Newspaper Page Text
1 .if,; m it 'T 35 ) 'fills'! is iiFt tiS ' I! i -in it ! ? in ft! WW " 1 PRESIDENT IS ASKED TO ATTEND SESSIONS Clcnii m ini mill I.loyd f;ronP' trice Pn-wiK-c nf WIlHon nl l'ca' I'liiifiTPiH1 I'nplKil Hear. NO DECISION YET REACHED C'lilcf Km-iitlte In riitliTM'Mxl Have lwn Mlnil nn Snhjcil 'nnlm-t In OppuhhiK H. lo WASHINGTON, ,ov 1.1. - It I niuli i mii.mI Hint I'ri'inifiM I . I - I tiroru'1 -ind (l''tii nri'.iu holli h.ive liriKKlDKly KU!Keled thai llio J r h I "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tonffiw! fti'mov puis ons from stomach, liver and bowi ls, Accept "California" Hyrup of Plus only look fur 1 1 name California on thf t'k"K'' then sen are sure your ilhllld I IihvIii! the best iiihI moat IritrmlcNK hixiitue or plush- for the Utile stomach, liver and bowels Children lvt IIm delirious fruity taste. Kull illi cclliiim tl' rlilll ' dose on each bottle C.lve u wlthoiil fear. dent rhuuiil hi IimmI attend Hi" open ing m'H'iiniiH nt llm pen " ' iinfi'i ni' '. McSliri" fl'lilil IllKll I,II1"H IM Ktirnc art- rem hliiK l'remlcnt Wil li hi llr;lii: II, nl ho . rti a 1 1 V tin, I Ihe Kieit pe.u-e i nli fi-l in Hint mil '! t 1m finally Hie is.iuo i'i"lnn mil nt Hi" ir. Tin- Itnnl'li l l It was mud in. I, ii. Iihk jriven rin inilirnilnn nf Imw III- t -- IJ III" Miu-'i-Ht lull, ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' Ii 'inn- of I Ii" I - ii i H V ''II I r r i 1 1 1 I.. Iii-iii Im h.ix an niii'ii luni'l nn tin- siiliji-it ami may r.ivn It ' i i,ij-iii-i auiui I MimLi ri nf the prc-ld iilV official family an- iind-i n ,.,,-1 In be i-trotu'ly u'tvii'.iriK iii:lfliit Urn hk-ii nil tin ground Hi ii I II wniilil in vii I v iiih'Ii-kh r I: k iiihI It would in i -iitiiilii-h rmlli inc. I li.i I 1 i iii; lil lint In- ,ii i 1 1 in jil ii-li i (l HirnllKll llclcraUS I lif il,i,i III inlKliI select In ri'il"f.i-nl America -it Illi' peace table anil MI'll whom In rnlllil keep Ifl i i. Nit a lit tuioli l rani' ami wlit lt-n' I Ihtii an- nn ili finit'' i nimlll il - I I i . 1 1 nlixl n-li-H In Ihn irrMli.-iilM inn In Ijifilmn Iii a a-a h i nnfi-i i-ih in Li' In-I-I In I-: ii i n i nl iiiin ni Iht i il III iiiiIhiiIh nf t tl I'lilli-'l .'-III'' iill liMiri, lluill iifii' nr, a'-liin lln lin-f li-i-illlvi- Inii Ifi'li'' I'lNnml lln liirl Inrial llmlia nf lln- I niii-l Si I wlllmlll !ln ii-l,y ii.ibiiik In i-n-n In III fiiin-ilniiK I'riinli-iil I ! iii im' i-i-1 1 HIIi-i Illi' i anil inn', ITi-l'lilil 'l .ifi i i i I tin- St 1. 1 w r, ii, Inin l 'ana, I i ami I -t ciil. in I lal liiiili ; l-l-nliffil Illi' l:ii.,;. lilimlc In llll'ft ' Ci i nl I ilax nf Mi-mi ii ! Tl llillllllliiM llil-lf Ik Hlli'lll nn i I'HIilllll 111 niiril:l IIIIIkHIi- III tl Aniitiiaii Imnlir, nnr l Hmth nn' liiliilf In Hi" iialurii nf a irnhiln Imn. ' Hiiwvir. II lias liifti rimti'ii'li'il lln- nlissnal alin'tiif nf lln pri Mlili-iil f i nn, lln- cniintrv in ltiallv rri'iil"" "lull N.nanrv In Ilie nffm a In fall wltlilli IIm mu llnii nf Hi. I llll.-llllllliill U lllrll rlnllllil Hie Vli i'- in I'Nlilrnl Willi ii ii I h or 1 1 v In ill"- rllarifn Ilia illlln-H nf Hm nffli'K illir liiK llii' liialnlltv nf Hit- irimlili-iit It) film-linn. Hliniil'l I'li'iil'lftit Wllsnn iIitIiIm In vii In lllimii". irillllily It wniilil In- fur hlmailf tn ilctcrinlne whether Im wniihl i-nntlnne tn ill"- - ihariin Iho iliitli-H nf ln iri-"lilrnlial nfflre. llhlllK llnin i-alil" ami rail In rotniiiimlrntliinx tn keep In rnnliinl tiiiii-h with WanhiMKlmi. f lux Kin huh I'ltv man knnw.i imih llilf lllnnil meillrilie, lull lie In willing tn lie! that a inin Will Like Infin rn.i ninie nni, kiv hy KnitiK almul in hU Hhlil hlei'Vi'H than he will h KitliiK aliniit wlllinnl ii KiulTO iiiimli. EX-EMPEROR MAY GO TO ISLAND OF CORFU RolMIonor III MiM'l Kal-'T flllly lo Iteiillllll Shnrl Time In lliillaml. S iy lt - purl" He' I'lKll In loillllllll. I A i.M" ' tirni,'ifi main nnly at N..V H Ttm pl-lnr litnl.aSiy nlinrl lime nf A ir.t liiliKtli. Ill llnli.i In i I, infnriiieil nt,'li i hi re-,,,,mlent ill A mull I MllY Mull H.I! t In- ni-,1- u m y Li 4l :1 Pipe Organ and The New Edison Recital f iren by John Knowlcs Weaver Prof. Weaver will piny In perfeot unlpon with the recreation of Ar thur Mlrtrtleton, Kreda llemple, Thomaa Chalmera and other tri'at Metropolitan Arttnta. Henry Kendall College SUNDAY AFTERNOON NOV. 17, 4 O'CLOCK You Are Cordially limited a- . "4S; I Our Big Fall and Winter Shoe Sale IS ON FULL BLAST Come now and outfit your family. You really buy shoes of quality for lesa at our store. Very Extra Special Your unrestricted choice of Wom en's or Growing Girls' Shoes worth up to $6.85, in all leathers and styles, tor this Extra Special Sale Don't forget where to find $4.85 Johnson Bros. SHOE STORE 116 South Main Phone 7567 Next door north of Wonderland ep(i , Will re Hie i untie nl. aiinritiiiK i-lnii-B The hIuiii nt the il in I,i-I;i-i i, , Hi a l if a i aliK' in i-n I H t ali he inii'le, Hie fm liter eiiipei or will resile ii-f maneriily at the villa uf Aehlllelnn nn t In- jalaml nf ( nrfu. Tin- Ilia nf A' lllile.nn. i tte nf I nt f il, Wlili-h llei nff IIm r, u-ii VI i-aiirn iiihui nf Alh.ima, M)t a,i'iiii-il li the funnel Herman em j, i i t l in I :m 7, a ' i i the ileal ii nf Km ,m , l.llalii-lh nf A , I I l.l . fill win, in i' v.i.-i I'lilli in IH'MI Hn far iim I.IlnHn tin villa ,-f Ai lllllelnii, H'lllrh haa In i ii I lin heaiiinirli.rH nt Him Her ill tin. Mil! lit umli-r n r.ipitl Inn hy Lhe a I .Ii-.h I.ii.M'IiN nv . A illHialch tn Hie I mlly Mull f i mil M.iarn, llnlliuiil, t.l.,14 that aiming HlliHe Willi Ht't-illll ,itnii-il the fmiiii.r Herman eiiipei-ni In the i.iMlle nf A ll lerniiK' n . Wi'ie iietieiai'i Mtn I'leiilieli. vnll linlllanl. vnn -'i a nli ihertf, vnn l.,tnlnff anil vmi i ii unman. The im reflmiiilf-nt nf Hie Puily Mail rtivH he heara that the fnrmer i-inpeiiif la tint rei;arilei a an nffi il hei-aiim- he liaalieHlKlieil Inn lltli'M Ullil nfflri't l.i il ii iN. Nnv. I .I A pnhllxheil Hliiieinetit wlllili the fm jii.i il.iiii, in ell,.e-i,r w iKhea tn la reKal'leil UM hln ra,ll fm KnlllK tn llii.llnil, nit Hi ll I h it jniitiiev Man imt ii HikIiI, ai-i-nril-InK In all Aniili I'laln illHiaIi'li In the I'lillv Teletriaih Ilia i, iartnre fnnn Hermany ae ai-taitleil ly m dealre to fiti 1 1 it a I the wmk nf the new K"V ei'iimrnl hy rnhlliiM; them nf any eiu l.nt r.ia'imenl ln prenpiii In liernitiny mlKhl lailHe. mu ll 4111 nn attempt In make hi m the renter nf a loyalist aKllallnri. RUMANIAN WAR ACTION STEP TO DRIVE OUT FOE AKIIINHTHN, Nov. 13 -The fol lowing ianiuiltii-1 are repnrteil hy the i:oiiimamlliiK ici-neral of the American -x (n - 1 1 1 1 u rut r y force. Kill.-'l In ai-tli.n ITM, wimnilcrl Me-u-n-ly, ih-Kiee mule- Vtii, Itieil. l.Ml, woilllilcil HhKhtly .11, iiiIhiiiiik In in llmi HI Tut nl 'i'i'I OWIiiliinmt lll : , hll.l.M IN .VTIO.V Si-r-niint MajAr: .hihii J. Mi .sliaiii', I'ihiIi Valley. I NiTKeiiiil : I .Inline I lniiayaii, I II Ity. 1 i iTHiral: . Ilinlh y W. Sawyer, I'iimim'. il'rlviili'H: Willie .1 Walker. Ilmmliti'. I url M. Utilli-m. ltirte-. tll-. Mi l) UK WlHMIS. Prlrunn: l)ac Ailanm, 1 1 11 Hart. XIImti I.. Ilnrrlt. Mill Crrrk. Mi I ra t an lille, Tlisay. IUI.I til' A( riDKNT. I irx,i nl : 4 veil II. I'lti III m. Mnirvitln. uoi.Mii 11 m;vi:ki,y. rrlvntin: I laml I:. Da I tun, Vnpli'M. I ml It. (.iNaltnui h r, llarlh'wv Illi. WltlMlKlt. KM. Ill I, IMi: 1 IKMIM.ll. Sitki'iiiiIm: Ira In 111 in, Mlln. I.. I . hlnncy, Anliiiorc. t 'nriMinile: Inliii K Kl.-ll. Klnnnlnn. lainln A. W i lls, eitHii rfnril. rrlutr: HiiMinini M. Ilarrv. Unhurt. Iiiiniii II. M Daniel, kiiteuin l'cnamlli II. .ennc. Mrnlfiird. (corice A hi'llev, InilliiinHii. i.v win Nin:n. f'nrMirnh: Unirnm r k. M. Mllllkxn, -.nllln. I ilunnl '. Ilclnlcn, Wirt.. I'rUiitcM: llffnnl I'. Mnriran, Kreilnrli k. .Iim' I'at liTwiil. ( iihIiIuk. Jim I'nithi, Tulsn. SuiniK'l W. Kiikitm, Mi lniil. WASHINHTUN. Nnv. 1:1. Uu iiihii l.i'n reporleil .new ilerlaru I Inn nf wur aitaltn.1 tlerinuny In Inierpreieil hi-i" an prelimliiHry In men urn to illHarm unit iltlve out Hln liermall aimv iiinlM vnn M.ukeiieen, which Iiiin heen oppreiuiinii the ItuinaniaiiK Mini' the t nut y nf Ihjclntrcet m-ali',1 the helpleHmieHi nf the population WiM reached here loilay I hrouh U:rnifl C rataon, Uroi kwayvllle, IM. nfflilal chnnnela thnt the reorenn- lieil Kovernnient In Rumania la heml. ej hy Heneral I'oand.i. JAHsy, Ptinilny. Nov. tn The nil nianlan nilnletry, headed by Ale nrider MirnMlomnn, leader of the eonarrvntlvea, haa heen replaced hy one rnmpoeetl of Kenerala. The new cahlnet la prralded over hy Heneral Cnanda. who a Ian takea the poat of nilnlnter of fnrelicn affairs. The portfolln of war and Interior have been aeeunied by flenera.1 (Irlicoreaco and (ieneral Vaumlano, reapectlvely, Acrnrdln to a diapatrh from Hnihtpeat, printed In the Frankfort Hazette and telegraphed tn l'arla on Tuaaday, the new Hnmanlan novern ment had declared war on Germany. llKhtln In IVPlln. COPENII AOKN, Nov. 1J. Preah fltrhtlnn broke out In Iterlln on Mon day, according to meaaiiam received here from the Herman capital, Ixiynl offlrora opened fire from the royal utahlrii and allacked the revolutlon arlra with machine untie on the l'n- ter def Linden. Heveral peraona wer. killed. Killed In Action. Ciiptnin: R.ihiirt Y. Cnnrail, Wmchetiter, Vo. l.leiili'tiantH: Andrew T Kirk, Conway HprlnRa. Kan. linn. il, I M. Ma, pniialil. Molhrook, Neb. t'olman I-'.. H'l'l.iherly. Mitchell, S II. I'hlllp I.. Itnee, New York. N. Y. Kr.'inrla M. Tracy, WnHhlni-'ton. I C. I'harlcM 1''. Iluntermiinn, ML Hunler. Md. Oliver V. 1'reacntt. fhebiyKnn. Wla. Sei Keanta: An hlli ihl I, May. T.nck Knjii . Wyo. I'arl Caslli tnan Jiim-a. ( lakliind, I'al. HeorKe T. Norton, llontiton. Texaa. Inhn K. U'Iea. llrooklyn. N Y. iTJ ! Kesinol surely did relieve that eczema! Pack f imt Resinol Ointment in hii "did kit bag." Nolhin i too food lor dim, and he will need it "over there" where exposure, vermin, con mjioni, and the exieenciei of a oldief'i lile C4use ll tm til skin irritation. 1 itching, tore iret and luSennR. RmIboI Otntawirt nw lichlM :"", "' It holt lini " mm. Iiawurw kln cemtcai. Ftr mU h ! HAVE YOU A B-A-D C O L D Relieve it with Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Are von Cnlnn lo let It ellck and hecntno a chronic i nti.tltion '.' of counie not' Not when ou. know you have a preparation like Ir. Hell's 1'iiir-Ttt.r-Honry to Inoaen it up and ho allow Nature W rid yon of It The flrat iloee will produce Rratlfv. Inc reaiKta. The acii'tid nnd third will ronvlnite you thut lr. HeiM rinc Ttir llniicy In an enemy to a cold. Tile ptepatat.i n In second to none for lie siMithinK, relieving effect. Counhn, la trrippe, liinnchltle. .-lthnm can nut withstand an attack hy r IIhH'k ntu-Tar-ltiii.ey i:onoinical. ii... 1:11c un, f 1.20. n Si Jatnra A. Ynet. Wrhltedner. l'n, John T. Adiima, War Hhoal, P. C. Albert HruilHhaw. Peoria. 111. lion W. I'lark, Hordeau, Wah. H. I). Iienilnn, Motiteauma, Tenn. Heo. Harmony. Hethlehem. l'n. Jaa. A. Kelly. I'hllndelphln. IM. !eo 1. Injie, Meilley. Texan. I'jtrl K. J,eckroni, Hlate Line, Pa. K.ll.iworlh .1. Iiw, (Mrrlck, IM. I'orporala: Ed II. Arkerman. llellerton. Vu. Lloyd J. Aduitm, Kbiibiim 1ty, Mo. Jerold J. ABKeler, Slwkholin. Cal. Arthur L. (Mhoon, lieaaet. L'luh. (luy O. Knman. Ieer Park, Waah. Heme I Krvln. Itlooniahurif. Pa. K. M. Holden, Jeraey Otv, N. .1. Itay W. Ilenderimn, Prttabitrajh. Pa. Win. Ikl .Mci'irroll, llronklyn, X. Y. Clnrk H. McWIlllamH, Hanover. Pa. John H. oanwall. llrooklyn. N. Y. Alto ('. plnckney. Uomulua, N. Y. fharlev pollon. Nevada. Iowa. Uuic IV Hmlth, Orange, Texas. ,1. L. Stevenwon. Huymond. Alb. Can. I'lina. H. Tramhly, Paedana. 'al 1 .cuter W. Wanrr. M.inrheeter, Wis. Heoitce T. Willie, lliuce. H. IV Waller tl. Wltler. St. Ixuln. Mo. Harry W. Aldron, Jamctown. X. T. A (' Carlaoti. S Hurllnirton. VL rhaa. P. fnoper. Plttebiirirh. pa. Tolhert P. tiniham, Kayetteville. Ark. Hiwurd J. Hall, Holvay, N. Y. AloyelnaT. Kln Philadelphia. Pa. K. II. Hhamhaush, Tituavllle. Pa, Itiiuler: Jnooh I, Smith, Cwker CMy. Kan. M echanlca- Marlce (1. Walter. AHon. 111. Alexomlar 1'ertler. Korfarahlre, Scot. Saddler: P.-ini Itec-e. Irlillo. fipnl t'o. Norwav HerKn II Keiynnn. Wantach, ff- T. Churllo Heatokiie. rievelund. Ohio. MeyerSe.lnKkl. Plttehiirtth, P.i Harold Slater. Anieterdiim. X. T. Allen Kuuene Hmlth. Center, Kan. Lealla K. Smith. Hprlntfleld. Ohlrt. Antonio K. Tenente. Lovelock. Nev. Joeeph M. Thnmpeon, Klmore. Minn. I). It. Vannllen, Onalaeku, Wash. Hnvld '. Vincent, Kranklln, l'a. Lewm Voel. Sedrowooley, Waah. Pearl II Waldatnlth. Huh City. Wla W. T. Walker. Uoarlnn Klver. N. C. Henry J Weaver, Hutchlnaon. Kan. Heorite K. Lont;. Ariiola. N. Y. (iulnep)ie LucheaHM. Italy. Alexanjer l.ulewic, ( hlcaio, 111. John I-' JaVCnrthy. Holyoke, Mnaa. j Kdwnrd Mclntyre, M11II110. Ore. 1 I. McManlinon. Surar Notch. Pa. j J. P. McNuIty. New II iven. Conn. ' Seraflno Melchiorro, Moniica, Pa. 1 A. W. .M.ickenrlc. New Yotk. N. Y. '. Thomaa !'. IMtlcraon, Alhany, N. Y. Kdwnrd F. Pciim. Weedsport, N. Y. ! Anirelo Qiinlrolo, Italy. ' Charles 1". Scott, Tonnwandn. N. Y. ! oi-vllle Sheet. Crown City. Ohio. 1 Kltner S Show-alter, lvnver. Pa. 1 Hcorire Story. Cralar. Mo. ! Joseph Straus. New York. N. T. ' Jackson Stuart. Itlnniark. Mo. Huuh Tnpplnit. Harnesvlllc. N. T. lieorne A. Totterdell. Chicago. 111. Jacob Tony I'tnlk, Chlcnuo, 111. (.eorge Woodward. Newark, N. J. Clarence Vinton Wyatt. Thayer, Mo. Arthur L. Cannon. lainHdale. IM. Lloyd P Cantrill, Prlnevllle. Ore. Henry Cnrruthers. Wallace. Idaho, oniilll S Cummlrga. Philadelphia, Pa. William A. Curran, IlocheKter, N. T. Herbert K T)ewee, McVeytown. Pa. Michael Tii'terle, Chlcairo. 111. Anthony Plvlto. Philadelphia, I. William Inirlvini. Warren, Ky Hrover C Hckley, Knterprisa, Ore. onier K. K 'Ins. Stlti-a. Idaho. Pcwev M. Kxner. Weedsport, X. Y. Cftrev M. I'lelds. Saniprlnirs. Mont. William M l-ttrpntrlck. New Ho- i-helle. N Y. Shahln 1 let inanain. MUford. Miss, Henry 1; Hnrner. Wllmer. Texas. Heoriie tiiilnev. l'rii;hani. I'lah. C.nn iiilhertK.111. KdKerton. Wla. Martin llanrahan. Providence. H. t. Joe lleh.r, somi fa. Iowa. , Herbert H. Hiicki'I 1a.tlon. Wis. lvpil Hafituller. Maiden, Mo. Alexander Hnneiirker. Catnwba, N C. Colnlnhus K. Hunler, Kumellvtlle. Ala Peter I-: Harst. St. Inuis, III. Heorne IT. Irvin'. Lit It?.. Ta. Carl C K nil'l'. lincvrws. 1 ihlo. 1. enter W Kemp. Wood. S p. Wllllnm J l.inirton. Kr-ioklyn. X. Y. James A Lirson. Sldoev. Mont. Morris K Ma'arler. M Iddleton, Tenn. Lewkowitz Quit-Business Salel Offers Greater Values Than Ever Jhc assort mi'iit.s of depeiiduhle, styli.h merchandise are still fairly complete, but the next few will make a big ,jf. ference. If for. any reason you have been unable to attend this sale before you should let nothing stand in your way now. Conn.' in today and make your selection tomorrow may be too late, as the best Is always first to go. Any garment may be laid awayon payment of a small (ieposit. Same will be held as late as January first. Final Close Out of All Women's Suits Strikingly beautiful and individual models featuring grace ful contour and reflecting the care and skill in the work manship. A most charming group of fine Suits in broad cloth, velour de laine, gabardine, poiret twill, silvertone, velvet, serge and poplin. Suits you would expect to cost twice the money we are asking for thorn. The styles differ fm nVinl ii-nll v from trio nnlinarv run nf lailnred Suits. Some j of them being exquisitely trimmed. The colors show every thing demanded of fashion and will make an instant appeal to discriminating Women. Reduced for This Final Clone-Out as Follows Close Out Separate ' Silk Skirts Models in fancy taffeta, silk poplin, messalinc and foulards. Popular street and afternoon styles, many of which feature button trimming, clever pockets, shirring and ac cordian pleating. Reduced as follows V a 1 u e s to $12.95, close out price.. $4.95 Suits up $30 to close out . . . Suits from $35 to $50 reduced to. . Suits from $55 to $87.50 reduced to. . 2 $19.75 $29.75 $39.75 LEWKOWITZ - UPSTAIRS GARMENT STORE Second Floor Robinson Bldg. Third and Main Streets. Quit Business Sale of Cloth and Plush Coats cixmi $29.75 Coats now I22..10 $32.50 Coata now 2I7:, $35.00 Coals now 127. .In $37.50 Coats now $2! ::, $40.00 Coata now :i2 Mi $45.00 Coata now $:i" ."11 $50.00 Coata now t:t 7.1 $55.00 Coats now 1 12 . "id $65.00 Coata now $r2 ."ill $75.00 Coata now $82.50 I'LrSH $27.50 and $29.75 Coats now $217.-, $36.00 to $40.00 Conta now $29.75 $50.00 to $55.00 Coats nnw$:iO.;r, $65.00 to $75.00 Coats now $10.75 Quit Business Sale of Silk and Serge Dresses. $15.00 A $17.50 Presses now $10. OH $19.50 & $22.50 Dresses now $119:. $25.00 & $27.50 Presses now $22.."0 $35.00 to $39.75 Dresses now $27. .10 Quit Business Sale of Blouses $2.50 and $3.00 mouses now tl.aa $3.50 and $3.9 Blouses now $2. 7a $5,911 and $6.50 Blouses now $l.5 $7.50 and $8.60 Blouses now $.".. $10.00 to $12.50 Blouses now $6.95 Millinery at Half Price All $5.00 Haul., All $7.60 Hats.. All $10.00 Hats.. AH $15.00 Hats.. .$2 :.n .$:t.7H . $A 25 Wllllnm J. Moriran, Newark, N. J. Herhert W. Morris, Crandon, Va. Lawrence Morris. Mlddletown, lit. James II. Murnhy, Park City, Utah. Peter Petella, Cleveland. Ohio. Tony Pctulla, OH City, Pa. James Plcone, Philadelphia. Pa. James A. ltvan, Hrooklyn, N. V. Htiunatios Sakellnrldea, Baltimore, Md. John L Schramm, Woodhaven, N. Y, Privates: Wllllnm J. Anderson, Pnluth. Minn.' II. II HriieBKenJohanan, Holstcin, Mo. Alherls C. nUlenwaerf . Detroit, Mich. l'ranceco Capoiella, Wlsehurr, N. V. Vincent R. Carney, Parne',1. Iowa. Kenneth P. Carter, Northi Mtrt. Pit. Kdward Cater. Itichmond Hill. N. Y. Prank H. Collins. Keysville, Va. I "an lhivls, Kaxrell. l'n. . ' 'yrll A. Kmorv. Omaha, Neh. Ijtwrence C. Kidler, Yorkuhlre. Ohio. Prank M Kurd. Cincinnati, 0I1I0. Kdwln 11. Trim. Chl'-auo. 111. c.lenn 1-:. ("iumhrtll, ChlciiKO, 111. HUH It. Hood win, Washington, Ind. I'-lw. I. HreRory. Montanne. Cal. liarl J. llalpin. Wnlervll't, N. Y. carl Hamilton, I'hrlchsvllle, Ohio. John K. Hamlin. Kyle.rtown, l'a. I Peter Huttini, New rk. N. Y. Athel H. Handley, Hlaeifow, Mont, i uliorn W. Hunhes. Buffalo, N. Y, Harry W. Jetiaen. Chicago, 111. K.II.ert C. Johnson, Portland, Ore. John Henry Jordan, Brady, Neb. Meyer Kaplan. New York. N..Y. U'tmhert J. Keller, Kenmore, N. Y. John H. Klvett. AHheboro. N. C Norman H. Klein, (irove City. Pa, William II. Koenl Modesto. lilL Max Kocppc, llrooklyn, N. Y. Clyde I, I .enter, Cray. W. Va. Heo. U Iewls. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Annelo A(tlfone, Centcrvllle, Iowa, Allen V. Anderson, N. Minneapolis, Minn. Otto ( I. A. Bartel, Falrhaven, Minn. John C. Bird. Seattle, Wash. Arvel K. Boyd. Pomana, Cal. Jamee H. Hower. l"jiidena. Cal. Charles Bruno, Mlllsvlile. N'. J. Boy K. Hurroucha. ClarkjthurK. Va, Sweden Xiiw Alnrmcd. LONDON. Tuesday, Nov. 12. The revolution In c.ermany has made an impression In Pweden where nrirans of the Independent socialists! publish a tnanifento inking the establish ment of soldiers' and workmen's councils everywhere in order to ea tabllwh a sorlnllat government and re. public, accordinn to t'openhat-on ad. vices to the Kxchatiite Telenxaph company. Heneral detncblllration of the army and an eltht-hour working day are also demanded. THE THREE FUNDAMENTALS Successful banking service is based on the three fundamentals of unquestioned safety for funds: help ful and reliable advice and informa tion on financial and business mat ters; efficient and timely co-operation in promoting the growth and development of the customer's busi ness interests. This is th character of service we aim to render at all times and we suggest-that you come in and talk over your banking requirements with our officers. This is a step you will never regret. r ItltliWV I'runle: t. M 11 kl.H Utive ice !'t I' H Kit. .IK . I'a.lMrr W AM., AmiiMaiit I'.i.l i i r. P T MACiKK. rhairnur of th Tloard I. K .1 M'KN vs Vii- Priu IMHUV II UiViKHS. Virti Ptm, 1 1 I- K CLINTON Vriv-Prcd I 1' V li!'KtNS Vi-e-Ptes. NV.M.TKIt . lant la!i'T. I L'l W f 'PHE welfora and comfort of oar soldiers and sailors and the proper aaaiatanc of morals are the prime factor in winning a war, and I hertUy approve of the unification which has brought the seven recognised war relief organisations into one great unit to talcs care of the task. I predict a greet eoccees for the United War Work Campaign in Norem ber, and a better and more prosperous fu ture for the Republic and atrenthening, of its ideals inconsequence of its unification, Secretary Daniels UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN 1 Patriotically Contributed by Mid-Co Gasoline C6.