .when cross, feverish, bilious, const!- i,r wahin to do. An' when them's j patp.1 i.e.- his,. 1 isc.irets taste like done ah kin name the happy dy." f """- 1 ' ur 'T.11.1 na a lainieu I'eop'e s Home Journal. breath, ooiitcl tongue or a cold --1 i-ive t-ascar-'ts as directed on each Th' Slaty Holler IV-batln club met i , ''"" ' '''" don't w on v ' i,,.st night an' resolv ed that cane sorg- I i asc.iret "rk like .1 charm and i,n, w.,, i u .iv .,,,.... v.' ... . . enn not harm the child's tender lit tle stomach, liver and bowels. jptiiiy spinster, love story behind every Si0r thE same j&mw' In every part of the land there are women who tell how, through the application of Mother's Friend, they entirely avoided tho suffering usauiiy incident to motherhood. Tiny relate in no uncertain terms how from its use the days were made bright and cheerful and the nights calm and restful, how the crisis was passed without the usual differing experi enced when nature is unaided, nnd how they preserved their health and strength to devote it to tho rearing of their children und to tha tliiims lile holds for them. Mother's Friend is a most penutra'. Ing remedy, prepared cupei-aiKy tur expectant mothers from a formula "f a noted physician. Strain upon tin' ligaments U avoided, and instead of a period of discomfort and constant dread It is a season of calm repose. The hours at tho crisis arc le.-.-. and Mother's Friend enables the mother to retain her natural grace, and her skin is not cracked and doe ii"t be come hard or disfigured. Write to the Hradfield Iieguli-nr Company, Dept. I., Lamar Itui.ding, Atlanta, Georgia, for their M ithei hood Hook, and obtain a lott! - nf Mother's Friend from tho druggist today. BACKACHE and H.FENDRICH, Its now banded to insure your getting the genuine: Quality uneqttaled Sold in Tulsa everywhere 'you go Maker EVANSVILLE .INE). T 1 lTf nr.'ii. t- 1 1 j-iimuer'up wiin reni'iraiing Hamlin's Wizard Oil. A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of l;hi".ni i- ti-sm, Sciatica, Iinie Hack and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard m.. H penetrates quickly, drive out sore ness, and limbers up stiff ucliinb' Joiirts and muscles. You hate no ideft how useful H will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there 1 need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, 113 in rases of sprain, bruises, cut., burns iiit-s and stings. Get it from drnggisls for .M . en's. If not satisfied return tho bottle and get your money luck. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Jutt try Wizard Livr Whip, pleasant littlo pink plii. cenus. Guaranteed 1 WANT Km LOST AND rotJND 1.1 1 ST Two pirn, one blark and tn otner a ngiil red; rewara .111 '! for ri'.i;ri tn 7 1 .North l.ln.ln. f.b3T Brow'n" Tax tit la Mcva a V. findt-r rail 7716; reward. UIST Small w'hiT"and bi;i.'k " oo-e. ncrew tail hulldoj with rrri"s '" Kranonable reward. Phone 4-0- D)ST 'n pair "ladi'a note flii- r ward if retnrned to Information, I'' Office. Usf La's blaek leather purw. ft'--rd Phone -74;. IAVST lUafiT fnT noekpieoe en road near Ramona ; ri-ward. Call ltKi-. UW TWO SXTTlVH TKRrtlKRS: ln blark hair, short lci, one wiw ree'i cellar and one without collar. Itelnrn n 1812 S. Chi-yenne or phone 6106. Liucrt. reward. LOST Brown and white foi terror. " lr llrenae Ilfl. Ki-iJer sri'.l 1 or rail at 1311 S Main.Rward. COST liuiriookron"tainiric l ''l in ' ir, reney and registration rard in nan '" Kobert K. Downing. Kinder lear- WsPid ofiica, Y 85, and raeaira revarl,