Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DA TIT WORLD, THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1018. EMPEROR RENOUNCES AUSTRIAN AUTHORITY 7; MUTT AND JEFF WFF COULD DISH OUT THESE SESTESCES 1SDEHS 1TKLV. by Bud Fisher Public Records C1inrr-a Ismic iK-cn-e (,llng I i Fur. Il:lllim In ft. ill- r stair I iidor New I (ic (''. PEACE TO HEAL ALL WOUNDS l-die "Hiippioi-s-." of I ''iili- mill ll(iM- War I nil MI rroM-ril y l Nation. iicmi i ; i:n mrr Kmpcmi t 'hurl, a a lot I llv ii rrlt ui I kii rt '.'i'i a l f (I UI Id c, c,ls a il.'t'l Vienna. 12 t New iih.-h District Court. Mf f, 1 "" ( c f , 'iou IKOvUiN t IMfyl ( w-M . YOU SlfM t Veu TjOM'T KAiCW (vjlfcry CCCO! I0W t'U B(T rog ) 9 " - St.,!. . ril vh II. Wade Injqnc- I yrti wl) VklW 'J I Va.AKMli' W SMCUlD ( WM AT VuuAt-'Cfee b MCAAtV Hi-lAR CU CAN'T JC . liberty drug slo.e. Int 4 1H(aT 1Mt . 0,1 CM - " "l w fc- ( i t-OAj Dt ti 1'UC B T Vow CAM'T G.Vte M6- .. WMtb" AOTHefe' . Ame,,,',, .-I ' .i I I'.-i iik i. M .f . WO ,M f K.CHr.j t' AVUAebAT cUTT.' JV'J :iae, . .,, : ... I AAi.t,tbiB ;i 7 (X ffl fcsi I j E3Hr(NTMtJ Viz 6 - r V f i- ;. r. N,i,.,,.al I !.,! m. I" M THt CAlU ? 1 S LL Ii t V ll' 1 wt ' V TA M0J?NIAJS.' iS .- 9 i tL I l" I'm 1 r-XiUl' ... 1 1 I a O i'i t , A.V rTi". -aaC v. v Col'F.NHAi I.N N..V. i: I in .-w llMl UMIt n. i ."' V-r . ' I ! I I Cijvv-, fc'-V i "JXi.f I T.- I I fTrWW i.j3PWe" J; m ,.v. , t. -r..: :, M.i.i,,,,. A t,;i . s, .-. Yicr c ft, LL1 V UlM5?s2J.'t? J j : "toss. vi1 oh'v j.eior 'liui lii fin tn the ' I f i mi fall, Irttllcrf til.' turn : Since inv in-' kiiiIIV tried t.. frurn this If r ii i lint delayed the ' c rv constitutional mkIi'h n of ii way fiir the pcu H..1 naliniiul v ii . i in in HII Unalterable In e fur III H! mil. Willi niv pel win fl' .tlii e In Ihcll free itcvr II ek (low ledtf c the llei'lsinn iVrnmn-Austria in form dial. . .ie people have fiy their ilcpu Ills f i Ken el 1. 1 1 go i if the K'Hi'lllMH'll1 I relinquish i'Vitv pa ' ' Icipa' i"ti in the fl d I II 1 11 1st 11 ' lull nf I lie Male like wise I lime rclcHHod th,. iiictiilicrs nf the Austrian government from llielr office,. "May the i Icriiinn-A list rlan people realize harmony from the new ad JUHtnirnt. 'The liapplncifH nf my pen ple was Iny a I in fnini th begin ning My warmest wlnhea am thut an Internal peine Kill he able In heal tlio wound of this war. (Hlgnedi MAia.i.a" COPF.NI I Al I KN. Tuesday. Nov 1J. Oermaji-Aiialrla liaa heen proclaimed a part if the tlerman republic liv the data council, any a a dispatch from Vienna. British War Cabinet Will Soon lie Called LONDON, Nov. 1J. fVUi Mon trJ.) Thn Imperial war ralilnet, Heuter'i II nil ted I mi r no, mmti will re urn ltd alttlng" tn order to ili'llu frata on tha trm of peaea. Thara lao will ha Important conference and dlacuanlona In lindnn between tha Imperial anj dominion alatna man. I'ramlar Dotha of Hotith Africa, the Tlmra aaya. la romlnur to FMiflanrl at once to attend tha aei lona of tha war otttiluet. "frvpAtiaU for Oiaolina. KerMn. T41H. rll-altn (Mil an1 llrMMHi. Offlcr of Oil Hraneh. UnirUrmulf r Cain II. H. Army. At rktmben Htraat N.w York. Hmr4 pronaaaU will bn rereyrl her vnlil l at.. Noyenber 0lh, 1 e 1 it, and than open, ad. for farniihlnf a tbrea monLa' (.Imrta. ry rbrorr Mrch, 1918) upply of III tin. KonMeno, l,obrleatlnv Olli and tlreaaa for tb Army. I'roptiaal forma and itaodnla of rMnlrtroanU will bo lurnUbrd a appUraUoa. ' ft 1 Suitable LOiil for Your Home Wllili BK VKIIV KOAUlli JSLOrderNovv Tt'IrflA nFTTAII 00 N. Ikralilrr. roAL -o. rhorw SINS $500.00 In Gash and Awards One of the most enjoyable and interesting contests ever offered in Tulsa will be the Rebus Gift Contest Which will be published in Next Sunday's issue of the TULSA WORLD at Over $f)00 in Cash and Awards have been contributed by The World and many of the leading business men of Tulsa, for solutions to the Rebus Contest, and their gifts without exception are well worth your time and consid eration. Therefore, our advice is WATCH FOR NEXT SUNDAY'S TULSA WORLD E3 m m III IT. I I, ii'iii hmj! Ji I II fertt k Ii. I I.I U.lale Hilliill ll, ll, li .'I I l"l HIIIK nil nnilth.'1 i r lii Mm ( i 10. f ;inii l, ,11 l o III.', lii,- k M.' . i, Mm, m I-' Marl -', Il I '. A.-k. IM , .111,1 U I ff (O I I. I I'll I I. I. in. k fl, I'.llll I'.ii k a.l.lri.,.i. A S lner. iitlnrney fnr W. Vlner In A. .1 .lenklllH. tl. I, 'Id 23-2.1, lil'li'li .1, ('l iid'lltinii llrJ' and A. '. Stnlil In J. A i"lurk Int i, hlnek , I'liernkea lleltfhtj) mlillt Inn. r. i imriiiiiler atui wife to W. P. MiKire. tlu.nuu, Int I, mi lion A, and loin 3 4. aei tlnii , I V U, t'. I'. iH-mlt mi. I wife to H. Mnnka meller. ti.liuo. lot 10. Iil.ek Is, llur Keaa lllll. I. . M r'nrry nn.l wife tn J. O Hpiir. (Mil, II.ITi, liita 7-H-II-10, blnPk 17, Ml. Dun. I iiililltlnii. J J. ilrneiken tn Biiine, $ 1 7 f, lota :!-: blin k 17. Mime iiddltlnn. W. M. Kewel and wife tn T. I. HnlliiK, til.liOO, Int H, block 8. Ilur-rcas lllll. It. I" Kirker (in wlfe to ?. A. Jar. num. IIi.'iO, lolH I (,-!, block 30, Went TlllMI. II. IT. liraveti In K A. Jui-kott, $100 lot 4H. bin, k 14. Illenn View. Same tn II 1-tiiinnn, $IUU. lot 31, hlorlc 7. Ulenn View. :. I'uni,, tn M i:. iimm, $7110, i,n 7 and Booth 2T, feet Int H. block 21, dak Hi.l ire iiibllllon, Hand Hprlntr. (1. A. Hutrev to (I. McKalvr-y, $10. half Interest lot 19, block 3t. Hand Hprln. i McKelvey to (I A Itutary. $10, w.nt :2 . feel lot I'., block 36, Hrnid Hprlnna. J. W. Hhiukleton and wlfa to M. M. Khuckleton. $1, lota 9-10, block 4. Klin I'ark addHlnn. V. iMinean and hnaband to U. V. HhlHItiK, $1100. lota l.-JS, block 6, Overlook I'ark aiblltlon. W. I. Ownby to I'. I V Ownby, $1, 1-2 Intercut, lota 13-I4-15-1H, block, 21. Ilroken Arrow. W. K. Haiiey et al, to 10. A. lllll, $1, anat half Hotith went nnrtheaat 31-21-11. Nrw t'liartrr. OKIVHO.MA CITY, Nov. 11 Chartera have been uranted to the following new rorporm lona: Minn, i company, Tiilau. Inrorpor atnl: A. K. lwla. W. U Iwla. It. C. Ijimprlch. Tulaa. Capital mock $25.00. Hell Fellow, attnrneya. Mathea Hboa company, llurtle-ivtlle. Incorporated: Henry A. Mathea, Hnrtliirvllle, laldoro Mathea, Iwmta II. Kher, Ht. JoiiIm. (ailtal atock $H,C,II0. lluarantv Truet company, Okla homa City. Iticorporiiled : H. II, K-mlth, W. J. ArttiHlrntiK, A. V. Mo I " 1 II.. Mi,, .,1, l in !, III fent IntM ' I t I.. Mink Ii. 'I.iinlale Hlllillfll lirnl III . -t' I J . . I 1 1 1 1 i , FREE! Vay, oklaliomi t -'lill (lllll I.' n v i il i . i .i. .. ...... . r i " " - , , - 'n i j-jj.jiiik t I V. 1 ln 111 Mttii'L l''oieiKn I'enpiea Thrill Aw" la tion. WllnilriKtoii, Iiel. I lie I!,i, k I'l Lroleum I'oiivor, Colo. company, llslrlin Court. H. I'adlico. minor, by next Meml " viowiiruy t mlertakiiiK $I5.SI peraonal Injuiw company, .M' Mh oompany vs. M. C. Jotiea, et al., J4II.S m--coon t. National llunk of fTommerco va Oil t liy Uiun.lry, $.1,ij0i on note. National I'ank of "oiiinicn e tt W V. Hlieplarril, $6,i00 on nnta. SuM-rlir Court. A. Miller v. W. It. Miller, iHvor.-r, i. Sianlon vh. .1, i anlnn, divorce. I- .1. VVIIIIama, Jr.. friuior. by next friend H. Mowbray Inder'takliiK cninpiiny, $10, H.O personal Injury. II V. .ket-t a. K. Krkcrt, dl-Vo-rca. (tiuntjr Court. K. II Criiinrine, vh. HiiKhea Motor company, $;t,1s 71 on contract. K. ,1. liavjdNon va. V. It. Kerr. $233 1 u on contriict. " In re adoption laura Irene KItlott minor. In m aanlly Albert flordnn. In re anility Janiea Nnlan. In re nutate Joaeph V. Ilen.lrbk. deceuaed. In ip fHtate of Mary Kophla Cart rlnht, minor. In ro fatate of Fred Haaklna, minor. In re ealate tlren K. Smith, de ceuaed. In re certate of John .el-jler, dn cwiaed. Marrlaicc Llcorwrei. Waller T McM'Uin, leillrui. Tex , and Mra. Itennln, KariKia C'ltv. Mo. Warranty !Im. O. N. Wlcklaer to I. A. Knklns; $600; lot t, block 47, Hand Spring. II. Ilornncker et al. to J. H. Over atreet; $f,0fl; lot 18, I'erryman Melghta addition. t J. H. Ilrown and wife to N. Col- ' Una; $1,250; lota 3 and 4, block 7. l'.roken Arxow, and trlnnnrular piece Wei! .f liHK .1 Hid 4 lllni-K 7 li I pal t I northeaat antitheaat 10-M-I4). W. T. aad A. Itrooka to Mra M. Vance; $IR0; lota 7 and 8, block 2, Ilroken Arrow. K. T. Cue to M. Cue; $1; lota 1. 2 ami 3. block 20, Tulaa. K. XV. Hlnclalr mid wife to D. A. Itaxter; $1; lot S. block 8, Ktone braker HetKhta addition. At the Palace Friday and Saturday VIVIAN MARTIN Her Cbantry First' H. M. I'tinly iiml wife to I,. M. Smith; $1; lot. 31 and J-', block 3, Collofct View addition. K. Wella et al. tn It W. Tammeri; $7,K40; Houlhwest 15-1S-14. C. Pane, to C. S. llairt.H; $32'i; Inte 1. -, 3 and 4, Sunrise adilltion to Sund SprlnifK. .1. .1. liroeken and wife tn ! K. Harris; $60; lot 1, block 4, .Midland addition to Hlnyft 11. It. Crewn and wlfn to V. IV Mouatnn; $9,0il0: lot 1U, block IS, '. MornlnKMldP adilitlnn. C. Klirln to C. C. Hall; $?LT,: lots ' 7 and M, block 3. All ium nil.litloii. II C I'.iin, inl ami wife to i'. (i. 1 Tlbbena: $12. .Mill; lot 3. block 8, , Stolid, 1 IcIk'htM addition. S. W. WilHiin to Mr. S T Wal.l rep: $2.1110: wcit 3r. feet Iota 6 ami 7. block L'. C.lllette-llall addition. It. M. Itartiell and wife tn V. K Kerr: $1; Iota 21 and 2T Highland nddlllnn to Red H. I'arker iiml IniHband dick; $700. lot &, block i. block 2, Foik. tn A. T.v 3!, Hed I.'ork. K. A. Fuller et al. to fl. R Hain.'v; $3Sii; lot 3K, block 37, -Went TuNa aiblitlnn. W. W. Fox nod wife to M. IIUk'hea:.$K00; lot 3, block 3, Illll UlJco mldltlnn. ItiiildliiK IVnnlia. , W. TI. kiper, 1 -Ht my frame dwell In. not ll), block f,. Ohio addition. S r.oo. A. S. Vincr, 1-Ktorv frame ir:irace, lots 3 and I, block 10. I'ark lllll ad dition. $.'".0. J. I'. McCarty, 1 -store cement Mock Karate, lot 6, block 166, Tui.i, $125. stop forgIscausFs arrest for car theft The fact that there was very lit-' tie gasoline In the tank of the big; Hudson nutomobiU' hMoming tn W. M. Kellum aided In the capture of F.dgar and Henry l'crk dilre es- terday jnornlng by Cap'. John j Woods, Dud HcynnKIs and Lawrence ! I.ytton of the city police for, . The. car was reported stolen Tuesday' night and was found yesterday , morning southeast of the city In the ditch. It was in rood condition. , Hiding, the three officers did not , have long to wait until the men came up with a can of gasoline and I made ready to pour It Into thr tank. They were hroticht to the pn lice station und booked for investi gation. I I.fino.OiMi boys and 2.000 000 girlal are fighting and working for you. ARTISTIC PHolGRAFHY 1 Our Work Is Backed By Years of Experience We Also Sorvuillao In Artistic Framing aJeVstieldre Rivkita Phone M6S w r m l mm - ' 1 .... . , - , Business of Being a Housewife. 1utl..t l.. wt....lnd Many women are wondering whyllor' Washington correspondent and ii is that some of the foods they ' carefully canned this summer are perfect and others Just the opposite. It makes them wonder how the com mercial canner managed to have good luck every time. The French were the first people tn preserve fruits and vegetables. A to izo was awarded In I M0 for the best method of canning, that food could be aave.l from periods of Plenty to be used In the out of sea ton periods. The Information was fought for the benefit ,,f tho whole world. Although the French made the first discovery, tho final devel opments in the canning industry are due primarily to Americans, and to day canning Is one of the most suc cessful and necessary Industries in America. The national food producers have i lie very best equipment aw svlcn tific management. Th factories an s Hillary In every respect and lo cated wherever the food Is pro- "' m tne greatest quantity and llll' and best quality. The vegetables frul's are canned the same day they are picked A very interedtlnir thlnir reirnrdina- the picking of fruits which may be entirely new to many Is that there Is a period of about two nh.ii ine rriilt or vegetable is at Its great est perfection. This period must be , looked fur, the expert In charge sees ' the foods are not picked before , or after that time, or the fine flavor or quality is lost. The, iralherlnt. is done while the dew la still n the m and they are dinned, rendy Ing F.very precaution Is token hv the commercial canner to inaure success ind perfect result In her home canning- the housewife is handi capped by the lack of conveniences uf the factory and of the expert skill i'f trained canning experts, there fore she will often spoil some foods un.l thereby waste food that we are1'"1 h!a second war time mission In trying an patriotically to save. War gardens have done a great ileal to mipply our wants and we all wart to exercise great care in pre venting waste by spoilage In home canned goods ainlin using all canned good without waste. 1h of la-ft Over Vcgctablca. A hit of canned cairn left frivm dinner will add food value and fla vor to griddle rake-, for luncheon. If there is a cupful of corn to griddle cakes enough for three the cakes Mill syrup and a beverage will fur nish enough nourishment for the entire meal. cupful of left-over canned to-'he in itoes may be made into a delicious ! nice that will make a cheaper meat tasty or a meat substitute more np- : peuiTing. I 'INinuito Snnisp, i 1 cup left-over canned tomatoes. I 1 bay leaf N 1 teaspoon chopped onion, j I tablesponii left-over canned celery j Cook all together 1 fl minutes. I Press through a sieve Thicken with I one-half tablespoonf ui cornstarch j slid one tahlespoonful oleomargarine blended together. Cook until clear, j Season and ervo hot. I A cupfiii of left-over canned peas ! will afford an attractive edible gar- nish fnr the Sunday dinner main , iiisn. w nether it be lamb roast, rag out or a meal sui'siiiuie loai. I rerhaps the most general use for left-overs is in soup. I Cm we ever pay our bo s for they are ibayig'' No. The war workers will look after your boy for you. TWO NEWSPAPER MEN OCCUPY HIGH OFFICES KanKoa Honors I'rofiwlon by IHivt Inx Governor and Senator Front lluiika of Wrlu-m. .TOPF.KA, Kan.. Nov 1,1. The election of flovernor Arthur Capper to tha I'nlted Htiitea aenate and Henry .1. Allen to the chair of rov ernor, continues tha lonir aucceaalon of newnpaper men to the hiKheat of fleen within ihe gift of the people of the atatc of Knnaas. lloth the-ie men have followed the newspaper biml neaa exclusively and each hiw achieved auccesn, ImlldlnK P their present newspaper planta from con cerns of very modest proportions at the time they acquired them. Not until 1911 did tiovernor Cup per (tet actively Into politic. In that year he became a candidate for governor, but was defeated for the nomination. Four years later, however, he landed both the nom ination and the office and la now completing his second term as the state's chief executive. invernor Capper waj born at riarnett, Kan., July 14, 1KS5, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Capper. He j spent his boyhood In tiarnett. grad i Hating nt the tiarnett high school. I Following his schooling, he Immedi ately took up the printer's trade at the age of IS, as compositor In the Topcka Dally Capital. The ordi nary printer acquainted with the first duties of a boy In a printing of- flee thus the fact that the' newly elected senator began his bus iness career In the humble capacity of "printer's devil." After learning the printer's trade, .Mr. Capper took 1 Up the editorial side of tho business, first as reporter, next as city edl to-., iiii riKiii J r tn n mitri r w came an employe of the" Capital, ho became Its proprietor. His various other publications have been added one at a time since. Governor Capper married Flor ence Crawford of Topeka, on De cember 1, 192. The governor's residence on Topeka avenue and his newspaper plant are among the fin est buildings In- the city. The gov ernor la a director in the Farmers' National bank and the Prudential Trust company, both of this city. He has served & president of the board of regents of the state agricultural college and of the Kansas Good lioads (Association: la a member of the State Historical society the I'lks. Odd Fellows. Modern Wood men, and of the Topeka Country club, and chamber of commerce. Henry Justine Allen, editor of the Wichita Deacon, has been known in Kansas newspaper circles for more than 20 years. His newspaper ca reer began as editor of the Manhat- ' Un Nationalist In 1!U. I'rlor toi vlng to Wichita where he bought in,- Riipnui'Mi paper, ncacon, .nr.; Allen was editor of n number of. ; Kansas newspapers, including the i ""awa Herald. The Deacon pros-: 1 pered under Mr. Alien s management and he built n ten stnrv hnildini? fnr his newspaper home, the greater portion of it. nf course, being rented for general offices. Mr Allen was orn tn Warren Cnuntv. l'a. September 12. 1S6S. He !WI" educated at Washburn college, Topeka. and at Daker university Daldwin. from which he has received the honorary degree of master of arts. He married Flsie ,T Nnzmnn. of I'irclevllle. Kan.. October IP. 1HS.1. Mr. Allen was secretary of the lat hi , lstenre of vist. nee or ansa-. v". Governor Stanley during his of office and during the exl the progressive party In Kansas-. Allen became one of Its leaders state and national. Mr. Allan is now Fiance. Me first went there In 1907 with William Allen White of Km poria on a Ited Cross mission, and again this year Mr. Allen returned and organized for the American Ited Cross n France its home service I I ..v. - u:-w u ,i, ...a. .vn in iii. ne vi uiiec,or - lAter at Ills request ho was trans- ferred to the Y. M. C. A. services which have kept him near the fight- Ing front among the American sol- I Idlers most f the time. A peculiar feature or Mr. Aliens campaign I was thnt be was absent from thej state throughout the campaign sea- , sons of both primary and general j election. During the entire period nelthkr wrote a political letter or made a political speech urging his lection for the office of governor He evpects tu return home the latter e .u:.. w part c.f thin month. fiir oxperienri in Mtln frird rat fjh is that it smfllH that way partly nn account uf the gHr.if crease it was cooked in. . . loasr on tne H,m (lav ot Noyeinls-r, 1IS. Threatened Willi 1ncumonia.. , at , oo cllrk. , m th, fiiowmg de.cnhed Mrs. Marv Kisby, 3533 I'rinceton I lanils situateil in Wagoner County. State Ave.. Spokane Wash., writes: "I was i "' Oklahoma, to wit: The northeast quar sick in bed with la grippe and threat-j WZZy,Zrnlr 7iC cned With pneumonia: I coughed so I I,rth(.t , cf,,-,, twenty.fnur. ny Mini, i mill '"iu "v. a -n,inii- tn i Foley's Honev and Tar Compound and it stopped my cough and I got letter, so now I am around the house. 1 am 75 years old and can say sis long ns I live I will praise your medicine." Thousand of man. women and chil dren can testify to sulendid results obtained with Foley's Honey and Tar in treating coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. fcoM everywhere. Adv. President Is Asked To Proclaim Holiday WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 I'resl. ! dent Wilson has received messages j from all parts of the country asking that he proclaim a national holiday In honor of the winning of the war I No decision has been reached. One I of the plans under consideration. It I is stated, Is for general observance i of peace day on Thanksgiving, with religious services In the morning and patriotic exercises or demonstrations in the afternoon or evening. jewish"boysare fearless fighters Tho Jewish welfare hoard's rabbi at a base hospital In New York city mused beside a wheel chair. "Are you 'going back again?" he asked the convalescent youth. "Ilet your life came the quick rejoinder. 'Just as soon as my leg haels. And not only that threo of , my brothers are going over with me four of us fighting the Hun. The boys are In camp now, getting ready to go across. My other brother and my two little sisters are too small to do anything more than sell thrift stamps and liberty bonds, but Urooklyn's going to be proud of us all some day. You see. we're mak ing this war a kind 0f family ttf. fair." There Is a Jewish boy In a base hospital near the front who had to be dragged from his gun. The men in his ward are Intensely proud of hlm. Brul '")' told his story to Itabbl Jacob Kohn of the overseas com mis slon of the Jewish welfare board. Doctor Kohn has returned to this j country with high ptalso fnr the He morale or tne American rignter. is now aiding the united war work canrpaign for $170,500,000 to carry on the efforts of seven morale building welfare agencies. The boy was from Chicago and was assigned to the artillery. All the men of his battery were either killed or wounded and ho carried their bodies to the ambulances under fire. Then he went back to the task of working his gun alone. Although blood streamed from a wound, he kept steadily on. The captain of an other outfit ordered him to leave. "I refuse to obey. I am inac tion," came the answer. An hour later, when ha had been again wounded several time!, .a' French and an American officer dragged him from his gun. RESOLUTION. On thf 7th day of Novemhfr. 191. It ppoarinr that tln?re hs bio ronfi rtte.1 to the S1t of Oklahoma, in pro. w'linBi nendinr in the County Conn of I T'llm, Oi(!;ihoa.A. wherein ono 2n-caiiipi ; pump nhotitmi, oti Springfield army rifle. en. niuvo. King make, one icftx.i, 11) casen I 1 1P. wnr rhair. 2 padeii. one i'-ebox. one! ' ilrfM4r. one talif one hid 2. or I I inpty pop houleii, li i-anes of empty Hfyo tallies. Ill onegJtllon hot water bottle anil two tronk confne-atrit. IIK in TIIKKWOKK KBJsOI.VF.D, That tho County t.Herk of Tlllna l'iunly Okl honia, file an and leffal Tiotl'e to nell naid mnfiaealrd gnodn to the hirtiem tinlder an Noy.mbsr lata, nils, at 2 o'rlork p. m. ill tJie wirI doo, of tup Connty t'oort lions. anil mak hit r.nort lo Ihia honorahle Issly. khowinx what disrsxntion he haa made of said rsmfisi ale,l artirlna. It is hereby ordered, considered and ad j.iilitiyi that the County Clerk also adyrr lire and sell arcordin,,' to law any other property which hss been libeled and con- fiseated and turned oyer to this hoard hv i order of the Comity Judge, and make due returns thereof. l,owinc what he haa done in the nremises. aeorilmv to law. UOWUMIF IMCNTV COM M I.SVIONF.RS, ! llv C. S !up. Chairman. ' Ix TIIF,"lISTHIt-r"" C(U RTOF TI1K -mTF,I STATKS for thk K A ST Kit. S' lib-THICr uv OKLAHOM A. In the matter of Cherokee Refining Coin pany, a rorisiranon. In Haukruplry. No. (li4 XOT1CK OK'KIKST MKKTISO OF CRF.D ITliRS. To tha rreilitors of OierokNl Heflnlns Company of Tulsa, in the County of Tulsa i .iii.i uisinrt aioresaia, a llankrnpt .Notice is hrreliy given that on the nay of October. A. I). 1U18, the said L ij,;n, .... a.. i. I nrr i-i.i,.iis v,i..i,y wns .liny j rated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of in creditors will be held at C. sy. bis I irirt Court KKiin in the city of Tulsa, in J diainrt. on the ijnd day of November, i', in. a. . u ' iot k in ine aiinrnsaon. at whirh. lime iho said rreditora may attend prove their claims appoint a trustee, ex amine, ihe bankrupt, and transact oilier nuaine-s as may properly come bo fore said meeting KZRA MIUXF.RD. JR. lUferee in Bankruptcy. Mnskogee, Oklah.wna. Novembe.r I 1th. J9IS NOTICE Or SALE OF OIL AND' OAS LEASES STATE OF OKLAHOMA, Tl'I.SA OOUSTV. In the Oo'intv Court. Probate lSfifl. .Notice is hereby given in purauanre of an order of Ihe County Oourt of Tulsa County, Slate, of Oklahoma, muds and en tered on the sih day ef .November. 191S, the undersigned guardian will offer for sale a:ui sell at .ub;ic auction to the high en and best tedder an oil anil cas mining an m lOWDMiip J i , lCftnFf 10r, cotltAtn- inir H' ti re yu oil ttnit km IfMe will amid on the followinc trm and conditmxis, to-wit Cash on day of sate and for not leas than ft per acre rash in bai.d paid on date of sale, purchaser to pay all probate expnrwies, in cluding an altornev fee. Said sale to be beld in the County Court Room of Tulsa County, Okiahoma, at the time stated. l'aled this 8th day of November. 1013. r. 0. CAV1TT. Uuaynkaa. GERMAN REVOLUTION PROCEEDING CALMLY Advice Are That It l lu-in- ,lrred Out Although MiiJ,. ,., IVnillUrxl to 4'onh. ll .-oiikh. PAIUS, Tuesday, .",,. ;: lack of (yerrnati news re.i-li;i by the way of Switzerland m aome Interruption in the us i.i TI.H s h-re li.-it.' nej of Information. Zurich ,.,.s -un. firmed reports that tne fiun.;,T j, closed to travelers arri lug i;,.r. many. 'It Is reported that Frederick FTbert, the Herman chan. , ,,n , u, given a place In his cabinet tc i;,.,,rk Lodehour, social !.!,lr, but this rVport is given under r. s- r r Information received here i ih.i the revolution is proceeding calmly and methodically. I )NI)ON, Tuesday Nov ; ... dispatch to the Kxeharg- Telegraph from Copenhagen says the . tendinis of the independent social. sty m ,;r. many, which havo been nocep't-d iy the majority sorlalist-i. Include tli provision that political pw-rs f.i.iM bo In the hands of the n'd:er' nn.l workmen's council, which will i summoned In plenary itf-seruMy tn represent the whole country s,,"n as possible The dispatch ;.,,s th it questions' concerning a coiistituent assembly will not arise until after consolidation of the Insntu'i.iru formed by the revolutionists h.i.s Iwi-n secured. By The AsofJted Vront. CO PEN HAG FN, Nov. 12. Al though the bolshevik group nf tM German Independent socialist party Is refcognized as a separate nrg.imi.i tinn, they are still a decided minority' and the power rests In the hands of the majority socialists and n"ii -hol-shevlk Independents, sas n I'.erlm dispatch to the Ilerlingske Telemle. The dispatch adds that the soldiers' representatives at the meeting Sin- I " or me soldiers and workmen ! ""ncll energetically opposed tin? plans of the bolshevik el, mi-nt. SOCIETIES PF.TRiil.KI.M i.nlHit; s. 474 meets every i n.x. th M and fourth Frnlj ,,' 'he month. Itefulsr ' ImmeM aeaaion Friday, Nov f .1 1 xisiting Mhmim mv,iel. Maainic lia'l. .ni'ri VUm. ,'. K. llll, IT U M. U II HANNt. TlbSA I.IHiilK meets every Ireliiy in r nler. d ' Ai-;':, i.i il,g Krnls , N.iv. ". Hi.; dinner i it,, session at 7 .1'' ' t tors a!waj m-.,-i, Minii il.ii. .1. S M.-KNT1UF W .1. C Mi i.N I' Knit T 71 IVerk Hiri- ,; - r V-Ss.WA ,-., iF,'-,N-' Ms PF.I.T.V l.lllii.l,. every T.i tis 7;;:n p. m, w i; ' low raft Tu.-s'la atari i n g : 'reM-!a!!j I' V.- rl nan. .1 l C V M I'll K I.I. W AKTII1 It MVkKII TRIM I V CliV M VN", 20 na a Me: .; , V..i Order .,f ing st 2. I'i p tu served at n m A ing Knights Ia; Masoni- i I a ; 1 . s-niif- ' R HVI I ; l I.. leiM.i: . AUKAIt TKMli.K X M. S. ef I ios.i 1, -Friday in es.-'i tneMr. son ic Hall. Crreniiroa Sat.. Nov. ,t.i. at 7 Convention !rs'! A . Nobles sr.' Me.' II M. wn.i.n n: II. X. UiiKI, i'.'l- One cnt word '-'"h tnprun. Minimum 1'J word, linjinuiri Amount one time. CV "Want Ad Phones 0000 6001 cuSi2s";(jl LOST AND FOO.ND FOCND Sunday one bay cure -on foreoead, speck on left eye a' right hind fool : weighing ll.a. Call at Sul West Fi'th "' an is. isr I Alk'.s1' t'lVCI'.ll tlINU liitt. set w il and saihires: liberal reward . for Call4012 ortt,91. LOftT Between KirsT and Thifl on Main, furlough ti'k.-t lv Oklahoma to Richmond. Va . over return to I.Ji. II .. rare .u!.l Islsr Rnnch ef "kV with nwir 'ft'- return To 4Ds Cosden fllilg , n" LOST rurse roniaining ail of Oklahoma Stle Hank. M Okla.. written on inside. r" Holmea Clothes Miop. iT-l - ' s ant Man. analrareiye rewa nt, LOST A silver friendship . Norfolk on Third street. r """f',,..i city: finder come to 101'i r"1 '' reward. . , tl fharr niamoia'eairT purse, coraa z nt biiu. i ii" biii. "U"' ",- $2 SO gold pieces. Finder "''-iM 1416; liberal rewarn. Ufc-T iidiea gold-rim g:a.sea 6731; reward. i-hone J t a 8' I