Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1018. .tuCVHFRF DOING inu i GREAT WORK'-ROGERS f Will hnuwii TuImuo. wondered what your .. itio united war fund II H' ' :m,.v. '"i I'"'1 l font" - . ,,. -ri'iit linn army mm i-"'"1 ,', ,. S i ni in sending across '' :l,r r, '.1 ' land, where there's ,.r ,-jn except the things . ill them ami the things '"''VW r l'""'' wr"' vr? Can ' '" , .. ;n V'tir mlnd'a eye the y" hours the soldier ., rrr.n . .......a,.- nine (' ', it"'1 iniiliy muirmrnui Oklahoma H os pfitl a nli Conslste of 1t fiKprouf building arranged for nurpofe . , Mn.lcrn and complete equip- irtt under one roof. I,i Character, experience and iklU ,U ti I1lnli.n PmMKnL n r n i r, ". itls. II . r. Wearier, ll. N. Superintendent pr. f.jrtlc Atherton K.lant Physician Nlnih and Jackson Streets rhmie Usage 30 fguslN KSS CARDS j Ihar.e"-0'"0 U-IT Wt Archer HATCH KR PRODUCE CO. Wholesale Jobbers Creamery nutter and Eggs Good V.ggs Always E YE Dr. Arthur Ear Campbell Nose Mnyo ndg I'liono BIDo. Throat Hdiquar'"'8 for Kryptok Lenses Sw Location 10 Weat Third I'hone 3473 MATERNITY HOSPITAL Efficient trained nurses. Bablea .tJopted IX dif.rcd. ' U03 W. MAIN ST. Oklahoma City, Okla. CHANNON'Q 0 FURNITURE 3 Eichange New for Old 14 and 16 Weat Second hj W. McCulloch H. H. Chaffla MOWBRAY UNDERTAKING CO. OrEN DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Dr. I. Angstreich OPTOMETRIST with HARRY HEILBRON JEWELER ' , orvvua via iUtiin i'nOD6 127 TTTT1 -l T w w . . int. LrilLUKhJJN S DAY NURSERY 717 SOITII CHEYENNH I'HONE 1006 Ulliren Cared f,r During Working or Chopping Hour wXgregg iTXlifARffii Attorney s-at-Law Etching.. National Bank Building Tulsa. Okla. EDNA B. FARIS ' LBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Room 530 Mayo Building rhonc 7985. SAM'L. A. BOORSTIN ATTdRNKT AND fW.NSK.LI.OR.AT-l.AW "Mi ll Wright Bldg. of (in and Caa a of Corporation I'HONE T1IS HOTEL OXFORD ?HC"1;inn'1,,rn- 8,Mm he.a. hot "a 601,1 running water In every room private bath. room, single wulte. Hates 5 per week 1 up. Corner Third anil De- Dr. E. f Rorf National Association CHIROPODIST efJ .... r Pk V1 East Third St. PhoneEBw TulsVokla. CHAS. H. MRILLAT ATTORNEY.AT-LAW 8oM Building, washlnon. o. C 0ll Gas and Indian Matten VVnTTrTTn; wuubUN E. NORVELL Attorney Now L, ocatM In L'nlty Building Suites 101-111 inif. hut hcrc'a a real letter from a I "al .inkwhn thriHKth the wldn ! known work of hm hrnther brltiKti t'i okUhniiMn a iIhm-up vcrsmti I df 111.? wrk t i the Y over in the ,ir y.uiie. Thr. lett.r m from r.ipt. John l!o;(.rn. hnuhii- of Hon. H.iriv II I KiiK'TS. chairman i.f I hf district ex-I PinptiDii bnacd and one nf llic hent Known ami I,chi liked men in thi Utatf. WflltPf. t.i .'r:inli li H' .Mi.... : anothor Tiilsan, and road Vfst.Tilav to the united war fund workers ul Ihelr luni'heon: "I (lilt MAI re.'iKe unhr....i..iA K Y. M. i'. A. in ihr camp in tho "lilies principally Iummiinc I could BPek ,liy own social n ieation and pleasure. "Not so here The first time I really appreciated a Y. W. ( A. wa.s when I In ruled In an Anierl ran rest camp In Knuland. There was. an officer's Y. M (-. A. (here and It h do, I send to all of us. 1 had nm had an opportunity to take a hath for many days; there they had hot water; there they had pool and billiard table; there they had reading matter; there they hn l a lounitintr room; there they had a wntini; room; thero they had a warm place: there it was dry; the only place I was in whiln In lOnitland that I was not wet for it ruins many times every day. "Here In the camp at which I am htatloned at present there is a wonderful V. M. (V A. Two men ami two women, p.eal American women too. Something you, rare ly see In this country. The Y here Is doinu a arrat worV" HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA HAS BEEN REORGANIZED After many hindrances such aa Influenza,, holidays and broken In Ntniment.s. the high school orchestra Is at hurt oririiiiized and at work. At the first full practice yesfeVdav a splcmiid showmif was ni.'ido If the number and variety of Instruments Is any Indication. jloys anil trlrls alike reported for work niulpped with violins, a cello, viola, k 1 xfiihone." trombone and cor nets, making a Krand total of U' pieces. This seems a small number for a hirh school like Tulsa has. but when it Is remembered the youth of the educational adantajres of the city It will read II v be seen that this is not a bad showing. No hlirh school can have a firm rlass orchestra nolens that orcanl7j. Hon ha Its material pomlnpr from the (rrade schools Kvery irrade school in the city will this year attempt to have a Juvenile orchestra and In this way build real musicians for future work in the hlKh school. However, directors in this work will be handi capped by the lack of professional musicians to coach In tho use of the various Instruments. Many talented children would be glad to study either band or or chestm Instruments If this could be secured at nominal cost and if the Instruction cnulih he given nt the school. As it is stnrtpnts who are not going to be professionals do not wish to inconvenience themselves to ro out after school hours, neither do they feel like spending a large sum for training. "If I vere over there." Think of that and give to the united war work campaign. WoiJDo r Hot . Cold Hard Sofj jyf Constant Chemical Research and Uf improvemenis nave rvepi Gloom's FeaAcm soap "The Solid White Cdke" Far in Advance Always the Leader. Recognized as the Standard in hot If t - ! 1 it u F2HJ-:xm .n- II t KIRKSHAia .1 I!! . New Clothe. Dr. John R. Mott Director of $170,000,000 War Fund Drive 1 li'i" 2 V , erlf toUt H'rf.J v h-. -' Jr r ' , " J I . I V.,ik1' .t! I b - Dr. John Photo pnpTricM lv t'n.lermoed gr rtiilerwood. , Dr. John. R. Molt, chief executive of the V. M. V. A. who bus ln-in elected director general of the united war work campaii.'ii to nilse 1170. 000,000 for the seven war service organizations which are working to sus tain and Increase the morale of the American anil other allied soldiers. Mr. Mott was chosen to take charge of the big November drivo for funds at a meeting of representatives of the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. '. A . the national Catholic war council, the Jewish welfare hoard, the Salvation Army, theAmericHii l.ibraiy association and the war camp community service. CANTEEN OPENED BY RED CROSS AT SAPULPA FINE While a Ilttlo late a canteen serv ice opened In a bran new building near the Harvey House at Hapulpa. Is doing flnn work for the soldier traveling though that busy rairoad center, nome Yanks coining to Tulsa, from Cump Travis reported yester day. "Fine business," they F.ild. water or cold in hard 2 JffT!G" A Certainty Not an Experiment Preferred by all women who know it, because it will not bum the hands, nor injure the most delicate laces, silks or chiffons. a e w- It. Molt. Japanese Are Rejoicing Over End of Conflict TiiKI". Nov 1 3 - A nnoiincement of ilcrmany's ca I' ion resulted In general rejoicing throughout the Japanese empire. I'rcmler llara Is sued a statement In which ho paid special tribute to the American peo ple "whose unselfish and well-timed intervention, so brilliantly performed, must have convinced the enemy that the struggle was hopeless." Manufacturing water or soft. Is more economical and will do . more work than ordinary soap. 8 r a njriJ --a . .. ..wi m u EXTENSION ELECTRIC LINES A POSSIBILITY l'roM'r I iii'iiiiragciiiciit IYni il Hall Will Help MaicrhiUt III "'(- New Wink Hull!. j I in pui t.i ii- e of .m interut m t'-m in Tulsa s terriiio y Is evidcm , .1 urty d.ic when Hie vast throng I I out III l in 1'iWlls conic into t he inc. I uopollH 1 1 i ii Sand Spiiugs, Kieter.j -.ipiila It'.l I '.'ik an. I Intel inedi ble i puiiits. nml already Un re is discus- Ht. n of lurllicr i xtensiiin or the lines in oiK'iatlug to tiirilii'r poinls. Arcording Iti a .talemeiU issued hv the chamber id ciuumci ce steidav, . i r I construction of the iiklahouia I nioti raJl.i to Okmulgee I con letnplatcd, and a line northeast ton possible cniiiicct loll with the inter till an sst I sunt hem Kansas and Miilllov est M issotl I I, Voik i the sNstem suspi nded shoitiv aft.r the war, except on the lines already under construction, stopped because of war conditions au l because of an apparent uniricml l Ht'ltude In some quarters, due probal l! to a misunderstanding Kn oiiiragenieiit of the work is essential and 'I'll si U tailed oil tile get lieblml the companies seeking millets and give I hem eveiv possible collcesilon. The Oklahoma 1 nioii railway is owned h 'I'iiIk.iiis. Me.-i-rs M . Mr. Tallin. ,. S Cosleii, Iv W Sinclair, i!. C. stebbins. I !' Crow and others, and Ibev put more in. in a million doll. us of their own funds Into the project ami hae millions more for the aytlelisioiis "It Is inconceh able that any pa triotic clliztn of Ti si woiiltl do any thing Id hamper the efforts of the-e well litiowii c;iv huildeis In cariyim.' out tlielr plans afier being advised ii-s to ha' these plans are. for til" icasoti that no property owner Kliould object to liiiilne an Increased valua tion placfd on his property, especial ly when this Increase Is added 'V the effort of money of others than him self,' said Colonel llollglas of tile chamber of commerce. "The build ing of the hue .from Tulsa to Sa pulpa has furnished something abso. iutely new 111 I he mutter of building inleriirbaiis II was built on the pn Mite money of the builders, without a mock -jobbing operation, without a building company operating at a gieat profit, without the usual town slle and lot selling adjuncts, and even without asking Ihe cities and towns along ihe line for a bonus, "nil this is something m-w, especially In okla homa, in railroad bulidlng. It was : built by the owners as a clean i n' business proposition In make money for Ihemsehes and to add to I he business of th.s city, and this being true there is no i imisoii why thee gentlemen should not have, in csr rving n:i their further and larger plans, the heartiest co-operation of the eniiie citizenship of Tulsa, and vicinity." M .m:sth'. One of the great pleasures of go ing to the theater and nlso seeing the big picture dramas Is the op portunity afforded to renew aciualnt ance with "Id friends and favorites. I). W. Griffith, the wizard of fllm cloni shrewdly divines this truth and has retained some of his best play ers in all bis pictures. Several of the stars and favorites who helped to make "The Itlrth of a Nation' and "Intolerance" the greatest sue cesses of their time are to be seen again in "Hearts of the World. which Is considered ny mr. um ... k... . , p.iii,.. r, be the su premo triumph of his career up to this writing. n-i i m.-n r:iM1 ltotiert liar- llirj air, eiiini roil. Ceorge Selgman and Josephine ( rowell. Iioroiny itisn, wno innj" the part of "the little disturber" In "Hearts of the World" and furnishes the most lively bit of eomedv In the .n.i.. ra,., ii.,n uihlcli. has already earned rolumns of praise for her in the newspaiers. was noi n.- TV, nirtii .,f a Nation." but took a small part In "1 ntoleranee " Her alster. i.inaii. o" iir.j- t;irl" In ' Heart., of the World hiki who made the trip to the battlefields of 1'rance with Dorothy and Robert llarron to make scenes ni ine oik production, was seen as Klsle Slone : i iiiriii ..f a Nation and limn in .ii. - , . svmlaillred -Wall Whitman's Imagi nary rhararier "out or in- num. endless rocking" In "Intolerance." Josephine Crowell who took the part of the "Southern Mother" In The Hirth of a Nation" and the vin dictive ouecn Katherlne ilu Medici in "Intolerance" is "the klrl's mother in "Heart,, of the World Hubert llarron who plays the male lead "the bov" In "Henri of the World" Impersonated the Stoneman boy In "The Hirth of a Nation" and iilaved the modern b"V In "Intoler- ' .. tit ,n.l. In "Hearts of nnce ins -.o ... ------ - the World" is Von Strohm (played bv fieorge Scigman I a viliamuun i.un officer and eis'while spy. Oeorge Segman was Silas Lynch In "The rtirth i f a Nation" and the leading villain in "Intolerance " 'Hearts of the World in an nounced for a special engagement In ... 1..l..1le for six 'lavs comniencing Tuesday, November 13 i.uwn. The plav for today and tlie !a-t half of the week nt Hie Craml theater will be "Wife in Name Only" a slorv taken from nn Inci dent which happened In Washington some vears ago. The slock company will give a partlculnrly good per formance of this plav. as Ihe .-.vt i suited In every way to the pl.-iy. The I'earl White serial will not start todav as owing to the reconstruction of booking, the agents cannol ar range the Hate here until November After that the serial will run reg iihirlv until it is finished, the last half of the week The picture for to day will be "The Kough Lover. Cliff Hastings Is again playing the leading male parts with the stock company, and things see,,, like old times again to see h m working ... T..L..11 the eadlng lady. The companv will soon produce a play for the first time on any stage. I called ed "The lllgll.T i-.. a Tulsa lady about Tulsa people. by lewlsh Soldiers I'onn i'oiincll. AMSTKI! DAM. Nov. 1 2.- Jewish soldiers have formed a soldiers' and workmen's council and occupied lopoblstadt. and eastern quarter of I Vienna, according to a Vienna dls i ...i..,.i. ...irties ihe Jewish cor- no i - - respondence bureau. Jewish soldiers t, rid workmen's councils have been established at fragile, Thereslen stadt. oliniitt and other places and have been welcomed by the Czechs. Ilepudlntes Annulment Kiinior. C( il'I'.N 11 AC. KN. Nov. U Vor waerts nf Iterlln repudiates the ru mors current In Cermany that the new people's government Intenus to annul the war loan. Th newspaper -avs subscriptions to the ninth war loan have reached JU.Oiia.OUO, 000 marks. World XeiiHboix Again Arc Made Victim for (,'ang of Young Thugs m .r ! Irij t'.i i' I c I it I't'W (f Tlu m M wi-ir tlirnun "ff tin l i I'i'h, I lti(T 1 1 ;t m l.i kfii finiii (hi-iii Mini il(fir 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 . A k t tip? -f ritin:l J. ln .ii '' ii't 1 it l til I . .lltMH'il tn l( i' Mlt h new sIm m Irnt i r i tm mi Hi.- sti-.TK htniii'.l Th' W irll IhiiMimk mii ,ilh r n't Im K l'n lift ttric siiinnitiin'il .tinl. jif'.fr It il n.I i t. x .r . ..(.ir- ..f Tho WmiM hiid Inrn tutu im .mil lliinHti inln thn st'Trt-, tl, Imp, .ir niM nii-.l y kn.ii'ls. wn In 1 1 . i i' ft;ttlini .mil w cri' uimmli'Nd'd iliir:nii Ihr rciti.i itiili-r nf Ilu rwniim N'mvm u -i Hi'lllnu t ln Tuhn I 'I' I ..t st n -t- In iiri ii ci rnri' u .1 h .1 nprt It Inn nf Ihr ticwMlinv-t' 1 inl uf I. i h1 Mtimmri , in w hirlt thr (..hum rorriiiin u,m ftilltiwi'il iMi-llin,; the TuIm liir ni'r hri M lilnlr -Inl Tin "in. Mix r " l.rlutitl t i-! lilKlitn atl 11 k .nt' .is wi'll kimwn iiH arr tlnt-r whirli innMpti lln nll.ii'k-4 nf l.t nimni'T Tin' W 01 hi ni'M -h'V-' ,nl'iill II h;m' no roinpl.iinln lit t'tfi'i". and Hi''l' lnya II v im inl in ir. 1 1 I K 11 af Irr t tl V !id l'rrn riiiilrllii til tlv Up llirlr paHH In III" VmIIih; tlUlK who Hlt.irkfil lliftn last rvciittur. thnv rrturni'd lt Thr oi Id Intll'l itiK to hriMin' Minir pai'iTH, and. jililioui-'li tin- 1 1 1 1 1 1 m tMi wiih IliU l r upl d, 11 vitlar n-adrt s of I III till; III rd It lit-fl W 'l t. ,m I ifrii - II. it 1 hint?, ru Idrd w n h t h'ir paprrr. Mnr World iirrtfln. .Itdoni'. t' lih 1 in 1 ni.". L'iKt North .Ma v 111. wan iirri'Hlrd hy tin poln-r u hilr thr rXilti'liH'lil wan at IM Io'IkIiI tint lif whm lati-r i(Irii-ri willimit ha ll. Two piilh ciiMUi vr tLi Mt Tho Wot Id InilldinM to prrvmt further trouldiv NIGHT SESSIONS AT HIGH SCHOOL START NEXT WEEK I'ollowing the precedent of last year, night school will begin invt week In the local high si hool build ing lit Sixth anil Cincinnati Courses will be offered In niiv. de partment where there are us nuinv as 1 -' applicants for a particular brunch l.asi year the night school had all enrollment of about twin, well distributed between the academic, home economics mid com mercial subjects'. Several classes were organized for the study of for eign languages. No tuition Is charged bv the board of education save the II entrance fee, which Is refunded to the stu dent at the close nf th.; term. A course of study will be nrranged whereby a sludeift specializing In one briMich mil' make regular pro gression. That Is to say. tha course will be classified so that 11 student inav atlend the night school, dropping off lit the close of. any term with the advantage of return ing tit a later time to pick the work UP for graded progress. Registration will begin tonight and wll continue through Friday and Saturday nights. QUESTION AS TO WHETHER AMBULANCE IS "SPEEDER" Is an ambulance, as a conveyance Used tn errands of mercy, priv ileged tn violate the city's speed ordinances 7 This quest Inn w ill probnblv he argued nt length In the trial of the case of Sidney I'edlgo against the Mowbray liiderlaklng company, filed In district court yesterday. I'edlgo alleges that the ambu lance was traveling at high speed when It struck li Kurd In which he was iprlvlnp. nt Trenton and Sec ond streets, November !'. I'edlgo Is a steam filter and he says that t he Injuries he received will cause iliii to lose wages mid may cripple him permanently Me asks f a Judg ment i.r iiri.onn. The recent hi Hole telling the "orl gin of the Cnsh ll. gislcr" was Inter esting, but this Is 111, season of tlm venr when robbers run wild, and miiny drug store owners would be more Interested in nn article t.-llinu' what had become of the cash regis ter. United States Railroad Administration W. !. M. A.loo, Ihreclor Heiicral of Kullroads Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad A change oT time tables will be made effective I L'iOI A. M. HI N DAY, MiVKMIIKU Kill, and this advance nollcii of the tlnio of tho principal tialns at Important division points on this and connecting lines is issued for public Information. Details of th changes will l,e mailable at Stations and Information Koreans on day s hedule Is iffci lue. TABLE POTATOES Have Just unloaded a of good Colorado otatoe, which we offer in bag lols only at $2.50 per hundred pounds New crop l'osiirn, Ixith while mill Yellow. I lower llulbs Iltiii lutlis, Nnrtiseus, nicus nml Tulips. Binding-Stevens Seed Co. As Ace Advances Smalt Pin, Smill Dose, Price But SSL? .CARTERS Work Small S I l jf y i u tviro I Genuia. hear. tiKD.uire r i D-l. IT VOlOriCSS ur A oici . condition which will be greatly GULF PUTS IN TEN THQUSAND FOR FUND Tmo (.ciii'i'iiiis t.lfls lii the I nllcil War riind. ami the la.l ir More Hauler Still Holds. The Tidal Oil cotnpan. s generous i.'if: of la. nml 10 the nil. led wa" !oil fund has been inali hed by th'' 1 ' ii it I '1 pc I .me companv I It .imiouiiccil jesiei.l.iv at the 'nun. 1 war work luncheon Mr. i Ill-kill K I.I.I bis offi'l bad been i called b. another company, and ir Mice was in' one in Tulsa counlv ' .in 11. mgii 1. 1 I' .n in i:.,onil, his I c.svp.lll would ma t ill that pledge. , Inn I 'I Ii- Tnl il e n l fn Ihe game ,vi noun. e, 1 that it would give flii.OOn or $!:'.. 1111 even more If there wns 1 peixoii or flim in the county who I would diijdic.i'e it. The 'in" j the lower III. irk If there is niiv uoOimlnn or Indl- lU.lual III llie city who feels like '' Kiev want to kick In for any sum. ! he Tlilal IS t" meet II I ' Thai s the icasnn Tulsa is TuKi." -a.. I W S. 11. lair, disirii't manager, in. I pi.sidenl of the llxchange Na il. .mil lank "Hint nml generosity means lb.- sneers of Ihe campaign 'siireh iheie aie Tuls.ui. who will I I, h ,nn s 1111 lln Ir neighbor of- lie s when thee know the splendid ! ihii'L'.i then- ney buys for Hie boys who have made pence puss.ble. nil. I ilciiiocia.v a living Hung" ' The local film studio fniinil plenty iof actum In T11N.1 fust of the week. an also that all of the emotions I w ei c registered. A Girl's Chance ox tiii: Business Payroll More women are Keeking em ployment In commercial today than at any other period in the history of our country. Ilnrroiigbs Calculating anil llookk.s'pliig Si-InhiI me lnsi ucllnft ulong the fol lowing line-.: Itiirroiwh llookkii'plng Mil chine ItiiiT.uigbs Hunk 1'oWer lliimiiiglis Cuh'ii'.ilor StnliiiM-nt Machine Mniiglil Listers Course requires from six to eight weeks. ,IJay and Kvenlng Classes. BURROUGHS SCHOOL Alw-XO-'JI I'lrst National lll.U I 'hone flfttl. Notice t6 Water Consumers! Hie rumom nf phnnlni lln.nimt bit will he iliifonlinueJ. .nd Hiom drlinqiinil will he suhjert l cut off tfirr th. lllih'uf th. Bonlh. City of Tulsa Water Dept. IF' THAT FURNISHED ROOM IS DESIRABLE in d you can make tho fact plain In a classified iidverlisemeut, you will get Into touch with a possible tenant quickly. If per sonal InvestlgaHon confines the Impression given by your adver tisement, the possible tenant becomes an actual one. It's Just the usual process Inexpensive, effective. WOltl.D WANT ADS I'.KI N' 1 IIKSCI.TH. I'HONK TODAY, 6010 Oil 6001. I. K HAM Kit. f ederal .Manager. I'lrst Hi Itoiilder the Liver Requires occasional augni ihiiiuhuuu. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION usually IndicatstlieaDaenceoi ironio . i the blood, . rn-n Pills helped by Carter 8 IfOn mil MORE HUN CREWS JOIN 1 WITH REVOLUTIONISTS I'.ASIil,. Monday, Nov. II -Tin irews of the Herman butt b"-!i. i 1'osen. Oetfrlesland, Nassau and oM- II I ill r IT have Joined the ! n.oxement. according lo a . I i . i ... i ll from liriinsbuttel, I' lloistciii. I The four battleships named are I ,11111111.: the largest In the (icrnian na.v. 1 lie I'osen anil .-Nassau are 01 It. lino tons each, the Ostfrlcsl ni l mid Oldenburg till tons each. t KNIGHTS PYTHIAS Attention! On Thursday Evening November 14 Silver Plume Lodge Will Hold a Big Victory Meeting Silver Loaf Templn will serve lunch ufter husineas soHnion. No work, just a general good time. Visitors invited. Ir-J V And Pimples. Itched and Burned Like hire. Uti cura Healed. "I arm. Mrrihlv had withMtter and nlmnlea and I auffered about four years. l w Mi akin waa innamea ana sore and my face would Itch and burn like nreand caused ma to acratch until It would bleed. I could not aleep and tha eruption dlifiguitd my (ac. " A friend advised Tna to usaCuticuraandlboughttbcm. When I had uaed three cakes of Soap and three boies of ointment I waa neaiea. (Sl(ned) Mlas Louisa Thomas h.wivllle. va.. January 11. ivis. Theaa fragrant emolllenta sis all you need fur all toilet purposes. In, ask OI.UMM M u4 MM. Tm ht. LEMON JUICE WHITENS SKIN Girts 1 Make beauty lotion ' at home for few cents flMi.Mi. ti lute nf two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, ahaka well, and you have a quarter pint of the beet bleaching and akin whitening lotion, and complexion beautlfler, at very, very small coat. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and handa each day and aee how tan. redness, aallowness, sunburn and wlndburn disappear and how clear, soft snd rosy-white the akin becomes. Yea! It la harmless. Do yog want yoot te grow king, aoft and altk TT look iin.VKiunii.niJi - Mary li.rru. and nm wb.t beautiful nwnmm. i ou. .UWj can aaTe tuna .uaiaui hair If sting EXELENTO Do not tsi fueled hr mine anme fake .MMHliiin W,..n.n i- ..-nnAa.l Ir, .1 m I I U Vt UT or VQU m vnur mnnM hvle. Price 2Sc 8 lamp, or cola. AGINTS WANTED KVERYWHETS wmt M ewttaalre L sustsirro titwemt co. Tuim. m g. TesM Her CAPSULES Sr. superior toBaltaai f Cosalba, Caata w ai)wnos,taS' s N RElfEVES Is (MIDY) M HOURS the same dlmm with aat Itcoamiiesca, SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Alln'l f'.ol K..t, (tit .ntitptir fowttr b. into the .ho. tnd iprinklrd 1. Ihe fwt Th IM.ttnliuri l.mii Nl.n. f.l ..lTitrt mn 10 Ir.ininK lo ute l-oot-K.t. in tbor. frh mornmit. ll l"e ":t blitler. tnd tort tpoH ind n' -uea ptinf.l, twollfO, .m.rtinit feet .nd 'lt the ttieg .vl of porni. .nd bimioni. A -er-lain relief for sw eating, i-nltoun, tired, sell tDf feel. me All" t foot r e to bre.t. ia a.w ih(. iiuld .v.fwL.ra, 2Mo ASTHMA , INSTANTLY PELIEVEO WITH SUFFERED 4 YEARS M TETTER t diwn HAIRg) Do Ton want Too jl?"uf "T t. grow king. .' " aoftand .llk.t N ,V aa .. ,i. i.. -L." -vi. . H CRHOXIY REFUNDED ASK AMY OMUGOISI. V