Newspaper Page Text
1 J TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, NOV. 14. 1918. SIGHTSEERS WARNED 10 POSTPONE PLANS mill .plllnH for Tnpi-i- u en, No I'lHce Vet to VU.1L sty-' Vi'UK. Nv- 13. -Already ..v............ uriMh tn irn til Allied rtteaitishrp office,, to. WrTerc r,'ivtr,, hun.1re.lH of In ,,. when I ho 1'iin on pas tr.iw 1 would I"1 removed. The ",,. I Verc fl.l thiit tho rimd :l",ui.'rl.-liinK ''i'ld remain in fe mAt rro.r n..,.,.e" a! Hllltl II a American belnir hiIU iiment control. It waj the the nlMiinnriip oru- Ir,-t "una .rtps ..Atr Km ' opinion BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK fry Crandmother's old Fa vorite Ktx-ipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Tes lUl'l nonndeil ruler an. I . vrryone Known tnar. ru?c Sulphur, properly rum- hrmtn rk tne natural lustre to me mur wnen . j.l'.'lKI'll or Kr.w- ,-.... ..- 1 ,niv .tv ' K't thin mixture was make H at home, which Is niUHxy ' J trnuh;esome. Nowaday, by ask. r at hi.,- tlniir otor.- for "Wyeth s Lrr and Sulphur Compound." yon , , , , Urif hottle of this f.imoiiH ,M recipe wnpr.iv.l hv the uddl- f i.iher ingredient, for 5,rCS-t" av Cray! Try t! N one tell that you darkened vnur hair a it rtorn It so naturally evrniv. Yon dampen it sponiic soft brush with it Hnd draw thin nlr hnir, l.lKIlljr "lie nniilll time; hy mornlnit the di-nppcurs, and after on h.i' or two, your hair ctals thnt the time fur reesu nipt Inn of pre-war steamship travel nil imy ex tensive scale Man a "Ioiik w;iy off." At the offices nf the ncutial line, htivveyt-r, preparations wito under taav today far a prospective larice In- i In bur-lnem and n resuniiitinn f regular Minima. Several of the larRcst in. its under neu'ral flags now are In thin port. I'or these ships, II' wii.s mid at ihe nffn-eM of their own-! its, there are applP-al khik for more than sufficient passiiK.'s tu fill all j aceomnio.r.Ht.inx l WASH INCT' .. .Nov II. -There' in nn place in Kumpe et fur Ihe. HlKhlMeer, for Ihe 1 ri.nisanils of! Americans who hae l.ten awaiting I Ihe end of the war toVusii over ami J view the and devastated . ItleH and towns left In Ihe wake of, great eonlemling armies. Tiie Kiiropean .111 hassles 111 W.cih. imrtntH are reeeivlng many I applications for pcrmirtliin In lake I pastae for Kurnpe. LfcjWita explained today that they havecen 11 1) litfd o reply that not only is thejho sllll need I for government!! I purpoHes of all nvnllalile t ransportHlion wrvtce, hut I the rontinuing neremdty for the I utrieteM I'linservntiiiti of the Hlrnder ' f.Mnl reHoure.H of K irnp.1 fori. ids the entry for a long tune to ronie of mere HtKrhtxeers and perxonn w ho have not the most urgent lusiufs rei'ttonH for vlHitlng the eontlnent and the Itritwh I l,iles. OLDER'MEN TO tfETURN QUESTIONNAIRE BLANKS YANKS AWAIT ORDERS UNCERTAINTY CAUSES FROM MARSHAL FOCH. SHARP STOCK DECLINE IS SUndud Oil Htorki (StrinllerB. MrOree A Only .lvll Now in l.ldeiic- Is Work of l.ernian rrlsimer llo ' palrliiK lYiirMTty lainage. urtalloHUl of SeculiMlin I'rsrd hy Hankers Also Help Drop of S--ruritlen mi t.othum Ki lumgi'. WITH TI1K A M 1C I It "AN AKMVl AT TIIK 1KDNT, Nov. U.The Ameriean army In marking time 1111-! HI orders romo from MurKluil Knoll ! for the next move. The ro.ids near I the front are nlie.t with the panoply I pi(r,H ,lf nP Hrlve uhl. of the war Unit U.ut ended. The m.l-1 Tl1 rll,rlI1P u;, Hrv they will Anglo ninrj). I Ml ill... Kntinmic . elexiiurli M tK. , foiilri.-rim' l -1 . ! t'ri. 1 rift- . . . . 1 unitirl!iil Pipn . . . Kurk I p . . , . Iiiil't"w Sirnul. I'o.n I Ir.l.M Mriial. e''l Mar. oik l'iw lnitit.i.a l'n . . Kill., Hi1 . . . . ITiirtc Oil anil l'mm Oil anil . (rfM Pr.n Pip Oil WASHINGTON. Nov. 1.1. Men between III end 4 ."1 year of age who 1 1 linvn, received hut not filled out quen- ' I tlonn.nres Mere asked today hy I I'rovost M.irslKi! ieneral t'rowder to, 1 return them In I. lank form to local ; I hoards. The hoards are Instructed I I to cancel all entries rel.iilng to men ! of thes-o claHen. and they will he ; considered as no longer bound by the selective draft. t'l ivHif Icaftjiii of youths of 1S. I which will he continued. Is regard ed by the general Ktaff of the army as inota valuable for Mai 1st leal pur- ' poses and its bearing up possible fu ' ture military problems. Draft hoards also have been notified of the possibility that they may ho needed as the active local agents In Bovein niental demobilization plan. Hers are wondering when gel home. The lerms of the armitice forbid' American airplanes from going over I the (ierinun lines and Inasmuch as 1 no piu!icis are being taken, It is1 virtually 1111 possible to get any In-I formation as to the movements of the Herman army. The hours since the inn of ho.tilliticH have wrought a wonderful change on tho front. Silence has re placed the roar of cannon and the rattle of machine guns. Ambulances j are parked along the road Instead 01 bowling along on errands of mercy The marching columns of troops going into battle have been replaced hv laughing groups of American and I'Yctich soldiers rejoicing over the sucess of their great efforts Kvery oiKkjtems to lake It fur granted that the war cannot stnrt going again. I'nly one thing goes on 11s It did Ihe work of the German pi Honers. Hy thousands they are repairing the damage lierman gut s and mines have done to the roads of.jl'rnnce. BREWERS' INVESTIGATION TO BE WIDENED IN . SCOPE NKW YORK. Nov. IS. I'eace and Its attendant problems and uncer Ittlotv InnmoH larirer no the . .'. ... 1 ... .......L .....L. Nniilll IVnn mi nor.r.on ous. ..... . , s. ( of ivll,,irili. undergoing another period of b.Ui-s ,, f .. latlon which encompassed nearly an , h o ur ,icriy s o. of h ,111 . . S II. of ki'iil.e ky J O of Nw urk Vrmun Oil thmnicli v unui'l i'! fv hKir iwnrr,s heautifiilly dark, glossy uJld ..... 1 a.trWie . Sonne Production Slons Wr'th Sag" ano tuipnur 001- . nound is a delightful toilet requisite POUTIND. ( 're., Nov. 13. -'or those who ibsslre dark hair and Spruce production for airplane pur ii vouhtf'il appearance. It Is not In-1 poses stopped today in tho north frded for th cure, mlligatlon or ! west on orders from the spruco ill prfTfntiou of dlewane. Adv. t virion of tho signHl corps. United States Railroad Administration McAdoo, IHrector General of Ilailroadd W. I! St.Louis-San Francisco Railroad A chanfro of time tables will be made effective 12:01 a.m., SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1918, and this advance notice of the time of the principal trains at important di vision points on this railroad is issued for public informa tion. Details of the changes will be available at stations nd Information Bureaus on day schedule is effective. L. KRAMER, Federal Manager. NORTH TIOT'ND Read Down ToImi 1 Joplln Ft Seott . . . Kuniws City Lv.. Ar. . Ar. . Ar. . I 112 10:25 pm 2:SR am 4:15 am 7:30 am K 4K -ike 2:05 pm i 12:40 pm I 5:15 am I 7:45 pm 11:10 pm 11:30 am I 2:15 am i :15 pm I ' 7:10 am I :45 pm i SOl'Tll IlOl'ND Head I'p TnlM Joplln Ft. Seitl . . . Kmim City Ar. . I.v. . . Lv . . I.v. . j 111 ,t , 1 : 55 nm .1 11:00 pm 12:50 pm 7:2a nm 3:55 a m 11:40 pm 417 S:.v:, pm 12:30 pm 1 r.':01 pm I S:35 am 181 1:25 am 7:00 pm EAST ItOl'NI) Kead Down Tnlw I.v...! ' Springfield Ar 1- StLouiH .... . . Ar . . . : j WFST I!01'N1) Head I'p - - - Tnlm Ar 1:25 am 4:30aml 7 fprlngfielrl Lv 4:50 pm I 9:40 pm 1 St. Loala I.v ! 9:00 am ' 2:00 pm , H wfst rorND Kead Down Tul I.v I 7 Enid Ar .' 1 Avard A r in 05 pm I 2:05 pm ; am ! 9:44 pm 05 am 1 6:55 am 111 :25 im 45 am :30 pm 7 12:50 pm I 5:25 am 8:10iim fill 50 am pm Tain Okla. City.. Lton . . . Snyder . . . . Qtunah . . . Iwi Ar i Arl. Ar . ltd 1:45 am 7:00 am I Ar 1 1 6:00 pm 7 I 417 I :45am! 1:10 pm! R:50 pm ' 9:00 am ! vfi;20 pm 10:30 pm 1:18 pm I 10:45 pm i ' 2:50 pm 1 ' I 607 1:25 pm 7:15 pm 10:50 pm "ill 7:40 am 12:05 pm 4:30 pm EAST BOl'ND Read I'p 1 I Tiil'si Knld Avar.l Tulsa . Okla. City.', liiwton . . . . Snydfr . . . , Quanah . . . NOTK Oil Flyer discontinued between Tulsa nnd Okmulgee. . . Ar. , . Lv.. . I.v. . . Ar . Lv1 . Lv ' . 8 1 :50 pm ' 9:00 am , 10 ,5:55 pm 1:45 pm 8:50 am i in 1 10:15 pm j ! 5:45 pm 12:50 pm . ' 11:20 am . I K:20am1. 610 ! 60S 5:45 pm 12:10 pm 12:45 pm i 6: 45 am 1 ! 4:00 am 1 x it 5:00 rim 11:45 pm 6:30 pm 41S ;25 pm :20 nm WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. The senate Jipliclary subcommittee name. I to Investigate political activi ty of brewers and purchase of th Washington Times by Arthur Itrln ! bane through money furnished by i the brewery interests, decided today ; to extend the scope of the Inquiry to Include a general Investigation Into the activities of (he brewery Inter ! est. The hearing will begin Tues j day. Chairman Overman announced . that the committee would devote Its : attention at first to the brewes and later would also conduct nn Investl ! cation into the activity of Gorman propagandists.. J "We are going Into this matter very fully, said Senator Overman, referring to the brewers' phase, "but from an Impersonal standpoint." Alexander Kont.t of Now York, who was to have been called as the first witness, Senator Overman said, will not be summoned until the Ger man propaganda end .f the Investi gation has been reached Mr. Hrls bane. he added, also will be sum moned, hut no date for his appear ance has yet been fixed. Senator Overman suid that In opening the Investigation th" com mittee would devote Its attention not only to an investigation of the pur chase of the Washington Times, but would also go into the activities of the Drewcrs in tne various etaies. The decline was accelerated hv further restriction of credits and thi attitude nf c onservative hanking In terests who encouraged general cur tailment of speculative accounts de spite, the more hopeful view of lead ers in th steel Industry. A few of the more popular ln.1ii. trlato approximated minimum ipi i tatlons of the year during the set eral reversals, but these also rill ed on the relaxation of pressure at the end. Cnlted States Steel wns aga'n the pivotal feature. Its extreme decline of 14 points to !7' being tulckly followed by a rally In whlrh two thirds of the loss wits recovered. Halls yielded 1 to 4 'A points at their worst. Canadian Pacific dis playing actual weakneg for a time. hut in this division losses were half: wny repaired, Southern Pacific and i Heading receiving support at reccs- sions. t oppers were uravy, won mm Motors Irregular, and Specialties. K'enlll7.ers excepted, mainly lower Haldwln Locomotive was again the only equipment to manifest consist ent strength. Liberty bonds held steady, while railway and Industrial : sues lost fractions tn a point. Old I'nited States bonds were unchanged on call. MM It.a ..17a . . Ml . I. "I . lis . . ..) . '.sa . .i . . :' i . . 71.1 . .SKI . . 'CJO . . .. . . 'J14 . . JMO . Ml4 e?s .n 4n I : IHa III i ins PIS 1 Ti It 7 :i:mi .mi.. .'.U.l Ja V.. V Ml 740 I. P. .'.H :i...i -'OS Inittnradant Oil Btflcki. (Stranilberi, Mlrie 0 ) tnl AtUoli. tvirolrum .. ( ilirt erir. com. (lint, ptd. . . IU.m'11 Oil I 1'i.i.Hpr. and Co., ivNit. Mi nit.,. Kelnit 'Hi I I I Ml , I Mrrrul th' , M i1 wi-.l in'. r.m . Mntwra.1 IM, pfd . . M:.rm (III ,,M Mi.lweal li-fhvuit . , kU I, srul K. I k IIM.ll'ff y, IdJ ft. Oil Snlllt. lUf . Sa v.i , I lit , , S. ii..m al. (HI ' au-Uir lo.lf ! 1 nioil (III l . .Ul'.l I1 !!' '. 75 . 'Al .10.1 . I '4 . AM , . 1 20 . 7 s . to . i A a .4 '-' IDS sr in 7 10. i'4 l W ISA jsJ 33 - 7 '4 II 4 5 1 4 ;5 Wrcvk Hun Hotel. G1IKNT. Ilelglum. Tuesday, Nov. Hv The AmoiuMI Pre. I.1. (8 p. tn.) In the course of a gTeat celebration today, In which the entire population of Ghent partici pated, the people wrecked the win dows and the Interior of the German hotel In the grand place. Hundred of men with axes entered the build ing and smashed everything possible while the onlooklng crowds cheered. 4tWM-v4-f I The Quick Way o I Stop a Cough J Thla bnm-tnaile srrup t1oe the T I T worlt In Imrtr. Bsallf pr- T ! T partd, and aa about ft. T " 444 444f4 You miclil lie utirnriietl lo linow 1 tbt the best fling vou ran use for a severe cough, is a remedy which ia raailv prepared al home in jmt 1 a few rnomenia. It s cheap, but for I prompt results it. I raw anything elio , you ever tried, l.'mallr atopa the ordi- it:il in Miewfc t.mi ... - too -children like it ' Ne Tork Block LUt. I SaIm in I llundrrdi ith Ooir I Am Meet Kog. a IV1 :i ':t I Amsr n a I 411 4. '" Am. C. and K. 14 : Am. loeo o r,', as '4 (WIM. 1 Amrr l,intd 40 40 'i :IHJ 40', Am. S an.i Rcf ls Hy "7 na v, i Am fuirr :i IPJ I lx lia A Tel. and Tel. 0 I0H 107 l7 I Am Tolrrer alHO I Anaronrla t'.ift SflU 704 0 'i'a , Atohiaon 0 07 , 0 Al. Owl Line 4 17 0 Kit. At I! anil W. I. 7 III In IMS Palilwln I. 41.1 4H SJ'4 lull, and OW a.l M 5, llelh. K. "IV IIM 111, .Ml hi l anadian rH'i! W 1 1'S l''Vi tVn lather 1H HI SO 6t ( he. and Ohio 47 HI ft'4 110 C. M and J-1 P 27 .'.0V4 4B 50 Chi.. It I and P 7H :i"S a() S0I4 i I hliwt rvnpper 211 4'Jt 41 41 1 (VI V and I. S 40 HUH 40 Corn Pr.i 11 l. "f 4a 14 CriinM Kll J ' 54 Cil.a ( an Su 1 .T-"4 :l-H Kno "I HIS 20S -'ftli lien. V.lerlrie la I M 14 V 1 '.4 Hen. Mnlora I I la I I'JT 13 Ureal No. pin. 41 10'J IH'4 l' (It N. Ore CM 17 4 H2S H'1 (iillf State! .SteiiT 1 IIS lii h' ! Illinoit Central . ; 104 ' lnp ('tipper 611 '.4', .' J V .5:1 Inl. Mer Mar C :iVi 'J V4 ! Int. M M. pld. H:t 15IS I'"1 P Inl. Paper 4 M 113 H 311 '4 j Ken. Copper 0 ', IIS :iH lamia, and Na xl'-n Mil. Motors M 4 Vi :iH 4014 M.x. Petro. ,T.'4 1714 15 170 Miami Copper 17 -'7'a '27 '.'7 Midrale Sle .',4 41 V 42s, 4-74 Mi. Parifir ll.'i -10 ilS New York C "I "IS "I Not and Wrat. 110 100 100 14 North lftf.- 40 101 1011 1I0U Ohio Citieti (Ma '.0 4I.V, 4"'4 4n IVnne;Wana 21 444 40 4914 Pitrel,urh (al 4 4S . 4 4l Ray Con Cop. 33 L'414 ?4 S4 H.din 1S7 H4 M'4 i ll.M. Iron and P. 34 77', 711 7fl Air Ian Ji 114 10V4 104 Sea Air b . eM. ri IM 23 23 C Sin. Oil and Hf. 4a M h" 'i SI. Kh. S. and I 3 50V, 40 4!) ,nlh Paeif. 377 inr.'4 105 int Hn.ilh Rati HO 33 32 Nun. lUil . rfd. 17 74 7;i'4 74 Sl.ide Corp 19 (104 07 4, I V T-rrn. Onilier 0 Pi1 10 1 Texaa Co 21 112 190 lonv; Tohareo Prod. 30 7 77 77 Pmon Parifie 50 1344 13314 133 I' Cirar Store 17 102 V, 102 103 United KTUIt 1 144 144 144 V. A. 1 Aim. 20 00 S 74 Wlli C. S. Kulihor 1 72-4 71 71 II steel lr.lS 0i 07 07 C S Klee! pfd. 4 1124 1 12 112 '4 Clah (Vipi-er 50 "0 SI V s.', Vo Cam Cll. 7 :.H 571 .'.a VA'ah Pfd 'A" 12 40'4 3(1 40 Wrl 1 nion 3 V. 02 03 Vat Wertric 21 44 '4 4-4 'i 44, WiWTpOrer. 20 2 27 S 2S narv coueh or cheat cold 11 and it ia pure ami good. Tames Pour 2 ounces of rinet in a I pint bottle; then (ill it lip with plain 1 granulated sugar syrup. Or uae clan 1 fird niolasea, hnnry, or corn avrup. I instead of aiiRar sTrtip, if dcairen ' Thus you make a full pint a family ' supply but costing no more than a small buttle of ready made couch ay nip. i " And as a routrti medicine, there is really nothine lirtlrr to be had at anv I price. It t'.rcs right to the apot n.l ; eivea quick, lastinj; relief. It iieais the imbmej rnemhranee that I line the throat and air. passages, stop? (he annoyiiiB throat tickle, looaena the ! phlrjrm, and scon your cough stops en : tirel. Splendid for bronchitis, croup, whoopinj cuuth and bronchia! asthma, i 1'inex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, f amour for its-lifilinc effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your dnijrcint for "2'-j ounces of Pinex" with directions fin.l don't accept any thing rle. Guaranteed to pive abso lute satisfaction, or nmncv refundul Tho Tincx Co., Ft. Wayne, lmi. Total aas. 7.14.400. Kama City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY Not 3 Hop, rseelnU, 11 000 alrxnij to 10e hlcher: trulli. 17 25(lt 17 M: hey. 17 00(817 70; bfhls. $17.00(917 65- pir, $14 004(15 50. Cattle He'eipta. 13.000. Inrlndinr 'oil onlherrvn: strone to 10e hirner: oow, 2ar hirher: prime fed wteers, $l7 50(n' 19 50- droaeed beef aleera. $ 11 oorrj. I a 00 ; ao.ltt.ern ler. $ 00h) I 2 .00 . cowl, $S 0OW11 (Vi- heifers $ 50(it 12 00; Uwk. ere $6 50Cn I 4 50 : ralm. $7 00(ia no. STieep Reeeipla 4 000 ; 10W2.V htther; tamtst. $1 1 50 (a 15 50: yearllnca. 10 OU (ft 1150 wethers. $9 Ml .i 1 0 50 ; ewes. $4 0O(r0 26: eux-kera, $fi 00(4 19 CO. EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Lil erty Honda Cloain. NkV VOKh. Nov. I.I Liberty rloeil : .1 Vj VI rst .-out ci III. If 4a Nwcinul t, Pirait t-oi. vein I.V 4 'a a S.s-nn.1 n.o -rl tl.'i. 4 ' Thir, Cat huiirlti I '4 a Naw Tork Bonds for Boalb. Perl .Mote merit. I' s 'h ri'itn-terrsl I '. S. J .aeilMin I' y il r K:!irrd 1' S .la co.ti.oa I' S 4a r.f.elre.1 1' M 4 ...illsin Am T.I Tr' rd Anjlo I renrh itn la Allael.r (..akt l ine tat 4a Itsll s.ri.1 . tl.Mi ! 4 S a (Vnlral of la-ariria Conol .'.a . . . . Centra! l eather .'.a Che end 1 1; mi o .'.a Chi. Jt an.! g joint 4a ( In , Mil and M r 4 V, . . I hi , It I aisl Pay. Kv ref. 4s . Col. and r-oinh ref 4a lient.r and Ilia liranaV. ref 5a .... iHimiliKirt of Ctnata 5a (I0:tl) ... Km rial 4a Illlliota Criilral r.'f 4a Int Mer Ma'ine la Kansaa Cili Soith ref I'lKKaett ami M)era ihi IxMiia. and Naal) on. 4ti Mta, Kan. and Teiaa I at4a ... Mia. Pa.- a-en 4a New York Central drh Sa Norfolk and Wnel. Conttol. 4a ... Northern Pa" 4a PeniMi)baiiiM Coneo 4Vja I'ennavlf aula ifMl 4'4a ItaJinc aj-n 4a . . Ilfpul.ll.- loin and S 'a 11940)... (I lsna and San Kin, adj (ia . . . Seaboard A.r lane ad). Aa oll Tel. . .1 South Panf rv. ,a South. Kail, fii Mtulh Hail fn. 4a Tetaa lompany da Toxat and Parifir let t nion 1'it.fir 4a U. S Wieel .Is " a ( ar. Itiem. in Wahaett Its Kreisli (rovt 5S Dally Cotton Table. Port ItKlt-'mcnl M.ddlii.( New Orfeaiia JO "s .10 00 bond a .$10 Oft . PS .'a! . tin '-..i . UN "4 OS "O . 117 1M . Its Oil a na us a 11 s si a I mi i, a I On V 117 nS as i s art v, a a u MS SO llli H7 77 s i hj Hs '4 II n S7 104 a U014 w:ila 1 so a 7114 14 102 a 7 14 MJ1 x 07 M't4 III a l:il 70 110V4 1 01 in,', 07 71 ou v, HI S4 07 iion '4 I 1 I i Uj j L y I i V IJ la-a.a.-O t i 5 (ralvtwlun Mobile Savannah (ibarlealatn VAilmlrtsloii WilraiDftoli . Teiaa Oily. -Norfols . . . Ilaltimona. . . Boston .... Philadelphia New York Minor porta T'l IoAst T'l for wk T'l for a'r Interior . 2D .VI .20 a0 24 I'l 'JH II. I 27.7a Itecta sn.'ij 7410 I 144 42H I 7(1 ;,Nrl .'.e4 10 1:10 ! Smart Silk Skirts Special $13.75 Tho economical woman will welcome this special of fering of vseparate skirts, for diversity of attire can easily be attained with one or two skirts and a few blouses. In this special offering from Vandevcr's style section, third floor, arc skirts of faille silk and satin. Colors are tan, blue, taiipe, pray and black. Style com pares with fashion's latest dictations. Panels with frinpe camouflaged pockets and real pockets, too. Tasteful girdle effects. Choose from 25 Skirts at $13.75 Regular Price $17.50 Other .skirts in wool hnd silk; all the new colors as well as black; complete stocks at prices ranging from $15 up to $35. Houtrton Memphis . . Aumi.t .... St I.O.I it. . . Mills H'trk . Dallas Monlromery . Atlanta Total Palsy mo'emeait. Middlm . . . :io " no .so 2o :i7 in no 30 'HI 2" 30 20 HO 240H4 0107(1 70M08 Reels. 10J14 4 HA 0.17. I4SS 17MI Sales filork 40 344320 ;in0HH 21114 271014 .'.474 4:m.M 4 :i' 3 1220 1 S1.S2S ; 10711 l.'iOUO ! 1H .V.10 I 12003!! I 2 3 Ho (I 1322174 . ..t . . . Hales Klork 2DOO .11244 l.'.O 2 a S72 114.'. .il3A l:i743ft IS4SS aO'JSO 2344 7U7S71) barely atead). Dee. .Ian. Mar. Mar July New York Cottoa ratnrss. YOltK, Not. 13. Oollon elostsl llirh. 27 43 2 8.) 'Jti SO 28 3S 2S OS low 2(1 oo 5.5l 2.s as 35.00 2-4 00 CloM 2 25 25 So 25 25 25 III 24 2 Naw Orleans Cotton ratnrss. Nf.W (llW.KAN.-.', No. 13 Ontloti rlo.M ateady at a deelina of 125 lo 'iou poiuts. Mich Daw 27 00 Var May July ''I OS 2S 7a 'a 111 lioar. 25 75 '.'4 do 24 03 23 75 25 10 New Georgette Blouses. Special Sale at $5.19 Every one a new fall style; colors, flesh,, white, yellow, navy and brown; beaded ef fects predominate ; but a p,wfily number of other popular styles. Voile and Batiste Blouses $3.75 White only; hand-made ba tiste, very attractively hem stitched ; practically every size, but just three dozen in the lot; regular $6.50. Remnants Half Price Today Until Noon Only 1 ChJrano drain Ranf.. CHICAfiU, Nov. 13. -T.slay'a i ran.. i Com I No.-. . Il.e. Take a fflass of Salts to Flush j Kidneys If Bladder Bothers You. Open I : - ' I 1 .Ian . . 1 I !l 'l (lain no. 72': II. fh I 2.! I 10 I 21' Ivw 1 l I 1 ITS l.l'.l-ni Clrw I 2 5 j 2-S no 240 7 . 24 .SO 1 24 .10 I sra.n Cloae t 'i I l i'4 I 1 1 '4 2 s Store Hour 8:30 until 6 p. tn. Saturday until 9 p. m. r Oklahoma Union Railway COMPANY Tulsa to Sapulpa Sapulpa to Tulsa Every Hour on the Hour 6 A. M. to 11 Passenger and Ticket Office Fourth and Boulder Phone .3837 From P.M. F.a.tinR meat rpgulu'ly tvpntiially V produces kidney Irouhle In some llUrill I'l "inn i nit J .1 . " i ot.-.".. "ut authority, bsraiiso the uric arid In nipatxcito tlio kidneys, they be come overworked; (rot sliiKRlsh; (Iok uri and rsnse nil sorts of dls- I tross, particularly backarlie. and mis ery In the kidney rer-lon; rhciimatir ! twinges. severe headaches, hcM ; ittorosch, ponmlpatlon, torpid liver. ! slerpleeaineass, bladder and urinary l.irriutlon. j The moment your back hurts or .kidneys aren't acting rlsht, or if I bladder bothers you, Ket about four jounces of J1 Salts from nny koo.1 j pharmacy; take a tablesponf ul In I a Klaus of water before lrea.kfast for a few days nnd your kidney will I then act fine. Th famous silt Is made from the acid of crapes .nnd lemon Juice, combined with hinlii. and has been used fur cenerntinns to flush cloRKetl kidneys nnd si.'inu-l.-lte them to normal activity; also to neutrallne the acids in the urine s.. It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. JaA Slts cannot Injire anyone; makes a delightful effervencent lithla water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidm-ys and ur.nary orEa.n .i.,'n thus .tviildinar twrioi.s kidnev I uibase. Adv. Iter. .Ian . l'ork No Jan l.ard Nov. . ,lan. Ill ha Nov. I Jan t o 1 .7.1 71 1 .'.0 V .i'l oo 4:1 01 jr, 01 2i :; .24 2a 21 C.i '10 to 44 00 ': na 24 4'. '.'I 10 .72-, 7u 10 no 4 'i oo :i ; I t.: 71 71 "4 .70 TO 4a I 11 oo ; : 1 4 24 00 common lifht kind.. ; '". and ialea f.rllv 2.'.c h.rl.r. Is-ef c..l pul. I 1 1 :. 1,. 'art 10 IS . rr.rumt.n, SKf.ll'rilan' laitchrr rtrark. roar, anil r...lra aniawi1 1 1 oil rannere rutti-ra, 2 '.( n 2 ' . all kera and feetlera. Itesl. 0 7 'it. I 2 '. , .w,inm-in. 7 (III (Vt 9 7 . teal ea'.vea. ff..l 1 ii 1 7 00 aifalnrn ranc ti'-i.: ..-e- 1 4 o.j.ij 17 (,:, ru. sn, luafers, St Vj'.i, ( no fal linilia. ProTtion. 1,1 - liult' T Chicago riitCAW. ,',2wia;- K llil-her. re. .-ipla. S 20B rate.; fir. ta, '.Oft'.'..' ..r' f.rat. V.:(fiM!; at mark' r.i.'t inclniltd a.i K ''. l'oialo.-s -l(.K-..,tia. I. VI '-an; an c.iaiia'-l I'oullry Alitr, un'-hanx''!. Kanaaa Clly Prorlslnns KANSAS' CITY. Nor I ( - Wheat- I n rl,,.,...l V. I hard, 2IS'n2 2(l. No. 2, 2 I .' ra2 1" No. 1 red. -' V 1'. Corn-- lower No 2 mited l S'lSltiO while, 1 !'.(". 1 '': No. 2 ycJIow. $1 4C'-1 .'.I ll No 2 w4iite, ' lii t.9 ' . Nt. 2 in. act f 7 "I. '. .' 'J, Rye- f I al Kansss City Proriaions. KNSS CITY. Nov. 14 Hotter, ttgjs ar.d iKstilrT unchar.aeil I'viatoea t-a'l t .V.r 1 .00. Tort Worth Ua 8tock. I'flRT WliKTH. lei . No IS. flatl'.e -Hereipls. P.aOO. u l.rhn'tl. lli'era tl.'tO'a, 1 I 7.1. lio.-a Itcr-Mpla. Ijk.O; ateadr and scliin. H.). f 17 i.Ve 17 . i p Heeiuia, 1.200; steady. Lambs. Ii.i.oo'.ri.'i uo. Chicaaro LIts Btocfc. OTTICAfrO. Not 13 Mosa, re-ipla 14 000, clottwa dull; genoral Lraaln eteadr wrlh tetiday'a arre. lialchnra. $17 70( 1 0; liirht, I7 lartr IS 0a lat'k ins. 1 VKoSIT 10: throw otlla li 2'.fr Id Vt pis. food, 14 SO'ir 15 25 Caiilf- IWeifla. a. nod. .-h i-e ..a'i.. and waakcra kora. aaosllj 2i h.sier; J'l.en Itpeeti-lt. 1 niM.h ''.. hifi-l.r-r ?-t.wl Kleady lo tlri.'U laml.s i'hot.e, $1 1. i . KO.-I. I I Mi "I I I'l. tes, . I'.l.OO.jg It 2a . irtvliu.n, $ 7 "i '. . 'J 0'. . I'm. hoi. Kinsns editors hnve BRrecd thitl the proposed price ftiliiilfsioii to nicut markets be fixfl in 20 cents fur adults, 10 rents far children. Acd then, of course, there is the nmuil federal aniuscni' lit tax Tar war pur poses. Influenza and kindred diseases start with a cold. Don't trifle with it. At the first shiver or sneeze, take CASCARAR? QUININE B..ils eL4 rvmPflr TnT 10 Tm ture, no opiiTet dttk" up ro tsbtel tfl 34 hWlf-frnnrti Knp in j any-. b-tv if it hilt Theiemiin kxmh a tM tnp with Ur. Hil p-ctuf. At 1 J" Storr STAND BY Henry Kendall YOUR HO NIK COLLEGE terr Be Patriotic and Save the u? Expense of Sending Away IrS to School the Full Four Years in the Academy Four Year in College University Trained Teacher Personal Attention to Students. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OFFERED Liberal Arts Course, Conservatory of Music (Piano, Organ, Voice, Violin and Orchestral Instruments), Ex pression, Fine Arts, Commercial and Industrial Art, Domestic Science, Commercial Law, Bookkeeping, Sten ography , Typewriting, Specialized War Courses (Wire less V-l-gr'aphy, Trigonometry, P.allistics, French, Bi ology, Chemistry, Home Economics), Military Drill, Geology. KENDALL FOR TULSA TULSA FOR KENDALL Take Kendall Car Ask for Literature ARTHUR LEE ODELL. Preiident CHAKI.KS II k'lMHKOriill, H-cistrar; M. U COOLET. Bursar. p. . mix i9oi. phoni-: osauk zmz. i;i:t w s. s. I ' -l if.' i . ' ' i s;s:' "I it i i; ' I (' rM f aip- 5'"ij,.i .? I 1 v-:.K- mm mm T 1 I,,- ; I-i WW If mm 3 't :(-Vi:1 !ih,'.?''S mm Mm t i m ":'?' I ' ; . i; m m , t. iffi ; I Hi ii - n