Newspaper Page Text
9 TULSA DATLY WORLD, THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1918. G WoEnnsnn amid Wair Wod ' I'llOll Where Vm .May f.0 0. Ice. The cluh will assist the locl Hod Cross lf purchasing HiM urt ting In readiness Ittf gifts vUt li arc tn li' wnt forward during thn next j week or (ei day. i j ! CLEANUP CAMPAIGN HAS v i dccu noncorn cna Tin CA ULLIl UHULIIULf VII I U Ljn 0 n len til to Women j i l :.-t r r And v l Ml 1 1 it I a i i i II, I 111)1 I ami l.i' r r .-! .i III. d. . i- ml I'lW'd, 'I" Serve, T'Hlnj. Clehionl A. Ileum chapter I'. . I C, Ited ('rims hoiiiloiinrtcrs. j "n iitt .Mt unit, Ited Crohn. I. ut herati women, Ited Cross head-1 quart ci h. 1 Tlgert Memorial rh'irrh, work roiun, Thursdiy atid Friday. Trinll i:ium npiil wiunrn, J!"! Cross. iulf dypsv iirll. Hod I'roM heinl (jtiartrrs ' C i k .i n . i Vol Cms unit himh In Rod i 'i i imi lulled I 'i r-Hliyi t rl.iri women mt In church. Ii A. II , He. I Cri.-w I I'un-lli lli tilr iiim Ii ty, Ited f'rii-s. ; Mrs I'ri-ni'iii i' We; chairman i of pi'fHOtllirl I'f till' I'U'.-ll Kril I ' Ti '"H, ) him born notified lv St Ixiuls hen. I ; quarters that it" 1 . 1 1 ' . i -i nf k'i'iih- ' graphic and so vn "U "I the iik i ri .' 7.. f I ii hie Ii.-. ii d nniin , Ued. There nn longer Ii need tt ' womi'n fnr this Herviro iivimio.-ih but canteen and hut wi-r ki'i s will l'' irnt a K umiiit. Tin1 ni eh 11I7H Inn will' rntitinue tn pn Ide euroes' aids to ! MHiMt In Ihi. tint U ut ro. -nni.1 r u el in Ii ' and aiding the refugee nf France, lielgtiim and Italy. The Tuesday Hunk cluh nl H meeting IhlH HMk voted I It" sum nf 'lh tn he ii"" I In providing Christ -rriHii honks fnr men In ovcisi-iim m-rv Taking advantage nf the presold fair wculher, a general clean up i ampulm bus been ordered within tin' limits of TuImi. TM In not only a further measure In prevention nf a r'i n rm in e nf the Influenza opl ilMliiti' tiijt also tn fight rlnWn the pur ilnlll v nf any other epidemic nf "iiiil iiriiiiiM di.'.ea.ies, I- urn Ik. "I Inn nf pi cmlne where there ha. Iieeri slikhotiS ha In i i ordered liy thn inaynr, Hlnnu with tlna ntti'T f-loiintiiK. (iarlifiii' iiri'l IriiMh Mill Iiivb tn Im ImrTifd nr nili itvviki- (llspHMi'd nf. Tim ' Ity pri-in Imm Hint all iloanliiK dune I'V tlir In'itlMi il'iiartinont will tin iharyi-il aialnut lln- (irnporty, und wnrn-i ti-n iiil iliat nil wliii dn iii-l. riiiiip! v with Hi' urdiT will Im primi" ii'i d faill Ij'ajriirm I'ailNl. i .in: t i.k ' in . .i.v i '( I''niii Ii'.ikhi1 liawlnill pl.isrr" t u r &a nil lla t iiiiim fur th' i f f I r r ! hi h'ml at llrnal llki'N liH'.liI trHllllHK Htatliifi tnd i) 'I'lii'v aii" I'a n Ijvit "f thi. iH'tnnt TirM, ,1'in a.nnard nf Wnnh. lliKtnll. I "I 'd ThninaN lif tlm Und Hux and I'hll 'Iniillliaril, fnl lni'i ly nf till- Willi- Snx h'nr 'I'lli-k wllttiK. 100 hiiln ut & Mnnn Simp - Adv. Than d. Ii Had I.I. In . 1 1 1 nl . id . . . iii.- no In . it t wliii h, if do Ill's lifi- wi'l, 'fin lili- h 1 1 if ) A ,lii, in l d i 1 1 1 t - . i ! , 1 1 1 tiliim-r i. with - t. In. Hi. i i nf H,. mi 11, Ji-ii I lr, 1 1, i; lllli I .l ii in : Ill i . I i I I,. I' I ill nr . ; i.i ,i u l,i. I, I, i., i .. -ii Ihlllic. tin- v. I I--;.i i i i 1 1 1 . i- .-.iHll d IV i,r ihn .,,t a d hi, ni- tl nf ilH . lit I ,inr liy Jnlm Kfml-H V-iivi-r Mr. Wiiivi-r will t.'tvf ii pri.Krafn nf ' I.ih ' nl, h and pall .i Ii- iiijiiil.irM and a a 'nnvHiy will n tin CdlMi'fi ih',l,i- Kiuph a-iniii,.i ir, 1 1. 1' with tin- nririn 't,- i f at mini ,.f f.-af viral aitl-sl.-i. KnllilM lii I. Iir lli-iii flu Mi'ii-n. ii i.f tin. Htrli-r nf KnlKhtH ' .iiiiiiiI.,ik H linntn i.f a lil-IW- , f,l il.iiiri- II, h -. n i ii t- in lln-ir lnd.' Iniini I'm, ihi nf ih,' affair will 1 i'ii tn tin- iiniti'd war fund lampalKn und tin- Kiii:lit i-xti-n.l an uivltallnn I tn ..Ii lln,.. m Ii i ilani ! in tin 111 al- ,-lld.i in i- Subscribe In the United War Work Fund THE HUNT CO.- Main Street Between Third and Fourth Do Your Xmaa Shopping This Month I Hun nl nf Sli'wnnlN to Mud. II II .1 1 HI Will la 'I lulu ' ii, r i ha l I fnll-.W. Ii- f.-.i i Ii r I l.v I ill I'M dun -i i -I i In. .Mi- illiilix idliillld 1,1 IV i-V.lilliK I In- ri , in foil A ndiTHiiii if nn In ln . I,, in Ma - vim; and Wll Ml'K I r i nk A I. ii dni's. iiKii'iittt; nf tin' I irt'd ".r it. -,v,,r.N nf i:iii,ti Avr-nim M i;. linn !i vlll I.i- ii-nl thin vi-nli-i; :n Hi,, ri-.i .- ,,l Mr and Mim II M M. - l-arllli. Mm j4'-...l.,n tu I,,- fnllinvi-.l l.v i hm 1. 1 1 limn at wlin h Hi.' ivi i i.f thn 1 . 1. 1-. ltd rm mlii-is will l,i iui-hI. A Timely Sale of Handsome Blouses I;. -.. 1 1 .i l.i- k I 1 1. ii" and ni I i id , t ini.' t,.i i I .i n i , -1 i IIi.i.i..' I' Mi.i.i.- I; irl S . .nil,'. .ii. i i . I.i i- I, ,. -, i .'Ml-- l I .i li-nill I I i i I I ki-V. I'll I I Ii I lu ll I Ii d T Nk Miuiii. .ii. nn , Andi-i Mm Id. In, I r. in kiln S lit. iv. T K Smith It iiIIn M , I ' I i ii t i a - k . Mibii-h l J i-i'l r Hi Ii I'linii' llv, l-;ii-il.. ih .MadiMnti ami Mir 1-A'aiiH. A I Mi and t r t iln In f nitii; in iln luiiMr. Li i- Cllni'iii will on illy at iIi'iiiit tl.ia tvi-- u n 1 1" (lull. Sun-lair, VVi ll.-i l. t'l.iit.iii, l.ynn It ir'li-tl. .1.111.1-1 It A t-r 1 1 v . U l.yln r 1 1 iii-i ii. V. u. k i, idn I,. Andr i. riii- Ii. Oruiiii Hi'linl. Tin' firKt iiiiian i-f tin- mwi - 1. II at II' III'. Is I'lnl.i I. rnlllKH will l-i' Klvi-ti at 4 n'rl", k Sunday after main In Ihi1 i'iiIii i?i rhapi-t, playrd We beg to announce that and Mt. J. R. LiniUcy Who were with u$ last uear open their display and tale of EXCLUSIVE FURS Monday, Flotemnte ftlhe Eighteenth ThU line U larger and more com plete than at any former time and affords an opportunity for one to select furs from the most beautiful assortment shown In the southwest. Tin' Vi.ntil,' Wi'lin-h Killld nf I ii-fil I -j .--In til i i n itilll.-h will tnmt fnr a vlilnry tnippi-r l-il-lav vi-miiK In tin- Kill, stnrv nf th" ' All i.un;r wnmiii i.f tin', i Iniri ti will la wi n-. .nn-. I and ri tn-rvat juriH luav Im niailf with Mim llaiiHnti, t nli .ln.iin H 'Ml. Hi .h i vatintiH ."hniiid b niadn In'lay. Mim. .1. Arthur Hull I'lilrrtamid n Hinall 1111)1(1, inv at dituior Mntiday ''.iiiiiH in tin- t " t i r 1 1 ,-v i itili fnr M i n I a Will Hull, wlin Ii fl nn a tin-lit truth In rnmpahv with hi'f iiiiith-r, Mm H ih v I Si. n nl, and Iwr Imhy Hun licWiil fnr thn winter Hi fall- fiiinla. Thnri' win plun'M fnr K. ' 'fSil'ihihl.i i liatitiiiii..i mot Tiioo- dav afti ri ii In trm I'Mi-Mt 1'ronhy- I li rian i-him-h Aa Hn-ri' n Inivjt'T ih niiil i,f tin- rlri-i'H Horvlrnn In tho i wnrk nf miikllik' xiirplral droHKIiiKs It an diridi'd tn diHi'niitlniio tho nn'i't ' I11K1 in tho 1:0.1 Criiso wnrkriiniim. I Tho wnrin-n will ilovnto thidr tltn i In xrwItiK fnr tho rofiiKPoii and knlt . tlnir Mr V. A Hcpvok, 1111 loador. ' iravo nn Int.'ri-Htliii; lovlow nf tho' flit i:i i-h.i.t-M i f 'ho Htndv honk. " Til'- '.iii nll'in Cuiininn n oalth." Mri I! i: l innott. road Kolootlnim finni I ini rn in nn d h pnoim. l-'nturo I inortinir nf thn rlrrln will lio hold 111 Ih" pnhlio lihr iry. ! Chaptor . I. . nt iln Initial 'iiioo'Iiii yi-Htorita v Hftoriinmi In tho 1 hnnio nf Mrn I'orrdvHl K. Maitoo. I rondi ri'd a di'i-lHlnn whlrh irnvldos i fnr rin ri'Ktilar wnrk until aftor tho i Ti oil. I . k In tho iiuniitlmii tho nn rlotv will fnrtniilato platm fnr tho rnootliiii i.f tho Mtnto chapter I"1 : held In T11N.1 next Hprlni:. Thoro 1 wan a pli'.'iwint uncial limir fnllnwmu 'tho liiiNirioKH m-sHliiti. Mr. Adamn nf I KanmiH City and Mini Kathcryn Mao I Karrner nf Kt. 1mlH wnr vlaltlliK 1 1". 1'".. .' In Hllondunco. Tho ni.'vrrlmo nf .Mi VAnn Mollimj I of I'onrla. III . wh.i fnr Hie tniHt two j iniontlm him hoon vi!ltlnr f 1 lend In jTiilHa, nn l Mr. Itm hlo StnrtH. ln nf I'ont la, tnnk plai n Satin dav aft-j Uitiimn. Nivoniir !t. Tho cormiiony j ' wim nlcmnl7ed hy Iti-v, C. W. K'-rr f nf l-'irHt l'rchl.vterlarl church, at tho j ; mariH" Mr. and Mm Stnrm will lomc J : nn Frldav tn Kpofid tln wlntor In I Itllnlio. Ariz. MrH C. A. I'lpor liter- I taltiod with a g'H shnwer rnr the rc I rent tirldo mi Mnmluy cvoninn;. 20 fS " Tho Woman'H Knrclun Mlnnlnnurv nxutv nf l-'lmt M'dhndmt church will moot In tho hnmo nf Mm .1. II Vusi, I 4'ni Itnltlnmro nvoniip. ut " 3d o'i luck Tliuridav iif'ot nnnn. The nicotinic In tn ho nf nhiiMiial lu ll rent arid all women of the church arc Invited. The reductions in each instance represent a substantial saving, emphasized strongly by the unusually high character of the Suits offered in each and every group. Our entire stock of Suits has been reduced $15, $20, $25, $30, $35 and up to $85 prices limit in selection of fine and seasonable Suits. Reductions have been made accord ing to style and fabric. Special Blouse Sale Today Only $3.75 For the one day we offer choice of any $5 Georgette Blouse at Mim Kthelyn Carpenter. yniinu d.niRhter nf Mr anil Mrs. C. H. Carpenter, will leave thN evening fnr rhllndolphin. where nh will re main throne-hunt the winter. MKh Carpenter nm-H In pursue n special cniirne In video rdiuly, during which time nhe will ho with relative. The Wnmnn'H Mlswtnnary wiHoty nf tho Cii-Mt I'.aptlut church will moot IthlM afternoon with Mm. A. M. Mo. Spadili u and Mti i. W. llcrho, us hnstiMncK In ti e home of Mrs Mo. Spa. l-li n, !n I .North Cheyenne avenue. Mrs Cut C Mairoo and rtiil.lren ( ! Mi in le anil Teddy are expected t" uiTh'e thin ini.intiiK from AHu Uuer'Hic. N M . tn upctnl the wlntor In Tulsa. The fainllv will he at home at 111, ' 'nison avenue Mis W. V. Thravos haa rnncliided , la few dnvs' visit in inisa uiiniiK wlrioti time she was tho Kuesl nf Mr. and Mm V. S. Henry. RoitiK to Ix-s- I ! itiKtoti. Kv . wnloh Is tn lo the homo. , of the family In the f-lture. Mr and Mrs. Vnthonv M. iVlnin- ned ate ant'. I'ltmir thn arrival m diu of Mv i i'l iiinnell's I mtlo-r. .Mr. i.l.din I. n'l iii'M nl' Warren. I'a . I for ;i (.ov cnvl dav s stay. A meotiim- of it-thiiiy chapter. I WeMtniinster K'liid. haa la on an- noim I for :.:: ni-mcK t-rinay mi- i ernonn in t no au.inni nun "i nu i-n-n ! rreahyteriiin church. This Is Indeed An Opportunity for Every Woman Who Is Looking for a Handsome Dress Blouse Either for Herself or as a Xmas Present The only possible disappointment you can experience will be that of coming too late. Every blouse in our department is included in this sale, for one day only, today at 20 per cent discount. Flesh tinted Georgette Crepe, with novel collars, vestees and fronts inserted with beautiful patterns of lace. The newest collars are used with other quaint and elaborate decorations. The trimmings, in some cases, are somewhat elaborate, while others show a tendency to be somewhat plain. In all the prettiest suit shades as well as those in lovely light colors. Remember, it's TODAY that every blouse in this department will be sold at 20 per cent discount. Values as follows: $7.50 Blouses today $6.00 $10.00 Blouses today $8.00 $12.50 Blouses today $10.00 $15.00 Blouses today $12.00 $18.50 Blouses' today $14.80 $20.00 Blouses today $16.00 $25.00 Blouses today $20.00 $30.00 Blouses today $24.00 $35.00 Blouses today $27.00 " ... ' V3r i " i fhvrnYHfAjP Hundred Six PTl MS UM V !: i'j a !tho Cust Haptlst church will moot Iaullra' Shop II II II I ! uucruue. .ii. to n'li.i rue w iiiit ' In Tulsa. The fainllv will he at home i rifrtSiin i irfTfij n .iu1Tl. ijTL- rl.fl ii ' ,,vi'n'"'- ' , - - " - " " " w " tnf T 1 Z -i 4' il sS fi ' v V?r I 1 jlnKton. Ky . wnlih Is tn ho the homo ( cmcmo A-fTT?.C -JbrrcH mr V As- o.mii. I f-..ny m th.. f-.ture. , i m fsm mm m a a, w m. a? m. mm r ar w m mm m m i 1 Now York C " f wWA V; 1 I ry J 'b.yy 'v. Knsna OlJC lX VJ 0 S. rvl,v I I Tula jr wx-j Ji vav oir ,.xvti.,'vii ' i I I A meotiim- nf it-thiiiy chapter.! dlSS. Main St. ttZ C M; t l I K-,i;,l. haa la on an- 9 a It II j l'renhvlerlan church. i Women s Suits ? fe- v'dKiB j ) 5jf?!5j I I ? ! "H i . I aiiditnriiim. l'i'n 1 Greatly Reduced 72 v...... : n.,i.,..., A IV "l 1 I j Mrs W .1 Collier le" l-i"' "V V U I "' i" ' "'m' V 1 f h, 'ii i .. r,.r, . oit.if .,', t.. .loin Mi t1 f Collier at ttici new home In l ort Em I Mrs .1. I've, I Mi'cs of lxlnctn. iW-i ' Kv. whn ''-is hem the Ku."t fnr a Q W Y 'il Inrtnlcht of Mrs V Val J-an H:.l- JnmP'' I idison, called h-tno last eveniiis. J ' Mr- '""I M's " Hl'l'r l",vr WlrWt fiT J I reiMovcd to l'l l-i'"' KiK'i'eenth VTll "IH l f mroot. where -i-.ov i:i i,c at homo to r .all "! 11 I ..i u i.rii r ihi uidlv there is practically no I ff9kvu M i,!.:x m m,' imu uirt. lii lit 1 I M - an t Mr- ' Iv H''""" '"i'1 ' Jlf IH :V'i:i,.:::;:.,';:r;;rr,:n,,rr.n,,s;::;;: fJIUU T I Miss Noll Klntish f r-''v"- "!!i' ,'rVV t ar'ne.l list n.-.'it l-r an Imlefmite Y"rk I v. t in -!i" h-'oio i.f Mr. and Mrs Ma "v;i';i 11 .. . Jfy X I Ml I'" I l-s. .1 -flics P. '"'' riin- f ; mm I "i ns:er lav t . 1'. iv or H-:!m.'s Ii I -.-ii i Mi.-ini. to spend tho totn.iirator of JJ ;C, vv, s 1 ).- St .idler is otar-icd . n - n .r. ""w'" w i ,w J :,-. .1. r, Kiaiiiii;-.-.:; was nf an ; UP TO $7.50 PETTICOATS TODAY $4.94 Just received a wonderful collection of Silk Petticoats, both in Jersey and Taf fetas. All the prettiest new shades Today $4.94 -SECOND KLOOR, Informal dinner of 14 rnvers cvrnlnt; in thn Country cluh. last M ihs losernt t illt I17-..I MarRaret llodkln In rnnvo. tifter a severe lllnesji of In- Mr. and Mrs. Carl IMe.xsant left hurt nlifht tu npend Kovenil rtaya In Chlcji-Ko. Mm. W. K. Urown la ronvalonoont after an lllnoss of more than a week. Mrs. M. 1 11 K after i B. WnsBprman l wnere Ulneasi. in recrwor- TWO BOUND OVER CHARGED WITH STEALING MAYO CAR Mrs. V. Hplawn of Inllas. Toxaa, In Tulsa for a few weeks visit. HAD HIS DATES RIGHT; MENTIONED WRONG WIFE .lack O'Connor pravo the rlcht date, hut named the wrntin wife in his itiestlunnairo and yesterday ho was arrested on a charge of perjury. , Although circumstances misht In dicate that he has two wives, tho , exemption hoard insists ho has nn i wife at all and that may make it all 1 the harder for .lack w In n ho (rets a ' hearliiK hefore .1 II. Wilkins, I'tiitod .-- i.i t .-s cm i in iss! oner. Officials nf the city draft hour.!' - siy that O'Connor, who Is employed 1 in a drink estahUshnicnt, claimed I exemption as Ii;iviiht a wife and two : i hilili-eii I i vi n Ills fU"sll,innalre , .-hnwed that ho was married in In- ill.i ni In l!"ii. Kul nn affidavit i fmiii his former wife says that hm I real tianie Is llduard Walters and that she scoured a divorce from him ! -n .Inly. l'.M'i. It Is wild that O'Con nor has heen I iv in if in Tulsa with a woman who i;nes hy the name of lai oile I ''Connor She signed tho iiuos Mono. uro as helnu his wife and de lieiident upon him support for her lelf ami two children. SHAWNEE MAN BUYS INTO UNDERTAKING BUSINESS .Martin C. Fleming. formerly mayor of Shawnee, banker and oil man.'has purchased an Interest In the Mitchell Cndertaklng company, 720 South Main. Mr. Fleming; 1 In charge of the local buslneea. They have eetabllRhmenta at both Miami and Sapulpa. The parlors and equipment hv been enlarged and Improved, a mod ern hoarse being added. The suspense In Washington th last few days muat have been awful probably a keen aa that of lh memorable week In November, lilt, waiting to hear from California. Safe 7frlIIFAIITStdinVfilJDS Tom Oiirhatn and Claude Kirhy pleaded guilty in the JuwUcc court uf s. C. Maxey Tuesday afternoon to a chargo of mealing tho Cadillac roudHter belonging to W. C. Mayo from the corner of Fifth and Main on November S. Thee two men were caught at Stewart by W. T. (Jarrett, deputy Bherlff of Hughes county on lu at Friday. Hud Maker Is mill nt large while K. 1, Houston, charged with the other three in the same information. Is said to he at McAles ler, whore he Is heing held for fed eral uutliorllifSj as a deserter from the army. l.astl-'i Iday morning, S. H. Turner, Hhoriff of Hughes, wired to Charles Allen, ehief of linlii-o ii ,lna,Tl,wiiin nt the car that had been found by his . 'orInfants,InvUdsndGrowlngChlldrn. uepuiy, aim u taiiiou wnn tnat or tne Mayo car. Charles .Moore of the Tulsa police force was Bent to Stew art to hrlmr hack the car and u': leired thieves, lie arrived In Tulsa with them Sunday morning, accom panied ,y Hie Huvhi s county sheriff. Kirhy and Imrhaiii wore commit ted to Jail I'V .liistice Maxey in do fault of bond in the sum of ti.OOU each. iSK FOR The Original Nourtahlna; Dlsestible No Cooklna fh. Original Focvl-Drink Foe An AgM-1 OTHERS ara IMITATIONS 0 IlltO APWAY. "Knplng lli.-i Juliet'' is the title of the new comedy plav'.et to he pre sented at the the, iter this i afternoon for throe d.ivs hv the Hi NiitUf o High ScIumiI Mudcnts. Report at omo to I.oe levering, tatlcirs and f u itiisliors. Tulsa Hotel building, I I Ivi.s; Third .-tris't, for mcasaremi tit for military uniforms. A HOMEMADE GRAY HAIR REMEDY: Yon Can V.ikr nt Home a Hotter (Jray llalr I'.cmody Than You lnn Ruy. links cum ii.i.nv. This is h ' k' m-y the scene nf hie It Arizona and which was sol I iv Mr h. M r. western i i laid In to "tab" r-arnett and the fixed the bill for; run is considered I'ai tiett ami lane . n tn excellent ad- I while other i otnp.-iny are well : is on" nf unusual i is a fine eln of from In to end There i lendid i'"i'r nn nf H'.iv streaked nr faded hair !s nnl 1 only mil oming. Inn unnecessary. Von can darki n it without using a I.Ve wit h tn nsi f.n t that he i about an h" fi-ni.l i kalde. . I'liilKe Will be S antairo as .im nicinliors of the oast. Th" storv Inieiest and the , m Iv V. I'll I"- i-ii i i.i i ".lea with hardsho in I Kuth Fralcy lancing as an added "Any. mo nn prepare a simple mix- j turn -it hnnm. at very little cost, that w.ll dark, -a gray hair, and make It! soft and glnsNv. Ti a half pint of water add 1 n itn o of hay rum, a1 small box nf llirlio Compound and ' ounce of glycerine. These ingred ients can le In night at any drug store at very little cost, or tho drug gist will put it up for you. Apply to the hair twice a week until the de sired shade Is obtained. This will make a irray haired 'person look twenty ears younger. It is not a dye. It do -s not color the n: t deli cate sc. il,; is not sticky or jnd docs not rub off. Adv. t 1 Better Hurry Before They're Gone Our assortment of new Records is complete so you had better come in and get yours now for the de mand threatens to exceed the supply. Come in and hear the latest records and make your selections while we have all of the new numbers. You'll want your record library complete when the long winter evenings come. Darrow Music Co. First oor West of Hotel Talsa.